Rimworld IN A NUTSHELL - 100 Stat Man Rimworld Organ Harvesting

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and look we've actually helped cure his asthma he used to have asthma in his right lung and now his lungs just removed can't have asthma if you don't have a lung ladies and gentlemen hello there ladies and gentlemen i am the spiffing brit and today you're joining me in the wonderful game that is rimworld created by literally just one bloke it's incredible now where is rimworld set well technically it's meant to be set on a outer rim planets completely almost uninhabited and full of hostile wildlife however gotta be honest kind of looks like whales i mean there's some striking similarities to be had here like what's this we've got some really large sheep horrific overgrown wildlife and of course rubbish absolutely littering the countryside but who are we playing as today well of course is the most important thing we have statman here that's right it's 100 stat man from our wonderful ck2 adventures he's here to join in on the fun with his completely maxed out stats and a gun yes he's going to be absolutely incredible to his right we have sir digby he's also an incredibly good character with some wonderful skills just look at all of that he can do basically everything however i'm leaving the best till last it's big dave big dave is a phenomenal absolute unit of a character who can genuinely only shoot and fight but he can also speak really well for some reason anyway he's an absolute psychopath so really he's up for absolutely everything now what's the aim of this colony and why have i built it in such a strange way after all we have our free residences beds here and we have a guest bed and then what's this a sleeping spot for prisoners and a medical sleeping spot for prisoners hang on a second why would we need a medical spot for prisoners well that's because this game is absolutely wonderful and it allows you to harvest the organs of literally anyone even your own colonists for example we can take a look at big dave and we can schedule an operation why not remove part of his left shoulder or harvest a lung or my personal favorite quite simply remove someone's heart either way we're going to be collecting members of the local welsh population and harvesting all their organs to be either consumed by us or sold on the black market because guess what organs sell for a lot of money and you join us as a wonderful event has happened a wild man has quite simply wandered in his name is chef we can attempt to tame him or arrest him hello there chef what are you doing down here you know we have a few options here we could tame or even hunt him however if we kill him we can't really harvest his organs which is why i have a better option here one hundred stat man i'm just gonna quickly wake you up for a second and you're gonna come down here an arrest chef now he's done absolutely nothing wrong other than walk into a wonderful island paradise in the welsh countryside but that doesn't mean we can't send the single greatest soldier in the world to defeat him technically speaking the real aim of rimworld is to build a spaceship and to leave the planet but i mean why would you want to do that when there's all these tasty human organs here look at his health there's absolutely nothing wrong with him which is exactly why we need to make something wrong with him all right come on 100 stud man quite simply tell him that we have a lovely bed for him waiting back at home okay now instead of doing that you've just decided to club him over the head okay uh let's capture him you've quite simply you've certainly abused poor chef here oh well what a poor little sausage there's chef and we're just quickly healing him up now i think instead of healing him because quite simply we don't need to waste the medication on this instead of doing that let's start harvesting some organs we also want to make sure that we harvest his liver his right kidney is left lung and then we might as well go for the entire heart now let's see how many organs we can get from chef before he dies since it looks like you'll be here for a while stat man thinks you should give your faction a name why i think we should be the high quality organs company what should this particular settlement be called well this can be the welcome facility now to actually do an operation you need to use medicine and to be honest i don't want to use my own medicine because our medicine is great so instead we're going to use wild heel root that we've literally just found in the countryside and we're just going to put that on him because why not it's 100 stat man quite possibly the best of everything in the game he's gonna come on in here and give chef a little bit of an improvement stat man he's the head scientist of the high quality organ co he is currently in the process of neutering chef a successful operation chef how's that fertility looking ah it's not looking that good right man what are we doing at the moment we're removing a body part let's see what body part we get today and whether chef will live or die for the oh he's dead right it turns out removing the liver was too much for poor chef and he has just straight up died you know what i think we should go to the butchering table and make sure that we butcher him as well because you know you can make a lot out of human leather oh don't consume him jesus christ stamina don't consume