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thomas jefferson's great great great great great great grandson recreates his photo stunning the resemblance is uncanny how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy i'm your host david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look on into r slash damn that's interesting we've seen mildly interesting we've seen interesting as frick but now it's time for the big finale damn that's interesting you know i'm sure you're ready to dive on into the video so without further ado let's go difference between orange suit and white suit did you ever wonder why some astronauts sometimes wear orange suits and sometimes white the orange colored advanced crew escape suits are aces is the space shuttle ascent an entry suit this particular color is highly visible against any kind of landscape especially in the sea the white colored ones are the bulkier extra vehicular activity suits that is because white reflects the strong heat of the sun and is easily visible against the black expanse of space the more you know this should basically be the law at all ruins cruise back fortress in serbia with a window to its glorious past oh now that is some next level design right there yeah they're right this should be everywhere introducing the russian space pimp you see when nasa first started sending astronauts into space they realized that a ballpoint pen would not work at zero gravity a million dollar investment in two years of tests resulted in a pin that could write in space upside down on almost any surface and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 celsius when confronted with the same problem the russians used a pencil uh you'd think that's a good idea but check this out in the early years of spaceflight both russians and americans use pencils in space unfortunately pencil lead is made of graphite a highly conductive material snapped graphite leads and particles in zero gravity are highly problematic as they will get sucked into the air ventilation or electronic equipment easily causing shorts or fires in the pure oxygen environment of the capsule after the fire in apollo 1 which killed all of the astronauts on board nasa required a riding instrument that wasn't a fire hazard fischer spent over a million dollars of his own money creating a pressurized ballpoint pen which nasa bought at two dollars and ninety five cents each the russian space program also switched over from pencil shortly after forty years later snide morons on the internet still snigger about it because snide morons on the internet never know what they're talking about geez you would've thought the pencil would be a good solution but no no no they were onto something creating a space-proof pen juan catalan spent nearly six months in jail for a murder of a teenage girl until his lawyer found unused footage from a hbo's curb your enthusiasm episode that proved he had been at a dodgers game with his six-year-old daughter up yep yep cue the theme song two volunteers in india give lessons to poor children under the bridge for free oh you see because that's what good teachers do hats off to these teachers in the 20 years before einstein died he almost never accepted invitations to speak at universities in 1946 he broke his self-imposed rule to give an address and accept an honorary degree from a small traditionally black university lincoln university in pennsylvania at lincoln university he declared the separation of races is not a disease of colored people but a disease of white people i do not intend to be quiet about it down below albert einstein teaches a physics class to young black men in 1946 einstein was like hey i don't normally do this but even i know segregation is wrong my dad is a house painter and has recently started framing leftover paint from inside of work buckets he calls it bucket art art because we're from maine i hope you guys think it's as interesting as i do hey your dad might be on to something that looks like an actual legitimate painting he just might make some good money off of it i just found out how koalas are weighed and it's the cutest thing ever oh you mean this isn't a normal tree i don't know what to believe anymore magic carpets the art of fight ahmed's melted and pixelated rugs where pieces sell for upwards of fifteen thousand dollars typically they begin as a classic pattern that encounters an obstacle or glitch a sort of technical meltdown oh now i see why this goes up for fifteen thousand dollars that must have taken a lot of time to stitch up ten out of ten for creativity lala an uninjured king penguin was nursed back to health in japan he refused to leave his caregiver so they adopted him and gave him an air-conditioned room in their house he would explore the neighborhood receive fish from the store and lived with the family for 10 years before dying of old age in 1996. ah yes a life well lived this is the closest photo of saturn ever taken wait how did they get so close to saturn no really was an astronaut just standing there with like a kodak film camera just like i finally got it what orthonetic surgery can do this person with a bit of a sunken chin and then after surgery they look like this i gotta say that is a considerable difference someone punched a hole in the wall in the men's bathroom and the staff decided to frame it ah yes fragile masculinity artist unknown 2018 that is brilliant excellent job scientists believe that a function of a zebra stripes is to deter insects so a team of researchers painted black and white stripes on several cows and discovered that it reduced the number of biting fleas landing on the cows by more than 50 percent oh i love this the farmer sitting around like the gosh darn cows are getting bit too much so he just grabs a sharpie and some whiteout and turns him into zebras i love it in the 1930s a flute player had a pet lyre bird that mimicked his music he later released it into the wild fragments of the flute player's music were passed down by generations of liar birds and are still present in their songs today hey yo forget marketing your music on soundcloud just sing it to a couple of birds in a couple of years you're gonna be the most popular person in the animal kingdom jim thorpe a legendary native american athlete had his shoes stolen just before he was about to compete in the olympics he found a mismatched pair of shoes in the trash can and he went on to win a gold medal wearing them he was also the first native american to win a gold medal for the united states what a lame tactic it is to like steal someone else's shoes just so they can like lose the competition