RimWorld Gloom Seekers - Marauder Pen // EP7

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greetings everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to episode 7 of the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch [Music] all right so this is almost done if we do want to plant something underground and let's say i have a hospital i know it's not much impossible yet but what i could do is uh throw a shelf of meds and then technically a hospital uh you guys want me to supply the light leather so what rewards do you want one two or three so number one is a harmonizer which if you're not aware a psychic harmonizer allows the person with it installed in the brain to emanate their mood to a 15 cell i think radius around them so if they're angry or upset everyone around them will become angry or upset except for those that are psychically dull or deaf and if they are happy that emanates and makes everyone around them happier and the recipient of those moods are also affected by their uh psychic sensitivity so if you have um a psychically deaf person a harmonizer doesn't matter if you have a psychically hypersensitive person a harmonizer has a huge effect uh the sitetrainer brisker pulse here is a level six side link i don't have a sci caster of even level one so it's cool but it's totally and utterly worthless to me for a while and then uh goodwill goodwill being the last one okay we're not quite done here is this because of the uh zoning nope just haven't done it and then the fungal gravel will be spread and then we'll be able to create a grow zone and we can only grow things here that have uh soil sensitivity minimum requirement of 70 or or or lower so not all plants some plants just just won't grow what is oh no the fertility requirement of most plants i think is in that range all right so here's the grow zone and now we can grow whatever we want uh like if i wanted to grow tinctoria let's do that which is the uh the clothing dies all right you guys want the top reward consider it done uh so we need to gather supplies for the trade of light leather uh light leather would be let's take a look at our wildlife uh ibex i think are light leather you can always uh no plain leather you can always check it out um light leather might be raccoons yep it's raccoons um boom lopes tend to have light leather uh but the problem is i think all the boom lumps are dead boom rats i guess but that's going to set a whole lot of fires so i'm not going to do it because right now i have perpetual fog so that's a really bad idea unless we want to set everything on fire uh hair would be light leather as well and they're kind of harder to shoot so that'd be good for um hunting training i guess so we'll start with those guys and i'm going to unrestrict everybody well avoid bug now that i don't have those lynxes trying to eat me so we can get out here and actually kill this blight [Music] and jet is gonna be recordable pretty soon nice all right so currently the goal is weapon research and um the leather trade let me put manufactured uh medicine and glitter world medicine here and then what i could do is put a door here eventually that leads to frozen herbal medicine because herbal medicine needs to remain cold so it doesn't spoil but you can hear my uh my shooters shooting and here's the victoria uh growing slow but sure how is this do okay that's doing terrible terrible terrible things to my uh power grid because i don't produce a whole lot of power yet the sun is a deadly laser indeed don't hit the don't hit the mega sloth yeah you can hear them all trying to shoot unfortunately it's uh middle of the day so these guys are probably very upset they're outside in the blinding light there's a lot of other cave uh structures in here too and my rolling brown outs because i'm trying to grow things with the sun lamp now let me just turn off the tictoria for now i just wanted to demonstrate that it would be possible more than anything else because you didn't vote on it cheers marauder you guys like the other cam here free yoda maybe i can even get a tuskegee in here all right i just gave the big wolves a call give puppies a treat here yoda up on the couch couch here's one for you echo up and we have a new quest available so i'm going to pause for a second up echo oh you can't climb can you come on baby echo you can do it snow hairs and the cory a uh 46 year old veterinarian named corey is calling from nearby says a pack of 20 snow hairs is hunting her uh i have one hour or six hours to accept this this is a charitable quest um the challenge rating is low i can also just turtle up for snow hairs so that's easy to do too i guess uh so snow hairs or should we help corey yes or no uh things to consider before you vote we have um really no concept of charity as you can see in our ideology we don't feel that we need to be terrible to others uh we hate slavery and we really dislike execution if the person is innocent but um so you know there's the possibility of of course helping corey who has not told us anything about herself other than the fact that she probably has some animal skill as the fact that she's a veterinarian um but it looks to me like you guys overwhelmingly say yes so here we go except for corey and everybody is going to be staying inside because swarms of snow hairs are gonna pop up these snow hairs provide light leather uh