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g'day there guys karen here back at it again with another episode of r slash i want to speak to your manager and in today's episode of our session titled parents we're going to do a deep dive into the psychology of the karen so i want you to sit back relax chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy today's bloody good contents posted by user richard keck titled a karen tries to steal one of my dogs when a hero saves the day backstory so me and my neighbor have been arguing a lot recently about my car being on my driveway instead of in my garage she says that it makes the neighborhood look trashy now i have a large family of dogs and i decided to turn my garage into a workshop so i can make food bowls and dog houses without having to buy them at the store here's the story so yesterday i was going down the stairs to check on the newborn pup poppy when i heard the doorbell ring when i answered entitled mum was there with her kind toddler as soon as they opened the door kind toddler happily ran inside the moment he saw the puppies i let him go because i trusted he would just pet them and stuff we argued a lot about the driveway thing when i lost my temper and screamed at her about the garage being a workshop for the dogs now i've told her this many times before but that was the first time i've lost my cool we stared at each other for a minute when suddenly a light bulb popped up over her head she asked with a smug face may i use the restroom i was mad at her but it seemed like a reasonable request i told her where it was and she went down the hall i went to talk to my girlfriend in the kitchen we chatted for a while when i went to go check on the dogs which were all either barking or uncomfortable when i realized entitled mother has poppy i screamed to my girlfriend what was happening and we both ran outside to see entitled mother getting into her minivan kind toddler was in the car probably happily thinking that his mummy got him a new puppy she was trying to start the car with her door still open me and my girlfriend ran as fast as we could to the minivan but we weren't fast enough entitled mother already started up the car in time and she took a smug glance at us which suddenly turned into a look of surprise i turned around to see grizzly the 13 year old senior running out the door him being a golden doodle ran much faster than i could ever dream of and jumped into the front seat right before entitled mother closed the door for 20 seconds all i could hear was bark bark bark entitled mother opened the door with multiple scratches on her face and kicked grizzly in the face when the war flashbacks came up of grizzly as a puppy getting kicked in the face by a karen and he bit right into entitled mother's ankle i football tackled grizzly so he wouldn't do any more damage while my girlfriend got poppy in the end me and my girlfriend have to go to court because entitled mother claimed to an officer that grisly attacked her for no reason and wanted him put down i'll make another post of what happens in court send your prayers at its turns out entitled mother broke two bones in her left ankle won't help in courts but grizzly definitely is getting some extra treats added two i have three witnesses and one of my cameras shows entitled mother not walking into the restroom however our conversation wasn't recorded so i have to rely on witnesses and my lawyer added 3 got camera footage of her car it shows grizzly and dust chasing her the angle wasn't good enough for it to see poppy in her arms but i think it's good edit four just found out that entitled mother is charging us all the medical fees twelve thousand dollars and that grizzly gets put down i have decided to charge three thousand dollars edit five getting a lot of messages about this post being fake it's not fake stop spamming me edit six entitled mother decided to make the court session earlier than planned pretty smart on her side making the court session happen before i get all the evidence after it's all over i'll make another post saying what happened they have posted it but it's still awaiting approval by the mods so i'll cover that in the next episode posted by user sassy cheesecube titled entitled dad demands that i don't use my left hands i come from the land of entitled parents so i have tons of stories to share and yes all of them are true when i was 15 i was sitting in the food court of the mall casually and was writing my assignments and eating some french fries i was minding my own damn business then comes entitled dad with his infant here's the thing i'm ambidextrous and my right hand is my dominant hand so i was using my right hand when entitled dad came all over the place after a while i get a call so i was talking on the phone and continued writing simultaneously i had my phone in my right hand and switched my right hand to left normally people just get surprised but that was not the case for entitled dad he says you should not use your left hand always use your right hand stop using your left hand boy i'm like excuse moi use your right hand or else i'll call security and they will take you i'm like mind your own business i am older than you you have to respect me where are your parents i just started ignoring him but i crap you not he asked me this with which hand do you wipe your butt the same hand that i should slap you with dude lost his crap and started yelling in the food court while i just munched on my fries lol he ended up being escorted out by security note in many countries in asia using your left hand was considered bad as people used to wipe their butt with it but i did not expect such behavior from a 30 year old man edits guys i use a water pipe slash hose thing to wipe my butt lol and it's okay it's a bidet i get it also this was india so congratulations to the guy who bet his house on this you get to keep your house lol posted by user just call me phil35 titled entitled dad wants my granny in law's wheelchair so several months ago my granny in law was in an accident that was not her fault this resulted in both her fake leg and real leg getting broken among other injuries granny is just full of rage she's 80 years of rage people she had fought hard for decades over wanting to be independent and never be put in a home or become someone's burden she wanted to live in her own home take care of herself and die in her own bed sadly the accident made that impossible now she'll never be able to walk under her own power again and she's hurting herself using a walker or whatever you call those weird things she wants to live at home however she knew she would need someone there constantly and hired a day nurse and a night nurse to come take care of her she refuses to move into any home relatives or otherwise well in an effort to get her out of the house my wifey and i would take her out yes we were being very careful about where we were taking her and going all out on masks and antibacterial everything we try to take her places that weren't too crowded but also wheelchair accessible well a mall that was about an hour out of town had reopened it's a sad sad place because many of the stores were closed and possibly would never get any new business it was a dying building but the food court still had excellent food we went there today the kids were off playing with some friends so it was just me wifey me granny and meself taking laps around the mall taking turns on who pushes granny now granny was wearing a long skirt but didn't have her fake leg on you couldn't really see that she had one leg unless you were looking very closely so i can kind of understand why this entitled dad thought that my granny had two legs see we got hungry and went to the food court to get healthy food to eat we pulled up to a table and started to chow down then entitled dad appeared i don't even need to transcribe this part it's a dime a dozen story about an entitled parent that wants the wheelchair that someone is currently using we say no she says no and cannot walk and the entitled dad demands it for his son he was sitting at another table looking like he was out cold he was that tired looking granny finally had enough and locked him right in the eye and said young man this is my chair which i need to move about i don't care how tired your kid is he cannot have this i would not be able to walk at all entitled dad obviously replies you may be old but you don't need it at all you can walk you old crone granny got red in the face and said old crone looky here little boy i may be old but i can still kick your ass even if my only leg is in bad shape entitled dad scoffs at her huh i bet you're only faking about having one leg granny looked like she was going to yell again except she just grinned she turned her chair to him and lifted up her skirt she showed him that she was indeed missing a leg think i'm faking here kid she goes into a snide tone think this is a fake stump entitled dad looked embarrassed and tried to talk granny wouldn't let him she actually lifted up her stump a bit and said why don't you touch my stump come on it might be a real stump might be fake touch it and see touch my stump if it's a fake stump the chair is yours the guy backed off and started for his table except granny started to wheel after him yelling at him saying come on touch my stump you know you want to touch it touch it me wifey was cracking up at this so i had to be the one to grab her chair and bring her back the entitled dad picked up his son and carried him out of there quickly granny was grumbling about how rude that man was but she looked so damn proud of herself what few people there that were listening in hearing range was also laughing although two people looked disgusted at my granny in law screw them but you know at least that got some of her anger out of her system the situation calmed her down a great deal and cheered her up posted by user kazumi the introverts titled how my entitled parents lost their precious baby so this story has quite a bit of background but i'll try and make it as easy to understand as i can the people in this story are me my full brother 20 baka my step brother nani my half brother akuma my entitled mother my piece of crap father the backstory my parents divorced when i was three years old my mother and father had joint custody but bukka and i lived with my mother and only saw my father every other weekend my father started dating my soon-to-be stepmom when i was 5 and married her when i was 10. they then had my youngest brother akuma my stepmom isn't really involved in this but i'd like to say she is one of the sanest people of the story and i honestly feel bad that she married my father related oh god i can't say that my mother is a complete narcissist and my father is one of those entitled racist rednecks with a violent streak barker and i were extremely neglected by my mother we'd be left home alone at a very young age for long periods of time forced to fend for ourselves when it came to eating and were often locked out of our crappy apartment in a very bad neighborhood we lived in a spot where white people were the minority and trust me when i say that the people around us had no problem threatening to kick your ass for the colour of your skin a part of me wonders if this helped fueled my father's insufferable racism despite my mental verbal and sometimes physical abuse my mother very clearly had a favorite child and it was baka she had me when she was 19 and barker at 20. i swear she only kept us despite her parents because my grandparents told her she wouldn't be a good mom my mother would always go easier on baka despite his extreme behavioral problems we later found out he had a severe case of borderline personality disorder that caused him to get violent that often meant i got the crap beat out of me my mother refused to get him treatment she had a weird thing about just toughing things out i once had strep and the flu had to drive my 17 year old self to the urgent care only to be told that my heart rate was one number away from them legally having to call an ambulance if it went up anymore then i would have to go to the hospital my mother responded by saying the doctors just wanted more money from us she even made her favorite child walk without crutches when he had stitches in his foots because it would heal faster ow my father didn't do much to us he screamed a lot a ton of empty threats and breaking things he never touched us because my mom was so trigger-happy about suing him he did however severely abuse nani nani is a sweet kid with a learning disability and my father made it very clear to him at a young age that he was never his son when akuma was born he became a spoiled brat so much so that they didn't celebrate nani's birthday so that they would have more money to spend on akuma now that you have the main idea of what the background is let's get to the good stuff how my parents star child cut them off the story bukka was my father's everything he listened to country and western music he made racist homophobic comments and best of all was going into the military to fight for his country my mother saw barker as her crowned bragging piece she got to tell everyone how brave and selfless her son was while he was away and of course use his sweet military discounts what my father didn't know is that barca loved metal music was in a gay relationship and not so legally adopted by his boyfriend's lesbian parents and was joining the military to get the hell away from our family barker left for boot camp and we got word that he'd been graduating at the top of his class is it considered class in a boot camp i don't know of course my parents were over the moon and for once in their lives got along to coordinate how to drive eight hours across the country to go to see him on base for the graduation i personally lived further away my mother kicked me out after barca left and i moved in with my boyfriend further north three states away despite not wanting to go and bargain not caring if i showed up my mother and father literally hounded me like the hellspawns they are until i went so i finally spent my money to drive all the way down to see him my mother making plans for me to stay with her while we were down there now before i tell you just how nasty things got you should know that after being kicked out and getting mental help from my hellish upbringing turns out i have cptsd bpd bipolar 2 runs in the family avpd and gad two of those disorders run in the family the others are all basically caused by trauma and abuse at this point in my life and still to this day my triggers are so severe that i can't have a job i couldn't even leave my house alone for more than 10 minutes before having an episode my mother refused to allow me to bring my service dog and i nearly died just trying to make it across the country to this graduation when i got there it was immediately clear that this was going to be one of the worst experiences of my life my mother got so nasty that i nearly od'd on anxiety meds to keep me from having a public episode on the base when we were in the hotel i collapsed in the bathroom and told my mother that i thought i was going to pass out and her exact words were what do you expect me to do before she laid in bed and watched netflix needless to say it was complete hell she basically used me as a human punching bag because my brother's boyfriend's family came down to support him my parents to this day still don't even know they're together even though a blind man could see they love each other my father and mother were both ticked that he spent the whole time with his boyfriend's family rather than with his blood family i ended up having enough and walked out of my mother's hotel room one night as she was cussing me out i just took my phone no shoes no wallets i just left and called my boyfriend sobbing i came back an hour later to find that my mother left and had locked me out she didn't come back for four hours and i had to get the maintenance guys to let me back into the room when the trip finally came to a close and we were on our way home my mother decided to bestow her best ever so loving thoughts on me she said and i quote barker is a soldier now he's got his whole life set up for him and will never have to worry about anything i'm so proud of him he really made something of himself too bad i can't say the same for you i had just dropped out of college six months before completing my first degree because the college counselors were worried about me and their disabled student program wouldn't be able to cover my major symptoms which at the time were me literally falling unconscious the revenge after a few months of life going back to normal and more intense doctor visits on my end turns out my mother re-traumatized me and i had to get on some heavy meds my brother randomly called me he had finished his schooling in california and was now stationed overseas a privilege only the top two soldiers were supposed to get i had heard that my parents were all over the place happy about it barca never called me so when he did i was surprised to say the least he asks me about what happened during his graduation and i told him we've always been brutally honest with one another and despite us being mostly indifferent towards each other's existence we do have a bond forged in surviving abuse when my brother found out exactly what happened he was livid honestly livid doesn't even seem to express how angry he was apparently he had been playing along with my parents wishes to talk every week write letters etc just to keep them at bay since you went overseas and my father had let it slip about what had happened we had a somewhat awkward conversation about our sucky childhood and he ended the call by basically saying him it only took about a week before my parents started texting me if i had heard from barker my parents had been sending him these huge care packages stuff and trying to call him but the care packages were returned to them and the calls were never picked up my brother cut contact off completely my parents were forced to pay huge customs fines on all these packages and they later found out that barca was only keeping contact with his boyfriend's parents when barca came home for the first time in two years he stayed with his boyfriend's parents and refused to go see my parents he only saw my mother when she drove him to see me again three states away she was under the impression that he'd stay with her afterward but he left the day after to go back overseas when he went back overseas i got a text from barca he was in japan at a huge anime convention and asked if i wanted something of course i said yes and he said that he'd give it to me the next time he came home he also said that he was changing his last name to the name i changed mine to the last name of one of my favorite anime characters so that's the story of how my entitled abusive parents lost their star child for treating their other kids like garbage parker is still barker but i couldn't be prouder to be his older brother posted by user i'm sad i want help titled entitled mum demands i use a non-accessible seat on the bus some quick background i had a tumor on my spine a few years ago luckily it was removed and i'm pretty healthy overall now but not so luckily i can't walk anymore into meeting the entitled mother last week i had a doctor's appointment as a follow-up to some issues that i'd been having normally my parents would take me to the doctor but they were pretty busy so i figured i'd take the bus luckily my city overall has a very accessible bus system they also have specific buses meant to assist people with disabilities but my route from the house to the doctor's office aligned pretty much perfectly with one of the normal bus routes so i figured i'd just use it all the normal buses are equipped with wheelchair ramps and a place to secure it when there isn't a wheelchair user on the bus there are seats over the area that's used to secure a wheelchair i can't be anywhere else as it's a safety