Fallout New Vegas IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Excluding One Punch Only Challenge

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uppercuts for you my friend and there we have it ladies and gentlemen free completely adult def Clause completely defeated using only my bare hands what a strange game this is hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britt today we're playing Fallout New Vegas that's why we're playing that one Fulop game which everyone likes the game which is better than fallout free and much better than fallout 4 and don't even get me started on fallout 76 this game has it all it's even got DLC which works ah that's right imagine releasing a game in say 2019 and they're getting a monthly subscription service at 76 where people can pay extra money to I don't know increase their storage slots wow that's a great feature fallout 76 nice of you to pay wallet open wait the feature glitched and it actually just deleted player inventories Oh hard towered strikes again oh my goodness what a powerful move but nonetheless we're playing Fallout New Vegas the Fallout game which actually had fun content and amazing storylines it's great it's got everything you want and it's so replayable I mean come on it's 2019 yet this game you can play it and the graphics are still perfect the dialogue is still perfect everything in this game holds up sure there's a bit of jank and it's not quite the outer worlds when it comes to graphics but my goodness mwah this is one good game and with a refreshing taste of Yorkshire tea we're going to be discovering some unique exploits that's right so let's dive right in start a brand new game it's gonna be good fun I'm once again not quite certain why there is audio playing for this considering that I turned all of the game sounds off but um parently professor has said someone round behind me to play audio okay you can leave after this cutscene okay you don't have to stay there just please I I turned or gave audio down where's the game are you coming from ah it's like oblivion all over again are these games unique anyway BAM we load into the game and naturally because I have all of the DLC the game just froze free stuff at me this is great this is like when you pay to win in an MMO oh I love paying to win that's the most perfectly balanced fing of all throwing your money at something until you've become good at the game anyway BAM we're in the game and suddenly I can actually turn up the game audio see look it was on boss zero for dope no no no no no no we still hear audio of course we do thank you game so yeah we get rescued by this lovely doctor man and he saved us from I don't know something oh how about my name can I tell him my name okay well then we need to come up with a hero today ladies and gentlemen I mean our hero they're going to be powerful so powerful in fact that there is physically no counter for them right BAM and your character name we're going as shaky today now I'm sure if many of you have seen the fantastic scooby-doo Adventures you'll be aware of this legendary godlike character of shaggy now shaggy is actually known as being the most powerful being in the entirety of existence itself Shaggy's only rival has ever been myself however I can only hit shaggy levels of power after drinking a refreshing taste of Yorkshire tea do-do-do-do-do that's right it's a plug time we are still not sponsored but they did send me this lovely box of branded tea that's right they actually sent tea with my name on it BAM it's amazing it's available for sale no this is mine I'm never going to sell it but hey if you want to buy some go down to the comment section I'll forward it to your cutie and we'll make my own tea reality oh yes a reality see what I did there but nonetheless today we're playing Shaggy the off brand knock off version of shaggy most he does have a very high power level he still doesn't quite hold up to snuff to his brother but nonetheless shaggy is here today to show us the world of new Vegas no we need to do is make him beautiful oh yeah ladies and gentlemen it's character creation time that's right this is what character craters look like from back in the day this game was released in 2010 ladies and gentlemen this is literally peak character creator for the era oh it's amazing so yes we need to create a male need to pick a race where's Argonian this is terrible a broad nose lizard monsters exist in the real world and the less we need to make Shaggy so we're gonna have to go in to customize mode that's right oh yes right let us create a head of course we know it's a fin head shaggy shaggy has a very thin head or is he wide oh god he's wide he has to be wide as to be wide and heavy doesn't he oh yes it's wide and heavy I'm sorry shaggy you ate one too many Scooby Snacks my friend you know the sugar content for them is completely over the top but you do have a very piercing stare and like that about you shaky but you do also look permanently ever so slightly angry that's good I like that let's fix those eyes of yours yes we want how eyes up eyes dabber it's got to be eyes up together apart oh I thought you'd never ask shaggy we've spent too far apart from each other let us be together how large or small us gotta be small just look at that such a cute little mouth what a great idea oh my goodness we can age him Oh hate you doesn't really seem to age people it just makes things kind of like sag oh yes the sag slider at sag him up a little bit now we need to do hair of course ah shaggy suave of course he's trying to imitate is much cooler brother shaggy bam