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[Music] and how many zombies 199 skeleton archers resurrected ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today you'll notice i'm playing heroes of might and magic five a fantastical addition to the heroes of might and magic universe released in 2006. now this is a bit of a unique one because whilst it's not necessarily as fantastic as heroes of might and magic 3 this game certainly does some things a little bit differently you'll notice for a start that basically everything is now 3d and there have been steps in the right direction as well as steps in the wrong direction but you know that's all part of the joy's heroes of might and magic franchise now today i'll be playing a very special edition of this game because once you can grab this game for yourself off of steam or gog which i've actually already done will instead be revisiting the original version 1.0 build of the game this is my favorite version of the game and sadly i lost my disc copy of heroes of mighty magic 5 a very long time ago but luckily a fantastical fan in australia decided to ship their copy all the way to my local po box my goodness isn't that a fantastic early birthday present and after loading up and playing a couple of games on version one i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt ladies and gentlemen this is one of the most perfectly balanced games and trust me there are no exploits they did all of the bug fixing before release okay everything's fine it's all fine oh god what are we gonna do now we're going to be playing a classic eight player free-for-all game on the heritage map this is just your classical heroes of might and magic map it's nice and big there's gonna be lots of fighting but we're not actually going to be doing any of that boring fighting stuff you see heroes of might and magic is a game where you take turns each turn is a day and at the end of the week you get to recruit all of your fantastical units in your town this is how 99 of factions play we however are not going to be playing as a normal faction we are going to be playing as necropolis ladies and gentlemen what are necropolis well in comparison to the classical peasant-y hero boys of heaven the kinky chappies of dungeon and the vape wizards necropolis is in fact affection like no other because it's not filled with fantastical heroes it is filled with very strange old men who exude wrinkles at an incredible rate you've got such beautiful characters as casper the embalmer nadir here and my personal favorite vladimir the reanimator now vladimir the reanimator is who we're going to be playing and you'll notice he's a little bit strange because he's kind of a skeleton but at the same time he's wearing a lovely toupee at the moment and of course when it comes to our starting bonus we're going to pick a random minor artifact to help us out with in our glorious battle and this is genuinely everything set up from this point on all the ais they can just random i don't mind perfect i think we're ready to go so here you have it welcome to the lovely and beautiful world of heroes of might and magic 5. now ready the map is looking like a game from 2006 but this is a very unique game and so consequently it has love and attention in certain places like for example your lovely handcrafted and designed cities this is our city of eruber ishikun it's beautiful and we can see just about everything that our city has to offer we have a single tavern here which i have no idea how people actually gain access to a massive town hall here but of course this is a very small settlement we need to get building i know my do we have some things to build so at the moment we just have a little village hall which gives us 500 gold per day well we need way more than that so our early game is going to mostly be increasing all of our incomes all of our resources but unlike most factions we're not actually going to be doing much fighting for about the first two months what we're going to do though is pick up a lovely graveyard so that we can get extra skeletons there we go look at that look at these lovely cute little bone boys we're gonna buy all of these bony boys and attach them to our army perfect now i was going to say that once you've actually bought your skeleton thing you want to pick up your next hero but interestingly we have a strange choice going on you see we could pick a hero from necropolis this is raven they're another necromancer or alternatively we could pick klaus the knight here now some would say picking the necromancer makes sense because they come with skeletons and zombies for us to add to our army and also they're kind of an evil necromancer but instead we're going to pick the nice friendly german chappie for one very important reason klaus here comes with peasants peasants are a very unique unit ladies and gentlemen because they're taxpayers what that little ability means is because we have 24 peasants as long as these peasants exist they're going to be paying 24 gold into our coffers every single day you see peasants are the backbone of just about everyone's economy and so they're kind of absolutely broken and we're going to be sending our lovely hero off to see what's around us there's a whole bunch of archers over there to our left horde of gremlins there's a whole bunch of footmen some blade dancers an arena i would say in total this is actually looking like a pretty