him i i more men butcher him for god's sake don't consume chef we don't know where he's been oh no you are you are genuinely just gonna eat him okay okay cool that's fine then oh now that you you ate his head off and then you butchered him okay hundred stat man you are one wild person indeed ah but we have 45 human leather who knows where that came from oh what's big dave up to big dave's going on a walk oh actually instead here's a turkey how about we just get you to kill the turkey there you go big dave that's what i'm talking about absolutely no damage sustained he quite simply dodged a turkey that's a turkey which can now either be hauled back or you can just consume the entire thing big day but you know what you're an absolute unit just an entire turkey by yourself there you go hopefully you're not gonna get food poisoning from a wild turkey that you just consumed i think you should be good oh god every colonist of the male gender wince is in pain some distant engine of hatred is stirring it is projecting a powerful psychic drone across the entire region but only on a frequency that affects the male gender oh great and a raccoon has gone mad right so digby you're drafted you've got to fight off this raccoon go on sir digby i know you can shoot better than that he's dodging like a pro so digby run it's just a bloody raccoon sir digby you should be easily able to outrun this go into digby run now shoot yes that's more like it to digby now leg it come on too deep get another shot there we go i was shot twice in the body with a revolver well done sir digby well done you've saved the colony you're a hero sir digby uh we've managed to successfully train a timberwolf who we've named michael for some reason that's fine we're gonna train him in the art of hauling oh great an eclipse has begun now if we had solar panels this would mean we'd be completely buggered for electricity however i was smart enough to use wind power oh no one of my animals has gotten sick from the flu michael no you were such a lovely little wolfy is there anything i can do to help you well we could treat the flu but honestly that's going to take a lot of medicine what else could we do we could euphemize you do we kill the dog or do we not kill the dog this is quite a difficult choice you see here at high quality organ co we don't want to exactly make the animals suffer but equally we have invested a lot of our time into making sure the animal doesn't die so for the time being i think i'm okay keeping it alive provided we treat it with the wonderful herbal medicine after all it's not good to waste some of your investments and you know what i've got a wonderful idea over here we have one of those horrible things where there could be a load of aliens inside or alternatively maybe a load of people in grossly pods either way there's gonna be organs in here for us to harvest now it's gonna be very difficult to currently take them in a fight after all we have some very basic guns and big dave with a swinging mace so to make it a little bit easier for ourselves i think we're going to build something i will construct a rudimentary maze of sorts and we are going to fill this maze and i mean absolutely fill this maze with some wonderful wooden spike for traps oh it's getting constructed we're making some progress i can already sense those untouched grossly pods containing some precious lungs which could be harvested and sold to i don't know some random bloke who's passing by in space now just in case the wonderful maze of death doesn't completely work it's important to make sure you have some sandbags set up to provide some defense to your own men and there we go perfection i think we're going to leave tonight and give our colonists a day of rest before we open up the horrendous tomb of death draft them all into the military and send them down here for a wonderful adventure now big dave is the slowest of the group and so he definitely shouldn't be the one that opens up the box of horrors it should of course be statman because statman he's got the fastest movement speed and the fastest deconstruction speed so it's full of absolutely wonderful things we've got free ancient cryosleep pots and yes we do have some horrible cybers and lancers but if we look past that these could be full of wonderful organs to be harvested right statman you're drafted get out of here boy run i need to trick the cybers into coming no that's a charge rifle run big dave run oh my god oh they shot your left leg with a charge rifle you have one hit point left in your left leg by god you do need to be treated for that that does not sound good statman you're just gonna have to hold it in at the moment i know you're not exactly happy given the situation one shot off and sat man run let him get deadpool trap run there we go is he properly chasing he's completely chasing he's triggering all of the traps and he's down there we go guys that is one cyber down do you want to run around where are you going to oh you're going to try and take down he's taking down the wooden door big dave runs that man run you know i think this has been good for one day we've killed one of them i think we should go back we'll organize this another day big dave grab the corpse and run oh and a transport pod has crashed a construction engineer named mitch is crashing in a transport pod nearby if he survives the impact he'll be badly wounded mitch is not affiliated with any