Can You Flood The World In Civilization 6 Gathering Storm? Breaking The Perfectly Balanced Game

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uh-oh hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the sniffing grits and today you join me and Sid Meier's Civilization six with a brand new Gathering Storm DLC although with a price it's currently set up you'd think you're buying an entire brand new game but no no no no no those folks at 2k really know how to make tea but nonetheless they sent me a key for free so who was I to say no as our capitalism has its benefits doesn't it ladies and gentlemen you see with enough tea even you can get DLC for free so what are we going to be doing today and Sid Meier's Civilization six well I have a few brilliant plans most importantly I'd like to see if it's actually possible to flood the entire world you see they've decided to add in this mechanic called global warming now I'm not too fussed by this whole global warming malarkey because generally in the UK it's pretty much always absolutely freezing however apparently a lot of scientific data says it exists so naturally I'd like to see just how far we can take it in this game there are a few ways to generate a global warming and by doing so you can cause the sea levels to rise so my plan is to simply play a civilization with ridiculous buffs which allow them to travel via the sea and then flood the entire world forcing them to go onto the ocean you see if you have a strong naval game but you can't access the cities and you just bring the sea to the borders of the cities and then your boats can just sail on in there so that's the plan today ladies and gentlemen and we'll see how successful it is I've tried to not spoil the game too much so I'm afraid I'm not 100% certain if what we're doing is possible but Hey ladies and gents were at the end of the day all that matters is that you've got a cup of tea you sat down you relaxed you comfortable you're ready for this you might have hit the like button hey if you're brand new here you might have even considered subscribing you know what let's dive right into this come on ladies and gentlemen may I appear to have accidentally selected the play now which just froze you into a game randomly this isn't what I want sorry technical difficulties we'll be right back okay time for attempt to we need to create a game with our own settings here we go when it comes to our leader we're gonna be choosing the wonderful Dido the reason why is that they're all about having this special naval district which gives us even cheaper boats in incredible boat healing technologies I know it's completely utterly broken but Dido trust me this is exactly what we want disaster intensity well naturally we just want to crack that bad wipe to fall kind of upset that we can't go beyond this like I'd love the ability to decide no spam click the slider and drag it off the screen and get this up to a hundred and then just I don't know have a supervolcano just obliterate the entire world I think that would be the kind of gameplay I'm looking for when it comes to starting era we naturally want to start in the industrial era that way we will have access to wonderful coal because I mean come on if there are two brilliant things in this world its tea and coal the reason why being coal gives us access to tea that's right sadly the ridiculously harsh temperatures of the United Kingdom do not allow us to grow tea but we do have a lot of coal which allows us to build a boat powered by coal to go collect tea from willing countries that don't have their own Flags but would love to just you know be ruled over by an entire company dedicated to the harvesting of tea and also overlooking basic workers rights but hey you know swings and roundabouts ladies and gentlemen and here we have it ladies in judgment I've also wrote it so that we can only have a domination victory I don't want any of the AI is kind of wheedling away and then just I don't know pulling a science victory out on us or even worse imagine a culture victory the kind of person who goes for a culture victory I mean I'm just saying there's normal people who play games and then there's people who go for culture victory and civilization also I just discovered why this DLC cost so much it would appear that they've still got Sean Bean narrating all of the loading screens yep I'm guessing probably about 10% of the budget went to gameplay balance and then the other 90% went to let by Sean Bean anyway here we are we've jumped into the game ohai second what's this I think the games just detected that I'm playing for some reason we've had inspiration and we've had a massive progress towards colonialism oh it does bring joy to my heart that there is a world out there that needs to be colonized Oh lovely I've decided to found our first city tired no no no that will not do this needs to be improved presenting the brand-new heart of our empire small gland one it's going to be a city that is just destined to burn cold there is no reason to burn the coal it is only going to be burning the cold because I say it should be burning cold now immediately I've decided we're going to build an industrial zone the game was like oh no you need to build an aqueduct so your people can eat but I mean come on who needs to eat food waiting you just eat tasty lumps of coal I mean I ate them every year at Christmas because that was the only thing Santa would give me that was until I started drinking Yorkshire tea and then Santa decided to give me everything that's right ladies and gentlemen with a lovely taste of Yorkshire tea Santa will be willing to give you just about anything excluding VBox of course and naturally when it comes to setting up your government make sure to get this lovely policy here it's called drill manuals it means all improved coal sources are gonna yield one extra resource at trust me that one extra lump