RimWorld Gloom Seekers - Thrumbroken // EP6

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hey everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to episode six of the gloom seekers rimworld ideology 1.3 which originally aired live on twitch hey everybody welcome to this second stream so there has been some significant changes to the gloom seekers since last stream and i just wanted to highlight that as you can see here i actually edited the cpm file a little bit and i really hope i haven't broke things i did some testing uh to change some of the structure of our ideology so here as you can see i am a structure archist as i feel like that makes the most sense uh compared to the animist that we were previously and then i've also removed some here let me switch over i've removed uh the animal slaughter problems that we had left over and replaced the nature uh primacy with individualist as that obviously makes more sense for us than uh uh nature private uh primacy uh i have changed our roles so instead of having a dedicated role for farming i have one for digging because that makes a lot more sense as we are tunnelers in the dark i've added two new rituals here the summoning effigy which when done well there's a 50 chance that a random new recruit joins of our ideology and the sky lanterns or the secret lanterns which uh discovers ancient complexes nearby uh yes and then the effigy that we burn for the summoning uh effigy is added in as a building as well if you're wondering how i did this uh i edited this evening file i can't tell you how to do it because it is complicated holy moly shield just gifted out so many subs whoa what a start thank you shield uh what else uh and then the preferred apparel has been updated a little bit as well oh my goodness so the reason for these changes uh i should explain yesterday when i was setting up the uh ideology i was rushed obviously because it released at uh one it was bugged it really truly came out at two and i was streaming at three and i had to make you know all this kind of art and overlays and all that so uh in being rushed i made some critical mistakes due to my lack of understanding of ideology as one could admit and uh i have now updated and edited the game file to reflect it so those are the changes uh made and uh we'll get going from there to recap last stream uh i definitely neglected zenny and now he is entombed in a sarcophagus and we gave him a pretty terrible eulogy so i feel bad about that and i hope to rectify that situation uh we had voted to try to give ourselves some nicer bedrooms so we are starting to get some decent bedrooms here and we are trying to convert jett uh who is a tough slowpoke good at shooting um i will be opening up the channel point redemptions for your suggestions about things for me to focus on um and that will be uh i'll open those channel point redemptions soonish um but before i do that i just wanted to do some basic maintenance the every day today uh tuzadash asks is this going to be on youtube if you type exclamation mark about it will tell you yes i will also tell you yes it's actually the first hour of the stream is airing on youtube in 27 minutes so um any game i'm ever playing if you ever want to know something about it the exclamation mark about command uh will work it will tell you whether or not it's going on youtube and in the title has all the other commands like uh ideology um uptime mods lurk etc so i feel like uh yesterday i whole i did a whole lot of like catch up trying to figure out what was going on with ideology and now i have a pretty good understanding i played a bit of this uh on my off time uh not streaming it of course and uh with a further understanding i now know how a lot of the ideology things work which will be really cool for you all because well i'm going to highlight them i'm going to be doing rituals and festivals and things like that to make us stronger and set us up for success uh of course this is losing his fun so undoubtedly there will be some hiccups i am sure good day to all of you i also have added um fahrenheit and celsius is the only mod here just to help you uh i know i i was raised on imperial and i can't help it but uh to help everybody else that was confused as to what the heck fahrenheit is uh we now have some help for you all right i am gonna send uh nathan zack and santa can out to kill this big bad thrombo and i'm gonna use the oh you know what how long all right i i actually i'm gonna wait i'm gonna wait until it's dark out uh the reason being of course we have a lot of disadvantages fighting at night we prefer combat in darkness and if i'm gonna take this down i don't mind the movement speed advantage that it gets i would rather not miss every other shot uh i'm guessing preferred apparel for ideology makes switching in and out of armor and entering and exiting combat more important uh yes to some degree now one of the things to note however is that if you take a look at the preferred clothing it will even tell you um all members will arrive okay so all members will prefer to wear their clothing they'll be pleased but there's really no penalty not using it and because the bonus is only like a plus one or plus two uh it is it's pretty small you know it's it's the difference of like a fine meal i guess um so here we go like wearing a button-down shirt makes uh help uh happy um another thing i need to do i did actually update the clothing for the gloom speaker and gloom guide and i renamed gloom guide from gloom enchanter and they now want broad wraps so i need to throw rod wraps on them um the reason i made that change is i want to see their faces uh and the visage is cool and all and it has better