hazard to have a large metal chair wheeling around halfhazardly so the driver lowers the ramp and i board the bus due to covered the bus was pretty empty during this whole thing i was wearing a mask and they also got tested last week so don't have to worry about my contact with the driver there were a few people in the back and a woman with her child who's probably about six seated at the front over the wheelchair securements area which is fine the area has a notice saying people with disabilities have priority seating but the general public can use it if nobody else needs to normally it would be a simple hey could you please move i need to secure my wheelchair but not this time the conversation isn't exact because my memory isn't perfect but here's my best recreation of the encounter i stayed quiet for most of it luckily the bus driver was absolutely amazing and stood up for me he says hey could you move to the entitled mother and daughter entitled mother says no my daughter and i are sitting here he replies you need to move to another seat so i can secure the passengers me wheelchair they can sit somewhere else no that's the only area with proper securement they can just take the next bus no they have a right to use the bus you need to move no my daughter and i are staying you can't make me yes i can you can either move seats now or you can leave oh look if it's really a bother i can take the next bus i'm very non-confrontational i would have been late to the doctor's appointments but i don't like bothering people bus driver says to me no you can take this one see the [ __ ] even says she doesn't need it bus driver to entitled mother you can either move seats or wait here until the police arrive you can't make my daughter and i move this is harassment at this point the bus driver began to call someone i'm unsure if it was the actual police or what but the entitled mother ended up moving two seats over thankfully and i got secured in the seat she spent the rest of the time glaring at me but honestly i don't mind there are some complete a-holes like the entitled mother but there are also great people like the bus driver when i was getting off he apologized for entitled mother's actions even though obviously they weren't his fault in the end i got to the doctor's appointment on time so all was well i just hope the woman's daughter learns to not be an a-hole somehow posted by user cookie dog 800 titled entitled entitled mother and her little crap want my mask my grandma made me this is getting ridiculous with entitled mothers and masks so my grandma sews for a small hobby and she made me my sister and my mother homemade masks with some fabric that she saved up for years they were pretty cool apparently circle they became entitled parents magnets so the cast cookie i wonder who mom is my mother entitled mother an entitled kid the most spoiled little crap on this planet story so now that i'm 18 i'm applying for a checking and savings account which means i get a card that plastic card that acts as cash not accurate if you don't know what it is look it up or ask someone who does have one so i was wearing the mask my grandma gave me it has a pac-man on it which is cool my mother was wearing her mask which has a solid light blue color scheme so we went to the credit union and then we hear some little crap screaming and a mother screaming too it was like this what do you mean my baby can't get a checking account he has enough money and he was an honor roll student for three years running i want a credit card right now i get one because i'm perfect both were screaming at the same time that poor employee was just a wreck she couldn't get a word in and then that brat saw my pac-man mask and crap hit the fan again i want that mask that he has fine then go get it while i report this employee the [ __ ] told her little crap to come over and take my mask off of my face so he tried it but it didn't happen i was too tall for him to grab my mask by the way now would be a good time to mention that the kid was about five maybe six so my question is what the hell is a five or six year old gonna do with a checking card then he tried to get my mask by jumping on me like i was a freaking jungle gym but he failed and the entitled mother turned her attention to me great you give my son that mask right now he deserves it more he had on a roll for three ye then my mom cut her off i told her that people like this existed and there was this subreddit for such cases but she didn't listen now she does listen here my mum has taught kids in high school for almost 10 years now she has put up with some of the stupidest kids from her school and school azure she doesn't put up with a lot of bs my mother made these masks for us to keep us safe and you and your little hellspawn are going to leave us alone or i will call the police i don't give a rat's ass about your kid getting on a roll if he does then you reward him don't pawn it off on others it's your job to do that not others so if you want to reward him then get your lazy ass up get your money then go get him something entitled mother is speechless she left and her little crap too my mom was steaming after that but she calmed down and we went to get my card and it counts now i have a checking and saving account with a nice card to boot too my mom is now looking on this subreddit to see if there's any truth to what we've experienced she believes now which is horrible stay safe everyone and have a good one posted by user call me crazy titled entitled mother leaves her kid in my garden then storms out after i tell her off this happened about an hour ago and i'm still irritated about it i'm a single mother to three kids d is five s one is four and s two is almost two my eldest two were heartbroken when they learned that we couldn't visit our local park because of the current pandemic nasty germs as they call it so to entertain them i bought quite a few nice things for them to play with my family have also contributed to this including buying and setting up a wendy house and moving a large plastic climbing frame with two attached slides for my uncle's house to hear but i'm very grateful for everything they've done my kids love playing outside and i'm lucky to have a lot of garden space i understand that not everyone has a lot of space in the garden but we also live in a rural area so there's lots of land to explore including walking trails a lake and mountains and you can see everything kid-related from the streets my garden isn't level on one side so i put everything on that side instead on to the story sk sweet kid about seven em entitled mother late thirties early forties s2 had just gone down for his nap when d and s1 asked that they could go out to play in the garden i said okay unlocked the door for them locked the front gate it's just a simple metal clasp to join it together so the kids can't open it and then headed back in to start tidying up i went upstairs to put some clothes away and turned the gate close i thought that it might be my stepfather dropping off some treats for the kids so imagine my surprise when i walked out the front door and saw a child instead d is very good with fiddly things like the clasp on the gate but she can't open it so i assume that entitled mother opened it let s k in and then closed it again i say oh hi there what are you doing here well hi my man said that i could come into play can i i'm surprised and confused to say the least and i say um where is your ma'am now i'm sorry honey but i don't think i know you what's your name my name is sk my mom said she'd be back soon she left you here yeah can i go and play now me feeling bad for the kids say okay but i'll have to ask you to clean your hands first do you know about the nasty germs and she nods okay good um i'll go and get some things and then we'll sort you out i go inside to get my hand gel help sk clean her hands and then walk with her to the back of the garden i say d s1 this is k she's going to be here for a little bit how about we do some drawings with chalk the kids all say yes so i draw some lines between them all and tell them that it's their drawing space to give them some room to socially distance i keep an eye on them but also turned to check the street every so often i was busy helping s1 get his stone out of his sandal when i heard the gate close again entitled mother says sk time to go i say oh hi you must be sk's man could i have a word please i gesture a little way away from the kids and entitled mother says no we have to go now i have to get back home to let my dog out well i'd like an explanation before you leave why did you just leave sk in my garden why didn't you at least knock on the door and ask i needed to go to the shop and didn't want to take her with me normally i'd let her play in the park but it's closed so when i saw your garden i thought it was a great idea i'm sure you understand how stressful it is to be a man during this time i do but i also understand how irresponsible it is to leave your child with a stranger while you go elsewhere the things in this garden belong to me and my kids not to anyone who happens to be walking past oh you're not a stranger i've seen you on the school run and knew you lived here i didn't recognize sk and i didn't recognize you either knowing someone from the school doesn't instantly mean you can just leave them with that person why are you making such a stink about this it's done now anyway i'm making a stink about this because you left your child here with a stranger that you didn't know if she'd have been here any longer i'd have rang the police why would you have gone that far over this you're a fudging selfish [ __ ] keeping the gate locked when other kids could be making use of the stuff here are you seriously that fudging stupid you left your child here if my youngest wasn't napping i'd have asked sk where she lived and taken her back to your house i'd have quite happily waited outside to give you a bollocking then too what kind of parent leaves their child with a stranger while they pop to this shop next time don't leave your child in a stranger's garden and you won't have any problems if you drop sk here again i will ring the police what if i didn't actually live here what if something happened to her come on sk we're leaving i'm not going to stand here and listen to a child tell me how to parent i'm 23 so yes a young parent well clearly this child can parents better than you can get the freak out of my garden now entitled mother glaze at me grabs sk by the arm and starts storming off sk looks sad and waves at me i wave back with an apologetic look on my face i feel so sorry for her after she left dee strides up to me with her arms folded over her chest she's smiling so i know it isn't something serious what's wrong dee you said naughty words me chuckling say sorry baby mammy will put some money in the naughty word pots the naughty word pot money goes towards sweets for them if we go to the shop yes all together no child endangerment here and that's it i'm hoping i don't see much of entitled mother when school eventually starts back up but i'd be happy to see sk again she and dee played very nicely together and i could see the potential for friendship there edits i've had a few comments about one thing or another so i'll just answer here 1. the park when she said that she would leave sk in the park to go to the shop i assume she means the local tiny shop directly opposite the park it has huge glass windows and a crystal clear view of the park which is quite small too i'm not justifying her action of leaving sk there at all but it might explain why she thought it was okay 2. reporting entitled mother to some kind of children's services or the police i mentioned in a comment that at first i thought that sk might have been lying about her mother leaving her there so i decided to wait it out so i didn't want to report her straight away i thought that perhaps it was just a case of a child who wanted to play in a garden that was basically a park if a child goes missing in this area you know about it pretty quickly as parents family members and neighbors will knock on doors asking if anyone has seen the missing childs after thinking on it i called the non-emergency number for the police and reported what happened they took sk's name and descriptions of both of them as well as my postcode etc for an area reference but other than that they said that not much else could be done because of the lack of information that was available no surnames no first name for entitled mother no known address i would have called children's services but their offices are closed for the weekend and only an emergency number is available i didn't want to take up time on that line that another child could use so i called the police instead i hope that makes sense and doesn't come across as i'm not worried about sk i am if i knew anyone who knew her i'd be asking all sorts of questions to get more information to make a better report three also thank you to the people who have left very kind comments i always feel like less of a mother because i had my kids so young and i always feel like i have something to prove usually i have a very i don't give a freak what you think attitude but it's different when my kids are concerned so much judgment goes around about all kinds of parents whether they are young or not it's so refreshing to see such lovely comments either you give us grandchildren or we're taking you off our will the title sounds bad the story is even worse i never thought i would be writing a post about my own parents here but here we are right for context my fiancee and i have been in a relationship for the past 10 years and just recently got engaged while it's understandable that 10 years might sound a bit too much we started dating really early and getting married was not a priority for either of us we actually preferred to focus on our studies and career for a while she's a civil engineer and i'm a medical student after getting a bachelor's and a master's i do freelancing as a developer to pay for my living expenses so as we've been a couple for a long time it's quite common for people to ask us when we're getting married and when we're having kids while we are getting married as soon as i finished med school we decided not to have children a long time ago and we're still very certain of that decision as both of us are more career than family oriented however since the engagement our families have started to put more pressure on us to get married soon and have children even though we told them plenty of times that's not gonna happen my fiancee and i live together and we're completely independent from our families financially some time ago during a video chat we ended up getting into a heated argument with our families for finally snapping at their ceaseless nagging for grandchildren and we have been strained ever since now our families asked us to meet them for a lunch in family at my parents house we don't live in the same city but it's close enough that we can go there for something like this and that's when the following situation transpired we arrived early enough to help out in preparing everything for lunch and for the next hour or so things were pretty alright but after we had lunch and we sat at the coffee table to chat it's customary here the room got visibly tense our parents both hers and mine started a speech about how much they put into us how much they worked for us and how much family means to them i was already sensing some crappy thing coming but i kept listening suddenly they said that during one of their talks they came to a decision that if my fiancee and i didn't give them grandchildren after all they had done for us we would be cut out of their wills their reasoning was this my brother is a gay man and as of now have no intention of adopting or any alternative to have children and i was the only option on continuing the family he was not there and is as mortified as i am two she is the oldest sister her younger sister is still in high school and thus must set an example by having a family and continuing the family now if that's not psychotic i have no clue what is we quickly looked between ourselves and immediately left their house we haven't spoken to them since but as far as we're aware we're disowned by now i never thought i would have to go through that just because i don't want to have children but it just shows how much entitlement they think they have cheers edits i did not expect this to grow so much in just a few hours thank you everyone for the replies sadly i don't think i'll be able to respond to everyone so i'll just clear a few things here my fiance and i have absolutely no interest in their inheritance we've been fine on our own for a long time and can take care of ourselves thus we have absolutely no intention of contesting their will we don't need that money and we don't want it i only posted this here due to the absurdity of their actions we have decided to cut contact with them and uninvited them from our wedding my brother is giving us full support on this and as he is my best man this already means the world to me it's regrettable that it came to this outcome but we are not going to let them run our lives some people asked us why we don't want to have kids there's a few reasons for that especially the fact that we are both extremely focused on our careers having a child is a responsibility to raise someone and give them the affection lessons and time needed neither of us want to go through that just to birth someone also we have firm beliefs that the world already has enough people without us putting someone else on it lastly neither of us really likes kids as bad as that might sound we have no intention of ever giving birth to a child tricks to trio says best thing to do now is act like that money doesn't exist now that you know it comes with strings and that they'll use it to try and control you theoretically if you did have a kid what's stopping them from using the inheritance as a tool to make you raise it the way they want you to exactly rescind their power and if you're ever in a position where they try that crap again the correct response is to smile and say we understand it's your money don't worry we can take care of ourselves what happens after that is on them but they at least know you can't be bribed or guilted posted by user pokemon 95 titled entitled mother calls police over my clothesline alcasta me entitled mother and the very nice police officer this takes place in my hometown a house had been built right next to ours over the course of the past year and a half and a small family moved into it we never met the family as we are usually not ones to go out of our way to meet people so it came as a huge surprise when this happens we have a backyard which is private it is surrounded by fence with a locking gate entitled mother's house had a deck that overlooked our backyard midwinter our dryer decided to die and we had to take all our clothes to the closest laundromat to dry at least once a week once spring rolled around i decided to put a clothesline in our backyard to help save money a few weeks went by and at least once a week i would be out there hanging loads of laundry to dry on one such occasion our neighbor entitled mother was out on her deck talking on her phone i paid her no mind and just hung up my clothes to dry as i was headed back inside i heard the dreaded banshee screech that was entitled mother she says hey boy i'm a woman but i have my hair cut short with most of it buzzed so i can see why she assumed i was a boy i looked over mostly because of the noise she made not because i thought she was talking to me but unfortunately she was she says you can't hang those out here what my clothes yeah you can't hang your filthy underwear out here where i have to look at them what if my kids see are you some kind of pervert lady it's my backyard if i want to hang my laundry to dry in my backyard i can and with that i flipped her the universal sign to go pleasure herself and went inside