we've done it itch this is a perfect hair I would just need some facial hair of course shaggy little bit of a beatnik going on oh my goodness says some phenomenal poured hair choices hit the Gettysburg is it meant to have a little nubbin of flesh poking through it you know what that looks great I like that we're gonna go for the shag Street that's what they call it in the bedroom oh my goodness the shacks why is this a dud dud this is fantastic you sure you want this to be your character God nobody's our only choice is the only one who could save us god I'm gonna need more tea for this now trust me this game is actually absolutely fantastic Fallout New Vegas it's a beautiful game its graphics plus they might not necessarily hold up perfectly to today's standards this game is just downright fantastic it's beautiful it's writing is splendid and even if you've never played the game and you might be put off a bit by how old and clunky it is it's well worth picking up trust me it's only like two quid on Steam at the moment go for it you will know why it's two quid on Steam because fallout 76 is failing but that doesn't matter just enjoy it anyway let's invest in this testing machine so this is where we get to invest our points you know and do some fantastic stuff now we're going to invest basically all of our points into becoming a much better charismatic guy I mean look at Jackie the guy's got so much power and it comes to luck sadly he's he's not the best he's not a lucky person he's a bit gifted with intelligence but when it comes to combat he's got doomsday pecs [ __ ] doomsday packs who knows what they are but he's got him that's all you need in life a good few doomsday packs oh my goodness it's perfect strength oh okay this is this is my character he'll be great now it might not feel like he's got too much but don't worry we're gonna be increasing his stats using some cheesy exploits no I have to sit down to a psychiatric test and then I should be free to get on with my exploitation oh my goodness it is not good to look at me when I'm sat down and now we need to kind of like tag free skills which are gonna be focusing on of course I'm gonna go for guns speech and or what else probably bartering is going to be our next best option there we go that seems perfect let's do this oh my goodness our character is just so concerning to look at you know when it comes to shaggy and his traits what are we gonna do BAM we're gonna make him built to destroy he's literally gonna shred everything to pieces we're also going to make him bit of a loose cannon sure he's a loose cannon this seems great BAM you're great shaggy trust me don't let anyone tell you otherwise your eyebrows they're just phenomenal don't know why they were above it in front of your nose but they're just perfect anyway bright it's time for us to leave let's go ladies and gentlemen and bam we are into good Springs congratulations ladies and gentlemen we've done it we're released into the wider world and it's exciting and I'm now going to get flooded with brand new TLC requests Oh lovely yes more TLC yes please tell me about the DLC now this game is pretty amazing it's fantastic ladies and gentlemen but what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be absolutely shredding it to pieces now as fun as it is to actually play the game the way it's intended I know yes sit down actually progress through levels do quests and all of that as terrible that's the normal person way of playing the game we're not like that here ladies and gentlemen we're not at all instead we're going to be finding the fastest way to level up to the level cap in the tutorial zone without ever leaving and so consequently what you're going to want to do is hop your way down to the pub over here the prospector yes this is perfect I what's example the DLC I have some pretty overpowered equipment starting off so been put on your lightweight metal armor grab yourself a weathered ten millimeter pistol and bam we're ready to go it's great we look fantastic we look like we're ready to put up a great fight and my goodness you have no idea the amount of power level is hiding he's got so much power level he's gonna be power leveling all over everyone there is physically no way to stop him BAM into the pub we go it's what you want to do go to sunny smiles say have her teach you how to use a gun it's as simple as that so just run around to the back of the saloon she's gonna give you a free gun it's a terrible warrant but don't worry you need it nonetheless now all we have to do is simply shoot the sarsaparilla bottles using the terrible gun we've been given there we go right and OOP okay no that's terrible OOP phenomenal we did it and immediately what you want to do is end the tutorial because I mean you don't want to continue the tutorial that sucks instead you got the terrible starter gun which you're never going to use and so just pick the DLC weapons over it what you want to do is go back into the pub and there's two people here having an argument now what you want to do is find Joe Cobb here and basically speed through this entire quest line by saying what was that you said about ringo and basically this man here is from outside of the town and he wants to basically kill a trader who didn't pay this fantastic lovely upstanding gentleman his road tariffs I know this trader decided he wouldn't get shaken down by a bunch of bandits and so we're going to help this fantastic upstanding fine member of society get his shakedown tax back so we're going to say yeah let's take over this town and we're gonna have to meet him