r/Mademesmile | Kiwi Kitty 🥺🥺🥺

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give me kiss right now or else what is up ladies and gentlemen my name is Robin and hey welcome back to m'kay today I figured I would take a little walk through our slash made me smile wear cute puppies and kittens reign supreme without further ado let's get right in there oh I see what I said he's poop we should kirti's everywhere I wish my grandfather was still around to take me on fishing trips oh there it is it's our first kiddy guys my grandma lost contact with her best friend 40 years ago when she moved and after years of searching we finally found her and they reunited I am crying oh that's just fantastic his owner died he's been waiting for him to come back ever since oh I know he's not coming back I'm just here for the memories oh my god that dog can talk or it's another kitty and that's not the right T to be suckling at my man mama loves you I'm so very proud of you and all your accomplishments never forget the struggles they've shaped who you are and made you what you are today thanks mom oh it's just a little baby god where's mine you look so good I believe him wait is cool but have you ever been kissed on the cheek by someone you love yes and it makes weed look like a pile of donkey crap in comparison people who've been in a coma what was your perception of time while in it I was in a coma for a week after surgery to me it was instant the odd part my mom talked to me while I was in the coma and I remember the things she said she talked about raising me the funny things I did etc when my mom passed away in 2007 she fell asleep first we knew she wouldn't wake up again so I talked to her about how amazing she was as a mom I talked for hours until she took her last breath I hope she heard me I wasn't always a good son all right buddy let's see how much you weigh ah yes you way small you better start loving yourself as much as I love you this is a threat marine pretending to cheat off a fourth graders math exam right pretending when my daughter was three or four she was watching Sesame Street in the other room when a muppet started playing electric guitar she ran in and said daddy you like rock and roll music right I do I said she took my hand and said I think you're really gonna enjoy this I hope you did Jeff I really hoped you enjoyed that oh yes mr. dolphin thank you so very much hey hey that's pretty sweet man what kind of car is that just found out that the do to invented goldfish crackers made them in the shape of a fish because his wife was a Pisces and he wanted to make something for her life is stored in the goldfish cracker and that's the most romantic of snacks huh I groom one of these guys every week and he's quite possibly the love of my life we play a game called brush brush kiss because as long as I say brush brush brush brush brush he'll stand nicely but the second he gets impatient or I need a break I say kiss and he explodes into a ball of joy and kisses my entire face and anywhere else he can it's the best part of my week sometimes only sometimes my kids goldfish died and I didn't have the heart to tell them missing goldfish answers to Larry do not chase may become aggressive oh dude I kind of want that 15 cent reward though God creates the kangaroo angel that's a cute animal God Thanks it has pockets so weight kangaroos can have pockets but girls clothing can't oh look at your doodle baby your curse dear past self when you cut off your hair mom won't be that mad and you won't have to run away from Ben that's you who's that oh it's just Dave I got a puppet my toddler slipped and spilled her cereal all over herself in the carpet instead of yelling at her and flipping my lid I picked her up changed her outfit then she helped me clean the mess up no tears no shame no yelling might be would have hit me and yelled at me I refuse to be them that's what sets you apart this is still one of my favorite photos of all time this soldier and what World War two feeding this little baby boy hey cutie I saw you from across the bar come here often we came together want to come back to my place well we live together but okay yay I've had drinks I can tell my mom always finds a way to surprise me on my birthday Dave sucks thanks bub this lady found her cat sixteen days after a tornado hit wonder how many lives that one took Sylvester Stalone still has the Turtles from Rocky and they're currently 44 years old they'll probably outlive him you've seen organized rice now look at duck rice oh my god this subreddit is so unfair okay are we on made me smile or on we on are /aw hello I came to visit you cuz I heard you were sad frog is here frog is small but heart is big things will be okay now I'm off to help another in need but remember frog loves you thank you I brought you a present he's afraid of the dark what a thoughtful boy I was playing Fifa 19 with some random dude online and he was using his headset and probably forgot to turn it off so I was leading three nil at halftime and I heard him say if I win will you sleep over and a girl replied yes but you won't win I had to let that bro win 5 to 3 for the culture I just graduated with honors from UC Berkeley at 20 years old although my mom isn't here to see this day I know she's looking down on me proud I'm wearing her dress in her honor this one's for her kovat explained in renaissance festival terms you go to a Renaissance Festival with attendance of about 10,000 people maybe 10 of them are playing fixie characters at the end of the day how many people have glitters somewhere on their bodies wow I really need to get to a Renaissance Festival ha in year 79 plus years on this earth is there any wisdom that you can share with us never give up I carry a photograph of myself and my phone when I was a little boy I look at him and say we did okay kid we did okay oh come on get him a bigger drawer I moved away from my grandma a long time ago and went to visit her recently she kept my n64 in a protected box in case they became antiques isn't she a gem she is amazing long story short my cat got attacked by a dog and was pretty beaten up one back leg was completely gone I called into work to drive her to the vet to put her down on the way she managed to crawl into my lap bloody and all and started looking up at me and licking my hand that's what I told myself I would try to save her instead of putting her down the vet told me it would be $1,800 to amputate her back leg and fix other areas I was saving up to buy a gaming computer so I had enough money I remembered what she did in the car and I decided to save her one year later and I'm riding this on my crappy old laptop but I have a furry friend in my lap purring and half asleep one of the best decisions I ever made I can agree with that man I didn't get cool books to read when I was getting haircuts as a kid I just cried a lot [Music] it's still one of the best costumes I've ever seen man why are you best older brother anyone could ask for from giving snacks and games lastly showing me to grow up to be a better person what it's all about bro enjoy the games man in the 1950s Ella Fitzgerald was not allowed to play Hollywood's most popular night club mukombo because of her race Marilyn Monroe who was a big fan called the owner and told him if he booked Ella Marilyn would be there every night which guaranteed huge press coverage he booked Ella and Marilyn was their front table every night Ella said after that I never had to play a small jazz club again she was an unusual woman a little head of her times and she didn't know it Ohio has stopped kicking workers off unemployment after a hacker targeted the state website used by employees to report employees who refused to report to work the hacker submitted huge volumes of junk data making it impossible to investigate workers geez we once had a president who gave up his beloved peanut farm to avoid any conflict of interest and at 92 is still building houses for the poor I've heard people say he wasn't the best president but he's one hell of a man look at how happy my dad is he just started baking school and I'm so proud he just started holy cow no one can tell me different pigs are freaking adorable mom we need haircuts I'm dead dang it my impatient tracking an order I just made three minutes ago I'm guilty of this and probably will be until the end of time that has to be one of the most gorgeous creatures God has ever made I'd like to take him home and just keep him as a pet but that's not what he's meant to be he's meant to be free free Bob Ross can you please come back 80 year-old man builds a dog trained to take rescued stray dogs on adventures my friend you bow to no one we bring you an ice cream and a selfie stick Wow oh dude if you get your PhD in Finland you get the option of receiving a sword and a top hat with your diploma an option who in the world would say no these baby burbs tucked safely away in their mothers wings ah mommy keeping him dry and warm it's about the person not the place I'll wholeheartedly agree with that until I died hey Twitter I met this girl on a dinner cruise in Hawaii in 2006 we were basically best friends for that night so I need y'all to help me find my best friend because I miss her and I need to see how she's doing now please retweet this so we can be reunited heard you were looking for me oh this is crazy that's awesome and unfortunately we've come to the end of today's video it's always nice to get some eye bleach always remember if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit the like button down below and hey if your really enjoyed it why not hit subscribe and click the bell icon and until next time folks I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 934,791
Rating: 4.9655857 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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