decent start for us now that i've finished my first turn i should probably actually explain to you why we're playing necropolis of all factions well you see necropolis is always a bit of a hot contended point in the heroes of mighty magic community because in most games they are either absolutely completely and utterly ridiculously overpowered or just so overpowered that players will alt f4 as soon as they hop into a lobby now in the current community patched version of heroes and might magic 4 necropolis are kind of relatively balanced but in the release version one build necropolis are not balanced the reason is quite simple in a game where you can get only a limited amount of units and you can only recruit them once a week the ability to generate units out of thin air is kind of overpowered especially in a game of fighting and necropolis is exceedingly broken for one very simple reason we can play as vladimir the necromancer now vladimir's skills at the start of the game are pretty useless he has basic necromancy this means five percent of any enemies he kills are immediately resurrected back as skeletons this can be improved all the way up to about 20 and provided we built some special buildings as well i'm pretty sure it can go up to about 30 or so but that's not all ladies and gentlemen because with one simple upgrade you will no longer actually just be summoning skeletons you can be summoning skeleton archers equally you can pick up eternal servitude which means that not only at the end of a battle if you resurrect skeleton archers based off of the hit points of the enemies you've killed eternal servitude also means you'll be resurrecting your own units back to life this makes necropolis pretty annoying to play against because not only can they turn effectively your armies into their armies they can also turn their dead armies into their own living armies but what makes vladimir the most powerful necromancer of them all is because he starts out with a very easy spell this spell is reanimator but this is a spell which he gets at the start of the game that other comparable heroes will get right at the end of the game the only comparison spell you can make to this is a spell called resurrect which allows you to bring effectively your warriors back to life in the case of vladimir though he gets it right at the start of the game and it's insanely powerful this spell basically means we can go into any battle lose basically all of our skeletons and then just bring them back to life effectively meaning it's very difficult to lose the game early on anyway i'm going to get more infrastructure built we're going to build a crypt so that we can now recruit zombies you know we might as well actually buy all the zombies as well and we'll have klaus our other hero deliver them to our evil necromancer thank you very much for the zombie express service klaus that was very generous now go take those peasants back and hide now as i mentioned of course ladies and gentlemen we effectively resurrect skeleton archers based off of the amount of units we've killed this is a very useful thing to have as you can probably guess but where this gets a little bit silly is the fact that at the end of every week we can recruit more units but more importantly all of these independent neutral stacks you see lying around also grow in size but what we can do ladies and gentlemen is simply not attack any of these guys until we actually want to now the reason we're not going to attack them is because at the end of every week not only do we get new units but all of these neutral stacks get more units they grow in size these blade dancers will effectively multiply and they might go from being only about 25 blade dancers to there being about 40 blade dancers now a normal heroes of mighty magic player will be sat there thinking okay well we're going to have to attack it very early on then so that we don't risk losing any units of our own in our case however each and every one of these neutral unit stacks is effectively millions of skeletons waiting to be resurrected and so consequently we're not going to actually do anything to them we're going to simply wait and let these neutral stacks grow so that we can harvest them when they're nice and ready and this is why necropolis is so overpowered because whilst all the other ai players in the game are effectively running around trying to gather as many resources as possible doing as many fights as early as possible and just trying to get their economy up and running necropolis is simply going to sit here afk in the corner because by doing so they can get one of the largest armies and strongest armies very early on right until we're about to end our first week in terms of our first week we have managed to fight no one and do nothing beyond actually build up our capital a little bit and all of our lovely ai stacks have grown a little bit but most of them are still a way off of being ready to be harvested and here we have it we're finally able to recruit one of my most favorite units of all time the vampire ladies and gentlemen now vampires are truly incredible because they are a unit like no other they have some pretty decent stats they're pretty hard to kill but most importantly they have life drain what life drain means is every time say you lose a vampire and they're down to a stack of four vampires they can hit an enemy unit and suddenly become five vampires again they're an