outside of the town to assist him with his fantastic plan so just follow this guy of that house over there where he's going to stand against a wall but simply this guy's a Raider and he wants to take over the town we're going to assist him in the process of doing such a thing well I said we're going to assist him not really he's going to be assisting us with a fantastic glitch in the game so what you want to do go to our lovely friend Joe Cobb here say that hey I'll help you take over this town now basically Joe Cove wants me to go deal with Ringo so that's exactly what I'm gonna do and fantastic so this is step one of the quest above run Goodsprings run no we have to do is run over to that lovely gas station over there and find a lovely chappie called Ringo who didn't pay his road tolls I mean you guys know how I feel about road tolls anyone who's not paying the road tolls shaking is gonna get them oh he is gonna get you ladies and gentlemen he's gonna get you like the refreshing taste of Yorkshire tea gets me every single time my goodness it's fantastic honestly I'm wondering just how many times I can reference Yorkshire Tea in one video I think this is the video where I'm gonna try and hit my cap if such a cap even exists and right Batman you get your way over to this lovely petrol station game was to call a gas station but I mean come on we're not barbarians it a petrol station and hey look you meet Ringo this is hey that's close enough what do you mean I'm just say hey I'm having to look around and then what you want him to do is to give you a copy of his fantastic game called caravan and secured a little game but hey just gives me a free game and instead of playing it what we're going to do is say hey I don't have time for that um I've decided to kill you for Joe Cobb sorry Ringo it's not your fault but um you're just not very good at the game don't you fair neither is my character at the start but hey you know we'll improve splendid and that's Ringo dealt with Thank You Ringo for existing and then won't you immediately want to do ladies and gentle is hop straight back out into the world and we don't need to worry about that fantastic setup in there what we now need to do is go tell Joe Kopp the Pring go is dead and we can move on to the second phase of the quest the phase which involves all of the cheesiness my friends so you're gonna do ladies and gentlemen's go to Joe Cobb and then basically say BAM bringers dead and this lovely guy thinks it will be a great idea to take over the town by stealing some supplies from some of the local members of the village so yes we can shake down the local stores for all of their supplies to use for our amazing bidding now this is where a glitch exists because instead of actually doing that what we're going to do instead is kill Joe Cobb here that's right ladies and gentlemen so make sure to stab yourself with a stim pack and I'm afraid Joe Cobb this is the end for you you'll God my friend now of course all of his lovely power gangers aren't going to be too happy with us about what we've done but it matters little just watch out for all of the dynamite they'll be throwing in your direction I mean most of them are literally running around with baseball bats so there hardly much of a tricky fight for you just look at this guy he's just squatting on the hill with a pile of dynamite our lovely stuff dynamite man has been dealt with yeah against the DLC weapon which I was given these guys don't stand a chance oh wait speaking of which I run out of ammo don't worry we have a way of getting unlimited ammo or and that's a way of dealing with Raiders now sadly the power gang is on that happy with me anymore I've become vilified simply because I mean I did accidentally kind of defeat all of their friends so that has made the mistake upset with me but don't worry ladies and gentlemen whilst the quest technically has ended it also simultaneously has not ended so what you're going to want to do is run your way over to the general store now this lovely friend over of the general store does not know that the lovely mr. Cobbs is dead so you can speak to Chet here and basically say hey the power gang has need you to donate some supplies to them now Chet isn't that on board with it but don't worry you can tell him that this is your chance to join the winning side you're free seconds to decide immediately the guy's going to give us thirty rounds of 9-millimeter a mo some leather armor and we gained some extra perks or as well as 25 xp now is an issue ladies and gentlemen because we've just asked for a shakedown and for some reason we can do it again yes that's because technically the quest is over but it's also not over looks when you do the shakedown for supplies the game runs a check and says hey cop you've now got your supplies and sadly Cobb no longer exists ago yes I've got my supplies now and as a result we can continuously shakedown Chet now if you just have an auto clicker what you want to do is just simply hold down your finger here and you'll be noticing that the XP is slowly ticking up constantly on the right-hand side of the screen in fact it's ever so slightly broken now every single time we are doing this we gain about 25 XP which isn't much but it adds up very quickly and there are ways to get it to add up Forrester so there we go what we're going to want to do is simply hop out of there and as you can see BAM the power gang is they actually like us quite a lot now even though technically speaking we did murder them but they absolutely love us they've admit we've done a bit of good but most importantly