r/Mademesmile · Goth gf

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hmm now what movie does this remind me of oh that's right cars 2. what's shaking i'm bacon it's your boy david the baker and welcome back to easy peasy today we're going to be taking a look on into r made me smile the content so wholesome it gives you your faith and humanity back i'm sure you're ready to dive on into the video so without further ado let's go covet vaccine warning possible side effects for seniors ah yes beware being able to love your grandchildren for a longer time super scary shaquille o'neal says laugh all you want the shaq brand has sold over 120 million pairs of affordable shoes for kids ah what an absolute legend remember 2020 yep it was awful worst year of my life meanwhile in dog heaven remember 2020 yep my humans spend every day with me best year of my life kid at skatepark as i arrive are you a good skater me sometimes him you ever been here me no him you travel a lot yes perhaps too much are you a youtuber no i'm just a skater and a dad want to see me do a jump absolutely and then i shot this pic follow up i asked him his name and he said irving i told him my name was tony to which he replied sarcastically like tony hawk and then he left oh man tony hawk is such a household name that people don't even recognize him and yet they know who he is it's kind of weird the woman who lives above me finally got sick of our building's coin operated washer that never works so she removed it bought it and installed her own and told the rest of us to use it for free when we finally go to war with landlords she's who i want in charge my little girl who is 15 years old wanted to go to the park today she's a bit too old so i carried her down there when we got there this is how she sat enjoying the sunrise hey well she might be too old to play but she's definitely not too old to enjoy the scenery we love to see it six years since my last drink today since then i've built honest friendships started loving relationships dated got married bought a house and started my masters here's what's on tap for year seven oh i see the crib in the background mwah beautiful after 30 years of sleeping on hand-me-down mattresses of varying comfort levels i was finally able to choose and purchase my own ah that's beautiful feels good man feels good a canadian man john mchugh took it upon himself to fill potholes with the sign i filled the potholes pay me instead of your taxes drivers give him cash coffee and joints for filling the potholes hey what an absolute hero this guy's like hey man forget your taxes just give me the money i'll do your work excellent just excellent i mailed a picture of me delivering twins to the ob gyn who delivered me 26 years ago and said hey a baby you delivered is now delivering babies he googled me called my residency program coordinator and then we talked on the phone as colleagues for almost 40 minutes oh now that's so sweet holding my newborn child for the first time can't express how amazing this feeling is i love how even though he's wearing a mask you can see the happiness in his eyes that's just beautiful my guide dog in training visited a local school recently which turned out to be school picture day today they sent me this what does your dog do in being a guide dog they deserve to be a model look at that pose sid accidentally sent pics of her dress to the wrong number and this was their response i believe this message was intended for someone else my wife isn't home so i couldn't get her opinion but the kids think you look stunning in the dress you should definitely go with that one and then you have a picture of the kids like oh yeah i have this huge ex-military biker guy neighbor who is like 80 handlebar mustache and has a ponytail halfway to his butt and him and all of his huge biker guy friends all have tiny dogs and special motorcycle safe seats for them and my favorite thing is when they all come roaring in on their bikes and take their tiny dogs out of their little studded leather safety carriers there's this loud cacophony of kissy sounds and full-blown baby noises like was that fun sweetie and who's my handsome boy hey man even big tough bikers like little adorable dogs what can i say this seven-year-old girl didn't let alopecia stop her from dazzling everyone at school on crazy hair day no you know what she just grabbed a bedazzler and was like i'm gonna win crazy hair day and you know what she probably deserves to win i mean she bedazzled an owl on her head like come on that's too good my son's teacher has banned me from decorating my son's bananas as they were causing too much of a ruckus in class and honestly knowing that my arc caused a class of six-year-olds to riot is probably one of the best compliments i've ever received i wish i took more photos before the ban so she designs her son's bananas to look like these like with cool monsters or like sharks on them and i just gotta say that is absolutely epic i can just imagine the six-year-old's brains like that was totally wicked so i invited my dad to a wedding dress event where all the dresses are 150 the event starts at 7am but lines can form at 4am my dad just called me and said he bought a chair and is the first person outside of the building already waiting it's 2 55am hey your dad knows how to hustle what can i say he got there extra extra early if that's not love i don't know what is someone in my norwegian class didn't know the word for cowboys so called them american horse pirates and i've been laughing about it for about an hour i mean to be fair american horse pirates are i mean that's kind of accurate today i waited on three ten-year-old boys they ordered three virgin pina coladas and when i asked them if they wanted food they told me nah it's just a chips and drinks kind of day then they tipped me 11 on top of their 11 check because that's what heroes do i mean sure they're 10 years old but you