RimWorld / EP 1 - The Trio / Kenshi on the Rim

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we're outta Mon here thanks for tuning in to the premiere of kimchi on the rim all right there's a lot I have to go over but first things first I suppose the rules so no research the way we are going to gain technology is a little bit different I will explain when it first happens and one of the original trio must be alive if all three original members die we restart the goals here are sort of up to the moderators and these subscribers to propose them when they see fit leaving a lot of power into your hands as how this series goes so I'm gonna have to do a little bit of a primer here because some of the viewers have never played rim world and some of the viewers have never played kaanchi but yeah let me just go ahead and explain I'm gonna have to load up the world here so we are on trio town and the faction is called trio we are surrounded by different factions here some of them you can see players will recognize like the iron hive from birth of the hive series or nuke Ralia or cactus den scrap house black desert city shrieking forests hungry bandit camps and so on and so forth in the world of kimchi there's a lot of factions that are vying for control the primary ones would be I guess the Scheck and the United cities and the holy nation and they all exist as factions somewhere out here the characters that we have Ruka is a character from the kimchi world she is a check-check um I guess you can think of him as like torian's from Mass Effect they're big they're tough they have horns they're a little bit slower and here is her stats she's a female Scheck caravan leader um yes and she has a nice array of stats then there's beep oh how to even explain beep I don't even know beep is something called a hayver they're supposed to be sort of in I've minded but he has a mind of his own and instead of being a little worker drone like he was instructed to be he wants to be the world's greatest swordsman and he says beep a lot and as a result he was thrown out of his hive and became sort of stateless so hive here is a male worker drone he doesn't really start off with a lot of stats he's transhumanist a brawler and nimble I think that's probably most appropriate for a hive er another thing I wanted to point out is I did mod this game a little bit myself so he has a what is called a deep bond with Agnew in the game of kenchi beep and Agnew have quite literally unspeakable bond because Agnew is actually mute and kind of only grumbles and roars and makes machine noises yes they do have a deep bond of three thousand another reference that some of you might get yeah and let's see I didn't go over the traits of Lucca she's a fast learner jogger and industrious and then there's of course Agnew now Agnew is a robot that is sort of tortured and captured and kept in captivity for maybe a full millenia it's not even really all that clear how long she spent in captivity and as a result she is a little mentally disturbed or broken in a way so if we look at her healthier uh-huh interestingly enough hold on I gotta fix one thing real quick add head off' mute she's supposed to be mute and I obviously disabled that okay so I programmed in something called mute which doesn't allow them to talk it does allow them to have social interactions but yes so she is mute and they don't eat and they're a lot tougher than the other species unlike kenchi they do sleep in rim world I think if they didn't sleep in a room world that would be a bit of an unfair advantage so we're starting off we have this beautiful world this was randomly generated I didn't even roll too much for it but it is quite advantageous as you can see and then these surrounding territories here we've got some border zones shinobi thieves close by and we've got the iron hive now this series does have more faction interactions which should greatly increase the amount of options we have with neighbors and the like and of course this is a twitch toolkit series so what that means is you will be able to directly interact with our people here so let's get agnew and beep with melee weapons agnew can be a shooter if I want to but yeah we'll start up them off this way and I tend to like to settle down in areas that are shall we say not filthy so the rough slate here does not get filthy and we're that's exactly where we're going to settle down now I know that you all will be voting for the goals the first sort of what's called an unofficial goal would be that I would love to have sort of faction relations with the iron hive because the iron hive is the kenchi series I've got going on and I think it would make a whole lot of sense that we resume faction relations and we become friends with him if you're wondering if this is going on YouTube it will it will have to be delayed a little bit as that is a twitch rule but you'll be able to find this on youtube as well and this is a brand new series alright so I'm just gonna oh well let me show you the research here so this is the research I have I've got complex furniture passive cooler stone cutting complex clothing electricity air conditioning and nutrient paste that's pretty much what you start off with if you're just a standard colony and we as you can see here cannot make research benches huazi thanks for the sub so this series has a lot of mods one of them I'm sure you can hear in the background here we don't have standard room world music playing it is in fact kenchi music by design obviously another one of the mods is that we can't actually research anything we gain research by killing enemies and they have a small chance to drop things called blueprints and the blueprints are related to their tech level so if we kill tribals we they might drop Neolithic blueprints which could unlock Neolithic tech like cyclic brewing or tree sewing and the more high tech enemies we kill the sort of better loot that we get I don't think I have a minimum buy right now but fang-face thanks for the beer I'm gonna have to fix that it's supposed to be I think a 500 minimum buy just because it can get spammy minimum oh wow yeah it's really low this is of course a whole new essentially a whole new installation for me because the twitch toolkit requires quite a lot of settings to be maintained now if you're wondering unlike the past streams I have nightbot to do the pond assignments for me which is great so that you won't have to guess one to 30 or whatever it was doing and that will be doubly a lot more helpful when I do have people edit so the idea here is if you are a subscriber anytime that there's a chance for me to assign a pond to you know a new character obviously these original three will stay I guess sort of my characters but when there is room to assign characters I will assign them to you guys given luck arctic thanks for the sub so colonists needs names no they don't I might however just assign these to the either myself or the moderators so I don't get the constant colonists needs names prompt depends on what moderators are here at the moment so power music is wondering what roadworks the event is in the events list this is from more fashion interaction once I have a a orbital trade beacon factions can offer me to a quest to build roads on the world map and on the world map you know they'll tell me what the roads are so it might be like border zone proposes a road between me and border zone which allows me to go to the border zone more quickly for trade but it usually costs a whole lot of silver if you're wondering how you can see the items in prices everything is on the website all you got to do is exclamation my items or events and or just go straight to the website all right I will start assigning these guys just so that they don't keep prompting me I will be Agnew I guess now maybe I shouldn't be this silent well yeah sure why not I signed it to myself and we still have one left is zero here beep is indeed a transhumanist it would not make sense for beep not to be beeps final form if I'm to use some other references is being a transhumanist called cyber beep it's you know how key levels up I guess now what's interesting is in this mod these characters that the races actually do matter Soroka for instance is much much much slower than beep or Agnew the designer of the mod saw fit that the Shaq would be a lot slower tougher but slower and then of course beep is a lot more vulnerable so one of the challenges I'm going to have initially is to keep be protected because he is not a very naturally tough species another interesting thing is there will be raids from the dead hive and other sort of pirate factions which should be pretty cool now some of the random human factions they're gonna be using firearms and like they're not restricted to too low tier weapons but the southern hive and the dead hive and all that they'll be attacking us sort of southern hive style did the Reapers come and try to enslave me yeah they they could actually where the Reapers yeah here they are Reavers here's the arc and the dust king tower there's some other Reavers around here here's the red Sabres hideout I renamed a lot of the points of interest on the world map after kenchi points of interest I tried doing incorporate the two games into one another as much as I could so right now Ruka has a shirt and pants beep just his pants and Gladius Agnew has blue pants yes again another reference there and a Gladius looks like yeah we're gonna start breaking down the buildings up here now I don't have the ability to stone cut I don't believe oh no I do I do if stone cutting I think it's just easier to at least at the start break down some buildings around us one thing that is pretty consistent with the kenchi universe is Ken she's full of ruins as is rim world so I think it's kind of perfect that they you know that they're both absolutely full of ruins now another thing I probably have to do ease the let's see there's some things I should have done beforehand karma here we go it should be 120 and 80 so that you don't get too too penalized right now was set at ten which means that if you sent evil things to me you'd be penalized like nobody's business and I don't want that now on the website I do say that it's sort up to you to try to find balance the idea here is we'll have sort of a natural progression but of course Ken she is a game that is notoriously unfair so if you want me to have that kind of experience that's good too I'm totally ok with being dreadfully punished if you think that is uh that's fitting now for everyone that doesn't have the stream coming up naturally I apologize it's probably something along the lines of twitch doesn't care about its affiliates or rather twitch prioritizes the partners for things to be rendered you know just the way it is alright I am going to start planting my first crops beep being I mean I'd love to have him be a full time swordsman but he is a hybrid drone and therefore particularly well-suited for drone tasks maybe it's not fair to him but you know we we he does have some sort of benefit doing it oh man unfortunately of this group we don't have any good constructors they are particularly bad I would say so they just keep failing it's kind of funny let's see what kind of wildlife mostly emus around now there's a lot of other mods and I think the full mod list is actually linked on the website so there's a lot of other mods that are involved in this series so if you're curious what the full mod load that is I've got pretty much the full my loadout online I think I might have missed one but I did a pretty thorough check there submiss de beat and mrs. Agnew let's get you growing in mining Oh another thing I did was I thought it would be particularly weird if Agnew and beep ever had a romantic relationship so part of their deep bond is it's platonic for life let's hope that you all agree with that sort of designation I just think it would be really weird that they'd ever be exes because they're not supposed to be exes ever so yeah pulsonic for life the way it should be between them there's sort of battle buddies think I don't know I can't think about good a good comparison maybe Gutzon judo that might be the closest that I can think of Thanks I don't want to update my windows right now free minimum minimizing all right we're gonna start mining some steel that's probably way more steel than I need and just try to keep these guys productive now another thing I want to do is start to set up fruit production so let's actually put another