armor than the broad raps but um you just can't see anything uh and i felt like that was more important for a spiritual leader to actually have a face and not look like a mon from legend decora whether you agree with me or not you know i have no idea dennis keith thanks for gifting out uh two subs as well phoenix for bits or bit glitch tooth lucid matt and so many others for uh gifton uh tip and bits and then some follow skull valerie wow you hadn't followed i'm not trying to follow shame you but seeing that you are a regular in the channel i'm i'm rather relatively surprised that it hasn't happened yet uh so other things i want to do before i turn these suggestions over to you guys is to start to get heat going uh in this area at least at least near these sleeping areas so what one thing i'm gonna do is mine um nope not there mine next to the doors to put in vents so that we can keep these bedrooms heated without actually having heaters in the bedroom although heaters in the bedroom wouldn't be a terrible idea for uh some dim light i'm very glad that heaters don't put off too much light because that would probably upset my uh darkness loving um you know gloom seekers how much have you missed you haven't missed much other than uh the changes that i was uh describing the update to our ideology so there is a link to the updated ideologies and i'll be opening up the channel point redemption soonish about uh what we're gonna focus on with uh with all of you submitting your own ideas another thing i'm probably going to want is some tailoring coming out soon um so i am going to make dusters until i have to spare i don't care about the quality i just care about the hit points because i don't suspect we are going to be able to make nice dusters uh so that people can be a little warmer if we take a look at the oh hadn't rendered the planet if we take a look at the uh the average temperature uh it doesn't get so cold here you know in the winter down to only about freezing so parkers aren't really necessary and given that parkers are actually terrible armor i'd prefer dusters what is the my opinion of ideology up to now um there are a few bugs here and there but even including the bugs i think it is incredible i think it does more for rimworld than royalty did royalty with signcast were pretty amazing and ideology has their sort of own concept of cycasts with the uh the roll commands with that said the replayability of ideology is just astounding um because of all of its sort of updates and benefits and you can design your own everything and so i'm quite surprised i i did not think that the would be a dlc of this scope um so i'm very pleased to see that it is uh just a unbelievably deep-scoped uh dlc there is so much uh being for your buck here it is incredible um now with that said uh people say yeah i think modders are gonna have a fun a lot of fun with ideology uh you know there actually wasn't a whole lot of modders uh taking up the mantle of adding content to royalty dlc um so maybe maybe not i'm not sure what kind of room should it be underneath the dining room i was gonna make this the research room um but i'm not really sure we could make it a uh specific ritual room i suppose but one of the things that you want out of your ritual room is a high quality room a uh a very impressive room so one of the things i might actually do is just combine it into one larger room so that it is as nice as possible um so that the top part is more dining and the bottom part is more ritual but i think that's going to be very important uh going forward is to have a a very fancy ritual room so that we the chance the success chance of our rituals are higher uh i know that you all voted on me focusing more on my power grid and uh one of the first things i'll pull you right here should solar power be forbidden we are of course darkness loving um and i'll pull you right up there what does a ritual room need so it really depends on what you are what sort of ritual you're doing so the gloomath which is a social festival uh requires a lectern and neil pillows for an added benefit and doing this properly and correctly the the higher success chance here gives insect jelly deposits if done right uh if we did a summoning effigy uh it would be about room impressiveness as well uh the the um the ritual where you summon uh lanterns requires there to be 25 cells of unroofed area and then it is also about impressiveness as well but also participation so uh the rituals vary dramatically uh depending on um what sort of ritual it is where it will take place etc etc all right so now that it is night time uh i am doing a little bit of hunting the light level is yeah dark it's dark out we are going to try to take down this thrumbo for better or for worse my opening shot will be of santa can at max range with natha giving a um combat command so combat command here is something that uh your spiritual leader your faction leader can can do um and the benefit here is that uh they're shooting accuracy and melee accuracy goes up uh it uh doesn't work for the leader themselves so it's best if um if your leader is more of like a cycaster paladin than like the best fighter in your whole group and i of course am going to be then scrambling because thrombos are scary and i have not slowed it down much oh tech this is a bad time sort of a bad time actually hold that door open for us and they're going for zach uh santa can you stay there yeah obviously not done well because i forgot zach had a uh peg leg um here's what we'll do hills get up here still uh i would say ultimately it's a thrombo i certainly like thrumbo and this thrumbo is uh getting hit pretty hard i just want zach to collapse so hills