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The Spiffing Brit giving Endless Legend some love, bringing colonization and Yorkshire tea to Auriga!

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/waterman85 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was literally searching 'Spiffing Brit Endless Legend' about a month ago and couldn't believe he hadn't done a vid on it yet 🙃

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Massive-Gas 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Love Spiff, and was really happy to see him try out Endless Legend.

But it just thought it was kinda funny how the exploit he showed was the same thing at least half of us have already done before lol

Hopefully his video brings some new players here!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/The_Afro_King98 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Are you telling me that the Broken Lords are broken?

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/pastt0m 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Spiff does good work, I like his videos a lot.

In this case, the only real exploit is the mega-busted Custom faction system.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/dragonseth07 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Maybe cover an entire continent in Districts with the Necrophagues next? Or maybe convert everyone in the world with Cultists? It is always hilarious when you can just walk into enemy empires late game and convert all their villages with superfast Fanatics.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AgostoAzul 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dude, we’ve known about this for years now. This is no secret

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/scorekeeper12 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

am i doing somthing wrong? was this patched? i doing pretty much the same things as in the video and on turn 1 a stalwart takes 23 turns to finish and costs 235 to buy out. i may not have as good a starting position but my 'industrial potential' is the same

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/makinsit 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
we can also use dust water to to increase plus 50% gold from cities now we're making 30k footer Oh God Gabe please you have to stop be eventually we're not meant to be able to do this hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the smithing Brit and today we're playing endless legend a classically amazing 4 X game which has actually been out for a very long time now and yet still receives updates I think it got its last update around about October last year which is absolutely crazy considering how old this game is now this game has been going for a long time it's seen a lot of updates and to a normal gamer that would mean wow this is a great world loved game I can't wait to see what happens but to someone like myself that means hang on a second they've updated it a couple of times oh there's going to be a ton of exploits aren't there and you know what ladies and gentlemen I'd be right there are a metric ton of exploits in this game and we're going to be having a wonderful time showcasing a couple of them today we're going to be doing the most cheesie's strategy imaginable to guarantee you the lovely ladies and gentlemen at home a surefire 100% guaranteed victory every single time you play anyway we're playing a Forex game today ladies and gentlemen now what does that mean well of course four extents are some very simple things explore expand exploit and exterminate us the whole Forex Yonghwa is effectively British colonial simulator it's fantastic so make sure you set back your relax ladies and gentlemen and you have your cup of the finest Yorkshire tea around that's right again yourself a nice proof you're feeling down right even more fantastic you might even give this video like you lovely person thank you very much now let's begin let's start a brand new game of endless legend now when you start a new game on endless Legend you'll probably get all of this good stuff you've got to set up your game you've got to select your empire oh there's so many empires you could choose from you can have some AI so you can have to play again so you're gonna have to fight on it world against a group of over place oh it's all very exciting now there are a few factions you can be say a bunch of subterranean mushroom people the boring human faction or the strange necromancer's there's a bunch of different factions in this game and all of them are great fun however we're not interested in any of these factions because honestly in my opinion they're terrible we're interested in this particular faction right here the broken lords ladies and gentlemen now you see the broken Lords are important because unlike every single of a faction in the game they don't grow their population using food they grow their population using dust dust in this game is money so they use money to make people and you know what you can do those people you can use those people to make money I know why didn't people think that this could be broken it's the broken Lords of course they already have broken in their name now the basic broken Lords which the game wants you to play as they're okay they have a couple of bonuses they have slight increases in the amount of gold per terrain they'll gain but honestly it's not that great they're starting bonuses are honestly pretty mediocre in comparison to most factions which is why you're not going to place the broken Lords you're going to be playing as the balanced spiff topia faction you'll notice these guys have a lot more traits in comparison to the regular broken Lords but just what are all of these traits well we went into the custom