we are now completely and massively over encumbered for the sole reason that this flock has given us 24 sets of lever armor yeah right we're just gonna drop all of those on the ground we have no need for that but what we do ever need for is the ridiculous amount of 9-millimeter a moment 70 bullets in fact but what is important is actually the level ups he's given us because level ups they're fantastic we can use these level ups to sink straight into whatever skills we like like for example guns oh yes yes let us sink all of our points into guns but also when you hit this level you can become a swift learner meaning you gain an extra 10 percent to total experience whenever experience points are learnt so what you want to do bad sink your park into there are we also getting a metered second level up that's fun just level up again ladies and gentlemen no biggie sink it all into guns whilst you're at it and what you want to do go back to chat a lovely friend here what you want to do is ask for some supplies but this time of course ladies and gentlemen we now gain an extra 10% experience every single time so as you can see bad we're now earning 28 experience every time we do this loot so what you want to do just hold down and repeat the loop ladies and gentlemen it's as easy as that this is quite simply profit lovely simple beautiful and easy profit this can be repeated a unlimited quantity of times and cool BAM we leveled up again and on level 4 where we can sink it all into would sink it into guns again why not I of course when you're early on in this game make sure to get educators you've gained extra two skill points every time you level up in this game and trust me we're gonna be leveling up a lot so make sure to sing that into educating and then probably next on your level up make sure to grab Swift learner mark - because that's even more experience so BAM we level up again sink more stuff into guns so we're hardly anywhere in the game and yet for some reason shaggy over here is a level 5 warrior so I've realized there's some much better things I could do like for example sit here for literally several hours and power level my way up - that's right ladies and gentlemen level 70 this is Shaggy the maximum level you physically can get to in this game shaggy is phenomenal his special stats aren't necessarily anything to be sniffed at but his skills are completely and utterly maxed out he also has an absolute bunch of perks they're all amazing you want to know make shaggy even more powerful he's just downright CRAZY although he is completely not over encumbered time to drop a ridiculous amount of lever armor oh go bad we can finally now actually move around with some speed so Shaggy's become technically the most powerful being in the a known state of the game this guy has physically no counter he could shoot exceedingly quickly and he's skilled to be using every single gun in existence it's the pistols however which I've really trained him to be good at with this regular 9-millimeter pistol now does twenty four bullets with each shot that's just how downright fantastic it is it's just so powerful ladies and gentlemen there's physically no way to stop it now there are technically two things we can do here you can theoretically run around the world of New Vegas with your brand-new level 50 character or alternatively you can choose the perk system in the game by fictive Li doubling up on every single perk now to do that it's rather simple what you want to do drop down a save just in case something goes wrong and you want to make your way outside of the starting village of good Springs and there we go now that we've managed to exit into the wasteland we can theoretically rebuild our character so if we do that we can technically make any edits to Shaggy's appearance which of course we're not going to do but it's the next area which is rather interesting we can completely re-roll or characters attributes once again they just increase some stats across the board and then we can retake some skills or in our case tag - one skill of course that means we have to certainly get rid of one of these farewell signs and then we can pick two traits just some basic traits though nothing absolutely crazy we're going to grab heavy handed and camicazi and there we go we can travel onwards now what you will notice is that we've gone straight back down - that's right level 1 however we kept all of our previous perks as you can see including super slam tag terrifying presence all of this lovely stuff as we can see if we take a look at all of our skills our unarmed skills are once again absolutely pathetic but this allows some interesting stuff to happen for example are we leveling up again so we're going to invest all of our points in two unarmed we're going to create shaggy but Chegg is going to have the ability to literally punch for everything in one hit and for some reason we can just keep leveling up again and again and ladies and gentlemen it's as easy as that because we've leveled up once before we keep all of our perks we keep all of our levels and you're just gonna have to certainly sit back and relax as I steam my way through most of these levels again are something that I'm rather interested in actually trying out is how powerful shaggy is when it comes to unarmed combat because we've managed to basically stack a load of exceedingly high-level perks to Shecky which means that his unarmed combat abilities should be slightly more than the average person one of his abilities includes making someone paralyzed for a straight thirty seconds oh my goodness I still