know what they're still heroes a hundred percent tip that's beautiful my daughter's teacher told me my child is obsessed with video games and that i need to work with her on it i'm like i do i'm player two psa my dad runs an organization called goc guardians of the children they are bikers against child abuse if you or anyone you know is too scared to testify or go through it alone they will go with or for you ah now that's a pretty cool biker group if you ask me you know some biker groups are gangs but this biker group just wants to protect children that's awesome i thought a grown man on the train was flirting with me but then he started telling me about his kids my age and gave me his daughter's phone number because he was worried about her and wants her to have good friends oh man this dad's just looking out for his daughter probably not in the most comprehensive way but hey you know he's marketing for her at least he cares some little white girl between 8 and 10 in starbucks just looked up at me and said whoa a beautiful chocolate man and her dad literally grabbed her arm and said emily what the frick is the matter with you i mean hey at least she said beautiful i mean chocolate man not the worst thing i've been called myself it's kind of sweet like chocolate twitter can be the cutest app ever after two years of long distance we finally got to meet oh they look so good together hey man let me know if you want me to delete this but i edited a version where you're both in the sun oh now the picture's so much better oh that's beautiful nah nah they definitely shouldn't delete this this is a really good photo in 2013 anna esportier saw a youtube video of an actress samantha fuderman who looked just like her she messaged fuderman and discovered that they were both born in south korea on the same day and were adopted at a young age a dna test later revealed that the two are identical twins who were separated at birth and found each other through sheer coincidence oh man what are the odds of actually running into your long-lost twin that sounds like something ripped straight out of a fairy tale my wife doesn't quite understand memes but she knows i make them she made this for me tonight she said she looked up how to do it and used her love of the office as inspiration i think i fell in love again show her effort some support and the meme says when you won the hot funny sexy sweet et cetera marriage lottery with your husband oh that's sweet when i was 18 my mom and i were illegally evicted and lost everything including our photos 15 years later a relative sent me back a stack of photos and i feel like i got a part of me back that was stolen well i'm glad you were able to recover some of your pictures a lot of the stuff you can have stolen from you is replaceable to some materialistic extent but photos are sentimental and very hard to replace so hold on to these i'm glad you have them that's awesome i went to lunch with friends and saw my husband at the restaurant i was going to say his name but he was staring at his phone so i watched him he was smiling he was typing then my phone dinged and it was a video he forwarded of a dog wrestling a water hose this is love still have no idea how twitter works but here's a walleye built well hey that's a pretty solid wall and while you don't know how twitter works we're getting it on this channel which means it probably did well so there you go a visually impaired girl finished law school her mother on the right also got an award for preparing her daughter for every exam she read all of her law books to her for four years in a row oh well at that point she might as well get a law degree for herself she probably knows all the information too i mean that's awesome truly an incredibly impressive mother been fighting leukemia since 2017 over a thousand doses of chemo today was my last day i'm finally done thank god hey man you deserve to celebrate congratulations in the 1950s ella fitzgerald was not allowed to play hollywood's most popular nightclub mccombo because of her race merlin monroe who was a big fan called the owner and told him that if he booked ella marilyn would be there every night which guaranteed huge press coverage he booked ella and marilyn was there front table every night ella said after that i never had to play a small jazz club again she was an unusual woman a little ahead of her times and she didn't know it dad gives out over 700 free hugs at pride parade to kids rejected by their parents you see because that's what a good dad would do acceptance is key i got kiwi a little goth girlfriend oh they look so cute together remember kiwi and his goth girlfriend well now she's his goth wife and they have four beautiful half-goth babies oh that's adorable runner buddy proposed to his runner girlfriend at the end of a run this was the gps he showed her when they ended at the spot of their first date hey they went a long way to spell out the words marry me but hopefully she says yes then it's all worth it i had to log into my wife's bank account to download some tax forms and it asked me what's her best friend's name i tried a few of her friends names and then gave up and asked her for the answer she said did you try your name everyone dressed as a villain at the comic convention got together to give this little wonder woman an incredible photo op ah yes the almighty wonder woman not gonna lie that's a really good photo dewey 1898-1910 he was only a cat but he was human enough to be a great comfort in hours of loneliness and pain rest in peace dewey i haven't shared this with many people but after many years of bartending and working any party wedding club restaurant or bar that i could i was finally offered ownership and in becoming an equal partner it's been a long time and i haven't had the chance to say this often but i'm proud of myself hey congratulations man you earned it been training on a new job my fiance has been struggling