in faction creator screen and made something absolutely crazy we're going to be keeping our appetite for dust because it's fantastic but what we're going to be adding on are a bunch of traits which allow us to really improve our Empire firstly dust efficiency +1 gold on every single terrain with dust that's amazing secondly cellulose mutation you just need this one don't worry it'll make sense later basically just means building stuff is much cheaper brace yourself it's a pretty strange one plus 50% city upkeep during winter city upkeep is hardly anything for these guys so don't worry and the increased trade route bonus during summer is very useful in efficient extraction basically means we get less strategic resources make trade not war means we can't actually declare war which is fantastic because we don't care about war we care about gold businessman oh my goodness what a fantastic trade plus 30% golden cities you need this one ladies and gentlemen it's completely broken dust archaeology just a nice little bonus want to give us an extra 20 starting gold that's pretty useful that's basically an entire human extra population we can have at the start entrepreneur now this is a spicy one plus one gold per citizen in cities very jazzy you need that one fragile health because I don't care about military merchants bugzilla of trading and weak defense because once again we just don't care about military so there you have it ladies and gentlemen this is the perfect faction in my for the entirety of endless legends and we're going to be throwing them into a classically fast default setup of endless legends and showing you guys just how ridiculously powerful these guys are so our further ado ladies and gentlemen let's jump into a perfect recreation of the East India Trading Company arriving on a brand new continent and here we have a ladies and gentlemen we're in the game now immediately if you use two FPS games this game might not be your major cup of tea but trust me it's fantastic it's one of the best games ever created it's glorious now we've gotten quite lucky with our starter here ladies and gentlemen because we've ended up in an environment where we can get gold relatively easily in fact we have one spawn point over here where we can gain 17 gold just by existing here now that looks fantastic so that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to drop down our City right there and our first city is up and running now in this world basically everything is divided up into regions each region has a couple of important features which we'll get onto later but each region can only ever have one city which is a pretty interesting way of doing borders it means because I've put my city down here the AIS can no longer settle in it I could put down a city literally next door and this entire region which we haven't even discovered would be put under our control but most importantly over in the region to our left we've discovered an accurate representation of everyone who I play against online oh it's the money-making Salt desert fantastic don't worry we'll be getting that into our empire very soon now when it comes to first city in this game normally you're going to want to expand rather slowly and rather intelligently this is completely not the case when it comes to our Empire all expansion is completely nutley wacky and trust me it's fantastic that way we're mmediately going to start building a second infantry dude and the founders memorial but most importantly with the money we have are just going to buy a second worker and because we have that second worker as you can see we go from making 55 gold to making 62 gold immediately this is going to confuse you because it says you should only add 5 gold but this isn't the case he had some more gold because the fact that our faction our businessmen which is plus 30% gold for immediately making 15 more gold than we've really should which is fantastic anyway that's our first turned complete ladies and gentlemen and things already looking very good when it comes to research you want to immediately grab the Empire mint and then the lovely we'll take over here and a search party and probably all suicides yes that's perfect anyway a perfect first term has been completed for us and we've been given our first mission simply go visit this unspoiled ruins over here with a hero who has free infantry units now it's going to apparently take us five turns to make this infantry dude however because we have so much gold we're just gonna be able to buy him for ninety four gold and WA BAM it's as easy as that we're gonna be getting our infantry dude next turn lovely stuff indeed and now we're going to send off a hero to go investigate these ruins as our mission has instructed missions in this game are very important especially your main function missions because they're going to give you a lot of important resources immediately our quest is updated saying we need to get eighty gold and go bang on this bore again so that's exactly what we're going to have to do we're going to have to wait one more turn and then throw some gold acid right well BAM search it again oh now we need to defeat the army protecting the ruins well this isn't a challenge it's just a tutorial basically and WA BAM easy victory you know we've got some spare gold so you know we might as well do with it that's right we're gonna get the Empire Mint up and running this bad boy we're gonna have to buy them next turn but this thing is very important plus five gold on the city's top but it's the plus 15% gold which we genuinely do care about oh so very much that thing's amazing now in every single region there is effectively one small group of natives always in our case we've ended up with the horns these guys are pretty easy to pacify they're effectively a