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oh my goodness look at this fantastic fleet ten ships ladies jets for ten ships Roy you need to with the game hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing britain today you join me in still loris a fantastical lovely space strategy realtime strategy game yes yes it's got all of the fantastic things I like excluding tea yes this game even though it said in the future there's no tea what are you saying stellaris developers that we're not gonna have tea in space what's the point of going to space if you can't drink tea there my goodness these people don't even understand the idea of inter space colonization I mean the only reason we want to get on Mars is so that we can terraform it to grow tea why else would you need a space Empire but anyway what are we doing in today's video today well you know I think it's time we hand over to our friends at spliff Co to explain what's happening here today have you ever thought that stellaris was just quite simply too easy for you or maybe you've only just stumbled across friends that you can finally play stellaris with how would you like to get rid of all of those friends and see all of your friendships fail forever well here today ladies and gentlemen we'll be demonstrating to you how you can ruin friendships forever and have fun whilst doing so thanks to our friends over the apple-pie squad of spiff codes research division we've been able to hone a special set of stellaris exploits which will give you the edge not only in single-player but also multiplayer my favorite exploit would of course be the fact that you can have the ability to use console commands in a multiplayer game now some would say being able to access the in-game developer console and cheese in the game to be an absolutely stupendous win might be a hint that stellaris is not a perfectly balanced game but today ladies and gentlemen will be proving otherwise so without further ado ladies and gentlemen make sure you are set back your relax with a nice warm cup of tea in hand you know if you're a super duper special person a exceedingly special fantastic human being then hey you might have ready given the video like oh and you might have even gone down into the comment section to talk about how fantastic your tea is or just write a 700 page document as to why spiff you probably shouldn't be releasing exploits for a game which has a ver big multiplayer community as you might just accidentally break it but nonetheless ladies and gentlemen I don't care about the consequences as is the joy of every single classic British person ever also today's video is 100% not sponsored by York City the single greatest beverage in the entirety of the galaxy 150 percent of members of the cult of T rated York City to be the single greatest T they'd ever tried so why not go online today and grab yourself one of these fantastic lovely golden beverages mmm ah damn it's good now on our first step of exploiting stellaris here today what we're going to be doing before we actually jump into a new game of stellaris now what you want to do is in the main menu of stellaris and this works to be honest with most paradox interactive games you want to open up the console this lovely little console here and you see in this console you can run commands but of course a command in the main menu isn't really going to make any difference to an actual game so even though you could say type in I don't know energy 1000 it does nothing because there's no valid play you're in a main menu and what we're going to be doing is we're going to be playing an Ironman game of stellaris now a game in Storace and Ironman means you physically can't even open up this console but what if those away around that well allow me to introduce you to the Tweaker GUI settings of stellaris now using the Tweaker GUI commands you can open up these fantastic five little boxes here instant anomaly research instant colony instant move instant survey and a pop happiness slider as you can imagine this is semi broken but of course it doesn't really make a difference because this is that main menu what's the point of having all of these if we were to turn it on here it probably won't be in the game well ladies and gentlemen let's just go about a normal gamer stellaris and pretend that those aren't there now instead of actually making my own species I'm just going to grab the United Nations of Earth here and mess about with a couple of their ethics you see so what you want to do is go into the traits of the United Nations of Earth and basically for their entire population as you can see are going to be nomadic and very nice however we don't really need adaptive that can go and if I'm honest nomadic isn't really necessary over wasteful as well that's why we can keep that there and do we have my much better creation of the United Nations of Earth as you see we've decided to make them wasteful and deviant Stevens are normally a bit of a pain when it comes to building an empire because they're slowly gonna drift from your government and it probably won't be happy however it doesn't really make a difference anymore because we've a pop happiness slider or at least the game doesn't think we have that but trust me we do you know so that's perfect that's all setup I'm based done and ready for a game