faction you can rescue him and hope he joins freely or capture him for recruitment or slavery purposes actually i've got a better set of purposes for you mitch what have we got it's mitch he's 55 and a male space refugee he's a go juice addict and his left arm is very cut and he will die in 20 hours well mitch it's been an absolute pleasure getting to know you and i think it's time we send someone down to rescue him capture him or strip him we're gonna capture him we're going to harvest your left kidney your right lung and finally i think we should finish it off with your heart come on stackman let's see what you can remove without mitch dying we've got his kidney and he's still alive well done statman this is the first successful one a group of travelers from the union of candora passing by i hope you enjoy your stay so you come back for more right so we've harvested the lung the kidney and now it's time to remove the heart mitch it's been an absolute pleasure getting to know you and you're dead what a shame mitch it was an absolute joy having you with us oh my god you guys are genuinely just walking off the map well you really only were here for a second anyway it was a pleasure seeing you guys hornet and pig bye bye have a nice journey how's michael doing you know what he's actually doing quite well he's got 92 immunity so he's almost completely ready to be up and about the dog's up and about well done michael you've managed to develop an immunity i'm so proud of you michael good job and statman has completely healed himself this is wonderful news so i feel like we're doing something bad because currently we've been training michael with our raw food and our only raw food is human meat meaning we're training michael to human meat oh god michael please don't get a taste for any of the wonderful colonists what happens when we've run out of human beings statman is about to break down this wall big dave is standing here doing basically nothing he's got his little club he's ready to clobber anything that comes through here but to be honest really clobbering against decipher is a very bad idea and of course the digby is standing here behind the sandbags being very proud that he has hopefully a perfect shot down this corridor get them to come through the spike traps okay stat man you're gonna need to run back a bit unless the cipher dies on the last one which is actually entirely possible yes it's down right now we just have one left there we go a shoot-off between a lancer and a rover holfer we've done it oh my goodness we've actually gone and done it right big dave immediately snacking down on some food he's out in his pocket big dave has his priorities in order big dave more like big snack boy let's open up a few of these and see what's inside cross your fingers guys hope for a fresh human to harvest organs from right um okay one of them's rather angry but the rest of you are actually okay chemi you are very angry big dave you need to run to shemi and stop chemi from shooting you very quickly big dave very quickly you could die i said no so it's full of mega scarabs where did the bloody mega scarabs come from well i'm not going to ask any questions oh bloody shimmy shot alison where have you shot them oh you just shot them in the right leg okay it's fine the right leg's still there it can be removed oh we're going to need more prisoner beds we're going to need a lot more prisoner bags good hit good hit good hit one big dave good job oh you have just killed him big dave you weren't meant to kill him but that's fine big dave you know whatever whatever floats your boat remind me not to get on the band side of big dave anymore oh my god they're just vomiting on all of the gold why have they got gold on them for some reason we've just captured a load of people full of gold in cryosleep caskets why not they're going to be a little bit shaken up but trust me it's only going to get worse for them as ah it is i the spiffing brit and i've caught you in the moment of the video where you weren't expecting me i know you might be confused right about now but don't worry we'll get back to the organ harvesting adventures soon i just wanted to tell you about a little plan of mine for this video i want to see if we can get this onto youtube trending because i don't think any single rimworld video has ever ended up on youtube trending and here's how you can help you can quite simply leave a comment like this one here or like the video also greatly consider subscribing because i'd absolutely love to have you in my wonderful community anyway back to the organ harvesting we've got a load of prisoners to go through and stat man now is really not the time to play chess now is the time to treat ellison we need to get these people to good health so that we can harvest their organs you can't harvest organs from a dead person it's quite simple also like how the mega scarabs are vomiting because of course the mega scarabs have cryo sleep sickness and there we go we finally got the last one back in it's igor oh no ego is a medical emergency he's about to die what's wrong with him he's deaf in three hours so digby this is a job for you i'm afraid we're gonna have to keep these guys alive for a little longer because our crop of heel roots is not quite ready yet a casket builder named risa is crashing in a transport pod nearby if she survives the impact she'll be badly wounded she is from my enemy the criminals