door in here so you can go straight into the butchery keep that separate so the blood doesn't brew in the room I live really cool thanks for the sub and then we're going to probably do electric stove rather than field stove in fact you know what I'm gonna do I'm going to cut a little bit into the sleep Mountain here yes that's what I will do hmmm just trying to think of a layout that works for me because I'd like to put my hmm I'd like to put the the stove sort of embedded in the mountain so it doesn't take out room but there's not a really cool layout around here to do that with that's okay why is uranium so expensive these days it's a particularly strong material that's probably why some things might need to be rebalanced that's for sure I'm not saying that it's perfect the next the first try but I'm trying to be as balanced as possible so they can't immediately become wealthy due to donations but also you know there's there's sort of the struggle initially of of building up King Sombra asks about boo rants I believe so we have some boom elopes out here so I'm a suspecting that boom rants are in order as well this is of course uh arid I tried to replicate kenchi as best as I could can she does have little bits of green and some swamps and water but mostly it's pretty shrubland arid and the like so this was my attempt my best attempt at how arid it would become animals are for purchase aren't on the list but I am able to tame them normally the gifting of animals became somewhat of a I guess spam it's probably a mean thing to say but basically animal spam where I was essentially spammed with animals until I had dozens to name and that's kind of a problem and that's something I wanted to avoid glitch be be sending me a batch of pemmican I should probably start keep start to keep this stuff inside so it doesn't decay luckily pemmican takes a while to decay but that is what I will do I will put a stockpile up here now we're going some cotton uh he's a frustrated transhumanist I'll feel you buddy I'm gonna try to make it right um let's see here I want a kitchen somehow maybe that's a probably a bad spot for this let's put it over there so this is gonna become my kitchen area let's see so this is a big old kitchen I know I have the ability to do cooling so while ad cooling in soon some psychotic coming down from crab I do like to stress out my pawns yeah I really do I'm very terrible to them so hopefully I won't continue that trend and steal from Dublin art alright what I think first and foremost I really need to do is something to eat on I want to avoid the mental break due to you know do do that that would be a bad mental break I know it kind of looks like I started off tribal I haven't really done power just yet but I'll get to power in a sec and again we're gonna have a really weird initial base now if we end up with a hole over and all thanks for the wood if we end up with a really large amount of people I can floor it up and stuff like that but initially I'm just going to try to keep it simple marble blocks from Elm um the elephant chuckle from Socorro nice Oh No EMU get away my oh no that's just not a way to treat a gift all right like any true Aussie I am about to start the EMU war and they wanted revenge i won unsurprisingly it was a three on one it's just a little EMU but that gives me opportunity to do some doctoring somebody uh raised my fire fight doctoring bed rest of basic up a bit silver coming from free dog and I wasted a little bit of that chocolate but we salvaged seven tenths of it crab asks will I keep the building separate like they are in kimchi yes probably and I probably won't have them be I know this one is kind of a let's call the station house sighs this is the initial but yeah I'll definitely be doing separated can I do peace talks if you send one in ninety minutes I will try my Roku social skills actually not that bad so it is quite possible alright I would like I don't need bed rest right now you can go mind now it depends on who you're trying to have peace talks with because of course some of these factions the southern hive yeah maybe we can make peace but dead hive yeah probably not alright steel butcher table let's toss that in there and let's start using actual power I'm gonna start with a wood fire generator and then we'll start teching up a little higher simple meals have some dust which is thank Swasey nothing like a good old dust which this one's made of nothing actually it's a standard simple meal that doesn't have a material make alright so beep is farming is karma active yes it is I do believe it is so if you've purchased something nice you should have greater than 100 karma all right so here's the butcher table time to butcher up that EMU that wanted to fight us and guess I have marble what is blue um that is oil of Agnew Agnew's blood is not blood it's oil pretty cool right another thing I'm gonna have to do pretty soon is the proper bedding beer coming down from Kings ombre same she can't get drunk I think she can actually beep I don't believe you're the best constructor we've got oh no actually no no Agnew is let's get her to whoo excellent bed look at that egg no I didn't realize you had it in you this awful barrack is now already a dull one it's going up okay dub the construction projects they're got continually worse as time went on but whatever Shibuya I'm doing pretty well very excited that everyone's turning up for this gives me a pretty good shot at a twitch partner which would really benefit you guys as you'd be able to select the resolution that you want to watch in which is really been a problem for some of you I'm truly apologetic for that kind of sucks that affiliates don't get resolutions at all some slate blocks coming down all right no miss OH she's enjoying some chocolate like any good robot would do balances transfer for streams yes from snot series to series but stream to stream yes so if you are watching this next Wednesday when I stream this again your coins will still remain the same it will not however transfer over to Pantheon or survive the swarm all different pools of coins a little confusing I know but yeah I I it works out pretty well beep tried to rant romance Rucka yeah he'll do that he doesn't really truly understand gender so he might just be flirting with Ruka not realizing she's even female beep is a strange creature is all I have to say what do we want to grow here Gilbert I don't have enough talent for that smoke leaf I suppose smoke leaf is a bit like hashish and kenchi but that would be a really good way to jumpstart my economy so why not and beta fraud Amon I'm just gonna call you bane cuz it's weird saying my own name just sent me some smoke leaf joints and our team already sending me slate blocks with the comment beep just good old beep I have enough pemmican to keep me for a bit Oh Agnew let's use these probably have to you yeah I have to do some drug assignments so let's do this right now select drugs I'm gonna keep no drugs which doesn't feed addictions and then we're gonna select everyone on no drugs for now and then I'll set up a drug policy I guess it pauses the game anyway new policy food drugs that's what I'm gonna call it I'm not even gonna send the wreck or mood level I'm just gonna allow them to do those specific drugs if they want to hey camel spider welcome to the stream camel spiders been instrumental and helping me out in the ken cheese series set me up with mods that'll make it even possible to have a series for instance the default building that the Huibers have what does it look like it kind of looks like a pile of hay and it functions horribly and it's really difficult to build in there and now I have a beautiful selection of different buildings and the like which is absolutely awesome this is one weird multi material building here isn't it some a brochure coming down I like the the perfect circle quote they're from their first album and everyone's taking part in fact everyone's really really happy in this group which is pretty cool so Aang news still mining I might want to start hunting but of course beep in Agnew our melee only Ruka says she needs a task well now she's sleeping now so what could we have her work on she could do some art I suppose more ambrosia coming down from Crimean thank you yeah I suppose I could do a sculptor table it's probably not that high on the list but it would be good trade now if you're wondering about big things we have stuff that's kind of like big things in this so here's some zebra which obviously are not in vanilla rim world and there's a chance at giraffes which are probably as close to beat things as you can get big thing is probably somewhere between a warg and a giraffe if I was to categorize them like I'm Darwin or something all right so Rooker if your idol uh you are not our crafter are you beeps are craftier okay what could you do you could do shooting let's have her hunt let's have our LevelUp hunting so we will hunt things that aren't going to hunt us back we're gonna start hunting just the rats hairs in iguanas and that will help her skill up because she has a short bow and I really don't want to piss off an entire herd of zebra and get like stomped to death that would be pretty bad she just walked by this and no surprise there it's an ancient danger if you're unfamiliar with rimworld ancient dangers are full of terrible terrible mess most of the time and here is the first Toyota Kirov nth up klein you probably need some coins for that don't you so this is just what kind of event needs to happen um and what I need to do is give our mod here oh you're already modded okay well I'm gonna give you some coins so that you can you know control the events I could do a midstream already done I actually somehow got good at this whole twitch toolkit think good things don't bring blueprints Krabs says yeah he's actually right I do tech up by murdering things so in a way small raids do benefit me ooh some wake up from just I do like man this this map generation is amazing I've got two geothermal geysers I've got a pretty natural choke point and I've got a lot of rich soil soon I'll be known as the twitch toolkit streamer yeah well my whole channel is about user interaction and the more I have the happier I am so I suppose that's fair assessment um butchery so now I'm just gonna set up this zone here preferred for fresh oh I got some Roberto sprouts you all voted for J sent extra food corpses of animals that are not insects I wonder if I'm Huibers huh I wonder if you put your hot butcher or hayver is it insect meat probably should be but I really don't know I haven't messed with this mod quite enough to know for sure oh the kenchi soundtrack is great let me know if you need me to raise the volume at all got that going on in the background Mara's in sending me pemmican so I'm trying to wait for Agnew to level up to mining 9 in order to get the components but I might not really wait that long why level 9 if you're wondering at level 9 you get full yield whereas any lower level than 9 you do not actually let's leave those alone because that kind of unearths bugs Oh a love late I get a hundred percent I was pretty sure it was level nine but you might be right my memory is not amazing barely hear the music okay that was a good song too I'll raise that up yeah I'm using a mod that um prevents all of the Kenny vanilla music from playing and plays just the I mean all the rim world vanilla music and then I've replaced it with kimchi music so the entire kimchi soundtrack will play in the background instead more immersion right okay Jay says add 8 plus well I'm at 6 won't get full yield but I'd really like the wood fire generator in the and everything else that I need I'm impatient at this point let's start storing our food here so I'll make this preferred for raw food I will put up a temp simple meal and a real simple meal here and then we're gonna have to ec this thing to plasteel coming down from potato is unavailable all right soon we'll have that beautiful stove going I am liking what to create things a little bit I could cut some but I tend to not like benches that are made out of wood because they burn real good and burn real good is not real good we're starting to get things spoiling I don't like that although the stuff we're killing right now is just it's just for target practice mostly and not for any other reason so meat let's disallow oh yeah fog man prints me soldier meat yet they all have different meats here I'm gonna have to be really careful because there is a