minor AI faction which you can annex into your city and they'll provide you of a small bonus these guys produce a small bit of science but effectively they're the native population who we've gone here we now control all of your lands please give them to us and you know what most of the time they're more than happy to do it now when it comes to this minor faction over here we need a way of dealing with them now normally you can either bribe or somehow convince them to join your empire in our case we're going to have to attack them and this is great because it gives us experience and it subjugates and destroys their entire native village rest in peace that tiny tiny village now we're going to be able to rebuild them because that's what we should be doing so we're gonna be getting some money from them very soon we're probably also going to want to start constructing a settler because they are very important to get down now the reason why it's very very important to go money only instead of actually splitting your resources and dividing your attention by now say investing in production and science is because money can buy you all the other things this game has to offer you see where as you would normally need a lot of production to say build up these geo McLeod's in 5 turns time instead we can just buy them for 126 gold okay so the sewer system we can just do the same having a sewer system grants us more gold effectively books we have increased approval which is going to increase the amount of gold we produce so effectively provided you just invest all of your resources into getting more gold you'll end up being able to buy out literally everything and I think it's roughly every 10 turns you get the ability to do an empire plan this is where you effectively divide the Empire's attention up into doing something important in our case you always just want to put all of your influence into the economy and population side of things because this is going to give us an extra free gold per citizens oh no and devastating news winter has started now winter is a huge mechanic in this game to most factions this basically means the end of growth your population is going to struggle to grow with the lack of food you're producing in our case it doesn't really make much of a difference sure -1 on all terrains with dust but our dust output is going to slowly start shifting away from the regions we're gathering it from and more on to just our actual raw population output we produce 8 gold per person now this is an entirely right we produce a little bit more but still it's very important anyway next time we're going to have a settler up and running and he's going to be able to come over to this region here and get it colonized and we've been we've purchased a settler you know it was to here we might as well buy another piece of population to oh yes now this city is making a hundred 25 gold in comparison the AI around us are probably going to be making normally around about one or two we're only on turn fourteen so most of their economy it's not going to be up and running for about another 20 or so turns and we're BAM we've got a brand new city down oh it's going to be a very profitable one as soon as winters over this city is going to start exploding in profit and of course when you get a city down you're going to want to immediately grab yourself the Empire mint and because we're not like a normal city we don't have to wait for our population to grow we can just drop down free pops immediately on this city and now it's making 40 gold which is downright fantastic and there we go winter has come to an end and fantastic news for us our gold production even though we're only on turn 17 is now 171 amazing that's absolutely amazing now we've managed to unlock the second era of Technology and the second ear is when our abilities start really coming online it's the error in which we're able to get some very important bonuses most importantly prisoners slaves and volunteers basically we're going to flood building sites with a bunch of cheap labor and consequently it means buying units in cities with gold and buying buildings is much much much cheaper also going to be able to just buy a bunch of resources on the stock market too now some fun things we can do is our faction because we have so much money in comparison to everyone else yes we can buy heroes before everyone else really financially can actually do it like for example this lovely hero here with a dust efficiency of free I mean that's very important we're going to need this guy every ever here is not so good but lord Payton Quinn here BAM this is the man because what we can do with Lord Paige and Quinn is we can assign them to the city which is making 188 gold we can go whoa BAM Payton guess what you know in here suddenly it's making 221 hmm that's fantastic now there are some important things you want to pick up if you're doing an economic play fruit firstly there are some things you can win basically at each tech group this game has effectively free bonus challenges where you can get one minor upgrade similar to almost the wanders from civilization we can build the Museum of Auriga I know it's fantastic it basically makes your empire little bit happier but most importantly it gives you a bonus of plus 20% gold in your entire empire provided the Empire is happy which is amazing that's all you need only downside is it can only be built once in the world so how are we gonna build it before everyone else well what you're gonna do is you're gonna buy the resources necessary to build the bloody Fink and then we can just slap it down wherever we like let's say right here and instead eventually building it we're instead going to buy it in a couple of turns time because you can actually wait 12 turns to build a wander which