probably yeah oh i like how wild agrilux is growing in here that is awesome oh my god and and glow stools too all right so here's corey you are a yeah you so you have animal skill like i said you would uh you also have pretty high social you're a slow learner and you're a nudist you aren't of our um you aren't of our ideology though uh we are gonna put you inside and just to let you know uh if we do wanted to banish corey um there is a penalty of only minus three so should we keep corey now that you've seen corey i completely don't mind if you want to banish her or not a slow learning nudist she would be a good doctor uh she could possibly take attaches role of uh being the gloom guide because um she has a much higher social skill for gloom guide and she has some animal skills as well if we do want to try to set up a ranch now ranching when you're an undergrounder is a little weird um because trying to tame animals most animals are asleep at night which means it's just a weird thing to do i'm just you know but i'm happy to uh to go either way and we've got a pet yoda and a pet tusk hi you're a good puppy wow all right so that is a very close pole i'm just gonna leave it up a little while because i don't need to necessarily resolve that vote now let's go ahead and move the research bench uh into the hospital it's gonna be a little bit cleaner in there and uh uh decently illuminated and here comes the man hunter pack chasing corey uh so these snow hair do make light leather but the thing is i'm on losing his fun rainy random the chance of them not being scoria rotted is very low so i wouldn't it's not a good source of uh of light leather because probably 99 of those rabbits or i think statistically 70 percent of them are going to just be immediately rotted let me let me double check uh scoria rock chance is 60 yep so um six out of every 10 wouldn't even be uh yielding leathers the restrict zones are totally up to date and we're fine no one is going to go out and get uh rabbited and jet joined us so uh it looks to me like you guys slightly slightly want to keep corey and we also have jet to raffle off which means there's two colonists to assign to viewers so if you would like to have a callness assigned to you all you got to do is type something in the chat and i will be doing the raffle in four minutes let's say i'm really historically terrible at remembering to do it but i will try my absolute bestest absolute best so cory here we come let's set corey and jet up with some work priorities and then corey is also going to need to convert i think it's pretty safe to say if she does not convert she leaves i don't think that that is a radical idea um so there is sort of a countdown of like hey you converter you go um she's a terrible hunter even though it says she's good at hunting it's because of her animal skill she's a bit of a minor as well so we could hypothetically put her up as a gloom delver which is the mining um the mining uh requirement she's 46 years old and she has no pre-existing health conditions uh i'm gonna put her on so corey is going to haul around with her some herbal meds and converting her did not work very well she still believes in archotectic mankindism which is uh something that only she believes in no other faction to share her belief i could jail her and force convert yeah that's always a possibility it's not really a direction i want to go uh because we do believe in individualism and locking people up because they don't believe in what we believe in is the very opposite of what that is uh so that's not likely uh something i'm going to result to do uh but it's a thought all right jet you are not gonna have lights in your bedroom anymore is it possible to change the belief of the the colony uh sort of you can hypothetically like let's say i put her as the gloom guide and she was a different ideology than our founding ideology it would be possible for her to convert people to different religions so you could have or or ideology you could have a you could have a settlement that has multiple ideologies uh that aren't aligned with one another and there's even there's even a setting for that so if you take a look at the um where is it the diversity of thought um you our diversity of thought is appreciated that we have diverse thoughts in our colony so if you take a look here [Music] we should have some sort of diversity of thought benefit somewhere oh but tac tried to convert me way way um but with that said i don't want to run a colony with multiple ideologies i don't want to cater to multiple ideologies that's just a level of complexity that is totally unnecessary in my you know for my first playthrough of uh of this because it it adds a lot of additional um headache i would say just my two cents all right well here comes the raffle so i'll give you it's for subscribers only and i'm going to give you 30 seconds just in case you hadn't done it yet but i will happily happily hydrate okay good luck soul blader you are going to be jet so whatever name you want jet to have uh just at tag me or one of the moderators for them to get my attention and congratulations and the next up talos is dead you are going to be corey same rules apply whatever name you want just tag me machining is now done so you guys also voted that i work on weapon tech uh so i'm gonna try to go towards uh precision rifling kind of as fast as