lot of types of meat here that I think would be disturbing to eat so let's get rid of the fog meat get rid of the hive meat human meat what else would be bad here skeleton meat check meat southern hive meat oh there's so many different types of meat you ever have that experience where you say the same word over and over and again and it's sort of like loses its meaning that's definitely happening to me right now saying meat over and over all right did I get all of the nasty meats insect right oh there it is all right you guys sent me some stuff so smoke lifts joints from Jamie and components from glitch oh thanks glitch that's gonna be useful that way I'll be able to actually can start constructing stuff oh don't friendly-fire skeletons aren't made out of me that's kind of weird chocolate from dee dee master thank you I say here we go we're going to want some cooler action in this bubbling up oh we got full yield off of that now that we have some components I'm gonna have a new level backup just doing the standard mining so that we don't risk wastage and rookie you are going to start building the things I need to build I agree VAM orcs at agnya looks very very cool very robot II I like beep - oh this was probably sent by one of you guys I imagine it doesn't accredit you properly but if one of you sent that thank you cuz that's definitely definitely useful all right wildlife let's leave the hair alone and just focus on the construction live and cool sending me some uranium the ship chunks are from vens yeah kenchi is scattered full of things that look like ship chunks oh that's not good a little bit of a fail there uh Luca how about you oh you're gonna be hungry really soon I don't have them right now on a work schedule like they can work and sleep whenever they want so we're definitely wasting a whole lot of meat and I'll have that remedied as soon as I can so soon here I don't know how much you guys have built up coin wise but soon here we should probably start seeing added people to the group maybe climb can prompt that if he sees it fit necessary zero here - nope alright alright Luke is going to the ship chunks and up beep is too or he's butchering something that she shot wow that is a long run marble blocks coming down make myself something nice alright I could do that nothing like a comfortable marble armchair if it was only possible for Agnew hybrids are fast yes Ruka here not so much and in fact I think she oh dear she didn't even haul them all back alright I'm gonna have beep deconstruct the other chump I want yeah yeah consume the pemmican alright let's get these coolers up and then we can start fueling our wood-fired generator and cooling the base down to freezing which would be good so I set that to 30 I'm gonna set this to like 26 maybe alright mr. beep has got the components so we definitely have some steel left over here but we can haul that sometime later I should consider a tunnel to the south oh absolutely I'm planning a tunnel in fact this all looks like steel so not only would a tunnel speed me up net but I get all this steel out of here too I just need the ability to protect my flanks I don't want to open up a lot of territory and then not have the ability to protect myself all right looking at my materials here I would say not that I want to fill in the the fertile soil this is a really bad place for that too but I would say double insulating everything would be a probably a good thing to do so I'm gonna start sliding up the area all right climb just started a poll about what the first event should be so you all can go ahead and vote if you see fit here I'm gonna start cooking simple meals and let's hope that I don't use weird meats in fact maybe I should go through and oh no it already default turns off a bunch of the nasty meats perfect no I don't even have to do it that would've been a lot of effort we are also going to want a standing lamp does any no she does not she she has a full food bar that always fills up on its own she does sleep though so that's I would say probably the one thing she does that you wouldn't expect so when we do this let's cook until we have nine let's take it to the temp simple meal and make sure that we have a cook of four or over and beep is there we go happy to do some cooking how come she doesn't eat well and can she the skeletons never eat so she doesn't eat because she's a skeleton and also she doesn't have normal body parts that you'd expect she has I don't really know how to show you here you go fluid reprocess errs instead of kidneys flute pumps instead of lungs a reactor instead of a brain neck support instead of dentures so no so forth she's fully robotic skeletons yeah basically robots yeah sentient robots robots with feelings like Legion or wall-e those are two really really strange examples can Agnew be resurrected with mech serum I think so again not fully tested it but I don't see why not that I know of that is not a requirement so I think what I'm going to do is turn this area into a sort of a workshop and then I should probably also work on bedrooms individual bedrooms because no one really likes to be in a barracks how many bugs are out here one mega spider and a bunch of scarabs that's not too scary let's take a look at the other let's see wildlife we don't even have any uh giraffes yet so there's another group of bugs down there there's another over here so there's a not insignificant amount of bugs on this map power music that's a good thing to note there about the ship trunk being too cheap I can increase the cost uh if you remind me at the end of this stream hard to do midstream but alright marble blocks let's go ahead and make a stall small statue out of marble I don't think we have enough around we'll do it yet oh no we do I take it back all right so the lights are on how light is it here fifty percent perfect I'm gonna reinstall that though a little bit now we don't have chairs for the easy either I also don't really have any recreation at the moment so I'm gonna start on a chess table I'm gonna make this out of sandstone because that will take me a while and then I'll also make the throwing pin as well my constructor probably should be Agnew I guess the throwing ping quality doesn't really make matter but everything else does how much steel does this ship chunk yield of sixty I think thirty or thirty actually 30 and then components but also keep in mind it's not um not like a delivery that you guys would buy I have to work to go get it so there is a little effort involved whereas when you guys drop items like this there is no effort in fact I bet the know the item event is not restricted good debtor talking to me about naked frogmen now if you're unfamiliar with the frogmen they're sort of a cannibalistic crazed hayver that like to eat and abduct people fang-face sending components and psycho T can robots get addicted yeah I think other than the fact that they're robots they are basically treated like everyone else they have feelings they can get addicted they just don't sleep and they're very very tough so if you take a look here base armor sharp and blunt is 25 and 20 percent to put that in perspective with beep it is 15 and 10 percent so Agnew has a sort of a much higher armor resistance despite not wearing any additional armor refugee chase is not allowed to be but should be refugee chased should be available I don't I don't have it disabled to my side I'll put it that way well that stockpile is filling up fast I also have to think about a storehouse and defenses are there's so much to think about beeps leveling up in construction I'm thinking he might not need as much sleep as everyone else it does seem like he's up at kind of all hours oops I just clicked off the wrong thing cuz it popped up go-juice from touchstone gold uh yeah I mean if we get into a battle absolutely I'm gonna make beep into speedy go-juice beep I think he'd he'd want it that way beeps leveling up in plants soon I'll be able to start planting he'll root which will be cool we got our chess table and our horseshoe pin all right I am auto home zoning oh here we go next event mad animals foggy rain which is pretty much what is already happening whoa it is hot out or muscle parasites so let's see whether wise chefs are comfortable to 131 that's priority high beep is comfortable to 128 oh so these high temperatures are not a problem Agnew is comfortable into 484 Fahrenheit so definitely not an issue here's our first harvest we don't have anyone that can cook fine meals so we're still stuck on simple meals but at least that's a whole lot of rice to be put towards meals when we need it did I set up night BOTS random number giveaway I have yes so when there are characters to assign you don't even need a guest numbers or anything it will just assign them which I should have done from the very start so actually I'll run a test on that right now this obviously is a fake one so apologies to anyone that whoever wins alice hole you just won nothing so congratulations it does work the assignment is to subs yes it just picks a random sub and if that random sub already has a character named after them I'll reroll it and we'll just pick a new one let's all get us a cyber beep I hope so in fact I'm definitely eager to add in some new characters when the coins allow it how many coins er has ever went in at roughly speaking all right so we do have a man zebra coming our way and thanks for the bits our team our dia mr. Marty my zombie slaying friend in arms okay we're pretty close to the 2k mark that kind of opens up a lot of options here all right let's get all hands on deck for the zebra it's just a zebra but everybody wants the the XP for levelling the zebra oh all right well Ruka says no what was that she shot it in the brain holy moly I was expecting some sort of flight but not quite like that easy we do have a ton of sandstone blocks so it would be possible to get a wall going visitors sanguine rage sending me some visitors so one of them should be oh look cool there black desert skeletons long stout and t2 very cool actually now let's not trace it I'll just go like this maybe a little bit more narrow all right there we go it's gonna be a little bit of a kill box not really I mean maybe in the future we don't have you know turret tech or anything like that but in the far future we might see you never know colonists needs names let me see if I can't assign you to read twitch bot I can all right perfect that message is gone the minimum minimum purchase is five hundred just I think like all the other series thanks coin for the five bits pot is down he says good all right let me uh reconnect the buck I think you guys are killing it with the volume of requests I love it keep it coming what are the challenge for this round it's sort of two guys the goals the challenges I have to keep all three of the not all three but I have to keep at least one of these guys alive at all time of course there is the possibility of a random revive and stuff like that but yeah that's the sort of long and short of it and then any other goals long-term goals like making the iron hive my allies because here here's the factions that are no we have shinobi thieves United City is hungry bandits shrieking bandits dead high of iron high of Western High of southern hive black desert skeletons Scheck kingdom dust bandits rivers red sabers what just happened Oh interesting um why are they trying to kill me hang on I don't know what just happened but they this robot kind of went crazy and tried to stab me they decided to visit and then decided that murder was on their mind no they're not coming to kill me anymore I'm not even sure just what what happened huh well I got all ready for a fight but they're not fighting I'm confused these robots I don't speak their language clearly yeah so Ruka just punched or head-butted him for seemingly no reason that's all I can that's all I can tell that's really funny King Sombra says let's get AG new smoked up a little bit and see what happens sure we could do that stoned up smoke leaf so just a lot less productive I guess the mood effects go up but that's about it it does sound appropriate for a check greeting if you're curious about the check they are very warlike they're sort of like I don't know they're like wobbling zin a way or maybe Croghan yeah they're definitely like Croghan that's what they're like Mass Effect Croghan all they know is war they split factions constantly but is dead again cool wow that was usually it lives a little bit longer than that but