have a stream labs notification so let's go and see just how powerful at unarmed combat jegi really is I think there's a willing test subject over here actually yes they've got a gun and everything Oh lovely stuff they're trying to shoot us well here they are let's go for a uppercut we have a zero trans here I suppose we are quite far away aren't we right okay let's get a bit closer right now let's do it uppercut uppercut okay we're just gonna do in one are we wait can we just literally one-hit punch this man okay we can right just a regular punch please to the body that's what we need okay oh my goodness phenomenal stuff right dodged those bullets dodged all of those bullets don't take any damage are we even taking damage no I don't think we are right punch Oh shaggy you're phenomenal you're just has no way of stopping you this man doesn't even need any limbs or so by the way of my world map is completely filled out because I got a perk which revealed the entire thing to me which does make technically the game a little bit more easy than it probably should be but that doesn't matter all that matters is that we're going to train show off our abilities when it comes to punching a deathclaw oh look we're getting shot us again hello there yep you know you can try and shoot at me all you like but my toughness is completely and utterly off the charts my friend Oh punch it's one punch shaggy honestly this guy is absolutely crazy right here we have it some even more angry boys trying to lob dynamite at me I'm afraid friend I'm pretty sure yeah I can just do the warn hit vats punch because Vance does like two times the damage are you sir she telling me we rode the five percent base charts we just go for the uppercut instead uppercut go oh there we go that's a weight handsome do we knock out both of them by accident using the upper cards I didn't realize uppercut had a massive group of hex this guy's paralyzed he's completely unconscious okay I forgot we had the ability to accidentally make people unconscious alright sorry friend shaggy is rather powerful indeed his damage resistance is something like 20 or something which is rather impressive it basically means regular pistols physically can't actually damage him anymore if we get some pretty intense extreme heavy armor we're basically going to become immortal and now we're back of a deathclaw place where they're once again going to tell me to not go and fight some death claws Oh what's this you'd have to be the meanest toughest roughest man to literally stand any chance against them it's a good thing I'm here this is fantastic news we've got some def claws and some people that need rescuing from said death claws and so that's where I come in ladies and gentlemen - so low punch deaf claws with my bare hands on my adventure hopefully towards the fantastic new Vegas strip so that I can go to a casino and show you the lovely ladies and gentlemen at home something rather impressive indeed hello that deathclaw you're going to aggro to me yes good deathclaw good fantastic you've got 350 HP which is a good start good start indeed right now we go for the melee punches okay so just a hit isn't going to do that much but what about a cross hit not that much Ivor what about some uppercuts what if we do four straight uppercuts five uppercuts right let's see how this works out uppercut one uppercut two uppercut three he critical strike time more uppercuts okay it would appear uppercuts have a chance of accidentally knocking them unconscious so that certainly has made punching a deathclaw to death relatively easier Wow yeah this is um that's fine we did that taking no damage oh goodness what a unique game but that was a young deaf claw now we've got to defeat some kind of actual full adult deathcore over there so basically it entirely relies on our ability to get the paralyzing strike off on this bad boy so come here mr. death claw yep okay now we're ready 500 health this time yes we need uppercut upward uppercut uppercut and anniver uppercut five straight uppercuts go good first hit that's an immediate paralysis and he's down so now we can just continue the process oh yes right time to whale away whilst he's down he can't even fight back ah balance ladies and gentlemen easy-peasy balance and there we go ladies and gentlemen an entire deaf Glory's being defeated without even completing any single quest in the game you can defeat the game's most tricky animal oh yeah now I've got two deaf claws coming to say hello right deaf claw Warren I require a uppercut on you possible right you before I do that which is quickly chugger you know a couple of fresh potatoes get some extra help in there yeah get my health regenerated up a bit just because I know what's quite likely to happen here and sting myself up a little bit right and now I think we're ready for the uppercut uppercut uppercut go there we go I think that's a critical strike and one's down and then you my friend you need an uppercut and an uppercut uppercut go and hopefully that's another deft or paralyzed yep and I do believe that's two oh wait no you you're not paralyzed okay let's deal with you first two uppercuts on you oh wow you're not even dead yet oh dear oh yes there we go so that last offer uppercut there has really got the paralysis in there good stuff oh that's one def claw down I know I just need to deal with you all right so we need uppercut uppercut uppercut on this def cloth there we go and that's another difficult straight back down again it feels kind of a little bit of broken when you can just do the paralysis infinite chain punch on a