someone else might have already beaten you to now it's suddenly become winter but honestly that hasn't actually changed the amount of money we're making too much provided we keep popping wine to make our Empire ridiculously happy we're going to keep making around about 239 gold per turn which is absolutely ridiculous considering the stage of the game we're at and next turn I'm hoping we should be able to buy this museum and just basically cheese our way to an early victory because no one else is going to have built this bad boy yet and we've just bought him for six hundred and three d I'm also going to change our Empire plan so that we gain free gold per citizen on our cities but also building buyout is reduced by over 25% it's now means we only have to pay 50% the original cost to buy out a building probably should have thought about that before we bought the museum but you know these things happen but allow me to demonstrate what effect that's going to have the policy will kick in next turn but if we were to buy this Turner titanium extractor it would cost us 73 gold let's see how much it would cost next turn next turn it will instead only cost 49 that's much more balanced now already we're making a lot of money much more than we really should but this has put us in a great situation in terms of score we're not quite absolutely crushing it but don't worry we soon will with a few easy things at the moment it costs as 159 to buy population every time we buy more population the cost goes up but that makes perfect sense what doesn't necessarily make perfect sense is the fact that this population is going to make a lot of money see buying one dude is going to take up with the gold production this city from 189 to 209 that's right each citizen is now given us 20 extra gold and that actually is only going to increase as this guy levels up this guy he's exceedingly low level he can become so much better trust me because we've dust efficiency free we get plus 1% dust per Heroes level on the city the higher level this guy is the more percentage dust you have you get him up to dust trickery get him right the way to level free suddenly this guy if he's level 10 is gonna be adding around about plus 55% I do believe to the gold production in a city which is crazy considering that we're ready gaining a plus 30 percent and we just picked up that special building which is now granting us a +4 over 20% oh my goodness this is very unique indeed anyway summer has arrived and we're now making 400 gold per turn once again that's nice but we could be owning a lot more you see there are regions over here region of railay it's not fantastic but my goodness we're gonna still be able to make a lot of money from it so that's exactly what we're gonna do which is gonna wander our army on over there we're gonna make some money whilst all of this is going on we might as well actually start churning out some decent units heck if we wanted to we could build the industrial mega poll which is basically going to make all construction a bit easier and much cheaper you know what let's do it what are we gonna need 15 of the rare resources that's fine we can of this just a bunch of strategic resources really at the end of the day now the reason I made it so the extracting rare resources was more expensive is because buying rare resources as these guys is going to be fine it's going to actually be surprisingly cheap to simply buy our way to success so what we're going to do we're just going to buy ourselves five more titanium will BAM and now we can suddenly construct the industrial mega poll which is gonna slap it down right next to our city why not not the most efficient spot but honestly doesn't matter the industrial mega poll however this guy is massive so technically he's going to take 22 turns to build alternatively for only a thousand and four hundred gold we're going to be able to buy this guy and you know as much I love construction I like money just a bit more now also another bonus strong feature of this faction is that take a look at our science we're making 63 science per turn not fantastic probably pretty average around this time but what we can do with our science and be demonstrated next turn see we're going to end our turn finish alchemy workshops that's fantastic great stuff alchemy workshops complete now it's going to take us free turns to research the public library because the public library is going to cost us a hundred seventy-five research points however this isn't the case because we can just simply go over here and buy a hundred science for a hundred and forty two gold that's not that expensive if I'm honest at all and there we have it we can now buy the industrial mega poll because we have 1300 gold so we'll BAM just drew a mega poll it's gonna get ready next turn ladies and gentlemen with our spare money i swatched buy a few more titanium extractors fantastic stuff so BAM the industrial mega poll has been built with the first people to do that glory success to us I guess fantastic now with all of our spare money we're just going to start buying some better science production because you know we might as well and with any leftover cash I suppose we can just buy another dude there we go one more dude in the city know our lovely dust efficiency mayor has just been upgraded once more now he's gonna become a dust divine a plus one on any terrain which produces dust so basically the city is now making 267 gold which is very nice and you know what because he's being so kind and lovely we're gonna give him an extra do to work with oh you know what and another one or now we're making fringe and 33 gold now you're gonna start seeing the snowball happy oh this is where things start going completely out of control now as part of our mission we've just been tasked with