alright new record apparently I just restarted it so it should be back up now actually I do want doors they're sandstone ours is not a particularly tough stone but that's just the stone we have around and it looks like I'm gonna need to start karate chop in the forest here there is not a lot of wood on arid tiles so this is not a long-term long-term solution for power generation I think the bot is back up but let me know if that's not true refugee taste is not possible for some reason yeah I'm not really sure why that is it's probably just some sort of modding compatibility close your day you're here howdy howdy all right we go now they're actually named after stuff well what is going on with this thought just constant state of death well that's all the fuel we had all right we're gonna have to trouble as winter brands aren't not very reliable I suppose I could build one anyway I don't have battery check no that's why I kind of liked the wood-fired generator because it would give me a pretty steady trickle of power but we'll just have to make do with what we've got where are you off to ah compacted machinery and you are level 8 now Oh perfect an anonymous gift or just gave out a tier 1 sub thanks whoever there is to thank I'm not entirely sure who but thank you tis anonymous right I'm gonna run power around the perimeter of the base here I also want to get the double insulation going a little bit more than we have I have the slate I just haven't put the walls raids are killing the bots hmm odd yeah let me experiment right here send myself uh send myself a raid XE raid 20 point raid it doesn't seem to be able to do that huh no I can force a raid so here is Wong who is a river coming in but yeah if you've been trying to buy raids and the raids just haven't shown up maybe it is some sort of incompatibility and I'll have to take a look at that which would be unfortunate some more components from total sandwich and wood from Kadath and then of course we've got this dude who is uh needs facial readjustment surgery all right Ruka do not kill him so quick that there's nothing left to fight he dead that's pretty quick he was frail oh he was old wasn't he he was 63 years old frail old dude that got put down pretty quick all right my meats running away cuz they just don't have the power for it yeah maybe he was like a sort of like Rumble John transport pod crash coming from Klein whoa he is right outside of a cave so he's really unbelievably skilled a little older and what is he space refugee whatever that means in terms of kenchi but oh right sure yeah where we want him I have nowhere to put him is this oh yeah okay uh Agnew let's go have you capture him or rescue him actually we could just rescue he's a spacer so he will join us anyway so Agnew you're up yes you're up let's go rescue it's gonna take a little while and beer coming from noon Oh Daniel exactly estimated sent me beer as well and chocolate high-quality chocolate must be expensive yeah let's hope there's not a lot of chocolate in the kimchi universe so the little that there is must be really good stuff so if you're wondering about this he is a stager a creepy breather and a psychopath Agnew who can't get to him it's just a long path and he's got 14 hours to live so that's okay I'm gonna have to do something about this body amp art day oh yeah for at the moment I don't really have the ability to cremate I don't really want to want to have to bury them all but marry I'll bury them like Tally's like murder tallies I got sent a care package of chocolate thank you from zero day and Artie you just resub I could feed them to the bugs that's entirely possible a dark thing to do but entirely possible oh we haven't really okay uh Ruka let's go oh you're already tending to him don't tend to him with any meds though I know rude but I'd rather have the meds for myself well he's in a double-strand parka at some expensive stuff thanks game I know I need batteries so useful they are I don't have battery tech he is just a human a spacer so let's say given his skills of crafting I would say he's more of a Scorch lender have a good night dark epic troll scorch liners in Kanchi are yeah I'm gonna get rid of the wood fire generator that was a bad idea it does not generate power like I needed to scorch lenders are particularly skilled at crafting in kenchi whoa Damian hello definitely earning that uh most the most gifts for sure hot damn indeed well now I have a whole lot of additional subs some uranium Oh yellow means it was worth a lot so that was a big gift there tako here all right let me go run the nightbot giveaway Kadath this is you god that is so much easier if you want them you could always pass but I did make the traits very cheap just an FYI you always end up with doctors actually this dude is really good at everything he's an artist he's a crafter he's a cook he's just really everything except for of course he's got a bum leg and a torso scar but you know other than that Whaler just sent some Luciferian let's see doing the the jobs here so he's gonna be our cook I think at the very least and probably a crafter cooking craft sign curb send in some enjoyable chocolates yes you can remove traits you can add traits small sculpture coming down granite sculpture that was sent from go to the wall cool I like it I'm gonna set it right next to my dining room so that everyone could enjoy it while they eat and play chess by themselves cuz there's only one chair more chocolate from black Ren and death is gonna need a bow isn't he or some sort of ranged yeah Damien was the one that told me about the kenchi rim world mod am I ready for peace talks yeah possibly I could even send well I probably sent Veruca she's got the burning passion and all we're not drawing enough power from anything oh yeah thanks windmill rotating at a opping zero it's just like it's just like Henchy having to rely on really unreliable wind it's a mix of like PTSD and enjoyment I would say I think I'm gonna cross over two steel beds now so we are sort of at our end of our wood supply so agnew where you let's get you making that all right off the floor my friend in fact let's have a little bit of this move around and spaceship part just crashed that's not too too far away until I have a decent supply of beep I'd rather not give beep a supply of something that could be potentially fatal as that is roll in the die on his life all right so why did I think you'd be a good crafter you've got because beeps the other crafter okay yeah you are probably your best crafter that is true well then let's get a tailoring bench up and running so now that we've double-insulated our let me do it a little bit better now that we are starting to double insulate our kitchen and our butchery it's becoming a little bit easier to insulate but this living area is getting really really cramped so that's something I'm gonna have to solve as well beep is good role model and people wouldn't do drugs yeah I can get behind that reasoning all right definitely get in this kitchen better insulated and actually let's not even oh no outdoor out to the farm but we won't I'm using up so much good real estate though it bugs me a little bit maybe I'll have a double insulated from the outside and just single insulated I mean double insulated from the outside single insulated inside so I don't use up too much of this good terrain grass swaying thanks for the bits bot died again alright is it the raids that are killing the bots I'm sort of curious just dig through the air log but maybe I'll have to let me know what you're trying to buy it is raids alright I was kind of wondering about that um why would raids be killing it I don't know I'm as baffled as you are must be some sort of incompatibility between did twitch toolkit and the mod and it doesn't know how to execute raids so it might be sort of up to me to execute raids so I'm just gonna send myself one hundred point raid which is sort of the natural progression of rimworld and these are dust bandits that are coming my way to death here is gonna need some yeah I'm gonna have to fix that clearly Kadath is gonna need some ranged weapon for now I'm gonna have to rely on this steel club because I don't really have much better and they're fleeing because they spawned right next to the bugs and the bugs destroyed them Wow alright well that was a short-lived raid - incident let's see no that didn't work let's see uh do another fine execute raid yeah I see your point 150 point raid Sandin jizz oh these guys actually with guns now look at them progressing guns what are guns all right beep you shouldn't venture too far up there are tacking bugs again in their infinite wisdom and they downed one of themselves Wow look at that Ruka let's queue up Kadath beep and Agnew ouch I just got shot I got gutted well beeps here to defend and he killed him good job beep slash the torso till he died alright Kadath well have a revolver now client I'm sort of curious if the Tory talker events could prompt raids as well so faction unrest here we go power music says there is a peace talk um with the shinobi thieves they've had diplomatic troubles with the hungry bandits and they're asking me to mediate between them two so it's not me making peace with anyone it's just me helping the shinobi Thebes make peace with the hunger bandits sure I guess we could attend medicine from exactly estimated and herbal meds from Lord so that would mean given up Ruka and she just got gutted by a revolver so it's kind of a badge it just literally became a bad time but it doesn't mean I'm not gonna do it I just want at least patch her up first good what are you doing go tend visitor coming Jamie he's heading on over oh and had to pass Sonya the Sailor here who I guess got back up from murdering some bugs and then went right back down so bad events are coming aren't they so here is the peace talks and I'll be heading out there soon I hope I have enough pemmican I don't know how to make pemmican that's gonna be a sort of a bottlenecking problem I'm just gonna leave the dev menu up so I can raid myself I guess as there's not our not a really good alternative it doesn't work Ruka you're up let's go see what this tiger guy has to offer and she just got an infection oh she's definitely not gonna be doing any sort of peace talks I'm gonna have to send someone else will start giving her rebel meds and that leaves Kadath to do it and Kadath is probably does not have enough heat protection which means I'm gonna need a cowboy hat so Kadath you're gonna make yourself a cowboy hat and then you can go ahead and leave Kadath is no longer a creepy breather it's just a psychopath beep could go but beep doesn't really have the the passion for societal diplomacy he's more of a beat them in the face first ask questions later kind of guy madam you all right got one of them coming I don't think okay you don't need to like leave to go fight it it's coming to us everybody tries to slice up beat the start every fight beeps the one that takes damage it's kind of sad kind of funny all right so Kadena you've got yourself a really really really crummy cowboy hat I guess everyone could use a cowboy hat so now he has a cowboy hat and he's protected up to 94 uh he's gonna want a duster as well so let's only make one more cowboy hat and then we'll make a duster because I'm really not gonna be able to field him in any sort of negotiation until I can survive the heat black rain just looking for a little it's tag badge Goods coming from fern all nice wow it's just one guy named Olympia well he thinks highly of himself I could kill him get his loot who is he representing the black desert skeletons I'm not likely to want to piss them off just yet uh Agnew's wearing a hat that's cute actually Agnew how about you do the trading cuz you know somehow Oh can't talk all right so that's penalizing yeah it's sort of supposed beep you'll do it uh what do we got we can sell you some rice I will sell you 150 of my rice and that gives me some silver I don't want to sell too much of the gifts you all have sent me though but I do want to buy some wood because I don't have a whole lot of it did he master thanks for the bait look at this beautiful wind turbine that I just can't benefit from yeah I did I did notice the scale to meet its equal parts disturbing as it is fascinating that you can somehow put your skeletons check the past ten messages okay yeah here we go touchstone gold cloth front all sending me the trader trait of I already read that and infections those kind of messages I just