so we're just going to drop ourselves into a fantastic normal game of stellaris and we're also gonna set it to Ironman mode so as you can see were BAM this game's eligible for achievements this in the eyes of Paradox Interactive is a perfectly vanilla stellaris game and exactly how they expects the Loras to be played anyway so we're in the game and as you can tell we are in a fantastic Ironman game how do we know that well because if we try and do energy command it says console not available in multiplayer or Ironman well it's not available ladies and gentlemen but that's not going to stop me nothing can stop me ladies and gentlemen not even Rihanna Kives so now that we're in the game what you want to do is turn on insulin Romney research it's from colony it's the move instant survey and also one of my other favorite things to do is if we go into our lovely colony where is it here it is earth now as you can see on our fantastic lovely little homeworld there is a fantastical little system called pop approval rating now this is basically the happiness of all of the people on your planet as this is our homeworld it is basically impossible to get it beneath 65% but on any other planets your happiness will basically default to whatever this slide is set on as you can see it's currently at minus 1 however if we crank it up to a hundred as you can see the happiness of a planet goes up to a hundred percent and also the stability of the planet raises from 65 to 85 as you can see we're bamb you can take it down you can take it higher the choice is yours I mean look you can even set the pop happiness to 14 on the planet and suddenly stability is super low and earn and rebellion is going to happen but of course we're the player we don't want that we want to crank it up to a hundred or BAM affection look at that lovely no crimes happening no unrest is happening everyone's nice and happy now of course you might notice we also selected instant move an instant survey well what does that mean well it basically means that if we select our side ship here we can tell us on ship to survey this system now this process would normally take around about a few minutes but err it's just gonna serve AIDS immediately and the reason why is because the ship instead of actually spending time to move for the unknown system teleports there immediately then teleports from planet to planet immediately researching everything and it's a glorious success so we're just going to hop around all of these brand new systems surveying everything and we're BAM we've basically discovered everything surrounded us what's this an archaeological dig site Spa this is fantastic an archaeological dig site is a fantastic sign because basically we can exploit the hell out of those and that's also another one of the exploits I'll be showing off today ladies and gentlemen so which is going to quickly drop down a little station around this system so that no one else can take our fantastic dig site but before we go any further ladies and gentlemen I would like to propose an idea to you I often get asked can you please exploit minecraft can you please make minecraft is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits and ladies and gentlemen okay fine it is a absolute meme to make minecraft videos at the moment in 2019 so I will make one minecraft video one seriously only one minecraft video that's all you're getting but I will give you the single greatest exploit minecraft has ever seen and I will do that provided this video reaches a fantastically difficult 30,000 likes because I do not want to make like a video if I'm honest my entire channel will be jeopardized people will look at the channel and go oh goodness he's joined the yogscast and now he's making minecraft videos we know where this is headed and here we go ladies and gentlemen i put up to you if enough of you actually do want to see me break minecraft in a very spectacular way that so be it that's what i'll do anything for your entertainment i guess and to kind of demonstrate just how fast this whole surveying malarkey is I've cued up one two three four five systems all in one go and were bamp your release you scientist that's one system done here comes the next job done and then another all we've discovered some aliens fantastic I must say with these effective cheats lush exploits you are able to win almost any game for example you see Alpha Centauri here maybe you want to colonize it that's great so what you want to do you want to schedule a lovely little colony ship sent over to Alpha Centauri Oh take a little while to get there but don't worry it'll be there soon as soon as it's constructed I'll demonstrate to you how it's a little bit broken now you see in this game basically for some reason I discovered something quite strange when it comes to using these tweak of GUI commands they basically affect both for you and the AI which is why you want to basically only have them were active when you are the only person in the game which is why you basically only want to have them activated when you were using them so it's not to give the AI a ridiculous micro advantage so for example here we have it we want to colonize our system I doubt any other AI is currently trying to colonize the system so you want to do is turn on instant move an instant colony immediately you've