HOI4 Youtubers Artillery Only Multiplayer.... #ARTILLERYONLY

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[Music] on you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen good god I hope you're in here for a wonderful evening welcome to team the spiffing breaks we are going to be taking on the mighty youtuber known as veil Fisk some of you may know him I've personally been watching him for what a longer time than I've actually been here on YouTube it's gonna be one hell of an evening and you can all thank ISP for yes encouraging everyone to do not Hillary only game for Christ's sake mate it's absolutely hideous but we've found a way around it it will be myself and Vale Fisk in a 1v1 scenario artillery only only the strongest will survive I've grabbed my gin I've also grabbed a cup of tea make sure to do both ladies and gents he will die indeed he will Michael Stoler I'm just gonna kind of set up a stream he's setting up his stream and then once we're both ready we're gonna hop in and we're gonna hop in together into our voice chat and have a bit of a conversation master don't you are real indeed you are mother Saddam barely streaming this by the way I know Vale is streaming this if you want to go see Vale Street me why not watch it at the same time as my stream hopefully our streams will be in sync should be good fun ah right I love you guys I hope you having a wonderful evening team spirit will prevail team spiff will prevail ladies and gents also congratulations to all to be watching on twitch I don't normally stream on Twitch but I felt like this might be an opportune moment anyway right I will I'll go turn on my my audio we've he is his audio issues has been having mic issues that's fine feedback gaming is also streaming yeah I invited yeah I was I was kind of speaking to feedback oh they were invited him to this but he he wasn't too enthusiastic so I'm not counting on Vail turns purser and feedback turning up to join in Phoenix just subscribe thank you very much Phoenix welcome to Britain you've just been granted citizenship what so thanks to all of you spamming Ave in chat how many places you're gonna stream I'm stripping in two places but I'm in a third if we can't veil stream Jesus Christ what are you playing us well I'll show you the game in a moment because it's very very very special so thank you very much the person who just subscribed lovely to have you here everyone please players Greece no good god no DJA b9 5:10 just subscribe thank you very much welcome to Britain once more the population of Britain is expanding this evening right although mute myself and try and see if veil can have a chat also Chris online thanks for following on Twitch mate I don't normally stream to twitch but you know this is an exception oh my god channel related memes what's happening here I'll be a bacon moment you all right come on Val I'll just don't mute myself Snowbell can hit me and as soon as he's ready he'll I'll pop in for a chat right I'm gonna move across and show you guys my in-game screen this is the game screen evidently Vale appears to have chosen the country he wants off hit that you're subscribed that one's a bit risky to read out I'm sorry that one's rather risky to read out so this is the one he wants scenario basically you have two nations you have the German Reich and you have the Soviet Union the German Reich has this much land and the exact same amount of factories as the Soviet Union they can go to war effectively instantly and whoever wins it's basically a balanced game so it will basically up to myself and Elvis to decide who plays what I mean maybe you all do is a flip of the coin maybe our channels will have a vote as to who gets what but of course we can't play the trade republic but luckily as the German Reich and the soap Union we can both trade with the Trade Republic we don't have normal focus trees we have the generic one so there's no cheating in that regard Jesus Christ which what the hell is going on here is met or knew yes everyone knows that the leader of Turkey also leads the mighty trade republic of the world what an interesting nation is is oh my drew played trenches public if drew donor was here this evening that is exactly the place I'd be putting here in the trade republic that would be absolutely brilliant thanks to a little review following and subscribing as well have you ever won free evening make sure to grab that gin it's gonna be well worth it it's gonna be a good evening play the USSR mate we don't know which one we're playing as soon as veo knows which one he's playing I'll pick the opposite I think it's it's fair that I give ale physically um the first pick but I have a good and key strategy for this evening of course we can only use artillery and support companies nothing else so it's gonna be a little bit of a I guess I suppose metric of the situation to try and put myself in good steed against all the other players because you know III I'm quite good at this game if I do say so myself you can tell the time humble bragging at the moment is youtuber with almost 1000 hours in the game I need to stress almost basically all holy for youtubers have a thousand hours in the game but also remember that anyone who tells you how many hours they have in high four is really boring and you shouldn't listen to them and I'm not referring to anyone in particular certainly not one of my channel moderators who have according to Vale you sound loud as [ __ ] Oh God fail you turn me down on the disco ball turn me down on the discord I'm so sorry sir b-boy 19:59 is now following I actually probably let's check out twitch that's because I can see the YouTube starts going well so youTube Live dashboard 460 people watching Jesus Christ that's good twitch how many people are we go watching eleven [ __ ] yeah good job twitch chat nicely potato doc night bringer nice to have all of you here as well as Sam and ever so pre nice for to have all of you here as well oh my god it's gonna be an interesting stream ladies and gents very interesting indeed so who's your money on do you think the office called Wayne or do you think the spiffing Brook will win because you know you've got a choice of two after is being drew spiff is my favorite thanks noob animations first yeah of the two I think I quite like Drew I think he just puts in the extra mile when it comes into edit but if it was out all the holy for youtubers I'm afraid my favorite is Vale Fisk I've been following him for years I followed him before he started a point for YouTube and so yeah he is my favorite he's my favorite true donor will win out parentally I have money on smithing that's what we need to do we need to set up effectively the csgo a lot of equivalent of hi for right fail are you on the discord now however I can't hear you on the discord I'll turn you up a bit nope I can't hear you at all go all right how about now I can hear you now hello Vail yeah I don't know why my voice meter died so I was actually talking to earlier but I thought you just had discordant me do it because you weren't responding though so Evo so which country do you want to take Soviet Union you're German right Boeing why they have generics a hard choice isn't that have to I think I'll take this fascist Union okay I'll take France Germany yeah if that's the way you want to play it very well so uh who do you think is gonna win out of us to Vale because I know you've been speaking to metal Lord Pedigo himself oh I am getting any tips over steam msgs you know no mater here he's just gonna be cited by nice trees just stream sniping it's feeding the information it's it's totally fair it'll level the playing field okay I'm sure playing field I mean it's just like World War two its espionage really when you think about it oh yeah the Belgians known for their espionage skills yeah yeah right are you are you ready for this fail mr. no but yes don't fit yes yes but no have you also got a beverage this evening what are you drinking this evening as in one o'clock in the afternoon so you don't quite that time a day I've got one lovely glass of gin and two cups of tea next to me now we do start with sixty infantry divisions which of course we can't use so Oh quite should we just delete them out right then yeah we probably should okay this is um this is gonna be something though I hope you're ready for this okay I've got my mental stress hello not ready you are so ready for this you were born ready fail absolutely born I've had a fir I hope this game works oh that's I got a full work good well let me just read what sorry let me not read what Pedigo sent me yes what's here templates because he created a meta animator artillery olie template that is absolutely a war or less that's completely ask me also we allowing planes or not I'm guessing we should say more to the planes I can tell you pedo Joe says on planes tip one if spiff allows you to do planes spam as many CAS and fighters as possible I agree that is the only strategy in this situation but for that reason I think we shouldn't allow planes I have to do the fair this will be of course the more you can focus on min maxing your little infantry troops that peda Joe's behest right you best be ready for my my MLG pro meta strats also totally remember to go down Mascis old doctrine that's the one you need to go down oh yes I am playing the Soviets I know huh I know how that really mass assault nothing else will work mate alright don't Bombers that should be fine yeah we have a lot of mystery already that's that's interesting that is quite nice actually that's good it allows me to get a signal company off the bat you also have full research plots yes nice okay so it is completely balanced then this is good stuff to see all right I'm going to okay I think I am set up I now just need to design my template I did that first you've done that first right okay I suppose I could just ask the chat if they want more artillery or less artillery and that can be the template design that's what you can whack in a load of these we've zero fifty-fifty factories all artillery that's that's a lot of artillery right that's a lot of damage all right the moment you've got hey I should say wait why would I do that if we don't have yeah okay I don't this is gonna make perfect sense guys see we're gonna make perfect sense and of course I'm guessing we're gonna have no Navy over yes I suppose we won't be fighting over the Baltic we will fight them on the land and only the land not on the beaches only the land that can't be bothered I'm good to go Vale let's do this everyone says more artillery my template fine anymore all right more artillery do you think we could ever reach 40 with artillery companies perhaps [ __ ] hell I hope so four miles are we here just suffer that's why we're here it's genuinely the only reason we're here in Vail all right let's do this speed speed free yeah I'm ready listen if you can't remember - gonna cake Oh God I won't ever seem factories looking like this before I'm only making artillery and support equipment like oh my you may see not on a truck there and I'm not gonna say what you should also be Oh actually wait now I don't need to producing that don't need to be producing now come 46000 stop oh okay I'm good I'm good hey those are just generic artillery only right we're not allowing rocket artillery uh I wasn't gonna ban it but you could although do we get our theorists okay Frank god we got no theorists or advisors actually because the issue is if we loved rocket artillery the Soviets have an advisor which basically allows you to get the cartouche cut in about four days which is why I think machines allow it oh yeah there are no there's oh there's nothing in here I genuinely have oh we saw holy [ __ ] let's do let's do that well we do have basically the same manpower we view exactly the same amount factories and dock yards etc editor is Pedigo measuring this even more veils oh no no no understand I am totally understanding just heavily disappointed right Chad says get the Coutu cheese okay you can go rocket artillery if you want it is it is a good struck it's very speedy but um there's no theorists at the moment sadly so you won't be able to rush the katusha go but you can work towards it and if it's what the chat wants maybe that's what you should give them maybe I will I've got a meta strategy I could pull off but I think I'm gonna save it for a rainy day your last resort my last resort is to effectively cheese it if I'm losing and when i say cheese' I mean like absolutely mega cheese it to the point where physically it's basically just breaking the rules of the game oh that's very worrying so how are you on this fine Dave Oh doing good you know got all my errands out of the way before we started this so I'm set as the Wu bean Rutten uh yeah that that's what I meant I was the law for law firm getting that sorted out will mine total - come on can I get you Twitter I can't can I get that in the will I gave I was giving you my twitch I locate your twitch account thanks babe that's gonna be great that's gonna really be the boost in my career can also get your Facebook account and use steam TV I yeah you'll get my Facebook I can't wait for that oh yeah if you die can I add your Facebook yes I don't know how you're gonna I don't know how I'll be there to accept it but I will I'm sure they'll be away like you in the afterlife we'll just be like sure I'll add Spieth over the border in level 10 thoughts what an interesting proposal that person oh [ __ ] I forgot about ports well never forget about such wonderful inventions mmm how am i good to do this okay I found exactly how I'm going to do this us Brits live off for building I think God what do you mean my mic is odd this mic sounds perfectly normal for me so if you're having an issue maybe you're the one that's order I did forget to put push-to-talk delay on which I have now put on so that might be what it is oh yeah how did initially push-to-talk delay web-based I'd cut myself off at the end of all of my sentences or no BS yeah yes it is the Maginot god can you turn the entire world into the Maginot Line today Vale do you think we can do it I don't know if I'll have enough men after we're done with this war right do you think it's worth rushing necessary the next research lot I don't think it is it's pretty crappy I don't last this might be a good idea that looks like a okay where I think I've found something I want to do in the near future but for the moment doctrine rushing declare war on the trade republic now that would be an interesting method strategy failed certainly wouldn't be expecting that yeah i mean if you did it you could then go through them and hit me from behind i really wouldn't expect that right I totally would hit you from behind if you know what I mean have you been following any of these shenanigans happening at I 63 today I did see so is Bo actually wearing yeah that yeah okay interesting yes he is and I saw the blue morphsuit and I was a bit concerned at first but you know now I've never seen Bo's face I can come to terms of it yeah I also sent the picture of Bo I felt a bra on and he had enough sleep uh yeah he's so is he still gonna do it at a hundred care did that have to be before insomnia somehow I think that was a joke I don't think he