r/Suddenlygay | oh... hello there 🥺

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work for years to get the girl i like to fall in love with me she reciprocates feelings and we get together he comes out as a trans man he comes out as a trans man i'm gay now [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk today we're taking a look through r suddenly gay which is always an experience let's get started my goddess you get out of my inn that's the fourth time our horndog bard got us kicked out of a place huh welcome to my inn that i staffed entirely with burly orcs and soulless golems my burly orcs and soulless golems yep bards will do that imagine you have an opportunity to play one thousand dollars to be able to click a button that prints out a list of every single person who's ever thought about you while merged by king would you do it and why or why not nsfw by the way i like how i put that at the end i'm not dropping a stack for a blank page of paper oh i got you bro your page isn't quite empty anymore you a real one for that bro oh god me after touching boobs for the first time it's even better when you're touching female boobs doesn't matter still my drunkard's boyfriend just asked me who's the handsomest man in the world and i said uh you and he goes false is a fracking ryan reynolds i mean i'm not attracted to men and ryan reynolds is a handsome man spartan soldiers when they get bored in between battles boy stuff ear stuff butt stuff devin i just realized i don't have a gay cousin ah the theory of life was wrong not everyone has a gay cousin you are the gay cousin a grown man craving crab legs is gay i do not care ah if eating an underwater armored tank spider with scissors for hands is gay then i don't want to be straight hello your girlfriend wants to break up with you and give me cookies go to hell i'm already here go deeper yes daddy [ __ ] off idiot i was looking through medieval drawings of demons the other day and i found the demon that make you gay well now we know humans can't suck their own ducks because at some point in our evolutionary history evolutionarily wow lexi english the guys that could likely didn't reproduce often apparently sucking your own dock feels more like sucking a duck than your dock being sucked so maybe it's for the best unless you're into that dating a gamer really is the move because instead of flirting with other britches uh they just flirt with their homies in discord this came out kind of wholesome i like it wanting a strong woman is a sign of homosexuality any masculine man wants a submissive woman well they've done it it is now gay to be straight when he brings you extra doughnuts but this is just this is just cute and kind of wholesome kind of wholesome younger me thinking of dragons i can take on three dragons me now i can take oh dear no absolutely not no shut the [ __ ] up my friend is an nsfw artist and he can draw me fracking you yeah do you think you could take them yes oh he meant [ __ ] oh oh he went fight i was wearing a big old flannel shirt to school one day my classmates saw it and said you look gay today so i just responded finally fly you fools ah i had a horrible dream we were fighting oh it's okay it was only a dream if there was a button that gives you five billion dollars but it made you gay would you press it me i'd do it for free the friendship kiss russian and us i'm sorry wait wait wait the friendship kiss okay um russian and u.s soldier germany 1945. um sure dude personal issues i'm gonna be a bad britch this summer so hide your husband and wife because i go both ways god bless man gives blood up to a 10 inch uh duck and ends up in er with ruptured airway y'all please pray for my homemade gold thrones my son has this app on his phone grinder i asked him about it and he said it was to memorize bible verses i love him so much my husband has it too praise jesus oh no oh no she hasn't realized hottest girl in the class gets up all the boys behind her joke's on you my glasses full of guys hottest guy in the classroom gets up looks like we're stuck in this blizzard the only way to survive hyperthermia is to share our body heat oh well then gaylord i love duck this is like our slash gay design and i love it okay okay okay i may have just accidentally come out to my family in the worst way possible my grandma was saying how gays are going to hell and i didn't want to deal with it so i started to leave my cousin asked where i was going i said hell apparently what have i done the most terrifying five minutes of my life but now that it's over i'm kind of proud of this if you google female bullying you will find this absolutely amazing stock image that's just so weirdly majestic and hot at the same time it looks like something between prawn and uh baroque oil painting i'm sorry i'm sorry what there's like 12 different kinds of tension in this image quick question why is the one in the middle wearing five shirts that's why she's being bullied okay okay but they also have different versions that show each girl in the group getting bullied by the others this this is a modern work of art i've seen them once labeled as uh homoerotic bullying pictures and uh honestly i don't know what else to call them i am well then that's all right move along nothing to see here ah this this just feels strange like the motion capture guy is like completely focused on his job this is just strange companies on june 1st be like are slash suddenly gay i was thinking when homophobic men are saying the gays are so inappropriate they kiss in public they're implying that seeing two men kissing uh gives them a sexual feeling seemed kinda gay to me when you are behind someone in a cash machine gently kiss their neck to let them know you are not a threat this is like um suddenly harassment life tips man i wish filmophobic people were actually afraid of gay people like could you imagine having the power to strike fear in people's hearts with your homo if i do not have one brazilian dollars on my doorstep by noon tomorrow i swear i will kiss this woman on the mouth in front of your children or for trans people we'd just be like we're gonna exist tomorrow if you don't give us money had to do a presentation in elementary school about my ethnicity and heritage i told my whole class i was part lesbian instead of lebanese i can cure homosexuality