flown up to Alpha Centauri and we're BAM it's a colony already it's instantly a colony look at that it's got population down everything then you just want to turn off instant colony and instantly Vega back to normal this is a normal game now you just happen to colonize the entirety of Alpha Centauri in the space of 13 days which is perfectly balanced as always and now at the end of this month we finally going to get automated exploration protocols and this is where things are now gonna get slightly awry you see we'd love our scientists they're fantastic but what if we could just have them do everything so much faster so what you want to do is turn on instant survey instant move and set all of your science ships that automatic exploration and now we're just going to watch them destroy the entirety of the galaxy and away they go so on automatic server you no longer have to micromanagement them they are simply going to start teleporting around the entirety of the world and as you can see the games which does not comprehend it it says the side trip is over here despite the fact that the side ship is surveying systems over here and now it's surveyed this system here I don't know what's happening anymore what a mess we're discovering everything BS no more ladies and gentlemen this is perfectly fine apparently game says this is allowed because I've done so much surveying just look at their experience go up here is dumb beyond what attained his experience is climbing up ridiculously quickly because he is just researching every although the only issue is we are getting bombarded at the top of our screen by system surveys oh my goodness he's ready level seven he's level seven and we're only 12 years into the game oh goodness no game please it's iron mind you shouldn't be doing this I love this game it's great well we can send this son ship back here to the excavation sites and just have him do the excavations for us there you go this side ship is now underway he's busy doing excavations and excavations are very special in this game because they can be glitched out to an extreme degree don't worry you basically lose one what do you do you just hire another and tell them to explore the galaxy and they're gonna do absolutely fantastic things so yes here we go brand-new Ellen Burton a couple of moments ago their only skill level war now their skill level free they're just gonna be teleporting around the galaxy the advantage of having your side ships like this is if they ever end up in physical contact with anyone they can teleport out of there immediately oh here we go we found a beautiful bubble what's happening it was clear that a civilization had indeed flourished here recently all right okay let's keep discovering some minor artifacts yes it's going well going very well I just love the fact that they'll suddenly survey your system over here and then teleport down here and survey another no maybe we should get a couple more scientists just running around gaining a ridiculous quantity of skills one more science ship let's go friends anyway hello there de Costa ocular you're a brand new scientist go and teleport around the map surveying systems oh my goodness Ellen Burton is level 7 okay right Ellen come do this excavate the archeological site and you can do ridiculously quickly my goodness oh what a fantastic thing oh my goodness the Coastie is now level 6 what a guy right let's have him stop exploring and just having me excavating now you want everyone excavated for us keep digging good stuff we're getting quite close to some breakthroughs oh this is lovely just a ton of scientists doing lots and lots of exploration but I mean already we're 15 years into the game we've discovered half the galaxy yeah I mean at this point if we find somewhere that we want to colonize or just take any of these exploration sites we can do there we go we've done two archeological dig sites sadly we don't really have to show for it but it's all okay don't you worry ladies gentlemen's we can just go down here and build a starbase on the next one that we can do yes we've the ability just to teleport around all of them anyway now that we've managed to grab this system we might as well also do another excavation on it so there we go congratulations Alan Burton you need to do more excavating now sadly I currently demonstrate to you guys the exploit that I really want to show off to you which basically requires you to have a dig site which gives you say an actual object like especially ships there I know there's a few dig sites where you can get like a massive colossal Titan sized ship now basically if you do get a dig site like that fantastic and when it comes to actually getting it out of the ground what you want to do is wait for the game to autosave at the end of the month if you're in an Ironman game then this becomes a little more tricky but at the end of the month basically when you click on the box where you continue your dig cycle you get the final product from it or whatever it is if you do that then congratulations basically what you want to do is wait for the order to save then spam click on the accepting or the like ok button and then you will get a duplicated quantity of whatever the effect was for example if we manage to time the autosave correctly with elastic where we were given a increase in defense