eternally rolling snowball that can fly across the map and even in later levels teleport and so is consequently an absolute pain to try and kill now i'm also going to pick up the first level of the mages guild this is because effectively picking up the first level of the mages guild gives us access to free random spells some of which are okay others are pretty terrible it's kind of all a bit random what spell you're actually going to end up with but the reason we want to get the mages guild is because right after we build that mages guild we can build a necromancer's tower which is going to increase our necromancy abilities by a further 10 quite simply all we need to do is now build this tower here and now we resurrect 15 of all enemies we kill this is off to a great start so let's say we were to attack say that stack of about 50 archers would mean we're able to resurrect a handful of them but i could do without so much more and so we must wait until we are ready and you know what some chaos has just happened it's week of the skeleton ladies and gentlemen do you know what that means weak of the skeletons means double growth of skeletons meaning if i go inside my capital here and i want to hire skeletons there's 72 bony boys lying around oh god right this is it by all creatures but there we go we now have a stack of 138 skeleton archers and we're going to actually start attacking people right now now welcome to the battle screen of heroes of might and magic five it's really something every single unit is lovingly handcrafted and walks around in stacks now in this game there is no balance and nothing makes sense for example my vampire here is able to fly all the way over to this tiny blade dancer shive it right in the middle of the chest and now it's down to two units meaning its attack is greatly limited now it's time for 138 skeleton arches because there's technically 138 skeleton archers which admittedly only do anywhere between one and two bits of damage because there's so many of them we're effectively able to pepper this entire blade dancer and kill him in one blow now it's up to the ghosts ghosts are brilliant because ghosts have a 50 chance to dodge any attack they're given provided it's not magical and then in heroes of mighty magic 5 our heroes actually gain the ability to also fight on the battlefield although you can choose to fight or instead cast a raised dead spell to bring a entire stack back to life yeah we're going to attack so we might as well and here's our peasant archers they're not the best i mean technically they do a lot more damage than your classical skeleton archer but i mean come on still it's not the greatest and there we go we're going to finish off the entirety of the blade dancers with only one dead zombie which is kind of fine zombies are garbage lovely stuff look at that glorious fight so we lost one unit killed a whole bunch of blade and war dancers and so when we exit out of the battle you'll notice we just resurrected 14 skeletons and they've just been added to our army most important we can now grab this shrine and choose to improve our attack skill this means all of our units will fight better but now most importantly we're going to head on over to this stack of archers because we need to start leveling up our character to unlock more improved necromancy spells so let's begin this fight it all starts with simply moving our vampires nice and close up to the enemy oh now we get to also shoot so i guess we attack one of the stacks of archers lovely now our skeleton boys we just simply want to leave them hanging back because they're going to get converted into arches later on we're then going to do archer v archer wars lovely i'm going to move my ghosts and vampires nice and close up to the enemy because if they start shooting the ghosts the ghosts of course have a 50 chance to dodge everything and now my skeleton archers can fight back and of course by fighting back i mean hopefully wiping out an entire stack in one and then of course the vampires teleport on it and immediately wipe a stack and you're dead i love vampires and there we go what a glorious win so we lost five ghosts and killed 40 archers meaning oh i get to pick my next level up because we're now level two now this is where we get some brilliant options we can choose to pick up advanced necromancy and resurrect five percent more dead we can pick up eternal servitude which means that we also resurrect fallen soldiers that we've lost but instead we're going to actually pick up skeleton archers so we no longer actually resurrect skeletons in all future fights we're going to resurrect skeleton archers oh and yes our hair is really starting to get jazzy here look at this so we've now got 24 skeletons lying around as well as some zombies and some chod now what we're actually going to have klaus do is run on over to vladimir and actually collect the unupgraded skeletons and then klaus is going to go and upgrade them for us and then return them to vladimir at the start of the next turn because from this point on we'll never effectively be seeing skeletons ever again we're only going to be resurrecting skeleton archers there we go we now have our improved and upgraded skeletons and we're going to take them immediately on to fight this horde of gremlins now these are 64 gremlins you'll notice they flee in fear but we're going to pursue them for a fight because even though they cannot do any damage