r/Mademesmile · he sleep

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someone's cow just walked over and fell asleep on my legs and i can't freaking move or i'll wake her up well don't move just stay there and have a nice peaceful rest with the cow alright it's a win-win situation what's going on everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at our slash made me smile if you're not having a good day i hope you can watch this video and maybe it can make your day a little better either way we're going to be jumping on into the video so without further ado let's go boss who took 1 million pay cut to raise employee salaries has tripled his business jesus i just want to say i'm a huge fan my little girl is too and whenever she's happy she will shout out happy there is nothing purer in this world than when she's just sitting playing with toys or eating toast and just yells out happy to let the universe know that it's doing a good job my grandfather told me that when my grandma gets mad at him he tightens the pickle jar lid so she'll have to talk to him i want that i was laying in bed next to my boyfriend who was asleep a girl on the tv was crying and he shot up and looked at me with wide eyes then after a second said i thought you were crying he has no idea how much that meant to me so i just ordered my breakfast from jollibee and my 92 year old neighbor saw me with the delivery guy when lola saw him handing me my food at our gate she called him over and asked him what he does so when he told her that he delivers food that she would want to order she proceeds in enumerating her order i honestly thought he would just ignore her laugh and be on his way but he actually took out his own cell phone dialed a number and ordered her food there was a time when i hated jollibee's delivery service because they'd mess up a few times but now i think i'm going to order more delivery from them hashtag kudos delivery guy honestly that's a plus effort a little girl walked up to me at the grocery store and started calling me mommy and her dad came up behind her and said no she's at home why am i not enough lmao being bullied throughout high school for being gay made me an alcoholic i have bad anxiety i lost my dog to cancer and was just recently in a bad car accident but my sister taught me how to see the good things through tough situations and now i'm two months sober just chilling at work right now ayo i'm glad that your sister was able to brighten your perspective going through tough times is well tough but at least now you're going through it with your hand on the wheel knowing that you're in control kudos to you just a boy and his new dog oh now imagine when they're like 10 years older and they're still trying to fit in the same box it won't work but it'll be just as adorable fair play to my dad sending me the snarky card i made for his 42nd birthday astonishing commitment to karmic justice hey everybody he's 42. happy 42nd birthday oh and he crosses out his name at the end and is like happy 42nd birthday rob from dad apparently you were just as disrespectful i mean this is karma his young daughter found out what he did for a living so she made him wing so he would be safe and a good dad always wears his daughter's wings you got the other workers like picking on the guy like ah he's got wings but when the dad falls he's gonna be flying so yeah you know who's laughing my shy son finally gained the courage to ask his crush our neighbor if she wanted to play with him oh and what do you know it worked out the good old neighborhood crush ah it's so sweet i asked my dad if i had ever made him cry in front of me before because i don't remember ever seeing him cry he said once he told me that when i was three years old he laid out a pin a dollar and a toy of some sort in front of me he wanted to see which one i'd pick i think that a lot of chinese people do that it represents what you'll value most when you grow up like the pin is intelligence the money is well money and the toy is fun he was just doing it out of curiosity and boredom it was interesting for him to see which one i'd pick anyway he said that i just sat there and stared at the items he sat across from me and waited patiently according to him i crawled towards them he held his breath and i pushed everything aside and went right into his arms he didn't realize that he was one of the choices and that was the first and the only time i made him cry now you got me crying i'd never met this dog before i was sitting outside crying beside a memorial i'd made for a miscarriage i'd suffered this dog appeared out of nowhere and laid its head on my chest i wrapped my arms around him and continued to cry snapping this photo before he could leave you know dogs just know when you're upset and i'm glad they were here to comfort you found this picture of me and my dad when cleaning out our attic and i almost cried happy tears he was a single dad who raised me all on his own i showed him this photo and he couldn't stop laughing at how we looked bro you could tell he was a single dad he was like i'm gonna raise her to like all the things that i like and you know what that's pretty cool last night i went to starbucks and when the guy finished my drink he bent down and whispered don't let anyone dull your sparkle and i just smiled and took my drink and while i was leaving i heard the other workers say would you stop telling people that nobody cares about your inspirational crap and the guy responded with girl there is no way in hell i'm letting you dole my sparkle exactly a note for the other employee if you're ever gonna try and take away someone's motivation don't let it be the guy saying some inspirational stuff it just won't work it was a flawed plan from the beginning on the set of princess and the bride andre the giant once let out a 16 second fart and brought production to a standstill nobody said anything except for director rob reiner who said are you okay andre to which andre replied i am now boss oh what a legend what a what a madman this guy is 16 seconds like gosh that that's just that skill right there be kind to other people be kind to animals and last but not