Mount and Blade But I Use Modern Technology To Rule The World - M&B Warband 100 Stat Man

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right ladies and gentlemen here we are it's sign this amount of blade warband hello there ladies and gentlemen nice to have you here in chat welcome to our glorious Saturday stream naturally I'm playing in 4k so um yeah the aspect ratio for my own blade warband er game from 2010 yeah it doesn't exactly hold up that well but so if you can cope with the odd black lines above it's fine you'll manage anyway how are you doing guys how are you doing in chat who we got we've got a one beside we've got the diamond tonic we've got Greg nice to have you here I hope you're ready for this we are going to be doing something quite impressive right now we are going to play mountain blade warband with the glorious hunter stat man but this time 100 stat man has had a little bit of an upgrade he's been to the future and he's discovered this technology we call it a gun Keith Wilkes funk you for your subscription lovely tubby a yes we call it a gun now a gun shoots very fast to be more specific a light - machine gun and we and then once discovering a light machine gun 100 stat man grabbed it and decided you know what I can take the world so we are following 100 step man here today as he jumps back into the world and yeah we're gonna see what we can do I got this lovely idea from oh I don't really know where I got this idea from I guess originally the idea 407 came from sumo so sorry I'm sorry but this for some reason that she comes from somewhere else entirely this comes from I guess crappy animes where you have the main character who who has modern technology in a smartphone and goes back in time to I don't know just bang women are guests I mean that's mostly what they do in animes right anyway so we have a machine gun we have a stop man and we should probably take up these 10/10 crossbowmen because why not with so good ahh what's this we are the free brothers we will fight only for ourselves from now on now give us your gold or taste our steel oho you're going to regret that my and because I am I'm beyond gods okay I am okay trust me you like anime this is gonna be the best anime you ever have we're gonna fight there ten men trust me no it might not look like our chances are good but this is this is me we're talking about just look at me oh Christ so I'm getting shot at oh god that's those bullets are quite fast well I guess we shoot back the power is unstoppable [Music] unlimited power ladies and gentlemen we're going to take the world hello there ladies and gentlemen nice to have all of you who've just joined in if you've just joined into the chat welcome ah this is of course the mini bow gun it has so much damage a speed rating of 900,000 we are going to take the entire world ladies and gentlemen 100 stat Matt is only just getting started things are gonna get saucy of course we have a weapon too but I mean he wants to use a sword well we have a bloody minigun oh it's so useful alright let's return I wonder who's gonna be winning these battles see to Castle I'd actually love to oh I really think I should I should but actually I'm gonna complete this mission and then I'm gonna follow you guys in chat and then we're going to we'll go see who we should go fight anyway we need to visit the turf and of course who we got in the tavern oh we just got some boys T posing I forgot how everyone just awkwardly power poses like this oh my God look at that it's like it's like the alpha me where you have the clenched fists can I see you Wow it really don't care where I shoot right here's the ransom broker oh wait I don't need to I don't need to speak to you don't attack this bye-bye where's the merchant here you are oh no this is not the merchant this is the merchant merchant of Craven BAM hey guys do you know the way des vote my friend I know Dawei I'm a professional of knowing the way anyway so what's this go find some volunteers you I need to have volunteers no one's gonna be as good as I am what's the point of volunteers right fine we'll go to Asgard and get some volunteers crew volunteers five swadian recruits cool okay they're gonna die Dark Portal lovely to have you in chat Rebney okay when it's my fault or not gonna be finished the next giveaway for tournament is tomorrow probably around 7 p.m. have fun hub see there spiff can you review age of civilization - in your next video is this the new kind of EU full thing that's not easy for ya ok I'll give it a try take a look at it I think I might as well give it a try the blue emerald mine card just subscribe what glorious name morning panel hood red milord banner Lord will be available whenever it is ready which is never anyway let's go actually do these men you only have 5 in your party if you take them how many men do I need Christ like I'm doing great why would I need more than this amount of men fight me by myself is all we actually need but sure if you want more men will go get more men test Opia just subscribe thanks very much kyani's as well lovely to have you here let's recruit some more men BAM done how many do I do you need it's probably notes collect five men I've collected five men merchants he's one picky bastard isn't it right back to prayin oh well I need his m16 I'll Victoria - what a game I do quite like it solid choice DeMarcus Mackey thanks very much for your subscription Jack and Tonio Gibson there we go we've collected five men let's go handle these bandits let's go hunt them show me where they are oh there's a band of robbers and I just attack yes I've been looking for you tell me where your prisoners are no but I brought still nice so I now need to go find them can you roleplay no Dennis I can't roleplay that anyway but you peasanty boys I don't really care what happens to you you can kind of die it's just all about getting into this close combat but where else are they should be oh there they are let's just try it if you get a long sniper over there just gonna get some distance don't worry about me this is perfectly normal for the medieval times everyone had access to this technology I promise you don't throw a rock at me good lord you could have almost had my eye out with that goodness is this animate this is anime this is better than anime bodies oh my god Oh Ryan mud cookies you've been noticed my good sir lovely tubby hey if you're enjoying the stream by the way feel free to give it a like and yes I effectively have a handheld mg42 God if only I could do the same with stones that would be incredible so I'd like to point out this the crossbow isn't actually that good I've basically bound a macro key to my mouse which yeah it's very good or some looters might as well grab you surrender or die might as well charge the enemy let's go you guys just turn back here owl I'll do most of the work it'd be nice if like I had a shield in front of me and I could see how long it takes me to absolutely shatter any shield of this deadly machine gun effectively yes I've gone back in time I've got what is almost an mg42 and I probably can't be defeated at this point oh there they are hello there's two there's free and there is four straight in the head lovely fancy there's a final one what are you doing that you what are you doing can I do artillery only in this game no I think this is one of those games where your card Oh God miss silver thank you very much for your subscription may love each other here oh right I've got some nice leather boots I've got some money from that we gained some experience where's this bender hideout it's meant to be somewhere maybe it's a note attack the banded layer near Asgard shore map there is kidnap aside Oh wha-bam let's go see to this bad boy after this I think maybe would you guys like to see a one-man siege of a castle okay look Brenda X jawed I know it might look like war crimes but trust me this is all achievable this is what peak performance looks like if you can't handle it like the moment oh yes I can oh oh my god there's a lot of men I didn't expect that to be so many men the game's Chungking oh god keep them away from me men keep them away from me but appear my um my bullet speed is linked to FPS there we go so as as people die my fps increases my publicity please oh right less man let's make more yep yep Oh God the gang a bit close down their way there we go oh my god Daniel thank you very much here some 50 way oh where did you come from you cheeky bastard why there's so many men [ __ ] how just look at them been lining up on the ridge up there you might not be able to see it but just what the hell is going on that's an entire army of men why is what is up with this game when I mean I know I'm incredible but like okay right let's see I can do a bit there's no just sniping from a distance about activating them okay let's see what we can do I actually haven't had anything to do this is it that because the cross was so happy that they've decided spawn loads of men because now maybe yeah it probably is just like linked to your equipment stats Oh Oh God pesky bastard for that was a close one how is it job scary to have good lord there's so much that's just okay right from a distance from a distance just shoot a few of them down is this my fantasy brick Renwick's this is this is more than my fantasy this is this is what every man's fantasy you see why I hate about video games it just always appeals to the male fantasy [Music] what a game this is this is the second part that's very dark ah that is beyond dog and if you're in chat this game I guess say hi tell me anyway I'd say it's a probably a good amount of power for me to have don't know about everyone else though now second come on let me get into my extremely stuff f indeed there we go oh my god I'm just gonna quickly pop out the live stream chat so I can view a 24/7 and just drop it right there BAM all skill yet this is just all skill you guys if you can't achieve this you'd evidently just a bit shy to the game really nope oh gosh come on just keep taking off this is gonna take a while honestly why there's so many men they have to go to the council I know I know actually I can just go talk to whoever by the table indicators I to I've accidentally activated all of you okay now I've activated you I didn't mean to stay away okay but it's like zombie boobs get away from me please [Music] with machetes charging me in and this one putting a dent in them there's so many don't do Anakin I have the high ground there's someone throwing rocks why are you throwing rocks at me Oh shite Oh shite the game's crashed couldn't couldn't reset the free direct3d device application will now exit what kind of feature is that Mountain blade what feature ok ok some to reopen valve glaze oh goodness goodness gracious me at least this time we can try our character together ladies and gentlemen I mean create beautiful one understand man he's going to look so sexy so strong oh my goodness reduce the battle size yeah I think I'm gonna have to do that I think I set the battle size to max and yeah alright I'll get that reduced for this game gracious me this is gonna make for one good entertaining video I can tell you that much oh by right I think now that we've not we've seen how good one understand twin is we won't even accept that first mission I think we're just gonna go straight on with with taking out a fort I think we're gonna go straight in to spiff do not go over level 60 it makes this warning go absolutely ape shot like you just saw okay thanks Liberty Prime probably my bad for setting it to ridiculous numbers so we're gonna start a new game don't worry we'll have our people open machine gun so we're gonna be a male what do you think we should be I I like to go impoverished noble because it means we can just like declare war most immediately so we'll go for that steep child street urchin shop assistant craftsman apprentice or a nobleman and probably probably craftsman I mean I've got to be able to build siege ladders and then I'll probably be as sniffs oh I like craft myself a nice great big sword anyway let's write off to our destiny we're gonna meet really go for the Prussian flag because you know it looks great realistic no quitting without saving hell yeah and of course enter name you can't see the name but I'm gonna go for stat man of course and attributes doesn't really