kuwaiti academic claims gay men have a worm in their butt that feeds them oh yeah i forgot i had that mine died because i overfed it whoever wins the lottery is gay the winner of 15 000 b coins is you congratulations wait wait no oh look um gayport has way too many views a lot of you are lying oh so your boyfriend cheated on you tell me more about how the entire male population is responsible he cheated on me with every other male on the planet modernity sucks because men don't spend enough time lifting heavy objects and when we do we're not covered in dirt like god intended real men lift their boyfriend to kiss him on the lips a girlfriend companies when pride month begins companies when prime month ends this one i i i saw this all over the place right at the end of pride month i would like pride month to be infinite but design and branding also really bother me if when they're like don't match to the actual like color like if your logo is blue and white don't don't keep it rainbow up past pride month that's not your logo colors stop it a lifetime of people telling me i suck that one time a guy in the gym shower said nice rooster this guy is very good looking oh i thought that was a name or something like if he uh sucks my duck i would uh run my fingers through his hair no homo you think no homo is that powerful hashtag gay lesbian hashtag bisexual all the gay hashtags are rainbow now watch kissing the homies good night see it's not gay daughter uh what does gays mean me well uh you know how mom and dad love each other uh two men could love each other in the same way her so what's up penetrating case me er um read me the whole sentence her she stared at him with a penetrating gaze me oh back pedal back pedal back pedal run yeah i can paint your ceiling michelangelo scoffs to himself you want to paint a bunch of dudes with their ducks out though love reading about men in history like unfortunately he never found a wife his elaborate scarf collection sold for 1.2 million dollars in 2011. he and his closest male friend chauncey with whom he shared a bed died within weeks of one another they were known for their dinner parties but not gay no no they were definitely not gay son dad i am going for a date dad that's great huh do you need money son no he will pay dead all righty then behold my 10. you ever needed a peep at someone's bully so bad that you've ripped the stall divider off in a blood rage this generation's so obsessed with their phones they don't even bother to look at each other's roosters anymore while i'm not having it i promise i thought my entire time watching pov um was wearing gopros not this they're professionals alright floyd merryweather jr vs logan paul uh looks like the ultimate mismatch but it's the latest in a number of lucrative exhibition fights featuring non-professional boxers uh they seriously look like they're going to make out at first glance i thought it was a story about pride month i'm a guy by the way so um i have had this guy friend for about eight years and once i eat 35 cups of diet pudding i'm sorry wait what so he called me diet pudding cup boy for a long time but after eight years it was shortened to pudding so everyone thought we were dating i shook it up for a while but uh then one day he said are we in a relationship or are we in uh bro relationship and i was like if you want a date that's cool with me and he straight up kiss me la mao we've been dating ever since this is the best getting together story oh freaking god you win in everything repost if you like waffles or if you want to be violently topped by a hot guy bro your single status what about it bro pulls out ring get rid of it bro tears up bro my girlfriend don't want to go shopping she wouldn't wear my hoodies and wear sweatpants fracker's homeboys then take me shopping bro the frack is this supposed to stop me from oh yeah yes it is supposed to stop you from sitting um yeah we're gonna walk away from that most companies on june 1st skittles for some reason well they're already the rainbow they get your attention i just wish they changed their slogan to taste the gay huh okay all right um i'm straight but not that straight i'm a joker i'm a smoker i'm a willie stroker gamer girl no you misunderstood i'm a gay mer girl steals your girlfriend and swims away and here we have a test [ __ ] don't be concerned it's just a test little nazix is so freaking tight you know you could have worded this differently kevin drill instructor school how marine corps drill instructors are trained i don't know blank i'm gay yes no maybe leave blank in case you haven't noticed uh you've fallen right into my trap time traveler moves chair timeline oh okay that works too how sucking duck uh one time make me gay if i cook one time am i a freaking chef no no he's got a point this could be us but but nothing this could actually be us how about it the wall where it all began is this like a normal gay man experience i i guess it i guess it would be i genuinely don't know when you suck so much duck at boy scout i'm sorry i'm sorry what you get the woodworking badge business is booming mom sees me hanging with other male friend my mom at me is he you know gay all i've learned from this is that the homies are always there for you homies are like laxatives they help you out when crap gets tough they're also in my r's i think you may have misread some of the directions there and that brings us the end of r suddenly gay but wait we have some lovely fan art to show you today's fan art is brought to you by user mind child do you get that right i don't know and they say happy pride month this is slightly late because of recording and editing and all that but it's a rainbow mk hand with lots of eyes all staring at you just waiting for you to be gay thank you so much for that lovely fan art and if you'd like your fan art potentially featured in a future video remember to post it in r mk if you enjoyed any of these posts hit that like button if you want more r suddenly gain your subscriptions feed that red subscribe button as always my name is the likes kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 743,800
Rating: 4.9556427 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Suddenlygay
Id: z5FhdOqpaZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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