Fable Is A Perfectly Balanced RPG Game With No Exploits - Excluding Unlimited Gold Exploit / Glitch

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing Britt and today's video is brought to you by absolutely no apparently no companies wanted to sponsor this one although the only company that I would have actually accepted to sponsor this one is York City the single greatest cup of tea in the entire universe that's right just one sip of Yorkshire tea and suddenly you'll find infinite money flocking to you York City is one of the only products in the world that you can buy and sell at a lower price almost immediately and that brings us here to this wonderful game today fable anniversary so what are we gonna be doing today ladies and gentlemen well we're going to be playing the absolutely wonderful game of fable and I'm going to be demonstrating to you the lovely people who sat at home with your cups of tea how to absolutely destroy the game give yourself infinite wealth infinite experience and just infinite everything basically there's nothing money can't buy in this game it could even buy you happiness so with that in mind we're going to set about into the wonderful world of fable and make sure we generate as much money as possible now fable is a very very old game I'm not actually too certain when it first released goodness I really should check so the original fable was released in 2004 quite a long time ago certainly meaning that YouTube won't want to put this on the trending tab but that's where you're wrong YouTube cuz you managed to put it for some reason Empire reference the trending tab but that K was from 2001 Oh enough we all manage that I have absolutely no idea well nonetheless sadly I'm not playing the original 2004 fable for the sole reason that I haven't got any spare floppy discs lying around so instead we're playing fable anniversary fable anniversary is effectively a nice remake and it's rather jazzy however the designers of fable anniversary gave it a very unique control set meaning it can be exploited by me now I have already got a character going in this game their name is not chicken chaser they actually have no name chicken chaser is simply the default difficulty level in this game for some reason now I've mostly just hopped into this game done the basic storyline and done the tutorial training stuff the generic storyline the village that you're from was attacked and your family was destroyed however two of your family members were stolen and you are a young hero on your quest to save them how you save them is up to you you could go the path of evil or the path of goodness I however choose to straddle the middle point which is the British Way and simply be in it only for the money and the tea and without further ado ladies and gentlemen I think it's time we dive into this game so make sure you're set back you relax you have a nice warm cup of tea in front of you I know last episode we permitted hot chocolates but many of you pointed out that due to the ridiculous warmth of Webber the Europeans currently facing I probably should have suggested iced tea and so okay it is relatively heretical but for today and today only iced tea is allowed and I'll tell you what we'll also give you a special offer one super-duper-duper special offer if you are one of the first oh let's make it nice and big five thousand the first five thousand people to like this video I'll tell you what I'll put in a good word for the Queen and that means the Queen is gonna sit down and she's gonna have a nice think and she's gonna remember you and that means at some point randomly in the night you'll be sat down and suddenly a nice warm breeze will hit you and you'll feel comfort you'll feel soothing and that's when you know the Queen is gone ah yes young David in the comment section he was finally done good you'll see he's remembered his cup of tea and he even liked the video of the spiffing grit very well Charles fetch me my pen and paper will write him a letter about how wonderful he is so there we have it ladies and gentlemen let's dive into this game so our journey begins as I've just arrived in the lovely town of Bower stone however as the lovely guard says it's a peaceful town we're not allowed our weapons out however we can buy weapons here and they'll help us out there we go we've just arrived in Bower stone we've arrived from that gate we've instantly been greeted by this nice little guard now admittedly if we let the guard go away one thing we can do is just stand and smash his crates and inside the crates we might find some goods to steal and sell however lovely guard here is gonna notice so we need a different way of making money now in the game of fable a few ways you can make money involve going to say the tavern and accepting a few quests I'm sure there's lots of people in there who need assistance I don't know swatting the occasional flies however that's not what we're here to do instead we need money and we need it fast so we're going to go over to here and meet Derek the market keeper oh my goodness he does look a fair bit like a Derek Derek are you okay Derek okay now it's a nap Izzie settle down good Derek right now Derek I'm going to do some trading with you Derek please accept my trade Derek take my money Derek bugger that come on why why won't you accept my money why is the bloody market keeper glitched out Derek trade oh god I didn't trade I just gave him fifty gold what was that let me trade with him it appears he doesn't want to trade I think it's entirely possible that it's because it's nighttime he doesn't actually want to trade with me very well Derek no trading with you instead we'll visit no we can't visit the armorer because he's also gone home for the night brilliant my timing of this is flawless let us visit the tavern and so that means basically we can only trade with the tavern man I here we go we found