matter really just whack everything into iron flesh and I guess power draw but I'm crossbows so that's pretty useless guess we'll just go like athletics and put everything into crossbows job done why not Dodgers subscribe freak very much and Reuben Ritchie lovely to have you now to create the most beautiful man that's ever lived he's sexy Bert we can make the bed better let's see that's a good good bit if we make him really old as well boys why is that what is going on there Ohio second oh yes the man of many faces why is his body vibrate I think we found the perfect man I'm happy with that I don't know about you where's respawn I like going zwei dear but it's up to you guys I'll let you leave it to chat for this one Chuck give me an S for suede V for the gears kafir karna and for naught R for Road ox and as force alternate hit me up guys I don't think he knows what he's doing mr. K I know full well exactly what I'm doing I can tell you that much man with 1 billion faces 1 billion stats and an incredible incredible machine gun I'm seeing lots of ends for Nords yes you guys want some Nords let's go into the cold lands and okay all of a sudden I hear a rasp of something oh no it's a man wait Oh anything I was gonna try to go for the shield ah oops I slipped I'll know it I'm getting a soldier's whatever man stay away from the merchant you know I'm not even gonna bother with your mission I cannot leave I need to talk to you okay your brother's been taken away cool I'm not interested by thanks for saving me though I mean you did but nice what are we immediately gonna do can we declare a major war on SOG off no we can't we have to attack their peasants first so we need to wait for some peasants to leave or can I just attack one of their Lords I feel like I can see one of them is that an army of 1191 men okay where's battle sighs here we go battle size set to 100 I'll drop it down to like 90 considering there's only one of me that seems fair and then I guess we'll just attack is well it's Happ King Ragnar immediately I am 100 stat man and uh what is this I'm here to deliver you my demands surrender or die prepare to fight there we go what could go wrong one hunts each war crimes look we have one trip to face one trip to face their 191 this couldn't go wrong even if I tried I mean it is entirely possible or just being proved by like a flying spear in this battle now where are they come on show me where they are show me show yourself I swear if they just come running over the hill with so many horses oh wait there's one exactly right now well King Ragnar just died rest in peace King Ragnar spear who did a good job Oh Oh God the frame stuff take out their priests people that's too much burn stuff oh gosh get away from The probe's run stop Matt run spades and javelins are know nothing to joke about Oh God right into their main flanks get as many people as we can increase crossbows efficiency I guess break shields with Tootsie stuff in there no move it as soon as they gather their own weapons actually actually oh crap the tree get away from the tree get away from the tree we're vulnerable when we still Oh God Oh oh that was close I could see that there we go you might have opposing arrows but they're gonna do nothing against 100 setback oh so cool all around to this side now we Oh glorious this isn't war crimes I promise is this the new matter yeah this is actually the new Hoyt for Metro as well as the new Mountain blade metal there are actually quite similar can see it's the fact that Wendy when the balls hit a shield the shield just evaporates [Music] Oh God deal with that one we've dealt with the first wave quite a few things now just onto the way there's a lot of them getting very close I feel like my horse isn't that resistant to arrows and as soon as I lose my horse I will died which is um I just won't be mobile enough to get away from them as fast as these errors are I just need to be able to move around is this leaked leaked banner Lord gameplay yet this is the banner Lord modern day more even though banner Lord hasn't been released mg42 have been added into the game and the developers don't want to tell you about it because they fear it might spook players but I've managed to pack the banner law HQ and gained access garetty stuff go away you [ __ ] know so just lobbed an ax of me did you see that good lord the Hat big up shields won't do anything against an infinite spray and crossbow box let me tell you that [Music] hundred ninety one of these people I mean even with peasants I wouldn't be able to but I guess after a while they're gonna lose already of troops I'm just gonna start fighting each other she's gonna be lovely there's trumple's is best war there you go maybe lose the shield and then we just paid two dollars really Sophie no that's just circle on that had to be a wall the fun there we go now you see this is why this is why technologies and thank you and this is kind of like when you playing sip five will you mates and one of you is unlocked and no guns and the other one hasn't it's effectively what's half a day there's a lot of bodies oh my god there's a there's more bodies than I was expecting Oh God oh my god we've done it we just killed a hundred and ninety-one men Oh marks know if I give the subscription just in her and thank you for your subscription if you're enjoying it so far please give it a like guys it really does help me out enemy casualties 190 killed one wounded only the king oh my God he's managed to escape you know what I'll let you have that escape all things considered I'll take all of your best armor though all improved arrows oh no I need boats not arrows so that's useless you rebuke of 26 you know I think I'll take you actually take some reinforced armor we've got any good good shoes 16 okay no good shoes or about any horses of you have you given me any horses no right houses the success guys that was good general Bob fun to subscription spiff I gave you like because of that mg42 prototype thank you I made it myself I've advanced a few levels yay what's my party looking like I was just me it's only me it's quite a lonely party let's go to character let's improve my agility and I guess improve athletics make me move faster that's always quite useful I guess riding would be good as well increase my riding speed which would be useful for a siege and I guess will increase my one-handed just if I ever get into a sword fight and I actually need to ah right would you'd like to borrow my mg42 I don't think I can actually hand out my incredible machine guns anyway let's do approach the gates inhale the guard request meeting with someone how do I see it I can disguise myself and try and sneak in but I want to actually see to you oh do I need to take it maybe I can probably I can probably grab the castle first might as well go for a castle god what a glorious success oh here we go take a hostile action force the peasants Luton burn the village that's what we'll do was this some angry peasants have taken their tools and they're trying to overthrow me Oh angry peasants angry peasants ladies and gentlemen what should we do should we leave the village alone or should we charge them what could go wrong give YouTube chat the ability to condone or not condone war crimes what are they gonna choose ladies and gentlemen what are they gonna choose leave them alone random guy sorry everyone ladies and gentlemen the random guy the voice of reason in chat I can't believe it charge there we go this is way more like it let's charge them in two then we go war crowds could look here they come it's like this is what happens when order 2 to 7 is activated and you try and leave the frontline Oh [Laughter] plunder and raise it good see Raider I'm not afraid to fight 7c Raiders oh god see Raiders what you doing just just god it's so good Oh God oh just lipping raid remember smith not just the wood not just the men but the women had children to said sorry Liberty proud so sorry continue looting this village yeah what a continually Lucas religious looters goodness sake am I just gonna keep getting charged by these I mean at least I don't have to feel remorseful Oh indeed Oh 17 to 22 that no one was fair that one was fair okay guys like they attacked me that one was self-defense I'd also actually say the peasants were self-defense I came in and said give me everything and they said no and then the I remember the text clearly stated that they charged me remember they charged me and got their weapons out I even let them come towards me for at least two seconds before I opened up an mg42 on them so what I'm trying to say guys is really overall it's self-defense it's church the other B's what's four why do you even keep coming here like as you know one let's try the sword let's try the sword come on let's let's give it a try stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby it's this is a fantasy really like having a having a low tablet let's get off our horse John let's okay what right away for a bit and then get off the horse how'd we go off Jeff isn't it yeah F this man you're dead there's nothing nothing you can do I'm too good the death machine comes to you hello there oh you blocked it Batman this is the greatest man we've ever fought this man here I'm gonna name him Jeremy Jeremy was an absolutely brilliant man he was the only man some say that actually managed to block a hit from start man and for that we salute him F in chart ladies and gentlemen Jeremy what a guy what a guy his necks seen better days is bit you know what I think that seen better days - what's the other sort like how that one is equally broken this is how we pay respects to Jeremy guys this is how we parish thanks to me alright let's go ah let's continue let's continue looting the wonderful province you're being raided ah Thank You Chad [ __ ] no mercy Raiders I bid you farewell he tied for a wall croaks I think Jeremy could have actually been the only the only person for Christ's sake see Raiders am i genuinely going I mean once I get for all the see radios I mean there's a limit to how many can spawn so once I get through all of them they won't they won't they will stop attacking me I mean if I just had some peasant AI with me they wouldn't even bother let's keep raiding come on there we go now it's burning down this is good oh my god there we go I've got I got my share of fifty five fifty five denars fifty fifty-five bloody dinars for all of that I want to take that I'll just take all of you take all of your wealthy stuff we're gonna sell it and we've got enough chicken for days chicken and cheese for days boys I mean let's grab some cabbages as well cabbages and fruit we're gonna be living like kings here yes good oh Christ what is this when did I get this axe what is this axe I want to give that exit ride down looks incredible that looks amazing I'll give that a try no problem let's return we've successfully done that or there's a cattle herd wonder what we can do without let's slaughter them one cool let's just leave the meat to die we're a bit bit crazy like that ah right let's let's also capture this castle can I just know how am I meant to take your castle like how I forgot it's been ages since I need 14 plus people to start seating cool will go to hane more recruit 14 nord peasants or I could just take that Caravan I mean there's not really much point than me taking that Caravan but you know just one of those fun kooky things we could do ladies and gentlemen right onwards to Haines glorious stat man continues his journey if only there was like a kill counter ouchie you guys in chat from this point on one of you is tasked now with keeping count of all the kills we can right let's get to Lords okay that's something and then on to maybe if I sneak my way and I can get to the pub and just hire some don't don't get the peasants maybe I could just hire some people how much money do I have three thousand okay that's fine let's disguise myself and sneak in there we go I managed to fool them and I get in market place let's just sell all of our crap like all of this terrible shite that gone that gone that gone that can go can't give them the opie swords though that that would that would break balance in the world yeah like that's going a bit too far anyway I'll keep most of the food because I can use that but now we've got how much one easy go so they've