deathclaw but you know I like this game I'll let it slide oh dear there's another one okay hello second death claw oh wow you are a big one uppercuts for you my friend there we have it ladies and gentlemen free completely adult deaf floors completely defeated using only my bare hands what a strange game this is admittedly I'm only just alive but I'd say in total that hasn't gone too poorly whatsoever oh my goodness there's a number one more uppercuts then the only part of this strategy which technically doesn't completely work is when you start facing multiple death claws and then you have to time the VATS off correctly but ever wise it's fine oh wait I just stopped move this looks fun right stomp and stomp not quite as effective as just punching them really BAM there we go another dead deathclaw it's really isn't too crazy because there aren't deaf claws everywhere though my goodness we're getting attacked by some people over here with guns and not being friendly at all my goodness they're throwing dynamite out me right it's time for the classic uppercut move sorry friend a bouche and now to deal with this lovely man here with a gun I'm sorry friend it's more uppercuts for you ah lovely stuff oh my goodness that appears to be a fair bit of combat happening over here to the left I'd quite interested to see what it's all about maybe I can pick some most impacts off of the bodies yes that seems like a good idea but we're actually just outside New Vegas at the moment we've made some really good progress oh did their Raiders okay right well then I have to wait for you to come around the corner fiend and hit you with the classic uppercut and go boof that's one down I need for the second want to come around the corner okay you've got a laser gun yep that's cool just come around the corner my friend yes you're gonna get closer good now you've come a bit too close my friend say hello to the uppercuts and you're paralyzed ah ah thank you for partaking in Shaggy's adventure and here we go we've actually made our way of to new vegas ladies and gentlemen progress has been made now I'm busy trying to get into this trip but sadly all of these evil robots here they're just trying to stop me from accessing that's terrible ladies and gentlemen said away in a bit of a funky situation where they don't want to let me enter but luckily I'm still able to paralyze robots with my amazing abilities don't ask me how the fantastic punchy stuff is able to knock down a robot every once in a while but it just does and here we have it ladies and gentlemen we've made our way inside of the glorious strip and of course we can just immediately enter some of these fantastic casinos oh yes not running to Benny the guy who'd literally put me in the grave ah yes I dug myself out of that grave to plan to you and yours sorry Benny my friend it's over for you I mean literally all of your guards are running away and let me find a nice weapon to get you with actually alternatively I could just uppercut you a load of times Benny right let's do that instead it's uppercut you into victory pally I can suck even more uppercuts how many uppercuts is too many the game says infinite uppercuts go Benny go uppercut to the stars my friend to the stars doesn't matter that you have paralysis or that you've just exploded somehow it's uppercut time why these people seem angry do something about these angry people sorry tops floor manager its uppercut time there's no way to stop me when I've got my fists ready sorry chairman don't even get me started on how effective I also am with guns we can just physically explode people it's as easy as that they just all blow up it's dude over here we've got a 63% chance take his head BAM did it in warn it's as easy as that this is Gabe oh this game is powerful it's completely powerful most of it is kind of broken though we've accidentally glitched a lot of it it's fine otherwise it's perfectly fine sorry roulette dealer so satisfied it really is oh well the Thomas people really are still not happy to see me that's not very nice of them come on guys I didn't do that much bad are you bullets actually getting through my armor potentially they are ok that's another level up let's improve our gun skill honestly I really should have gone for death claws with the hunter ability is that 75% increased critical damage against animals we could have one punched bloody deaf claws with that I've been phenomenal my getting shot at again Wow even more people come on guys come on what did I do oddly did anything right a couple of shots for you a couple of shots for you two there we go that should be fine just enough to explode them a bit ok sorry chairman greeter so sent to spy where they just explode I mean this is another fine and effective way of leveling up rather quickly I must say now there is a very unique way of gaining basically anything from a vendor if you really want so what you do is you want to find yourself just a general vendor it doesn't really matter who and what you want to do is simply trade them a full health 9-millimeter pistol they're going to give us 60 caps you know we're gonna completely not really accept that that's fantastic then what we're going to want to do is simply sell them a damaged pistol as you can see the more damaged a pistol is the less valuable it is we saw our previous pistol for 60 caps yet a damaged pistol will only sell for thirteen and one with twice the strength sells for 31 so we're going to sell this very damaged pistol for simply 13 very good right actually this hasn't worked at all I've gone to the wrong vendor I need the vendor