least be kind to yourself ah yes the trinity of wholesomeness for years i was unhappy unhealthy and had given up on all hopes of further education after dropping out of university here i am a few years later happy healthy and just started on a new university a few months ago you know what bro you're gonna shine in college i promise you that i mean with that hair that luscious beautiful hair come on you're gonna kill it in college these made me so happy i thought i would share i don't get it it's just blueberry oh now that's a very good boy you know what this is so wholesome i'm not even gonna let jonathan's bad pun get to me he is a very good boy my sister has been in this world for 18 years and today is the first time she has been offered a menu at a restaurant ah yes the braille menu this does put a smile on my face r makeup addiction on friday i let my first graders pick my makeup colors i figured we needed some cherry non-covered related school news i gotta say your first graders picked some pretty good colors and the makeup job is beautiful i know it's not much but my significant other reminded me i've been off cigarettes for three months now not much come on this is awesome you're saving money you're giving time back to your life and honestly three months is a big accomplishment for something like overcoming smoking like come on this is awesome showed my grandpa memes and he loved them so much he printed them off to show his friends it's funny how his grandpa probably could have sent those memes in like a way easier way but nah this is cuter my cat's name is noodle i bought him this hat now he's chicken noodle it's all funny until your cat looks up at you and says my god yeah then you're going to be freaking out i promise you that much thought you all would enjoy the photo shoot my husband conducted while i was at work yesterday if this doesn't make you smile i don't know what will oh my goodness look at that smile and look at the dog got beautiful 35 years old and i accomplished a dream today was my first day teaching ayo congratulations teaching is one of those noble jobs where you have to be really good at it and be really dedicated to teach those who want to learn props to this guy for stepping up i haven't fit into this shirt in years down 32 pounds and haven't had a cigarette in over a week being healthy puts that silly smile on my face hey oh bro this dude is flexing bruh he's well dressed he's thin he's handsome and he's rocking the red phone okay man flex on us if you must shout out to all the non-english-speaking immigrant parents who are trying their best to help their children navigate virtual learning in a language they don't understand and to believe some people think wearing a mask is difficult try being one of these parents nah nah that's that's tough was a firefighter before he was an actor quietly returned to engine co 55 during 9 11 to work 12-hour shifts shifting through debris for a week and didn't want any publicity about it yes because that's what heroes do i get to marry my best friend and it's two months from today i just needed to share this with somebody that i'm a happy man and that's my whole world in this picture oh you know what i got something perfect for this moment ready can you feel the love tonight how to convince an airline captain to let you wear his hat and allow you to sit in his seat one be his son two surprise him by flying across the country to board the last flight of his career it's also helpful if you have a brother to be the co-pilot and co-conspirator in planning the surprise ah i see what you did here you gave him the old razzle dazzle you basically went up to your dad and was like look at me look at me i am the captain no no but seriously this is a really cool surprise a new sculpture in bristol uk for world suicide prevention day oh that's beautiful and they even sculpted the bear which i imagine is saying hey you matter that's brilliant i love it co-worker got yelled at by a customer customer's daughter felt bad and came back sorry my mom yelled at you here have some cookies ah that's nice and it's a good sign it proves that karenism isn't genetic hey kids take it from an old forest hag it's totally okay to half-ass your hobbies trace that picture for your journal like old cars without knowing how to fix them watch movies without reading the comics super glue that part of the model learn one way to make a braid watch how-to videos for every step of the recipe google every second word in that article use the automatic setting on your camera don't be ashamed real life isn't school the all or nothing mentality is not healthy don't gate keep yourself from stuff that might be fun shrug grin and hold eye contact with the boomer while you do it it's good i promise my husband has been so helpful with our baby but watching him become a dad has been so funny the other night he did the 3am feeding while i slept but he woke me up to say okay so i changed him and he's fed but he's still awake do i just hang out with him yes yes you gotta hang out with the baby the perfect tattoo doesn't exist oh okay oh that's kind of cool but no dog actually looks like that oh i see melissa blake during the last round of troll gate people said that i should be banned from posting photos of myself because i'm too ugly so i'd just like to commemorate the occasion with three selfies look i don't care what anybody says melissa is rocking it and that confidence is radiant surgery day let's beat cancer's ass i made it through surgery yo this this right here this is worth celebrating i have depression and schizophrenia i injured my hips and back and have chronic pain i gained weight and hated myself even more and my pain got worse my mom and dad reached out and helped me they worked out with me checked in on me every day and today i ran a 4k well i'm glad your parents could act as a support system and a 4k is no joke i could button this shirt for the first time in three years this is what the road to recovery from ptsd can look like i love myself for the first time in my life my daughter loves having fun with daddy back well i'm glad you could overcome your demons now go play with your daughter