was actually gonna do a face reveal I think Polk had her face revealed because I mean he looks he doesn't look bad he looks like a human being like I can understand Norway some people might not want to do face reveal but Bo there's no reason why he shouldn't do face reveal because it's his job he hasn't got any prior commitments why not that's very true I don't want to do them because I'm people will find out I'm the ugly stepsister you know you're the beautiful Rick Astley that's true for people who aren't on Twitter I really do look like Rick Astley like that's not even a joke yeah it is ridiculous I mean I haven't seen it but just from the stories of the Rick Astley here I might ten out of ten would recommend very again it's apparently someone joined the stream just as I was saying I would hit it from behind can I think that they walk in oh say so we bent planes right yes with that adding paratrooper transports that does include a paratrooper transport planes yes I'm sorry pettish oh that that strategy he's not gonna power drop [ __ ] parachuters like parachuting artillery supply companies behind my lines no Jesus I mean it was a good at you know I'm sure it was absolutely brilliant idea in your mind I've got a brilliant idea and it all starts with this ladies and gents you might not be ready for this you'll do perfectly brilliant yes Vail I think that you know we've had some brilliant moments and there's there's no better way to relive those wonderful moments by celebrating it together with bias be hasty all criteria deployed men you bastard if I was gonna beat you to it I was just gonna capital rush you but know you've actually managed it now I've got some troops out you're not getting away with that I will still find a way just you watch me to be nice just yeah we do need to justify so I'll have a tiny bit of warning yeah but I'm pretty short just a fine time is how long is it gonna be like 150 days well justify it oh [ __ ] I'm gonna get one in the back you know for the future alright in defensive positions here we go defensive addition you've got 250 days mate don't worry age is out start suit all right I don't know how the straight things work but when was the last time you played a fool me June and before that November okay actually no I joined one of those games like a few weeks ago and I played a Saudi Arabia for like half an hour so I guess that counts yeah I'd like to do that to just run and be sure one of their games and then not really play and leave after a brief period of time my ears can only take so much yeah it does get a bit mentally taxing after a while I do agree oh just find the war gold on me how aggressive of you only fair fair is to a point also are we allowing rocket artillery or not just before my pilots were in there I was okay with it you're okay rocket artillery interesting okay mostly because I don't know what the consequences of that is gonna be so it's basically strategic bombing but just Rockets really I think is the best way to put it just imagine if Rockets good strategic bomb alright I need to get a few more support companies going I think so you know you can always improve your divisions I sure why am i doing it like this oh well I'll keep doing it like this oh my you've got quite a lot of divisions now I'm guessing this B must be a bit smaller than my divisions then no no these are 40 with 40 I'm sure they are very short mummers yes I believe you are you just [ __ ] them out without training unveil now why what makes you think that multiple things make me think that fair multiple things but I don't know what to trust you at all how do you feel to play a fascist are you know considering you know it's not exactly standard for Stalin to be fascist yeah won't Miami but confuse a bit of doublethink here I mean it's kind of like you know it's an alternative history home video things just a bit different but if the entire world was ruled by this single trade republic except for these two smaller powers who only fight each other two minor superpowers who are a little bit busy well so the trade republic is actually just turkey I check the game files it is just a reskin to Turkey yes capitals Ankara aha what if spliff warm World War 69 now that's that sounds like the xxx holy for parody I've been waiting for are you seeing that picture on Twitter of drew Journal on the couch with seven muscular men behind him but it's got our faces on it yes I have seen that one I I very much appreciated that one when I saw it well now it really was something Masaki that was an instant classic Joseph Stalin questioning the German Reich you're nothing more than a filthy communist my friend which way no you're filthy for calling so you're gonna finish your justification first but are you gonna do it will I do it mmm you'll find out after the break yeah when will it be done 5th of March 1940 so you still got like 150 days but it's a possibility I will actually try and go to all of you instantly but then again could be wrong I might not thing is we have to effectively you weren't just absolutely shooting out these divisions I can see how poorly equipped they are now they're fine what the hell are they they're just one artillery and free support companies yeah supposed to do is this the meta strategy that I wasn't aware of maybe there's a main entry equipment some support companies requiring for equipment or was it Adolphe Hitler questions the motives of the Soviet Union hmm I don't hit the question as the motives of a fascist Stalin hmm all right how many divisions have you got deployed because apparently I couldn't see about six take 96 Jesus Christ I need to make a throwaway template there all right this one can just be worn artillery and can be a recon an engineer and the support artillery why not and these can be trash company oh yeah trash company probably my third favorite after easy and able um what kind of logo should the trash company yeah they're Band of Brothers episode was definitely my favorite good oh these guys can be the Sharks I didn't realize that again not no not the again the only hard counter to avail Fiske some trash should rush hungry trash sharks Oh God hmm I need more everything really just a little bit more of everything oh my god you divisions you just gonna be absolute trash I have no idea how you meant to measure this I'm doing as I was told I just don't understand the matter in this situation I'm sure it exists somewhere is he training all of the troops subtly so you're trading all of your troops okay I can see that much you'd like trading all of them up to like the elite level or something crazy like that right now no is that like I was [ __ ] they just need basic training yeah shed now long now is it no longer God we only got a few months hundred okay okay I think I can do this I think I can do this I have a slight opportunity here I'm gonna take it I'm seeing a lot of team Brits in my check but generally that could be because you know it's a little bit biased they usually are yeah hang on a second apparently Pedego what is this Oh he's not feeling very sad are you are nouns for you to run a full marathon Pedigo I'm only running a half marathon it's for charity late that's fringing 50 pounds be happy what you go but you're not gonna pocket it why aren't you corrupt what is this I know it's horrific I'm running who's running a half marathon for charity god it's practically capturing this caddy YouTube who are you sniffing I know giving money to the weak in the world boy should do to be proper youtuber is say I'm running it for charity and then pocket or the cash in so to be csgo gambling sites yeah it's by the money raises trash companies and finally training a load of my trash companies and we'll see what 24 squat of trash companies can achieve I think you're not gonna be ready for this sniffing is this kind of like the is it the Space Jam theme where it's kind of like the basketball game I ain't ready for this I can tell you that much but I thought you know what [ __ ] it yeah I think I can't be I can't be ready for this so of 63 more divisions and shrevie Jesus 63 I think I've only go about maybe 40 or so in training my divisions statistically on paper are better in every regard so it's gonna be very interesting to see how they actually hold up yeah Stalin angered by German posturing Joseph Stalin angered by German posturing oh my those naive citizens of the Soviet Union who imagined the German people as a people of peace are entirely out of touch with reality who imagines the German people's are people of things do they really really are out of touch especially in the Soviet Union you think they'd be having propaganda shoved down their throats day in and day out speaking of which I should probably do some war propaganda or actually veil I'll give you two quite a few do promises of peace - oh yeah sure I promise solemnly swear cross my heart not to invade you in on the February on February 7th 1940s we totally weren't safe coming either oh I was gonna meme and go down Liberty ethos but I can't con you oh yeah you really can't yeah pretty sure it's blocked yeah I found some good Communists either you can't go down the Communist war Oh for Christ's sake because it has the bloody recovery rate oh that's why I was beelining great that's just a load of [ __ ] I'm just going for a recruitable population right now I mean honestly I think that's the best thing we can offer our people just they can have a nice quick and easy service on the front lines of the war sending them to their grave it's the only thing we can offer them I'm afraid the least we could do it was so young but you know just had to happen all right I found the point where I think the glories German people I don't have an opportunity the trade Republic just canceled their non-aggression pact with me shake sorry save hey of course this is where they suddenly switch from neutral foreign policy to being communist and we have to go find the justification for conquering Moldova is complete Thanks is this where we go who's gonna make the person wait how did I finish before you no I finished no I finished so no Union or goals against the German right no do you have actually finished before me oh okay I think I'm okay I I promised I would give the peace and I will do so cool are you sure about this who is strips beep who is spiff streaming live again hmm yeah who is this person I've never heard of them before the valley feces is that your name Caiaphas guess where it hurts famous holy for sensational valor Fisk yes I really am a [ __ ] youtuber apparently yes with the amount of videos you produce on high for God he uploads faster than feed by gaming it's incredible actually imagine if you hadn't a Roomba like upload speed they'll be insane I don't know how he does it's nuts I think he just literally has has just beyond human abilities when it comes to video production batteries hired a former Bitcoin factory in China to do it for him he just like dubs of rodeo do exactly he's in the he's only in the recording booth for half an hour and then these easy they just loop the same sounds if they need more I could see that being a thing right my justifications complete now I've got to aggressive front lines and to turn like wholly front lines I think this is good mix am I supposed to have holdy front lines is your front lines purely for a tag great me oh my god I'm taking a look at your divisions now they are they're really something those field hospitals will really I'm sure change the world absolutely change the world hell yeah they well alright I'm just about to grab integrated support finally um how about you uh hey hold on a minute I've got some confusing sorry integrated support mmm-hmm ha no I'm not I'm not quite there yet I'll be honest we're about to you then I'm on uh mechanized offensive oh okay that's interesting it's interesting to me yeah very interesting tonight don't don't look at my stream pls stream do over there and snap on him to see if he actually is lying I need to know but if not lying it's true if this is true this is prime opportunity to attack prime opportunity right almost ready to just absolutely shout out another massive wave of men for the trash pile glory to the trash pop I just shout out 60 troops Jesus Christ veil that's inhuman that yeah she seems like a good amount of organization for why I've got oh yeah this is actually not bad Oh Noah thank you very much I'll say hi to your mom that when I see her tonight who that was that sorting your chap making a you mom in Sunnyvale no no he's so he put a thing saying hi mom Oh normally people just call youtubers dad but hey you know maybe this is the start of something new don't don't don't say the word daddy out loud it's just gonna nobody please call the office daddy oh he's willing to be anyone's daddy provided they pay pay enough he'll be oh yeah okay it's fine anything's fine if you pay they'll face that's that's the email me the adoption papers and I'll get right on it [ __ ] hell this chat if we done have I've done something bad daddy father daddy daddy Bailey daddy daddy daddy yes my daddy oh Devaney mm man I don't even in my front lines I've just sort of drawn them and they're there I don't feel it criticized for weak for him cause he's [ __ ] oh I should have declared the wall I lost my [ __ ] that's my wall go Jerry wait we waited too long now we've to justify again ah for [ __ ] sake this one's 100 seventy days only hunter all right I'm gonna let you do it okay and you you declare the moves you declare war you do you declare the war no you activated the midst of war I know you do so stove why don't you know this mod hasn't said it doesn't give you a buff but still true heirs to the Roman Empire I'm just donated saying hi dad that's nice but can you pull me daddy indeed spiffing daddy a five she had newly a just discovered the earth he's one of the worst human very disturbing it's a very disturbing human being indeed absolutely Oh have we ban nukes well yeah because how are you gonna drop it oh yeah yeah okay yeah you might have least Mary no I'll just have some guys you know bring it over on a horse and cart just suicide bombers running straight to the to the Russian front line exactly that is nuke strapped to their chests we should be allowed five planes each five strategic bombers and I say very strategic bombers of only five right really there's an argument for just moving all of the industry to the back of your country so the invader has absolutely nothing to get I mean maybe that's what I've been doing but who knows it's a possibility or just somehow really think that's not the case nice nationalism focus their main bail Fisk more like veil [ __ ] all that donation bust of stone veil Fisk can't believe someone donated saying that I'm gonna get that prove them wrong this is getting spicy in the Church of my voice very spicy ketchup crowd this is when we just get a load of people spamming veil [ __ ] on Twitter after the stream no dude still do not listen to this man don't no don't do that really should listen to this man I'm hopeful you too but what I say is effectively gospel less fifty you have Tier three artillery yeah yes just about reached it oh I was hoping you would say what the [ __ ] but okay seems we have the same idea it seems we have