got 325 for Christ's sake let me think of something else give me back my shite before you even claim to have money right give back chicken go just pay whatever you can goods merchant 631 cut you guys a poor return just pay whatever you can horse merchant I might as well just buy a warhorse really I mean logistically speaking let's just get a warhorse was we're at it the saddle horse was calling all just sell all of this crappy smoked fish and like and just give me a horse can I still have to pay that goats give me enough stuff and then you'll pay me and now I receive money there we go that was his success to the tavern there is a kill count there's a kill counter I'd love there to be a kill counter our Dark Portal you're keeping count of the kills good was this man how he does sing he does sing songs hired blade five of your mercenaries eleven thousand why not sorry I mean 1100 might as well anyway I guess I should leave let's leave lovely so now I've got nine men this is progress onwards to the next village we're just going to slowly get more men okay go on character and click bottom left statistics 293 men killed lovely we are balanced this ladies and gentlemen is gameplay balanced I hired yeah I did basically hire the Deus vult characters seven men want to join me how many men is this how many men have we got sixteen now let's try and see jou castle control space to move faster on the map yep I was aware of that here we go now that we've got fourteen men let's beseech the castle let's build a siege tower it's gonna take 72 hours why not let's build a siege castle what are they gonna do probably nothing can I increase the eg I can by holding down control space forum em correctly yeah just going to take us three days to build a massive siege tower I don't even know whether oh here they are they're coming to put a stop to us you may have bested King Ragnar but you cannot defeat us all you are outmatched today give up if not for your own sake then think of your men we will fight you to the end charge them my men honestly I want you to mostly just hold this position because you're just gonna die like genuinely just stay there let me in the warhorse deal with it actually can I equip the axe oh my god this axe its axes that's something else right let's see if we can take out a few cladistics and we there's the general right there - we first oh god they've got a lot Oh surely objects you guys could have chosen as a group of people that didn't have as many broomsticks just pick out a few from a distance oh you guys are lining up on the front lines okay that's fine front line lineups make it a bit easy for you I'm cool with that yep this everyone line up around about head height would be best option for me if you could do that I'd be eternally grateful let's get rid of all of your first bit of damage of it's taken so far for who did that you pesky off oh my god I was a long-distance head boom had headshot you know I had show on a track the axe let's do this trial how good you pesky Archer I can't even get lambda here firstly probably to be on the ground immediately let's just evaporate all of you just for a throwing out to my horse you over there I saw what you did You cheeky bastard how dare you throw a throwing X on my horse his name is sugar lumps he is majestic more majestic than any human being will ever be go off more men okay didn't necessarily see that one going just get on round the shields as always okay wow there's a lot of fun going on this time you guys have decided upgrade you know you've hit me oh gosh okay get away from that hotel there is a javelin in my horse's head there is legitimately traveling in its head okay right I know exactly where you can I will just make sure not enough of you climb over this now come on hey wait maybe if I had arches in my own to stop throwing axes at me Jesus Christ what good lord stay away don't you dare kill any of my hired crusaders look at them oh my god they've stopped travelling through their shields get on them take good boys unlike you you are the bad men's there's more of them from behind nice - I still just like why is there such a message skip coming up in front of my horse how many of you would then let's just let's just start using the glitch seizure acts there we go good stuff none of you have got free stuff seizure act seems to be the way to go why don't you know you guys stopped it okay back to the Machine domain instead oh hey can you actually block those the shields well it's not as good as blocking it with a piece of wood so I mean you know not quite up there with Jeremy because I mean Jeremy was legitimately quite good Oh so yeah that undead legacy it's a unicorn oh yeah we have actually upgraded my horse to a unicorn one seems like actually quite a fitting way of remembering my horse this is also no quite in the center of the head but rather the middle of the nose okay how many people died there 142 people killed good press e it will be easier to shoot maybe I'll give that a try what did everyone escape what pay anyway let's switch around our armor throwing javelins that sounds pretty intense probably not going to use any of them nor helmet you're better I'll take you have you got any better shoes why don't you guys have good shoes in the Northlands okay but there's only ragged stuff give me some proper shoes mulattos right there's nothing really outside one from this 2,000 gold not bad soldiers are ready for an upgrade let's take a look actually my character is ready for an upgrade as well I'm gonna increase wears siege where's my own arts engineering isn't it down here engineer now and prisoner management I guess why not live not that will really have prisoners because I mean I kill everyone I encounter but we'll see we'll see we'll see hundred stat man beautiful man right continuing on oh no go fifty hours until it's bill let's keep going guys oh we've got another army coming to say hi y'all react you've only got 75 men ok this one should that should be quite easy charge the menu no problem right men just hold the position I mean maybe you actually could hold it up here on the hill but we've only 75 men this is no challenge for hundra stomach hang on a second is that you there well look at you coming to face me oh no what a mistake the horse has to go to to glorious to this world just so many people if you said these two just how many people do you think you'd be filled with an mg42 and mountain blade warband honey logistic is thinking they they should be knowing don't oh how is that was a understand still not very happy getting by them are you guys running are you running away sorry I don't think I don't think I actually to make sure that you guys are gonna have to come back you up sorry that's just how that's just how it works are you raising the shield against me sorry she'll have to go back I'm not allowing she looks visions to my work they simply block to power into 100 that much and anyone get away with these arrows taking damage it wasn't designed for this god this can't be like Crusader Kings to 100 stat man dies really early on in the campaign and I guess we just go over here book and we take up use well glorious glorious snaky soldiers subscribe thank you very much the dosa allows subscribe and the dude cool him jerk subscribe thank you all for your lovely subscriptions getting us one step closer 200k where if we hit if we hit 100k by Christmas the plan is myself and veil fees couldn't do a fortnight video where we just slate fortnight that weapon versus hunter statement okay look hundred stat man could absorb it quite easily hundred stat man without that he'd probably quit the spasm axe and just cut all of the bolts in half like directly through the middle so that it just can't even get close to him that's probably what's gonna happen yeah this is this is like me when I place here's go this is how good the carries you're a stop I yield you my prisoner now how fun in there I hear it's great fun in my prison 10 out of 10 everyone ranks it really highly Broken Arrow bent arrows yeah probably don't need any of that let's just leave and take the money well I've advanced to a higher level let's get strength because strength means hit points when actually can I improve my healing where is it because I realize it's actually quite important here we go first aid BAM five percent of health per like I don't know day or something what's this 47 hours until it is complete fine we'll wait until tomorrow and let's go yes w spycrab it's a hundred step man but you might want to actually see a secret technique derpy no one tell derpy and chat wat a special secret technique is thirty four hours wait until tomorrow let's go oh here we go we've been attacked again it's y'all you're Mary yeah right we will find him derpy spy crap he is using an m60 derpy spy crap just just wait till you see a special technique men hold position defend yourselves not me but yourselves because I need 14 people to siege where's the enemy lord gosh don't first F at me how dare you I haven't spotted the enemy Lord whereabouts is he seem not leading his men okay well I guess he'll feel sorry for us because your men are now dead Lloris the mouse left to right and evaporate their men [Music] someone tell me when I filled the enemy general forces on I mean I'm not going to be able to tell the kill feed is going too quickly to meet with himself I need these bolts you're running away is that rule in the Geneva Convention that says no chasing surrendered men who attended a field battle is that in the Geneva Convention because I mean I haven't actually seen the Geneva Convention in fact I'm pretty sure I deliberately didn't see it just before making making this entry I mean failfish semi diem saying yes to sort of lay its thumbnail you're gonna have to show you that you need a convention you do know you know this video and the screen breaks in Geneva Convention I was like now and also in fact if 100 step mind is able to take the world in the medieval ages and then I know use a time machine to go back to the modern day then 100 step man will actually he will actually be well there won't be a Geneva Convention there's no point Zeus to free one to Tk subscribe thank very much and don't 197 cause someone to rival dog portal oh are you running oh you're running from the field of battle and that's oh wait Scott you might get away my horse is too slow horse speed speed where is he no don't tell me he got away he got away one routed the man who got away everyone else so far has over been wounded or killed whenever they faced a hundred step man he is the the first ever man to get away this could be the one person who can actually defeat us because he will see our wondrous technologies and he might go and warn the entire world about it I understand man leaves no survivors hmm oh gosh this is this is indeed a problem but I'm sure we'll be able to find a solution there's the there's the one guy I mean I'd love in my issue is I probably should should do the siege first so I'm gonna let that one man go away and hopefully we'll see him later on LEM get away to spread boy yeah a chief who spreads his tales hopefully will stop getting attacked by bloody sea Raiders and lords every ten seconds oh there we go like what was that the little peasant sir well here we go ten hours left until we can do siege wait until tomorrow come on oh god here comes another army too right we're facing 190 men we will fight you to the end 182 men ladies and gentlemen 182 you know this course well this calls for a mince pie for morning lads Stephen likes bread nice to have you here Stephen ah okay so ladies and gentlemen I want to see in chat let's have a poll who's gonna win 100 stat man and his glorious 16 posse or 182 men who were highly trained Vikings actually to be fair 100 stat man has he's got 9 peasants and a few and I mean a few at you know I've got 5 Crusaders so I mean 5 Crusaders 100 stat man and 10 peasants who do you thinks gonna win 182 men versus one carry boy yeah okay charge the enemy ladies and gentlemen hold your position man don't don't attack I need you peasants stay still [ __ ] disabled here they come oh here comes the Lord what's that what is what is that shield what is that shield anyway it doesn't matter the horse is gone so with you let's take up oh my god you are actually sending mostly peasants now I feel like