you go up north and hide all right zach is down and i can stabilize let's all go through this door this thrumbo is now moving at four eight all right it's still fast all right we're gonna split and kite which means that the uh oh no this is hills uh okay so we are going to tend without medicine where are you chasing you're chasing me cool all right zach let's get you the machine no don't arrest get you the machine pistol and hills you are going to tend sando i need you to do stronger hits my friend this is all my fault for taking a fight that i probably shouldn't have all right so what are you moving at now you are moving at 449 and then this little guy or big guy i should say is moving at four seven nine so gotta slow him down a little bit more but we're almost at the point where i can outrun him and of course we'll have the night bonus here oh you stopped because my movement orders were not far enough okay so we are getting one stabilized that hit your arm so you can still move we're down to 336 uh that means we're fast enough to kite good out of practice taking down the thrumbo all right well everyone will be all right we have oops we have 16 hours and i was lucky that it was a upper body hit all right let me set up for when it comes around the corner hey marauder we're out of the alpaca just wait all right and break unfortunately attack leading into the water that's fine all right zach you are almost all patched up hillary thanks three sub and aren thanks for the sub as well that's a long sub in advance i appreciate it my goodness all right now this thrombose basically dead look at all those holes looks like he has chickenpox down it goes as sloppy as one could imagine but i no longer have a slaughter animal um requirement or anything like that so it should be totally fine to slaughter him without the moods as you can see attack yep okay we're good now nathan you're gonna go to the hospital and actually just tend right now and where did tech go attack you rescue zach attack and set yeah remembering the peg leg very very important okay so channel point redemption is going to open up of uh what you guys feel like i should uh focus upon whether it be expanding the base doing rituals crafting better gear research uh construction etc i'll take the first six or seven suggestions and uh then we'll have a poll to vote on all of them also it looks like uh solar power should not be forbidden but by a very small margin i don't think i'm going to have a large proportion of our power drawn from solar i think that's probably a fair um a fair middle ground to take all right well zack getting you a non-peg leg going to be pretty important i'd like to think now i have a shrine here uh this is my like sort of temple i know it has a dining room so it's a little strange but um functionally it uh it'll work another thing i probably need to do is not to treat this like a thoroughfare so to redesign the kitchen here so that it doesn't get so much foot traffic um removing the sort of through way there are am i missing electron yes i haven't built one yet oh chocolate from the sky 123 chocolate that's a lot of chocolate okay what are you doing with these corpses here oh yes okay so this corpse stockpile should not be for human luck i appreciate that you're trying to bury some strangers but um just haul the insect jelly and let's remove the zone are there any quests available nope not really there's a hunting site uh that i could go to but there's really no advantage for me to do it all right i do have some suggestions now so let me i'll pull you for them we have got uh research better weapons add power to the grid uh improve the shrine set up a hospital i actually have a hospital but it's currently a prison ward smooth the bedrooms or uh add a smelter to get rid of waste there's the six right above my head and you pick you vote just uh one through six in chat [Music] and here as you can see it's a 10 uh day cooldown for combat commands or really any of the commands here whether it's work drive or leader speech any of that stuff it looks like uh smelter for waste is the leader either way i'd be happy to have a smelter so i'm gonna get one set up and then i'm also gonna want to add some dead power so that i can turn these things off more easily these bedrooms aren't exactly cold but they're not exactly warm either two heaters are not that much uh you know what hills i am gonna have you do some high priority cleaning just to tidy things up and zach's back on her feet tack will hand over the weapon um soon santa can trying to make us oodles and rules of food i think what i'm gonna do for san is uh let's do until we have uh 2017 so we'll be done for now and a hospital can do so your hospitals are probably it's probably best to set up a hospital closest to um closest to where you think you're gonna get injured let's take a look we yeah we're still in the power negative so i'm going to be browning out here soonish i'm not that worried about it uh some light will turn off likely it's not that big of a deal how'd you get so much area for fungus um it was a cave or if you mean how is it that i could even do that um the the people with the ideology of tunneler gain the ability to put down fungal gravel to turn caves into growing zones so you have to be a tunneler for that all right we are now hauling all the fungus and then sit again is i'm gonna preach health to zach to try to get her to heal a little bit faster i feel bad about uh the harm that i caused and that's a worthwhile preach oh let them stray down in all right uh attack preach later i'm now getting gored here oh really bit hard to the neck too all the more reason for backup stop it yeah how does that feel i