oh so that means we're gonna have absolutely no issue if we just capture her and harvest her organs and she dies because they already hate us god this is going great we've got five people to harvest organs from this is wonderful pierce this is wonderful you are age 78 you have hearing loss you're frail you are absolutely knackered you are going to die any day now anyway because you know you're 78 and quite frankly you've not had the best health so it only makes sense it really only does make sense that we just quite simply amputate everything hearing loss in your ears so instead of fixing that i say let's just amputate both your ears off oh no no no no no no no the prisoner's woken up and he's immediately gone berserk okay right big dave it's your job god damn it stop beating up all the people alison you actually melon right honestly if you kill alison now i don't care he's a math professor he's done he's done we've captured him good job good job okay upon closer inspection it would appear that the main reason why he went berserk might have to do something with the fact that he's currently experiencing mind-shattering pain ellison you've just cost us a lot of time oh and you've got asthma in your lungs oh ellison don't worry i've got an operation that can fix that ellison the bloody math professor has gotten sick with the plague okay so now there's a few ways we can deal with this and listen we're gonna give you a wonderful upgrade yeah that's right you're no longer on the crappy heel route that we've got none of you're on industrial tech medicine oh fancy we're going to help you out with some of your issues at the moment okay we're going to harvest a kidney and a right lung and then we're going to harvest your heart because at the moment you have the plague okay ellison and we can't let the plague spread so you've just got to go i'm sorry that's just how it is say goodbye to all of your internal organs you won't be needing those when you're dead group from the union of kandor are visiting they have a few items to trade but please just ignore all of the organ harvesting and i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time here and look we've actually helped cure his asthma he used to have asthma in his right lung and now his lungs just removed can't have asthma if you don't have a lung ladies and gentlemen that's what we're learning here today goodbye alison oh he died during surgery oh poor guy couldn't see it coming really and omega scarab has self-tamed itself what thanks little mega scarab what am i to do with you mega scarab what do you even eat what do mega scarabs oh my god they've been eating the human bodies they've eaten the head off of juno the biologist they've eaten the head off of shimmy oh my god right okay oh and i've raid okay this is actually an issue and i think they might be attacking immediately which is a pain right so the people attacking us who have we got we've got some kind of a machine pistol another machine pistol standard auto pistol a bolt action rifle a pump shotgun and a steel knife okay they're beginning their assault just as it started raining right man you've got to defend your homelands from these horrific invaders come on big dave dodge those bullets like a boss intercept paulo big dave go good hit big dave what have you done you've bruised his torso go on big dave shatter him big dave has taken out paulo good job big dave big dave get back into some better cover okay big dave you've actually got an opportunity there we go run big dave go engage in close combat he won't be able to counter he's got a shotgun and you've got a club okay big dave you're taking a lot of hits big dave you've done it they're fleeing big dave and most importantly we've captured paolo perfection it's another one for the collection right you know we're having to spend a lot of time actually feeding all of these prisoners so i think it's time we start thinning the numbers out if you understand what i mean peter you know let's take a look at your health what have you got absolutely nothing wrong with you that's great peter that's absolutely wonderful that's exactly what some of our people are looking for so we're going to harvest your right kidney harvest your left lung and then i'm thinking let's just install a peg leg why not peter i'm sure we can do it i just want to test and then we're going to remove your heart we've removed your right kidney that's very good right we're removing his left lung now good job peter you didn't need that apparently you're a little stressed at the moment trust me it's okay it's gonna be fine you've got a peg leg now did you need the peg leg no but we've given you one anyway i hope you enjoy it peter because we're about to remove your heart oh sir digby has failed catastrophically when operating on peter peter we've removed your heart how are you still alive peter it's been an absolute pleasure knowing you peter but the fact that we can't even harvest any more organs from you and you're still alive after two attempts to remove your bloody heart you should be free out there in the countryside rest in peace pierce the con artist they died what a shame how did they die a scratch yep that's right it didn't have anything to do with the fact that we cut off both of your ears and attempted to take out your heart it was a scrap you know what i'd say this has been a successful first go at harvesting organs we've managed to successfully