I thought you and we've run off and now you're reducing peasants these are vastly worse than the others a 15-point what all of these men don't even have armor I mean not that historically always done much to stop I understand but you know if it raises the morale of the men in Johnny's 1% so maybe armor is important panting are you all right all of you around T okay okay normally don't we think about routers no one gets away but yeah you just put your [ __ ] Germans down for Christ's sake good lord you almost took my head off you could take someone's head off with that thing Oh Ricky how is that possible Ricky my friend anything is possible I understand good what I used to be an adventurer like you until I see go 2 meter long javelin to the forearm right take an hour I'll take you a bit of damage when you know understand - no he's like this fun for damage at the moment he's been improved since the last time ever since oh god no they're fighting the peasants they're fine the peasants don't get to the peasants get away from my peasants I need them alive Oh God we don't have 14 menus I'll do the seat so actually I need to save them get away from my man get away from the man please get away from my peasants they were designed to fight actually trained warriors step away from the reinforcements have come in the crusaders are amongst them slightly better than most anyway stay away from my loving man I think we're about halfway through the army maybe more there's a hundred eighty two men we've got to get in business you go [Music] the middle of javelin getting locked around lots of bows and arrows going on yeah this laws actually managed to take zero damage then file which I would say is almost some kind of miracle because this warhorse is effectively attack it's almost like I have actually taken an m1 Abrams tank disguised it as a horse and brought it back to the medieval time just like my disguised mg42 Oh passing someone's running away no one else running away yes we have three people running away whoa you're gonna have to do you're gonna have to go not so sure about you what should we do with you what should we do with you well you almost at the edge so I guess now we decide axe death yes you survived axe death okay you may leave you may leave congratulations some say he went on to live a nice life he's a family man you see he decided to leave the battle and go home to his family whereupon seeing his daughter he was like my god there was this one man okay he had a javelin in his left shoulder he had a [ __ ] 2 meter long javelin and he could still swing like an absolute meddler some say he also had the greatest dance moves of any man alive just look at him go look at this boy get up ah perfection my party gains one morale I hope they did oh if I put this in my venturi can I get super ope throwing axes because I would love that I honestly would super o P throwing axes would just be incredible they break the game so much anyway return job done onwards with the siege of this castle wait until tomorrow six hours until siege time more it's time to mince pie that was a suggest half our my mince pies broken good lord hmm here we go hmm Oh God that means pie with the bloody top fell off it I'm devastated or I okay back to the siege this is one understand man's first siege one so we have a few options cool meeting with the castle commander why not surrender your situation is hopeless we can hold these wars until we die of old age well y'all you see you say that I don't think you'll be reaching old age if you have that kind of mindset so I'm gonna lead my troops in on this so the defenders sally out to meet your assault old defenders hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold trust me on this one we are not going anywhere Oh they've lined up in a shooting gallery they've they've gone down lined up in a glory shooting gallery for me oh gosh they just had to step out one by one around the oh no oh goodness gracious me oh yes not the mince pie honestly I don't even feel bad about that because um you see I lost my mince pie 100 snap man doesn't like to lose his mince pies I mean the mince pies still there but like do I even want anymore the tops falling off of it like a mince poem about her top is just is a disgrace anyway job done Tom long as 82 men killed in like four seconds enemy let's uh stop again there we go this is more like it man hold man hold position how do we get this forwards how remove a siege Tower forwards first of all that scariness monsters with regard to the pesky rioters like them actually how does the siege tower just naturally move forward okay [Music] [Music] oh my god there's people up there this castle is also I'd love told miss Carson Wow think of all the cool stuff to do anyway maybe if I climb up the siege tower I will have a better shot artillery only I'd love that oh you think the peasants move the town cool build it nice shoot through the sea stuff oh my gosh I can write these arrows come on just push me closer to the wall speed this up guys I mean it's not too difficult oh my god someone in chat it's almost harvesting season what's my favorite kind of tea break um my favorite is English breakfast these single greatest kind of tea are there's some dead bodies over there yeah oh so natural it sniped well there's a few men wait is that an archer there well I think there's an eye which should come on you cheeky boy get back in shot I know you there I know you there come on come on show yourself I can see your bow lose your bloody bow okay there we go there you are no no no this can't be how I died yeah I've just stammered oh god oh my god oh there we go that was fine thank God we didn't just immediately die okay so now they want to try and sally down get one no no no no no men hold position hold position no no no no no no no man don't push up don't push up don't push up okay let's let them stand here let them stand please let them hold the front thing and I just let them walk into the machine go let them just slowly oh god the bodies what is going over the bodies there's so many of them there's so many dead bodies oh my get rid of the oddities oh my god so they just they've fallen off Jesus Christ oh wait hello there can I introduce you to my friend the spasm axe stabby axe there you go GG it's actually success I think it could be that says someone over here oh my god there's so many bodies that like I can stand in that and my my knees aren't visible that is how many dead bodies there right okay well I think there could be someone up there or if not someone round here maybe if I just if I tell my men to charge they'll they'll just have like some kind of innate knowledge of exactly where thee movie is all right just got shot up this is actually a beautiful castle honestly 10 out of 10 these game developers did a great job when they made some of these castles they are great Oh somewhere over there where you go where are you going men okay well hopefully I'll be able to see them if I stand up here oh there they are that's a success GG ladies in general there was just one man set up here got imagine if they stationed all of their archers up there I would have had a pretty hard time getting to them oh what a glorious siege there you go guys if you enjoyed statments for a siege give it a like BAM how many men did we kill ah we lost four men one of the high blades was killed one of the Nord recruits is Prue did hundred and four men killed what a success what a glorious glorious success 2500 gold on that iron wolf an owl subscribed thank you very much and peter fornetti has subscribed here sir so we've taken the castle who do you wish to give it to I want to have the cause of myself yes I am now the lord of her sister's castle Lloris my full control of it Oh what's this I think I need to let you have a steward yeah point a prominent person the new minister can be found nice what are we naming the kingdom guys what are we naming the kingdom wolf subscribe thank you very much Peter Fornetti subscribe thank you very much Baxter of Puppets thank you very much and do jati kizamu subscribed as well thank you very much what are we naming the kingdom give me an idea guys give me an idea name your kingdom Britain ah the British Empire kingdom of stat war criminal central for crime central we could call it the Geneva Convention or Switzerland Oh God so we're not naming the cars were arching naming the entire kingdom so the umpires Northcutt lovely which a free Empire step Manas tan or step Manas tan oh you saw me step Manus turn let's go my name is beau a time from stat Malastare I am hailed as their king manage the castle I'll manage the garrison I guess if I just upgrade all of these men to Huntsman and then I guess I give them all to the castle and yeah there we go yes probably need all of them I've got this guy well I could put him in the dungeons here why not why not right oh I've also I've gained this tiny little village yay let's go get some men from there have you got more men for their recruit volunteers for nice managers village build a manner I actually could I mean I've got loads of money haven't I what's my it was my venturi like venturi 13,000 is there a way I can like increase money so mana lets me rest the village and pay my troops half wages while I rest okay that's probably not really useful a mill increases prosperity by 5% sure let's go for that let's let's make them earning money I mean how much how much money do they have at the moment like well it seems to be flourishing okay that's cool what do we go ahead peasant farmers let's attack them well actually we've got a lord right here let's just fight the Lord instead I am 100 step man sir I've heard you that you defeated y'all Haider and ever since have beaten and ever since have been anxious to cross swords with you what is it oh I guess this audience is over now I leave I mean he doesn't unless he's going for my castle I don't really have a reason to attack him it does appear like he's making a straight line towards my cars although so I am gonna have to preemptively attack him let it be put out there that this was self-defence because I mean he's um yeah he's getting too close to me right I wish to make peace so apparently I won't ever be allowed to have peace so let's let's just surrender or die yeah seems about right time to charge the enemy men just hold still okay hold still I've got this I've got this one while this guy actually has a nice water environmentally there's actually quite a few decent units I mean opposing Bowman oh lewb they'll get snow oh god the rocks rocks in the trees let's master you guys are blind out there I like it when they do that bastard when you just line up the me to attack you [Music] get away a lot of you retreated and they simply all retreating each and every one of them why not I'll let you retreat you know what you're retreating to oh but I mean I've got fists you see what BAM are you made out you actually made it out alternatively hit alternative history what if the Crusaders had guns this is effectively what's happened oh why can I leave I like quite a few men run away they're 16 men oh you're my prisoner now have fun welcome to the prison it's cool right don't need any of that stuff have you got any fun food for me to take no no what oh I'll make do with what I've just taken from you well actually maybe I can go recruit some more men from a village like honestly the more men we have at this point in the belly well there's quite a few men okay no you haven't actually got any money I think my castle is actually under attack because I did just see a lord go over there yep it has been besieged so I guess I have to now go fight gerald yep young gerald um I guess I have to say this go away or I will kill you honestly he's attacking the fort so it's not my fault oh there you are Wow what is that hat what is that hat you're wearing that has the coolest heart I've ever seen right I'm gonna kill most of your men honestly I'm loving that hat and I may have for some reason you also don't care about me writing it on the side or dear man so I mean when it comes to military strategy I'm not gonna say you have the best just single file lining up in front of the machine though honestly quite reminiscent of mobile to mobile one written yeah what we won Britain oh all of you men in our reality all of the come on good ones