to actually start with a gun oh dear right I need to find a gun vendor anyway BAM we faster on our way back to the good Springs general store where hopefully in here we have a lovely shop man Chet hey Chet what have you got for sale a lovely friend Chet over hopefully has a gun for me so what I'm going to need to do is select a regular nine meter pistol and then repair it up to maximum strength I realized instead of actually using a repair kit I can actually just smash a pistol into another pistol to repair it so that's exactly what we've done we've got one fully healed 9-millimeter pistol no basic there are a couple of ways to choose the game in order to get infinite money out of the vendors and my favorite one is demonstrated here so what we've got is we've got two nine-millimeter pistols which are damaged in the vendors inventory what we want to do is simply take a damaged one and sell them this fully healed one so we're bound we now have a completely healed 9-millimeter pistol in the vendors inventory and we've bought ourselves a damaged 9-millimeter pistol now what we're going to do is accept the trade and be given 28 caps now we back out of the trade check our inventory and we have our damaged 9-millimeter pistol now remember selling a 9-millimeter pistol it's not going to give us the best trade it's only gonna sell for 13 so BAM sell it for 13 get off 13 back and Rabanne we sell our fantastic terrible 9-millimeter pistol now we want to do is buy a nother damaged 9-millimeter pistol this one here 31 caps device that's what we're going to do buy our damaged pistol so we bought a damaged pistol yet we check our inventory and it is a damaged pistol what have I done wrong oh this the mental trauma where I go through and each buy both of them oh there we go we did it again it's basically after buying the cheaper pistol you have added to your inventory the fully repaired nine-millimeter pistol which consequently is a higher value now doing this exploit with nine-millimeter pistols is not an efficient use of your time but it does allow you to kind of cheese free money out of the system once again the simplest way of doing it simply sell the 9-millimeter pistol which is fully repaired and then back out of the trade menu then back on into the trade menu and buy yourself the damaged 9-millimeter pistol for 31 caps however after buying that pistol if you hop into your inventory you'll notice you have to bloody damage nine Malou pistols and you want to throw in a nine-millimeter pistol buy it back for in buy back two weapons for the pistol buying back exit out he could buy two and have repaired nine-millimeter pistol no.1 et al the later this exploit is so annoying to pull off I'm literally going mad I'm going bad I can't handle it oh my goodness oh my goodness right this is this is it right this has been too much it's been too much ladies and gentlemen Jets driven me mad why doesn't he behave who knows why ladies and gentlemen who knows why goodbye Chet I won't forget you but my goodness I'll be glad not having to remember you oh thank goodness Chet's reign of evil is over all right that's all ladies and gentlemen I think that's all we've got time for this week I'm afraid the legendary Shaggy has become even more powerful to the point where you can warn hit most animals on the planet his abilities no absolutely no bounds and hey if you want to praise the shaggy you can do by hopping down into the comment section and pleading your case as to why he should not want punch you out of reality I'd also be interested in seeing what game you'd like to see us cover next I have a couple more exploits for Fallout New Vegas so if you want to see more Fallout New Vegas give me a shout alternatively if you want to see an exploit video on the brand-new games the outer worlds which is very very similar to this and hop on down to the comments section and give me a shout or terms of lives always if you have any exploits feel free to email them to me and remember if your name's Dave and you're drinking coffee I am exceedingly disappointed go pour that thing out of your mug and go grab a nice warm cup of tea anyway ladies and gentleman I've been the spiffing for it as always thank you very much for watching if you'd Frank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons who have slowly been trying to fund research into limiting Shaggy's power have I'm afraid it's too little too late Shaggy's power knows no bounds heck he might even be able to take out Riano Kives some things are better left unsaid I'm afraid if you want your video to watch next look no further than this one on screen now it's been hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you have you really do enjoy watching it anyway I've been the spiffing Brit and I was each and every one of you in the next one goodbye for now and have an absolutely lovely day
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,567,821
Rating: 4.8814945 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, fallout new vegas, fallout, fallout new vegas is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits, perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced, fallout new vegas exploit, fallout exploit, fallout nv, fallout glitch, fallout funny, funny, montage, fallout rpg, rpg exploit, the outer worlds, One Punch Only Challenge, only challenge, fallout funny challenge, funny moments, fallout challenge, fallout one punch, fallout 4, fallout 3, skyrim, video game exploit, rt game
Id: chfOilDDWTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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