army health by 20% if you manage to get the spam click off on it perfectly then you can increase the defense army health to say plus 200% meaning your standard planetary guards are physically impossible to defeat there are so many fantastic wacky modifiers like that in this game which allow you to just cheese it to unknown levels of cheese huzzah I've jumped in to the midpoint of the video when you are least expecting me to tell you all about the fantastic beverage that is Yorkshire team and even York City Gold which comes in a lovely fantastic little box looks as majestic and of course why am I here reminding you to drink your tea was because you made it roughly halfway through the video hats off to you well done you should give yourself a pat on the back and you know what you deserve a nice refreshing break go grab a cup of tea a nice cold drink whatever you need to get you through this terribly warm summer heat honestly for this day in this day alone was it so warm I'm gonna let you have a beverage of you down for this day in this day alone if you're watching this video you you are allowed to drink tea but you're also allowed to drink hot chocolate yes if you're having a horrific ly hot time and you don't want to drink a nice warm cup of tea then you have to drink hot chocolate and that's the only alternative you need to mount yourself to death over to hot chocolate or a nice lovely leaf broth but none of that bean juice laughs disgusting bean juice but hey if you're drinking it maybe you're drinking it in your own Smith Co tea mug hats off to you look at you plug plug plug plug plug yes don't worry I'll plug the much anyway you in order I've taken up enough of your fantastic time so let's get back into this video as we're about to start dialing this exploit from a number 10 up to a number fourteen thousand two hundred and seventy six million anyway ladies and gentlemen what I'll now show off to you is how to create a fleet which has the ability to defeat every single thing in the game but of course costs you almost nothing now whilst I wait for a brand new completely broken fleet to be built we're going to just be surveying the entirety of the world as you can see oh my goodness Dolores is not happy oh no this is not going well now ladies and gentlemen what if I told you that the most powerful fleet in the entirety of the game is genuinely just ten Corvettes that's all you want ten perfectly normal Corvettes they're fantastic that's all you want so you see this game has a very unique way of basically organizing armies you see we have the Co vets themselves and then they have a little number this is the military or fleet power now their fleet power is basically 486 although it displaces 487 that means in a fight they're basically going to be good against anyone less than that number but they're probably going to lose at any one higher than that number the more ships you have the higher that number is the better the ships you have the higher the number that is now for some reason that the lovely scientists at Smith Co can't even explain this number can be manipulated in magical ways for crazy results so for example if you have ten lovely little Corvettes here what you want to do is just hit transfer ships and then transfer them all and there we go they transfer themselves that's fantastic then you want to do it again and transfer ships transfer all the ships merge all the ships oh my goodness I'm having some pretty wacky graphical issues in here at the moment apparently this one Corvettes having I'd know some kind of major stroke party so there we go what we've just done ladies and gentlemen if you didn't see it was basically we selected our entire fleet was the game was paused we then slammed down on auto clicker transfers ships as fast as we could and that's resulted in us having this very strange situation where our fleets aren't actually displaying their combat power it's a little bit wacky and if we merge them together we end up with this fleet here which has no visible military power you will notice that over here it says it has a military power of 486 and over here it says 486 but really what we have here is an invisible fleet now this invisible fleet can be used in a number of ways for example you can use it to sneak behind enemy lines they will be able to see it but most importantly this enemy fleet because it for some reason does not display a fleet power in the map is physically unable to be defeated I have no idea why this is the case but for some reason the fantastic people at paradox discovered that if they just allow this fleet to exist it can't die now I will demonstrate how this basically works by just simply declaring war and I've got around me and having them come and fight my tiny little fleet which should really exist so for example will this fleet here because it doesn't display any attack damage you can send it into the AI it can't be defeated it will always win you can send it into a fallen Empire just I don't know two years after the game starts and you can defeat a fallen Empire with just ten Corvettes only ten that's all you need ten single Corvette and you can defeat the strongest empires this entire game has refer you does this work in multiplayer of course it works in multiplayer your friend has a much bigger army don't know how to deal with it