colonizing a region which has at least 13 gold now luckily as a spot in this region right here which if we put a starting city down makes 19 gold so that's exactly what we're going to do our lovely stuff and now we're going to need to pacify the locals and get some resources up and running but of course when we have a new town we can actually get these guys online ridiculously quickly because all of the buildings which we expect to be built in a city can just all be purchased using gold BAM 63 gold 63 gold all of that done that's an entire city's basic infrastructure done in one turn and you know what let's get a couple more dudes in it went out to a population of four lovely BAM I've jumped into the midpoint of the video when you would least expected me I'm literally just here to tell you to go refill your cup of tea we got some more some much it's quickfire time I know it is it's great going through these really quickly you can even like the video anyway you know what happens when you press the like weird on this button 10,000 gold falls into your lap or into mine it's a 50/50 chance and you might as well give it a try anyway let's dive right back into this video ah something fantastic has happened this turn ladies and gentlemen we have discovered the right of way I know ladies and gentlemen who nude learning to drive on the left-hand side of the road was just so important the right of way allows us to get trade routes built now trade routes ladies and gentlemen in this game are ridiculous in the game of civilization six for example they weren't anything too crazy in this game a trade route is going to allow you to do something completely an utterly ridiculous trivia which not only give you gold they give you science and that is utterly mad and now that we've got the right-of-way built between these two cities as you can see we're already starting to make money now money from trading isn't actually anything too crazy at the start of the game as you can see it's pretty simple the distances isn't that long so trading is not going to be that wild but it improves massively with time now of course our hero who is governing our city has leveled up again and whilst we could give him dusty vinyl we want to make away as fast as possible to dust trickery trust me it's very valuable and the level up on him isn't useless anyway because it does increase the amount of gold the city is producing this one city is producing 489 Gold which is ridiculous this one is a hundred and twenty-five oh my goodness these are just wild absolutely wild numbers and perfect we've got ourselves another legendary here of the broken Lords at old Baron djursland over here we're just gonna give him a quick purchase and slap him down our lovely city of whole cars over here a goat tempt you to make some money anyway we've managed to just research a dust depository now this is a very important building because it provides plus for gold per citizen in the city working gold now as you know we currently get 11 gold per citizen working gold although it roughly translates out more to 20 dust depository means that 20 is going to instead become more like a 30 maybe even a 40 person is it consequently we want to get this bad boy as fast as possible and for that we're going to need to borrow some glass steel so that is by five of the good stuff fantastic sets us back 100 gold you know it honestly doesn't matter provided we can get this thing built now what I'm going to sadly have to do for a couple of turns is to move almost our entire population off of the production of gold and switch them to the production of influence this is because without a doubt we have to get access to master of markets this is a very important bonus which means we get a plus fifty percent bonus to all of our trade routes as you can probably guess that is ridiculously important to have so we're going to have that going until this is finished next turn and even though we have most of our population working on getting influenced instead of money we're still making five hundred gold per turn but anyway now that we've got all of our bonuses into gold production we're going to switch our populist back and you'll notice this city produces 186 gold now it produces a hell of a lot more my goodness 551 the things we can do and we haven't even got dust refinery down that's another plus 80 percent gold now of course with our immense wealth even though we'd length the strategic resources necessary to build the alchemic Institute one of the great scientific wonders of the world we're going to be able to do it anyways it's gonna give us plus 25 percent science just for literally fracking it down and that's exactly what we're going to do but of course we lack the 20 adamantium necessary in order to build it luckily we'll just go to the market by ourselves 20 adamantium for a horrific amount of money and get this bad boy built right here of course it's going to cost us two thousand to actually build this but don't worry we're gonna be able to speed up the process massively especially once we have our dust roof mine rebuilt yes also the city is now making 632 gold do not ask too many questions it's fine and we go to turns into building the academic Institute which is going to speed our way through that no problem splendid stuff indeed and our academic Institute has been built and Lord Paton governing the city is actually upgraded and consequently because he's leveled at once the city is now making 886 gold now I've returned we buy a population for say six hundred gold our income of the city goes up from about 922 yeah 952 mmm that's a that's a fair bit too much isn't it ladies it's about 33 gold per citizen in this city very spicy indeed oh no when it's winter which means everything's gone wrong except it hasn't we're still making a