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michael jordan is so much better than lebron james i mean michael jordan was in space jam ten years ago there was only space jam with michael jordan proving he is the superior basketball player to lebron james now there is a space jam 2 that features lebron james i disagree this didn't age like milk at all it aged like wine because now we have two space jams i mean let's be honest that one's gonna suck but it will be great entertainment for us to meme about and laugh at g'day good day welcome back to mk my name's jack the snack that throws it back your love and affection that is get it out of my face ah yuck ah none of that i'm a pure christian boy and today we're looking at some more things that age like wine delicioso so resist that strong gag reflex of yours and dig die deep deep dive deer dive deep in official xbox magazine mario sonic prepare for war blinks is here yeah he's super cool blink and you'll miss him blinks was microsoft's response to the pop culture icons that were sonic and mario clearly it wasn't a good response because who the frick is blinks see the problem here was they weren't constantly milking this character in more future video games great sequels such as blinks 2 blinks thrice blinks not at all because you're dead shooting cats australia's war on feral cats yeah we're making a difference here we're stopping some wait wait why are we speaking in american accent we're australian or what oh yeah we're making a difference to our country hey just gonna note the two years ago here and oh three days ago would you look at that uh you'd take away a predator from the local web there were the environment that's the word i was thinking of and it just uh it just makes things worse gum ad from 1911. want to kiss a girl don't check if she's interested first yeah you got to get in quick otherwise they'll notice you and they'll be like oh wait you're ugly it's all about speed and agility my friends that's how you get through in life oh wow his eyes are open in the last image too that's even it's even more scary do you know how to kiss a girl then learn stand facing her do not tell her your intentions do not ask permission to kiss her oh god look dreamily into her eyes you may hold her right hand in your right hand if you wish well do i oh don't i got it feels like you're judging me if i do that it is well to say a couple of times about this stage of the game um what are you doing okay why what are you what whisper softly that her rosebud lips remind you of cupid's bow she will probably drop her eyes and blush when you say that place the fingers of your left hand under her chin and tilt back her head slightly draw her gently towards you do not hurry gaze deeply at the love lights which slumber in her eyes just say pupils man god damn you're trying to seduce the lady not me making it very hard to follow these instructions sigh once more incline your head towards hers until your lips but wait do not kiss her until you know that she uses lysterated pepsin the only antiseptic gum in the world the only chewing gum that makes it safe to kiss if she is a listerated pepsin gum girl kiss her wow after that an entire plot twist to the story this ad isn't for men it's for women if you want to be kissed and seduced by a man you've gotta buy their gum cause only men like to kiss girls who have this sort of gum how do you okay 20 over-hyped games that flopped if one of them isn't fishing simulator then i swear to god this is a stupid title i just hope cyberpunk never ends up in a list like this you know that saying ignorance is bliss i'm starting to understand that now what have we got here about six characters all singing together well this sounds like my cup of tea [Music] ddt gets high praise from an advertisement in the june 30th 1947 issue of time nevertheless members of the public remember the environmental troubles triggered by dtt as well as by other technologies that scientists promised would be safe concerns that assurances of safety might end in a similar environmental calamity surely contribute to the current opposition of transgenic crops so science said ddt would be great but people were like nah fame don't trust ya ddt was an extremely effective insecticide so effective that it's used to ended up killing rats mice dogs and being an environmental disaster there's some evidence that it wasn't good for people either it ended up being banned 20 years later and the fuss about it is part of the foundation of the ipa however it is making a comeback as a potential use to fight off malaria since it is so effective just probably not going to go back in farms so well i mean technically the scientists weren't wrong it was an effective insecticide here's a photo justification for higher education this is your house look at you on the cliff's edge with all these cars that are still lit up why are their motors still running you're wasting fuel this is not this is not what you were taught in your higher education you're wasting your your goddamn fuel at one time higher education did equate to higher compensation now higher education has sunk americans into 1.7 trillion dollars in debt well i mean you could still afford a nice phone though to watch all those fun hilarious mk videos while you ignore your depressing crippling life savings hey fam let's buy this board game so you can wash the dishes in the background it's a hit for the whole family just like what your partner does when you don't wash the dishes moving on more doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette yes one reason why i kind of do be suspicious when a doctor tells me something that is rather far-fetched some geniuses doormat oh that must be mine then oh actually okay man no no no it's not mine it's not mine that's what i want to do people who think dream cheats in his manhunt videos i'll be honest i'm more amazed at how much of a big deal people made this whole thing it was very unnecessarily dramatic i'll give it that someone cheated on their speed run of a video game this is this doesn't affect the world at all well unless you're really heavily a part of the speedrun community then okay yeah i understand your pain now to south don't get in a golf cart or car or anything with ryan done driving