the innkeeper now you see this game has a very complicated economy system it's perfectly balanced as you might be able to guess now innkeepers for example they only sell goods they can sell actually quite a large amount of goods as well now you'll see two numbers here ladies and gentlemen the number on the left is how much we're going to be able to buy this item for and the number on the right is how much it's actually worth now five gold four green apples is a bit too expensive especially a few ways you can exploit the trading system is by flooding one shop with so many goods that you can alter the price of it now the perfect amount of green apples I think is somewhere around 45 green apples so I'm afraid we actually need to buy all of these green apples that's gonna put us at a loss but we do have an advantage now we now have 36 green apples and we can do something special with that so one of the things we're given to start out the game with is the resurrection phiale this is a very special item they are very expensive they sell for 400 gold each that is absolutely fantastic however we only have two of them so selling both of them will only net us 800 gold but what if I told you ladies and gentlemen the world of Fable has a hidden dimension another dimension in which the player can reach into and effectively summon any they want not many players are aware of this but it is completely Nuttall e broken it's what we want to do ladies and gentlemen is have the Fiel's selected ok sadly the innkeeper refuses to by the resurrection phallus but he will always buy health potions for 64 gold each only have two of those they're very useful so we of course want to summon more of them to sell so how do we summon extra health potions well it all starts very easily you want to be over here in the food section and you want to have this tab open and this tab says sell or as you can see if we wanted we can sell all 36 of our apples for free gold each because of course we have 36 apples but what don't we have 36 off well that would be the health potions you see right here you see health potions are quite hard to come by and I'm probably never going to have 36 of them but for some reason this window is still open saying I can sell 36 of this item here but I could only sell 36 one items I've 36 apples yet the game is now fully believing that I have 36 health potions so let's sell them now we're 3,000 gold this is not something you should be able to do in the first town but of course we've lost our health potions look at where they are they've all gone to the innkeeper who now has 40 health potions yeah this is fine so we're just going to buy let's say two health potions get ourselves back to having two health potions so now we have two health potions 36 apples we're back where we started yet for some reason we have an extra 2000 gold now and the best thing is this works with almost everything if you want to bulk buy and sell anything you just about can for example we have 50 beer right here this is absolutely fantastic I could really do with some extra apples so this gives me an idea we're going to buy 50 beer that's gonna lose us quite a fair bit of money but don't worry it's okay now what we want to do is we want to sell ten of our apples and now we're down to 16 apples and the shopkeeper has 20 apples but of course we want more apples to be available from the shopkeeper so we're going to pretend to sell our beer but instead sell 50 apples were BAM 50 apples gone now the shopkeeper how many apples do you have 70 apples well I'm just going to buy all of your apples and there we go now we have 70 apples in our inventory now having apples in our inventory is going to become important when we run into a few other traders right I've just an equip bit of research and I've located where to get a very special potion which is going to allow us to exploit that lovely little character down there and of course naturally you can do it all within the first town that you would find yourself in so we head into bower stone itself we need to make our way over to the hairdresser's now in the upstairs shop of the hairdressers or but actually before we do this we can deck out our character with things like the sheriff moustache very well right let's add that now in the upstairs shop of the barber I think it is in this cabinet here what have we got oh it's just an apple pie where that's useless maybe this cabinet no that's a ponytail where is it you should have it I'd sadly we didn't find the item we were looking for our Burger she's summoned the guards on me great so now I have to pay off the guards hand over 150 gold yep i trespassed there you go take my gold lovely stuff right now I sadly need to sleep the night somewhere and then come back tomorrow and hopefully the shelf at the top of the barbers will have restocked with the item that I need but let alone this house at the end of the village so I'm just able to sleep in this bed good stuff right Oh going now it's daytime so we want to wander over on to the barber again and hopefully this time the barbers upstairs cabinet will have been restocked with something I can actually use now something I'm doing to try and make the barber not hate the fact that I trespassed it's just to keep handing them 50 gold same guys we can notice the heart above the head gets bigger and bigger and this is apparently how the game says you romance people yeah you just give them like a 10 grand and then perfect really apparently there's nothing of interest where's the items of interest but you're right looks like I need to go elsewhere then I need to locate then this potion elsewhere where is it located Oh upstairs in the house across from the barber's shop so we go upstairs after bribing the person on the bottom floor and this cabinet here what do we got there it is ages of mic potion exactly what we wanted so this lovely potion converts