of coal or it's gonna melt this entire world Oh No a natural disaster is occurring a thousand-year flood has occurred good news is oh it's not on my land ah I don't really mind that's fine but hey maybe darling of the disasters to fall might have been a bit extreme oh well I don't think anything will go wrong although to be fair you guys in the comment section probably have the wonderful foresight and will go down into the comments section go post if actually I think you'll find everything went wrong well we've discovered our first nitro that's pretty good that's almost like whole but worse oh well it's a start I'll take it now we're yet to discover any coal but don't worry even if we ourselves don't have any cold using the wonderful power known as forceful trading with the natives we'll be able to get some coal of our own oh nice and my little pike in short man here they just plundered a local village and they're no lovely members of the village they just offered up 50 gold to us how very kind of them and we have discovered the wonderful city-state of Rapa Nui and I've immediately declared myself as suzerain of them because they do not have enough diplomatic power to say no still no coal though this is most scary I've discovered perhaps the reason we haven't discovered coal is that we haven't researched industrialization yet oh well as soon as we've nailed that thing down should be fine I've also just discovered the Turkish people that's right the Ottomans have just rocked up very nice their capital is all the way down here but I think there's some kind of lake here which maybe maybe if we flood the world we can get to overflow into their capital that would be the dream something I've noticed which is quite odd on the borders with the Ottomans is that there are two volcanoes here both of which have suddenly become active oh my friends I do believe we're gonna be in for a very interesting time indeed hey I don't have to deal with it Oh brilliant we literally just settled a brand new city and you want to know what happens immediately we get a major flood good lord this is not fair what have you done to me gay brand new city you've just decided hey you know what we're just gonna put an entire floodplain down here they're lovely that that's what sniffs looking forward to he'd love that just to destroy this entire River this city needs to be renamed there's a lot of green ground here lots of lovely plans some Wheaton I mean come on wait is practically tea so I'm gonna call this place not exactly tea because it's not exactly tea but t was what I was looking for also I've decided to build in the wonderful city of smaug land Warren a wonder which is called Great Zimbabwe not to shorts going on here are we building the entirety of Zimbabwe I kind of think that's quite a difficult thing to build but hey you know we're doing it apparently I'm trying to slowly stop the Ottoman expansion by basically just parking by crossbowmen it so that their settler can't walk around me look at this this is a thousand IQ play just break the AI because they don't go through these borders and upset Zanzibar but equally they can't go around this mountain oh I'm a genius aren't I oh no they just decided to settle their own City they just went bugger it you know what we'll settle our own City here we don't need to get towards all this copper we can do that from over there brilliant you've ruined all of my plans now I have to go settlers City on some sheep apparently I hope your city gets melted by the volcano that you've put it next to oh we just discovered a brand new thing it's Mount Vesuvius you know that volcano that was so bad it just melted literally everything that's finally we should settle it City over there it's surrounded by a lot of stone and stones kind of like coal except just a lot harder to burn I think that's got all of the properties that I'm looking for I think I've finally met the United States America here they are at Washington DC yes of course quite famous in fact position may the Egyptians of course yes is this flawless geography I remember this and Washington yes its northwest of the massive sea monster dragon creature yes is this map broken if there's one issue I'm having with this deal see it's that every other five seconds I pitch to keep getting bombarded by trade deals from the AI I get it you've got goods to trade but please calm down my friend oh my goodness I think I found the perfect island look at this I mean yes it will flood almost immediately but it's got chocolate it's surrounded by fish and whales and crabs look at it it's beautiful this is everything I needed on an island we must set about colonizing it oh and we've just done it ladies and gentlemen we've completed the first circumnavigation of the world and naturally because we're the first ones to do it we can claim that the world is in fact flat there we go that will really confuse everyone and set them behind for a few years when another natural disaster is occurred this is very spicy we keep getting these thousand-year floods I'm not really sure why every single flood we have is a thousand years long but I mean imagine a thousand-year flood that's gonna really mess up your life I keep getting bombarded by these really really terrible trade deals that the AI seems to be going like hey this is great basically you trade them half of my horse and nitrous supply and in return they're gonna give me one single iron and a bit of gold no these are absolutely terrible oh it's better than the last one where they literally just asked for 30 horses in return for one gold and an olive I mean yes the British Empire has made some pretty poor trade deals in the past word come on that's just too much ah and lovely the Colorado River just flooded or was killing my innocent skirmish oh that was just wandering by it turns out even just walking on the ground is a bit too dangerous at the moment in this game