doesn't matter to build a fleet of ten random Corvettes sit them in your home world they can do nothing you've won the game what a crazy system we have but of course how effective is it well ladies and gentlemen let's give it a try it's what we want to do is we want to go to contacts and just declare war on everyone around us so I'm go to is I'm going to make a claim on the enemy and now I'm going to hopefully they would go to war with them it'll be fantastic so I'll go whoa BAM declare war now they're going to basically hopefully be able to win this war but alas it doesn't matter because I mean we have our fantastic invisible fleet over here so we're going to wait for them to basically make their way Oh here to try and fight us now I've turned on instant move so their fleet is going to have a nice little advantage as you can see their fleet is just going to run around mopping up all of our systems nice and slowly here we go their fleet is in alpha centaury now it should be able to take that out no problem and now we want to get the invisible fleet of our own over to the lovely corner without the centaurum hopefully we'll be able to fight their fleet when it comes in here we go their fleet is teleported into a fantastic homeworld whereabouts is it our well it is currently engaging our fleet apparently oh and also our little Starbase now we'll be able to defeat her Starbase but how will it do against invisible ships well that's what we're about to discover today ladies and gentlemen so income our invisible ships and lets us watch a very strange battle occur so are invisible ships come in and they begin fighting but as you can see the invisible Corvettes don't appear to be taking any damage at all why is that well someone might say well they're focusing fire on that that one Starbase will actually note they're not they are technically shooting the Starbase but even if they were shooting the Starbase they would still be attacking the Corvette's but as you can see no they've done what is this 7,000 damage in total 4900 Tahoma and these Corvettes are all at full health and look they're gonna grab the station now the station's gonna go down well then it's this and we want the combat because I don't know how they even boats but the combat wins because the game doesn't really know how to process the fact that the enemy fleet is floating around our system and we're doing damage to it yes albeit very slowly bugs we only had 10 Corvettes but they were busy shredding up our Starbase what Starfleet was just sat there and our fleet took zero damage zero damage ladies and gentlemen if physically couldn't take anything oh my goodness look at this fantastic fleet ten ships ladies the Jets were ten ships are all you need to with the game oh my goodness bugger me sideways of a tea bag ladies and gentlemen what on earth is the features we're seeing here today of course where's my feet where is the fleet here it is it's just floating around here good well done fleet you did a really good job very proud of you but of course the only issue with this is when you move to a new system your fleet sadly gains its numbers back oh that's not far but don't worry ladies in judgment there are quite a few ways around that now in the same fight of course remember they did manage to take our lovely little Seoul station so how are we going to have to take our station back well if we were to engage in a one-on-one fight with our fleet over here and their station it's a little bit risky we might lose so what we're going to do just have the game paused and we're BAM transfer it all out again didn't work that time that's fine you merge them up again you transfer the ships that one's working a bit better good so you merge up again transfer the ships merge them all around good yes perfect and then merge glorious lovely so ago we've managed to transfer all of our ships into yet another invisible fleet now we're going to send it into the lovely Starbase go so now here we have it we're engaging a hostile station we've just teleported into combat and my goodness we are absolutely shredding it to pieces and come on station are you gonna shoot back I know you have guns you do have the ability to fight back yet for some reason you can't because the ships don't exist oh look they've even sent in a fleet to come and help out here's a fleet of 806 ships has come in to help out and are they gonna fight back come on guys look you can even see that they're there come on you're just gonna just gonna stand there it's just I think our process it oh goodness Oh so yeah ladies in judgment this is how to win any combat in stellaris any with just ten Corvettes that's all you need that is all you need there we go fantastic that's their fleet gone they don't know what to do they're gone now we just want to take out that lovely little Starbase oh goodness oh what a system if any of you haven't played Star us before you shouldn't be able to have a fleet which is outnumbered basically three times by the enemy fleet power and win that shouldn't happen but here today ladies and gentlemen every day is a victory for the fantastic fleet of spiff topia my goodness so there we go ladies and gentlemen we've managed to survey the entirety of the galaxy in 25 years create a fleet which physically can't be destroyed as well as also demonstrate how with the