to us we're going to be able to murder these gremlins and turn them into very very tasty skeleton arches which will be perfect let's uh just hit this top stack of gremlins lovely and then our skeleton archers get to have a shot they're going to kill anywhere between 17 and 30 gremlins perfect that's 23 dead gremlins oh and lovely the gremlins were idiots they're deciding to shoot the vampire now they've only managed to kill one vampire but the reason why it's fine to have them shoot the vampire is because the vampire is now going to go and hit this stack of gremlins here and by killing it it's going to resurrect itself oh this is silly why did they allow that to happen and there we go the gremlins are dead and we lost no one perfect so we're going to then probably turn 50 gremlins into a handful of skeleton archers hopefully 64 dead gremlins becomes 9 skeleton archers now the way necromancy works in this game is it's actually for some reason based off of hit points of units rather than the actual amount you murdered which kind of makes necromancy a little bit strange to work with well we've run into 40 archers which we're naturally going to pursue down so that we can convert them into archers ourselves lovely stuff and of course they're all going to try and shoot at the ghosts and miss lovely and there we go a handful of dead ghosts later we've managed to rent an entire enemy stack and now some time has passed ladies and gentlemen it's now day four of the second month i've cleared out a large quantity of very difficult enemies around about here and here we had to fight some tree ants and oh my goodness that was an absolute faff but most importantly all that's out the window so we can now access some of the great loot which is lying around the middle of the map so for the moment i'm just going to hit the shrine and pick up some of these goods most importantly the necklace of the bloody claw is a fantastic addition to our hero for the sole reason that's going to actually increase the damage done by our skeleton archers from one to two to two to three this is effectively doubled the amount of damage our skeleton archers are doing which is incredible and also we can finally build dragons now so there we go waller quickly buy a dragon graveyard we can't buy our first bone dragon here these are massive monstrosities that have huge amounts of hit points and do huge amounts of damage the only issue is they're also 2400 each which makes them a little bit expensive also i did some research behind the scenes and i also worked out just how much each of these local little dwellings grow each week so for our conscript stacks here they grow by 22 units each week which basically means because four weeks have passed these conscripts have grown by about 88 which is perfect this is going to allow us to get a bountiful harvest when we eventually get around to actually murdering them and you know what ladies and gentlemen i've just spoken to vladimir and he has a very special offer for you apparently for the first 8 000 people who like this video vladimir is going to resurrect them back to life as soon as they die for endless servitude in his massive necromancy army that's right you too can join the ranks of undead for an eternal servitude of suffering and conquest doesn't that just sound lovely so what are you waiting for you can press that magic button now now there's a lot of dejean here which are kind of like genies um and i guess we could try and fight them with our stack now i'm not too sure how difficult this is going to be oh no they can cast dark magic oh no it just keep lowering the attack of my skeleton archer well luckily that should be fine no and they've killed three vampires and then the vampires immediately resurrect three vampires back classic oh goodness this game i also forgot to say because vladimir he has leveled up a whole bunch he now has 50 mana meaning he can cast the raised dead spell over five times in a battle which just brings a stack back from the dead even which is just absolutely silly yeah we have a whole bunch of spells to play with oh and of course now we can just ice a genie right well let's just murder this one here there we go that's a dead genie oh and they've killed three vampires i don't know what a shame well go get some revenge vampires and there we go three resurrected vampires and that is the end of the fight all of the genies are dead i do believe we probably have the strongest army now 21 dead genies of course become 21 skeleton arches ah now it's a brand new week which means we can once again hire all of the new units which have cropped up this includes three massive brand new bone dragons this is going to cost a whole bunch of stuff isn't it yep there we go but we still have 10 grand lying around that's not bad at all actually right let's load up these men and take them to the front lines now the thing is bone dragons are fantastic they're very expensive and you don't want to lose them and normally if you've managed to get dragons this early in the game you might not have much money to buy them but also you're probably not going to try and throw them into difficult battles because you risk losing them and losing them is a massive loss not just financially but also in the time it takes to produce a dragon now luckily of course when you're playing this faction you can just raise your dragon back from the dead now in front of us we have some lovely horned demons