but this guy wasn't having any of it he's like i don't need the same pair of shoes i'll wear different sizes and you know what i'll still win a gold medal excellent just excellent my latest sandcastle oh come on it's it's magnificent you know this is just for fun on the beach like you didn't have to build yourself a new house cleft lip and cleft palate two-week surgery here's before and after i love how this kid was able to maintain a smile throughout the whole thing that's beautiful this is what tokyo the largest city on earth looks like from a plane can you imagine like aladdin trying to talk about this he'd be like i can show you the world towers buildings lights millions of people oh my god it's too much it would completely fry his brain i'm just saying chicago public school teacher dwayne reed whose wife is eight months pregnant with their first child requested to work from home to minimize his covert risk his school district said no so reed's teaching remotely from right outside his school this man is determined not to get the virus he's like oh i'll stay in the cold the oregon accumulator was a device sold in the 1950s its inventor claimed it allowed a person sitting inside to attract orgon a massless healing energy when the fda was investigating the device they noted that one purchaser a college professor knew it was phony but found it helpful because his wife sat quietly in it for four hours every day ah forget oregon's massless healing energy this guy is projecting incredible boomer energy he's like look i know it's fake i just don't like spending time with my wife man what can i say cistercian monks made a numeral system in the 13th century a single symbol would represent numbers up to 9999 they were used for years division for divisions of text the numerating of notes and other lists indexes and coordinates arguments and easter tables and even for musical notation now at first glance it does kind of look super confusing like how could somebody read this but if you take a little bit of time to like understand how the numbers work it actually kind of makes sense an original zippo of the war in vietnam vietnam saigon 1968-1969 too young to vote but not to die too young to love but too old to cry oh that's a collector's item if i've ever seen one before and after of a man who walked across china for a year aw this man has seen some things he has lived he's experienced honestly the dew looks like he's been through a lot a father designs a headstone for his wheelchair-bound son depicting him free of his earthly burdens ah what a great way to memorialize your son ascending upwards presumably going to a better place nicely done where the terms uppercase and lowercase came from from the early days of the printing press oh so there's like a literal uppercase and lowercase i didn't know that did you guys know that that's crazy the longest road in the world that a person can walk on so on one trip you could travel from africa europe to asia yo that's an insanely long ride you're gonna need a lot of trail mix to get through something like that scientists have managed to revive a plant from the plasticine in their vials this guy is 32 000 years old 32 000 years old and still looking good for a flower genetics is so cool my parents always told me that i look like my dad's mom but i never got to meet her before she passed away on the right is my grandmother holding my dad and on the left is me holding my son taken exactly 63 years apart oh my goodness no you look exactly like your grandmother that is insane super uncanny turning a dead tree into a small free library that looks like something straight out of a fairy tale the creativity alone to see a dead tree and say hmm this could be a library definitely a weird idea but great execution age 15 versus age 17. i'm not gonna lie for somebody like me who doesn't understand the basic fundamentals of art both of these look really good population density of the usa huh would you look at that so people really don't live in north dakota i knew that was a fake state former billionaire chuck feenley has given away over 99 of his 6.3 billion dollars to help underprivileged kids go to college he is now worth two million dollars ah yes because that is what heroes do and uh hey could you pay for my college that that'd be pretty cool there's a festival in nepal that dedicates an entire day to thank dogs for their friendship and loyalty you know i think every country should have this holiday it doesn't have to just be about dogs like it could be about any pet you have but like yeah this is actually pretty cool daft punk performing helmet list in 1993 a forbidden photo we're not supposed to see daft punk without their helmets on it's like accidentally walking in on somebody who's using the bathroom just close your eyes we're not supposed to see this never too late grandma goes to the gym and this is her now geez grandma aw come on all of the memes from like the early 2010s are just they're all grown up now they're mature they look like normal people i i don't like it one bit but i'm glad they're doing well oh except for uh the guy at the bottom yeah no he he still looks like a meme this is a shimmy roll ignore the fact that i might have pronounced that wrong and just admire how good looking this is like i'm allergic to fish but even i would eat something like this just to see what it tastes like and i'm sorry is that gold sprinkled on top delicious in 1956 after losing a bet at a bar thomas fitzpatrick successfully stole a plane from the airport and landed it in front of the bar then two years later he did it again after a man didn't believe he had done it the first time wait how did he do this the airport must have had terrible security but for frick's sake give this man a pilot's license like he deserves it girl came into my work and after a bit of conversation showed me that she had six fingers on each hand this isn't photoshop this is an actual photo of a customer who came into the phone store i work at in somerville south carolina oh now that is so cool first off though she doesn't have a middle finger that must be kind of confusing second off she has a wedding ring which i just feel so sorry for the partner they go to put on the ring like uh which one's the ring finger i just oh no beautiful just beautiful in 2017 a baby was born in china four years after his parents died in a car crash his grandparents fought a lengthy legal battle which allowed them to use the couple's embryos which had been frozen in liquid nitrogen the baby was born to a surrogate mother and after his birth all four grandparents took a dna test to prove that the baby was