ridiculous amount of money everyone else's armies get worse our armies don't actually matter we can lose them and we're still going to basically win the game anyway we're gonna get that National Arena of ours built because that thing looks great fun and it's also going to help us get on our way to the quest of becoming the master of markets of a glorious influence hopefully and also for that we're going to need to build a national bloody Museum I know anyway so now we're going to move all of our populace across from making money on to making influence they now make a hundred influence per turn which is nice but it could be better so we're gonna get that National Museum built for that we need to buy the five adamantium and wabam National Museum it's gonna be finished next turn because we have a ridiculous amount of money and can get anything done so even though we're not going to be making a thousand gold this turn it doesn't really matter ladies and gentlemen because in a couple of turns time we'll be back to making a thousand gold we might be making even more but we just need to get these trade routes in and that we need lots and lots of influence Oh in our capital city duties levelled up again now we can get dust trickery which is gonna be plus 15% gold on the city now if we put this into perspective what that would mean is we put all of our populace on here they'd be making seven hundred and ninety seven gold very very good if we then add him into the mix get our upgrade in they're not making 859 mmm this is very good the upgrades are just gonna keep on coming anyway we need to get more influence in and that's exactly what we're going to do and now that we have so much influence from putting our population on just getting influenced done we can actually spend a ridiculous quantity of influence on making our cities happier given our unit's better movement and also mass increasing our science output this is absolutely ridiculous wha-bam suddenly we're going to probably become the best science producing nation with a Empire output of 523 science but most importantly our gold output as well and trade output is also fantastic as well as the fact that all of our cities are now very happy indeed are we've entered research error number four okay this is a big one and a dearth of dust owner - - gold on all dust terrains Oh terrible news not that it matters because we're making a ridiculous amount of money how on earth we're still making seven hundred gold and haven't even got my populous on gold population I do not know and we completed the legendary deed I do believe yeah we got plus 100 percent gold on approval provided our Empire is happy this is fantastic news for us because effectively it's just doubled the amount of gold we're earning which is ridiculous I mean if we move our populace away from making influence and into gold we're now making roughly around about 1500 which is crazy fantastic thank you very much game of course we actually need to get the benevolent Emperor built so we're gonna pop that down in our capital city and then we did it we got negotiation tactics Oh fantastic this allows us to build the city improvement which is going to very importantly increase the trade route bonus we receive in this city it's also really cheap to build along with the benevolent Emperor so WebM only 127 gold to get even more gold from our trade routes I love it that's going to be great now we can move our populace away from producing useless influence over to fantastic glorious gold oh my the city is now going to make almost a thousand gold in this city well it's not going to be too far behind I'll tell you what we could do if we could actually probably do with expanding our borders just a little bit and a sector to the south of us there's one region which just has three different luxury resources in close proximity so definitely going to capture that that looks great fun and now that we've got our gold production up and running it's turn 64 in our capital city is producing one thousand four hundred and seventy gold nice that's absolutely crazy and what we're going to be able to do is we can make this even better you see there are some luxuries you can buy to basically just make gold even better in your cities where silk here's pretty good plus 100 percent gold from trade routes in all cities which is nice are the one that really really matters is dust water plus 50 percent gold on cities so let's just buy as much of this as we can and hopefully in a couple of turns time when more of it floods onto the market we'll be able to buy some of this lovely dust water and I think in this region here we can actually start producing dust water which is going to be even more valuable for us oh my goodness oh so basically we make about 2,000 gold per turn which is absolutely crazy and 1,500 of that money entirely comes from our capital city here which is just wild absolutely wild the best thing is this is the true snowball ladies and gentlemen now turn 66 we can just buy population and every single population we buy is roughly another I think that's about 50 or 70 we're adding in terms of gold production in our capital city alone and this is going to also start really impacting the neighboring cities too so for example whole cars over here we can start buying population at ridiculously cheap prices and we increase this city and of course by increasing the city we also improve the trade routes in and out of these cities and yeah you can see where the loop is starting to happen now so far we're generating 128 science from our trade routes which is wild and our trade routes are enough to keep our one single army up and running my goodness we probably should get some extra units in there oh my goodness we've got a spot right here ladies and gentlemen which is plus 21 