about a half hour later i hear a knock on my door when i answer it there's a police officer standing at my door who says good afternoon ma'am he knew i was a woman and yet somehow the entitled mother didn't we received a call about a pedophile in the residence trying to flash children would you happen to know anything about this seriously entitled mother was just screaming about me for hanging my underwear on my clothesline out back i assure you nothing else is happening do you mind if i take a look and me with nothing to hide say of course i showed the office in my clothesline as we could clearly see entitled mother glaring at us with a smug look on her face from her deck the officer thanked me went to speak with entitled mother and that was that posted by user zucchini my weenie titled entitled parent calls me a junkie and tries to steal my life saving medication hey guys long time logger first time poster just for reference this just happened yesterday i was on the bus heading home from the drugstore after re-upping my prescription a bit of backstory i am unfortunate enough to be hiv-positive and because of this i have to take antiretroviral drugs every day otherwise the virus will damage my immune system further because of what's been going on recently in this country i've mainly been working from home as a result i have really fallen off when it comes to my appearance on this particular day i just had on some really baggy sweatpants and a janky ass hoodie so i guess i could see how from a certain perspective i could look a little homeless after a couple of minutes on the bus i noticed this little kid staring at me and i guess my appearance might have frightened him but as a person of color i'm used to getting a couple of odd glances so i just went back to minding my own business at this point i started to take my medication while on the bus mainly because i didn't want to forget later while this was happening i got a sharp reminder that people were watching cue entitled parent of scared kid screaming at me how dare you do you people have no shame i was shocked that all i could say was what entitled parent continues by yelling what do you mean what who do you think you are stop popping pills in front of my kid in a public place you filthy junkie at this point i started getting mad i held up the bottle and tried to explain that it wasn't what she thought it was but before i could finish explaining she tries to snatch the bottle while shrieking about how i am a leech to society and how if i was raised right and had real parents i wouldn't be a disgusting addict that last one really made me pretty bad because both my parents worked really hard and are both wonderful people so i kinda lost it i said what the frick would you know about parenting the day your kid moves out will be the happiest day of his life by now she completely had forgotten about the drugs and straight up launched herself at me on some superman crap and started clawing at my face so boom at this point entitled parent and i had the attention of pretty much the entire bus including the bus driver luckily we soon came to a stop and the bus driver helped remove her and her kid from the bus but not before yelling some questionable stuff on her way out posted by user fred said read titled my entitled mother complains that disabled people are hogging the disabled seating on a bus she isn't disabled my mother is a mega entitled karen i am no longer in contact with her but i have heaps of stories about her when i was younger which you guys seem to like so here's yet another one for you enjoy this happened when i was 14 and we had recently moved to another country the town was small and there wasn't a whole lot of public transport it's new zealand for you only a few taxis and one bus which had wheelchair seating the wheelchair seating area was at the front of the bus with three seats on one side that would fall down from the wall to sit on or a wheelchair prem could sit on the front of one of them one day i was with my mom and we had to travel to the next town over but mum's car was at the mechanics so we took the bus that departed at the same time every day and returned a few hours later only one trip to and from the towns in the area each day the bus arrived not long after we started waiting at the bus stop when we got on there were already people seated in the disabled seating a mother with her baby in a pram beside her and a middle-aged man in a wheelchair that lived in our town there were seats available at the back of the bus which i assumed we would both sit at nope karen addressing the woman with her baby in the pram says excuse me do you mind moving your pram so i can sit there sorry but no i can't move my pram there's nowhere else for it to sit without it being in the way but it's in my way can't you just sit in another seat no ma'am i'm not moving go sit somewhere else it seems like this woman had encountered karen's before and didn't take their bs karen says i have a disability though and can't walk all the way to the back of the bus i say no you don't mom stop it and sit up at the back stop making a scene karen her face going red from me calling her out on her bs says fine whatever and she reluctantly went to sit in another seat me to the woman with the baby says i'm so sorry ma'am look i was so embarrassed by my mum's behavior this was around the time when i started calling her out on her entitlement and i was sick of her doing stuff like that news travels fast in a small town so her actions made other people look at me as well and i didn't want them thinking i was anything like her i am not and never will be thanks for reading posted by user carlia jamison2936 titled entitled mother demands absolute silence in an apartment complex so i live with my parents and brothers in an apartment complex with 11 other units there would be a noise complaint that would go around but all neighbours don't take much notice or mind it very much since after all it's an apartment complex with families living their lives so about three years ago entitled mother the 78 year old woman complained to us accusing us of slamming our door to which i can assure you we weren't since our door has a dampener this went on for a few months until she wrote in chalk unit x stop slamming your door we tried to complain about it to the body corporates but since entitled mother was a part of it nothing was done she consistently complained about the noises of a mother and son talking in normal speaking voices while walking out of the building as well as our door and another family living upstairs who are raising a baby a bit of a side note here she tried to whinge and say we're old people we don't want noise but you decided to move near a busy road and a railway corridor how can you expect no noise or better yet blame us for it entitled mother's daughter was so sick of her mother's exasperated intolerance for room level noise that she moved out one day after returning from school i decided to do some chores and take out the trash and upon re-entering the building she wrote in chalk on the wall again accusing me of slamming the door and giving a specific time stamp to when i came home from school again we tried to report her but she pulled strings to have it dismissed after accosting a number of families and parents with children living in the same complex for noise and many failed attempts at trying to report her for harassment all the families have taken it upon ourselves to make plenty of noise a dad and his children love screaming into the corridor where she lives and ding dong ditching her before running back into their apartments with the direction of their dad a mother and a daughter cough loudly when walking through the lobby and my family we make sure to slam the front door hard and loud and speak loudly when we're entering the building if she wants to complain about noise we will give her noise she began to harass and single out the mother and daughter to which they responded there are families living here if you don't want noise then why don't you move into a nursing home i know quite a few entitled mother is still persisting with these complaints today to which she is not getting what she wants and i think she should take the advice on the nursing home posted by user the rumor hargreaves titled should we start selling captain america coffins in that case i can't wait to leave the south my husband told me this in the car this morning and gave me the ok to post he's not on reddit but laughed when i told him it was the same sub where i bitched about my aunt slight backstory so he works at a comic shop in our conservative tourist town it's already a weird dynamic but somehow it's brought out the worst of the worst somehow like this isn't every industry right now in customers mostly vacationers but not exclusively our mask lords have been very loosely enforced and he is usually the only person in the store so he only fights them so hard before just trying to stay out of their space but now we have mandatory mask laws so people need to get over themselves lol he had a woman come in yesterday and the following is the lovely conversation he recounted entitled mother comes into the store no mask husband points to the sign and tells her to put one on she pulls out one of her bags but stops and stares at him and says oh good you sell masks here what no sorry we entitled mother cuts him off of course you do your mask has the spider guy on it my wife's friend made this but sorry if there was any confusion he is the most patient person on this earth well that's false advertising my son would wear that mask you need to start selling them once again this one was made for me by a friend it's not for sale well then when will you start to sell them we won't be we don't plan on turning of profit on the pandemic well that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard and you're not going to give my son your mask no and i don't see your son he's waiting in the car i want to speak to the owner he was obviously a manager so she had to go a little beyond normal carrying your kid is in the car in july we're not going to make a profit on this you can find masks online that's like asking why we don't sell captain america coffins we're not cashing in on the crisis owner isn't here come back tomorrow if you want to talk to him bring a mask and don't leave the kid in the hot car stupid woman stormed out he says he kicked himself because he came up with a million comebacks once she was gone waiting to see if she comes in the owner is an a-hole and proud of it so i hope she does edits everyone saying selling masks makes sense it totally does if things get even more dire and they see the need it's speculation on my part but i assumed they would maybe do it at cost for now though it just feels like profiting off a tragedy it also really hadn't come up from customers in the first place until she rode her broom into the shop our brains were mostly broken by her demands and child endangerment posted by user ink in the water titled you're a writer great do my kid's homework and give her free english lessons i'm on my phone i'm not american english isn't my first language mildly useful information in my country it's customary to live with your parents until you get married please don't give me crap for this they're lovely and i adore living with them backgrounds at the time of this story i at the time 24 female was riding a career high i was working for a famous in my country screenwriter and we were doing projects for head flicks and spamazon i put writing my book on hold for this before anyone asks both shows went into developmental and will not be released internationally in any case my parents and i were moving into a new fancy apartment building that has its own cafe you cannot access the cafe unless you're a resident or have been given a pass i was in there one day getting coffee and chatting with some other residents while waiting for some things to be delivered you all know what e d ndk means if you thought of erectile dysfunction when you read ed i wish he had it so i would not have to suffer through this ordeal so a nice couple was telling me about how much i was going to like living there and how nice everyone in the building is when in walks ed with ek the eight-year-old girl in tow a cold wind blew in and my steaming cup of coffee turned tepid entitled dad who i have never seen before points at me and says ink in the water you're the famous rider i writhed under this accusation as i was in no way famous and had no idea who this lunatic pointing at me was the couple backed away and entitled kid runs at me and hugs my leg thrown off balance i dropped my coffee onto my foot which turned back to scolding the moment it touched my foot howling in pain i hobbled to a sofa and sat down as the staff scrambled to get me some ice entitled kids still had a death grip on me and i had to pry her off the nice couple was handing me napkins when entitled dad plowed through them and pointed at me again ink in the water you look just like your mum i met her in the lobby and she told me you're a writer and that you were here this is my kid miss kleptomaniac entitled kid was now sitting down her backpack next to me i'm sorry i have no idea who you are i'm mr asshat so since you're a writer you can do entitled kids homework for her and give me your number so i can set up a time for you to give her english lessons every day this is about when i thought i was having a stroke i'm a teacher now is this kid opening up a textbook look i think you have the wrong person i don't teach i know but you can start now it's our duty to teach the youth so i'll just pick entitle kid up in an hour okay i actually have to run um i'll get your number from your mum and he walked out walked out leaving me with this loud belligerent girl who insisted on going through my purse she then proceeded to shove her homework at me and demanded that i do it while she played on her ipad spinning with pain and confusion i pried my purse away from entitled kid who immediately began to scream i hobbled out of there wincing while entitled kids stayed inside and demanded that the staff give her cookies i made it to the lobby where entitled dad was terrorizing others he looks at me and apparently loses what was left of his fragile mind and says what are you doing here i told you to finish entitled kid's homework did you leave her alone in the cafe yeah that's not my job and yes i did i need to get something on my foot you can go get her entitled dad proceeds to bar my way to the elevator and demands that i wait until he gets entitled kid so we can all go up to my apartment and i can do her homework there this is where i kind of lost it i yelled for security and they came running took one look at me leading against the wall in pain and escorted me into the elevator entitled dad was yelling at me the whole time saying he would be up there soon so here is where it gets worse in the elevator security informed me that he was a realtor and not a resident he would not be allowed up to my apartment after what i told them upstairs my parents were horrified and my mother apologized for telling anyone what i did apparently he told her and some others that he was a resident entitled dad cornered her in the lobby later and demanded my number she gave him a piece of her mind told him i was injured and told that his foot would be someplace unpleasant if he or his kid ever approached me again he backed down but told her i should be more understanding because ink in the water is old enough to get married and have her own children who stays unmarried at 24. she had him escorted off the premises he is now banned entry for harassing residents entitled kids stole what she thought were mints from my purse they were herbal laxatives crappy treats for little freaks posted by user swan medic titled no ma'am you cannot demand we hire your son a few years ago i worked at a store that dealt in used electronics it was mostly movies games and pop culture merch but we also sold a variety of items like cameras and headphones it was a very popular store due to partly the low prices and the fact we generally paid more than our competitors for used goods but customers also liked the atmosphere the staff was very close knit and management encouraged a casual approach to customer service so not only was it a cool place to shop it seemed like a cool place to work which it was this meant that during all times of the year we were flooded with applications we actually had a new apps box behind the counter that had to be emptied for filing once a week because it would fill up as a retail establishment we did have a moderate turnover but the store was small and only had 11 to 15 people employed there at any given time so we only occasionally picked up new hires this didn't stop people applying especially recent graduates who are hoping that the cool video game store could be their first job i was working at the front counter at the time entitled mother walked into the door this happened a while ago so this conversation is of course paraphrased she approached me and i smiled and greeted her i say hi how can i help you hi can i speak to the manager oh of course but he's currently in the office on a call he was is there something i can help you with before he's available my son turned in an application a month ago and he hasn't turned anything back i'm apologetic and say oh i'm sorry ma'am we get a lot of applications to the point where our employment manager can't call people back if they aren't accepted for an interview this should be mentioned on the application but i'm sorry if your son wasn't told that however we keep applications on file for six months so if a position opens up we could still possibly consider him for employment she huffed and rolled to rise giving me a sarcastic laugh and says that's ridiculous are you guys prejudiced against hiring boys or something i blinked at her i was one of two girls employed at this location compared to 11 guys of the four people visible behind the counter i was the only girl ma'am i'm one of the only girls that worked here entitled mother seemed to notice this and began to splutter a little because she was getting flustered she continued laughing sarcastically through her sentences so what are you prejudiced against hiring a hard worker i honestly didn't know what to say i was trying not to laugh because it was such a weird response so i said no we just have a lot of applicants and the chances of getting picked are low it's not personal um but if you'd still like to ask the manager about it i can go see if he's finished on the phone and she's huffing and still laughing and it's like nah nah never mind this is just ridiculous um i'm taking my business to competitor instead she stomped away and after she left my co-workers and i just looked at each other and started laughing we chatted about it for a little while and when the manager came back from the office we told him about the encounter he basically said what i said that it was one application in a sea of many and it wasn't personal honestly if you come into the store and demand the manager to hire your kid it's probably only going to hurt their chances nobody wants to deal with someone's crazy parent hovering around the business all the time entitled mother tries making me give my spot up for her daughter so this happened last year but i didn't have enough comment karma so here we go agu is me m is karen ek is the kid and agud is my dad i just graduated high school and i was waiting for my responses from the colleges i applied to well the day came i got my acceptance letter to a good college in my state well my neighbors had a child who graduated with me and applied to the same college the only difference is that she didn't get accepted so she jumped our fence it isn't high since it was for the dog and knocked on the door so i opened it and the conversation goes as follows hey did you get into college uh yeah i did did you no because you took my spot well um if you'd actually