think gord and cue the benny hill music all right zach i will tend to you in a minute and hills go 10 senecan i do like this uh drafted in combat tend oh well you have to kind of stand there buddy just saying there we go the standing tend very very nice all right taking a look it looks like uh adding smelters to deal with waste so um deal with waste and a hospital that sounds fair i'll try to do those both they were nearly tied all right hills or tech let's get you to preach health on zach she did not deserve what happened to her and then here's the brownout uh for this brown up i'm gonna have dead power underneath the kitchen stove as well and we can always add a little bit more power by doing things like wind turbines so one thing that we could do is set up a wind turbine um in the farms where we know that we're not going to allow trees uh-oh are you still in a relationship at least god but barely oh well that's not good i'll probably just toss another wood fire jenny for now and then if we transition to some other power source in the future so be it so let me just put another wood fire here does x have prosthetics yes uh peg leg as a result of uh she spawned with it wasn't even something i did all right jet here you were trying to convert you and you were just about ready to give up on your own ideology so it should be just seconds until i can start to try to recruit you which is good so if you guys want here's the smelter and i'm gonna smelt uh apparel do forever i don't think there's any apparel right now that i wouldn't want to smell so i'm just gonna set all apparel up to be smelted conversion yes he is converted now jet being converted i am going to try to recruit very low will very little uh a little bit of resistance but not too bad will there eventually be mechs delivering on simple paracels yeah hypothetically there could be hills isn't doing a whole lot of research because she's set on cleaning uh but things did get pretty nasty so i'm happy for it i'm gonna get nathan to stop uh start getting rid of the visual masks and um marriage is on okay so here's what's funny um the rejected proposal is gone i like it and the mood of course is going to be huge huge yeah there's a lot of mushrooms in this cave i kind of went ridiculous initially last stream um one of the problems that we had was that uh uh that animal slaughter was um frowned upon and i've changed our ideology since then uh to make it a little bit easier for us to feed ourselves because that was silly and now that i've updated the ideology i don't need as many mushrooms but still because of the ideology we do prefer fungal foods so as here as you can see it's a plus three if we eat fungus or cooked fungus um so it is my advantage to try to get them to uh to eat mushrooms with every meal because why not it's good stuff so a hospital uh you all said a hospital i would say hmm the only way to change it is not even devman you have to edit your save game file so uh i did it in a way that is probably not doable for any of you unless you know xml well and know how to edit game files i don't suggest doing it without backing your stuff up and knowing what you're doing or you're going to end up corrupting your game files and uh not being able to play just a heads up it is not a dev menu thing all right zach i'm gonna have you switch your chest armor to our colors we're actually you know what you because you don't have i take that back zenius thanks for gifting out a sub i'm gonna have zach go to her favorite color because she's um she doesn't have a title and because she doesn't have a title she should be her favorite color uh this is something that we decided last stream only people that hold uh titles should die to their to you know forced colors so hills is going to be very pink and that's why santa can was uh green we do of course believe in individualism um and as a result everyone can you know there is no be one of us type mentality now we don't care much for um you know the other sort of uh ideologies that exist on this planet because they're sort of violent oh you know what don't do that yet where the hood and then set favorite color okay i am out of dies now and i'm not gonna be able to gain access to dies until i uh until i um plant some next season how's marauder doing by the way you have plenty of food here so that shouldn't be an issue good a dye is a type of plant yes it is called tinctoria uh tinctoria here if we deep dive in uh takes about two days to grow so it's very fast it has a min grow temperature temperature which is warmer than the current ambient so we can't really plant it at the moment and uh it doesn't really have a high light requirement um we could hypothetically grow tictoria in the caves here because the the soil fertility minimum is only 70 so i guess we could um we could cave diet if we wanted to how did i get so much mushroom inside the cave oh man is this something i'm going to be repeating a lot uh if you are a tunneler you gain access to a new buildable called fungal gravel and if you go to floors fungal gravel is gravel that you can lay down like a carpet or you know any other flooring it actually doesn't cost anything and allows you to grow uh grow stuff in your caves am i uploading this to youtube well i have good news for you it's already on youtube it aired two minutes ago so yeah here is uh here it is if you want it i just got the link for you but i'm already ahead of you already ahead of you all right so dealing with the waist we have melted all the visuals masks uh let's go ahead and now melt the weapons we have a bunch of um tribal weapons that we don't really care to to use i don't think we have any weapons that i wouldn't want melted