any active combat modifier you have going into expirience now somebody we want to do is we want to make sure we have multiple of these potions so I'm going to attempt to use the lovely duplication glitch of our good old friend Derek over here hello Derek now Derek how would you like to buy the ages of Mike potion no you would not like to buy the ages of my potion great of course we can't technically sell the edges of my potion but what if we do that ah yes we can right sell 50 ages of my potions and now can i buy the ages of my potions back off of you where have they gone where have they gone oh no oh doh doh doh doh no where's my age is a white poster god oh bugger well where's the latest autosave okay right lucky we can go back to prior before absolutely been starved so yeah apparently sadly whilst we can sell multiple to the trader because he is not actually by default accepting the item he won't ever be able to sell it back to me so naturally we need to find someone who sells this potion anyway and only then can we try and exploit it so now that we have the potion we're going to go out to the quay and we're going to run into our friend who's of course naturally hiding over down here by the docks now that Quay is very interesting because there is absolutely no one here except our friend on the bench so which is going to lock on to a friend on the bench so this man gives us the quest and now I need to go find the correct haircut to impress apparently bodis non-existent daughter oh my goodness we can destroy chickens you can get chickens oh my goodness and they go flying go chicken go chicken away away oh my goodness I love this yes this game is absolutely perfect if you can't tell very balanced of course very very balanced so naturally we want to find the correct haircut so hopefully as the barbers still open nope just closed right that's fine we need to sleep for the night of go sleep completes now off to the barbers so now I think I've completed the quest and this is the haircut they want it great mission complete very silly hairstyle skilled this looks straight up evil British colonial tradesmen oh my goodness just look at him what a majestic moustache you could probably take out like several people's eyes of that maybe you could use it as an offensive weapon so there you go apparently his daughter doesn't even exist he just likes making heroes look stupid nice as I look ridiculous so go he gives me a reward but of course he made me very upset so let us go fight him chase him chase him chase him where is he going my goodness he's running all the way yep I need to catch him before he goes so he want to do escape load game and hopefully we'll have autosave from where Awards yes this checkpoint not too long ago but good maybe is cuz I followed him yeah Mighty Beanz this one okay ladies and gentlemen I finally done the quest once again my character now looks like an absolute melon I've got the potion that I need now we need to do is hand this quest in but then of course we discovered she's not actually real and now this is where you just keep punching him now cuz he's done the quest he can't really fight back but equally for some reason this character is marked as essential and can never die so we just keep punching him over and over again and the joy is he's stuck on the bench he has nowhere to go EDD no way to escape so our lovely character is just going to repeatedly punch him over and over and over again as you can see on the left we have that lovely green X that represents our combat modifier the high that is the more combat experience we get and then if we chug a potion of strength at the end of this and lo and behold we win now to make this process a bit quicker I'm just going to hold down on my auto clicker I'll see all of you in a little while 2000 years later this is going very well you know ladies and gentlemen whilst I'm busy punching the very annoying haircut man in the spine allow me to jump into the mid point of the video when you were least expecting me now it's at times like this I like to remind you guys to drink more cups of tea and so if you finish your first cup of tea or iced tea of the day go and make enough one now it should make you feel absolutely lovely also I'd be interested to hear if any of you actually played fable because this is effectively the original Skyrim however unlike Skyrim somehow this game has less exploits I know who could have believed it nonetheless did any of you play the original fable or maybe did you like myself pick up the anniversary edition but anyway I'd also like to use this time to inform you of a lovely competition I'm doing on the discord at the moment it is a fan mail competition basically people are going to send things in and lo and behold the winner receives a one-of-a-kind signed spiffing tea mug which can only ever contain tea it says if your interest in that then go down in the description hop on the discord and find the details on there but anyway without further ado time to get back to the punching where we have now stacked up mm punchy damage yeah we've still got a way to go yet keep going character you're doing a great job now it is starting to become night time at the moment however it doesn't really matter for us because this man here is completely and utterly stun locked meaning here has no way of escaping because this quest is still in operation none of the other NPCs will ever come down and visit this Dockyard where our lovely fight is taking place as this man is still here only once he leaves will ever NPCs come and because of that it means absolutely no one will ever see what we're doing here today well when I say absolutely no one all of you people watching will be able to see but uh don't you dare say anything I don't want you reporting me to the Geneva Convention as fun as it would be to go on trial at The Hague for various gameplay exploitations don't