a problem the 115 sent out to canoe funding we could create a variant of an artillery just add more centimeters to the gun yeah well why can't we build those a railway artillery the Germans had oh that's just gonna be DLC my Duncan paradox ideas it's gonna be Nancy super weapons the DLC just you watch didn't you been cooling it from the star great collaboration the History Channel DLC I can just use their infinite amount of documentaries yeah what is it with a History Channel it's like an infinite pensioner education and detainment device except it's all about like Nazis finding Hitler or Bigfoot or I think big focus on their yeah pretty sure Bigfoot would be the kind of thing we see on there yeah that's history right do you know that's that's um yeah that's history right I actually think I've got a nice nice war machine set up and one that's actually ready to fight you Vale I'm actually pretty odd not I'm pretty sturdy in my situation how many infantry do you have in factory no I don't know anything trade I mean divisions divisions in general I've got a hundred and four I have 200 200 so it's a it's a 1v2 situation but how much manpower do you have in the field field of manpower yes half a million Christ okay well you have got a fair bit more than me then I guess we must have war that's the only logical solution here yeah solve our differences through good old-fashioned fighting honestly I'd rather see a Fight Club just Hitler hearses Stalin dad she sounds like an incredibly good video idea do you think you know you know how they did like epic Rap Battles of History do you think they ever went as far as to do a Hitler versity Stalin rap battle with history or do you think I don't think they did a hitler vs Stalin I know Stalin was in one of them but I don't know if they ever did Hitler I think I've been a bit too sensitive for them God imagine if for April Fool's BuzzFeed did a hitler did nothing wrong video but then if I just believe I sure that won't backfire I'm sure look bad for at all anything involving here live never back for us not at all apparently they did Hitler versus door for Hitler yeah Hitler vs. Darth Vader I saw that as well nationalism focus complete let's get this militarism going gotta get those extra 5% of young children on the front lines you've just finished your scouting camp now get ready to man an artillery cannon against the Russians I know thank you yes hair hair Bigfoot where is Bigfoot on your cabinet spiffing I don't actually have Bigfoot on my cabinet that would be lovely like the best military theorist you can guess the Nazis what do you do oh there are no theorists right okay that really sucks makes your infantry move faster gives them bigger feet bigger feet increased scientificly increases speed no no no you just wear a bigger shoe size and it makes you cover more ground faster it's great I'll remember that when I run my half marathon in in September great yeah you wear size 50 climb shoes you'll cover it in half the time it's 26 kilometers so I could probably do it about four steps right steps four steps to Bosco well it sounds like that's a good bad name four steps to Moscow well it's a rival to saboteur let's do it yeah well I might like this how am I not like this [ __ ] hell Daru salmon storm that is a 10 out of 10 name like chippy drew oh that's like a really shitty DOD name adventure drew sevens tool I guess he did in my field marshal so what field no there there what do you mean I deleted my field marshals go 40 days into wool could imagine you know how powerful is a shadow Hitler is he more powerful than the natural Hitler what is a shadow Hitler is he won the operates from the shadows are like a literal shadow okay so the shadow Hitler is it's basically holy fools explanation to releasing the game in Germany with a picture of Hitler in it it's basically Hitler he's just a shadow oh I see what you guys mean I only had a [ __ ] I was so confused it's like what do you guys mean I don't have a Field Marshal he's right there but no they were right I deleted the other one by mistake that would mean a prime opportunity to attack but hey not too late now actually busy comforting this will strike again and there'll be another Rock which I'm sure it well this isn't gonna be a [ __ ] show I can feel it isn't this just what happens whenever high for youtubers get together though it's just always like this absolution is I remember that ragnarok stream was one of the finest things ever oh yes especially when it's basically the only thing I can remember from it but was it novel poem saying the n-word yes line beside pond also links is YouTube channel that thing is incredible those videos these by everyone it would subscribe to links Hilux right now yeah you don't find him right you physically can't find my truck to search for him on YouTube and it just comes over the load of football channels right now hold on my channel let's go back to youtube you go if you go to my channel right I'd send this in the related channels go click on his stuff he's good he's actually very good spiffing approvals well hell yeah he's also isn't he making like a holy for yes totally for expose all of us youtubers including like why Vale Fisk is a taxi why my femur is from like New Zealand or something and the fact that I'm actually German are not British I'm pretty sure those really expose days right let's do this how are you going it's time to rumble let's do this - I'm not moving are you gonna moving why would I move don't move Jesus Christ that wasn't that was talk cuz it's after after all this after all of our posturing we're not gonna move what's he was a boy once he was fine my war support yeah 100% defense at war I've got 55 thanks to you this is complete it isn't fair yeah this is all part of the plan I knew I shouldn't have let you do this this is unfair oh well I'm sure I'll find a way so basically we just have to effectively bear all of the infantry until a righteous one of us attacks how can you sit on the council and not be getting the rank of master fail no don't do the prequel grunts can I not at the moment you said this is unfair this vote comes to mind Vail hmm but you've got a lot of Ford's built to be managed to build them all the way down no they're all tier ten no no need to check mm-hmm all right force attack go yes this is a push this is a natural successful push it worked oh my god it I've actually managed to gain one province in your fashion take him back in your face I've managed to take one province that's a victory for me guys team spiff victory no I'm gonna get I'm gonna take this province back no what I have to do is hold this for the rest of the game then I win right yeah it's the capture point that's the point right there oh is this it is that it boy is that successful counter-attack the line is restored what's my reinforce rates are bad guys come on there's so much equipment lying around just pick up anyone's good oh you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me mutiny FIFA getting mute Oh better not backfire perfect that is incredible news four glorious people mutiny in the enemy lines perfect mutinies are a sign of weakness which is also my entire squad which attacked you by the way they all died because they were on force attack I'm just all of them are dead who is that is that untagged exactly is this a legal maneuver against our glorious peoples taking it across the line 23 divisions I knew I should've at Sony I've got 17 divisions here doing nothing right corn you're on the frontline now congratulations everyone press G to spit on smithing screed and chat spit cravings not great not great this is where this is how it ends just with thunderous applause again the encirclement but what about the Droid attack on the Wookiees in the north what about the Droid attack Vale what about the Droid attack I other armies in that area pin them down got the it's open in the south cut it off that's the counter encirclement much better tonight Oh and so again yet in your face Council it's Terry crushed wait what let's Harry crush that doesn't sound good no it's not that you have no idea I lost nine divisions after see respects I lost ten in my attack so it's not too bad that that sounds like good numbers oh my god these divisions are paid this 22 stack is just this one thing you missed her summer transition it's what's that is that an invasion I went to the planet I did not tell them to do this what the [ __ ] are they doing oh [ __ ] stop what are you doing don't defend the point what are you doing my man statistically superior in every regard my superior German race we will crush those puny rushes [ __ ] what idea was this what is this pretty think peridot has been selling you lies my friend I told them to do this no not that me neither that's working those two do that have you seriously just [ __ ] stop get the hell off my porch fail for Christ's sake oh he's that nice oh come on I'm an incircle man there's nobody there oh [ __ ] though oh [ __ ] though halts the advance get in there you morons come on you can break through we've made it guys we've made it we're into Russia summon all the men oh god it's the feather women when I when I attack it just like removes one of your divisions entirely they just die they just don't make it any further like an ally so many men so we just got these eight divisions sat down here doing nothing veiled that an hour subtract their war remain there for the entirety of the game it's called mighty Vale so like how good do you think your men are in comparison to mine cuz the NGOs is not very not very good at all really Vale now now not at all not at all really if we look at it this way are you trying to attack in some places failure what no you wouldn't you see that I trying to do that would you oh hey oh oh you bastard right we need more trash companies trash companies to the rug line broke through the center it's working it's working no it's not working let me have these 23 divisions here reserved to go to the frontlines I go to the frontlines and slow them down with your bodies oh my god concentrated industry finally let's do this so do you think the war is going in your favor at the moment fail depends on your point of view I agree but that's kind of what a lot of people said about the war thing as I am just [ __ ] men out right now scale you didn't have to do this fail we could have been friends it could have been peace between hey I'm fighting a defensive war here defensive war sure it is defensive you declared war on me it's not how my people say of course it's not how your people see it your Nazis you do raise a good point a yes we are that's an encirclement while the five divisions which hardly much that's like what ten thousand manpower barely nothing yeah why is there nobody up there at the [ __ ] oh say can we pause for a second drop-down speed free how's that it seems just as good and yes it is a bit funny that there's no manpower up here in the north is there yeah that that's what I wanted to address I'm not like my battle lions are slightly broken right now my scientists totally pissed stomp open the front find a way in deed you are you are actually managing to like get some land captured which is always a bit concerning when it happens you know it was to be expected that eventually you'd stop making breaches in our defenses yeah especially since you just like doubled the front line yeah it is a bit annoying having to like expand all the way north like all the way up to Finland and having to just manually take all these provinces using crappy divisions Oh sure cool yeah just deployed deployed forces through the through the port then bail that's not as cool as I am that's great sure now I have to just manually micro forces to counter that nice holy [ __ ] my my army is so messed up right now mass attack along the front go go go I find that actually manually attacking with these troops is actually really bad yeah I just lost about half of that army doing that I also have a super-special brilliant idea and I think I [ __ ] need reorganize all of this everything fell apart like instantly my reinforcements coming in there's not too many reinforcements at the moment fail oh it's cuz I'm on creating my artillery ok and guess that makes sense Oh military factories Oh God just taking a look at my trade deficit I need like 240 steel start what I wanted it to do fine oh my god so um who do you think is gonna win because you know me I don't know I think I feel like the tables in some regards might have theoretically changed slash turned slash I think I'm gonna win you know I we all know it yeah another insult on your mind there we go die you cheap and pathetic Soviet divisions I won my one no artillery piece that was gonna run all the way to Moscow how dare you kill it so some would say that technically speaking in this situation better is more like so more is better you know it's not more is better because better is more you're right better better is just better really I mean and that's what we've discovered the more organization you have the superior you are look at that the organization I'll take that easy river crossing full reorganization of my divisions here we go I just make a slight push down in itself how do I say I'm [ __ ] in Russian bleach bleach bleach or suitably it Liat cyka cyka blyat I mean that's basically the only Russian I know you could sell fluid but don't really feel ass like 70% of the language down it's like 90% of the used language at least yes my divisions just keep getting killed instantly perish oh I blame this on you so the the issue I figure there is with your divisions is that because of how weak they are and the fact that they keep dying your men you basically have to keep topping up your front lines because the divisions on them just die or or less yeah oh sure that's not I want to do come on have I got any more reinforcements I've got for you okay that's not bad there we go you make fine additions to the front line and now just have to hold the line I'll just share vision those guys yeah we're about 5 min encirclements cord oh my god what a game became this is you know actually an artillery only challenge against the AI isn't actually fun but this kind of is I'm not gonna lie but then again I don't know if it's fun on your own because you're effectively having to counter against vastly superior quantities with men with superior width and everything yeah you know I've got 18 width be there it's so good it's the matter now the new meta that I've created I've even got six divisions in defense look at that is to consolidate some of these I actually have very few men left at this point like how many divisions do you have in the field total 81 81 so I actually have more than you because I've got 181 yes nobody goes over there real orbitary morons really I could make a push if I want to if I was really think why don't you just give me x 4 thing why don't why won't I because you know that would be suicide what do you mean would be absolute suicide the best thing I can do is give you no time at all and try and just kill you really now look at this in circle when you might have found yourself in that's right those men I'm trying off my otaku month yes yes good unlimited power Oh should I just assign the wrong to [ __ ] no oh don't do that say goodbye to those division there yes there's no lanes oh wait are you doing a full bank loan now I'm you're treating full retreat full Soviet retreat that's fine I'll send up a suicide score to 30 men to go work out where that is you are the vices it's difficult ok it's hard this isn't hard this is this is very easy this is actually [ __ ] stop that man cool so I've got my kind of like push-ups core to throw away trash man got the Sharks and they kind of just you're not gonna nibble nibble into the Soviet Union a bit get a bit of a taste for the Soviet Union and if they like it you know maybe they'll learn maybe they'll consider it [ __ ] back here sniffing I see that guy I'm being told to invade the trade Republican attack from behind something tells me the invading the trader probably could be the worst move you make just because they will start making men right the Sharks are advancing into the Soviet Union there's a few divisions down here is this way you've got your fullback line set up have you got to set up behind the river perhaps fail it's supposed to be but it's not it's emphases on the idiot that's where it should be but if this place there who knows this is good I can no issue camicazi strikes looks like I'm taking lessons from the Japanese are we yeah let's go to shock and awe why am I still got people at the front the hell what are you doing oh oh yes look those men on the front line oh they are actually running back to the front line this is brilliant look at this he's what is to kill jump on them I think what it is is did you have them okay so what is the fallback line but then front line appeared again oh the front line should appear again that is an issue and what falls apart here now it should be fine though they're going to the fallback line and they'll stay there do you come back here like that one guy running down the coast is really annoying okay it's not just knowing for you my men are trying to like follow it up with the front lines I don't worry I've men just sneaking off in that direction trying to chase him so don't feel like it's too bad oh you aren't chasing them she says that a full actual thing oh okay both from it just kind of let you know anything I think I've worn release your puppets Biff oh yes oh this was gonna be my meta strategy if you were doing too well I was gonna just release Czechoslovakia as a puppet because it's probably that's an option I have why and just use them yeah I was gonna be my intense meta play but I decided against it in the end I could have liberated Ukraine but you hold the state [Music] alright I think I'm getting ready for this so it's all-out offensive into the Soviets and it's August so it's not quite winter which is good for us we should hold the advantage against available now you think is that yeah Paul Vail oh my chatter a feeling sorry for you you're just doing the same thing you spit thanks chat I need all the materials I can get I don't have enough drinking water for my man we didn't have drinking water in the first place we've just been using gin and maybe that's why we've been doing so low yeah no fear no fear no fit with the gin I mean your vodka should actually be in helping out but really it hasn't been perfect yeah why is why is Italy on your side Italy yeah look look at the war let me take a look this nation is not in the war but can't be called into it no good yet the Italian Ethiopian Wars also happened apparently cool don't just call in Italy let's see if they accept don't you have somewhere between 185 and 218 convoys where what I've got 168 convoys also my god the casualties you're almost a million so even though you had two too long man it's two to one casualties I'm feeling confident you're feeling confident now the defense of Moscow is near though no it's not is it not now I have I have one last trick up my sleeve that I'm hoping will turn the tide you'd best not be motorized rocket artillery oh no I never actually got to do that unfortunately well that's a mistake on your side not mine because it is pretty overpowered in this situation if you're given the support companies is basically tanks fifteen more men fresh for the front line oh yeah awesome men interesting we appear to have located the enemy advance Oh what no advance just falling back by Gavin you I realized that you could have actually attacked the bottom part there because there were no troops on it so I've moved in to correct that mistake he's okay decided not to I've got um I've got to set up my ground battle plan after all I see and we're gonna prepare for the defense of the motherland defense of the motherland with basically no man I don't have resistance to occupation what you won't compile upon my land No then you shouldn't be getting there I've got that alot though because the Russian people are a bit feisty about you know being ruled over Germans I mean who wouldn't be okay it's interesting see on the front line of men I'm looking you've now changed your template up a bit to include a few more artillery which is always nice to see ya yeah I did significantly more artillery good stuff right this should make it a bit more entertaining to see them alright yeah now it's only gonna be a little stomping not a big one right I think I'm ready for this want to make sure welcome back to it my men will rally at Moscow and drive them out I mean that is the standard Russian way though really Oh technology sharing that sounds like a brilliant idea shall we do the molotov-ribbentrop pact oh yeah 100% we should be doing that yeah it sounds great I'll go for a resistance actually that looks like a great idea [ __ ] hell this is a real Last Stand yeah are you feeling like you have much of a chance avail now good see I can hold the line now can't hold the line now that's um that's not nice it's not nice at all really it's pretty annoying mm-hmm I'll have to I'll have to reevaluate some decisions then and probably stop [ __ ] out the trash divisions to counter it that's an idea chat I'm gonna listen to you guys should never listen to the Chancellor what are you into a youtuber yes why I'm listening to them because they're their genius this is a genius idea I can't see it fail Ohio the trade republic there was order number two to seven not one step forward that is your version of it let's test your defenses young padawan it was okay out he twirls we're closed for the day no Russians here please go home yeah that's what they all say [ __ ] but I've missed the fallback line is on the wrong side of the river at that point oh don't try to take it back you [ __ ] morons it's so that little cheeky division try and sneak in over you think it made one moments for thing to fix that before you begin your attack no it's your fault for trying to keep you garrison tits I wouldn't know it's not like there we go we're fine yeah shot I know Janice this'll work it's tactically drugs for Christ's sake right make propaganda you've got strikes sure not even occupying France buttons cheeky bastard all right that's yep that's good okay like you come back here we're uh uh this isn't happening again I've gotta realize I had 13 divisions just kind of sat around the top doing nothing oh you bastard you've you've worked out my ways send more men to reinforce nice this place was garrisoned it's just for some reason that decided not to do it you can I must deserve the men to a different army I mean my intent was to seize the port and their Nam sure will counter that [ __ ] is that the garrison defeated doe Vale yeah looks like it it's not fired so just keep attacking a little bit more oh I'm sorry chat but the plan failed what was the plan to invade through Crimea possibly the plan was what was that wasn't it I know you're I know you're kind of devilish tricks there Vale an invasion fruit Crimea after I'd invaded near to Moscow delightfully devilish may risk if I do say so myself was that a steam Tam's reference systems reference yes congratulations with sports lad I glad I got that that reference very few people actually get the steam towns jokes it's nice when someone does maybe seems jeff goldblum do it yes i saw that he posted on my discord well that was that yes i was really some honestly one of my favorite videos that i've ever seen jeff goldblum doing a reading of the steam traps kit and like so the front line advances even mm I am somewhat outnumbered on every point of the front here yeah you are they're gonna have to go for the Hail Mary guys Hail Mary what that there is no hauling off Hail Mary there's no hell Mary you can't even do a men-of-war assault scored me my just katusha go the hell out of me I haven't got any Goliath's that is the real men of war assault squad meta when you're just losing just get them get a good life out there to wipe out a few heavy tanks exactly god I didn't take look at my production get some more steel oh cool that's the max steel I can do nice I can't actually trade anymore this is the maximum I can trade for interesting I've never seen that happen before Oh could you just stay where you work for a little spiffing please no I've got plans that I need to do I'm sorry it's some really brilliant girls just stay there why would I stay Vale what's the benefit of me staying consumer goods 124 okay so I don't actually interesting I need to stop doing trading then interesting stop trading there we go get constructing yeah so I extended used up all of my civilian factories to trade away stuff oh my god why have you only got one division on the frontline now where oh no no no we're in quite a few places Vale multiple places I don't have very many men mm-hmm node sink weaknesses in the front line there Vale weaknesses all right and this is where I stop launching my bar back I'm afraid is this another fullback I have to I have to all I could do is delay all I could do is delay literally the Russians I mean where can you fall back to though you're just gonna surround Moscow and hold out what no I definitely don't have plans to do that whatsoever mm-hmm definitely not a penis shaped objects surrounding Moscow on the map right now that's my favorite kind of hold back line as well so not gonna lie before this game I didn't know you could give orders from the Field Marshal well you learn something new every day don't you fail alright I think I've I might have it here ladies and gents doing a I push I will do an AI push don't worry another sip of gin is the front line crumbles for my opponent I see I think I've discovered the new meta strap for artillery versus artillery combat I see you broken this fool back line what kind of fool backslide is this Vale there's only one thing for it retreat Oscar grab the ball through the ground I'll get as many of you as I can before you try and do your little last ditch retreat I'll see you try nothing I'm gonna be able to do the Stratton time what is your Stratton völva ng news what week I can't even drop nukes well I really think they should allow a way of you like you can do kamikaze pilots why can't you do like kamikaze insurgent nukes in a place where resistance is high enough to send in a Russian with a nuclear bomb you've got a point there thank you don't go take Stalingrad yeah you do that there must be some good industry in Stalingrad otherwise it's not worth my time are you trying to attack no I was just a test of your battle readiness if there was no attack there is a there can be tested my battle readiness and readiness there you go that's my readiness I have basically surrendered everything self to you at this point just fine I noticed you so it's an interesting strategy I wasn't too sure about it but you know what it's a brave move a brave move I read about it in the book if you just keep losing eventually they'll give up and go home yes exactly it's no fun if you can just easily walk into Russia completely unopposed it's mean any day now your turn around and go back to Germany and never come back right yeah why are you some of your units on such low supply I have very many factories life it was the southern industrial heartland of the USSR wall-e down to 82 factories 82 I'm up to fringe in 89 my friend at least my manpower has gone up on a sure why but it has yes a mines up to like 9 million which I'm pretty impressed by it's up to five so you'll you'll never take Moscow spiffing even if you surround it you'll never take Moscow it's masked Moscow still got no faults on it so um what have you done to Moscow though that makes it so untaken 'el oh nothing special really it just surrounded it with men that's the standard Russian way so it might pay off I imagine I'm gonna annoy so many people by the fact I'm just my crowing all of my front lines because I just don't trust the AI I'm sure annoyed mind more with my inability to play this game I'm sure everyone thinks you're brilliant Ifill play though I think is Versace bad at the game he's just um no suspecting no need to sugarcoat it I am pretty the skinny she's not perfect you know you don't like to use the term bad just consumer goods [ __ ] off I don't want consumer goods oh so you have actually completely pulled off with a front line up here interesting well as well attack a little bit it seems good you have to do it alright okay I'm not gonna cut you in half avail I'm sorry about that just had to happen not a magic trick I wanted to see you have actually really extended my front line a little bit more than I'm comfortable with but I'm still I think much happened until now I thought it was silent but no it's it's just well it's scrolling yeah yeah it's happened a few times with me in YouTube it's a little bit funky yeah that's YouTube can't be perfect [Music] do I make all my civilian factories do what I want them to do impose economy than I or a war war economy isn't even there oh it's here I'm I'm that dumb how long has it been since you played this game I played it once in June to do the dice thing that that went really badly and then before that it was like January but you played it in Jude the dice thing came out in late August no no I came out in June are you talking about it came out in August Vail I didn't what are you talking about dice thing the dice thing the dice video yeah I came out in August Wow look at it right now interesting one well the first one came out June 26th oh well well you know don't you some of the best videos of high4 so you might as well go watch them if you're in chat go get my watch time to go seize the oil reserves of the Soviet Union oh I found my first Soviet soldiers for like I know two months yep are in defense of the motherland SCAP great capital of course the only way they can be hmm it's interesting - it's gonna be fun seeing how they kind of like the lined up and spread about it's basically this big weird shape around Moscow is the shape in this form of a swastika oh that's a good idea if you back off and give me some time I'll draw a swastika sure okay yeah it's how long you can stay monetized on YouTube give that a try I'm sure it'll be when you draw supposed to go then just don't move your men forward so I have time to draw this here and when love seems to invade the self that yeah you do that up here and then that way and then it loops back around and down and comes over here oh hell yeah this works fine and down like this