power of an auto clicker you can choose basically all a brand new Archaeology expansions but ladies and gentlemen what if I told you we could dial this up too spicy number 11 and take some of our magic into a multiplayer game well let's go now remember ladies and gentlemen what we're about to go into is a multiplayer game you cannot use console commands in a multiplayer game or can you so here we go we got any games running which we can hop into no we can't okay well we're gonna have to host our own game right now then ladies and gentlemen that's right our very own game right so I'm going to host it up give it the name of test and find some willing subjects on the discord I was it's nothing major minty you know it's just a button which allows you to force every other player's planets repel the ability to teleport units around the map the ability to colonize planets instantaneously the ability to create a fleet which is indestructible invincible and also any costs you 5 energy amount that kind of thing nothing major nothing which just completely imbalancing the entirety of the ecosystem of stellaris right so we're in the game at the moment and alph what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna quickly set all of the happiness of all of your people it should be around about like 80% I'm guessing you'll pop happiness so I'm not gonna unpause it and you should maybe see your happiness lower what is your pop happiness all right okay so basically what we've discovered here is that basically all of the tweeker GUI commands are on the client-side but they affect my game so I have the ability to have instant movement whereas you don't so what I can do is I can teleport all of my units around the map instantly Rose could you try in at the moment move say I don't know sign ship around and how long does it take you to move from one system to the next it takes 93 days because for me it's an instantaneous job well we've discovered here today ladies and gentlemen including alpha and minty thank you for your support is that all of these fantastic Tweaker GUI commands can be used in a multiplayer game excluding the fact that they only affect the client side that basically means that everyone else in the game won't be affected by my crazily broken survey movespeed and is normally research meaning I will be the only person who has the ability to teleport the map elf won't and you can just win games like that you genuinely have the ability to know teleport behind people fantastic there we have it ladies and gentlemen I've been the spiffing pretty today I've shown you how to have an invincible ship I've also shown you how to basically cheese everything in the game and my goodness who doesn't love a good exploit it's a go if you want to ruin as many friendships as you have which is probably I don't know all five of them then make sure to load up a game of stellaris hop on with your friends and have a fantastic time also do I mention how active this game has a multiplayer community this multiplayer community of stellaris is mental look at all the people playing I mean we're with midweek at the moment and there's so many lobbies open so hats off to all of you in this last multiplayer community if you're still regularly playing this game well don't give me a shout say hi and of course if you want to see minecraft and if you think you know what I'm going to be exploiting in Minecraft then hey I've noticed the comments section make sure to give the video like it would massively help me out well there we have it ladies and gentlemen that is everything I have for you today in Solaris if you've enjoyed what you've seen as always a like is greatly appreciated and as always I should thank you to all of our fantastic and amazing patrons each and every one of you mark your brilliant people my goodness I've made sure to tell the Queen about your fantastic hardships and support for the brand-new up-and-coming British Empire - electric boogaloo Edition it's going to be 1 majestic sausage indeed and if you're wondering what video you'd like to watch next ladies and gentlemen look no further than this one on screen now it's been handpicked by myself to be right up your alley trust me if you enjoyed this one you're gonna love that one and hey if you're new here make sure to subscribe we'd actually love to have you in the community one of the nicest communities around basically everyone's just told to act like a very polite British gentleman no matter who you are and everyone gets along absolutely fantastically so go down into the comments section spread some joy make some people's days and I'll see you all in the next one good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,067,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiffing brit, grand strategy, funny clips, perfectly balanced game, funny montage, stellaris, Stellaris exploit, stellaris is a perfectly balanced game, stellaris challenge, stellaris worst ship challenge, stellaris funny, the spiffing brit, strategy game exploit, funny moments, rt game, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, rts game, sci fi game exploit, worst ship exploit, worst ship challenge, worst ship, stellaris is broken, game break
Id: bRylM8VCVX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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