really think it's something I need to do on my weekends so the combat modifier you'll sing in the top left which now reads 21 basically means that each hit I do provides 21 melee experience on the left so the harder multiplier the more experience we gain normally in this game if you go to the most farmable spots this entire game has to offer the highest real combat modifier can probably ever get up to is likely 30 and that would take a immense amount of work alternatively you can come to very annoying hairdresser man and take this combat multiplier up as high as you possibly want yes take it evil haircut man this is what you get for drinking coffee and also lying and catfishing the hair of our journey even though the game is giving me the evil pointy horned man in the bottom left to say but I'm losing karma it's okay ladies and gentlemen trust me this man was a coffee drinker although a very realistic note please do not do this to coffee drinkers just to examine different lifestyle choice from us does not mean they deserve to be exploited in this way they simply do not know what they're missing out on when it comes to the wonderful taste that is tea what we're going to end up here with today ladies and gentlemen is the most overpowered and powerful creature in the entirety of the universe of Fable all from just you know tickling this haircut man on the back I don't really know if I have the time to actually demonstrate just how powerful he is because I mean this exploit alone is taking up effectively my entire day today so if you would be interested to see what our lovely hero gets up to after completely destroying the game then give me a shout in the comment section and maybe we can see about having yet more Fable videos because trust me this thing is very cheesy and personally I absolutely loved watching RT Games fable videos oh no as you can see the evilness is starting to spread in and my character is getting paler and paler eventually they'll start growing horns but if I'm honest this evil moustache already makes me look pretty evil oh no some people have come to see what are they what what what is happening here what a ruler these men why did you support your topless men here what the heck is going on game oh you know I'm just not even gonna question why why they inside of each other why they're men inside of each other next to me okay right look um what it what is going on game this this doesn't feel it should be thinking why are they nodding why is that guy not egg what is going on I guess that fades Oh fable oh I didn't know you had these features oh my goodness Wow what are they they're like merging into a final boss or something yes eight arms to battle you with oh nope now he has ten arms to battle you with and with five times the strength of a regular human maybe they have the ability to stand up against our god of a character we're making now how the potion we're going to use works is effectively we get 1000 times whatever our current multiplier is in terms of base experience so as you can see our combat multiplier is at 33 meaning if we were to pop our potion now we would get 33,000 experience now that's an incredible amount of experience that's going to power level or character almost instantly however in this game there is no end to the combat multiplier you can take it as high as you like and for some reason the men they just keep watching maybe this is some kind of entertainment to them well I guess whatever floats their goats by the way ladies and gentlemen this game here fable was actually created by the legendary game designer Peter Molyneux he created the massive disappointment that was goddess the very impressive series of Dungeon Keeper and as well the very wacky game black and white which let's all remember is absolutely hilarious and may or may not have a few exploits for me to look at so hey that's maybe another video I did for the future right here we have it ladies and gentlemen 45 combat modifier it's now means finally I should be able to finish this off and get 45,000 experience you can keep this up indefinitely but I sadly do not have all day behave about well feels like half an hour already probably wasn't I know we've managed to do about 90,000 damage to this man so it's honestly amazing that he's still standing part of me wants to round it off to a hundred thousand so you know what okay fine fine we'll round off to a hundred thousand just for you see you as a hundred thousand red punchy fists a few moments later here we come ladies and gentlemen 100 thousand damage aru's perfecto right let's trip that potion then we go to equipment walk on over here to potions hang on a second why is my character got massive devil horns all of a sudden I guess I did just wail on a character for like several years anyway right so now we go down to the potions and we find the age of my potion we just want to simply use it so go we chug it and then we get the combat Evolved achievement and this man knows who isn't running away he's quite happy in fact yeah everyone just kinds of forgets what has happened here for some reason oh and there's a very large amount of evil now radiating from me but that's fine anyway what a success ladies and gentlemen a success so we go all the way back to the hero's guild and it's time to level up our lovely hero although he does look suspiciously more evil nowadays so here he is in the hero's guild right let's level up and see how much experience we have to spend ah I see so our experience is a little bit wacky we have 147,000 strengths right so that's um that is an issue some would say could be citizen issue oh that's fine that's fine let's just upgrade our goal that'll be fine no one will see that coming test we buy our dial upgrade now with level free guile now we can just constantly buy physique upgrades with our 147,000 physique so physique increases the force we can use to swing