needed to right-click them off oh you meant which jet oh the idiom Risa I don't know what you're trying to refer to maybe I'm just dense of a more extending me beer since I can't send cowboy hats well I do have a little bit of bird skin oh we're getting no power out of that alright EMU sorry you're gonna have to die to what kind do you give Albert skin booooo lame material but whatever beggars can't be choosers all right we go Amy went crazy and beeps gonna start slashing it off beep got it down the killing blow is cutting off its tail nice so with the additional bird skin I should be able to or at least I'm earning my way towards a duster everybody wants the trader to die this trader is not he has some stuff but I don't think it's worth all-out war with the black desert oh I think now is the time to warrant mining southbound because we are getting a lot of events down there it would be good for me to be able to cut through the mountain medical emergency oh wow that infection really is bad the roadwork events if you're curious builds roads between different settlements it's the long and short of it so small sculptures I need 50 ingredients I have the slate for it but don't really have anything else alright looks like everyone's healed except for Ruka who has up now is immune good I wasn't worried for her but that infection was pretty bad friendly AI cool not gonna need that for a long long time if ever so Agnew sports sport in the Hat here because you know of all the all the characters we have I'd knew is clearly the one that's most heat sensitive that's pretty funny to me raids haven't been working the break okay here's what I'm gonna do events I'm gonna have to temporarily disable the raids because they keep killing the bots there are other types of raids that are a little bit more expensive I'm curious if they even work and what I'm gonna have to do is just call raids down on myself to at least get it functional sort of functional and it'll be at the top of my list of things to do to debug I'm not sure why raids wouldn't work I'm gonna want to hunt another email cool exotic goods coming from ever lost definitely gonna want to hunt another EMU for more bird skin so I have a dustier so that death could go to the peace talks so actually both of you stop what you're doing and we're gonna go team humped one in fact beep you want to tag along of course beep wants to tag along as the bot reconnects it kills the performance of my game oh who are you you are another bet black desert traitor I'm a little worried about friendly fire here I don't want to hit his any of these Buffalo also who uses muffle Oh in the desert oh he he got attacked burr Allen all right here we go oh the other one run Rooker run alright so she got beaked up a bit but we're okay Kadath you're gonna start butchering them and then then we'll have the no I don't want to rescue it are you kidding Mohammed thanks for the eat which sub right there oh now see brews are going crazy uh-oh man the black does the skeletons not too happy with me cuz I just keep getting the hurt so power music sending some pemmican for the peace talks absolutes in sending smoke leaf which makes sense to me the zebra went crazy cuz DD master made it what crazy and marble blocks for statue and fern all say anything's going to bed cool well I don't have quite enough for a full statue but that's a good start I could take off the the parka but I'm just the parka only gives me insulation it doesn't actually lower my heat resistance so now I use patching himself up it's not a mercy kill you guys really have a lot of bloodlust ooh death is medical emergency of its way to Hut and right now I'm relying on wind to cool off my base all right I think what I'm gonna need to do is I hate to use it but I'm gonna need to passive cooler because the power is just not consistent enough there are a few competent doctors in the colony yes bandits are spreading okay well that's one way to read me so now I have a new bandit camp from crawls chosen this uh west of me I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for them and this passive cooler has done not for his extreme heat stroke he's straight-up unconscious now oh now it's cooling down a little bit let's go work in the freezer and that will help all right so the Duster here who was supposed to make the Duster it was Agnew actually let's make it with Kadath the parka doesn't hurt him towards heat it just protects him from cold so it's not the Duster is not working against him at all it's not a negative thing it's a neutral thing power shortage again man we are gonna need some batteries I also never really traded with these guys all right Rilke you're hurt once Kadath is fully healed we'll see what kind of a heat protection we've afforded ourselves all right so we do have a duster there why don't wait it's still not good enough I'm gonna really need to protect myself with like camel hide or something all right this guy has should you try a separate sure go for it has industrial technology blueprints but I can't afford it that would give me a new technology and industrial so I'm gonna need a hyper weave or other high-quality materials to really protect myself from the heat I think let me know I I'm guessing you already tried the separated and it failed I'm assuming caravan requests five dusters for a change shotgun apply steel aqua and frag grenades wow that is really generous yep bot death okay man what is going on here separate killed it again okay uh what's interesting is let's see if I can execute a separate specifics oh no that didn't work execute raid I'll just send myself a two hundred point raid so they're gonna prepare a while and the meteor landed almost on them what just happened oh oh this is uh raids gone wrong yeah so the meteor landed in Andrew and and made them aggravated I guess that's funny my guess is the raids aren't working because the load order between raids gone wrong and the raids gone wrong integration with twitch toolkit is probably off and therefore breaking it granite blocks coming from Dairy THOG thank you so I'll just keep periodically rating myself users gonna have to rely on me being fair and a mad zebra oh it's going to them oh I almost feel bad for those Raiders all right they're beginning their assault rightfully so they're kind of pissed off that I keep getting a pass and then of course you hear the rim world music for the battles how's be doing he's ready to fight oh these guys are trickling in all sorts are wrong I love it it's gonna make this real easy all right beep you want to take or have Agnew let's have a new tank just cuz I think she could take a hit a little bit better beep we'll eventually one day be cyber beep but he's just not cyber beep yet and then crab just sent a downed dude who we will rescue named Bowman oh my god that's so funny I literally have a patron named Bowman but yeah named Bowman who is incapable of carrying a super good shooter she is ready to throw down so we'll send a rescue party with that momentarily no he's up hopped up in go-juice I was sort of wondering why that Raider was tougher than the rest it's a go Juice addiction oh you're fleeing now beep does not believe in fleeing oh and then another transport pod crash uh Wow conveniently just about on top of the what debug log hold on was that me apparently I reached maximum named Merlin a pacifist hmm uh so we have a bit of an issue do we want a doctor crap Oh crafter crafter yeah okay yeah uh beep and Agnew how hurt are you you're not that hurt are you how slower you moving is poor okay so it's not gonna be Agnew Ruka and beep we're gonna go do some rescues what are they spacer and spacer they're both spacers cool then we don't even have to imprison anyone I don't like senator uka cuz it just takes her so long but uh Kadath is not protected enough from the environment and Agnew is wounded so treat uh Kadath is now a jogger that's productive too bad there's no such thing as heat lover like there used to be uh wood coming from noon Oh Daniel yeah we have another so follow Sophie serve Allah was a constructor and not a crafter a crafter would be pretty good not that I want to settle Kadath is our cook but he does have a burning passion for it uranium coming he wants a wall of uranium or something that protects me I think a uranium door would be good once I save up for it but I'd probably want an auto door first so far none of these Raiders have had technology though I think it's it's really like a three percent chance unless they're a faction leader Oh Ruka you are gonna have to rescue him like right here ah the one kbits badge so let me do a quick zone restriction uh area one he's basically not gonna survive in fact let me drop Bowman Bowman will survive the walk back but the other one won't thanks already Marty for the bits I do have Auto Zone auto home zone on let me get rid of it because it's starting to make some bad choices for me anything in here is fine to be home but I don't want it to too large so this is this is our home our little kimchi settlement alright the worst of his injuries have been patched so we will unrestricted rescue oh beep is pissed about something a tunnel to the South would be handy - yeah I'm currently working on it but I'm trying to mine the way through where all the steel is Boman probably did call him a stickman or something he saw some corpses and it's drowsy and it's in pain pemmican coming from grass wing Thanks there's a hole in my base from the tunnels now there isn't you mean fear cuz there is not a hole there now I'm confused as to what you saw that I did not love in the mash-up Kadath says with bits thanks I just wish wish raids was working immediately but I'll get it working for next episode I'll just now I know it's a problem so I could fix it alright let's haul these bodies out of the way so we don't have to keep staring at dead bodies children in the atom shell Joe and kenchi on the rim that is my stellaris series where i'm role-playing as the children of Adam from Fallout series who have a bit of a fanatical Church bend to them looks Wow equal colonists and drop what's gonna win I don't know is it gonna tie I don't know all right what I'll do here is I'll prioritize the tunnel first with Agnew and then all mine up the rest of the steel all right so these guys are mostly healed up Kadath you didn't patch all of them but you know it looks like colonists is starting to win that beeps a little drunk beep knows how to party wonder joins Dalek who is a teetotaler psychically deaf and a skeleton well you all know what this means I got to assign this to one of you so let's go roll it proto Eden you are Delic now oops that's not how I do it got to do it right are the peace talks ending let's see quest tab I've got 17 days on those peace talks Bowman just joined oh boy here we go again roll it Muhammad you are now Bowman name cue and I should start renaming this and what were you all right that's a lot of work tabs that's a lot of additional people so let's take a look let's highlight proto first so I did say T toddler so no drugs cyclically diff which means we have teaching two teeth T toddlers prosthetic lay coming down from Lorraine cool and ball codes from the shack Kingdom oh this is first time the Scheck's visited so here's why it's a big group of what the Shack and then Mohammed here is also T toddler and knowing voice and tough pretty good shoot stats this was the good female shooter so given that your female high call is what I'm gonna call you of course you could always buy a gender change I suppose and our numbers are increasing Cobra says I don't have to attack that Caravan yeah they outnumber me considerably in fact that would probably be very very bad proto is also a proto actually might be the one to go to the the event so let's change who our warden is our warden is now gonna be proto and proto you don't eat so you're a perfect contender to go to the peace talks I'm gonna send you the games like oh you'll become hungry quickly it's like BS that's not true you are the robot a robot that's carrying simple meals you are indeed a skeleton all right Merlin has not yet woken up or something hasn't true chosen to join us we are also gonna need some additional uh beds aren't we chief constructor Agnew its Agnew bender now is that is this a thing not all the way I'm gonna need some but I also really ought to start investing in bedrooms as well so here's what I'll do I'm just trying to think about where to put the bedrooms I know I'm right up against the caves here for reason