gold just to put the city right here and you know what that's exactly what we're going to do oh this is going to be a good City and already we're just going to span out all of the necessary buildings to get this city up and running we're going to harvest it of all of its resources and in order to build this old look it's good to take infinite turns because there's no production in this city well it's a good thing I just brought my entire bank account with me ah yes let's buy a city into existence perfect that is what I call one city up and running in exactly the way the game developers intended it to oh and we've completed the legendary deed of being the first empire to make 4,000 gold in one turn fantastic anyway let's get our city of holkar's over here up to a bit of a better state because I mean we focused a lot of attention onto our capital whereas really we should have sunk a lot into whole cars too so let's buy a bunch of the population there we go now there's 19 people living there in there making 1300 gold instead and it also means all the trade routes in and out of this city are going to get massively increased now our second sis you ever hear of whole Cara's also massively been improved it's now making 1600 gold turn a capsule is making mm and the cities of rarely inhale cross to go to take a while to catch up but don't worry they'll get that one day and we've now finally entered the fifth research age which is when we probably want to start actually dropping all of the research we've previously planning on doing because it's no longer going to be important for us sorry old research but we have new research to worry about see new research allows us to improve improve dust Alchemy's which you know plus five gold on any terrain with dust which is very nice but most important lets us build Town Criers for plus 40% gold on a city now that is something I very much care about now because we have so much money we can actually now start buying things which make us more money like the luxury resources for example grass silk over here plus 100% gold from trade routes so we can just buy a bunch of that stuff pop it off and we're gonna watch our money from trade roots go from 600 to 1000 now we're making 10k gold per turn yeah things are going completely wrong here in the eyes of game balance but you know this is perfectly fine in my opinion sure we have one city over here making four thousand two hundred gold per turn but we don't need to worry about it it's okay remember it's balanced out by the city upkeep and no no it's not it's not at all really oh god what have we done what have we done good news ladies and gentlemen we finally managed to accrue enough of the luxuries in order to tame an air can and we're generating thirteen thousand gold per turn and of course we've managed a tractor on the air can in particular which gives us a bunch of extra gold bonuses if we manage to take control of it so let's go and tame this bad boy there you go take this lovely spice my friend our and fantastic we've taken control of a lovelier camp now the reason why this is important is because we have some bonuses we can get dust alisha which is very nice this gives plus 20% dust for all neighboring regions we can also make the air can more powerful and then just make it even more powerful with buffs all allied units in a region generally these are cans they're great fun very very powerful beings what we're going to need though is 15 of those resources in order to make this earth can a legendary gold boy anyway let's quickly move this er can into a new region so that he gives the most benefits possible I think slap-bang in this region right here would be great and the best thing is when he sat in a region he gets all of the resources of that region too so all of the bonuses they just instantly become here I'm about to purchase the necessary 15 spices to make this guy even more overpowered so were BAM Oh can't congratulations 15 spices oh yes suddenly more gold in this region here why simply because it just borders a no can that's plus 275 gold because it borders the massive def monster next door I would of course our commander guy he's been upgraded and we've absolutely capped out dust trickery so it's time for us I guess to improve +1 gold on trade with dust this city's wild 6,000 gold per turn on one city's too stupid absolutely stupid cost us a thousand to get one new civilian out that each civilian adds so much gold it's ridiculous there we go just put all of the population into one city we got 65 people in this one city that's so many people so really more than everything else at this game God what are we dead if you look at the score for all of the AIS there aren't around about over mid 400s or mid 300s we're on 1,000 we're more than double the AIS with 65% of the way towards an economic victory which is just downright ridiculous so I was doing a bit of work off-screen only a couple of turns and I accidentally won the game it turns out we want an economic victory on turn 88 yeah we kind of beans did a bit in the current game type we were playing you need to make around about 2 million dust I do believe and as you can see we were making a lot of dust in one turn we made over 20,000 dust meaning we won the dust game with all the other empires like say a coop over here making zero dust per turn lilia makes minus 45 and Osman makes 78 we make a bit more than that I'm afraid oh my goodness what have we done see if things in our empire are going great everyone's leveling up everyone's becoming ridiculously more of a power Dino la dee da da da everything is great our capital city is 69 people living inside of it the city next to it also has 69 people in it and this city over here is 40 so let's fix that there we go it's an up to 58 I suppose that's quite good I