but nonetheless I'm hoping that we'll stop getting surprised by these floods if we just have a gradual rate of rising sea levels honestly the game is kind of broken at the moment because every time I end a turn I get three different ai's offering me random deals or just telling me that they don't like the way I smell this morning I mean seriously game okay I appreciate the occasional pointer that the a are starting to hate me but you don't need to just bombard me at the end of every turn like come on won't Sullivan what are you saying I often wonder why you say so little this game I love it but it's very funky indeed BAM we've settled a new city anyway and it's in the middle of nowhere for some reason and once we call Carthage no no no this is our first colonial land and for that we're gonna be calling it tea based war oh my check out this our empire has made history why because the residents of smaug land worn brag of living in the world's largest most sophisticated city that's right ladies and gentlemen our people just love living in smog land I mean wouldn't you I've decided enough is enough and we're going to build a dam to stop this river from continuously overflowing ah and the world enters the modern era and I do believe Oh we've gone into a golden age ladies and gentlemen lovely and for that I think we're going to choose the lovely focus of the heartbeat of steel that's right we want a ramp of this production and cause as much chaos as possible oh and here we have it we're surrounded by stone and yes we're near Mount Vesuvius but I do believe this is still going to be great time to found the city and in a beautiful location there you go the inspirational site of Mount Vesuvius fills the civilization with joy yes if I'm honest I probably wouldn't be filled with joy if I was sat next to Mount Vesuvius oh well I guess these people haven't read a history book yet right I think I've just discovered the most fantastic thing it is of course coal now we just need to locate the nearest coal to us on the map oh here it is it's down here in the south and is an z-bar sand z-bar your borders will likely expand and take this coal into your empire however there's a slight chance that they won't so for that reason we're going to buy a settler and send it down there because I'd but Trevor have the colon to my control than under your control and now that we have industrialization all we need to make sure is that we have a steady supply of coal and in a large amount of coal power plants with that we should be able to do just about everything no a natural disaster is occurring a category - for hurricane - for sorry how can you have a negative strength for okay is that a hurricane where it just produces stuff why is it - for well I'm just not gonna ask any questions that's fine - for hurricane Oh what is this mega colossal eruption citizens screaming terror and flee Oh know about the sufis erupt who could have seen that bad boy coming oh well ads in some culture so that's cool or so apparently can't build this close to the coal mines but we can build a city here near this city here I mean it's fine yes sure I'm just gonna found a city what has it done to the borders for some reason the boards have just gone like whoop and we control everything now Oh what's this aid request Suleiman was ravaged by natural disaster should we help them recover Oh No Oh No and another mega colossal eruption has occurred this is the one next to that ottoman city that they put on top of the copper that I wanted except five people died wow they have managed to reduce the city to one it don't think I've ever see the city be destroyed that much by natural disaster oh well just another classic mega-colossal eruption anyway let's steal this coal it's our first car whine oh look at this a glorious reproduction and free coal per turn some would say we've massively destroyed the Sun zibari an economy by stealing their coal which was technically right on their border but I prefer to say that they just weren't fast enough ladies and gentlemen and here we have it our first ever coal power plant we can build this bad boy right now it's gonna basically turn coal into power I've no idea what you technically use power for in this game but hey we've got one we've finally done it we've got our first great scientist we're gonna claim Charles Darwin himself famous scientists recruited by the Carthaginians yep I 107 at oh there we go we've made history once more rising smoke humming machinery the power of nature has been harnessed there we go we're gonna start using electricity to power our progress through this world and of course accumulate as much coal as possible now how can we make this even more smoke reducing all right we've just discovered the next most important trade resource and of course it is oil our only issue is that we don't really have any access to oil I spot an opportunity down here kind of on the coast where there is not only just one oil source there's also a second and a third or within reach of the city only slight issue being that it is basically the other side of the world well I'm sure we can set up a colony there nonetheless oh and another catastrophic eruption has occurred this time it's hit a city state but hey that's fine it's only lost one population now it's time we send off our colonists to the wonderful world that is oil land my goodness I can't wait to see what kind of stuff we can get from this oh and natural disaster just occurred they were trying to do nope a thousand-year flood along our board here but don't worry we've mitigated it by building this massive dam as long as we're the only ones able to stop the deadly natural disasters then honestly I think it's fine that the entire world is destroyed by them oh my goodness we've just gained John Rockefeller that's right the man the myth the legend the great merchant himself and when we use him he grants us 200 per