i can by getting gunsmithing blowback gasops and electro uh microelectronics because assault rifles are definitely um the goat when it comes to like everyday carry type weapons oh you know what i don't actually have any like what's the plain leather light leather the quest called for light leather oh you know what yeah i have barely any light leather it'll be pretty challenging to fulfill that i'm not gonna lie we're gonna have to kill a lot of the small craters so let's get corey sleeping in here and setting her bedroom up the same way we did all the others so the internals is the hex tiles and then the external is the spike core granite with the door spike core granite and a vent to the right of the door uh jett is also gonna need a vent i didn't dig the event for jet out before because um he was a prisoner and he would have tried to escape and then i'm gonna smooth everything out around them uh because you know why why keep it rough looking corey's probably like the hell guys i'm sleeping here how does the bio sculptor pod work i haven't gotten there yet but if you uh if you take a look at the biosculpting um it's sort of like a crypto sleep pod from my understanding and it would be here at this research item this research engine forks off of microelectronics you hop in this biosculpting pod it draws power and um you reverse i think a year of your life in the pod if memory serves again don't quote me because i haven't used it yet uh corey and jet also need to be scheduled to our night owl schedule and uh jet needs to be forced on stay inside otherwise he'll be snow hair food it also removes scars so if you have a belief in scarification that might actually not benefit you just throw that out scarification is um can be a precept of your uh ideology where you want scars so you know just be aware that it could work against your uh your goals right miss corey uh jet here is going to become our primary researcher but i think i'm actually going to allow hills to also research just to speed up the the research speed so i'm going to build a build out of uh steel or granite big tough granite let's build a granite research bench and i'm going to start building everything in a granite is a lot cheaper build a granite um stool so i don't think i'm going to be able to fulfill the 330 light leather i thought it was plain leather we had with the light leather that's going to be pretty brutal uh talus wants to tell us okay i'll try to keep the lights on now we're gonna we're already out of power i could uh work to expand the power grid as well one of the things i i probably want to do at some point is get uh biofuel friending so i can turn the fungus into fuel um rather than have to cut down trees because we're never gonna be able to grow trees inside trees can't grow without access to the sky because they uh would bump or take space or whatever all right so we are illuminating the hospital a little bit better and starting to smooth things out so talos's bedroom is all set and everybody is getting all set as well i'm gonna remove the home zones of the deep caves because i don't want to spend any time sweeping up the deep caves the taylor bench was set up uh for um camel hide really right right now all right so jet zac i'm going to allow you to research as well because it looks like your idol and then talos you are uh pretty good at mining so i think what i'm going to do is have you expand this room here for us and just go with a much much larger uh dining room and ritual room than put a hospital away because that was the original idea hey shinjin yoda appreciates it and tusk come here you want treats too summoned i have a summoned familiar and a posture check you got it all right so with two researchers our research should uh be a lot faster our research speed in general if you take a look here is our research modifiers um our ideologin speeds it up as you can see as well so our our total speed is quite quite fast and these rooms are starting to look nice we're no longer like cave tenders like i was saying so some quality of life there tusk where where'd you go a puppy and yoda huh this guy he deserves pets since when he's still eating his uh treats so i'll probably build a copy of this ideogram uh once down here once it's uh all set jasmine thanks for the sub and welcome so we have slightly impressive bedrooms coming out now still gotta do more smoothing so they might even get nicer and i might not actually work on the better bedrooms or better uh beds that i had mentioned um one of the reasons for that is because we are eventually going to be able to have sleep pods instead all right let's take a look at the wildlife the wildlife of the snow hares they're still all hostile gunsmithing is done let's go for blowback and i might start to let's get a smithing bench or machining table at least and put it um here i guess all right and then this here will be a prison for future would-be recruits did you get a haircut not recently has your ideology a role who can speed up research yes um but no one has the required oh actually jet just got the required skill for this so soul blader uh i'm gonna re-roll it if you're not responding but pullman pot doesn't get to win so i'm gonna reroll that in a second as well um whoever ends up winning this you can decide whether jet is going to be our researcher or not drafting full [Music] uh congratulations