get a few of the ones from country what are you gonna try and do though my lord oh you know you're gonna try and swing their army okay that's quite that's quite rude and a pig they go your horses down can I get off my Mountain yeah I can Jesus Christ stay away from crates goodness sake stay away you are one dangerous person good lord he almost killed me there look at that he almost killed me that was self-defense that had to be self-defense that man way too close for comfort way too close we also love right oh is that it so kill all of them yeah that was the last one right there you are my prisoner now there we go and I don't get your cool hat oh what a shame I like that hat it would have been awesome right we're gonna go over to these villages we need more peasants to recruit and train up so let's go to this village why don't you have any peasants for me right cool peasants give me peasants to recruit no peasants Oh am I gonna have to go back down I guess by actually now because I'm above them they won't give me peasants were they what was this well kingdom of Lords are offering me three thousand eight hundred and dinners in silver if I am willing to sell them your laden reject the offer I personally prefer to have all of their Lords in my prison that way I don't know that way they won't be running off because when they do quite annoying they'll get more recruits and peasants let's move on to the next place I guess over here and then I suppose after that we could siege to here cuz I mean that's that's got to have a lot of money behind it we lose some money actually no we gain oh my god we've got so much money okay we we can have so many more men remember recruit more peasants there we go to Sweden's nice let's go to here and recruit volunteers for aliens cool and over to release up forest bandits what why would 11 forest bandits attack me man hold still hold still forest bandits you've asked for it I'm going for the ballistic ballistic axe swing just down the side Oh actually no you have a lot you have a lot of bows okay maybe I can still go for it I'm gonna give it a try I've got forest bandits why do you have so many so many so many bows just straight into there straight go for it just go straight on in there straight on it okay we're not killing this master before so it's back to totally then you swing that one down to bear there we go oh you're trying to run away Oh suddenly suddenly you don't feel like fighting okay I see how it is okay just let me horse block you for a bit yeah just gonna horse ball cute no no no no horse block no no no no no was walk and horse walked oh no no no no no no no no no Archie is faster than me he is faster than me get back here you [ __ ] yo why nobody don't it I don't know John MacLean maybe no one feels like donating today it's a lovely day to donate what can I offer you if you donate good question I'm not sure can I rename things in this game has been a while I suddenly can't rename a horse but can't I rename like party members or the like if I get party members I think I can I don't know pretty short was in there and we let's upgrade two-handed because I like the axe and we can only improve of that thing so maybe if I I could probably try and visit a town get like a arm get one of those lovely characters or was this money for y'all Geralt reject okay y'all Geralt go away sumo visit the tavern right - have I got in here that I can buy oh I bet you oh my gosh okay let everyone load in we got a ransom broker okay I don't think I actually have any prisons that prisoners that aren't Lords they have a traveler cool we have lesser lit oh okay I might be able to use your company how much is he gonna cost 400 dinars lovely mercenary crossbowmen five of you join me come on we're gonna have a lovely time let's go great that was a success BAM and now if I go into party I imagine party there's a lit i can't rename you for Christ's sake leather lit you had one job talk you so pleasant it you are a terrible man but let's upgrade all my people to Huntsman because I mean I don't need any frontline infantry I just need people that can hold a Ford really hold a fort is all I want let's head over here maybe take a few castles spiffing why not train up train up your troops at your castle so you don't need to be there yeah I think that's what I'm gonna try and do I'm just gonna try and drop a load of men and here we go approach the guy sell the car so the requested meeting with someone yard Harold cool you're on Harold I won't understand my nice to meet you mate Auden server tells me to leave come right I'm gonna maybe actually let's go to Hainan let's burn actually no I think I'll drop off all of these men that I've collected put them in the castle and then I'll go to hane Oh actually I'm getting chased by Lord okay right I'll fight the Lord first the odds are not in your favor today well actually evidently you haven't have read the news recently the odds are very much in my favor they just pick a stone and they don't stop for me they don't they get a nice little tiny feel all you have going on there but shield Wars famously not very effective against God's with laser beams quite famously I would say laser beam versus flimsy wooden thing with paint on it if you can rename your party members by going into their stats and clicking on their lives yes donation then I'm gonna rename our party members we're gonna have some after the epic dude and I can actually probably hand them my super okie weapon and set them as their primaries and then we can set it with you give someone but an ope minigun crossbow and send them into battle and see what they can do oh you see that sounds like a brilliant idea first person to donate gets super Opie war axe as you know if you donate you can either have a mini bow gun and 999 axe or a 90 99 % sword it's your choice who knows what you could get the choice is yours I'll just have to quickly double-check that I can rename people by going talk and then let me see your skills there's a litte oh you can ye right he's just gonna be you temporarily he's that's not his actual name I'm gonna increase his iron flesh so he's very good he's 100 and everything right I just level up his crossbows on his behalf and we never mind you're doing great you're doing great I should Leslie might as well give you the equipment already oh I don't do much we boat yeah don't I like both but I just don't don't see too much of him I'll make him put that down I'm gonna give him the I'm gonna give him the X oh we can't use that item what about the bastard sword you can use the bastard sword here we go Dunc meister pastor lovely to have you done master let's talk about your skills doug master congratulations you are now the right in here DN c-- what you know it's just the MC master you are going to do some glorious things on the on the front lines I can't wait to see what you go up to well it's upgrade you to a skirmisher Huntsman let's upgrade you to archers and suede Ian's let's change you to militia nice suddenly slightly better suddenly slightly better Debbie up what can I do I suppose I could go to my castle and drop off all my men excluding of course leather lit because I'm oh no not Leslie anymore danke master CA let's manage the garrison let's give all of my crappy prisoners over and of course all of my men as well Bam Bam Bam can I just uh no mass give yep there we go I hasn't actually saved Leslie I need to probably hit enter okay right let's change this round party bamm talk to you let's talk about your skills you are dope DMC master DNC master BAM done why do you want to be called bloody Leslie oh you didn't I did just click enter when typing that name I did just click enter let me tell you you are less okay this is a test his name is les I hit enter I hit done he wants to be called Leslie Oh God gonna have to hang myself and danke master we're going up to Haines take hostile action we're gonna loot and burn the village okay don't master you still here in my eyes don't master I'm gonna say you you can probably go and single-handedly to do this you just get a lot I want to see one AI with the super Opie sword is like it's basically dunk master is part of my now inner circle you see he's um he's joined us and he's decided to help out the force oh there they are there they are and I've gifted him with a glorious technology now fight for me where's Kevin there we go that's that's one down dog way sir going down coaster I think you might need better armor if I'm being honest he was just knocked unconscious yeah I really should give them better armor anyway just 360 machine gun all of the peasants trust me this isn't my friend it's not what it looks like they they attacked us remember it says in the text they gathered some weapon Detroit Rogers after we technically okay as Leslie it so terribly diverse or a different sort need some level and then hopefully quite saying just there we go and over straight to the head let's go for a liver headshot wait 360 oh you miss I miss there we go straight in the head straight in the head brutal is this legal you know Justin be back in those days there weren't too many rules or people saying this is legal this is illegal so I like to go with anything's legal Oh 59 Oh God 58 farmers killed Oh oh poor leather lit right plunder raise it cretak a swift give him land you will become his king and he will fight for you with his own army please read hmm yeah that is true he will but do I want someone else out out there in the world who could potentially leave me who has a super ridiculously opie weapon I think having one of me is enough and then maybe having a second who I can work with and order around is probably a better idea probably a little bit better right anyway we're getting attacked by some Raiders I don't know let's let you back up and running you are Leslie this is your second chance mate I believe in you what no longer Leslie don't master yeah done master me that was some legitimately incredible AI fighting skills were there master a glorious beard you have there oh you are following me you actually okay right maybe I go off this horse - then come on dismount dismount dismount the bloody horse there we go no go charge Leslie charge no okay now I just said pull back ten spaces Leslie did you kill the Lu - Leslie yes why I mean Doug Master for Christ's sake it's a very tonic a two-time bloody naming system in this game right slice the rocks out the sky just welcome work my way from my way Carly blocked basically carbon block just slice your way through slicing and dicing mincing slicing there we go so I'd like to call the super murder wiggle this is how I head back this is how my character likes to have a party but wait here's someone there more people down here oh yeah this is this is for some reason one of those maps where the AI breaks all the time well we killed two peasant women twelve farmers and thirteen looters wait the looters came to the farmers aid continued the rating process what's this there we go we got everything and 75 dinars let's take all of their bra silk I love silk and that and all of that can't forget all the food got it love snail oh hi bye subscribe thank you very much pence ilex subscribe thank you very much and of course Andrea logic lovely Tevye okay maybe if I go party and don't master you wounded okay maybe it's equipment let's actually probably still come and give human bone minigun cannot you will take it ok I don't technically have any bolts to give you so I you'll even be able to use it but for the time being I'm gonna believe that you can so I'll just give you I'll give you the sword just in case don't master tell me about your skills okay statistics you've wounded 11 people that's actually quite good oh wait no this is me I was gonna say you've killed twelve thousand and thirty three one purpose of 233 people yeah that's not you that that's me mate he does need boats oh Christ don't master why you gotta be why you got to need bolts okay also let's do it dn d MC master BAM there take it take that name hit done why do you still want to be Leslie okay like mate come on hmm oh I can't just buy ball to my castle oh that's quite that's a nice feature anyway let's attack to here it's a great big city let me just um I don't want leave I want to have access and sneak into the town oh no they've they've spotted me however will I escape