tried in high school instead of slacking and turning to drugs maybe you would have gotten in i got all a's in middle school and high school thank you and vaping isn't a drug now the funny part is that in middle school she had advocated against vaping then ended up doing it a year later as for the grades part she started sleeping in high school resulting in her dropping from all her advanced classes so i just shook my head and watched her leave i wasn't affected she ruined her life on her own her mum and her came back over and her mom was ticked with a wrath of fury she knocked on my door i opened it having been awoken by the knocking and was pushed down to the grounds entitled mother says if you know what's good for you you'd give up your spot my spot for the college i have worked towards since i was young no way get out of here karen my name is not karen and i demand you give your spot to entitled kid listen entitled mother it's your daughter's fault for slacking i am not giving up my spot for her my dad had heard screaming after a thud so he had come up to see what was going on when he saw entitled mother screaming at me egard says what's going on in title mother ego stole x spot in college oh you got in well i don't know what to tell you she got in fair and square no she did not she took my baby's spot listen if you don't leave right now i'm calling the police entitled mother and entitled kid dare to leave but not without threatening us first and as far as i know the kid still lives there without a job and is not in college as for her mom she got the cops called on her for trying to harass my sister i however am enjoying quarantine with my roommates who actually is the other person from my grade to make it into the college as for my family they're doing better now my mom is a worker however so it's taking a toll on her still but other than that we all good edot does this seem dramatic maybe it is i am a dramatic person at times i probably made this bigger than it should have been and there was parts cut outs that i feel wouldn't fit like the daughter didn't go immediately home we talked after that but i mean the only reason i know she was declined was because well she set it up there right yeah more or less and sadly my parents don't have a peephole on their door can't watch for karen's the edits didn't really help me out in this situation but thank you for putting it in there op yet that really helped out i guess posted by user dracul baron titled entitled mother wants to push my staff off a ladder background i was a site engineer in the finishing stages of a mall restaurants and stores were handled by their contractors and our only interaction was to ensure the compliance and connection to the mall's overall fire emergency system now hooking up a normal sized store would usually take us an hour because we had to simulate a fire and ping every fire detector to ensure that we had the proper location and a dress we usually did this in the early hours of the morning at around 8 00 am however by the time we reached the restaurant level they had already opened up and on this faithful day i had the largest restaurant on that level to deal with while we started at 8 am it was around 10 am and we were only halfway done when the restaurant opened to the patrons our cast our manager entitled mother daughter son and me scene manager says baron i'm going to let in a family who came early because it's really hot outside fine but please keep them on the right wing of the store while we finish here and we'll try to keep noise and dust to a minimum and i have a reservation for three hi yes please right this way oh they're still working on the and he gave us a wave what how disgusting why are you guys open while they're still working oh don't worry ma'am you'll be seated away from the work and as you can see they have a transparent top set up between us so you won't see a single speck of dust it's not just the dust but the smell disgusting pigs can't they even shower by the way we've been working without air conditioner on the outside of the store in august since 8 00 am but we did not smell like really hey hey excuse me the daughter and son say mom don't ah this sigh was palpable you one with the glasses you need to leave hmm first i have a name bat i don't care about your name just do as i say or i will tell your boss and have you fired really you know if i tell my guys to step down the ladder we will close this plate i do not care if you won't get off the ladder i will push them off here's the thing the ladder is about 3 meters high around 10 feet both technicians are dangling from its testing fire alarms for misfires and classifications a fall from that height with their feet wrapped around the ladder steps would mean broken legs hips and they might see a few broken ribs i'm like what the actual did you just say cross the top and attempt it come on ma'am i'm going to have to call security if you do not stop this mom stop how dare you threaten me she walked over the top i say okay and i slapped her with the back of the ipad that i was using as a checklist and pushed her onto the floor and onto her ass out of the top threaten my staff again i dare you how dare you touch me i will have your head for this you you pig well i did not really touch you i do not touch trash bare-handed as i wiggled my ipad in front of her and she screams out son beat him she began breathing heavily and as if a demon is going to appear by her side to kill me he's like no he grabbed his mum by the shoulder helped her up and ushered her out the door i've never seen someone more ashamed the manager says miss i called security please step outside with me the aftermath the security came and took their statements she screamed a few more insults and said i broke her teeth but refused to open her mouth to show the security once they mentioned cameras she started to pretend to faint i was called in and asked to tell my side of the story and mine was corroborated by the cameras in the store i did not face any charges and the woman was banned from the mall her kids however were still allowed to enter normally and by the way the primary reason i've been holding off this story is because how i handled it was immature and where i should have de-escalated the situation i reacted by enticing a confrontation regardless of whether people deserve to be called out for their behavior or punished should be a matter of law and not personal vendettas while i did not get punished i am somewhat ashamed of my actions when possible we should try to de-escalate situations a lesson i learned after a few more of these encounters author's notes slap here might be too aggressive of a description but it's the closest term i could think of i firmly placed the ipad on her face and forcefully pushed it off in other terms the ipad did not forcefully collide with their face initially but it was a powerful push followed by a body shove posted by user sunny cool titled the noise police another post reminded me of my best friend's first foray into property ownership while i never lived with them i visited a couple times a week on average and saw this behavior first hand my bestie and her husband bought the first floor of a two-family house that had been turned into condos what of advice never buy into a two unit condo association i've seen in several times and it's never ended well anyhow all was fine for the first two years until the upstairs unit sold to an epically entitled single mother and her toddler son the first thing the single mother did was rip out all the carpeting all the layers of noise-proofing under the flooring and refinish the crappy subfloor to be her flooring her excuse for this was allergies and not being able to afford proper flooring maybe don't buy an expensive condo in a trendy neighborhood then anyhow this left her basically nothing between her unit and the lower units that would muffle any sound at all every single time she could hear anything from downstairs during certain times she flew into a screaming rage and came barging on their front door she expected absolute silence between 1pm and 5pm because her son took his nap somewhere in there depending on when he got tired also between 7pm and 9am because kiddo was either sleeping or winding down for bed in that time period sometimes she'd flip out outside of those hours at random because she was an entitled jerk the quiet hours in the condo agreement were from 11 pm to 7 am just for the record not that she cared some of the things she came screaming to complain about that i personally witnessed in the daytime or early evening the times i was visiting that did not overlap with quiet hours included most any conversation at a volume above a whisper running the garbage disposal dishwasher washer dryer blender or basically any appliance even the ding of the toaster was too much vacuuming having the television music on at any volume playing the piano or acoustic guitar talking in a normal speaking voice opening or closing doors not even remotely slamming their cats playing chase around the house eating meals the clatter of utensils on plates she wanted them all to use plastic or disposable paper as it was quieter phones ringing or vibrating too loudly usually the one left on a table or something that amplified that noise a bit doing yoga washing dishes by hand sneezing walking too hard any walking was called this if you stepped on one of the creaky floorboards in this 100 year old house having the compressor of the fridge come on it made a tiny thunk and a dull like most do the ice machine being used to dispense ice or it dumping ice as part of its normal cycle and of course flushing the toilet worse her kid was a tantrum tossing cater walling type who liked to beat toys against the floor there being nothing between the floors anymore that muffled any sound my bestie and her husband was subject to this insane noise at full volume at all hours any mention of it caused his entitled mother to launch into a tirade about how he was just a kid how hard it was to be a single mother and what did they expect her to do well um put the noise-proofing material back which wasn't even allowed to be removed per her contract given it was a two-unit condo association and entitled mummy wouldn't vote against herself there was nothing they could do except sue which they couldn't afford at that time and would have only served to escalate things further this wildly entitled mum made their lives so miserable with their constant beating on their door to scream at them at all hours that it took about six months for them to put their condo on the markets and move the entitled mother was thrilled about this and gloated about the horrid noisy people leaving since they lived in a very trendy up-and-coming town they got several full asking price offers the one they accepted wasn't the best offer as the terms were extremely fussy and specific but the seemingly entitled couple that made the offer was also extremely pregnant my bestie and her husband moved to a single family home where they were free to flush whenever they wanted we all still have a laugh now and then imagining the war zone of feuding entitled parents in the old place tldr entitled parent rips out soundproofing between condo units then flips out constantly at being able to hear everyday noises like flushing friends move to escape the abuse and sell to a very pregnant entitled couple we all enjoy imagining the war zone left behind posted by user v stormcloud titled religious entitled mother wants to call her lawyers because her 18 year old daughter moved out before i get this started i just want to say that i've been reading entitled parent stories for over two years and i never thought i would have one to tell of my own this is a story about how my friends lives have been going recently so here meet the cast em is a killer robot overlord d is her daughter boyfriend is dee's boyfriend andy is nice dad f is friend and l is landlord so the daughter had had enough of entitled mother she said she considered moving out and entitled mother cuts off dear's phone service and took her phone away kicked her out of nice dad's house and didn't speak to the daughter for months after that boyfriend got her a new phone and a job at domino's they both work there now i think i also should mention entitled mother is trying to keep daughter on her child support for as long as possible so that she can keep taking money from nice daughter who is making around 35 000 a year while entitled mother is making 90 000 in cyber security and she gets primary custody and child support that she doesn't need even though entitled mother cheated on nice dad countless times daughter and boyfriend are currently living with my friend whose mother is their landlord elle entitled mother threatened to take a legal action against elle who was an immigrant barbershop employee who was barely able to pay for her own home and car for renting to people who just turned 18 which is the legal age to move out of your parents house entitled mother also said that she will be looking for her we don't really know what that means so we'll just need to hope for the best the worst part is entitled mother has had everything handed to her her entire life and nothing bad has ever happened to entitled mother i apologize that there is no happy ending here because the conflict is still going on i'm hoping that i'll be posting a good news update in the future thanks for reading posted by user cubedroid05 titled entitled mother tries to take away my wheelchair so her daughter can sit down context this happened before lockdown started in the uk so the details of the story are not pinpoint accurate alcasta me mum the dip crap and title mother entitled mother's daughter and nurse i had a skiing accident while learning to ski with a friend this was because we were going on holiday it had been going quite well but in the last 30 minutes i fell over and broke it i was stretched off the slope and taken to the hospital when there i was given a wheelchair because i couldn't walk and didn't have crutches because it had just broken we went into the waiting area and it was quite busy because this was back when everyone was taking their kids to the hospital because their child got a cold combine that with two serious accidents that came in and we had a long wait ahead of us thankfully the wheelchair was cushioned which was nice for me and about three hours into the wait a mother and daughter walk into the waiting room this is entitled mother and daughter daughter has a face mask on and is looking worried entitled mother says go find his seat daughter while i sign in but make sure it's away from people but all the seats are close to each other and it's full well find anyone and sit down you're wearing a face mask daughter looks around the room and spots one empty chair and sits down entitled mother walks over and says where's my seat daughter this is the only empty one entitled mother entitled mother stands up for about an hour she then scours the room and spots me in my nice comfy wheelchair and she starts walking over to me excuse me young man yes i can't help but notice that you're on a movable chair could i borrow that from you to sit next to my daughter no sorry my son is waiting on an x-ray and can't stand up well if you haven't had an x-ray then you don't know if it's broken i think it's broken because you can hear the clicking when you move it well it's public property so you can't use it as your private property i seriously can't move so can you leave me alone entitled mother raises her voice for the waiting room to hear what do you mean i can't have the chair my daughter is very nervous and needs me to sit next to her daughter looks down at the floor embarrassed the nurse calls out and says can i please have me for his x-ray my mother and i go into the x-ray and get the diagnosis that my leg is broken and get it casted this takes about three hours and takes us till two in the morning i'm then taken home but while i'm going back through the waiting room i spot entitled mother and the colour drops from her face as she realizes that my leg was actually broken there was no arrest and no removing from the hospital just a very conveniently timed nurse and a look of horror on entitled mother's face edits just to be clear the daughter is not entitled added to this happened in an amd and was full of little children they were all running around clearly fine and should have been taken to a walk-in center instead posted by user andrew52717 titled there is no bedroom only office i'm posting a lot of these stories today but they keep flooding my memory this one occurred around the downswing of my parents behavior i would say around that time that hugs and i love you stopped being a thing in our house i think i was around 7ish who here remembers those foam chairs that you would unfold into a bed that you could get for three easy payments of 1995 call now i had asked my parents for one for years as a kid because it would be cool to be able to camp out in the living room and watch vhs tapes because i'm that old imagine my surprise when my parents got one each for me and my brother we were so excited we would use them as often as we could sometimes i would sleep on that in my room instead of my bed so my brother and i did not like cleaning our room as most seven-year-olds wouldn't what kid enjoys cleaning their room so one day my dad gave us an ultimatum of clean your room or else he didn't say what he would do i would try to keep the room clean but it was a losing battle my brother and i are twins and share a room and you know the difficulty of keeping a shared room clean anyway it wasn't kept to their liking so my dad came in with garbage bags and started bagging our stuff and putting it somewhere where we couldn't find it he then tells us his punishment that we lost our room our parents put us in the corner of the living room by the broken front door that did not have working locks with our dresser and two fold out chairs as beds this setup was in full view during holidays and family visits absolutely embarrassing they ended up turning our room into an office for my mom's business as she worked out of the house during that time now that i look back on the experience i realized that folding chairs were all part of the grand plan to use our mild disobedience as an excuse to give my mom a home office at its photo included we ended up staying in the living room for what felt like a year but i miss remembering by their account as it was only three months either way a ridiculous scenario and here's my fancy pants bed i actually remember having one of these as a kid but it was a different design i think was thomas the tank engine still pretty sick bed posted by user suggest3 titled entitled mother makes fun of my height to try to win in arguments so i return the favor with all of her flaws i'm turning 27 in a few weeks and stand at a mega 5 foot two because of my height people have never taken me seriously and it will probably be a long time before anyone does most of the time i try to keep myself busy and not think about it but in my private moments i find myself hating this at cursed heights or when i'm feeling moody please don't leave comforting comments they only make me more miserable alcastar me insert snarky name slash title here entitled medusa and entitled medusa's teenage daughter story so i was standing in the front of a self-checkout after picking up groceries and it was one of those days when i was feeling moody and was wallowing in self-pity suddenly a karen appears and cuts in line she didn't even stand in a correct spot for the social distancing just waltzed in front of me she was with her teenage daughter and the daughter already looked like she wanted to bury her head in the sand not wanting to deal with this i decided to call her out and say excuse me but you just cut in front of me no i didn't you're just slow please get behind the line i've been waiting mom he's right you aren't even no i got this and she turns back to me i am not