up and back towards the wait wait wait wait and then back towards the middle yeah yeah okay that's right wait a minute is that the [ __ ] if I forgotten how to draw a swastika that's right now it seems hard right cuz like two arms no no that's right I've been doing it right I'm doing it right it's fine that's destroyed air nobody has left okay so that's probably the next competitive game of us has been arranged by derpy and Vail sorry by Debian petted oh it's gonna be a zero whip only competitive game zero width what how does that work I don't know it sounds similar to my drew journal idea where you only use like the Recon company don't think it there we go oh it looks oh I know it's cuz I haven't deleted that line there we go right pen screenshot I'm dropping the disc or take a look I did it is there a way to highlight all my little plans there like a battle plans only map mode oh no no yeah that's good enough you can see it pretty well if he's just one army you've done it wave you can click on the army and it should highlight a bit no it's two separate army groups though actually why are they in separate army groups I should put them in one but I ruined the sauce okay it's financial picture though I ruined the swastika the beautiful swastika said I'll go for this which won't get demonetized by YouTube anything will get monetized by YouTube you can dream Hey No broke the tip before I even got there get go away the tip I'm sorry no I broke just the tip terribly sorry for breaking the tape wait why is it done that or for [ __ ] sake this the organisation this is not my fault this is not my fault mm-hmm why is done this comedy if you've done this right I think I've found just about up to where you're gonna be defending Moscow so I'm gonna invade all the way around it so don't worry you have a fair bit of time what's my focus from yourself meet the forces from the north don't goes Moscow in like 10 minutes yeah a finger how long do we think it will be left until I take Moscow or do you think Moscow will still stand Oscar will still stand hmm sounds like the mad ramblings of a youtuber Moscow is not yet lost hmm no that's what the Soviet High Command said and it was lost well it wasn't actually they did manage to completely pull it off I mean I think we haven't about it race girl yeah when you think about it World War two it is the ultimate underdog story for the USSR hey I suppose it's not really underdog considering how large their population pool is but you know you get the gist it is kind of like it could be transformed say if you were an alien and you weren't they're unaware of the atrocities it could be transformed into like a Disney family fun film where the underdog wins yeah it's like a class it's like the 60s or World War 2 movies you know happy ones Oh some of those happy ones about Americans rellenos evil Japanese yeah you know the happy ones like the bridge over the river kwai family-friendly movie better not no no how does it go if you try to draw a swastika you're doing it right oh no wait No undo that no what do you do no look kind of Nazi are you that's not how you think lost it's quite wrong isn't it what's up with this bomb dude this is the Red Cross is that what you're trying to represent here I don't know how it's meant to go down down further down keep going further down now left straight left further further one more yes okay there okay and then that one goes up probably straighten it out a bit but we'll know on it oh yeah how's that yeah that's good I've discussed it that's horrific that's good let's in turn like that and then I'll finish it with a puppet there we go beautiful look at this mmm tasty tasty board is so I finished that with 273 divisions and it doesn't tell me that you really did use the shark icon as well yeah of course I did oh my god puffing Moscow Hold'em I can't even build units in the other half where's your capital placed don't know it's Stalin we kept Stalingrad my god of course you'd still go Stalingrad is not yet lost Jesus Christ apparently the trade republic is a very bad opinion of you yes completely neutral opinion of me so there you go your eyes are bleeding chat I'm so sorry I'm staging a coup in the trade Republic I'd back that that sounds great fun whose perspective wasn't a coup just succeed because they have no troops yeah they have no standing armies so surely a coup which is hmm yeah it would succeed I don't smell a thing well attack the trade Republic Oh break Republic ok can I send volunteers no I can't well I suppose I might be able tomorrow war justify war go 225 days oh my god Republic you're going to war apparently now they want derpy and petticoat one a 2v2 us vs there to be - eh yeah youtubers versus the meta it's supposed to be good suppose we could only ours do you want to do 2 V to chat would you like to see youtubers vs. the high for metacommunity artillery only special [ __ ] probably mm-hmm we most certainly will alright let's do this I've cut to a slight break yeah the chat says yes they're all calling for a 2v2 here we go yep : how yeah I'll drag him out of insomnia and you get him on the PC well we'll quickly dispatch my VIP jet to collect him from Birmingham a flying immediately back to his computer and in Denmark and he'll join us I asked Birmingham mafia will abduct him yeah I'll just send in a couple of life use with knives to abduct him from the signing stand no anti-air only that's pretty what are we looking for blue one right okay Alexa of this game wow what a game that's been make sure to send them more - pedo jokes I don't know if he has it oh my god chat well done well done I hope you had a fun time I'll quickly insert an ad once we get the other guys in have you used the insert adverts on YouTube so they're an insert Add button whereas a play app button I just hid it in a place an out to everyone that isn't using adblock oh my god this folder is 506 people walk up there 506 and we peaked at 600 that is in south wavered youthful analytics I peaked at like 700 something Jesus Christ this has been a pretty hefty stream let's get these two people here at 800 days as Christ right okay this will be we use the same actually no different password your password was very these days yeah baby's dead is no longer appropriate I'll change the password up a bit it's it's a creative password Helen took a lot of inspiration and I don't think anyone's gonna be able to hack that easily oh oh yeah you're you're safe with that one a very safe for that one uh I actually used it once in a game of war thunder and someone managed to hack it and get into the game I was like oh my god no way yeah very unexpected but hey should I hit launch again okay oh the chats worked out the password is veil is dead one two three they've got it now all are they got us they've only gone and done it let me just let me just black out the street the stream again so no one can see it I mean you can see it anyway don't trophy discord apparently they didn't use our block and they still did get out well that's cool guy so what it means is YouTube's demonetised my stream before it's even finished free empathy is a pre-emptive - monetization this genuinely created let you know the announcement for a stream and you can set like when it's gonna start and I've done that and it's being demonetized before I've even finished setting it up no no - monetized apparently it's fine there you go there you go good job oh god oh hey a fellow gamer let us do game of things cracks knuckles spams one with infantry its gamer time it's Garrett time it's game time cracks knuckles head set on draw swastika on the map yep yep gave us know [Music] where the meta boys did Annie didn't invite him did they know yes they sat in the VIP chair on my discord so they should know I'll drop him an ID in a pass are we gonna stay in separate voice [Music] okay how about we move to the VIP check on my discord all right that's how it's do it right okay so just for our streams to understand here we have pedo Jo also known as Lord meta and anti fun Crusader and the spy crap also known as waves dick around about how much I was in high for he has called him derpy we called him derpy to make him feel bad about himself that was part of Aeolian yes I changed it because I got some negative connotations from certain groups of people I mean it's almost like Nova was saying a bad word on a stream but hey there's a negative connotation he's novel we don't talk about it like it so we're a word similar to neighboring exactly so you penetrative spy crap hop in you guys have planned the Soviet Union will play Germany and we're gonna co-op it so I've allowed it so you can do that and yeah we'll see you guys as soon as we're ready to start the war I guess well but also because you guys are statistically better in every regard you have to declare the war seems fair enough okay good I'll move over to vo Peter you presented to Pettigrew our art Wilson it is one you should know Derby pronounced the name properly but thank you for your your pity money I love you too how much pity money did he send you it was Canadian so unfortunately no idea the conversion rate yeah more or less wait do you just join us not Tommy K live Wow yes 10 our temperature also one for a minute it's it's factually correct for us is not actually correct I'm gonna offer some 10 out 10 News Brix is going so well in the UK that the pound is actually dropped to almost parity with the euro a one to one conversion rate which is incredible I never thought I'd see this day in my life - that means you can all everyone in Europe condone anything but ways you know yeah now you can donate and feel like I'm getting so much more money for your small donation of Hungarian kronor I'm fairly sure thee is the piece of a sauce and hey hey sauce I mean if maybe one day when you donate four thousand Hungarian kroner it will equal four thousand pounds that would be hilarious if not Hungarian is the Czech currency the Hungarians is a euro or something else put the lira is that poor area I'm pretty sure a few of them are still on parity with like they're pegging so they use both fewer and their own currency anyway enough for the economics let's hop to the RP to say spiffing when are the ads on TV gonna switch from the starving children in Africa to the starving children in the United Kingdom any day now these children can't even afford a Big Mac and fries from McDonald's from just $2.99 a month you can fund a British child and get an easy balanced diet courtesy of McDonald's hmm I'm loving it all right this is artillery only soul right yeah this is still this is still ancillary only so same again you owe me a foot for the doctrine rush so I'm gonna so what I was gonna do spiffing that chat was getting me to do is I was gonna enable invade but unfortunately I didn't quite get to that point so I'm gonna requisition my own template I'll call the whale whales boys wails wails wails there we go that's what I'm looking for so how about you do you do that and it will be my job to just kind of hold the front line and it can be your job but a competent person on the important job and they'll not competent one and live that stupid job that's their plan oh so one thing I was using against you I don't if you were using this encryption and decryption were you researching them no oh well that was one of the main reasons why I was permanently an advantage against you because I had that I know that tells you like my truth stuff right it does but it also gives your troops in combat a natural physical bonus which is one of its nice little things so yeah there you go there's something you didn't know um right we've got a spare research lot economy well what I did with this one last time Oh support companies that's right let's go a maintenance company now I wasn't using anything other than the than these free support companies because the other ones require motorized to actually be produced and that's actually enough sleep aid to make so because I was only using artillery recon and engineer as far as I'm aware I were using so I was using artillery recon engineer and the one that I'm researching at the moment maintenance company because I think I might have had a field hospital in there but I did have some backup motorized so I think it was okay that's the main reason why I didn't want to include it so we got enough manpower at the moment we didn't really need to worry about such a thing all right [ __ ] hundred factories all artillery probably not the best idea I think I had 30 on support equipment and then the rest were on artillery and yeah that's what I was doing but I did also have some motorized yeah I'm wondering if we should actually build forts on the front because I find that actually the forts generally weren't slowing me down because I using just and he has solid mass of artillery the question is how much of that was the fort's and how much of that was my shitty troop design courtesy of peda sure you see I'm not sure and that's why we have an issue here what's our design my template now the slightly superior group also there's a straw poll in my chat now for people to vote on who's going to win first I'll do that would you like to yes I mean you can't just copy/paste killzone good piece the straw poll in a veil was try actually yeah let's get kills under do it thanks kill zone remove vets - no - Mexico's there if you mob alright - mine will be named I mean if you're the vales Wales Oh be swift sharks I thing are on the same team we are but you know the whales the whales invade the sharks the Sharks do all of the heavy heavy work you know that's just how it is something that looks like a whale as an icon the you guard is a carpet the unicorn would work no I'm gonna go the rainbow oh wait should I just changed I mean I would have stuck with it that's fine you know where did it go I've gone straight to the results page let's take a look 24 votes for the valence path 11 for peridot and spycrab evidently evidently they haven't seen peda to play before here kill zone just send it to me on think I have you on Steam or discord and I'll put it in ours you've a spife for German Chancellor leaders to greatness I don't really like the term Chancellor I prefer a supreme Emperor King well goddamn brother terms Supreme Chancellor it's reach an SLO of the Republic I think is what exactly you should be called I wonder how many prequel me he's like a bad loan I don't see powers thank you chills copy that oh there we go he was genuinely such a bad character why did they like he's a bad character spiff I mean he's great but the thing is he wasn't at all in the second film if I'm correct and then they just brought him out for the third film it's like ah me give power to evil bad guy who all of my friends would say you shouldn't give power to CC is easily manipulated okay he's not a strong character mm-hmm he's still our hero oh so we say no actually he was yeah that they used the Force to like possess his mind and get him to grant those emergency powers no isn't he Darth Plagueis or something don't don't yeah he's actually Darkblade you so I'm pretty sure that was the truth that's canon that is canon well so something we're gonna do is we're gonna go to free trade because we can an immediately upgrade ourselves to partial mobilization