oh oh God actually however will I escape they haven't given me my weapons they haven't given me my weapons oh god I wasn't meant to oh god this is actually testing my skill now Oh God there we go Oh God don't don't thinking blob stuff out me You cheeky bastard oh there we go come on okay there's one there's one BAM oh yeah oh come on yep just there we go okay okay okay no no no no me too close bit too close bit too close mate bit too close there we go there we go come on now go oh my god for Yayoi I want to leave let me leave let me write please don't let don't surrender I just want to leave this place oh my god absolute legend hundred step man turns out he's good even without even without his incredible weapons let's equip that as well and I got some throwing javelins no I think I still need to find more people if I remember correctly or do I just by January should walk out or is it I think oh yeah here we go here's the last guy just sat here okay yeah okay have you just Oh get away now why is your ex longer than mine go away oh wait you are actually trying to go for a fight for that one was a bit vicious straight in the head there right is that last one there we go ah perfection perfection guys well you do ban the Lord gameplay if I'm still alive and haven't died of old age before it comes out yes I will I quite like banner Lord so I will okay let's go to the marketplace speak to the goods merchant and get rid of one of these bits of silk because goodness sake just pay whatever you can I'm a merchant but can I get thicker rather I want the thickest for eighteen thousand that is one thick piece of armor I like it let's go for it a bad and I'm gonna have to sell literally everything that isn't the super overpowered weapon zone I'll get rid of these fro necks isn't that crappy shorts order there we go just sell all of this valuable thing now get wool chicken will keep the chicken chickens good all that can go I'm afraid cabbages that I'll have to go still 14,000 it's still quite a lot of money I won't just return we can do it and this is actually where I can upgrade Leslie right don't go hit return oh I don't have I don't have enough money Christ well I'm gonna have to get it slowly I mean that's also quite nice what did I replace him okay okay I'll just get a serenade elite okay that's fine that's just free groundout to pay I'm happy paying that so I can look like a siren to delete let's buy some bolts that's arrows okay there really no errors cool visit the tavern have I got anyone to recruit right most recovery you're hired why not or five you mer failed another person that hopefully maybe I can rename this person muffled let's see okay leave party muffled talk muffled like to ask you something blah blah blah blahblahblah blahblahblah oh they left the party I accident even I didn't even read I just she's gone great yes uh I recruit yes recruit free Nords nice manage the village okay we're building our improvement still good and I buy supplies power you have fish nice hmm I'm thinking actually can I speak to elect the village elder go to the village center okay this is why do I go to the village center speak to the elder and I'll probably tell me like oh I need you two to fight some bandits they are mean to us and must be killed but first I must find the man who is T posing and so must consequently be the village elder look at him look at that power pose that is the power pose of someone who you know runs a village and still manages to look like an absolute no well what command line didn't mean to do that village elder um you seen any enemies around and he said a large fire on the outskirts of this village why right you have any tasks what's this oh god this is the thing where I need where we have to bring them cattle oh I can't do that that one's just that one's too bad that was too bad Oh oh my gosh right let's go to er the well we've got 11 peasant so we're gonna need a few more peasants and then if we once we have 14 peasants would siege the air castle someone in chat asking where's the modern technology chap do we want to do we want to explain where the modern technology is to breeki take hostile action Luton burn oh no debris key Oh whatever you gonna do hmm someone look at this okay I'd like to point this out some of the angry villagers grab their tools and prepare to I'm gonna forget about where it says resist because you can't see that you don't see that on stream that's good they prepare to fight I'm saying fight the word resist doesn't even exist that find me it looks like that you will have a fight on your hands if I continue see it's not my fault they are coming towards me I touch it a mounted cavalry mounted cavalry we don't we don't need you just yet calm down please oh here they are in a line wait sorry what's going on here now quit the sauce across they don't drop the bloody sword right this man excuse me sorry excuse me sorry can I help you can I help you mom mom can I help you sorry can I help you can I help you please could you can you not could you stop please please please stop just stop what oh this is actually damaging me I couldn't tell it all okay okay Keke's isn't it yep it's come on come on come on why is the kick tool door working Oh yahzee donated five pounds yazi thank you very much ah gnome him and Hebei embrace and give him the fastest crossbow of them all Amelia var mas and given the fastest crossbow of all very well we will find someone who we can rename and we'll give him the fastest crossbow this land has ever seen oh my god oh that was I was one hell of a fight all stand man I won't obligate you on your victory last time that we met but I am anxious for another round you don't have as many men as last time 120 men versus my my eleven I think it's on my side oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we know where they'll spawn they spawn in this lovely shooting gallery right here yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] are you still trying to spawn in more men I don't think there really well there is actually fine going on there some Oh Doug master you actually killed him good shot dog resto they've run off I thought now could steal these cabbages well don't worry I will oh why did that man go he was over here a moment ago oh you guys are cheering does that mean we've won yeah oh no no it just means you're fighting the the last few men just zoom in the foot shoot shoot him in the foot there we go hands off what a success well done everyone well done well mods my using I'm using it's like nein nein nein nein start man mod something like that oh wait wait wait go back go back we need to continue raiding this keep looting come on come on I can't let them get away now lovely hmm Oh first i insulting level work dies lovely think about what we can do with all of this ah glorious why success what a lovely success there guys alright let's go collect some uh peasants from the swadian lands and then would put siege to a massive town and that's probably the most logical logical move recruit volunteers just one okay pretty pathetic on to the next place derpy stream loads on your own that's fine just simply drop the speed of the stream that's all you need to do also we've got DVR activated so you can watch with a slight delay to actually what's happening whatever you like it's great Thank You YouTube for that character sheet let's upgrade I'm gonna say my intelligence and agility and someone was saying increased inventory management okay so we'll up the inventory management add more slots that'll be great especially when we're raiding increase polearms and the like and what have I got from you already got some peasants we've got 17 peasants honestly I think we can do with more I want to get probably 25 oh here we go the king of Nords is shaky many Lords do not cooperate with each other and some might be tempted to defect to a leech that they consider more worthy they the rest of my report I submit tree of writing welcome back that's nice we've got her back LaFell she hasn't got a name let's talk to her let's see if we can actually rename her okay tell me about your skills so this needs to be a mere Emperor Emperor a mere M oh my gosh h yr VAR m Avira's enter right that's saved done No all right you've got crappy sword you're gonna have the 999 oh so you're not strong enough okay train yourself without sorting then I'll give you super opx ah that's annoying that I can't rename people anyway recruit volunteers five good how many many we got now this is what's this 20 free men this is almost like a small army this is great right recruit more volunteers no one seems willing take hostile action I probably shouldn't I probably shouldn't let's go up to chide Charlie looks nice thank you very much by the way Connor McClane for your subscription nice to have you here for Sweden recruits you'll do nicely add yourselves to the war fund and it's over to a huge town I think let's go take a nice big tower come on over here come on to here this seems like a nice place it's like SOG off but better technically all of the surrounding towns aren't in the best of shape because I did burn water ah look at that 57 deserters 50 57 deserters that is incredible Jake MN n ins subscribed thank you very much for subscription the Ozzy though thank you hats off to you thank you for your 5 pounds I was in lovely donation from you um what do we got this I'll make you regret ever leaving your army right yeah Z this one's for you 27 men vs. 57 men everyone hold oh right look I know some of you think you can fight very well and you know what some of you can don't come aster yahzee you're doing good horses you're facing backwards so you know maybe today's just not your day maybe today's just like can I kill a horse why have you got off your what are you doing what okay all right let's go let's go fight these deserters Oh deserters straight into the shields break the shields break the men break the men you break the on there you go we're ready getting some deserters you can't deserve from the people you've deserted from and then trying to zone again so we're not gonna have anyone retreating commit no no no no no no no no no running no running away I haven't been doing running away from this fight you see this is balance this is bad its immense balance more men spooning or paint yep you are mr. Brightside waving rolling down the window running away again but it's almost like these deserters have a tendency to run away from battle so we just followed me on Twitch cool not streaming on twitch but nonetheless thank you for the follow this is totally fair cheaper republic this is more than fair this is balanced okay 57 people dead number balance get balanced on Florida board subscribe thank very much photobooth we can upgrade my party of my party my boys you are all getting upgraded peasant militia nice Nord recruits Nord Huntsman more like yes all right let's have to go into this town come on 342 men in here this is going to be one hell of a siege Oh God prepare the lads and attack the wall I don't even need a siege tower six hours to build do it would I even have time to get reinforcements over here oh yes ladies and gentlemen we are going to have one hell of a siege what what's this Oh breezy we get a thousand alone oh my gosh the money is flooding in for the Empire right to here I am going to lead my soldiers actually no no no no before it's custom it's custom what's this pay F for John McLean what's happened to John McLean what's happened to here anyway I'll ask the yard to surrender okay he says he won't right let's leave the soldiers are they salia okay hopefully this is another salia where they just line up along the side of the wall and I can do everything okay no this is [ __ ] worst one I'll get a lot more many men my men don't get in the way of my gun okay please I don't accidentally friendly fire everyone here so just stay back most of you to try and save as many of you as I can but no promises honestly no promises I need oh and I need at least fourteen to be to do receive so I swear to God if you die I'm going to be very grumpy stop dying stop throwing the bloody axes for pro se Claus no way right good this is all I'll tell you what you mustn't recovery with good choice Hanneman de I lost one for wounded not too bad actually not too bad I stay UCP thank you very much for the subscription right let's