listening to someone so short she was around five foot seven what does that have to do with you cutting in line you don't understand how our society works no one's going to listen to your hobbitas people behind me went off and the daughter buries her face in her hands me with a nonchalant look say you don't understand how our society works either no one's gonna listen to your logicless ass either she was left stunned people snickered and even the daughter was trying not to laugh one of the checkouts became available and i went around her to purchase my food i thought this was the end but no entitled mother wanted to win this bitter battle she came up to me used her arms to swipe everything off the counter and said you will apologize and buy my groceries no i will not apologize for something i'm right about let alone reward your childlike behavior i am older and wiser than you you'll listen to bit i am a senior at state university averaging a 3.8 gpa what's your education the daughter chiming and giggling ged entitled mother's face goes red and says i still have authority to ruin you my husband is ok i'm gonna have to stop you right there tell me have you done any sort of work aside from getting money from him what does that have to do with have you endured any form of hardships struggles or problems to get where you are entitled mother finally shuts up you see that's the difference between you and me regular folks like me had to work their butts off to get to achieve what they want unlike you who had everything handed down because you opened your legs to some rich and powerful dude entitled mother was about to see more but that's when the manager and security dude arrived didn't even need to take statements apparently she was banned from this store before didn't figure out why she was quickly escorted out with the daughter trailing behind people who were watching the whole thing offered to buy my stuff but i knew that i wasn't that desperate i simply went back to grab the items again and paid for it despite the manager insisting it will be on the house as i exited the daughter was waiting for me and apologized for her mom's behavior i apologized for that last remark sounding like it was directed at her she didn't find it offensive but found it hilarious posted by user sassy cheesecube titled karen wants a teenager to teach her swear words in french in front of her 10 year olds i'm indian but i speak a few languages like french spanish and italian as i said in my last post i use french out of context sometimes i don't swear in real life unless someone is being a pain in the ass and this happened in march i went to meet my friend's brother when he came back from canada in early march before flights got cancelled we were not in a crowded place but there were some people here and there we were having ice cream and we were just chatting because he lived in canada we started a conversation in french just for fun cause why not enter missed karen with her little piss baby he looked around 10. p-baby was throwing tantrums about getting two ice creams but karen said no so that little started yelling out swears i was shocked to be frank p baby probably heard them from karen or his father i assumed but did not care that much as we continued our conversation karen heard us ah here we go she says is that german no it's spanish um no then what are you speaking my friend's brother says french oh i love france then she said je m'a belle bonjour friends brother and i looked at each other with a face another idiot er we acknowledged her with nods but did not want to say anything because we knew it would be breaking our head against the wall and continued our conversation but she kept on trying to hear what we said while we just ignored her a few minutes later she says teach me how to swear i want ice cream i don't swear you do you're a teenager don't lie to me ice cream well some teenagers don't no but you have to teach us her interp baby ice cream friend's brother says leave us alone how dare you i am your mother's age apologize to me and then the pee baby swears friend's brother and i decided to ignore her and that hurt her karen ego she threatened to call the cops yes she wanted to turn us in because we won't swear by now karen was scaring other customers then the manager of the ice cream parlor comes and asks her what's wrong this woman literally had the nerve to say they are swearing at me and my little innocent child throw them out they are bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep the manager then says that's it you're causing a public disturbance you need to leave her and pee baby were both thrown out and what was the last thing the pee baby said you ask ice cream oh you got your ba do my son's homework so my mother has always been irritating but when it comes to my little brother 16 male she goes completely berserk she spoils him rotten and nothing is ever his fault or responsibility recently he bragged about how he paid a classmate to do his homework and my mother called him smart for it my partner has recently gotten his bachelor of arts in graphic design and my mother knows how good he is at arts he has nothing to do with my brother since i don't live at home anymore my brother had this art assignment that he had several weeks to finish at home during quarantine well he didn't do it he didn't even start two days before the due date i get a text from my mom the first one since my grandpa died months ago that read something like oh hi my little darling baby your brother has some homework he needs a bit of help with and sends me the pdf with the teachers very clear and simple instructions i already think it's a bit weird since she hasn't marked any parts of the instructions i ask her what part he needs help with and she says oh you know i thought you and partner could just do it real quick and then your brother and i could finish it up i told her that no neither i nor my partner would do my brother's homework for him she was like so you're just gonna make me finish it all by myself and i told her that maybe she should consider letting my brother do his own homework she got very upset and has been giving me the silent treatment for a week honestly that woman will be the end of me edits i am 22 female not my mother i'm sorry for wording it in a slightly confusing way but please think about it for 30 seconds before making another comment about it also to those of you urging me to call the school and tell the teacher he cheated i don't know what kind of environment you grow up in but the last time i told a teacher someone was cheating i was maybe eight years old and adults calling the school and being like my little brother is totally cheating i hope there will be consequences would make me sound like a mini carring myself i am not going to waste my time calling the school doing his homework wrong or anything else that sounds like the plot from some 80s movie also my mum can be a piece of work sometimes and my brother is definitely a weird kid but he's not traumatized abused or ruined just because his mom is annoying posted by user doodlebug cutie titled i'm early so where's my cake this didn't happen to me but a co-worker of mine i work at a bakery in a grocery store not far from where i live a few weeks ago about the beginning of june it was extremely crazy due to an onslaught of cage orders made for graduations and birthdays thankfully i didn't have to work that day but the co-worker who this story is about told me the story of a woman who came in wanting a mermaid cake for her daughter first thing i should mention when we get a cake order we always write down what time we can expect to see the customer that way we can sort the cakes based on how early they need to be prepared turns out this woman comes in an hour before the decorators had her order finished and rather than just doing other shopping and coming back she stands right outside the bakery and impatiently waits for the cakes and cupcakes interrupting every now and then to ask how much longer it's going to be so the decorators are just scrambling to finish both orders for her once they're finally ready the woman takes it and decides to balance the large box on the seat for small children at the front of her car rather than making room for it in the basket my co-worker warns her about the potential accident this is likely to end in but the woman shrugs the warning off and basically ignores her well she decides to go through self-checkout and guess what happens that's right the cupcakes fall she marches back over to the bakery fuming like they had anything to do with the mess all the way from the other side of the store and demands that they prepare more cupcakes for her grudgingly they fix what cupcakes they can and remake the ones that were beyond saving all while she's bickering about there not any help in the self-checkout area lady it's self-freaking checkout you help yourself they eventually were able to get rid of her but it backed them up on the rest of the orders they had to get done thankfully that was the only memorable entitled parents they had to deal with that day or at least what my co-worker told me posted by user sleepier wilted 1203 titled entitled aunt blames and tries to shame me because her daughter lost her diamond earrings okay i must mention that this happened before lockdown also please excuse the formatting i wrote this on my phone i went to visit my grandmother who lives with my uncle and his family my uncle's wife and i have never had a great relationship long history of disrespecting and insulting my grandparents for example she tried to get them arrested by claiming they physically abused her when in fact there was proof that that never happened anyway this was just to give you the idea of what kind of person she is back to the visit so we had a small party with all our distant relatives and my aunt dressed up my little cousin who was six years old and put diamond earrings on her now these were really big uncomfortable earrings for a little girl to wear not surprisingly during the course of the party she pulled one out and lost it since i noticed it was missing i removed the other earring and went to my arms to return it and inform her of what just happened apparently this was the wrong move because she blew up on me she said since i saw that it was missing it was my responsibility to find it again she then moved on to see how careless i was for not constantly monitoring her child and how i was ultimately responsible for the missing earring she also declares to the entire party that i was a careless person and a bad sister for not looking after my cousin after much argument entitled aunt confidently approaches my parents demanding money and also actually threatened to take my jewelry since it was rightfully hers as i lost her earrings needless to say the party did not end well edit for those asking about what happened next my parents and my grandmother got really ticked off this is just one of many incidents that have happened over the last few years but her trying to embarrass me in front of everyone and demanding money was obviously not well received by my family i personally have cut off communication with her i love my uncle very much and thankfully still have a good relationship with him and my cousins despite her efforts to stop it my parents have also chosen not to communicate with her at least until she apologizes and acknowledges what she did was wrong posted by user suhaibi 17 titled family of dishes gets annoyed at me for doing my job so i work as a cashier at a pizza place and i've had my fair share of carrots including one that called the cops check my first story here but today was special it was busy as hell and in comes the douche family complete with a darren a karen and their offspring no masks of course so karen's already making a fuss that they have to hurry and the line's taking too long but i ignore them and continue taking orders and eventually it's their turn darren starts rambling on about how i'm too slow and that they're in a rush but i silently just take it up and take their order their order rounded up to 27 and when i ask them how they will pay they say cash the karen pulls out her coin pouch and dumps an avalanche of change so now i'm fuming because i hate this type of crap and when the order is 27 fudging dollars it'll be a pain she slides the change to me and says that'll cover it so the cogs in my scheming brain start turning i decide to be a good cashier and count the change slowly just to make sure i have the right amount and then i just accidentally ended up messing up and have to restart karen was fuming at this point but i just told her with my customer service voice sorry ma'am but i need to make sure that this is the correct amount i could hear her snickering from the other customers who already paid and thankfully douche family was last to order so i decided to punish them for their entitlement a tad bit more i then dropped the change and took my time picking them up and handed them their receipt the douches spent more time ordering than waiting for their pizza was i being a dick yes did they deserve it yes sorry for the long story but this just happened so i remember the details well update my boss texted me and told me the family of douche made a complaint and said i was being rude worth it posted by user major chop titled entitled mother discriminates against foreign language em is the middle aged karen woman in the story ek some crotch goblin and me the one and only also m is the lovely female that takes care of me so me and my mother went to get some things at multiple stores as we were missing some stuff that we needed we entered the shop and disinfected our hands with sand sanitizer they had at the door my mother comes from spain so she wants me and my brother to learn and speak spanish we've spoken it since birth and we always speak it among each other as we were walking we were talking about all the things we needed to get as she forgot the list at home some people looked at us oddly but they kept shopping like normal not thinking much of it like all people should do here is where entitled mother and entitled kid come into play they are talking about how we look and that we shouldn't be there people start looking at them with a disgusted face entitled mother smiles and keeps walking toward me and my mother entitled mother clears her throat crickets can be heard she clears her throat again even louder me and my mom take notice and look at them then walk toward the aisle with kitchen knives entitled mother to a random stranger says look they're buying a knife what will they do with it the random stranger just looks at entitled mother shocked at the way that she just talked about us me and my mom go to the cash desk to pay for the things we had bought entitled mother makes another comment on our appearance my mum in perfect dutch says have a wonderful day miss and i in perfect dutch also say the same to everyone else entitled mother turns bright red and leaves this door and a half mumbling some very racist slurs along the way thanks for reading posted by user bronze butterfly titled screw your feelings i have rights this story was in the courts section of the local newspaper today and i thought it was relevant so here we go a local man was brought up on charges of assaulting his daughter as well as using threatening words against her apparently the daughter was just walking along minding her own business on her way to get lunch when she encounters her entitled father he asked her for a hug and she refused she got the lunch and was on her way back to work but the entitled father followed her blocked her path slapped her in the face and threatened to kill her she escaped and reported him to the police this idiot of a dad told the court that he did it because she was rude to him the judge basically told him that the daughter had no obligation to him for hugs or otherwise the daughter testified in court that she didn't want anything to do with him the magistrate had to remind him that he couldn't tell her what to do since she was an adult entitled father insisted that he had rights that he brought her into this world and spent money on her the judge had to tell him off again and i quote your children have no legal obligation to you she didn't ask to be brought into this world you made that decision and it was your obligation to take care of her but she is not a child anymore she is an adult now he advised him you wouldn't expect that at your age your father to come and try to discipline you it ended up with entitled father being reprimanded and discharged for the assault but he's on a 12-month bond to keep the peace because of the threats he made to his daughter if he breaches the bond he gets to spend three months in prison for those of you asking for links to the reports no it actually has the names of not only the entitled father but also the victim so i'd rather it not get out of hand if this post got big i can provide proof of authenticity to the mods if asked though posted by user rico de frico titled entitled mother asks me to turn down the volume on a lawnmower a little bit of context i am 14 years old and i have no way of making money other than mowing lawns my local church's lawn is huge and they pay my dad around six to ten thousand dollars a year to do it and he pays me eight dollars an hour and we have to mow the lawn there every week and it takes us about two to three hours each time so we arrive at the church lift up the deck and release the straps and everything to get the mower off the trailer and i get to use the zero turn this time fast forward about an hour and a half entitled mother is walking up to us because the church is next to a park and says um could you turn down the volume of the mellow please my son doesn't like it yes that's right she asked me to turn the volume down sorry ma'am it doesn't work that way you can't just turn down the volume because it's not a tv obviously i knew what she meant but if i turned it down it'd take ages to do the lawn fine then i'll just tell your father hmm go right ahead he'll tell you the exact same thing except he'll make it a bigger problem for you fine she didn't go to my father she actually went back to the park and sat down with a crappy look on her face fast forward about 10 or so minutes and entitled mother was ticked she's walking over to me now as i was on the south field next to my dad's truck entitled mother talking to my dad says your son is driving like a maniac no i wasn't and he refuses to turn down the volume of the mower and my son doesn't like loud noises my dad says sorry suck it up he can't turn it down he was using finger quotes but what he can do is make it go slower which makes it quieter entitled mother looking for a chance to cut him off and be right says so that little crap lied to me well yeah but then it would take us much longer to do our work my dad then proceeds to grab the edger and walks off to the highway to edge and i drive off to finish mowing entitled mother had walked away with a furious look in her eyes but she couldn't do anything about it posted by user cjw 5110 titled apparently a rental dispute is grounds for life ruining this happened 10 years ago my god i can't believe it's been so long buckle up it's a long one i was in college and had an off-campus house that i rented with some friends the two previous years i had found someone to sublet my place over the summer which offset some of the costs of housing while i was working my summer job in spring of 2010 i was looking to do the same thing at the time i was working at a store loosely affiliated with the university when i got a call from a parent who thought she was calling someone from the university i explained the distinction but said that i'd be happy to try to help her anyway she told me that she was looking for a place for her son to store a couple boxes over the summer now we had a lot of students from all over the place and storage companies knew it so they would charge an arm and a leg for every little