these should be lovely and easy to kill oh my god they want to join us 67 horn demons with a greater desire for glory wish to join heck here come join us that's 67 free units now don't get me wrong corn demons are brilliant but what we can do instead of actually using them in our army is if we take them back to our capital here we're able to build a structure the shrine of the netherworld in fact we can build it right now and this allows us to convert any living thing into a dead thing what a magical power oh no we found our first entrance to the underground world right this is the underground place because of course every map has to have an underground and i think immediately we should just murder these assassins and get the vision because these are terrible 26 garbage upgraded level 1 units yep don't mind if i murder them instantly oh no they killed it a single ghost oh that's that's real sad guys well done killed a ghost right we're gonna murder 26 of them on how many skeleton arches we get out of this one ghost is dead but then the ghost comes back to life and we get 18 skeleton arches god it's so dumb it really is we're not going to have to fight these master hunters which have fantastical ranged abilities the only downside is they'll probably target the thing closest to them even if that thing's a ghost oh no they shot the ghost at the back of the map instead well well done really intelligent play there because this now means we can just murder them in one shot there we go that's one stack dead i'm pretty sure the vampires can then just fly on in here and yes finish everyone off perfect what an easy fight we get our seven dead ghosts back as well as uh 34 skeleton arches why did we get all of our ghosts back this doesn't seem balanced if we just lose seven ghosts and then we get seven ghosts back where's the fairness that's the true power of heroes of might and magic the game was rigged from the start right well i've dropped off the resupply of troops and we're going to be taking klaus all the way back to turn our brand new living units into dead units using a special treatment program i like to call very aggressive murder i think we might as well just wander around through the dungeons here and harvest some of the low-level units whilst no one else has access to here oh no 30 blood furies try and run away but 30 blood furies is like 30 skeletons so uh you're not allowed to run away my friends and of course the dragons could just fly on in here and immediately gank them so you know what let's have the dragons have a go come on we haven't used dragons before issue is dragons honestly not actually on paper as good as the skeletons or our stack of 40 vampires there we go we converted those 30 units into 24 skeletons which is perfect now what i'm going to do is i'm going to hire neburos here a demon lord for fun you might wonder why well it's mostly just that i can show off the turn things into undead feature of the game so we're going to turn some horn demons into 11 zombies okay and a hell hound into a ghost and some imps into skeletons lovely look at this now that's how to how to truly have some magical conversions lovely stuff right one a brand new week meaning all of the dwellings grow in size and we get yet another healthy stack of skeleton archers to ship to the front line although i'm pretty sure the front line is currently set very strongly oh no what's this the week of infirmity defense for all creatures from the acropolis inferno and dungeon are reduced by 20 oh no so all of our defense is down what a shame sure that won't affect us really though so that's all good 33 succubuses want to flee well i'm sorry but i need to turn 33 circuit buses into 33 skeleton arches please go another great fight four dead ghosts and 33 dead succubuses but of course the ghosts come back and we get 33 archers from the 33 dead succubuses why was this allowed in the game well this doesn't seem fair in any way anyway most importantly it's a brand new week and you know what that means ladies and gentlemen that means it's time for the resupply train so let's hire all of our brand new creatures two bone dragons and some liches some vampires some ghosts and some skelly archers can we buy them all my goodness it's eighteen thousand but you know what we might as well right we'll be shipping these men off to the front lines all right i think i've messed about underground long enough i'm going to take my hero straight back up to the top to hopefully gain access to the middle of the map or maybe even go over here and finish off the blue play because if we can actually fight the blue player with our stack that's going to yield more skeletons than waiting around on some of these ai stacks will actually be able to ever offer oh no the blue player is suddenly rocked up and he's made it almost to the middle of the map now the blue player is part of the wizard faction which you know as you can guess they focus on mostly just casting a whole bunch of spells and it's probably going to be a very exciting challenge to see if we can in fact defeat them but i'm going to guess considering our army is absolutely massive and we've also got quite a few tricks up our sleeve although on our way there i'm quickly going to murder all of these monster hunters here and hopefully pick up some skeletons 55 monster hunters oh and of course you target the ghosts oh you do so much damage but it's okay because i can kill you in