leave my soldiers in assault let's do this that is a lot of men that is quite a lot of men they are throwing quite a lot of things okay just aim for the head aim for the head just don't go over the top a mess oh my oh they're going for me as well they are very angry very angry maybe just follow me maybe not necessarily charge right oh okay the goal of men here that's fine this can be where the blood pool is okay yeah you can find 12 over here if you like oh actually throwing axes are quite painful oh there's a lot of bodies they are there is many bodies floating here [Music] why is that so many of them the the FPS is j2me because the FPS is slowing down the bullets are slowing down no don't walk in front of my gun that's a friendly fire one of the most new Cadbury's was being killed oh the FPS is increased we're back up there with it why there's so many of them I guess this is probably all this is the spawn point this is the spawn point then men men men men men men men men men hold that hold there hold that get back get back there men probably just kind of crazy for you it has to happen I'm so sorry last man okay we've got one last but in reality they spoke to each other the bodies of these forward that's how many we killed no no no no too big to get closer vehicles go away I need my man to f5 retreat just leave please let me just slowly snug them off over there in the distance I said what is up with that final body sir but that huge pile on top what is going on with these stairs this is um we've killed a lot of men here today this is uh that was a success guys we lost nine men they lost 271 the castle is ours well what's this you've taken to here who should I give it to I want to give it to myself I think I might as well just control everything ah nice leave ah lovely we've now gained some places I guess our next place we need to take his trail bed castle oh nice lovely stuff Donny so by the way through subscription well we've got farmers ah alright let's take a look at here what have we got here okay today seems to be flourishing the people look well-fed relatively content nice oh this is lovely manages town messenger post no prison the tower yeah even that good not really Rex one one two one thank you very much anyway XD GOG no Gi Gi thank you very much I could enter the arena got a big little bit to everyone yet instead I'm thinking I go to my party and I speak to muffled muffled I'd like to ask you something how would you like to hold up a five - here is mine : sure sure what did I give you I gave you that tiny town over there nice and wide oh Sh I should probably give hane to a DNC master you can have hane it might be on fire at the moment but you know oh I can't actually there we go here we go hey how fast it's a lovely place I promise you this time of year especially it's it's great let's let's go over and visit Haines ourselves the village has been looted a handful of so sketchy as you pass through it's perfect who wouldn't want it oh my god right okay we're going up to the castle we'll take the castle next we haven't got too many men at you so it screwed the Lord right you're gonna have to die I'm stat man y'all Gareth surrender or die you have 28 men for once this actually feels like a bit more of a fair fight so I don't really mind using the seize your sword I think maybe the seizure sorts the way to go unless they've got a ridiculous amount of forces where will they start throwing things at me you are shooting things at me that's a hostile attack that's a horse I'll attack your hobbies have to go you don't allow that kind of behavior here on the trade by the terrified one is just you see like an axe just flying through the sky so you do open everything got ready to what you can do anyway I think that's a GG that's the GG 27 people dead one wounded Oh rescued a prisoner we've we've collected a farmer right we've hired him he'll do great right Swabian militia let's upgrade all of you to skirmishes you're gonna have a huge line of crossbowmen job done fact the cows will go for the city I'd like to but I mean realistically speaking I wanted to come like unite the unite this bit and then maybe go for the city oh now go recruit volunteers to Nord recruits nice still seems to be flourishing ah here's our Lord Lord DNC master Oh No - here is being besieged oh here we go your DNC master I wish to ask you something what are you and your men doing they're scouting the enemy of - here nice I have a task for you could I tell him to siege something maybe raid around the village of ha I can just send them to raid a village ok you can do matching wherever that is right I must beg my leave whatever I sent you - where the heck is mention it's over here right you can go over there raid there I mean what a good use of your time housing is that 49 deserters what kind of world are we creating here oh my god why are they desert is everywhere how do I get these weapons this is the 909 step man Lord 9999 stamp oh oh my gosh here it is it's yazi yeah he's got a sword and a shield with our well know that exactly their crest yeah that is there test let's just go down the back I mean we are to getting backed up by all possible so maybe with more effective maybe if I just focus on taking out the fields they can do basically everything else no feelings breaking this was when a shield breaks to the user person - Riya dies almost immediately asking is that manner suppose that Oh their reinforcements okay I forget oh yeah because there's so many more to do lovely that looks like a success to me I don't know about you guys I've been joined the stream by the way please do give the stream a like it really does help out there has to be one guy left why have we not finished his he is some guy retreated oh here he is there he goes no one retreats from this Batman not today my friend yes forty-eight one kill well forty eight men killed one wounded nice I guess if I go party does anyone want an upgrade you can get upgraded to crossbowmen Mike oh yes here we go character let's just uh no prove that get wound management statistics number of friendly troops wounded and friendly troops killed ok it's up to free but if we're being fair they did walk into it they really did walk into it in comparison 1880 freemen killed 20 wounded hmm hmm right that's just upgrade on character we're doing quite good what's happened to the oh it's still under siege I guess I didn't provide it with a garrison so it makes sense so are you the people ok you're the people trying to seed you cool I guess I'll fight you I am stat man surrender or die 163 men we're facing then just hold still please hold still come on don't want you fighting over there well there's there's the commander he's making them line up over in the distance maybe if I go for like this will I get anyone I don't know this is just an idea I don't like this now I can't thank you for the lovely as that Lord Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam kill the horse and outta here and then pinkies we do and let's just ride alongside all of the few yeah that's why you can quickly produce them there's not gonna make much difference there you go and let's go back home round for another go and so oh my god okay party weapons at one big convoy that's all of you retreat you okay you were trying to retreat I thought this wasn't built like an empty tank that's just the thing I love about them is when you see this huge ax is just flying toward in the distance yet no go finishing the first longer than that first both efficient scepter 339 state not bad swing on rounded machine though they go into the head and on looking these men Oh actually if I can get behind their shields if I can get behind this oh they're trying to retreat they're all just trying to retreat oh no don't turn your back on the 100 step one you see now that we're starting to facing slightly better trading food specials and I should take probably about you hits from the stat line but especially when they're tournament in the right come in over here where are you guys doing you retreats where you actually fighting you're dead all of you what is that why did you have a peasant farmer why did you call him up to fight kill that man right it's mince pie time quite nice success for success oh my god the song track will bend over what a lad best name tonight and so far leafy YouTube subscribes ah games and more I subscribed Gabriel Vera subscribed in m 52 m 52 public channel of m 52 subscribed some about m 52 how's the success Wow wowee what a glorious fight for us do we do we have any better shoes actually still no good shoes home right I'm gonna head over here to Alden and recruit some men now ku villagers seventh oh nice wow this place is flourishing - I'm so good at this game let's go over here to column and recruit volunteers seven volunteers my god we're so good at this game oh you offer me money for one of your Lords reject I would like to keep all of your Lords because the less Lords you have the less pesky armies I have to fight on the front line so here is getting besieged right I character - here come on come on there it is so here some whip-its good my god a lot of people are just subscribed in one go ye teat Makita i subscribed bit bible - Jeanette subscribe Devin Hill and John Smith thank you very much she's Christ how many subscribers we're actually I don't check this very often I probably should I mean I do actually because 300k were playing bloody fortnight these are the things you have to keep track of I wear a seventy eight thousand three hundred and seven hats off ladies and gentlemen that has a big number that's a very big number right I've been told to halt by Yasser didn't apparently I've defeated someone we will fight you to the end actually I probably should have supposed the room in private in see if he wants to join our side instead Oh what my bet anyway hold back my home back I mean maybe I can put you up on this hill but um is it really worth it you see Bertha Nardo subscribed and satirists subscribe as well thank you very much oh do you guys are you just okay no no you are coming you've got peasant farmers as well what are you doing Betty just yeah I snapped the Nora group or here you are your horse is dead right I think oh look you've been knocked unconscious ladies and gentleman on the [Music] way there we go oh no no okay [Music] [Music] easy just the thing that some of these men had spent years and years training to go to the front line only to face me the ridiculous super overpowered undefeatable hundred step man take a look that man he's trained archery [Music] [Music] you're running away now straight up this adds faith this final column that straight up Michael anyway tap to leave 98 people killed two wounded oh yeah two yards of one nice um any good shoes no ice they never get good shoes right new I need to make my way back to to here because um it's under siege and I don't want to lose out to here so if I leave oh here we go here's the army surrounding it okay let me just defeat both of you if I'm strapped man blah blah blah the glass oh oh wait I should have asked them if they want to switch sides no 142 men hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold I just need basically only cross women because I mean they're the only men that can actually do any damage so didn't you kill everything else before it gets closer [Music] right another communication so if I just like concentrate the laser beam ever so slightly disturbance oh you'll fail you're focusing your shields in one direction okay which means if I go around behind your man nice if I just stand behind all of your men Laureus that's the first line of men down now that some of them want to fight some of you don't wanna fight some of them don't they want to fight another I'd say at this point this game probably don't have likely retracing the time but there's at this point if there's a face this time if you actually hold f1 you can see the exact position of your soldiers oh yeah I see yeah that's what you write is that a hundred people dead oh come on come on oh no no no there's men you're dead dead you dead you can die you you you've taken three hits to this shield and you're dead oh no still good what can the shield withstand okay she was broken up and a book it has a new adventure right there beautiful opponent hats off to us that's another victory