turn oh that is absolutely incredible I am very happy to have an additional two oil per turn thank you very much john d rockefeller we're gonna burn that and destroy the atmosphere okay no joke I legitimately just got offered a trade deal by all of the other civilizations what is this game why are they all trying to send me a trade deal on the same turn please can you just calm down ai yes you know that City we wanted to settle well guess what the Egyptians decided Cecily oh well thank you very much Egyptians how very kind of you you know I can't believe you've done this how do we need to find somewhere else of oil to settle is one place here it's got some oil in fact there's actually some oil on our borders that I didn't even spot but yes we'll come over here and try and settle to take this water oh you Egyptians I won't be forgetting this I will burst your banks first when the great floods come and then we'll see who's laughing now ah and now this is where the World Congress really can be put to good use for example the global energy treaty is about to be decided upon it can entirely ban the production of a certain building for example a nuclear power plant a coal power plant or an oil power plant we do not want that instead we want to provide a 50% discount on nuclear power plants and I'm going to plow all of my diplomatic power into that to make sure it won't happen now let's see if they decided to pass my vote oh goodness yes it did indeed pass apparently all of the eyes excluding me try to ban the production of nuclear oil or coal I however decided to discount the entire thing because I plowed eight votes into it my friends we're running off of cheap nuclear power for the rest of the game we currently only have one coal power plant in small gland but we're getting a second built in kty and another built in a new watch I realize I need to rename those cities because they sound terrible I've renamed a few cities we now have sponsored by Yorkshire tea bean juice is just wrong and this city is on fire quite literal is next to Mount Vesuvius on the world has just entered the atomic era this is good stuff oh we just discovered the lovely scorched earth Civic oh I do feel lovely in Russia now I have a few options I could build a neighborhood over here on the beach where it's relatively safe from anything other than rising sea levels or I could decide to build a neighborhood here next to the active deadly Mount Vesuvius why not until we have it it's our first ever oil well oh it gives us free oil per turn this is gonna be lovely BAM the oil whirl is complete ah it's basically liquid gold but slightly less edible I strongly wouldn't recommend eating oil I'm not saying I've tried it but well there there's been some dark days allow me to present you the brand-new city of black tea because that's effectively what I've decided oil is oil it's kind of like black tea I guess technically not at all but you know we can but would leave oh and yet another natural disaster was mitigated oh it's the power of these dams ladies and gentlemen damn they're good XUI did that comedy gold ladies and gentlemen deploy the laugh track ladies and gentlemen oh no mega-colossal eruption has occurred oh who could have seen Mad Vesuvius erupting and burning down the nearby district actually occurring oh dear more flames for the flame god I suppose or so cheeky enemy spy decided to blow up my coal power plant someone's like they have something against me melting down the entire world oh well great I never mega-colossal eruption you had an eruption last her why not have one this turn there's another free Pop's gone is anyone even living in this city while the city is down to a population of 2 people apparently as soon as I built this house only five pops could live here six pops have been killed by this Mount Vesuvius the maps just doesn't check out sieve what's happening something I've discovered in this world is actually I'm not even doing too badly Pedro over here in Brazil he's burning much more coal than I am and good news the sea level hasn't even risen yet and also polar ice hasn't melted although apparently slightly too in for turns time I find that quite exciting in fact oh no a natural disaster has occurred a massive tornado outbreak apparently there are 1 2 3 4 5 tornadoes all at once just hovering around here thank you civilization very nice of you to bombard me with that and lovely bean juice is wrong is now going to have to repair everything because guess what the tornados burnt down our industrial district and we need that industrial district to burn coal about it how we meant to destroy the environment oh it's just decided to walk its way on over here how can tornadoes sidestep like that I have no idea we have a lovely opportunity here in t-base 1 we can choose to build a coal power plant or an oil power plant technically an oil power plant only produces moderate co2 so I'm afraid it just won't do we're gonna want a coal power plant whilst we've still got coal kicking around I want high co2 not that moderate stuff no no no here we have it but currently climate change phase 1 very exciting 10% of the polar ice is lost and not 0.5 meters of sea level has risen 8 turns until more sea is risen this is very exciting I can't wait for Phase 7 this looks great fun oh and another natural disaster has occurred this time it's a gentle eruption that's right ladies and gentlemen roar the smooth jazz watch is the volcano has a relaxing eruption the volcano is just doing its thing you know does it want Twitter does it not want to rock it doesn't know but it's just gonna go with the flow be relaxing ladies and gentlemen sid meier's gentle eruption thanks for tuning in to the jazz radio remember to Like and subscribe for more of that jazz back to the normal stuff right sorry how we melting the world again and lovely not exactly tea is once again faced with an opportunity coal or oil