and if you want to be our so you can name yourself of course and then if you want to change your social role to be our visionary uh just let me know the visionary is going to want a robe and a hood so we should get a robin hood out now so let me make a robe i'm not sure i have the resources for it but we'll see oh yeah i do we'll make a camel hide robe or a heavy fur robe and then a hood i don't think i'm gonna have the oh no i do i keep saying that but it's not true uh 50 resources will make it out of camel height power this on and raise the demand you want to be named bopperton man that is a strange name but sure sure boberton the researcher and do you want to be a researcher [Music] some potatoes falling from the sky and napa i'm gonna have you [Music] uh taylor has the highest priority so let me change these priorities here smith and taylor food binge talos because you're trapped underground wait what oh yes because you don't have our ideology uh you're gonna freak out as a result of being trapped underground unlike the rest of us that's really funny i hadn't thought of that but obviously that's gonna be a problem [Music] oh well your problem not mine yoda where'd you go come here buddy don't you ditch me like that all right so he does want to be our researcher so i'm going to give you the research role of visionary which is the researcher role you will no longer be able to handle cook grow buy and plant cut haul or clean uh but you will be able to research faster and you'll have research command provides suggestions and mental support boosting the research speed of everyone nearby the effect remains attached to the caster for 24 hours here is your robe it's unfortunately garbage and i'm sure your hood is going to be garbage as well so now zack here researching next to you has a resource speed increased of 30 percent uh cooperative research he's the way to go uh zach you know what i'm gonna do for you don't craft don't hunt just hit the books oh and steal his clothing and there's the hood at least the hood is good uh so bobberton here is your hood and now when next you have the chance because i don't have any dies at the moment next when you have the chance we will give you um you will be turned our ideological color any reason pet is out of stock uh just because when it gets redeemed too quickly i end up not playing and just petting all right i'm going to let everyone go outside again and we'll continue the light leather hunt not that i think it's going to be all that possible there we go bobberton i'm also going to move you up um and taking a look at your skills here uh a rifle is definitely an order because you are a very good shooter but in order to do that how'd you die you got gourd to death in order to do that i'm definitely going to need to um mine up some additional steel so i'm just looking around for oh yeah they're still right here posture check you can't even tell that i'm fixing my posture all right the shrine room is getting a little bit more impressive just a little bit [Music] and with april may coming around the corner i am going to start to plant um i'm going to ignore this tinctory over here basically just let it die off uh because it's terrestrial and i'm going to start planting cotton and cycloid do we have beer research too no we don't have b brewing yet so instead of hops we'll plant more [Music] heel root and we're trying to fulfill the light leather requirements but like i said i i have uh some serious doubts as to whether or not we get there just because it's uh pretty demanding we have 27 of it so far so yeah pretty demanding how many people are oh they're smoothing i was like how many people are playing horseshoe pin at once it was starting to look a little ridiculous bobberton really helping look at this research speed it's flying how am i going to get side casters i don't think i will i'm not sure is the long and short of it perhaps we don't or maybe we have to portray the shattered empire to do it either way i'm unsure we need a door to the farm yes we do we'll be mining one out soon the hospital research room is staying pretty clean which is good and our you can hear our shooters are active now bobberton's a pretty good shooter as well but um i do have a penalty if i equip uh neolithic weapons which is why i haven't done it oh bobberton you can also uh apply the tech print for research intellectual i was waiting to have a researcher to do that because it gives you 2 000 experience so serves me a while little weight and a cold snap okay so all of those plants that are planted outside rip perones to them somewhere or another there was a natural uh forest break or something because the uh no the fire's still raging i take it back i want turrets instead of rifles well i want to get um oh yeah yeah right right sorry my bad we almost got gun turrets entirely but i want gasop and let's refuel so that uh zenny doesn't uh turn into a rotted corpse i think i'm going to change the outfits here not a lot tainted because i don't want that uh i'm going to disallow flak jackets and flak vests because i value movement speed especially given that we have to fight at night so i'm going to have uh santa can take off the flack there uh so that he can run a little faster so now his movement speed is 5-0 because i think what i'll what i think i'm going to do is poke into the other ancient danger to see if