thing i'm talking about like 250 dollars a month to store five regular moving boxes i told her that i had a house with a basement nobody was using and her son could always keep his stuff in the basement for 150 for this summer she liked the idea and as we continued talking we decided that he would take a look at the place and consider subletting it from me for the summer for five hundred and fifty dollars a month instead of the one thousand two hundred dollars a month that the campus housing would charge he liked it so i drafted up a sublease agreement just like i'd done with three previous subletters got half a month's rent plus another 250 security deposit and we had ourselves a deal i told him in person and in writing that since he wanted to move in the day after my lease started on the place not everything would be perfect i'd need some time to get everything in but he'd have at the very least a bed desk standing ac unit and fan it is worth noting that once summer started i was a working a terrible travelling salesperson job that had me working 6 am to 8 pm and b prepping to take the lsat in mid-june that said i met him when he moved in and showed him the ropes i rigged up the ac unit so that the condensation would drain out the window so he didn't need to worry about it and they gave him all the information he needed two days later i get a call from him at 10 am saying that the ac was leaking okay i told him i'll be there after work i get to the house at 9pm only to find that he did literally nothing about the problem the ac was still running and leaking into the room the carpet was soaked and a bunch of my furniture was pretty heavily water damaged i figured out how to get most of the water out of the carpets turned off the ac units and told him that i'd come back with a window units when i had the time to get one the next day he tells me that he wants to move out because it's too hot and the room now smells i'm frustrated that he wants to break his lease because he decided not to do a damn thing to fix the problem that happens but whatever i went to the place to talk through next steps and here was our interaction i say i get that you want to leave but we have a contract what is your expectation about money the tenant says my mom says that since i was only here for a few days you should refund the 475 dollars i already paid you well that isn't really realistic you damaged my room ended breaking the lease i can offer you a hundred dollars you can keep your stuff here just let me know when you want it and i'll let you in to get it well i can't really see if that's okay my mum wrote that check ah i didn't sign the contract with your mom i signed it with you your dad witnessed it but it's not my money i don't know if this is okay like i said my contract is with you it doesn't matter who pays me the payment is on your behalf okay i'll see what she says he took my check and gave me back my key i thought the matter was over it wasn't within an hour i got multiple calls from both of his parents one was from his dad who told me he was an attorney and would sue me for the 375 dollars i stole from them the other one was from his mum who told me that she was going to one call the school and have me expelled two call future employers and have any job offers rescinded three sue me and make me pay back everything and more four have me arrested for theft it sounded crazy so i had some friends and family listen to the message specifically i had two attorneys and a judge listen and all of them laughed telling me just to ignore it so i did worth noting all of this went down the day before i took the lsat not making excuses but i got a 156 on that exam and basically gave up on the idea of going to law school as a result i was not thrilled with the situation but i thought they were just blowing off steam oh boy they were not three days later i get a call and an email from the office of the vice provost for student behavior i was working so once i heard this stanley worded message that i needed to call back i was um terrified was i really going to get expelled over this i call and i learned that apparently i had presented myself as an agent of the university i didn't told my tenant that my house was sponsored by the university i didn't and it wasn't stole hundreds of dollars from the family nope and i was stealing the tenant's stuff i thought i was just being a decent person by letting him store his stuff without charging extra whoops after explaining the person on the other end clearly recognized that i was representing things accurately she even told me that i was relatively reasonable for writing that check for 100 as i really didn't have to given the damage that was done to my room she also told me what she'd told the tenant's mom this was a dispute between a landlord and a tenant and it had literally nothing to do with the university the tenant apparently wanted to pick his stuff up so i went back to the house that night and he took it but it wasn't over in september i got another email this time telling me to appear in person again i got nervous as hell once i walked in the person rolled her eyes and said that she wanted to have me come in so she could tell this tenant's mum she'd talk to me so that the woman would stop calling apparently she'd called no fewer than a dozen times but it still wasn't over in december my parents got a handwritten letter informing them of the tactics i was using to bully and intimidate the tenant and his parents as with the other letters emails phone calls and miscellaneous threats i ignored them no lawsuit came they lived across the country and there's no way that a small claims court would have had me reimburse 375 and pay 1 000 for round-trip airfare and hotels i honestly would have been impressed if they decided to sue me on principal the matter finally went away without the ruining of my life my expulsion from school rescinding of any job offers or well any other consequences but yowza was that a bonanza of crap mother made her 10 year old daughter cut her hair and threw a tantrum when it wasn't good enough i've got the pleasure of having a karen as a mother and you guys seem to like these stories so here's another one a little backstory before i begin my mum has hated me my whole life favoring my little sister over me and mentally and physically abusing me most of my life until i left to live with my dad i spent a lot of my young life trying to win her affection by doing the same things as my sister did like going to pony club when i didn't really have to until i eventually gave up and didn't care what she thought anymore my mom is five foot eight broad shouldered and a bit overweight but strong from doing farm work most of her life needless to say i was scared of her back then this happened when i was 10 years old in 2000 my mom is a huge choosing beggar and hates spending money when she doesn't have to this includes going to a hairdresser my sister was seven at the time so i was her next option for this mistake that she only made once she came into my room and asked if i would cut her hair for her i really didn't want to practically beg her not to make me do it but i was still in that stage of wanting her approval so i reluctantly said yes big mistake so not knowing what i was doing i cut her hair and big surprise i did a horrible job it was salvable if she ever went to the hairdresser to get it fixed but she was too cheap and stubborn to do that i was grounded for the rest of the week except for going to school and was made to do all of my sister's chores with a bit extra such as shoveling the horse crap in the paddocks into a bucket and cutting them to the bin anyone who's ever smelt fresh horse poo will understand why this task was exceptionally bad and any other inventive chores she could come up with for the rest of the week she stomped around the house saying snarky comments like why can't she be like her sister at least she would have done a better job than op i can't go out looking like this if we starve then i know whose fault it is bloody useless kids around here why don't i have enough money oh i know why meaning it was my fault that she didn't have a job and relied on my dad's child support payments for income it wasn't until i was 15 that i finally stood up to her and her bs which involved a glass jar to her head she didn't touch me again after that and i moved in with my dad not long after that my life is much better now that i'm not in contact with her i'm mentally stable with no long-lasting issues from her abuse i'm more stable than my mother and i refuse to let her break me my sister and i are good friends now and she hates our poor excuse for a mother just as much as i do keep an eye out for more stories about my entitled brother as there are many thanks for reading posted by user orion levi 2 titled living with a cove idiot disclaimer i'm about ready to cry in anger over this so i apologize for any mistakes in grammar and spelling so i unfortunately and the offspring of the entitled one here and it brings me great shame to consider him family he's the type of person who is so set in his ways that he refuses to listen to reason a stereotypical boomer and because of that my relationship with him is strained so i had to wake him up for work since he'd broken his phone yesterday six in a year so i was his alarm he asked me where his face mask was which i told him where and he began to complain about having to wear it at work and how when he goes out he doesn't wear one now it's worth noting that in my state it's mandatory to wear a mask into any establishment i called him out on it big mistake and i knew it and he began to [ __ ] about his freedoms which ticked me off people are dying and being permanently affected by this yet he refuses to act like it's a big deal eventually things went south and he brought up how experts are always changing opinions saying masks aren't 100 effective not wrong but he pretends that it's not helpful that 99 of people are like him and he refuses to acknowledge his actions risk the lies of others then he tries gaslighting me about how there was a news story about a newborn who died in an ambulance since the hospital was saving beds for these sick patients and asking me if i thought that was right implying i wouldn't feel bad for any injustice like that so i told him about a case where an eight-year-old caught the virus and died after her mum brought her to the park and travelled and he just kept saying deaths were going to happen i tried to get it through to this thick fudging skulled idiot but the conversation went nowhere except for circles i made sure to bring up how childish he was acting and how he went into active duty combat for his country and yet still refused to mildly inconvenience himself to protect other innocent people he made sure to say that only my generation thinks the way i do like he usually does saying that all his generation thinks like him and it's just frustrating i'm just so fed up being almost 40 years younger than him and still being the only adult in my household he has no consideration for others and i can't wait to be free from this hell posted by user fred zed red titled my entitled mother tried to kill me this is why i'm no longer in contact with her i've posted a few stories about things my entitled mother has done and why i no longer speak to her and i've had some people say i should give her a second chance here's a list of the reasons why that will never happen it's in sections so it's easier for you to read my sister will be referred to as sis one played favorites and destroyed my belongings at age six i first noticed my mother was playing favorites my younger sister who's three years younger than me when i was six years old christmas of 1996. my sister got all the big presents and i got a few cheap bracelets and in ornaments my dad bought us rollerblades for christmas that year and the next day we were outside trying them out my sister three at the time fell over and hit her head and began crying my mother came out of the house and began screaming at me assuming i pushed her which i didn't she wasn't hearing it though and sent me to my room a few minutes later she came into my room in a rage and smashed all of my belongings including my christmas presents half an hour later she came in and said her words exactly your room's a freaking pigsty clean it up now when i asked her about it the next day she claimed to not know what i was talking about two she freaked out when i got my period for the first time if you've seen the movie carrie you will understand what happened my mother isn't as psychotic as carrie's mom and she's not religious but she went really weird she started asking if i'd had sex how heavy it was if i knew what it meant but she wouldn't tell me if i was ashamed of myself and a lot of other weird questions and every time i'd ask her to buy me pets she never would she would just throw money at me and say she didn't want to know and there were occasions when i had to ask my friend's mum for pads because my mom had no money or wouldn't spend her child support money on me because i'm not worth it but if my sister wanted anything she'd get it for her immediately 3. woodens call an ambulance when i fell off a horse but called one when the same thing happened to my sister i was about 13 when this happened my mum and my sister were really into riding horses but i never was but i was so desperate for my mum's approval that i started going to pony club with them one day my horse got spooked by something and bucked me off he was a really big horse i almost landed on top of a barbed wire fence and was knocked out for a few minutes i woke up to my mother screaming at me saying what the bloody freaking hell do you think you're doing you stupid uh she didn't even help me up a few months later the same thing happened to my sister but this time my mother freaked out and came into the house screaming at me to get off my useless lazy ass and help my sister while my mom called an ambulance my sister wasn't hurt she'd fallen off a small horse into a pile of dirt but she was milking the attention for everything it was worth she was taken to the hospital and didn't go to school for the rest of the week four takes down my door because it made a noise when i closed it when i was 12 i got the privilege of having a bedroom door the latch wouldn't click shut unless you gave it a harder push and it would swing open if it wasn't clicked shut my mom refused to fix it one day when i was closing the door so i could change clothes it made a little too much noise for my mother's liking she burst into my door screaming at me to shut the door up then she took out the hinges and took it away from 12 until 14 i had no bedroom door and no privacy to change my clothes or sleep with a door closed 5. my sister and her friend broke into the school but it was somehow my fault this happened when i was 13. it was during school holidays and my sister and her bff broke into the school and wrote out merit awards to each other which was obviously a stupid idea and is how they were caught after this happened i got the feeling that my mum was angry at me for what they'd done this was confirmed many years later the next story is a continuation to this 6. admitted to my friend's mum how much she hated me i always knew that my mum didn't like me but the most i was ever told was that i was an accident and that she regretted having me but i heard from my best friend's mum a few years ago exactly what my mom thought of me my friend was over for a sleepover one weekend and my mum was talking to my friend's mum these are some of the things my mom said i just can't believe that sis would do something like that it's more of what op would do i had never done anything that would give her that idea i don't know why anyone would be friends with op if i were in school i wouldn't be friends with her 7. destroyed my belongings because she couldn't find the broom this happened one summer weekend day when i was 13. my mum burst into my room and demanded to know where the broom was i said i didn't know and i hadn't been outside all day she accused me of hiding the broom and began throwing my belongings at me in fear of my life i ran out of the house and ran to the police station at the other end of town this was in 2003 and i didn't own a mobile phone when we got back to the house and the police asked her what happened she put on her sweet and innocent face and said i don't know what she's talking about she must be on her period or something the policeman believed her and wouldn't hear my side of the story and he left 8. her verbal abuse turned physical her abuse was mostly verbal and throwing things at me until i was fourteen she started getting into these fits of rage over nothing couldn't find the remote equals a slap in the face got angry over nothing equals pushing me into a wall and throwing me and my sister out of the house couldn't find something to watch on tv equals punch me in the face push me on the ground and kick me in the face her horse didn't win at the show it was my fault her car won't start equals my fault run out of money equals my fault and the list goes on she did this until i was 15 when i had enough i want her take one step further and you'll regret it needless to say she regretted it the glass jar smashed to the side of her face gave her the message she never touched me again after that and i moved in with my dad nine physically abused my autistic brother i won't get into too much detail with this one but i found out a few years ago that my mum used to rip chunks of hair out of his head and many other atrocious things 10. wanted to turn off life support when i was in a coma when i was 17 new year's eve 2007 i suffered a spinal cord injury and brain injury after falling off a roof i was placed under an induced coma my dad was with me the whole time but it took my mum three weeks to come even though her partner at the time could have paid to get her there sooner all she knew was that i'd had an accident and was in a coma she came with things to bury me with my parents were given the option to turn the life support off my dad said no having faith that i'd pulled through but my mum said yes and threw attention when she didn't get her wish so instead of burying me with what she brought they were placed on my bed while i was in a coma rehabilitation was hard and traumatic so i don't like talking about it so i'll skip ahead to the next thing 11. threw a tantrum after my dad told me while i was in rehab after my injury my dad let it slip that my mum wanted to turn the life support off on me up until this point i didn't know this i called my mum and told her i never want to see her again and that if i'm dead to her then she's dead to me and 12 tried to steal money from her kids after our dad dies in 2009 my dad and my uncle his brother died in a plane crash i was 19 my sister 16 and my brother 22 my mother was there the next day to offer her support but nobody wanted them there my entire family despises her she started asking questions about the will and his assets which is information we didn't give her we didn't know the cause of death for three weeks after his death and lo and behold she got nothing the will was written before my parents had even met the will gave everything to my dad's siblings and they gave it all to me and my siblings so long as we promised that our mother got nothing she's tried a few times in the past few years to get money from us but we won't talk to her i haven't spoken to my mother in about seven years and i don't ever plan on seeing her again she's a toxic person and life is better without her my brother still talks to her from time to time but me my sister and the rest of the family want nothing to do with her and me and my sister are really close she's not entitled and i hold no resentment towards her i love her to bits thanks for reading edits thank you all for your supportive comments i am in a much better place in life now and have thrown away the resentment towards her that's not to say i have