so we'll get that dealt with now and i don't have the cave allowed sewing because we have so many mushrooms that i don't want to pour any more energy or effort into it and the other thing that i said i would do is a hospital so what i'm going to do here is mine this clear and through and set up a hospital in this area instead of this area but i will have to change the priorities for mining because my miners are seem to be taking a day off i think this being close to my entryway and then changing the type of door that's here will allow hospital this will be pretty easily accessible in cases of emergency one other thing that we can help with jet is getting rid of one of these unnecessary beds so it's a bedroom not a barracks you can't wait to see sappers yep breech axe uh snappers are definitely a risk for undergrounders no doubt if you follow your ideology do you gain anything besides mood boost yes you gain a lot you gain the ability to do rituals you gain the special abilities that the roles include like convert reassure counsel preach health uh leader speeches accuse work drive combat bonuses um and then if i had other roles there's a bunch of roles that you can add but if i had other roles we also would have research bonuses mining bonuses you can have farming bonuses combat bonuses there's a whole lot of things that you can do as extra uh when you follow your ideology i'm just not even gonna allow clow cutting let's get one giant harvest of mushrooms so we have to do it again so a hospital is getting set up and a smelter is getting set up i'm going to refund everybody else that didn't have their uh have their suggestions voted on uh jet here is 18 away from joining us are any of the other face hostile to me all of them are except for the nudist tribe and the shattered empire by design by the way [Music] if um the sort of uh tldr of this society is that the world was full of uh sort of dark age hostilities and ironically we decided that we would want to transcend uh all the other cultures that exist on this planet and work our way to the stars so that's what we're hoping to do all right sand i'm gonna have you start smelting you guys wanted to clean up and i'm not going to um destroy the clothing the cloth based clothing instead i'll just look for opportunities to sell it to the nudist tribe or the shattered empire but the nudist tribe more likely because the shattered empire is not exactly um gonna trade with us how's the recruit going going well so he has belief in our um ideology now and his resistance is blowing um so only a matter of time until he he's one of us can you sell clothing to nudist tribe i think you can um i don't know why i suspect they don't wear it yeah so we're lowering resistance about one and change a day um and i suspect i could do a better job of that uh if i gave jet uh some furniture uh but i am trying to i will start micromanaging as soon as this stupid ridiculously large harvest is done i'm gonna micromanage them to build the hospital so that i can mark that as complete and head on to whatever you deem next oh here we go get the mining done all right hills i'm going to take you off of clean so you can actually do some research although jet's going to be a researcher once um uh once we recruit him if i guess we recruit him but that's the hope and there you go jet now you can actually eat not on the ground no more war crimes am i adding a research bench to the hospital uh probably yes and the big one not the small well eventually the big one so i'm gonna want uh seven across or something like that uh zach is on her feet so i'm gonna have zank grab the machine pistol and help to haul the raw fungus we're almost done with the fungal harvest and that's gonna free up all our guys doing other tasks uh because we've been harvesting fungus for like a year now i went a little ham on this uh this here tunnel in fact i'm just going to cancel the expansion of uh the fungal farms it's totally unnecessary given that we have 3 000 fungus here and 1 500 fungus there it's uh yeah it's excessive totally excessive maybe make some pemmican well i have freezers if i have freezers i don't really need pemmican all that much so if i have a research bench i think we're gonna go all the way down here it's going to be big old hospital hope it's not a precursor to terrible terrible things to to happen to us so i think what i'm going to do is put a door here and replace this door with a steel one and i'm going to slowly start to replace a lot of the entryway from wood to steel just because originally we didn't have the availability of other resources so steel door here and a granite wall what are you doing oh i guess it's uh warm enough that we can start sewing heel root nice we have very very few meds so that's going to be uh kind of important all right i'm going to start smoothing the perimeter of the kitchen because we're going to need to run cables and zach is running from the rat good stun come on dead i'm just gonna leave it there i don't even care it's a rat it's not worth a lot of resources all right so this is the dimension of the research plus hospital and we are carting the blocks as soon as we can we mine them hills you need to be better at doctoring i have no idea why we used meds given the tiny amount of damage that we suffered but that's fine can insects spawn on the gravel fungus floor i'm sure they can i can't imagine why they wouldn't be able to um the infestation risk of this colony is quite high and i suspect ridiculous levels of calamity to befall us as a result um but hey that's part of the fun right having to deal with stuff like that well look at you you got beat up by an alpaca and a deer okay a mining work site