there's anything of value in there so my current project is weaponry search and leather trade and um the we're mostly just working on the weather trade or leather trade rather so let's take a look at uh what animals we can kill for that we want light our light leather now that the boomerangs aren't going to set map wide forest fires we can do that guinea pigs i think give us guinea pig fur yep so that's a no-go hares rats squirrels mostly things small things it's gonna be pretty challenging to get it all oh another thing i'm gonna do for the clothing is no tattered so i'll change that requirement now and here we have mined a complete hole through i think what i'll do here is um not allow some of this is a non-overhead mountain but i'm gonna make kind of a rule that we live under overhead mountain on purpose so i'm going to instead of like building roofs to annex more area i'm gonna try to live underground like a true undergrounder and not cheat or fudge the numbers or whatever so there we go now we have our um our pass through i like how we still have the uh rotted heel we're just letting it rot doubly 1.3 supposedly made ai avoid tattered a bit better yes i don't think i have an alternative though there is nothing else that i could wear so as a result it's tattered or nothing and people will pick tattered over nothing especially given the outside temperature in this cold snap not having parkas is kind of rough but i can fix that let's continue making dusters out of plain leather let's make three dusters out of plain leather with napa and try to fix the uh the not having outer layer issues all that tintoria has definitely died though i plant it and then it's just like cold snap rainy random being randy so some of the ancient stuff you can um uh you can break down not all of it the smaller stuff you can so like this stuff can break down the larger stuff is maybe you can grenade it to death but you can't deconstruct it and it's description here if you read it is that there's no useful components anymore it's uh it's worthless it's mostly just map design as far as i can tell so here's our machining table but i don't want to waste any steel or components on anything beside anything short of assault rifles so you're not going to see me hop to balti's at the moment [Music] hey we got some wool our poor shrine here they've been ignoring it so let's try to convert bobberton again oh wait what oh who was it uh talos sorry convert talos again with our uh gloom guide she has pretty strong beliefs in her own but there we go there goes a whole bunch of additional uncertainty now she's going to be upset by the um by the conversion but i don't care like i said it was uh sort of join us or die that's flavor to the map i agree oh certainty is dropping some more now i could do a conversion ritual uh once the cooldown runs up but i think that's a bit extreme all right bobberton will be able to do research command in a second but i'm going to wait until after they're uh they sleep [Music] talos is trying to convert us to um that's not cool yo quit it i'ma throw you if you keep trying to convert us uh we're gonna we're we're gonna come to odds here uh here is a boomerang that i'm gonna need to kill call whatever you want to call it gas hop is done let's get the microelectronics yup right into the medicine thank you telus good timing bobberton yep there you go almost burns your ears off good times there all right so the hill root has finally uh been clipped and once we get uh microelectronics we can upgrade to a high-tech research bench probably two of them and then uh we'll also go for precision rifling and that will give us the much sought assault rifles and uh sniper rifles and talos got an infection of the ear of course you did all right popperton research command [Music] his ears are burning yeah from talos is uh you know trying to convert us you get diseased as a result i like it i like it i should accuse her of of sacrilege or [Music] something [Music] oh we don't have enough room for bobberton uh so hills i'm gonna send you to do something else because bobberton's our chief researcher let's get on out of here [Music] and another uh oh ho ho you've learned that a relic of the gloom seekers is nearby pandora's dark an ancient object venerated by all seekers if you collect it you could build a great reliquary to make the seekers happy attract wealthy pilgrims and bring more people to gloom seekers first if you need to find the pandora's dark uh watch for opportunities to gather information about it uh i'm not even gonna pull for this it's just a yes uh so we need to find the pandora's dark relic and there will be opportunities to gather information coming hell yeah all right let's get rid of all this uh all these chunks and then i'm going to move the ritual here and then we are going to move a or build a lectern where's the lectern build a lectern here so that we'll be able to have better uh ideograms light leather is up to 127 yeah this is a slog now i don't think the ideogram has a quality modifier so i don't think it really matters um the quality at all but i'm going to continue the spike core and then actually i will do it a little differently we'll do spike core like this hex tiles uh spike core again and then the spike course star and then everything else in here we can smooth so this will be the design of our her room i like it who's in