well we're gonna go for some oil here as well just want to mix it up a bit we don't have burned through all of our coal so we might as well also steal some oil as well and of course very important a tornado hit did destroy the coal power plant so it only makes sense to repair it so that we can melt the polar ice caps once more I decided we're going to take a non passive approach to flooding the world we're going to research computers so that we can build flood Barry's flood barriers are going to defend our cities from the massive floods that are going to occur but hopefully the ai's won't be smart enough to build these bad boys and so they will simply sink well apparently this is what happened to all of my units that were just exploring the world a for some reason all got themselves trapped here great I mean honestly is there anything I can do with them you know we'll just fortify them books at the end of the day they're making the a I think that I have a large army than I actually do so they'll just sit there for a bit what's that luxury resource T T Arabia has T trade we need to trade make a deal you've got tea I need tea what would you like for it what would you take old except you oh yes may Allah bless me oh we have tea finally ladies and gentlemen our Empire has been bestowed with the greatest resource known to man lovely oh and our first bit of coastal flooding has occurred we've pony lost these tiles here well you know what that's fine we weren't really using those rice blocks anyway you know this city on fire is still yet to recover from the fact that Mount Vesuvius erupted I've currently spent probably the last 50 years just letting these houses burn away I really don't think it's even worth the time trying to stop that flaming dumpster fire of a mess DITA was ravaged by natural disaster we should have them recover yeah you know what I'll ask for that so what natural disaster was i ravaged by again I don't believe I have been ravaged by a natural disaster but nonetheless I will request aid lovely this is what I was talking about Suleiman is just gonna give me free gold now that is a good trade deal how's the world doing at the moment Harley we've hit climate change phase two very spicy in two more turns we're gonna see another sea level rise this is great and co2 production Petrov still massively in the lead major I've no idea how you've managed to push so far ahead when it comes to burning things oh and some permanent coastal flooding has occurred we've lost the entire industrial district well that's a big shame forty base one but hey we can always build another that's the spirit guys lift your head up high as the world sinks around you and this city overhead they've lost a district over there this entire place looks like it's been flooded quite a bit oh is that the Sphinx Wow the Sphinx has lost its head it has fallen into the sea now that's a lot of damage look at this great news the opening of the not exactly T Canal Prince Ricky who traded prosperity it's the not exactly T canal it's a canal it might look like it has a lot of tea in it but it's not exactly tea because don't worry we're not the Americans we don't store our tea in the water we store our tea on land where it belongs and then maybe we drink it and store it in our hearts we're truly it deserves to be rested great yes we'll build some flood barriers on this city the city you've not exactly tea will be defended from all of the floods which have destroyed the cotton fields and yes of course we are researching uranium I want to know where this uranium is so that you know we can peacefully look after it yeah that's what we're planning to do peacefully look after the uranium we've discovered a great artifact yes we've as we've decided to dig up a piece of desert over there right there you see where my mouse is that's where it was and we found just a clock have we just found a massive grandfather clock sat in the middle of like the Sahara Desert in 2003 ad what you're just walking along like lalalala we think there might be a pyramid around here but no it's an entirely ornate Victorian clock oh we've done it we've built the Panama Canal it's really not that much for a canal it actually quite tiny in fact okay this there we go we've got this beautiful little canal and the advantage of this bad boy is well there isn't really one I don't know why we built it now that we finally finish building that in this city's on fire we can get to rebuilding the burnt down houses that have been brought down for quite a long while do you believe it's been about 50 years that this housing district over there has been set on fire for but hey no I think maybe it's time that we go and actually repair it I'm excited to see what the AI is going to do to deal with the endless rising tides although I would say I'm somewhat disappointed that it isn't more severe than it actually is right here we have it the biggest decision to make do we go democracy or communism now naturally I'm afraid ladies and gentlemen we're gonna have to go communism that's what I'm all about yes the honorable tradition of communism communism means more tea hopefully let's just do a quick update on the climate change status of the world we're apparently on climate change phase five it's only 2010 this is gone from spicy to mega spicy it's a bit wacky though because there's a 74% chance each turn of an entire River flooding and no matter how hard I try petrol just keeps burning that coal for so I've decided to build a flood barrier around t-base Warren so apparently it's gonna take 52 turns because to encase t-base 1 they've got to build around literally everything and of course once again we're faced with an option coal nuclear or oil nuclear power plants produce a miniscule amount of co2 into the atmosphere yes I'm afraid that's just not gonna cut it for me it's all about that beautiful coal power heavy co2 here we come apparently