from banastra alliance going there would give us 30 components that's not bad uh it has 30 uh five people there though uh the banastro alliance is a hostile uh hostile cannibal tribe so that's uh a poi that we could check out hydrate don't mind if i do harrison thanks for the follow by the way and skeletor for the resup uh you asked what my take on the dlc is so far i've answered that question so many times but uh yet one more time i would give it like a nine out of ten there's some things i would change about it but uh the vast majority of it i think is terrific and uh i'm very excited to see how it gets updated and maintained because if you remember royalty a royalty was very heavily changed um from day one to you know month one with updates and support and you know that kind of thing so that's what i'm hoping i'm not saying that this necessarily needs those changes but it wouldn't hurt okay the yup we need to cut some trees eventually what i might do is set up some you know automatic pasturing uh well actually what we could do is auto cut burn trees oak trees and poplar trees and cue it to cut now so that any trees that are in this pen automatically get cut for wood and uh that's going to allow us to not have to constantly um you know cue up cutting down forests however i think we need a little bit more wood than what is in this pen but the autocut is really cool as i'm sure you you might have noticed until they put the wood in the door then it's not cool at all uh the fog is is a result of a force forced weather yeah it's a uh forced weather we got some glitter world medicine and goodwill but it's going to be foggy for 19 days this was done accepted 11 days ago 10 days ago so we have nine days left of permafrog all right power's back on we are done mining out the area that will be the hospital very very large hospital so the plan is to have the larger research bench which takes up five uh which would be like this one two three four five and then oh i made it too big good job me well and then the plan was the multi-analyzer but yeah it's too big it's fine larger the better because the uh larger the room the easier it is to keep it clean because the less effect that one filth would have all right let's build this because we have to keep seeing a rotted corpse here we don't have a supremacy um ethos that makes it so that corpses are uh not ugly so a little bit of a wood supply to carry us in and carry our wood fire generators but having two generators obviously it's gonna be uh trickier i might set up an autocut zone for trees at some point but i'm gonna focus on the hospital uh i did however get rid of the waste so build a hospital will be the uh the sole focus for the moment and i'm gonna open up the suggestion box yet again if you have other suggestions for when the hospital is done i'm happy to write them down for tach and natha and hills i'm going to put construction as a higher priority than whatever else they're doing to encourage them to uh too gross to encourage them uh to do some work for us i'm also going to make some broad wraps i need like two broad wraps because we have some tattered broad wraps and i have no cloth so never mind forget that wow my suggestion box filled up really fast all right i like it thank you but it's going to take me a second to catch up all right so we're starting to i didn't mean to smooth the ground out now we're starting to smooth the walls out uh so that i can run cables in them is there fungus silk there is not double strand yes fungus no but double strand would be really good for us to start you know producing at some point a man hunter pack of links links are not our venerated animal uh but i really don't care to fight them so i'm just gonna force everyone to stay inside one of the wonderful things about being a undergrounder going outside is optional more or less so you're going to hear a lot of angry links for a bit let me get next priority pull up have research for better weapons from night nave we've got um fancier altar from dem tacos we've got uh underground double strand farm from cruzio uh that's a little tricky actually because let me double check if that's even possible i have to remind myself what the soil sensitivity of double strand is um okay it is possible but it would take very very very long for them to grow and the light requirement is greater than 50 which means i would need to grow light so possible but uh tricky so i will add that um i think it's a cool idea but keeping it underground just makes it a lot harder for almost no reason almost no benefit uh setting up a crematorium from mini let me continue the uh we've also got air lock defenses uh for the mushroom from from shaky bunny um get a start breeding attack animals from mec and put people in hospital zinnias what do you mean by that go fighting or something injure people oh stupid links i hate listening to them just whine constantly it's not a not a fun sound all right i'm gonna leave that off and refund you it has to be succinct and makes sense to me so all right there we go six options right there and let me actually filter this i'm gonna let you see through it a little bit give it some opacity that's a little better maybe a little darker all right hills with her tattered apparel uh too bad or honestly probably just get rid of it for now wear the shade cone that's fine okay we are nearly done with the smoothing parts which is cool some of the uh some of the areas are inaccessible um as you can see so i'm kind of sol on that we're gonna have some corners that just aren't smooth but that's fine i don't really need to run the power there so it's not that big of a deal [Music] crunk thanks for the resub and uh center clans