the sarcophagus uh we have zenny who i unfortunately let sort of rot i feel badly about it um but he was diseased and or she uh hidden installation caper uh you have learned of an ancient complex nearby that is said to contain ancient treasure you could break in and collect the loot inside be warned these kind of structures can contain a variety of threats in addition your activity in the complex might draw unwanted attention um i would probably need to send boberton because boberton as our gloom visionary has hacking speed increase which is important for those another thing i might want to do is research i'm going to pivot right now and research uh oh can i machine them now because i i kind of want fire foam uh so let me research fire foam because the last one said everything stupidly on fire everywhere like just one giant kablamos so i want to avoid that uh and bring my own firefighting if possible so i'm going to research firefoam before heading out uh looks to me like your ear might require industrial meds once or twice so hills get to it no okay or we're not i'll keep an eye on that infection so it doesn't claim your life don't worry i'm used to having my um color-coded mood bar but i'm i'm purposely playing very very vanilla so we don't have that right now just cut it off for the heresy well talos if you want me to cut it off i will cut it off palace can make decisions for his own character in fact uh telos if you want to at ping me if you want to um resist and stay your own culture you're welcome to just let me know i'm going to try to convert you anyway but i'm going to give you the option of trying to stay who you are if you want and you know that adds to the hilarity of this uh series i think so we're getting a lot of good shooting practice in here trying to hunt the uh the small little critters for the light leather and talos is pissed and okay if you're hiding in your room i'm gonna have to cut your ear off that's not even a question anymore did you just walk into a bug nest oh you dummy look look at this avoid bugs is very clearly designated here and he ran in there anyway dude dude why well in about a uh half a day i can do a conversion ritual here um to try to convert you in one big oomph so i'll i'll see about that but let's also uh give my people a little bit of growing priorities now i'm gonna switch the priorities around so we now that with springtime we can start to grow yeah that ear is coming off my friend i also probably should create dead power for these heaters because these cedars aren't doing anything anymore [Music] might as well convert okay well i'm gonna chop off your ear like your van gogh and then i'm gonna convert you hope you don't mind all right let what else we can we're out of duster material so turn that off yeah i'll be doing a prosthetic ear she's also a nudist so you know all right so here's the tictoria which will help us dye our clothing and let's uh let's hit who's our plant who's the best planter uh let's hit hills with a work drive so the hills works faster so hills for the next three days has global work speed up uh 50 because hills is going to be helping to sew our mighty fields uh the only worry that i have is marauder might try to eat the crop so what i could do is a reverse fencing where um i have a ton of granite right i i could set up fences around the crops i don't want my um i don't want my animals to eat and this would be really one of the very few reasons to ever use fences because of their ridiculously low hit points and the fact that generally i find a lot of use for them but um it will help keeping my alpaca from chewing up my crops so i'm gonna oh this zone here is um uh fertile so i definitely want to utilize this let me turn on the overlay so i use it properly and in here we'll grow [Music] hill root as well because i'm just low on meds and then uh honestly i don't even really need gates here because offenses don't stop people from moving around but just for aesthetic purposes i'll put gate dandelions all right talos all right here we go arrest actually who is the best nathan i think it should rest 100 yep this is for your own good my friend [Music] because you're gonna die otherwise so i'll set that for slaves and you are gonna lose an ear and fire foam is now researched so we can go to that uh the thingamabobber oops research yes all right um should the ancient complex be my priority yes or no all right ear is gone and this now is for colonists and i'm just gonna leave you laying there uh you are going to be converted now um actually let's have this be for prisoners and move a table in there so we're gonna treat you as a prisoner now uh we're gonna pretend not even pretend role-playing here little asterisks um the loss of your ear was because your ear was burning as a result of you believing in a false ideology and we are going to fix that for you by a conversion therapy uh you almost died you went crazy and we had to cut off your ear to save your life uh but to avoid future problems of that uh nature you're going to be forced to convert before we can admit you back into our uh our society for for your own good so that is what is happening that is why you are uh apprehended let me turn off these heaters i really don't need them anymore okay uh once i have a little bit more of the ritual room setup i will also try to do the conversion ritual [Music] but i just