a group of young kids caught me on my way into the store they asked me if i wanted to make a bet i replied i'm a gambling man older kid said he could ride a wheelie on his bike stop signed a stop sign i said no way and how much he said 10 bucks i said why 10. he said they wanted a large pizza at domino's i said deal he came very close but couldn't hold his wheelie that long while they were figuring out how to come up with 10 bucks i had already ordered their pizza plus a 2 liter of sprite made my night love seeing kids be kids ah this is one of them feel good stories i love it reporter you're the first person to ever win two olympic tennis gold medals that's an extraordinary feat isn't it andy murray yeah i think venus and serena have won about four each oh that's not a good look reporter not a good look at all my daughter recently started smiling this is how i get to start my day oh look at that face what a great way to start the morning i've been confused with my gender identity for a while now and recently cut my hair to look as androgynous as possible today i was spoken to as young man and it made me happy that it worked kudos wouldn't it be so much easier if we could just draw on our foreheads our preferred pronouns come on that life would make everything so much easier four years clean today from opiates and alcohol hey you see the look on her face that's the look of pride congratulations on your success september 9 2018 versus september 9 2019 bro look at this man's transformation this dude's buff i like how he's happy in both honestly though this guy is just radiating joy a church service to protect an armenian refugee family from being deported in the netherlands just ended it lasted 96 days and involved 1 000 priests and pastors dutch law forbids police from interrupting services a deal was reached with the government to let the family stay yo and i thought black church took forever 96 days with over a thousand priests that's christianity done right if you want to ask yourself what jesus would do this this is what jesus would do there's a student that's a selective mute she apparently stopped talking generally at the age of four due to trauma been working with her for a year and usually she just waves but today she said good morning to me oh to the strangers who paid for my sandwich today it has been a rough couple of days my uncle died this week and while i was sitting in the drive-through i was writing his memorial card your gesture of kindness and this sandwich has given me energy to keep going thank you and i will pay it forward oh man this is so touching the people who pay for strangers foods they've got to be undercover angels right like come on the kid i nanny is nervous for the first day of school and my heart is completely melted oh he's holding onto your finger he's like just stay here all right i'm a little nervous but if you're right here i'll be okay that's nice i want to be vegan but i love cheese and bacon too much if there is only a few animal products stopping you keep those and ditch the rest you'll still be making a big impact and you can work on finding alternatives once slash if you're ready you got this i don't know i really like this message it's not one that i feel is normally sung by a lot of vegans but like we said earlier in the video the all or nothing mentality is not healthy if you can make little changes and maybe work yourself up to bigger commitments then that's just as cool fascinated at how a corgi with any other dog breed results in what is basically a corgi in disguise as another breed we got a dalmatian corgi a german shepherd corgi and oh the husky corgi is adorable i don't know the breed on the bottom left but still i love it my five-year-old kindergarten teacher doesn't refer to the kids mom or dad or even parents she refers to your grown-ups it's such a kind and inclusive way to assume nothing and include all sorts of caregiving and family arrangements i love it i go to the same gas station every day after work for beers and burritos today when i asked for my burritos the guy said they're hot i knew you'd be here so i made a fresh batch and that's the most thoughtful crap anyone's done for me in a while hey man it's the little things that count being depressed makes it hard to eat but i'm proud i made breakfast and i ate it too well with a breakfast as good looking as that how could you not well clearly depression but still it's a really good looking dish this mosque in vancouver helping the less fortunate vancouver is freezing shelters are at capacity if you need a place to stay this mosque is open every day this week from 7pm to 9am everyone is welcome food and clothes provided it does not get better than that r unpopular opinion i highly respect millennials that walk out of their jobs or any inconvenience in life as a man in my late 50s i wish i had the balls to walk out of a job when i was younger after starting my own business and spending many years in upper management i have to say i love millennials and think that they will change the workplace for the better seeing a 22 year old college grad say that's not my job and not in my job description always gives me an envy boner watching a middle manager retort with if you don't like the job leave and having a millennial fireback i'll send 100 applications on indeed tonight and have a new one by tomorrow want to know what that makes me do think hard about how my employees are treated and how well they are paid because in today's day and age my job is just as replaceable as theirs keep ghosting and walking away my young friends i get it oh and look at that that has so many upvotes and awards i don't know when it has that many upvotes is it really an unpopular opinion i'm just saying i've been living with my mom now for eight months and i haven't lived this long with her since i was 17. i'm 60 she's 82. i'm so thankful i'm here with her i got stuck here because of covid i had been visiting and realized i would need to stay and thank heavens i think she would have shriveled up and died so isolated we've been on a health kick losing weight eating healthy exercising it's good my grandfather always had candy in