with her mental health badly and mine's been having some rough spots treated myself to some dinosaur dungarees i've not felt so happy in a long time it does get better well that's good news and by the way awesome dungarees pardon the mess my girlfriend took this pic of me working in a hotel i've never had a girlfriend who is this crazy about me and makes me feel handsome even when i'm working this pic of me makes me happy and that's a first finding somebody who makes you feel special and valuable and attractive that's beautiful i'm glad these people are happy together my mom made my dad dress up and presented him with the best husband oscar i want to be this extra as a wife oh that's beautiful she's telling him come on put on the suit and tie honey i'm not wearing pants it doesn't matter just put it on amazing there was this kid at my school who was really smart over time i realized that his parents severely punished him if he got any grade that was not an 85 or above and if he ever got a b in his class he would be grounded for the rest of the year i had a science class with him in middle school and he was talking to the teacher and he found out on the day that the grades were due that he was two points short of an a he had no way to raise his grade either since i sat next to the teacher's desk i overheard that he forgot a homework assignment one day and had a zero at the end of the day i gave him a homework pass that i found in my backpack that he could get rid of the zero with he gave it to the teacher before she left and he got an a so i guess that's my story hey well kudos to you you probably saved this kid a lot of suffering my dad died when i was 9. i was always sad he'd never meet my husband years into marriage i learned about the time my mom and dad visited my grandparents and met the neighbor's new baby turns out my dad did meet my husband four years before his own future daughter was even born height of positivity a reporter was interviewing a 99 year old man interviewer i certainly hope i can return next year and see you reach 100 old man why not young man you look healthy enough yes this man shall live forever pippa the dog loves getting mail so much that the postman writes her letters when there's no mail so she won't get depressed ah the compassion alone just to write a letter for the dog is just so sweet the english actor who played gollum in the lord of the rings in hobbit films andy circus raised 284 thousand pounds for charity by reading the hobbit unabridged online the 56 year old actor's 11 hour streamed performance in which he used different voices for many characters was watched by more than 650 000 people a true legend i mean come on an 11 hour stream that's intense hmm i am 21. yeah that checks out enjoy your beer ah just a nice relaxing day and your bath filled with soup hey wait a second what my mom is my role model her student couldn't find a babysitter today and being the true african mother that she is taught a three-hour class with the baby on her back and fetum i'm so blessed to be raised by a woman who loves the world as much as her own children not only is that a pro mother but that's a pro teacher too this is one of the last pictures of my grandfather he passed away at 97 and this is him in an adult swing having a good time enjoying life yo he's 97 on the swing like i'm on top of the world my dad is first in line every year at our local ice cream shop opening yeah cause he wants to be the first to get that delicious ice cream can you blame him come on that's awesome never be a prisoner of your past it was just a lesson not a life sentence true satan yes i have a three-headed dog and yes you can pet him when you're in hell we rate dog says nice will you rate them for me maybe satan posts here you go oh 30 out of 10 no question at 11 and 12 years old my cooking teacher bullied me so frequently and relentlessly that anytime i even thought of cooking i'd have a breakdown today at 20 i made chocolate concrete for the first time ah yes the baker approves after seven long years i am officially now australian oh i didn't know the australian passports have kangaroos on them that's awesome congratulations on being a true legal australian shout out to this baby for being amazing i was having a really bad morning until this baby reached out to me and smiled i'm kind of busy today it's my cat's quinceanera hey your cat made it to 15 years this deserves to be celebrated this turkish man rescued a swan 37 years ago the friendship is still going strong ah we love to see it not my jeep or dog but i thought everyone would like this hey free kisses who wants them i promise i don't bite okay maybe i do bite just a little bit me 20 and my mom 48 celebrating her chemotherapy treatment significantly reducing her stage for cancer i'm very proud of her and i think she looks really nice here oh of course she does honestly i can't tell which one's your mom and which one's you but honestly you guys both look great i don't have anyone to celebrate with but i'm seven years clean today of heroin yay me hey congratulations five years sober today art helped me do that not only that but you're really talented those dogs look great so grateful to be celebrating 13 years of sobriety today thanks to everyone who helped me get here stevo in 2006 versus stevo in 2021 you know forget the pills and drugs now it's all about broccoli and healthy eating we love to see it and with that everyone that's going to conclude this episode of r slash made me smile if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and hit the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i can't wait to see you in the next video till then peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 55,527
Rating: 4.9786696 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Mademesmile
Id: Wzl6Z1ERlFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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