want to get things planted and uh takanatha will get you building too because marauders definitely uh going places he should not okay so it will be my priority let me update my priority here um ancient wow i can really spell huh ancient complex of weapons that is the current priority now i'm not going to worry so much about the leather uh because i think it's a long shot that i get the light leather required i'm just about halfway there and we've killed everything small mastrius thanks for the sub welcome [Music] buddy cheers my friend this almost looks like a shield we're still hunting the small stuff and i really don't mind cause it's good uh shooting practice to hunt it because small targets are harder to hit and uh we'll train more shooting skill by dumping bullets into it so we have a slightly impressive shrine the big improvements would be this lectern which is getting built now and then um kneeling pillows or whatever else i set it up as well we'll run a if i did a conversion ritual oh i don't even necessarily need it um but here the room impressiveness is a major factor taxes social impact is a major factor um but the let's let's further improve the impressiveness of the room so that um our conversion rituals are more likely to succeed because i think that is um it's a very long cooldown for the conversion rituals so it's best if i i try to do it uh when we have the highest chance of a positive outcome and then if we take a look at the world here we have the complex that's close by and i'll be heading there uh as soon as i feel like i run the conversion so that's the order of ops now another thing i could do for marauder is uh let's open up the overlay i can plant dandelions uh for the areas that i'm allowing marauder to graze in order to increase the dandelions and hay are both pretty good but to in order to increase the amount of uh food that we offer our singular pet so this will be hay tinctoria this is heel root and cotton and hello root two so this is healed one by extension so talus's prison cell is pretty decent uh we are getting the shrine nicer and nicer we have a lot of smoothing left to do but it's now in the very impressive range which is good oh wow we already have all the dandelion that was fast i suppose it doesn't hurt to really exp well i'm gonna leave it like that for now but it doesn't hurt to even expand it even further i'm just trying to avoid the uh the low fertility zones if possible because they you know they're very slow and we have a siege where where's the shadows come on okay you're up here so the pahat baron what the heck are they rough outlanders uh they have one assault rifle they have some high damaging close weapons uh unfortunately my guys don't have a lot of um we don't have a lot of weaponry to be to be frank sandow has the only bolty and then we have like junky pistols so pretty sketch fight coming up i suspect uh let me think about what i can do uh for now everybody's going to be inside and i will brainstorm so what i could do is send sando uh on go juice to try to do as much damage to the assault rifler because i do fortunately outrange them um i don't have a comms console because we don't have microelectronics so it's not like i can call in for help uh another thing that i might be able to do is actually try to anger these muffalo to help these have these muffler help me by shooting them until the whole herd goes manhunter but i no longer oh you know what i could do nafta your jogger right how fast do you move four six uh you out of the act of desperation more because i was lazy we're gonna poke into this ancient danger and see what's in there all right so who is their assault rifler it is uh yeah keith because i do believe that my range is going to be better than all of their range how much cover does this provide fifty percent all right john is fatally believing let's switch targets and nathan's heading out on a bit of a weird errand another thing we want to do is to allow the deadpool traps to work it's not a lot of deadfall traps bobberton could you open up the other side oops what is going on here that was weird i can't click oh because uh natha is heading there all right now to head to the east robertson open that up and let's check on sando santo is just trying to bleed all of them uh to make it easier for when they uh will rate us he it's night time so we have a shooting advantage which is good all right let me hit research command i don't think i'm going to get a assault rifle out of you guys anytime soon but who knows all right they are that's another one fatally bleeding let's go for henry with the bionic heart with any luck we can script that heart out of you and there goes your shield awesome that's exactly what i wanted yeah we're blinking the heck out of them man thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of the gloom seekers i stream this just about every day from 3 p.m to 8 p.m eastern daylight time a countdown timer and schedule can be found at ratamount.com thank you for watching i hope to catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell you
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 7,146
Rating: 4.9295774 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Ideology, 1.3, Gloom Seekers, Twitch, Let's Play
Id: 0Ki1izIYkIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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