this World Congress session would love to start or what's this the climate Accords where basically the person with the lowest co2 amount they win we're going to vote against the climate Accords ladies and gentlemen it's just not in the world's best interest to start you know clamping down on heavy producers of co2 there you go it's failed with the support of Dido and Cleopatra we've managed to convince the world that you know this whole climate change malarkey nah it's okay don't need to worry about it what climate faze were in we're in climate phase six at the moment how long until we hit this point four turns apparently we've lost seventy percent of the polar ice well I think it's time we lose a hundred percent of the polar ice because I've heard of this thing called the Ice Age and honestly I don't think I want that and so I've mean logically the best way to stop the next Ice Age ister just get rid of all of the ice yes t Bay Swan has kind of gone from a situation which many can call bad to worse for some reason the house is still up and running but it is losing a lot of land the islands that north of it are just gone completely and utterly gone most of the American coast is also sunk but hey it's the Americans fault for building on the coastline in the first place which really let them down oh and it's happened again Mount Vesuvius has had yet another eruption lovely free people have naturally been wiped away by the flow'ry lava stuff all right how's the world climate doing they appear to have made it into climate phase seven very good indeed global temperature has risen to plus three point eight degrees eighty-five percent of the polar ice is gone and the sea level has risen three point five meters and 59 towers have been completely submerged by the water including basically Hall of T base Ward long may it rest in peace it made an attempt to stand against the rising tides but I'm afraid it wasn't enough oh and Mount Vesuvius erupts again I literally just spent the last turn finally repairing those houses but no matter su v--'s has to go hey and that lovely natural wonder in your borders everyone loves having me and your boarders don't mind me just gonna set fire to everything thank you about four Silvius you're very kind what's this peddlers unhappy tried to close to my borders we declare war on you Pedro I don't really know why we do that I'm just doing it for fun really this is nice of the game they've decided to fill my entire screen up with text boxes so I can't even see what is happening thank you game how very kind of you ten out of ten would recommend buying Civ six again I mean actually if I'm honest no no my favorite Civ is of course civilization for in my opinion probably the best civilization it's just one of those classic civilization six moments where you have a massive battleship here and then just a tiny ironclad massive battleship versus tiny ironclad fighter no ladies and gentlemen who do you think's likely to win that engagement yes Ron turn 322 of 330 honestly I must say I'm a tad disappointed by this new DLC as long as it is an exciting DLC I do believe it is lacking a few key important things number one the ability to flood the entire world yes I know it's a bit silly but trust me come on if it was in the game and you could actually do it incredible but at the moment all we have is just sitting around waiting for the game to go look you've capped out flooding everything's a bit more wet that sad I believe there's quite a few missed opportunities the game devs had but otherwise it says a pretty fun DLC adds a little bit of flavor into the game which is of course lovely inspire seek but yes this kind of sad that the climate change in this game literally just reaches a point and then the game goes hey look guys eighty-five percent of the polar icecaps is gone why can't we get to a hundred percent why can't we raise the sea level even further come on game there's so many warm spicy things you could have added okay right I think this is it the final turn of the game turned three to nine out of three thirty finally please are we done here nope you'd like to do one last trade deal where you ask and propose something completely stupid go away oh please may this game end lovely we would defeat it apparently we ran out of time but I mean honestly I don't mind I just wanted to see the world burn did the world bird no not really I'm quite disappointed white actually oh well I had fun nonetheless if you enjoyed watching this video of me attempting to mount the world and then getting disappointed by the fact that they didn't even decide to put that in the game then make sure to give this video a like if you want more of these kind of strange videos with me the smithing Bret then make sure to consider subscribing and also is always a huge thank you to all my majestic patrons who make these silly videos all the more possible thank you very much if you're sat there and you're wondering what video would you like to watch next and look no further than this one on screen now it's been chosen by me especially for you and trust me you're going to enjoy it anyway ladies and gentlemen I will see all of you in the next one have a lovely day [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,730,696
Rating: 4.9051247 out of 5
Keywords: the spiffing brit, civ 6, civ 6 gathering storm, Can You Flood The World In Civilization 6 Gathering Storm, perfectly balanced game, civilization 6 gathering storm, flood the world, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, funny, moments, gameplay, Civilization, Civilization 6, Civilization Vi, british, british humor, Civilization funny, Civilization gameplay, Civilization funny moments, rt game, Civ gathering storm, Civilization climate change, Civilization natural disasters, spiff
Id: _9iyGXfLsoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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