his pockets and one time when i got really sick and i was hospitalized my dad told him not to give me any candy he pulled out his pockets to show he hadn't even brought any and i got really sad but as soon as my dad walked out of the room he then proceeds to take off his hat and had two chewy chocolate candy taffies and two orange fanta taffys and i'll never forget the happiness and surprise that i felt in that one moment in my entire life your grandpa's playing willy wonka he's like i've always got candy that makes me feel so good honestly i love that story my cat was lost in the fires in southern oregon found by a photographer and brought to a shelter today i have her back oh this just makes you feel good although i am wondering who's taking the picture because it seems like both of you are asleep you guys got a stalker roaming around there you know what i'll forget how creepy that might be and i'll just move on to the next meme jason last name says breaks my heart that pirates spend their whole lives following a map when the real treasure is the friendships they build along the way alison hacker says i don't know who you are jason's last name but your tweet is now framed and hung up in my apartment jason last name i don't know who you are alice in tweeting but your tweet is now framed and hung up in my house ah yeah now they gotta keep the loop going just infinite frames and infinite tweets i'm all here for it somebody asked me did my baby have on makeup no honey that's the melanin i can't get over this picture ayo she's glowing you're gonna want to keep that picture for a long while brave blake's last day of chemo oh you just know the party's going off in that house everybody in that place is gonna be so happy and excited i love to see it i got my nails done and picked this cute-ass lavender color and my nail guy says that's my wife's favorite she passed away 15 years ago today this morning i woke up and asked for a sign that she's still here with me so i guess this is it thank you i'm freaking crying dear stranger next to us at the rodeo when my son came up to you and grabbed your arm you didn't know he used to be terrified of people when he talked to you about the bulls you didn't know he was diagnosed with a language disorder when he jumped in your lap and laughed as you tickled him you didn't know he had a sensory processing disorder you also didn't know as his mother i sat in my seat with tears running down my face sneaking this photo we adopted him a few short months ago we didn't know how long it would take for him to laugh play and engage with others like this you didn't know any of this but you took the time to connect with a child who has had to fight to learn to connect my heart is full thank you now that is truly a rare moment i'm glad she was able to sneak in a picture after being evicted in jail and jobless after several failed attempts after seven months of sobriety and relapse today i am one year sober ao that badge for one year sobriety is pretty dope congratulations five years of hard painful work they aren't the widest or the straightest but i don't hate my smile anymore see not only is the smile good but look at those eyes man i wish i had brown eyes like that but we can't all be as lucky as you anorexia i don't know her anymore ayo look at the progress that's what you want to see although what if they had a friend named anorexia that was like what we're not friends anymore no i'm just playing let's keep going also like 10 to 15 years from now i hope someone makes one of those inspirational sports movies except it's a 50 year old woman who wants to play competitive online games and everyone tells her she can't because she's too old her reflexes are too slow etc and she gets a grizzled trainer except they're a 19 year old kid who had a promising career until carpal tunnel syndrome ruined their chances of becoming the world champion so they trained her and she freaking wins the end boom movie of the year i just yelled one two three mommy is lava and my kids ran away leaving me to drink my coffee in peace i'm pretty sure i've peaked for the day hey that's an 8 364 level iq move right there mother of the year what a mad lad keanu you're so cute you are you're like a cutie pie hi puppies you see nobody dare lay a finger on any of these puppies because you know what keanu will do when undergoing chemotherapy for colon cancer in 2002 sharon osborne was so distressed that she nearly gave up that's when her husband ozzy osbourne invited robin williams over to cheer up his wife in no time sharon was heard laughing uncontrollably by her family downstairs and restarted chemotherapy the next day see that's the power of robin williams rest in peace this sweet girl just had a 24 hour open heart surgery and when she was asked why she was up so quickly she responded that her hello kitty slippers made everything better ah you know i bet those hello kitty slippers helped a whole lot but you know what i think i think that this girl is a soldier both brave and tough like come on she's a trooper my cat loves bottle caps more than anything else in the world i was crying in the bathroom and she kept gathering bottle caps for me and dropping them at the door we don't deserve cats you might not notice it all the time but cats really do care about you hi everybody my name is millie i use caplock so i can see what i write i'm not yelling my left eye is bad so i just wanted you to know hi millie welcome see now that's the good vibes we're all here for and with that everyone that's our time i hope you enjoyed this episode of r slash made me smile if you did make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads anyway my name is david the baker and i hope to see you guys in the next video have a great day enjoy yourself peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 78,271
Rating: 4.9655104 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/mademesmile, r/mademesmile top posts, r/mademesmile best posts, made me smile, made me smile ezpz, ezpz, ez pz, emkay, wholesome, wholesome reddit
Id: gLdo2R7FT_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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