weapons so there's a level up let's increase our health as well as an upper ward let's get our toughness as well we still haven't really made a dent in any of that if I'm honest yeah we're going to need to increase our physique again increase our health again increase our toughness again oh no there's still so much more oh good this right bull physique bull health board toughest this stuff caps out at level 7 by the way so good finally we're actually spending a lot of it good let's keep powering up those levels increased physique increase toughness increase health and can we increase physique once more yep and I don't think we can do any more there we go perfect on a winger toughness there we go level 7 physique we've maxed that level 7 toughness and we're on the second to last level of health ladies and gentlemen oh we're only just getting started today we have it our character is now developed into big chunky deaf man oh my goodness hello guild master I've changed a little bit since you last saw me I now have accepted a quest to destroy a few flies or something like that but on my way I guess we might as well I was so because our physique has been maxed out to the top we can actually buy the master great sword of rarest of all weapons and honored in more Tales stories and legends than any others right ok let's buy the master great sword we have not actually completed any quest yet but uh surely the master great sword will help us on whatever quests we end up taking in the end note I'd say all in all it's been a bit of a successful run so I'm going to do is I'm going to teleport to bow so and go to the lookout point and then we're going to test out our newfound abilities on the wasps of the local area something tells me these wasps don't scale to level of ability so we might be a little bit overpowered but we'll have to see Oh imagine a few of Guardsmen and this abomination of a character ran past tube Oh could this Oh so this man is going to take me to all of the wasps right I'm sure my character with a massive great sword is perfectly designed to fight the wasps Oh to the picnic area yes as a legendary hero this is exactly what I was designed to fight Oh No wasps in a picnic area right let's intervene kill all of the picnic wasps nice right let us use our massive over-the-top sword for this and one hit oh it's dead right next one you there and swing and dead and dead and up that's two in one oh they're all dead well that's a G G right there oh no it's the big evil wasp ladies and gentlemen and it spawned more wasps Oh No right well one hits what hit okay big evil wasp be ready for a fight hello there and hit okay there goes a quarter of your health oh and Oh apparently my second hit was enough to completely kill it in one go well that's fine there we go picnic area complete everyone was saved oh look at them they're cheering my incredible prowess yes I totally did that balanced so now again the wasp Queens heads and some money there we go ladies and gentlemen a great success now to finish this quest we have to visit May so I'm pretty sure is the owner of the hero's guild oh he's gonna have a fun little shock considering I was meant to be the chosen one I appear to have become the most powerful being this entire world has ever seen is it kind of become the point where the prophecy has come true but the prophecy turned out to be I was the final boss all along you see this man is telling me that apparently there are dark forces gathering which are more dangerous than the wasp queen boss that I just defeated now something tells me that the dark forces of The Gathering might be me look at my eyes something tells me that's not exactly a good character and by the way now that my ability to sell items has gotten even better we can sell and buy items at much greater prices for example the apple pie here cost us five gold to buy so there we go we buy all of the apple pie this lovely little trader has and then when it comes to selling the apple pie because Argyle is so good we can sell the apple pies for 11 the product of seven not bad at all so we're gonna sell them all and go goodbye apple pies though apparently green apples are in such high supply I can't even sell them for a profit so we need to buy all 82 green apples now when it comes to selling green apples we can sell them for a profit of free move 255 why don't we do that how about we just sell one how about we just sell all of our wedding rings so you select the apples go over to the wedding ring and so 255 wedding rings not maybe we should buy all of the wedding rings back yes we want to buy all 424 wedding rings for 300h their cows most of our money but now I imagine the cost of wedding rings has changed a little bit yes so each wedding ring is now profit of 384 so we sell them all back and now we have a little bit more money let's buy all of our wedding rings again and then we sell more back and now at five hundred thousand so yes this is once again infinite money just from selling wedding rings to the same person we just bought them all from perfectly balanced gameplay as all things indeed should be so you know what how about we try and make her way up to 1 million there we go 1.1 million gold we've done it ladies and gentlemen we now have the ability to bribe all guards now something of course I can do books my character is so overpowered is destroy all of the guards at least I think I can guards how well can you take a fight my goodness they can take quite a thumping but that is a guard defeat it very nice oh and that does give us a lot of experience and we can just eat an apple to refill all of our health hello there do you just crossbow me no and that's an easy defeat lovely yes we've the ability to fight most people oh no they've come to fight me hello there Guardsman eat massive master-level great sword hello there I've just covered all the way from the guild and they