eventually I'm gonna mine that out and it will be a nice sort of escape route if I need to just pull the ripcord and bail what we can leave the colony really really really quickly and then here could be a secret high-value stockpile if we need and there's our first three bedrooms can't buy beds new slate blocks coming down from power music what do I get from the faction unrest for the talks oh I don't know I don't know what the reward will be well let's see about this okay so the sheykh are selling human meat I do find that a little disturbing I kind of like it though a part of me is like that's really cool that's metal and then a part of me is like but that's also gross I don't know mixed feelings about that um what else gonna sell then I'm gonna sell my smoke leaf joints because I'm about to make a bunch and that yields me a little bit of silver that I can work with uh but these buildings be standalone well they're small enough that maybe I'm not know what there we go they're just like little supply crates in Kenji style think of them that way so there is this starter over bedrooms one two three four five four Wow six I guess Merlin has not chosen to join us yet he's a diva all right we're gonna have a really weird sort of barracks you lay out here and this way I can cool it down a little bit easier that's a really big bedroom isn't it it's bigger than I intended it to be all right I will start to set up vents yes let's see temperature let's yeah we're gonna want even more vents than that it's too bad I I laid it out and then I'm just sort of relaying it out but that's how it be sometimes all right that's a big old weird hive of a complex but that'll have to do oh you guys can leave it's a proto how is your progress your needs your food is met you're just resting on the wall it's pretty it's pretty interesting looking that's for sure and now Merlin just joined us no surprise there let's roll it labyrinth cool this one is yours so named Q and assigned and taking a look at you you're greedy cyclic goo deaf and iron-willed and you're also a pacifist and also gonna be our crafter you're a good doctor so you're our doctor crafter mister crafter doctor so I'm gonna take everyone else off of smithing and tailoring and that's actually something I like to do is not risk the best crafter or the best constructor in combat so this is one way to do it his background is a crafter yes so as the background being crafter I'm guessing the fact that he's from an organ farm means that he will never be able to do combat that's sort of the way these bat backstories work it is the way it is a part of me oh god yes I'm gonna you know I'm gonna do it cuz I am - truly a part of me wants to dig this part out and pump my hot heat into this cave and then eventually I'll wall up this cave and just let the bugs cook grab that leg in my cotton field sure thing I will grab it at the speed of one cell per second oh boy that's slow uses some pretty weird bedrooms but I like it trigger ban is leaving and they left a recurve bow for me cool okay let's see i proto even got here and I can either curry favor with the shinobi thieves or curry favor with the hungry bandits sabotage the peace talks or broker peace between the two factions I'm at a curry favor with the shinobi thieves alright hunger bandits hate me more shinobi thieves really really like me good job good job I don't think the hungry bandits were there bandits they were never gonna like me so that works for me I almost accidentally just dev teleported to the town instantly that would've been a bad bad thing Mohammed heichal let's give you the bow we do have the beds here and well they're poor cuz I wasn't careful about who made them dang Jos sending me a grand sculpture I don't even I'm just gonna put it here and ruin my stockpile let's put it over one trait purchased removal of T toddler from proto so he can now be a drunk bot and angel sent me some slate blocks I keep forgetting who my agnew you are but still the best constructor so let's get agnew on these steel beds I would like nice beds trait purchased a fast learner firki death nice let's keep this standard bed we can't be too too picky and eventually I'll work on making better ones oh he was an excellent one that's that's quite good I just want to free these guys from the big old barracks this nasty barracks that they live in and allow them to spread their wings and enjoy brown bedrooms and I think I need one more yes uh what's the point of youth serum it removes things like bad back and dementia like age-related diseases I believe I haven't used it myself but I believe that's what it's supposed to do I think it's probably around time for another attack what do you guys think another little raid come in my way as the current rating is broken definitely raid with points let's give me a 300 point raid they are preparing a while and there are five of them they've got bolt-action rifle grenades that kind of jazz all right well if they're preparing why don't die I'll make some traps Oh got some error message I don't think yeah that was just it didn't know what music to play because I'm heading into a battle and it keeps playing different music llevaron you should probably not be leaving right now okay this music it's going crazy Laveranues heat stroked unconsciously all right music stop what it's trying to do is trying to play appropriate battle music and it just doesn't know what tune that might be because I don't have any that it dedicated to the battle let me try to fix that real quick it would be in options mod settings custom music let's pick this for tense it's trying to play tense music and I didn't have any tense music setup help-wanted the nearby settlement contacts me they have a bumper crop and they need me do you farm it cool and then medicine coming from king zombie nice well thank you all right the red sabers are attacking with their grenades and bolt-action rifles and they're coming up from the bottom of my base great cuz I mind that all the way out do do you're all suggestions alright let's go stand up north and hope that they walk past my base and attack me and not steal the medicine I just realized the South Pass is open tis a problem when I get a chance I'll make a granite door there well I ever cool is no longer greedy that's cool that's lab'ring cool all right come on Raiders no don't set that on fire oh don't be jerks I'm gonna go have to go on the attack cuz they're being jerks all right let's take cover behind beds they offer a little bit of cover because I don't feel comfortable standing out in the open and bein just dropped a whole bunch of bits so thank you for that dd-did as well alright let's get mr. frag grenade out of the picture all right beep and Agnew definitely just murdered that guy and oh he dropped spacer technology blueprint that's pretty cool hi call you're gonna need a little bit cover he's throwing grenades at me so let me back up up Agnew just killed him but definitely destroyed some beds there hi call let's get you inside and putting that fire out all right now they're fleeing for the fires that they set I'm definitely gonna want to repair the southern pass instead of chasing them down how about I just put out the fires cuz these fires are going to be really really annoying can I put the fire out before the cooler goes kaput hopefully all right we killed a few of them and we definitely got some spacer tech that's pretty cool it's too bad I can't just like I could hypothetically stockpile the bodies near the fire but I'd rather have the rice good job I call he put out the fires in time and I got myself some blueprints good death no available technology oh wow so this spacer tech is worth five grand but because I don't have any of the prereqs because this is what Industrial spacer tech would give me maybe a multi analyzer nope that's also industrial it would give me beyond multi analyzer that's too bad I don't even have the ability to use it all right I definitely need some more cowboy hats so I need to do some hunting because my guys are collapsing due to the heat which also means I'm gonna need to appropriately AC this up real good I was gonna put the AC in here to heat up the bugs once I close it off and I think that'd be pretty funny and I'm still gonna do that so wildlife there's two zebras great it is oh it's in the middle of the summer that's why proteins back he's got some joints and some meals definitely gonna want that southern pass walled off there's no point in Trojan Trojan horsing my own base right I will also probably Oh dodo dodo don't use the good meds use herbals yeah I'll probably end up selling that spacer tech and maybe regretting it sometime down the line looks to me like I need to get mining again oh no I have a lot of Steel I just need to start constructing with it yep here we go now we're starting to make some stuff proto lacks a weapon well here's an auto pistol who is our best shooter it was high call I think yeah high call here's the ball T and then rook uh time to switch up to the where are you what were you doing oh she was at loops oops she was hauling the zebra what I'll do to try to troubleshoot the bugs with this is I will I'll work with one of the mods here and figure out what's going wrong so that next stream it works flawlessly or at least closer to flawlessly cuz you know the raids not working it is obviously a big issue alright these buildings are starting to look about ready for construction tech prep is probably too low yeah for a few for attack if you have any feedback as to the pricings of things definitely hit me up after the stream ends and I'll start to write it down it's hard to do it while I'm streaming yay Oh coming down from power music I could use the nonhumans to cut up the corpses that would still butchering human like still makes everyone said even if you know yeah it just makes everyone said all right we're starting to get the bed set up and now we just have to cool it down oh that's not where I want the corpses come on guys beary bear you're dead or you get diseases uh-oh a little bit of the first social fight rucas horns got shattered off that's not good that's a mean fight I don't know how important horse are I don't know what the like equivalent of horns would be a nomad iguana coming from our Arctic uh agnew and beep you guys are our defenders Oh actually be some one of you is way outside the base again not sure what Agnew is doing lavrin just collapsed dude heat stroke man is hot hot hot hot that's not gonna be alright let me uh whoa just teleported let's put them inside and put up another passive cooler all right so right horn is I don't know I guess I'll figure it out once once she's conscious and fully healed they are pretty important you say yeah I have no idea she's too beat up for me to have any sort of uh point of reference as to how important they are yeah maybe their ears I don't know alright Kadath you seem homeless yeah I'm doing a bad job of housing people now what am I waiting on more steel for fence so that's AG news job herbal meds coming down from N and winter Sun and you have a medical emergency you need to go inside alright let's rescue put it inside good dad thanks for the bits ah reward for housing all right so it's 68 degrees inside right now part of the repart of the problem is I don't have a steady source of power every time the wind dies down I just completely lose my wind yes so I could do wood fire again but I would need to spend a lot of my wood feeding it I don't really see that there's an alternative proto how about you sleep in your bed in a bedroom crazy thought but I actually I made you one so let's get over there alright Agnew is mining trying to get everything put together let's see drinking beer no I need Agnew to do some real mining geothermal would be great I just can't choose what I uh Oh ball coats being sent to me that means I can sell my spacer Tech I can't choose my research which is part of the challenge here all right beep let's haul this out all right now there's not chunks of stuff in the way Wow batteries okay so I am able now potentially to research batteries yeah that's probably the best thing right yeah let's cue up the research for batteries and proto we're gonna use the tech ruff Thank You APC for that Cobra I'm not gonna be bloodthirsty just because you want me to be I'm not attacking potential allies we don't have a lot of allies out here in the rim of Ken Chi and Campbell Spider sent me some psychic tea keeping everyone sane all right so Agnew's getting the steal for