harvest a kidney another kidney a heart another heart another kidney another lung a heart a lung a liver and of course a kidney all in all i'd say this has been a successful run oh so digby is close to having a break risk so digby what's up oh you're upset that you butchered four humans and you observed three corpses it's okay sir digby these things happen don't worry about it oh my god i just built a heater and i built it the bloody wrong way rounds oh my god i'm an absolute idiot i am such an idiot deconstruct the caller for god's sake don't heat up the bloody freezer we finally finished micro electronics oh my god thank god now this means we can build a comms console and an orbital trade beacon you know what we got a box good trader flying about at the moment yeah let's call them up let's see what we got they'd also buy our human meat okay sally you're not willing to buy any of our organs is a shame but i'm sure we can buy some lovely things from you nonetheless anyway i think that's a pretty fair deal i'm happy with what we're getting a load of medicine and in return we're just selling some human meat another raid what's this the red creek alliance has arrived and they will attack immediately oh they're just tribesmen oh they've got boses and stuff that's not bad at all okay let's let's have them come go just shoot them from a distance and that's one down good stuff and they're alive which means we can hopefully harvest their organs let it be known that um they attacked first okay this was a defensive move i promise this prisoner here oh they've been healed up i think it's now only fair that we start harvesting a few of their kidneys so i'd say left kidney right lung and let's take out a liver and a yorkshire terrier has joined the colony why not we've gained a yorkshire terrier oh it's not just one yorkshire terror has joined all the yorkshire terries have joined uh okay what am i to do with all of you i've no idea what we're meant to do with all of you we've just got an absolute horde of yorkshire terriers now how we meant to feed them through winter oh actually i've got an idea maybe we don't feed them for winter maybe they feed us through winter maybe that's what we're doing with them my god oh and a rogue has gone berserk eroga why would you be berserk what have we done to you oh your organs were harvested ah okay no we do have way too many yorkshire terriers eight yorkshire terries some of these are gonna have to be slaughtered we don't want the yorkshire terriers getting attached to people any oh my god so digby you literally just went around and snapped their necks oh an exotic goods trader is passing by we could buy psychic insanity lance oh my god psychic animal pulsar drives all animals in the region insane i feel like we could go into someone's base use the psychic animal pulsar and then just leg it this is the good stuff this is the organ selling section kidneys go for 174 a piece lungs for 254 when they're a bit damaged or 278 when they're at their highest quality hearts and lungs okay they sell for the same amount but alas look at this we can sell them and that's 4 000 we've just gained from that 4 000 from selling all of that all right there we go good trade we've got a load of stuff including some absolutely crazy weapons no another raid it's the red creek people again what have they gone oh a theater technician named zack is crashing if he survives the impact he'll be badly wounded he's not affiliated with a faction gone big dave oh big dave you've just absolutely clubbed him over the head and won good job there big dave well done you know i think i've recorded a fair amount for today's episode utah contacts you and request for help he's wounded unable to move without your help he will die in seven days yuta is a 51 year old herbalist he promises to join if you rescue him yuta says there may be danger in the area he's right here so he's just up the road from us and in fact it's going to be quite easy to actually get to him we have seven days to get to him are we gonna be able to do it will we be able to do it who knows we've also got a wonderful guest here who we need to make sure we entertain but i'm gonna save that all for the next episode if you've enjoyed this episode and you want more room world or you want more content in this style then make sure to please give the video a like it really does help and of course if you want to make sure you don't miss the next episode of this then make sure you are subscribed so that way youtube will actually tell you when i upload it anyway thank you all to all of my patreons and if you're wanting a video to watch next i strongly recommend a selection of these ones here anyway i have been the spiffing brit and i'll see all of you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,042,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimwolrd game, rimworld in a nutshell, in a nutshell, 100 stat man, 100 stat man rimworld, rimworld organ harvesting, rimworld organ harvesting simulator, rimworld sseth, the spiffing brit, ck2 god, spiffing, rts, british humor, funny clips, 100 strat man, rt game, grand strategy, enterelysium, robbaz, valefisk, rimworld alpha, rimworld 1.0, rimworld challenge, rimworld review, war crimes, rimworld war crimes, video game, funny, hearts of iron 4, spiffing brit
Id: A9TmnSrPj4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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