would go they've just be defeated lovely you know once we're back here at the guild let's go over and see this lovely man here this is leo the title vendor and now this man is able to give us any title we pay for at the moment yes our current title is chicken chaser I've I prefer to be referred to as the liberator perfect yes we are the liberator of no these bandits bandits oh they they take one hit ok apparently we gain karma from killing bandits so I guess this is an easy way to become a good boy again well these bandits they are they really are something special oh hello there evil bandit and dared pop well the bandits are just fighting amongst themselves right fight let us defeat them apparently the traders don't like me either very well sorry traders well it's not my fault that you really don't like me it's something interesting I've discovered as it would appear due to our increased stats the distance we can launch a chicken has been greatly increased we literally just kicked a chicken 500 meters chicken this is almost like a new minigame you could play football with them yo chicken away and once again chicken away what they really can't go quite far apparently some bandits have set up a toll here now basically we have a choice we can give go to the bandits so what we can do is alternatively just fight our way through as um all of them are very easy to defeat so there we go another down and another down and another down Thank You bandits I just went through some kind of evil doorway I've ended up with this nice little chest what does his chest got for me it's got a big hammer yeah it's worse than mine by quite a way right well it's worth twenty nine thousand so I guess we can just sell it to someone at least we found some loot in this game anyway I need to finish off all of these bandits alright swing and hit that's to God in Warren Wow well that was a very pleasantly easy fight now are there any left over here cuz I think this is like their boss or something sat over here hello bandits oh yeah that would be the boss right there my boss one hit and you're defeated my boss is down slice it simple so they're just gonna flee from the fight now side defeated the boss great well I guess I am technically a hero one thing I have two stuns I've decided to add a flame augmentation to my wonderful massive great sword of doom so now as you can see it glows with fire it's not only is it completely overpowered in terms of damage it will also burn anything that's left not that anything tends to be left because this character is completely broken but also I'm just speed running the entire game trying to get to the starting village there we go another easy one hit but we got here bandits and defeated hello and you're defeated can we get rid of these traitors actually yes I suppose you might as well get rid of the traitors too oh my goodness one of these what are these little gremlins I've just run into I mean they they're very easy to defeat but still they're very wacky no I tiny little gremlins whoa so apparently this lovely little Goethe thing here if I could defeat his Guardians I am able to get his reward so there we go let us defeat his Guardians I think they are just these tiny little gremlin monsters which I've got to be honest they weren't really that difficult maybe I can even use magic on them okay now pally magic isn't my strong suit but a massive deadly great sword swings are there we go he will still take one hit to take down which is quite nice oh I think this is the final level there we go let us defeat these evil red ones they still do just take one hit and there we go the door is now happy I can steal what he has on the inside okay come on door so I did a great fight surely I should get an even greater weapon at the end for this not sure how you get a greater weapon than the one I currently have what have you got in your chest are some dark boots what of these got an armor rating of 25 you know what that's fine by me oh and some gloves as well oh these even better right we'll wear these and a dark up a rope oh yes oh yes we get to deck ourselves out looking very nice and evil so here we have it ladies and gentlement an evil dark will outfit for our evil character who is also a hero let us not forget it and you know what ladies and gentlemen I think that's all the fable I've got in store for you today if you have enjoyed what you've seen today then feel free to give video like it does massively helped me out and why don't leave a Manchester comment down below about your favorite cup of tea or just what kind of video you'd like to see next anyway as always a massive thank you to all of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos or the more possible thank you very much you majestic sausages and if you're wondering what video to watch next then look no further than this one on screen now trust me you're gonna love it it's right up your alley and hey if you haven't already then do consider subscribing because trust me got things on here that hey maybe you don't to miss if you've enjoyed this one chances are you'll enjoy another and the best way to make sure you don't miss out is to subscribe anyway I'll see all of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,072,855
Rating: 4.9033031 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, fable the lost chapters, how to, the lost chapters, fable, fable 4, fable anniversary, fable pc, rpg, fable rpg, fable funny, fable funny moments, funny moments, fable exploit, fable glitch, gold glitch, gold exploit, funny, montage, perfectly balanced game, rpg exploit, rpg glitch, skyrim, Excluding Unlimited Gold Exploit / Glitch, rpg funny, rpg trading, rpg funny moments, stratergy game funny, empire earth montage, rt game, challenge, fable guide, gameplay
Id: 8SXisju6KRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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