don't know if I need to stop all of my workers making bloody influence they need to actually start making money can't believe we've won the turn when our capital city wasn't even making money what a strange situation we find ourselves in oh and we've hit the final age of research it's the end of Ages ladies and gentlemen very exciting one indeed now of course the power of people in my Empire is pretty impressive can we Warr 69 people away from making influence and just put them on gold and were bad we go from making four thousand five hundred to nine thousand no let's get this city up to ten thousand why not and there we go it's now making ten thousand gold why should a city make that much money there don't ask too many questions ladies and gentlemen we have the most populous empire in the entire world for no particular reason no my goodness what have we done I forgot we can also use dust water to to increase plus fifty percent gold from cities now we're making 30k footer oh god Gabe please you have to stop the eventually we're not meant to be able to do this I love this game it's so good it is just so powerful what an experience until we have a ladies and gentlemen all of our cities now have 69 population living inside of them why on earth this is the case it doesn't matter but it doesn't allow us to see just how much money all of our cities are making in comparison to each other and it's all completely nicely ridiculous of course what a turn ladies and gentlemen it's um it's a very unique one it's turned a hundred of the game and in the next term we're going to discover dust driven distillery which is gonna grant plus 100% gold to all of our cities and it is exactly as wild as it sounds trust me oh and so the fun begins oh it's very exciting I do love a good bit of war and splendid the dust distillery has been researched and this is where things are going to go wacky you see we're going to move all of our civilians that we had in here doing science and we're instead going to move them over towards working in the economy so here we go whoa BAM now this city is making 18,000 gold in one term the Empire is making 50,000 gold a lot of these minor cities they're almost making 10,000 let's boost them up to 10,000 why not doesn't cost us much money in order to do so there we go 53,000 gold per turn that's how much money we're making this is absolutely ridiculous in terms of score we're roughly three times the score of the next nearest AI we have completely smashed it if we look at the status screen look at dust here's our dust production here's the a is ninety a hundred fourteen and twenty four garbage here's our industry I have the highest industry and I haven't Specht into industry food however we do terrible um food research highest research by far this is actually the amount of research we've done science output you could say we have the high science output heist influence output well we have it when we can actually be arsed doing influence we even have the highest expansion for some reason and by far the most population oh my goodness I love this game this is too much fun oh this is far too much fun oh I forgot to pop this oh now we're making even more that's the plus 50% gold on cities oh let's just pop all of the boosters why not who knows what half of them do BAM all of the boosters all of the fun next turn how much money give me the money ladies and gentlemen give me all of the money and next turn it would appear we have somehow generated or we're making fifty nine thousand a turn hmm now that is an enjoyable quantity of cash and we've just so much money we can just make so many new population ogen of a hundred population city all right this one over here BAM crank the population up on that 89 people in there now this is wild absolutely wild sixty-two thousand gold per turn you know what I think that's it I've ruined this world enough I've destroyed this game all of its balance is out the window this is fantastic West we have low economic victory doesn't matter we can do whatever we like we might as well go for a bloody conquest victory at this point with the economy to just churn out units infinitely we can cover the entire map with full stacks of armies and defeat the AI even with garbage out TechEd units but we're not out texts because we have by far the most research production economy you name it we've got it all anyway I've been the smithing Brit ladies and gentlemen as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my amazing patrons you make these fantastic videos all the more possible you lovely people especially all of you have joined us in January welcome aboard your names are now displayed on screen and thank you very much to even all of you donating just a small amount by way of making up for your use of ad blocker that's right I know you cheeky people out there using it and hey if you've enjoyed this video feel free to give it a like my goodness is it absolutely crazy and if you want to see another one just like it then I do consider subscribing and also check out this video here trust me if you enjoyed this one you're gonna love this next video anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,224,049
Rating: 4.9481277 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, endless legend, strategy game, infinite gold, is broken, broken lords, perfectly balanced, perfectly balanced game, exploit, video game exploits, 4x, infinite gold glitch, infinite gold exploit, gold exploit, civilization 6, civ 6, grand strategy game, broken game, funny, montage, british, english, endless legend gameplay, gameplay, endless space, rts, turn based, rpg, rpg exploit, gold glitch, broken lords overpowerd, overpowered
Id: j5-i--roFOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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