then margera in the jackass backyard special from 2002 bear maguera shares this quote with the camera that he will actively avoid getting into both golf carts and cars with ryan dunn while he is driving unfortunately nine years later in 2011 ryan dunn died after getting into an accident while driving his porsche at excessive speeds on the highway so i mean not to make light of a sad event but uh pam and cara is a sidekick and who knows maybe i'll be a hero like ellen i assume like ellen degeneres because no she is a real good hero she's she has this magical power of abusing her staff why does steve jobs think that facetime video calling will be great nobody video calls iphone 4 fail you are a little boy why should we trust what you think though to be fair they've clearly made the choice to share this themselves like they could have kept this hidden away but nope they want the whole world to know about this so good on you for letting the whole world laugh at your ignorance back in 2010 fall guys will destroy fortnite in 2021 yeah there's less things to do it's a more restricted style of gameplay it's got far more things to do then fortnight yep everyone we've won but at what cost well technically none because fortnite is free from dong yuan i am sorry flappy bird users 22 hours from now i will take flappy bird down i cannot take this anymore step one threaten to take it down step two wait until everyone downloads it step three profit not fooling me he was later fooled flame isn't going to be a normal people have an issue with what's he talking about oh just you're just just the newest galaxy note 7 yeah it's a really successful one the galaxy note 7 became infamous for an exploding battery problem that led to a full recall and the device being deliberately bricked via update just imagine that you spend millions upon designing this newest technology this latest update in hardware and software and you have to forcefully imply an update onto all your devices to make sure no one can use them again wired what's next for microsoft well here's 83 reasons why bill gates says the rain is over bye-bye billy boy never meet your idols oh yeah it's just a lovely little article that's been done about taylor swift say taylor any artists you're dying to work with i had this dream that kanye west called me and said i want to rap on one of your songs then i woke up and was really mad that it was just a dream well [Music] the growth of the internet will slow drastically as the floor in melt calf's law which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants becomes apparent most people have nothing to say to each other by 2005 or so it will become clear that the internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machines yes you enjoy that last glass of logic and respect anyone's gonna give you sir jewish refugees arrive in palestine with a banner proclaiming the germans destroyed our families and homes don't you destroy our hopes wow i know it's very complicated with what's going on over there in terms of the history behind it all but wow is this ironic be kind to one another ellen degeneres yeah i don't think this one needs any more context than that just a couple of hours after posting this the first person died by lightning strike nobody has been killed by lightning in the united states this year the first time the nation has made it this far into the year without a lightning death discord logo before microsoft verse after microsoft uh they're gonna put the d in front of it oh that poor discard logo is gonna have a big thick d in its face all the time this post from a slash discord app was about how microsoft would change their beloved logo only a few weeks after this however and discord changed to the now hated by many logo amy whitehouse please say sober i need your music oh boy we knew the second practice that he couldn't play at an nba level bulls organization member on campaign in 2017. cameron payne was cut by the chicago bulls because they believed he couldn't play on an nba level four years later he's back in the nba playoffs just dropped 16 points in 19 minutes in game 5 and is averaging 13 paper off the bench for a contending team in this series safe to say that he can play on an nba level well if that ain't goddamn motivation even people are meant to be the top in their field about qualifications and legitimacy to apply in their sport they get it totally wrong looking forward to hollywood cashing in on this in the next 10 years this computer is never obsolete oh you were very confident back in the day weren't you oh man just look at those specs oh god look at those specs the pc states that it was never obsolete but the stats of the computer are dwarfed by even low end pcs these days oh my sweet summer child 11 years ago come see your memories went to buy a new phone tonight and totally chickened out something deep down in the fiber of my being has a huge issue with spending 300 to 400 on a phone to be like that don't it but on the bright side most phones around that price range these days are actually like very very decently good for what you need product and gamble all day every day png people are stepping forward and serving others as a force for good improving everyday life since 1837 2021 can't cancel pride we believe in you lgbtq community oh but what's the oh look at this it's the saudi arabia twitter page of them we're developing world-class leaders in providing challenging work with global brands do something that matters pg day one something tells me you're only supporting the gays because it's the month for them proctor and gamble try to support gay rights only where it will make them a profit you start on their main twitter page and it seems like they are trying to support pride but then you go to their middle eastern twitter page and it's clear they are only using pride as a flavor of the month again i'm going to say it i cannot wait for next year when all their ads are about them being like ah we don't just fall to any single pink or they think that color the cup um yup lost by a thought there let's move on the dana carvey show was a sketch show that came on during prime time on abc in 1996. it was one of the first sketch shows to be run during prime time and push the limits of counter culture humor