that's interest is a thing as I did not think to do yeah they've done exactly the same as well so free trade just basic allows us to produce more research slightly faster and of course partial mobilization is just insane and something we want oh I I see we're producing only military factories that's fine and make sure to only build them right at the back because oh I'm pretty sure you lost a lot of your industry soon as I started invading yeah more or less I did build a lot at the back but I didn't have most of it there by the time the war started so I'm looking at Jeff funny moments we don't you don't you even dare she was me of not reading the chat why does it say oh we have how do we get iron or steel rather yeah we trade for it if we trade too much we lose yeah we don't have any civilian factories left for construction which is something I had when a head strikes happening and I had to trade I just ran out of resources ouch okay well I've only need this steel for a little bit to build some destroyers cuz I I technically need sea superiority sea superiority hmm I got a few of just a few destroyers in the Baltic and the Black Sea will be fine yeah don't believe in artillery what's that supposed to mean how could you not believe in artillery it's like saying you don't believe in yourself I really should have invited drew down also this I'm just going to play the trade republic cut I think we might get creamed actually no I take that verb back though not creamed okay right Oh going straight into the highlights compilation Oh Vale Fisk's 2018 I'm going to get creamed oh no we're going to get creamed and reference to drew Donal we gonna get creamed huh it's a lake that's just it's a different color than all the other water oh there we go my physician it's what is called the land did you see did you seriously [ __ ] go down naval Everett well I am just it's just you went being cautious you went down naval effort is your thing I know what I'm doing who almost game almost multi chips counters naval artillery right yeah basically I love that one slow I mean if you shorten this enough it stops being artillery only and it becomes arced only which is actually what we're creating here today could have got an extra land doctrine research bonus why do you think I've reached it to organization before you why are we going down even industry focus would have been better than this like by mile you think renewable dockyards are really gonna help but I'm not even using all the ones we have right now said you wanted a 2v2 now you're playing with me Smith that's how I play the game this is why I almost always win now they're doing Yost right they're learning of the chump divisions the little one in four rapid lis deployed trash it's such a terrible idea that it doesn't work I learned that it doesn't work someone's saying so pandas are effectively artillery antrax I suppose technically speaking they are yeah yeah people you know if a tree that's that's artillery too but like really light artillery maybe we could you know you learn war hammer how you can load up and pretty sure it's like goblins into the artillery cannons Oh No thank you news channels from like planetary annihilation but if you really imagine if it was World War two and the Soviets had unit cannons just [ __ ] launching Russian farmers into the straight to the heartlands of Germany I've been incredible oh yeah how do you say it's raining men and Russian that's a Oh Google Translate that now for you oh yeah well actually I'm gonna do that then I can play it out loud English to Russian okay it's Jaeger raining men communes the person saying it sounds like an anime person rather than actual commune that he it it it it that any new community well how's our navel navel we've got two destroyers in both seas ten out of ten we've won there we go superior firepower now if only we had a modifier to you know get the next four and even faster because someone you know didn't go down naval effort I know what I'm doing you know what you're doing cool sure I'm not seeing that [Music] your men have deployed by the way yep I put them in an army good good good good what do you think the probability that I'm being a streams Knight right now exceptionally high if anyone's gonna stream snipe it's gonna be derpy and pedi Joe like I've been stream snipe wide dopey so many times in the past it's just ridiculous the guy just loves to stream sniper I'm gonna get some new commander going yeah we finished naval laughter let's get flexible maybe that's just a load of command doesn't see you he's best max entrenchment guy seems like the perfect guy oh you didn't say no spy things so we're gonna go flexible maybe I should maybe take it I didn't take it I want to win I need to regain some honour or actually it wouldn't be regain I never had any in the first place fight game some honor genuinely nearly drove me to the point of insanity though though good something's something's working right Oh start loading made up on the front alone right you can work all the way up to I'm gonna say there's something over it's the basically you can punch room anything provided you have the superior numbers so I had like a mass of 22 just artillery and I just sent them to wherever I wanted to punch through and they just instantly break your lines Oh God Oh how many he has those are all one stacks as long there just fell off justify guys see so they're trying to get to us before we can get the extra organization on the land of tree and they're actually gonna be able to do it so we need to wonder why it's okay I'm gonna land and land in Leningrad and march on Moscow before they can stop me I'm creating the Mimi spam division too played country engineer company recon company you can misuse my many support artillery ok this is artillery template one of them up let's customize this template a bit what kind of logo should we go for the Mimi's fat one hmm as a sharks feed vampire teeth vampire teeth sure that's why I didn't change that looks quite frightening there ok so the poll results 72 for us at about 27 for them so that's a bias no bias no burst Frank's chart no bars I'm sure you've evaluated our abilities to be superior to theirs the thing why we can't train any more units Oh what that's cool I'll just record deploy all the ones I have so that we can train more it's basically we need more manpower in the field and as soon as we get the manpower in the field it's all fine they set this front line a little bit more oh god I wasn't gonna be exercising some of my divisions because game actually know it I found out that exercising was actually completely useless bugs or would you divisions kind of just default to the lowest point of exercising after out really yeah like I saw troops have been attacking for a while and they're all are just recruit um so yeah there's no point really training yeah I really didn't train my guys last game I just gave them a piece of artillery and said go play alright I think we can probably cancel the destroyers now yeah it's probably good idea I'll stop trading for all this steel you know we could meme it and actually trying to do some motorized rocket artillery for this one you wanna know because the issue is it's good but it would take a lot of production I think and I think it would only be really a viable strategy if we um oh my god they are just spamming our artillery so first how long is it until they get their justification okay 24th March 1940 I've got two hundred days okay I think at this point it's best getting melons but we should probably grab this industry bonus yeah I'm more or less leaving it to you spitting we're gonna grab the industry bonus because my idea is that we're just gonna try and mass-produce more artillery because at the moment we don't really have enough so I'm thinking if we kind of just speed up our research of the concentrated industry etc we should be able to outgun them hopefully Killzone I've really adopted you made don't worry waffle iron you can call me daddy don't worry change the stream title - what a fail ffice was Hitler so sure that would give use how to get the monetize on YouTube 101 Hitler Idol alright okay we should actually be able to get the first set of organization before they declare their war so it's not all lost just yet correctly it's not yet lost not got people saying I love you daddy we don't need that I've got a lot of people saying that a lot of people are saying that our Joseph styling questions the motives of the German Reich we've seen Bale and Hitler in the same room I thought not what makes sense no that's that's the truth have you ever seen myself and drew Donal in the same room I'm not saying that I mean I did start making high fall concept before Tudor know death so maybe I'm the realtor Donal now you're just a second test channel uses you to test the waters before doing stuff on the main one you know as soon as you launch that naval invasion we'll know if they've cheated by the fact that actually have you got a spare destroyer depends where Park worn single destroyed in the tile outside of Leningrad and it was spot if there's men waiting there all right they just create a new fleet it just requires like warm boat spiff confirm the drew yes there did he just say let's name name no there's nobody in Leningrad haven't you got line of sight though so I don't know if we do necessarily okay also something ourselves constructing which I think was giving me a slight edge in terms of initiative was radar stations on the front line and it was actually doing quite well and giving away plugins what does that do if you don't have any planes it can increase the initiative of your men I'm pretty sure so kind of like how a recon company gives you a bit of forward notice about what the enemy are doing it gives your general kind of like a bit of a heads up as to the enemy before they actually do something and as a result your general can generally make slightly better decisions I see I've got a cavalry leader if only we had like an artillery leader I'd be helpful there always be nice if we could rename generals but so we can do is rename armies they possibly have a troop nearby to protect the city oh yeah as soon as you naval invade yeah there's a possibility as soon as they like spot the spot the troops in the sea next to it they might choose to suddenly defend it is the kind of meta strategy I would see pay to Joe doing yeah it's possible but we'll have to hope that there is no stream hanky-panky going on here mm-hmm they do like a good bit stream hanky-panky though Vale they like their stream hanky-panky I've shut my chaps rash probably this the destroyer away from their coast before they see it then they definitely wouldn't know what I'm up to good boy you know they would there's that industrial focus um I guess now we get the next land doctrine bonus don't you think that they could be looking at the chat and then they see that yeah I am looking never charlie are you looking at your chat veil of your chat offered an insightful information excluding the whole moving your destroyed no it's just a lot of capital F's I would yeah I get that a lot sometimes as well at the moment though no caps lifts this evening which has been nice yet not yet as soon as we start losing though that will of course all change now if I ever actually told you that my aunt is close friends with the Ann McDermid no that's not something you've neglected to mention did you know they went to uni together did you know that Ramiz Ramiz mum was a competitive Australian win for Olympics champion no no no I didn't know that cuz I think you told me like yesterday oh yeah I did actually tell you a few days ago I remember telling you know God the more you know more you know only we had like a high fall news channel which could do coverage of this I thought you were late for news two of those videos and is kinda like yeah I think I did it but as soon as people started saying spiffing keemstar that was the main turnoff it's kind of I saw that and it's just like no thank you I wouldn't want to be called actually now and I'm gonna say it cuz I will be called it the Cawood I'm also you can do some more units by the way it's okay I only want these five actually I'm just gonna keep pumping out five at a time or so but it won't let me deploy them for whatever reason interesting also you can now add the maintenance company to your men do you see that it won't why won't they deploy but if I do this oh this is no cut no location set holy are you blind you yes Oh God fail hobo defense can we get the next one 246 days okay we're gonna have to wait for the doctrine effort to come in before we you turn that because I'll just take too long totally [ __ ] cannot believe I let that happen I can't believe you let that happen either actually I can't believe I let that happen yes sitting here trying to figure out why wouldn't let me deploy them for ages and that was why because I had set their location previously in like Frankfurt but reason that if they fail physically struggles with everything very true Joseph Stalin questions us even war brilliant concentrated industry for you know I actually hurts the motherboard out on the first PC I ever built because I love to screw on it oh I've actually you know someone you had that happens then yeah hmm that's not nice and then on I've always rattled the PC case before turning it on to make sure I haven't left anything in there you also the kind of person who'd like touch a metal frying pan before we're ever touching them overboard I've done that yeah I've done that a few times I'm building this PC it's like well I don't break any of these components I have no I have a wrist strap the electro thingy oh my god they've added military police to their divisions military police what is the point I was in our military police what's the point of that I don't actually is there a metro play here that we're not aware of what is always a matter play that we're not aware of I mean we haven't even got military police research but what would be the benefits of such a thing right okay now we can get our research I'm sorry excavation you would just wear when went to be integrate to support 94 days okay they can declare war very soon by the way I I am ready the first two attacks are ready good good I'm not gonna be Landin in Leningrad and Sevastopol and the South will drive on Stalingrad the north will drive on Moscow and by drive I mean walk yes generally generally kind of like tread along I'm interested by the fact they haven't let you go forces down in the south to prevent my push it does appear that they are only intending to hold the north are they planning to do it could be that they they just think that the push is so overpowered that's all they need they're wrong I tried it it didn't work we don't necessarily know what kind of plan Penta chose going forward but it certainly will be a scary war oh oh there goes that non-aggression pact all right more veils whales have been deployed oh well the streams don't got three dislikes how many lots of this stream go how many likes is your stream got fail let's try and like computers your 179 I have 357 in your face Superior's are so sad can we hit one like this so sad can we hit 5 likes please military factories that's so sad I like