one shot with these scully boys thank you 55 monster hunters please become 55 scully people alright now hopefully next week we'll have a actual nice effect and provided it is good we'll be able to go and chase blue over there and try and murder him oh and there's actually a second blue army coming all the way over here oh it's going to be in range oh is that your backup army yes it is java's the wizard with a few was that titans oh you are going to die my friend anyway should we go kill javier's the wizard reckon we probably should sorry my friend but i reckon you've probably got an artifact on you so i'm going to try and murder you oh my god you've got a colossus look how big that boy is oh it's a good thing i can just sit here yep you can walk about and do your thing the ghosts they don't have to do anything i guess my liches can attack quite good at that good job dragon could attack and it might be able to actually kill the big titan monster no we might as well let's go for it come on dragons i've got five of you prove your worth perfect so i guess we turned that titan into two skeletons now yep we turned turn the title to two skeletons all right now let's go capture the middle of the map for fun oh now this is becoming lovely and exciting the main blue army is in front of us which hopefully means we'll have a nice big fight very shortly come on vladimir i believe and you'll get to chase down that army and once we do this fight we'll probably return vladimir to our main base because we've got a ford of conscripts to mop up and as soon as we kill those well that's an extra 200 or so skeletons added but let's go chase down the enemy oh here we go a line of enemy armies we have oh a necromancer player oh and that's a real shame we found zoltan the necromancer now we can fight him and do a whole bunch of damage and easily kill his army that's no problem we probably should do it the only annoying thing is we can't resurrect any of his units no no blue player come back come back blue player don't run to the middle of the map oh you annoying sausage and yellow players well oh yellow player killed blue player okay that's annoying necromantic i wanted those units there were hundreds of units there to be converted into skeletons and you've just stolen them from me the only return of investment i can get is by killing this frog of hellhounds here will hopefully allow me to get another 100 or so skeleton archers added to my collection and now the archers attack and naturally just rinse everything they hit 2200 damage they just did there oh this is dumb heroes inviting magic is really a game of who can power game the system the most all right there we go job done that's a whole bunch of hellhounds dealt with so we lost four skeleton archers and one lich called 142 enemies but we get the lich back 106 skeleton archers added and up to almost a thousand skeleton arches but i reckon it's probably time for us to return so i'm going to actually return to our base via the long way round hopefully we'll run into some enemies on the way and we'll also pick up a whole bunch of ai stacks as we go this is 55 war dancers want to join our party uh sure fine you you may join and i will have you converted into skeletons now one of the fun features my 1 000 stack of skeletons now have is thanks to a vladimir upgrade they also now do freezing damage instead of just their regular damage all right 1 000 sack of skelly's ice that entire stack in one go good job 23 dead dogs vampires you do the same perfect there we go one ghost is lost but of course it comes back and now we get 51 additional skeletons oh this cycle continues it's a frog of conscripts in front of us ladies and gentlemen the earliest stack of the game which we've let sit here for so long 101 card scripts let's pursue them come on we've got to turn all of you into skeletons 1071 skeleton archers really want to say hi to this stack of conscripts we're just going to wait on everything and only have the arches fire there we go archers you know what to do hundred and one they're sat there now 101 of them are dead we win the combat it's as simple as that now give me my skelly arches lovely now to defeat another frog of conscripts oh 115 of you i'm sorry but you have to be murdered you get turned into lots and lots of tasty skellies trust me all right archers open fire you'll do anywhere between 2932 to 386 damage oh this is dumb i'm pretty sure they can now almost do 5000 damage in one go anyway that's more studies added to this deck we will actually have to send vladimir into our keep here because he has a whole bunch of spells he needs to learn and we've also learned instant travel oh of course we've learned instant travel now so we can cast spells oh this is it this is it game over ladies and gentlemen right you know what i think it's time to actually fully put this military to the test so it is now day four week two of month free uh the ai has basically run around although i would say calling the release build of this game's ai actually uh intelligent but nonetheless we have a massive army and we're standing outside of zayad here owned by the blue player he's managed to actually build up quite a large military force look at that several titans you know there's actually quite a few scary things in there which we'd have to worry about well which we would have to worry about if we actually had to worry about things anymore because we don't so we're going to