until it was cancelled with just seven episodes in in episode 1 they performed a skit making fun of princess diana's perceived promiscuous activity which was surely very funny at the time in 2021 princess diana is revered and beloved and speaking ill of her is poorly received hey guys here's the church ladies new titles for princess diana number five the princess of whales and moans number four queen orgasmia number three that can i say that on youtube number two can i say that on youtube hence number one seriously this is too monetizable i feel like it is i'm not gonna lie that i think number five's pretty banging i mean to be the royal leader of the largest like fishes in the world prince william speaks out we are very much not a racist family hey what's this in the future racist royals buckingham palace banned ethnic minorities from office roles archive also sheds light on queen elizabeth's exemption from race and sex discrimination laws um jenny what we changed our minds so we'll be your slaves great and it was a totally normal thing and nothing ill became apparent of this in the future well except for the fact to those who don't know this actress perhaps most notably from smallville although i stumbled across this segment in honey we shrunk ourselves with my toddler became the second in command of a slavery cult in into which she recruited and all blackmailed women into that stuff and financial ruin with the cult leader keith raniere some women were branded with rainier's initials just imagine being a time traveler and just letting her know this is what her life's gonna come to i'm sure she wouldn't would she still smile like that i don't know i mean if someone's gonna fall into that kind of lifestyle maybe she would smile regardless the nintendo switch will be another failure by nintendo well now buddy that's a bit of a wild guess there i mean should i link you to the latest sales by nintendo oh sorry i'll allow you to catch your breath another incredible intelligent post from twitter this one by beth van der dang can you imagine if during a heat wave texans were told to turn off their power their appliances and sit in the dark that won't fly in the lone star state and it shouldn't happen anywhere in our country this isn't complaint of the mayor of la saying it's almost 3 p.m time to turn off major appliances set the thermostat to 78 degrees or use a fan instead turn off excess lights and unplug any appliances you're not using we're doing this to protect our power grid and to save electricity but here in texas we wouldn't dare do such a stupid and irresponsible thing you should use your power however you want it's your freedom texas politicians bashes la mayer for asking citizens to turn off appliances or save energy claiming it wouldn't fly in texas texas is now undergoing an energy crisis and asking citizens to turn off appliances to save energy ironic see this right here is why i'm thankful twitter exists because it exposes those kind of people who just speak out of their butts and don't actually apply much uh logic and effective critical thinking when it comes to their position of power so politicians please ramble as much as you'd like about things you disagree with just because the other party is saying something makes it a lot easier for me to make my judgment when it comes to the voting booth today is my day today was not his day recently in a papavi pay-per-view boxing match between bryce hall pictured above and austin mcbroom bryce got bodied and lost meaning that today was not his day they aren't breaking terms of service though because guess what if they did they would be banned but they aren't they screenshot doesn't prove anything since the hot tub category died many streamers decide to make asmr the new meta by violating terms of service ah yes the good old dream drama thank you for the totally unbiased two-month 29-page investigation into whether a 16th place run had too good luck that was then made into a clickbait youtube video by a head moderator what a shocker dream right other guy wrong vouch double vouch triple vouch yes all these big guys are vouching for their buddy dream here but whoopsie guess who ended up lying this entire time oh no sorry my mistake let's not trigger the stance here now he unintentionally cheated there there we go common ground hamilton we've got to remember this is a marathon not a sprint got to be measured how risky we go bono copy louis wolff absolutely agree lois lewis hamilton told his team to not take huge risks at the race restart when he was second in the race with two laps to go in the race because the championship is long and more important proceeds to lock up his tyres into turn one and fall to the back of the grid if a new warrior game gets revealed at e3 direct today i will follow everyone who replies to this tweet it's funny because it's not gonna happen this was tweeted out before the nintendo e3 direct during it there was a trailer for a new warrior ware game making it so they would need to follow through with their promise of following everyone well folks it is time for the finarte side of things now today's work is by triv art hello trevart thank you so much for your beautiful work here's their rendition of if the nk team was emo oh yes perfect they're gonna have the unnecessary belt over the shoulder and the very big boots that i would always find so tedious to put on because that's so long the shoelace is so difficult but gosh darn it if they don't look badass thank you for the amazing work trevor and remember if you yourself would like to see some artwork of yours in the future videos be sure to post your stuff in the mk subreddit now our milk has unfortunately had to be thrown out because it is in fact aged to the point of developing some severe bacteria so i hope you enjoyed today's content leave a like if you did and make sure you're subscribed so you can see more daily videos uploaded onto your the dashboard home thing uh daily yeah nailed that uh my name has been jack you have been a lovely person and i look forward to screaming at your face
Channel: EmKay
Views: 621,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Agedlikemilk
Id: dcaRPqHwM2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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