forgiven her as i never will but i know that holding on to anger and hatred will only make me miserable through the trauma i found strength and although this isn't something i would wish on anyone i am more resilient because of it i will not let her break me posted by user three bikes titled entitled parent on the bus this happened yesterday on my phone so formatting might be a bit rubbish i had to go for a hospital appointment yesterday which is about two hours on two buses not currently allowed to drive various lovely things wrong with me such as a heart condition and a damaged leg from being an idiot 25 years ago yesterday was the cardiac clinic for the first time since the lockdown a few stops after mine karen got on the bus she had a push chair and three children the bus layout is such that i was sitting in a seat on the opposite side of the bay where push chairs go when not needed by a wheelchair and it has four seats so she parks the push chair and calls her children to come sit down followed promptly by you change seats um why you're stopping my kids from sitting down i don't mind them i've already had covered so they can't infect me and boom karen starts screeching about me being a carrier who shouldn't be on a bus and hitting me with her fake gucci bag that was easily blocked the bus driver noticed the action going on and pulled up at the next stop got out of his cab and put on his face shield to tell her to calm down or get off her response to this was to remove her mask cough at him and spit on him while continue to try to physically assault me the driver retreated to his cab to make a phone call while i continued to enjoy karen at full flow four minutes later 4 26 pm by their log a police car turned up a quick assessment got them to offer her the chance to leave so she coughed and spit on them instead i've given a statement and am happy for an assault charge to be brought by the law she managed a small graze to my cheek so apparently actual bodily harm stands in the uk tldr disabled sat in the disabled seats not disabled karen goes berserk posted by user alice heart 101 titled entitled ex-friend wants me to break up with my partner of five years to date her so a bit of background i've known entitled friend ef 27 years old since high school this was also about four years ago the rest of the cast is me yours truly 26 years old and p my partner now spouse 30 years old so entitled friend and i had recently gotten in touch and we were talking about going to a convention together we lived in separate states partner and entitled friends were mainly in contact doing the planning since it was for my birthday the only thing i got to plan was the cosplay outfits it was determined that partner and i would be in the same state for a week and we'd tour the state for four days before going to the convention entitled friend understood this and the plan was to meet up friday so the week finally comes and we're touring the states when i get a text from entitled friend saying hey me i was wondering if you guys would come on thursday as you could have dinner with my family um let me talk to partner and i'll see since the hotel reservations and events were planned by him i talked to p and he said no just simply because there were no other bookings available at the hotel we booked at the convention and he had plans for that day i say hey entitled friends we can't come any earlier the hotel is booked up and plus we have plans we'll see you on friday as planned i didn't get a response from entitled friend and we left it at that since we were exploring a national park friday came around and we checked into our hotel and proceeded to meet up with entitled friends the hotel was also where the convention was entitled friend says hey me and she gave me an enthusiastic hug hey entitled friends this is partner and i proceeded to put my arm around him hey we proceeded to walk around the convention looking at fenders taking pictures and having a good time as the convention went on entitled friends was getting clingy and would try to come between pee and die we would be holding hands and she would try to walk through them etc at first partner and i brushed it off thinking she was just playing around she started to get more aggressive practically trying to drag me away for some girl time then she brought up having me come for dinner at her house i told her that partner and i would need to discuss it and see when we would be available we talked and determined that we would be available on sunday since we had plans at the convention on saturday nights entitled friend wasn't happy but seemed to understand at the time sunday came and we proceeded to check out of the hotel and enjoyed the last little bit of the convention before heading to entitled friend's house we meet up with her parents and partner had a good conversation with entitled friend's dad entitled friend is being super clingy at this point and is practically trying to have me sit in her lap partner sees me a little uncomfortable with this and says hey me you about ready we better head out if we want to get home at a decent time i'm relieved that he noticed and said alright yes uh we need to head out we tell everyone bye and entitled friend says we have to wait and runs off to her room to get something from me she says here don't drop this until later and proceeds to hand me a thick envelope i say ok i took the envelope and we proceeded to pull out of the driveway and on our way home a while into the long drive home curiosity got the better of me and i opened the envelope i read it over and it was a multiple typed page letter confessing her feelings for me and how disrespected entitled friend felt and how she deserved her turn since partner got his turn for five years i'm in shock she was pretty much coming out to me which i respected since i'm demisexual myself i proceeded to message her and stated such but was not going to break up with partner simply because entitled friend wanted her turn i was hurt i'm not a ride or a possession entitled friend proceeded to say how partner was emotionally abusive and that she would treat me better partner pulled over when he saw how distressed i was and after i told him what was said proceeded to text entitled friend and stated i was not a ride or a toy and was to be respected she then texted me that if i wasn't willing to leave partner for entitled friend then she would no longer be my friend partner and i proceeded with our drive back home and we never heard from entitled friend again partner and i married a year later posted by user s brooks0709 titled entitled karen put an entire cancer ward at risk of covid this happened at a local hospital at the beginning of the pandemic being a top-rated teaching hospital in north carolina whose doctors are working closely with the state government to try to control the spread the hospital immediately initiated a lockdown especially in the cancer ward only one visitor was allowed at a time well one entitled karen wasn't having that first she berated the people at the door explaining the policy when that didn't work she snuck in when another group of people walked in and made her way to the cancer ward a few minutes later she walked up to the nurse's desk to ask for a mask because she had a little cough she was escorted down to the er and given a covered test she was positive so because she just had to visit someone in the hospital she put an entire ward of immunocompromised people at risk i never heard anything else about this but i really wanted to know that she had been charged with a crime posted by user staceyb290 titled entitled mother waits until i go to the bathroom and then lets her kid eat all of my food at a restaurant hey guys so it's been quite a while since i've posted here i was in luck no entitled parents in sight for so long but looks like my luck ran way out yesterday here we go em is entitled mum ek spawn of satan dd decent dad am amazing manager alright let's dive into some context here so in my city amid the whole pandemic patio dining just started opening in restaurants i've been super careful during this whole thing social distancing the whole bit yesterday i finally decided i wanted to go eat at a restaurant for the first time since march and this one great restaurant near my house was doing patio dining i show up and grab a table and place my order shortly after my food comes entitled mum and entitled kid take a seat at the table nearest to me i really needed to pee and i had a whole bunch of stuff with me i'd been running some errands so i turned to entitled mother and asked if she would mind watching my stuff from her seat while i went to the bathroom she was super sweet and said oh sure honey go ahead and then i went on my way but then oh lord when i came back i didn't even know what the hell i was looking at there was the spawn of satan sitting in my seat with his bare hands shoveling my food into his mouth all of my bags were rummaged through and full of food from his dirty hands and entitled mother was just sitting at a table scrolling through her phone i said what what the hell happened here oh hey sweetie looks like he took a real liking to your food he just couldn't keep his paws off it ma'am we're in the middle of a pandemic and you don't know where i've been and i don't know where your child's been yet you thought we could just share food he's eaten almost all of it and what about my stuff excuse me you mangy tween i'm 19 by the way i wasn't gonna say anything but you don't need to be eating all of that food unless you want to get fatter than you already are i also don't like you implying that baby has something as for your stuff he saw some stupid knick-knacks he wanted to play with in there what did you want me to do about it quit whining and eat the rest of your food off i'm in no way overweight right now but as someone who struggled real hard with eating disorders in the past i was seeing red oh and those stupid knickknacks she mentioned 90 of it were birthday presents for my mum whose birthday is coming up next weekend oh and all the while as we're arguing entitled kid is still eating entitled mother and die start raising our voices when the amazing manager finally comes out mother says thank god you're here this mangy child is trying to take our food and our stuff right over here i'd like you to call the police he looked at entitled mother and then back to me and then back at entitled mother and said ma'am i'm not sure if you're maybe not in the right mindset you seem maybe a little unhinged but i was actually here when this young lady came in and ordered i actually brought her food out since we're understaffed i mean i surely could have mistaken you two if you weren't a hag but unfortunately for you at this point a man arrives our decent dad i don't actually know for sure but i'm assuming he showed up late to join the entitled mother and entitled kid for lunch after work because he was on a call still he noticed the commotion and with a here we go again look he hung up and came over i explained the whole situation to him and the entitled mother gave her twisted side of the story and he immediately believed me which makes me think that she definitely pulled some bs like this before he says honey let's just leave please come on amazing manager says yeah you guys are definitely leaving but you still have this young lady's meal to pay for and whatever reimbursement is needed for these items you ruined unless you'd like the police to be involved entitled mother says huh in your dreams i'm not giving you or this child a penny let's go grabs the kid and starts leaving and motions for the decent dad to follow her decent dad really silently came up to me and amazing manager and started apologizing profusely and taking out money from his wallets to give to me he says here here please take this i'm so sorry genuinely i'm looking into a divorce currently with my lawyer but she can't know about it just yet here i'm really sorry about your stuff and your food please replace everything on me i'm so so so sorry he closed his wallet and left while still apologizing i felt so bad for that guy geez i hope he gets out of that situation asap anyway i think i find some comfort knowing that entitled mother has a surprise divorce fastball heading her way that's gonna be a fun time for decent dad and pure amazement for little old me posted by user reese's pie titled my sister and i went out for dinner last night and encountered a couple of entitled parents like the title said my younger sister and i decided to go for a late dinner last night in the next town over it's about 15 minutes drive and we both decided to get a lift there from my husband and a taxi home so we could have a drink dinner was great we went for a few cocktails afterwards and finished up around 11. most places had started to close around that time and there's only one taxi rank we joined the queue which was pretty long already about six people in front of us and waited when we were about three from the front my sister decided to run to the cash point and left me in the queue to hold our spot by this point the line for cabs was huge i'd say maybe 30 to 40 people behind us after about a 25 minute wait as the person in front of me gets into their cabin drives away two well-dressed and obviously drunk women aged around 40ish stroll past the queue and stand in front of me i assume they are either not wanting a cab or don't know the etiquettes i said excuse me there's a cue here you'll need to get in line they both just looked at me and then one says with the smirk yes and we're at the front both turned their back to me and start chatting to each other i didn't really know what to say to that and my sister arrived back she immediately noticed that they weren't the same people as we'd been behind and questions me i tell her and she says to the women get to the back now they just looked at her and laughed taxi pulls up and it's important to note that my sister has a nasty timber at best and very little self-control sister goes i'm not joking if you get in that cab i'll drag you out by the hair i begin to wonder whether we'll end up going home by cab or in a police van people behind have now clocked them and are starting to make comments as well one starts to look uncomfortable and kind of edges away mouthy woman steps off the curb to open the taxi door my sister strode forward and literally hip checked the woman out of the way of the open door it was actually really impressive i jumped into the cab and angry sis dives in behind me woman one is in the gutter screaming unintelligible nonsense at the now closed car door and woman too is looking around as if she expected someone to come to their aid the driver asks what that was all about and we tell him he looks skeptical they must see it a lot so i don't blame him he opens the window and shouts to the guy who'd been behind us a mate who was first these girls are those too meaning the cheeky cue [ __ ] the guy tells him it was us and we drive off chat to the driver as we go and he is suitably irritated by their behavior there's a one-way system in this town so to get back on the road we need you kind of have to double back on yourself as we drove past the taxi rank a few times the two women were again stood at the front ignoring the obviously ticked off people behind we marvel at the brass neck of the two and the driver tuts and mutters to himself legendary taxi driver then gets on the radio describes the women and says they aren't to be picked up as they're drunk and belligerent we tipped the driver very generously posted by user nanoa 03 titled lady comes 35 minutes early and complains about it okay so my grammar isn't the best blah blah blah sorry for that anyways this story happened to my mum two days ago and i wanted to share it people in this story l the entitled person my mom which is my mom of course and see my mom's nice customer so my mum is a nail artist and beautician she is well known in the village that i live in and people know i'm her daughter her workplace is connected with the house it has three rooms one for nails one for waxing eyebrows etc and one for the other staff then a checkout area a bathroom and a private room i help my mum by cleaning so that's how i heard them i get my pocket money like that my mum always makes appointments when the customer should come and takes her time for them for example one has the appointment at 3 pm and the other one at 5 pm c had her appointment at 2 pm and l at 3 c just wanted a simple nail design so it wouldn't take long 25 minutes after c arrived came l 35 minutes early of course my mum was ticked but didn't say anything she just told her to sit down and wait but elle didn't want to and said but why should i wait i'm here now so she should leave my mum says you didn't come on your time so wait or go al just looked at sea pierced off and sat down my mum was just ticked at that point because of the corona corona my mum had strict rules from the health department if she wouldn't keep them she would have to close that would be crap for the whole family everybody has to keep to the times of their appointments and must not come earlier after 20 minutes my mom was done with c and they went to the checkout area elle says finally took you long enough my mom ignored her and let's see pay c says goodbye see you next time and my mom says goodbye see okay now to ul please next time just keep to your time yeah yeah i will but now it's my turn i'm sorry but your appointment is in 10 minutes i'm taking that time to go to the bathroom and drink something no you can't do that i have an appointment i know in 10 minutes while i'm gone please disinfect your hands and go to the room el now angry said nothing and did what my mother said my mum did what she wanted to do and came back the whole appointment elle just talked about her family and her job nothing interesting my mom often has people like this but this time it was the first time somebody acted like a customer should leave just because she is there at least she wore a mask posted by user cafe con labruya titled entitled friend once free ramen this is one of the many instances that led to me not wanting to be friends with this woman me is me entitled friend is stacy not real mom but her mom's got it going on this happened a few years ago one day stacy texts me and asks if i want to go to a ramen place with her it's very popular so we have to leave early i said yeah since ramen pretty much always sounds good and she asks me to pick her up it's out of my way entirely but i don't mind much since i'm used to giving her rides and she doesn't drive after waiting for about 30 to 40 minutes we get seated and order our food drinks this place charges a price per bowl size then charges extra for each add-in i don't have extra cash to spend i'm in school at that time so i get water a soda and like four extras stacy gets two sake a tea a large bowl and about 10 add-ins so i gently remind her that they charge per item and she says she's not worried the food is great and we have an okay conversation i was pulling away a bit at this point because she wanted to monopolize my time and was angry that i was working going to school and got engaged stacey had multiple times that she disliked my now husband because he gets more of my love and attention than her when it's time to pay i ask if they do separate checks stacy gives me a look the guy says no but we can pay cash in card awesome stacy grabs a check from me and starts marking what she is paying for says okay the rest is what you're paying for i'm like um dude this is wrong you put your drinks and some of your food as mine no you had that she spent several minutes trying to convince me that i had eaten that i say i didn't eat that and i didn't have alcohol because i'm the designated driver and she says well i'm a single mom three kids different dads one in the picture but not together with her so it's hard for me look i know it's hard but i can't afford to pay for you i have school rent etc i can't be covering your meals plus