indeed their grandson yo this is some sci-fi level stuff that is insanely cool the grandparents were like we're getting a grand baby one way or another i mean the loss of the parents is tragic but i really gotta admire the dedication that the grandparents did to have the baby bus drivers in japan went on a strike but continued to drive their routes while refusing to take fares from passengers so keeping japan on time but costing the bus company's gas on top of lost revenue ah yes a thousand iq revenge play there's a banyan tree in pakistan that has been chained and officially arrested since 1898. this happened when james squid a british officer thought the tree was moving towards him after drinking alcohol ah mr squid was tripping he was like uh that tree is coming to get me somebody put him in handcuffs d-day veterans sitting across from their younger selves in the same plane which dropped them into normandy in 1944. wow i can't even imagine how like anxious i would have been if i was back on one of those planes but they're all sitting there looking like and i do it again too please stop depicting blob fish like this i am in unimaginable pain this is not cute or silly this is the disfigured corpse of an animal whose tissues have exploded due to rapid pressure change from surfacing instead try depicting them like this ah much better psychrolutes the proper name for blob fish look like this in their natural habitat deep in the sea happy handsome and alive yeah like this is a good thought and all like it's cool to see them like where they're happy and alive but nah i'm gonna stick to blob fish i kind of like blob fish a man named chen c spends every weekend of his life at the nanjing river bridge the world's number one suicide site and saves people from jumping he has saved more than 321 people from killing themselves oh man what a hero i hope these people got the help they need 35 minute time exposure of illegal fireworks being set off in los angeles oh man imagine if these all happened at the same time aliens looking down on los angeles would be like uh i think the city exploded this is what an illegally taken picture from one of the greatest pyramids looked like wait how did this person get up there that is so cool i know you're not supposed to take pictures like these but i gotta say i'm really glad this person did cause this is a once in a lifetime perspective i spent 2 years and 18 hours of exposure time to capture the crescent nebula and i mean to be fair it definitely seems worth it sure it might have taken two years to get this but now you have the coolest most unique wallpaper for your phone seems like an absolute win if you ask me the eula magnolia blossoms appear to look like little birds why do plants know how birds look like i'm afraid yep and in a couple of years plants are going to start to look like humans too if you're sitting beside a plant you might want to just take them outside or just get as far away from them as you can because we're next no name is a gym of canada every product is so unbelievably ominous i really laugh my butt off every time i go shopping i've never heard of no name before but it looks kinda cool i can imagine walking in and is like hello welcome to no name my name is redacted would you like cola coco apple beverage or perhaps you might like mayonnaise complete ancient rome replica 36 years in the making geez i knew rome was developed but this looks insane in a small town in county cork ireland a monument stands an appreciation to the american katoa indian tribe although impoverished shortly after being forced to walk the trail of tears the tribe somehow gathered 170 to send to ireland for famine relief in 1847. oh man nothing is quite like human compassion the 1966 north dakota blizzard oh that is some serious snow can you imagine being the weatherman like this just in folks looks like we're about to get another 12 of snow oh not 12 inches no 12 feet may god be with us all with schools closed spcsc buses equipped with free wi-fi will be parked throughout the city neighborhoods for families that don't have access at home but did you know cb schools have been doing this throughout the entire year on evenings and weekends this is another innovative way that cb public schools have been assisting those working families who need it the most great job and thank you these are two different prisoners will west is on the left and william west is on the right they lived about a hundred years ago and were not related and did not know each other but they were part of the reason that fingerprint recognition was brought in ah you're under arrest will west i'm not will west i'm william west wait what wha what's going on here geez like how unfortunate if i was a witness testifying and they put these two in front of me i just i would have a freaking meltdown the thirty five dollars that scientific journals charge you to read a paper goes a hundred percent to the publisher zero percent to the authors if you just email us to ask for our papers we are allowed to send them to you for free and we will be genuinely delighted to do so what's something that seems obvious within your general profession but the general public seems to misunderstand ah you see the more you know ah yes cue the more you know sequence the more you know in 2017 raines ran the boston marathon 26.22 miles or 42.195 kilometers dressed in nothing but a fur loincloth and a necklace made out of human and animal bones and yes he was barefoot instantly dubbed the caveman by fellow runners reigns finished in a respectable 3 hours and 40 minutes he trained for over a year to toughen up his feet and allow time for his hair to grow out when he was asked why he did it he replied that he just wanted to remind people that expensive running shoes and high-tech athletic clothing are nice to have but are not as important as a balanced diet and determination and also that hey it was fun ah this man is an absolute legend ah look at this man he's like me eat vegetables me grow strong me finish race and with that everyone that's gonna conclude this episode of r darn that's interesting if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and hit the notification bell to be notified of all of our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i can't wait to see you in the next video so till then peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 118,465
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Damnthatsinteresting
Id: foAK16r24bo
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Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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