us and who is our best warden it would be proto still geothermal might have been better okay so I have horsemeat - okay what do I have to sell I have a bunch of plain leather that I would probably want to use do I want to part with stuff maybe some of the drugs that don't tend to use and I could definitely buy a dromedary but I don't really have the food to feed it nope I'll just go for the silver I'll build up silver for important stuff they wouldn't buy my spacer tech so I'm gonna have to find a corporate vendor for that alright miss Agnew let's get that door built this time geothermal alright that works for me um it's probably uh probably too powerful but proto eden is now Sehwan happy robot I now have geothermal forget that junk go straight to the Geo and proto buying the treat for himself I don't think they want the tech let me check one more time I don't really see it as an option no spacer tech trader not willing to buy this that's too bad Agnew getting a little moody uh-oh little wreck deprived time to do some drugs some tea and some beer alright Agnew we really really really need a stay source of power and geothermal is about as good as it gets here's a poor skull oh poor all right we'll start installing it Arctic sending me steel sent me in iguana and then some steel to make up for it I still need one more bed as well or two no just the one well we'll keep this as a hospital bed so yeah I'll make the two all right they're leaving cuz of dangerous temperature which is funny because they're skeletons so it certainly might be dangerous to the muffle actually I take it back do I have any rec stuff yeah I do I have some basic rec oh who made these beds excellent and poor well one of them's good here Agnew make a bed right here I'm working Agnew pretty yard needs rest well let's not rest let's recreation at least the southern pass is a walled off I do need to reinforce it because it's certainly not very well guarded and then it's also a potentially a bug trap that's not good not good at all stupid unreliable wind power can we get the spirits have granted us new wisdom when we get research sure I can I can say that uranium coming down from drunken lizard I'm surprised you didn't send me a mad animal like a drunken lizard perhaps due to the heat we really haven't had anything grow significantly it's just so hot uh a new look we're ready for geothermal go go go and then our base will actually stay a steady temperature and not fluctuate like crazy power is on power overwhelming awesome and I think it goes without saying that I'm gonna want another geothermal over here I'm gonna need to run power Oh a psychic soothe hope this helps it does it really does all of the males in this colony appreciate that so the other issue I foresee is food is a little scarce and it's really hot so that there's no wildlife here so hydroponics is going to be another big-ticket item that we're gonna have to investigate but for me to earn the I think will probably do for another raid everyone's starting to look pretty healthy oh well perfect ha ha I'm guessing that was prompted so here is what we're gonna do we are gonna put coolers in these spots and then eventually we can wall off the caves around here and actually what I'm gonna do is put a door here so that we can exit to the caves if we need to bad events are coming did I just get struck by lightning just healing oh it's getting stormy food is definitely looking sad opponents are not though all right it's no longer ridiculously hot inside anymore but I think library cool and oh really and heiko will have the right idea of staying in the infirmary oh here we go trying to get some cowboy hats and for insulation oh we got a raid so they can come shrieking bandits oh nice well bring them on beep loves to kill streaking bandits oh well they're getting pretty close let's get people defending beep will chase you oh nevermind there will be no chase I'm so excited to do the foot chase there that they didn't survive some beer coming down party nice I like party beer I might have to lower the temperature of the met I would say it's probably honestly just too ridiculous given the the amount of heat stroke that we're risking constantly annual Expo so this is a Expo that is about showing off I guess I've been invited to attend this Expo it's a science fair all right so I would send my best researcher to the science fair which would be lavrin cool but now know the clapeyron cool can survive the temperatures yeah you would become heat stroke and die where the duster okay yeah if I wear the duster I can go I don't have pemmican though so I don't really have the provisions to go I also don't have the ability to even make any sort of meals that allow me to travel I don't know how to do pemmican so yeah they're pretty cool to attend but we're pretty dreadfully ill-equipped to do it does I think the long and short of it I could send a robot none of my robots I guess I could send Ruka but none of my robots are good scientists which is the issue darn I barely had any food and I just had some rot that sucks mad dromedary oh cool oh there's a bunch of dromedaries on the map let's hunt them to Matt dromedaries and some pemmican Cameron from Derry nice and angel - alright so we do have the provisions that just appeared out of nowhere alright these are the med dromedaries Ruka you where did your blade go when you got knocked unconscious I don't know but I'm guessing that's yet another mad dromedary so the people that sent those are Arctic Kings amber and Dede where is her Gladius did what I don't really know where the Gladius went oh no she didn't have a Gladys she had the bow that's right all right well there's two downed our mailers didn't even get any fun out of that but all of this camel hair is really really really good material for heat insulation which will be great all right Rico you're already injured how about you don't go so low a camel that sounds bad oh it's already on high call no it's no no nope all right proto go help I'm playing keep-away it's a game of tag I think I'm winning all right yeah this will make nice hats very very nice hats Campbell Hyde is not as good as camel-hair but it's still better than the Parkers that we have I don't really know why the game keeps spawning these spacers with parkas that seems particularly weird to me and it sounds like they're hunting the rest of the camels now now the big concern here is um can't we keep the meat frozen and at the moment I would say it's looking like a No so I'm gonna go ahead and add some more coolers to that that set up because yeah these bedrooms are burning Li hot gender swap high call is now female that's not even I don't even know maybe that's not even a particularly feminine name that you got there all right rook is fully healed so a right horn does nothing apparently it's cosmetic because there doesn't seem to be a pain associated beeps will heal or everyone's full healed how about a 300 point raid Oh a neuro mech trainer for something low fat noodle sending me a shooting near ohmic trainer like who could benefit from this obviously not lavrin cool Kadath and Ruka up some sort of error log oh this is the battle music problems again come on game I solved this last time proto I'm gonna give it to you you are hopeless when it comes to using a pistol so this raid is bogman ah we got some fog Minh coming we got a soldier and a bunch of drones with variety of weapons heading our way all right so proto is now level 6 from up from 2 and once we head on out well first things first let me store my blocks somewhere more less nonsense so I'm gonna call this outdoor storage make it preferred and [Music] I'm gonna start storing stuff that can be outdoors like this stuff to free up the room from in here because this is all filled up and I can't fit anymore trait purchased beautiful proto is now a beautiful robot Librans getting better crafting here comes a camel head duster hopefully a good one and the dead hi of our attacking and here they are alright I suppose that means that I ought to in a moment here another taking a while get set up on the defense's let's rally the troops lavrin you can sit this one out because you'll sit all of them out beep would love to hack up some some fog Minh sleep blocks coming down for the bedrooms now the real question is can I butcher these things without without mood problems I am legitimately interested if that is possible and I'm gonna try trait purchased removal of tea toddler oh and our tea thanks for the bits could death I think you sent bits and I didn't even announce that either okay so here is the questionable butcher I'm gonna just butcher one of them and we're gonna allow human likes of alien corpses I don't know if it's gonna piss people off I really don't so I suppose this is a oh this is their soldier Agnew let's go bag a soldier and then additionally if it doesn't piss them off I will I I could hypothetically capture one yeah I could capture double um I don't have a prison going on right now but let's go ahead beep you want to capture double Oh bye-bye soldier soldiers dead outdoor could be a prison - yeah true fog they're pretty well protected from the heat alright so here is moment of truth will this super pissed them off or not no it does not we don't let me check all the races beep did you care yes beep cared oh wait he's a psychopath ok yeah yeah sorry no it's a problem it's a big old problem Kadath is a psychopath and he would never care alright so not butchering the frogmen is a thing now prisoner let's try to recruit you definitely keeping the prisoner in the same room as the frag grenades right now he's unconscious but yeah I'll move them in fact what I could do is a slate wall slate door and a lamp there now that won't backfire right at least we know butchering any human likes is really a war crime even if they're foggers and we have the duster nice let's do until I have one and we'll set up the one feed double fog meet that sounds horrible but alright manage food restrictions let's go ahead and delete everything except for the nothing food restriction and the nothing food restriction will be raw meat fog me and you are gonna be set to nothing and let's rename nothing so it's not not just nothing oh Lanfear thanks for giving a camel spider a sub they're a very generous of you all right uh let's go bury the rest cuz I feel bad butchering them here I go war cramming again yeska death you are were cramming a bit we do have a good amount of meat though from all those dromedaries so I'm glad that they popped up and we're starting to get AC going so soon we'll have nice cool bedrooms I just need Agnew or someone similar to get mining Agnew beep or Lavin need to start mining what is a series without some war crimes yeah wouldn't it wouldn't be can she without some war crimes you're not wrong let's go in start cut all blocks just right now we were just cutting the slates I think we have enough slate to last us forever disease infection double has an infection all right left leg lat Agnew gave him an infection with a dirty blade well done Agnew I like it did you know that Agnew is named after the developers motorcycle pretty weird right pretty weird and ultimately named after Futurama believe it or not give him a peg leg it's basically the same yeah you're not wrong but as long as he recovers from the infection I think it's just fine too to keep them intact laughs in fact you're gonna go tend to him trick purchased industrious for a cadet oh Kadath is going to be captain Kraft now so we did decide that we're still getting why do we have hmm oh we must have switched gear around cuz high call was high call the one that's gonna go to our nose laughs lab was gonna go to the okay lab will come morning I'll take the pemmican and head on out to the science fair components from fang-face I have a lot of components now all right laughs time to wake up there we go up and Adam don't make a cowboy hat we're gonna go to a science fair so laughs take some meals the rest of the pemmican and head up north it is a treacherous trip it's too bad I'll have drop pods or anything like that what I do need is a caravan pack spot you started running weird and north we are down to the last of the steel here also down here it does pose a particular infestation risk but oh well all right lab is on his way let's hope he doesn't die of a heat stroke because it is pretty hot and once I'm out there there's not gonna be a lot of recourses to protect me from heatstroke we are heading into late in the season or whatever