take vladimir here and just waltz on into this castle and it's even protected by a wizard but that's not really going to stop us from kind of waltzing our way through all right lovely look at this glorious setup so beginning this battle we have 1 269 skeleton archers 55 war dancers 300 zombies 69 vampires nice 58 ghosts 21 litches and eight bone dragons it's time for us to begin ladies and gentlemen immediately we uh fire a trebuchet over and it doesn't damage and then the defenders get to shoot back and naturally for some silly reason they always shoot at the ghost i have no idea why considering the ghost has a 50 chance to miss the shot just like that you know what that's fine i'm not going to question the ai it makes its decisions okay who am i to judge come on you again you have a shot okay nope you choose to shoot the ghosts again brilliant why do you always just shoot the ghosts you're always so silly oh my goodness and the titan just killed 71 skeletons in one shot look at that what a colossal quantity of skeletons oh such a shame i'm going to be able to defeat it immediately anyway anyway our bone dragons are going to kill those sultans there we go they're gone and now it's time for my archers to kill five to six of these titans so my archers at this point in time can one shot every single unit on the battlefield here naturally i'm going to aim for the titan because it's a ranged unit so titan please die and there we go that's the titan dead oh this game anyway let's now have our lovely liches try and kill these range units here away you go okay that's 73 of them dead great job there and now to fly the lovely ghosts on in there now i'll go stop taking an absolute pounding but it's okay because we've got the raised dead spell i'm going to actually use it to resurrect 76 skeletons because i think that would be good fun so there we go 76 skeletons just came back to life for the cost of four mana i mean i can pretty sure i can do that spell another nine times this game these units just can't die let's fly the dragons on over the wall anyway archers kill the great big giant thing and we'll kill the wizardy people there we go lovely lots of great damage being done right what are you going to do special hero you're going to cast a fireball great you killed two zombies there and maybe a skeleton you know what i'm going to do i'm going to hit rey's dead and resurrect 45 ghosts the rv just can't be killed it just refuses to die oh god this is why player gets necropolis it's such a meme your army just gets melted their army just keeps standing back on up again you can't do anything it's terrible who decided this would be fair right and that's the siege complete what an incredible siege we lost so many units there i think we lost one zombie of free zombies and some choddy war dancers we got for free how terrible and of course we gained 9640 experience and killed a whole bunch of the enemy let's pick up oh expert destructive magic and how many zombies 199 skeleton archers resurrected ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness and we get another settlement but just look at this military 1400 skeleton archers oh it's dumb it's so dumb so we recently finished our battle with i think was the blue player over here i'm pretty sure it was the blue player they're playing alchemy anyway but it turns out there's a second alchemy player the green player over here after our last fight to get these main city of the ai we managed to pick up an extra 200 or so skeleton archers which is perfect because that means we're now up to 1 574 skeleton archers so next turn we're going to go and attack the lovely person sat inside of this fort and convert all of their units into skeletons because we can and if you've enjoyed this video so far feel free to give the video a like and you know what i could use some words of wisdom as to what here is a mighty magic game i play next i haven't even fully tested out all of the exploits for heroes of might and magic 4 and heroes of mighty magic 3. they're just some absolutely crazy ones out there anyway let's do a great big fight ah here we go it's time to deploy our men so naturally we have the lovely and beautiful toupee wearing vladimir against galib galib is i don't know he looks a bit boring he rides an elephant or something anyway we're going to destroy his entire city now naturally the issue of attacking a city is that the city hits back in this game and in the case of attacking any academy city you end up with a whole bunch of gremlins shooting at you and to be honest gremlins are fine especially because for some reason the ai in this game only targets ghosts for ranged attacks i don't know why like logically you would hit any other unit but no oh no we've just been hit by the titan he's down 43 damage my poor little skelly boys i know he dealt 200 damage oh we've lost 43 skeletons already what a shame we only have 1 500 to fill their space well now the enemy hero gets to fight back what's he going to do he's going to cast slow on a unit of vampires incredible well done brilliant play there enemy hero there's just one slight issue with a play like that and that's the fact that that spell is absolutely terrible and they should not have cast it no not i'm going to i've got a whole bunch of mana lying around i might as well use the conjure phoenix spell i've never used this before and i have no idea what it's going to do okay it's summoned to phoenix