clance and jay doc thanks three subs as well welcome all all right i know it doesn't look much like a hospital not yet uh but it i promise it is uh i will throw some dedicated steel beds in here made by our divine leader or actually what is your construction 12 construction 11 made by attach i take it back another thing i probably should do at some point is to uh spend some significant time trying to get at least excellent beds uh it also seems to me like i need to update this stay inside zone because this is somehow deemed outside it's done it done and the research for better weapons uh is currently the point leader so i'm going to close that poll and add to my current project and weapon research weapon i'm gonna hyphenate it or maybe ampersand it there we go all right go frenzy for uh for attach uh another thing you can see is a bunch of them are idle uh you know what i'm gonna do i'm going to plant some cotton but i'm not gonna plant cotton in the whole grow zone because the whole grow zone is way too big for all cotton but let's plant cotton in that arm there and then i'm going to add some additional fungal gravel okay thank you nothing like uh randy trying to kill me so this is still called the mushroom tunnels such a drone is ending that's good all right so let's allow sewing cotton uh actually what is the cotton sensitivity fertility requirement 70 sensitivity okay um another thing that it might require is heat i don't know about the temperature requirements but i'd imagine that i'm not meeting it oh no they're starting to they're starting to put some cotton down so uh here's what we're gonna do the individual like um fire break tunnel thing that was what shake your bunny i think rory you suggested it uh one of the things i'm gonna need to do is build that anyway because it's going to be really really really hard to heat a behemoth farm um much easier if i if i separate it out and then eventually i can probably have you know i don't want to look like a cave tender my whole life so we are also hoping to head towards um a situation where we have you know proper underground in all of its uh technical glory and not like this zug zug garbage that we have now i said it zugs are garbage i'm going to temporarily reveal the sarcophagus so that it can smooth around the edges here all right the links are now asleep and supplies for so my god what is that name the nearby settlement has a special trade request they want 330 light leather they are willing to give us a psychic harmonizer goodwill so this is the royals um they are how far away is that it's a about a three and a half day journey round trip should i supply the light leather yes or no so here are the quest rewards as a little reminder uh a tiny bit of uranium and uh harmonizer a side trainer for berserker pulse no one in my colony is a sidecaster yet or goodwill uh currently i have some but not all of the light leather but it'd be pretty easy for me to kill for the rest [Music] so i'm not planning on ever having royal titles i will never get cycasting that way i don't also think i will get sigh casting from the tree either uh wherever it is because we are not well we're not tribals so it wouldn't even be possible we don't have tribal origins so praying at a tree doesn't work for us either um so the net result of that is we could hypothetically become cycasters but only if we find the neuroformers out in the wild which is very unusual i might have you all vote at some point whether or not we betray the um shattered empire or the possibility of of obtaining um neuroformers earlier or something doesn't cotton need light to grow it does i'm gonna be sun lamping um what i'm gonna actually do here let me set this up a little bit better uh i want to set up a sun lamp zone like this now keep in mind that the being around the sun lamp is going to super piss off my people um but uh that's just the cost of you know being an undergrounder and wanting resources another thing that we could do is plan it outside but if you you know i think it's fun to try to use our caves when possible so let me turn off the sunlight i also probably don't have enough power to power up the sunlight at the moment um but another thing to note is the uh the neutral fungus here um there it's photosensitive it will die when exposed to light so i have to keep the zones separate [Music] so with this overlay up let me mine out the required area which i think i have done now recruiting a slime caster uh yeah i i guess that's possible it's um it's a little difficult to do okay so we have everything smoothed out we can run our cables now and our heel root got light oh got all of it [Music] at least double strain can't be blooded have i gotten any infestations so far no my colony strength and wealth is really low so the chance of uh infestations is pretty low as well uh insect jelly shouldn't be in here even though it's nice and a product insect jelly comes out and put it in this stockpile it doesn't need refrigeration or chocolate for that matter so chocolate comes out as well try to save as much space as i can my kitchen is full thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of the gloom seekers i stream this just about every day from 3 p.m to 8 p.m eastern daylight time a countdown timer and schedule can be found at ratamat.com thank you for watching i hope to catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell you
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 8,923
Rating: 4.9782019 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Ideology, 1.3, Gloom Seekers, Twitch, Let's Play
Id: aZfHal_4pCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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