so hopefully that's protection enough let's get these ship junks that will be some good steel taking a look around for other resources now this desert is pretty seriously bad desert all right there is some steel down here that we can tap into I could also get a smelter because we're starting to get some slag they're still here but that's pretty far away still up here that's a little bit closer and yeah it might be about it but they're they're mining together miner buddies someone killed the bot all right let me restart that game's gonna lag up a whole bunch and then it will be back on here we go geothermal number two so who needs wind right there is a lot of geothermal on this map yeah there's another one here another one here rain dry thunderstorm or animals wander in interesting choices all right so we did do have some a/c cranking out now the other issue is I'm gonna need double insulates so and also close this door because that doesn't help this is a whole lot of slate but will double insulate and then we can also add this is to like a some private storage as well so I'm gonna airlock the front try to keep all that beautiful cold air in the base and some of the bedrooms are actually becoming somewhat temporary it's back into the 80s it's not gonna cook us or kill us or whatever and another sneaky thing I want to do is walling up that so what here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add a zone let's new zone no bugs gonna paint no bugs like this invert it and assign everybody to it voila labyrinth cool if you're wondering you're fine you're just fine science fair is lasting 12 more days you'll make in time now am I gonna be able to get the dusters for the border zone that's a big question I have 19 days on that if animals wander in yeah I might be able to get some dusters dromedaries join you you know what that means right but you re gonna happen to name this but your pets and set up right here sorry pets I just don't have the resources to keep you fed it's a dark day for camels Oh doubles getting mad beep go repair Artie Marty thanks for the bits the bot is dead again I could keep him for camel-hair I just uh here's the problem is they don't eat meat and I have nothing really to feed them other than them eating my crops live so it's not really a good trade camel-hair for no crops sounds bad to me I can always tame some in the future especially not in the middle of a summer so I sent Agnew the better repair over here the bot does not like raids so you're gonna have to lay off the raids let me see what I can do vote separate sorry Sam what are the kind of raids are there if you want to raid you could just let [Music] Klein know or let me know and I can send a red prosthetic arm coming down for one punch beep well he he's got arms though I don't know if people wants to be downgraded he must be cyber beat not caveman beep but the gift is appreciated nonetheless all right so here's the deal I don't want simple meals to be made out of let's make it out of meat now and I'm gonna forbid the oh we've been making out a fragment where'd all the frogmen meet go oh we've been feeding it to double-o that's probably what made him go crazy oh yeah I'm definitely definitely feeding fog fog made him go crazy gave me some slate tiles please so the reason why I'm not doing the slate tiles is it creates filth if we just live off dirt here there won't be filth so it's in our advantage to not tile up anything now if I have in a lot of workforce in the future I could start to tile stuff up but I don't really want to spend any time cleaning filth up because it's annoying yeah that should have made double happy is fog men love to cannibalize but apparently it didn't so is he really a fog man I don't know maybe he's not he's a liar oh oh that door is coming down um [Music] Agnew where are you we need you back over here I will grow some flowers once I have the lights installed right now I'm just trying to keep it cool and then I'll I'll do the proper you know furniture and all that how's your progress crossing rivers no beep fighting Kadath wow this fogs melee skills I guess slate doors just suck for HP yeah slate doors just suck for HP that's what's going on transport crash from our team Artie Josephine a defector okay brother really good doctor um sure let's let's do it I'll put you here hi call will you go get this defector we're gonna have to capture her because she's a hostile spacer not an allied spacer she's a River yeah she's a defector from the Reavers though I don't know little different she's really old though oh my god hahaha so she's got a bum heart she's frail she's carcinoma um youth serum baby is what I'm thinking cadet if you're wondering you absolutely lost the fight against beep he beat you down pretty hard ire willed proto is now iron-willed oh and this double dude is no longer going crazy on us that's good and in fact we will move the prison cell misery loves company right another transport crash from crab Peter who's nervous drug addict and will also grab him why not it's a party everybody's invited proto you want to go grab this dude cool how's my time I got what 15 minutes left once I capture this guy I'll call in a raid I know like : raids in when it's convenient for me is a little lame but I'll fix it for next week all right Ruka I'm gonna have you unrestricted so you can walk the quick way I don't think that we'll really be able to start cooking up these guys oh I missed a spot don't look at me bug there's a lot of other no bug zones I should set up as well so let me do that no bugs here and no bugs here all right yeah these bedrooms are starting to be somewhat comfortable Peter you're dying really really really really really fast Ruka go tend to Peter Josephine you're fine all right we are going to want to recruit all of you I'm probably not gonna be a recruit double for a long time because we're feeding them cannibalistic meat clifford is coming to join us from arctic sending us a happy little slowpoke misogynist greedy dude wow talk about negative traits yikes a good point extreme carcinoma requires its stable but it requires removal yes it really does we ought to get some beds up Annette so I can so they're not laying on the ground Agnew is luckily idle so let's get that going and medicine coming from Pat having some mercy on these guys all right we're gonna have to play move the prisoner a little bit cuz there's not space to put them in and let's do that again jjang them in there man we have a lot of prisoners don't we know proto you're standing on it there we go okay uh health good meds excise carcinoma I need a medical tent no one has medical ten yet whose clothes Ruka is nine so we're pretty close to being able to exercise that proto wonders if that's your last street uh yes you are full up on treats beep there we go move around a little bit faster why are you coming into my bedroom dude privacy up your Oh don't exit that way that was not good for you oh he's willing to buy our crummy clubs sure that sounds good to me I'll even sold uh I'll keep the frag grenades you never know thanks Clifford know the standard three Brook a beep and Agnew aren't gonna be changing at all they're not assigned any one and and won't be their sort of static as far as people are concerned all right beep I'm gonna unrestricted to have you build this wall while the bugs are asleep and then we'll see if we can start super cooking the bugs oh no the bugs are weak run run run all right so now it's indoors and temperature should be climbing uh-oh it's too hot darn all right new it's time to expand our cooler so we have a lot of stuff spoiling that's not good I thought two would be enough but oh god yeah this is the great big die off here whatever can I remove the door to the tree this one or this one I'm not sure which what I could do is I could just forbid the southern southern one and that will stop it being a throughway new recruit proto Aidan recruits Peter all right well let me get over to nightbot here and let's roll it power music - this is you all right awesome I'm gonna just name you power music suck a glance just in case I like it thanks go to the wall alright the other issue I'm gonna have is of course I really didn't lay out my base for a big population growth so we're gonna have to add people to that [Music] actually let's see here I could use this center space that will be the next bedroom maybe I should just queue up for the next bedroom too cuz it's inevitable I would say I don't know about that fog man but the other bedrooms uh yeah so planning this one that's that bedroom there I can change the door around Hall this junk out and then that becomes the airlock I'm probably gonna have to start a new complex if I continue any more of this all right power music as a pawn you are what chemical interest in nervous and keep a little fire fighting let's cue okay so you won't firefight oh you're a bit of a doctor you're decent warden looks good lab rakul you're almost at the expo loving days left on the clock there uh-oh just built myself into a corner here yes so the entrance to this is gonna have to be changed a little bit we're gonna have a hallway that looks like this and put the entrance here labra cool got some science ii experience from the the expo Oh Annie's in Mobile cuz you got an infant country actor I'm gonna ditch that cuz I have two days of food ooh hmm I'm thinking I'm thinking proto you want to go help him haul it home or who's fast hi call Kadath death you're fast you can help halt at home yeah I'm gonna sink a death out there and could death you're gonna have to bring food which inevitably gonna spoil so what's gonna be terrible is I'm gonna have to send you with some raw rice because I really don't have any other options how did that go get out of it I'm really confused as actually how did Agnew get out well I don't know all right so that's some pemmican um but Kadath was already leaving the tile I'm not gonna have him turn around for it some blight Oh someone saved up for some blight so the pemmican came from Derry THOG and blight came from heads no all right well sometimes the gifts that's a lot of blight that's excessive metal blade usually it's not so large all right let's go ahead and plant cut is top priority cancel everybody's plans for the day because we are gonna be blight cutting I think given the amount of geothermal I have hydroponics would be a really good investment because we definitely have the power grid for it refugee may or may not work I'm not exactly sure exactly what will work I wish I knew but it's it these things sometimes are hard to test well that's most the crops not most but quite it quite a number all right changing some priorities around oh that was supposed to be a door oops that could stay Kadath you have six days of food yeah that should be enough oof well we'll see tricky conundrum you know trait power music is a quick sleeper now sweet and then you heat stroke collapsed nuts oh sweet yeah these additional bedrooms might require some additional cooling but we might want to start the cooling from some other corner of the room because herb they whatever facility because right now it's all coming from one side so the inside here is pretty hot but it's not quite hot enough to harm a mega spider it's just toasty it's also probably making these coolers less efficient traight purchased of beautiful now you guys are really going for the beauty huh did our only chef leave yes it did we can fix that I am rocking on the uptime here all right well I guess we'll bring it to a close usually what I do is I stick around after the episode and answer any questions that you have and if you have suggestions for price differences obviously there's a lot of raids to fix I'll have to do that as well stick around and let me know and I'll be chatting with you all thank you all so very much for turning up for this I really really appreciate it and if there's anything that you'd like to see in this series just let me know I'm usually pretty amenable to changes thank you all for watching I'll catch you all next Wednesday or Saturday and Sunday if you're down for survive the Pantheon or survive the swarm adios and thanks for watching
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 77,171
Rating: 4.9139786 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Twitch, Let's Play
Id: yzP82MVOtB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 25sec (10825 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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