hopefully this is some kind of insane unit with immense abilities oh my god it does 241 damage oh this actually does look quite impressive well i'll definitely have to be messing about with a felix oh and fantastic now the turn of our skeleton archers to attack now naturally we have a few options to kill the rajas do we kill the archmages or how about we go for the giant colossal titans which look nice and scary we'll kill all of them of course because that's just how we work so rest in peace giant titan monsters now it's time to move up our phoenix this phoenix has a fantastic adventure to go on and i'm not too sure what it can actually do oh no where are those gargoyles going are you going to try and fight the skeletons you are aren't you oh my god are you idiots come on they they killed 23 skeletons but in return the skeletons hit back for 4261 damage this is because my stack of skeletons are not only the strongest ranged unit in the game they are also one of the toughest melee combatants mostly because they do 17 attack put this into perspective this is just under the attack of the ghosts here and it's the same attack as the zombies the only difference between our skeleton stack and our zombie stack is that our skeleton is technically a range tutor and also there's 1 500 of them oh no you've caused vulnerability on my skeleton archers oh no whatever you're going to do well luckily i can do this i can hit raise dead hover over my skeleton arches here and resurrect over a hundred of them there we go that's a 100 skeleton arches brought straight back to life to fight on the front lines you have to remember 100 skeleton arches translate technically to anywhere between 300 and 400 damage all right now let's send that phoenix into fight come on magical phoenix i'm sure it does anywhere between 161 and 241 damage but the issue is there's only one phoenix which makes it technically kind of weak on paper anyway let's go kill those archmages that's a lovely battle done and we now get to resurrect from the losses oh so here we might as well also pick up expert attack that looks perfect so we naturally summon some units that died back to life as well as resurrect an extra 204 skeleton archers this is why necropolis is so overpowered not only have we knocked out the green player we've also effectively turned the green player's army into our own army we are a snowball that does not stop rolling vladimir can not be defeated this monstrosity is insane he's an exceedingly high level wizard who can teleport around the map and resurrect a full stack of his own units endlessly meaning you can not kill his army and that is why with the release of this game's first dlc they had to nerf necropolis right into the ground and effectively turn them into a balanced faction i know it was exceedingly rude of them but in a certain way it had to happen but anyway i hope you enjoyed seeing one of my favorite exploits from gaming's history especially in one of my favorite titles of one of my favorite series those of might and magic 5 will certainly never live up to the nostalgia of home free but it is a nice step in the right direction before the game started going south but anyway what do you want to see next ladies and gentlemen i'm in the mood for a few strategy games maybe a few adventure games maybe a few rpgs and maybe a few tycoons so i'll have you hop down to the comment section and vote on what we'll do next do you want a civilization 5 how to get infinite science do you want b skyrim how to become the most overpowered mage in existence or do you want c the rimworld war crime experience it's a project i've been working on for a while it turns out the game actually makes it relatively easy to break the geneva convention anyway as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much especially to the person who sent this game in via the po box and i suppose i can list the po boxes description on screen now if you want to send things in feel free to um i actually have a birthday coming up soon so if you want to send something in to celebrate that then by all means i'd be more than happy to receive the po box has kind of given me some very strange things over the years from lovely foreign delicacies like macaroons to an entire morphe richards coffee machine which i've got to be honest i was not expecting so yes feel free to send all of your diplomatic gifts and diplomatic insults there anyway i'm afraid that's all for today's video and if you want to watch something else then i've got a few lovely options on screen which trust me you're going to love but i'm afraid that's all for me today and what's left is for me to see you in the next one so have an absolutely lovely day and bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,492,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, heroes 5, heroes V, homm V, homm 5, review, ssethtzeentach, heroes 3, video game exploit, spiffing brit, necromancy only, Heroes of Might and Magic V, PERFECTLY BALANCED WITH NO EXPLOITS, perfectly balanced game, hommv exploit, heroes 3 exploit, heroes 5 exploit, necromancy challenge, overpowered, homm overpowered, skyrim, necromancy, video game, rpg exploit, strategy exploit, overpowered build, necromancy build, guide, funny, montage, english
Id: ORMiEGbsX58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 9sec (2229 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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