you asked me to go out to eat stacy she says you know sandra's boyfriend brian always pays for me when we go out alex hubby never pays for me you need a better boyfriend engaged at the time i say dude stop it's not our responsibility to pay for you when we eat especially when you invite us you didn't even tell me you were low on cash we argue back and forth for a while she finally pays her portion and the bill came out to around 65 25 was mine left five dollars for the tip the rest is hers she leaves exact cash no tip so leave an extra few bucks on the way back to her place she gets somber and asks why i'm so mad at her i say because you expected me to pay without even asking then said that alex is a bad fiance because he doesn't pay for you you know how hard we work what's going on in my life because i have some health issues and that we're both in school she says but you don't have kids you don't know how hard it is we argue more and i leave her at her place sorry for the long post and any mistakes i made on mobile tldr entitled friend expects meals for free by user ranjit kumar singh titled why do old people feel entitled to comment on your weight and then a ticked when you clap back hey folks long time lurker you know the rest lol based on certain life experiences i just need to ask why do old people feel the need to comment on your weight and then detect when you clap back let me explain what i mean with the following stories background i've generally been a big guy for you had a period where i was fit and physically lost weight and maintained it for years but the last 10 years since i got a job as a teacher it's been a struggle to maintain a work and health balance i would start doing workouts cardio or gym and be consistent for some days or weeks until i get a whole bunch of essays to correct coupled with school events etc so then plans would get derailed for some time and my diet would go out the window too this lockdown has afforded me time to work on this consistently so i've lost some weight and i'm still working on it however in my country people especially old people feel entitled to greet you based on your weight story one i had left work during a free period to pay a bill which was literally down the street from where i work so i'm walking minding my own business and some person would shout hey where are you going with all that weight so i just replied as loudly by your mother i'm too polite to people to tolerate this crap from them story 2 another time i was walking home from my work 15 minutes but it's hot like fry an egg on the sidewalk hot i live in the caribbean it was the start of a new school year and i'm intending to do my afternoon run as soon as i get home because i know if i wait until the evening i would lose that motivation so because of the heat i'm sweating buckets i spot an elderly lady that i know from my area walking in the opposite direction i'd usually say good afternoon or another pleasant greeting as i'd pass and be on my way before i even get to say that she says like you need the exercise like you need the exercise direct quote no lie so i pause in shock and then i'm like screw this in my mind of course so i reply and you need a facelift she's angry i don't care but she never did that again story 3 just friday i called out another old lady on said behavior so after four attempts of her mentioning my weights and me avoiding talking about that with her to send her subtle hints i eventually asked her so answer me this what is it with you old people insisting that you must comment on another person's weight what kind of reaction were you expecting i know when i was brought up i was taught how to greet people properly clearly you were dragged up so tell me now what kind of reaction were you really expecting again now after some seconds of silence i said i thought so and i bounced literally out of the room when i got home i told my mum if an old [ __ ] complains to you that i was rude ask her first what did she say first to earn that mom burst into laughter ended her conversation on the phone immediately and asked me what happened i have a great aunt who is entitled in her own way and she loves to do this but i'll post about her in another story stay tuned for that posted by user thorne pudding titled aunt is not happy with wedding demands compensation there definitely seems to be something about aunties that make them so easily entitled as posts about them keep popping up here so here's mine backstory i lost my dad to a tragic accident when i was a very young kid he was a jet pilot in the air force crap happens man my mum found herself a widow at the age of 28 with three kids tough times after a year or so of her being stuck in a heavy depression times of which i have but faint memories she came back to life after some months of dating she went to marry my dad's best friend with whom we were already well acquainted he was also in the military a commanding officer in submarines my dad's family was not pleased at all with that wedding to the point that my grandmother forbid any relative from attending it they felt like it was disrespectful to my dad's memory slash legacy and they felt like they had a say in how my mom would lead her life from now on yeah like what the hell right i have enough material to run a multi-installment story about my dad's family and their bewildering sense of entitlement with our lives but for now i'll focus on my aunts since that moment was probably the highest ranking in terms of induced astonishment for us so we are now some years in my mom's second marriage the year is 90 something i'm 9 or 10 and my little step-brother is a couple of months olds we live in a castle town you know because navy base and my entitled aunt ea announces she'll be visiting over the weekend because she wants to see her three nephews and niece my mum and step-father oblige since they think it's important that we kids keep contact with our dad's family and relatives despite my parents not being on very good terms with them entitled auntie arrives on saturday and immediately demands that her trip be refunded by my parents then she proceeds to cuss them belittle them and tell them how worthless they are seeing how the conversation gets quickly heated my mum ushers us upstairs while my stepfather does the talking at some point i sneak out of my room and from the staircase witness how that last bit of conversation unfolded which gloriously ended my entitled auntie's relationship with my parents mum holding my still very young stepbrother in her arm says calm down entitled auntie and lower your voice you're upsetting the baby entitled auntie says don't you dare talk to me like that you little [ __ ] you [ __ ] you just couldn't hold it huh you just had to dishonor all of us by getting married again so you could have sex again huh stepfather says shut up entitled auntie this is absolutely insane i can't stand it anymore do you even realize what you're saying and you you horrible man when i think you were once invited at our place for the summer by my dad how could you turn so evil after that don't you know my parents have you got no respect for them mum says entitled auntie you're talking absolutely nonsense please respect me my freedom and our family by leaving our home stepfather says now fine she lays her eyes on our stereo in the corner of our living room and adds after a pause all of the sudden but i'm taking your stereo with me as a compensation what the actual what do you mean a compensation stepfather unable to remain patient any longer says fine just take it and get the hell out of my place stepfather goes to unplug the stereo while entitled auntie grabbed some random cds that were lying around entitled auntie is quickly shoved out of the house by stepfather and my last memory of that afternoon is of her seen from the window of my sleeping room as she was trying to stuff the said stereo into her luggage open in the middle of our driveway she was never invited again and never tried to invite herself to our place after that p.s as i grew older i was able to develop some sounded relationship with most of the relatives on my dad's side but entitled auntie somehow always remained a bit shy and distant posted by user salty miyuki titled e l tries to steal slash rip my blanket so i hit her in the head with my knitting needles also forgot to add that i was 22 at the time so this happened just before christmas when i was making some chunky blankets for my grandparents and my boyfriend's parents as gifts and i was using a technique called hand knitting you use your hands as needles instead but because i want to make a decent sized blanket i don't have enough arm to make so i had to use big knitting needles but these are like the hollow plastic ones you can get at michael's not the wooden ones so around the beginning of december i was just about to finish the first blanket and haven't started the second one i had to do a lot of trial and error with the first one so i was crunched for time so i started to bring the blanket with me when i go out because i want to get it done so i had gone to the grocery store with my mom and i knew she was going to be a while but i didn't want to wait in the car so i went inside with her and sat on the bench at the front and knitted after about 20 minutes you know a few rows that had to be unravelled a woman comes up to me and started a conversation with me at this time i was familiar with entitled people thanks reddit so i was a little weary this woman looks to be in her 50s and wearing a very fluffy looking winter coat that looks more to show than to actually protect from the colds by the way this is canadian winter she asked me what i was making and such etc then she asked me if i was selling the blankets and said she wants to buy the one that i was making at that moment before i could say no she started to go grab my blankets i pulled back and immediately got up and told her no i wasn't selling and no she couldn't have this one and putting away my blankets she started to scream at me accusing me of stealing her blankets and actually succeeded to grab my blanket and started to pull luckily i was still holding onto the needle that had my car into row on it let me just say that her pulling on my blanket didn't do as much damage and it just tightened the loops with the blankets and just stretched it but i was mad overwhelmed and anxious that this woman was trying to take the blanket that i was knitting for my grandparents so as i was yelling at this woman to let go of my blankets and during my overwhelming situation she was starting to get physical by pushing and slapping me so in retort i grabbed the free needle and whacked her hard on the side of her head with the bottom of the needle not the pointy part and in result she lets go of the blanket and falls to the ground with a look of bewilderment and shock and as soon as i did that security showed up right behind and grabbed the woman off the ground who was now spewing curses at me and at the security guards to press charges and i'm there just standing there in a defensive position with my knitting needles ready to strike the manager of the store had saw the whole thing and called security and explained everything to me and asked me if i wanted for them to call the cops and press charges i blinked a few times by the way i have high functioning autism so after that ordeal then to make a quick decision after that i sort of just broke down almost like a computer i looked at the manager and told him no because i didn't want this to get big all because of a blanket but the woman was removed from the premise and she was banned with that store and all of the sisters stores in the area and my mum got her whole shopping trip close to 200 bucks worth of food almost free and the manager gave us like half a year worth of comp groceries for the troubles so yeah also have to explain to my mum why her trip was discontinued and why i was flustered as hell in itself my mum was super ticked that that had happened but seriously this is the first time i have ever encountered an entitled person before edits wow this blew up my phone after waking up and it really shook me by the way the woman came back six months later while i was working as a cashier at that same store and that was an interesting encounter to say the least posted by user a username titled i don't need to carry my dog at the airport this is short but this just happened to me so i thought i'd share i'm at the airport with my mum and we're helping to train the tsa dogs to sniff out contraband we're sitting in d5 a place in concourse d where people wait to board their flights and a woman goes into the bathroom with her little dog the tsi guy we're with waits outside to tell her that she has to carry the dog or put it in a carrying bag as soon as she comes out he tells her so she says to him no it says i can have my dog on the floor or something to that effect he just has this look on his face like mate i've worked here for years with the same announcement about this going off every 15 minutes you can't tell me what to do and as if to prove his points an announcement came through echoing the whole concourse animals are not allowed on the airport floor only service animals are permitted emotional support animals must either be carried or in a kennel and while this went off the tsa guy was pointing up at the speakers as if to prove his point sorry if this doesn't belong here or isn't satisfying i just thought it was kind of funny posted by user jlj306 titled street performer embarrasses entitled parent in front of crowd our cast are entitled parent karen sp is the street performer backstory me and my family were visiting yorkshire as a holiday two or three years ago and were walking down to a touristy tribe street place when we noticed a large crowd up ahead a street performer had set himself up in the middle of the crossroad area so he was hard to miss my family and i had just bought some lunch so we sat down on a bench nearby and watched him while we ate he was doing the usual street performer type stuff juggling and fire eating the type of stuff that looked dangerous but actually was performed hundreds of times a day just as street performer was about to do a sword swallow enter entitled parrot this is so fake i bet that sword bends or whatever entitled parent then pushed her away to the front of the crowd until she was stood right next to the sp he says maybe it is would you like me to run it through your heart and maybe then we can debate over whether it's fake or not entitled parent stares at him like street performers just dropped his pants and crapped on her shoes it's people like you who are ruining society probably don't even have an education i'll have you know that i graduated university majoring in engineering but didn't really enjoy it so i turned to performing and does your air quotes performing provide you with enough money smiling smugly well yes it does i have a house and a wife with a kid so i'd say i'm pretty well off how much do you earn if you don't mind me asking entitled parent mutters something very low considering she stood there in designer clothes don't ask which brand i don't know or care well then looks like you'll be needing this picks up hatch that has a probably around 200 pound in it entitled parent turned away horrified and says i don't need your filthy stolen money i get all the money i need selling essential oils oh yes essential oils fragrance of fake and perfume to scam i love your newest release oda pyramid scam in that case you won't need this put that down i will continue to perform here and laugh as you get in a bus and go home to watch tv and drink cheap wine you've bought with your benefits entitled parents went red in the face and stormed off the crowd then all cheered and applauded and street performer continued his performance funny thing was on the bus back to the campsite we actually saw entitled parents posted by user fred said red titled karen won't help a blind man because he's too useless to find it himself this happened to my friend who we'll call bill bill became fully blind in his early 20s from macular degeneration he's now in his early 50s and although he does a great job of getting around he has a seeing eye dog who does a good job getting him around town he does have trouble with things sometimes his hearing is really good and he can usually recognize my voice and the sound of my power wheelchair i'm a c45 incomplete quadriplegic with an acquired brain injury the damage to the optic nerve in my brain caused half of one eye to become fully blind and the rest of my sight was affected even though i can see well enough my hearing is extremely sensitive and i can hear things from a long way away a while back before covid i was downtown doing some shopping i was in the grocery store when i heard some commotion in another aisle so i went to investigate i could hear bill and another woman talking and as i rounded the corner it was bill his dog standing defensively in front of him and a textbook karen standing near the chips and biscuits their conversation went something like this it was a while ago so the dialogue won't be exact miss please i just find someone who works here or get your damn dog to find what you want it's not my fault you're too useless to know where things are what excuse me what in the hell is your problem oh goody it's the [ __ ] parade to the rescue me ignoring karen bill it's opie are you okay i asked this woman if she could help me find the chips and she started yelling at me to find it myself bill wears sunglasses and it's visibly obvious that he's blind i'm extremely angry at this point and i say what the hell is your problem ma'am did you wake up with your panties in a twist or something ignorance and stupidity although plausible doesn't count as disabilities so how about you run along and to let me help because clearly i'm more capable of navigating the store than you how dare you you little no ma'am stop walk away now before i make you my chair goes much faster than you you want to test me you you and she walked away not wanting to know if i was bluffing i wasn't i helped bill find everything else he needed and we didn't see karen again after that it takes a lot to make me angry and rude people are at the top of the list of things that get my goats it takes a few seconds to help someone so i don't get why she blew up at him about it i know it's not karen's job to help him but there are better ways to avoid helping someone than yelling and insulting them alright i think that's where we're going to leave today's episode guys i really do hope you enjoyed the content today if you guys loved watching it as much as i loved making it i would love for you to subscribe to the channel already if you haven't tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below maybe like the video who knows i'd also like to take this time to thank my awesome patreon and channel members without you guys you know i don't know what i'd do i'd probably be homeless on the streets of ireland crying irish dancing all over town it would just be a mess but now for real you guys are up on the screen now thank each and every one of you guys and if you personally want to join the club yourself there are links down in the description below there's also the join button next to the subscribe button small monthly fee but hey it goes a long way to help me create more awesome content well with that said guys i hope you do have a lovely day night sleep evening day at work day at school whatever you're up to i hope you keep awesome today you're looking amazing and i will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 21,240
Rating: 4.875371 out of 5
Keywords: EntitledParents, entitled, parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitled, r/entitled parents, rslash, markee, markee reddit, markee entitledparents
Id: tX6gndBl42c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 0sec (10860 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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