so clay Kalinka even the Catalan will save your life my friend I'm gonna build just a set just a line of like level 1 forts along the front because you know we got the space of billion factories you might as well what's the worst that can happen I look at that superfast concentrated industry I guess we go for concentrated industry for concentrated Boogaloo if you take that specific now I have 316 Wow not bad at all I've got a few of my battle plan set up they have a destroyer Oh apparently they hate what they do yeah someone in my chart says they have a destroyer out of power where where is the thing which we can take a look at them details yes they have a fleet if we look at them they have an estimated naval force of free Oh actually then they're our number they also have these an estimated military ground force between two hundred and fifty nine and eight hundred and sixty-four oh Jesus Christ more more crappy artillery vampire units need employed it's okay though because they're getting shanked in the naval I can beat them on both Baltic and the Black Sea if that's their naval fleet size and X is so sad played Esposito they best not have an Air Force right if you know they don't they are just they are even converting all of their civilian factories to military factories how if they got enough steals I think we should be doing no 100 we need it for the imports true let's get a few more Tungsten's in let's do that hopefully we can hit them with the mutinies because when a lot of their men start retreating from the losing battles etc we should be able to there's just so many of them those it's just physically such a large thank yous for master I'll check that out in a moment I forgot about that seven more divisions up to the front line so Betty got like 10 divisions in each individual province that's okay though because your shark divisions are actual divisions I know but still there's a bloody lot of them fail my political effort is fired collectivist d-force yep Oh God seventy five divisions just appeared in the South Jesus Christ they're coming out of the bloody woodwork there's so many of them there in the walls at this point I only gonna start deploying the crappy like vampire template and just spamming loads of NR hey their Navy is still 3 which means I'll still win hopefully this fish shots will remain superior even though there's a ridiculous number of them hopefully pedo Joe also hasn't been playing this up jell-o dive dive dive el questro ha ha ha superior both of them desynch Oh incredible incredible games it's like no we're not doing this so what should we do there because I didn't click the resync button I guess we get one of them told is that what you have to do to fix it right so if we take a look at the situation we have at the moment veil you'll notice they're attacking at one point on the front line that we have no chance of winning but if we also take a look at their divisions their South has wise statistically in every regard our men are better it's just that they are attacking with ridiculously overwhelming numbers they've got 31 divisions in this combat because of their combat width that's painful that is so painful I might try and make it like a bridge in the toto feet oh joy all right Sic Semper Tyrannis have you begun your Navy evasion they're on the move we're hitting Sevastopol and London grad and then I have backup landings that will move out once they find it good good good if we can like I think the main aim for you is gonna try and be cut off that supply line to Moscow if we do that the front line should face a very large even if they have to if I can force them to pull troops back bad at the very least we'll help yes that should hold up any offensives they have alternatively it would just cause them to spawn in another like four hundred Russians but who knows that's good wait spiff is running the marathon now really now yeah I ran it last year and this year I'm doing it for charity so I'm going on Bobby Lobo you've missed the entire stream mate well you've missed the single greatest dream but don't worry I'll make a video of it do you consent to that weather way Vail do you consent to being in a video oh no no I'm sorry I can't have such dishonorable footage live on the internet that's fine I'll just sense of how everything you say especially okay that's was the hundred people who watched it can know that I'm that [ __ ] I wouldn't necessarily say [ __ ] I'd say learning learning is the best bit o spiff don't don't demean me I know how bad I am I am I know I want this theater alright every ready are we good um yes I'm just gonna quickly prep a little attack nope oh god these are plans don't work at all they've got so many men that just physically will never work there man is so much better ah do you think again oh okay we'll get another one of them will have to hop to it again last attempt they really should drop out restart and clear that game cache is what they should be doing yeah see here that stream snipers go do that you do that stream snipers I know you know you can hear us oh my god the men are just I guess this is what straining this is what he really wanted you to do you just never achieved it yeah I didn't get this many men on the field not even close I've set up a line of a hundred divisions to hopefully deploy and we'll just kind of set them up in the lure circle line somewhere hopefully I'm gonna try and cut off and take their oil fields oh hey now that's not gonna matter they don't need it do they you know what let's just power for this its power for you do you think oh I found their one destroyer on a submarine they have subs but not hers nice try look at what they have a heavy cruiser Beaufort [ __ ] I think heavy cruiser Frome alright the Baltic might fall oh my god they actually do have a heavy cruiser come on no convoys get your way through get out retreat alright the Baltic invasion might fail but we are going to reach Sevastopol because they only have one submarine down here the vampire divisions actually work right integrated support nice cool let's just work on the next one so we've got extra organization now we shouldn't make our men statistically better in every regard and could be the one thing we need to actually successfully make some pushes out so that's fallen its master pool has fallen oh they heard that many of leningrad yep how did they know I wonder how did they know hmm no we were gonna do that if possible oh mutinies let's hold a patriotic speech if this doesn't work we literally were dead they tried to make an attack but we actually defended it that's good right more vampires deploy all Crimea has now fallen some would say that statistically the vampires are the worst divisions we have but I say that they're just really good cannon fodder oh my god one division just managed to hold off like a load these these divisions are actually not bad Oh God yep there you go that's how that's how I counted any of your invasions Vale with a massive 12 stack of artillery if you hold the crossing with all three wheel divisions you should actually be able to beat them but it's just a moment after retreat to the to the Ford these are only one stacks though boy deployed more man more artillery maybe we should switch back to the original type of artillery would it save as much in terms of construction making production equipment point five so it's not really worth it now Oh an artillery has just been upgraded nice let's research the next one you're right I can't hold the crossing there we go hundred men just deployed come on you boys go I know you can leave any circle you're inserting ground behind them yep I'm gonna crush them don't don't attack you'll see or don't attack across the crossing it's working it's working look spiffing it's working you're doing it Vale I believe in you congratulations Vale we did it we crossed I'm actually creating a hard camp against that we're actually doing it I've taken back the land that they took I'm finally landing some reinforcements the vampire defense was all we needed all along focus my god apparently according to them they don't see the users running through Crimea because the desync hmm that's the that's the excuse they're using a veil I'm walking to lighting a grad spiff oh my god okay maybe we should do everything then just so that they can't see this what you're saying we should make this fair good point the chat did vote for us to win so let's do this and just get half of them get really salty about it yes [ __ ] that we do have a song no no no this if the game is properly [ __ ] salt we can't no it's not salt it's not salt if the game is table salt NaCl on your screen you have a huge lot you have one division going all the way sounds are you stream sniping oh he streams slightly stream sighs we got him guys he's this true sniper you have one division going through the river we do not see that so there we have a problem here that sounds like your issue not mine okay hop out and hold to it in that won't look okay both of you need to hop out clear your game cache you know how to do that like you have full restart of the game and then join back in all right where is Alex the Rambler against the Ramblers kirlyam Birmingham like probably having a night out with all of the other high for lot in the orcs cast yeah I'm sure some drunk pictures will turn up in Twitter at some point oh just like the peridot let the PDA it's gone well you go to PDF Dominic see a veil oh my god of I mean I never considered the the jump the jumpsuit idea so who knows yeah just suddenly open a mole suit with a mask yeah I mean I was getting both can coordinate colors we'll figure it out I was getting too tied up with a mess just like a massive British flag on a mask like a British balaclava if someone could make a custom one of that for me I definitely turned towards now it's just like a day cosplaying come in clown masks you see I would do that and I was planning to do that but then I went to a convention basically with my girlfriend and she saw someone he paid a cosplay and it was so terrified by that she grabbed me and physically threw me at the person oh we all so you're saying is yes we need to do it again yeah 100% but we also had a man who was like advertising you know shadow of war yeah the Rings one he was dressed as an orc he was like running around the Convention Center and he decides to like run over at me and my girlfriend mango and yeah once again what she does is she stands behind me and just uses me as a human shield and I have to try and explain to this poor actor who's trying to just pretend to be an orc that please she just don't like it I mean if I saw an orc running at me at full speed I probably wouldn't move because I'd be trying to figure out where it came from definitely I'd be dead you might be saying like me or apocalypse comes upon us Shrek apocalypse is what I'm waiting for also ah there they are I know some of you mentioned tour in the chat tour and I plan on the street next week and they'll be the start of my youtuber 1v1 series would this count as a youtuber 1v1 Vale conclude this and I'd rather do it again I think that's canon I mean we can do again because technically I didn't let you pick the mod and the whole point of that this new youtuber picks the mod so we're gonna have to do another one sometime yes we will definitely what about the artillery only again no it's your choice if you wanted to be artillery only it can be onto the air on my door [ __ ] off let the heart it Leary only only works because the soft attack but what is the point like I mean you can if we both only have anti-air see great point what if we do anti-air and close air support only our kid will figure this out yeah oh oh look at that sounds like someone's got a corrupt gamestate GG ladies and gents this is a victory for Mother Russia Oh actually the chap has a good point if we declared on the trade Republic we could actually really easily grab Ankara and then just instantly capitulate them the only issue is we might need to grab more concerning their victory points all over the United States kotero asks us not to start on force feed ok we'll start on one speed one speed is over or five speed so you know what the easy option hell yeah ah thinking the Titanic were you I don't remember what stream that was were you there for that specific the Titanic thing um I don't think so we were doing like the World War one mod for Hawaii it was like a community multiplayer there was like eight of us in there and we were streaming and we started to do that we got to the point where we were hitting the plus key to keep on spy speed as people slowed the game down and as we were doing it we were just having that sort of oh my god is good so fast and then we got the event saying the Titanic sank and so it's like it's going so fast to sink the Titanic oh good that's pretty easy yeah ever since then that's that's what it's called is sinking the Titanic you've lost all of your destroyers as well by the way what kind of leaking them yeah completely wrecked well no they they retreated is novel was the captain so we're halfway through the country now oh oh look at that I think we've won this veil I mean the resync is as good as a rehearsed really in my opinion but we'll see what the wise words of peda Joe is he jumps into this chat will be I'm almost in Minsk you see this one guy who's behind ya the one guy you should probably name him because I mean the 66 artillery brigade a few minutes so this guy will be burped but let me rename how do I rename him you click on him and then right click wait let's rename okay yeah so you see the other yeah it says pert good old fun will be Charlie about you watching you rename this is big fun Charlie could come on team Baxter Oh Artie oh why didn't I think of that apparently naming my divisions is too much for their them to handle error code random seed and random cow Jesus Christ they are properly Helsing oh oh oh there we go bearson area near the tracks wasn't for Bert and Ernie Bert and Ernie oh yeah yeah sorry I should I have Bert Baxter Charlie and Hardy it's all renamed one of the other two let's give this a stir actually have a have the chance to attack the Britax in the South they've I've kind of opened up to an easier Turk let's boom one speed for a little bit I mean this has gotten exceedingly well so I found the hard counter for them attacking me the hard counter is just to attack the thing that's attacking me okay right sure they've they've lost basically they can't stay in sync so I'm just not gonna resync them um we're just gonna keep playing and if they call that's just too bad for them you know that's a piece first in peace with him press f to pay respects if to pay spaghett God and the last time I heard the spaghett thing is when I SP had me say that out loud for one of his videos what kind of voice book have you been doing for the bad oh I I remember it was like 10 o'clock at night right and I was I was getting ready to sign off and go get some sleep and he just calls me out of the blue and is like okay Vale I need you to say somebody touched my spaghetti but I'm not gonna tell you why and so I I did it and then went to bed and I woke up in the morning and the first two minutes of his video were was like this montage of