oh how many people do you think died in this one that 116 people died Potter towhead 12 thank you very much for your subscription lovely tab you what sis we've encountered another party we have to fight 24 why did these men come from we've actually got the we've got more troops in this fight we actually could win this just outright with our incredible troop numbers okay maybe orders done she doesn't hold their position here okay and this is prior to my advice oh it's just a day where I do 360 balls okay I mean doing one would be city ordinances 150 kilos no scopez yes my boy who says this game wasn't what is this what is this oh I've had enough of fighting I guess I will leave this place now it's time for me to leave Oh Oh God maybe you remember him they wiII not remember my horse oh you're my prisoner now you did a great job up you are also my prisoner now ah what a 5 what a fight right let's go take out this castle now I think I don't enough damage their forces that we should be ok here we go we've got young lady muffled is going around but I mean ya see ya yahzee can defend our castles all we need to do is take our child back right approach and harelip wait how do i siege come on get there the siege castle last 30 days or place ladders on the walls 6 hours do it let's go Smith desecrating with that speech not desecrating the dead it's what you would have wanted oh here we go lead the soldiers in an attack they sally out to meet me please say they're just sadly over the side and gets it there we go no it's not quite proper trees water I mean they are still very very very very very vocal and so would be very useful in modern technology borders one incredible thing is what an incredible thing is to think if if we didn't have this technology we'd all just be losing fights like this anyway let's let's attack let's actually lead my men to an assault on the walls hold your position I don't want you guys attacking let me just deal with what's actually never success and never success any more men you want to tell me about Oh all of these men here are you gonna single-file walk up these stairs you are thank you for your attempt generally I'm afraid that I have a machined oh oh you really should have also you over there really shouldn't be doing that well we've just got more than coming up there's people over there the exact location anyway she done the stairs it is the way the bodies fall into the bow more bodies to the body pile come on more bodies to the body part time to stand in the body bar come on I really want to I have to Oh lovely kabbadi pile have you do that right know if I time I meant to charge they should be able to locate me of me Nord recruit knocked out by Archer however you manage to how do you how do you in the first place knock someone out with an arrow just impressed right come on up we go up we go oh yeah ChaCha cha-cha-cha stay away if you try to do that I'm gonna swing laughing to you there you go you you go down there stay down there don't come up here don't come up here I will get you if you come up here he did that to himself ladies and gentleman self-defense self-defense they just don't know about it my cures off like every subscription hey Zed Zed K Thank You Pierre subscription and also thanks to all of you lovely people have sat down and gone you know what let's make this day maybe I can't donate maybe for whatever reason I just don't want to but what I have gotten done is I've given the stream alike because bam how many likes we out ladies and gentlemen 199 199 that's almost 200 you know what is 200 a good number a very good number anyway that was a good siege I'll take that one that was good I will take this one and give it to I guess I could give it to my fellow well yeah let's go to let's give it to myself whatever why not yes he can have it Hazara and oh they're very happy let's leave born here we go we've got another village under our control the village abilene Boublil in what is this like it's rich and well-maintained the fields in Orchard are humming with activity with freshly dug irrigation no it's a process to prosperous village with only one person that wants to join me fine right over to say here we go come on think we can probably entirely wipe out the Nords if we take Sarika after they just give up up to here he's being sieged and God we're heading over there why on earth would this game do without us what would they do right manage the garrison for a start I will upgrade my people to sharpshooters that makes them good and our recruits are getting upgrade to Huntsman and our Huntsman are getting upgraded to archers and our skirmishes to crossbowmen and our farmer to a watchman hell yeah whoa and you are my control I guess go into go into the town yeah spiff the mods are planning a mutiny that they're not me calm down my mods are great who watches the Watchmen not me I can tell you that much right so we have a situation on our hands there's a lot of men here to be more specific this looks like about 200 and something we've got the king here no we haven't got the king but we will attack them nonetheless let us attack them how many men is this I am stat man y'all kandar surrender or die how many men is this 33 versus 223 ok right we can do this we can do this whole position hold position does hold position I've got an idea I've got my games settings combo let's turn this up campaign higher let's turn this up as well donut on the worst combat speed slowest ok who cares but our size don't really mind video options here we go if we turn down all of the settings to increase FPS this is the plan share the quality medium HDR ok we do need that on high grass detail yes right now let's see how high we can get the FPS or two or maybe okay BAM hundred twentieth year it makes the boat faster the bow goes even faster Zack Co no politics and we have some pretty simple rules no politics in prison for eternity doesn't matter how long you actually play the game for but they will never die success another glorious fight [Music] oh well we all saw that that would be an anomaly that one's going down in the history books as the time hunters that try to save the man's life but this it's 200 that's in love man to deal with you for some money to live on running away we gotta go paranoid anyway South Orange Avenue [Music] nothing that is everyone oh except this one boy here who appears to want to fight everyone she's running away now Connor that what you did is inexcusable and job done that's a success spoofing group we've got someone on discord saying they pledged on patreon um that's right yes that is correct derpy I think they have they get the donator rank up there you go give him a rank derpy rank him up boys 149 people killed free wounded oh and apparently another army wants to attack me okay thanks ed since when does my suffering end come on send me into the battle and derpy it is not that person but I'll have a chat after the stream [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today I mean I'm saying that as I'm trying to escape where do you think you're going I am distraught by where you think you're going so I will swing very quickly right somebody killed one routed they're eager to continue whoa Nords try to escape pestilence Hannah no and not one okay so all of the lords involved managed to escape but alas it does not matter for I will go over to actually that's already been looted Quine what a nice place weekly report morale is low what have we not got food we've got food we've got so much more out why would morale be low we win every single fight we're in some people some people just they just don't they just don't know how we've got tons of Nord archers now though that's very good our watchman is ready right he's gonna be a mercenary crossbowmen right and what's that that's man hunters pool they're friendly over to Queen promise of fight here between village village bandits what is this village peasants and deserters I'm hostile to both so I'm just not going to get involved fellow I'm just gonna burn the village down in the background so Queen take hostile action loose and burn all the villagers here a few and frightened ether village look I've got too many men okay - here you still under siege no you're not okay manage the garrison have all of my men okay take all of them I don't care I don't need them anymore you can have them and hopefully this means people will stop spontaneously attacking you all the time and also it means I won't I can just single-handedly siege towns and villages and all the peasants will get upset Killzone must have been Champa the weight dragging Jo could have you here as well take on style action Luton burn the village here we go peasants are upset it's time to charge low yes yes here they are dismount on this day ladies and gentleman let it be known that 100 stat man tried to give these villagers a chance a peaceful resolution to an issue which had been plaguing him which was the ridiculous amount of food they had and the likes to have but unless they prove vicious and to donate their supplies to the ladies it's time for the ex that's nothing you can do against this axe I'm afraid locks don't work throwing rocks won't even save you it's the last person again what have you got you've got a shave you could take some die over that cut that down put it down chop stop stop stop go away stop stop stop why is the kick so effective why is Kiki doing the ultimate strategy I now have okay come on stop stop stop let can I can actually kick you to death oh I can quite successfully so in fact um you know I'll let you leave a village alone someone survived they actually managed to get kicked to death I've looted that place that won't burn down let's move on to the next place Oh YUM who are you you've got 19 men our goodness say only 19 against this thing are you gonna let us become of attack you asked you to butt kicks Wilmington and we should look for anything today right-oh deciding this one we can have chosen literally anywhere which was easier just like anywhere which didn't have problems I've been fine with suede you sure they have they have errors but they don't come around immediately that was too close you almost actually escaped we don't let those things happen oh oh you're my prisoner now your phone nice to have you here right let us return back to Annoying peasants right Luton burn they want to fight please say this is where you're coming from please say this is where you're coming from this map this month this month what direction of the peasants coming from where are the peasants one of these peasants here they come they're coming over the hills still charging me wait a second can I pause the game one second I'll be right back I'll be right back I'm trying to think of something then just trying to find something [Music] mmm gotta find something good gotta find something good none of these are good choices I guess I could could load up epidemic sounds and try and find a good one actually you know I think I've gone rough just just the right one just the right one just give me a second [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies in general I've been the sniffing breath this has been one hell of a stream I hope you've enjoyed it I've had a great time if you've enjoyed it please give it a like you've watched something incredible the stream pod won't be available but I will be editing down this stream and I will be uploading it as a video so thank you very much for watching a being part of it and being part of the fun have fun I better remember save don't worry I'll save guys we can get back to this we can get back to this not truck will be a weekly thing but definitely we'd be victorious guys that's one hell of a victorious thing let's let's leave the village alone I think I think we've done it we've done enough to it thank you for watching guys I'll see you all later thank you drag Joel Octavia derpy spycrab thanks for coming for controlling the chat Killzone as well thank you very much for looking after the chair you guys best behave next time right let's see it
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 540,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gcBOeIGR5v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 39sec (9099 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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