gravestones with my name on it and like sad music in the background it's very confused oh no they caught up to Bert's dead they killed Bert is actually devastating most foreign boy absolutely did already and Charlie on the on the way to Moscow though we still hold Kiev [Music] yeah I think I'm actually out meted the metacommunity here so what I've done is basically the mix of the cheap crappy divisions and their superior mega divisions actually works really well like really really well and we're gonna win gonna win the game and either it's all me you know there's 93 divisions here Vail I'm gonna give them to you let's take out donkeys don't give me I know what you want to do is land them all in Crimea and just make a mess yes sir good job I know you can do it let's hope those convoys though we should actually probably start building a few more convoys just move that right up to the top of the production chain oh no no arty fall back no oh oh sweet Charlie Brown Charlie I actually didn't realize how bad your divisions were just one it's just a one yeah wonder the gang in store attacked you should actually retreat along the land you've already caught because you run faster you're right yeah fall back Charlie Charlie get out Charlie no come on goof of wheels you can do it that would be a really hilarious on to activate Last Stand because it would most certainly kill him or what else have you got to lose last and it is Oh actually activated it just as he retreated so this could be his opportunity getting up there in time yes yes No now this shoes last and is activated so you physically can't retreat him oh that's okay I'm gonna get to Stalingrad now good I believe in you Weston oh no no look he's winning charlie oh my god he's only gonna done it last and actually worked I didn't believe this would actually happen oh they go clean so early it's volley answer that's what they were doing Oh God press f to pay respects right I've broken their front line their loss their sacrifice will not be in vain that's how much the sole tough for this game it's just gonna be the game desync you guys cheated sniping even though we knew that my spontaneous naval invasion of Leningrad I make it s for them do you think we could make a border go like a swastika do you think Ernie and make us worse or maybe just ler oh yeah Ernie is still alive maybe just make him draw a testicle of some kind just a phallus in jail let's see I've got this much of a swastika so we'll walk him there and walk back oh god there's 93 divisions I send you they just got no supply at all god stop the recruitment process for them because there are something useless oh god they're men is so easy to attack just useless they're made of potatoes all right I've drawn the swastika we'll have to see if Ernie can finish it in time before he gets caught the first of the new wave arriving at the port town and mutant sure I'm guessing yep I know that's Constanta Constance was that not Constantinople just Constanta yeah it's the cheaper version instead of me - yeah romaine from then yeah no don't walk you morons we are currently a war on our transports and as the manpower situation looking we've lost a hundred thousand they've lost 700,000 no cut Ernie off have they it can't they just tell that he was trying to make Modern Art this is devastating modern art just try and do the knees I've a retreat him into the mountains or drop him on the other side of a river trying to get back to connected territory as far as they have not cheap we got an invasion of Crimea yet yeah I find that odd Oh speak the devil though they are I can't seem to make my guys use the naval port though is there a reason for that just trying they don't have enough convoys at the moment to send all of them so you can try and manually move a few of them or you'd wait for all of the copies fiber oh that's the reason for that money or separate phone modem hurry up separately like yeah five of them are well actually that on a separate army but there we go there you go he's fun how they go home you know I did so I have to do five at a time it seems this is 93 men right-click on the porch at says I tried that though oh yeah this just right no I didn't try that it killed Ernie rest in peace he fought bravely I did in the end didn't even matter right um they made it to Sevastopol before my men could get out if your men have nothing to do what you can do is get all those vampire divisions and just send them up to just invade where it made some kind of like breaches in the front line no I'm just good to another port it's fine okay cool possible meanwhile while my distraction runs you continue your push yep I will do we actually almost have enough yeah we're now in a surplus of artillery this is incredible credible stuff oh I got a sub finally dead thank God oh my god 93 divisions in transfer do we even have the supply for all of this you know when they drop they're just gonna instantly just be completely out of supply oh they'll be fine oh well nothing of value was last here yeah just the worst divisions we have that alif feel like I generally just heard someone say something how're you in here and are you pretending to be a ghost here's a higher I can see him like I'm just a ghost passing through okay thanks oh wow are one sec artillery divisions are much better than theirs somehow yeah I was it just vastly superior in every regard well the first man has landed yeah I was of a 67 attack there's how I see their tactics are very good interesting what's their organization like maximum six point six hours is a maximum organization of twenty God our divisions are so much more right immediately said just like a huge group of those vampires don't immediately retake Sevastopol because they'll manage it no problem no I'm gonna use this to mass take land I'm only gonna send nine of them to retakes festival that'll be enough it's only go one guy cool how do i aggressively execute plans again i forget okay so it's kind of like a long you see with the exercise button is those like arrows there i got it yes dude that aggressively please yes please aggressively suicide yourself into Crimea yes thank you very much for doing a brilliant service to the motherland well is it are we the motherland now we're the father never failed another land this is pretty incestuous when you think about it yeah that's true maybe it's what the Germans are into though no whatever floats you go makes you happy Germany if it makes you happy right um they have just really lost a lot stuff it's crazy the amount of stuff they're just they just can't wait look look at my landing now how many divisions are they have okay so they've gone from having possibly up to 800 to having 167 I got this landing supplies beautiful the supply and the attrition is horrific supply it splatters there been supply here to be fair we dropped them without having enough equipment anyway so it doesn't really matter well they've got virtually just dropped hundreds of guys with nothing but German flags and we're having them run over the map planting them everywhere German flags and the occasional hand cannon yeah five howitzers in five thousand flags go they haven't even tried to change up their like division template at all it is still the same Isis trashy thing ice under Stalingrad as a rotten egg Oh they've made their templates even worse these templates just have entrenchment and military police what is going well they're measuring is really it's gone downhill yes this matter it doesn't work I appreciate petty Joe's attempt to try Metta the game but it's no paid off really has it for them no not at all I'm gonna make a rather optimistic battle line all right let's see this bad boy oh my god yeah just all the way everything south of Moscow that was really craftily supplied man sure they'll manage it I'm sure they are look at them go yeah but they're not really fighting anything at the moment [Music] don't demean my achievements I think it's perfect like whilst I found those those divisions are good like my suicide divisions of the last game as soon as they encountered anything which had more than one artillery they just all died this guy should be fine then I'm gonna try again in circle Natalie what's the point of getting encircled at their front line just attack through the front line as far as I'm aware there's only one Soviet guy down here and I'm about to cut him off oh the ultimate encirclement and yes you are right I did only see one guy well though to be fair we didn't have much intel on him so it could be one guy who has like 5000 it's a possibility it's just an incredibly low chance look we got nationalism there we go we've managed it militarism finally that extra 5% population that's gonna save us alright how's their nation looking fifty three divisions I'm not gonna make it spiffing I don't think oh well your men are they not gonna make it mr. Stalin I don't feel so good no no my men are fine this is this is perfect yeah coatsy cut Soviet Union huh I mean I literally drew a bad alignment straight across this issue it's a straight line there's only one division standing in my way right now the one man who stood for the defense of Russia the ultimate underdog story coming to a Disney cinema near you let's see if I won suicide division straight to Moscow from my location if I can't carry state I mean it's not just a race of the German generals - you can get to Moscow first gets all the glory who gets all the vodka although we might actually be able to capitulate them before we get those will you remember so um are we dr. Klein undergrad hopefully so 30% of the way towards the pitch elation if we were to grab Kiev Stalingrad okay yeah we might not be able to I mean if you do another naval invasion perhaps we might be able to get it because something tells me they're not gonna be defending it we're gonna get awesome Louie listen I don't have any men over there though and they probably still have that destroyer or not destroyer heavy cruiser yeah yeah there's always a possibility goddamn men just melt in front of my men so anyway to just make them attack like all at once nobody could be doing this very very fast no the a oh I just do things slowly and carefully as it sees fit hmm probably carefully this um there's there isn't anyone here I'm gonna connect up the front lines to hopefully increase the play they have 90 division I think they'd fallen back to the defense of the north I think they have oh my god they just dropped 90 free men on men's this Christ let's see if I get encircling fast and so let's go let's go boys all over there men by the way I mean looking at their details pretty sure looking at details that is all of their men charge north well must have like a load of scores in training that they just deliberately haven't deployed yet it's possible I wouldn't put it past them I'm gonna send one too so it's kourt's Troy Taylor Ingrid southest oh look we've linked up this idiot of a Desilu two fronts are joined that's kind of criminal in France isn't that I've surrounded Minsk let's see from were able to break this this nut they've gotta understand why he didn't do anything they just sat there let's see if I can actually take this right there I see they had all of their divisions of zero attack and defense all of them none of them have any attack due to the stacking penalty - 99% stacking penalty oh my god it's an absolute slaughter they don't have it you know people have a general they weren't in an army what are they dead you absolutely crazy Russians let's take a look at the casualties the casualties they're just increasing God mighty through this 800,000 oh it just keeps on ticking hey 50k for that was well over a hundred thousand men a siege of Minsk so good Oh execute oh there's a guy oh the games frozen game crashed Oh did yours crash my games just crashed your game will crash as well because my game I was the host Oh crash it's fine it's still fine it's fine on you I don't have the game open Vail yeah I think kiss spycrab stop being able to control these divisions by the way that's his problem but that's how you start there the game isn't up but you physically shouldn't be able to play the game Vail no no no I got booted but it was climb until just now thank I spiked up alright it's fine crap hello there doing TV - hi spike - pedo Jo how was that for you guys did you enjoy it we couldn't move a single [ __ ] unit nice what you're saying it was those ninth of them whose idea was that actually the game is because we couldn't put them on a front line literally couldn't you cool sounds like a performance issue on your end perfectly decent has never been a fairer game you know first the game was rigged from the start yeah this is how democracy dies now with the sound of fun Duras cannons exploding yeah yes now so how would you rate that experience out of turn petty Joe no I want to think of an interesting number to say hmm maybe like it's out of ten seven point seven five seven that's good boy Chris how many how did you it would be ten if there's no decent okay considering there was do you think nine simplest way oh how was that for you out of ten did you enjoy that oh the second half was a ten but the the first half of the zero clearly braked I don't know how that Oh Tara ten guys I hope you've enjoyed the street from my perspective oh go go watch fail if you haven't already what a lovely guy yes watch spiffing subscribers I mean hypothetically hypothetically I've been watching Vale for longer than I've been making YouTube videos pretty sure I started watching available maybe a year before I started making YouTube videos when did you start I started in basically it was the summer of 2016 or 2015 making videos time flies time flies when you're procrastinating about really good content hold on is it the 23rd it is only 23 for this 24 alright sorry it's Friday thought it in my mind there for a moment it was Thursday hold on okay I actually have to go do a joke today don't blast you back in PI so much of my artillery xxx is my three year anniversary actually for YouTube oh I have my anniversary I think around the 15 August I won't say because that's when my channel actually took off so that's Charlie who I have anyway thanks for watching on twitch and YouTube etc if you've enjoyed the stream I'll see you all later likewise also my fault will be up sometime whenever I edit it tomorrow and she bought will be up tomorrow but the actual edited videos might take weeks so I see you later bye bye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 131,297
Rating: 4.8065267 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts Of Iron 4, Cavalry only, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 multiplayer, multiplayer challenge, hoi4, the spiffing brit, hearts of iron 4, world conquest, drew durnil, hoi4 endsieg, alex the rambler, hoi4 mod, hoi4 meme, hoi4 console commands, belgium, germany, satire, family friendly, hoi4 in a nutshell, x10 mod, hoi4 x10 mod, hearts of iron 4 modded, taureor, 1v1 youtuber, artillery only, artillery only challenge, valefisk, isorrowproductions artillery only
Id: ssSnorPfZM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 28sec (10888 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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