RimWorld The Blades of Ragnarok - Niflheim // EP1

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hey everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to the very first episode of the blades of ragnarok which is a result of polling my community about what they would like to watch for the full poll results go to rawmont.com if you want more information i'll give you the tldr we are going to be a viking clan with no allies all the characters must be viking and the starting characters the starting seven will be randomized we may only settle mountain cave boreal forests we are not going to allow pacifists wimp frail or dementia our goal is to settle multiple villages and to bring about ragnarok which is to say killing every single other faction base let's get started so let me just introduce you to the mod set uh both mods and the uh the rules you can get in the commands here so here's our little world it is not very well it's not huge but it is obviously packed a chock full of potential targets and we are here our little capital we are surrounded by all sorts of other factions and if we take a look at the factions here we've got a fallen empire whose enemies with um you know basically the savage tribe and the pirates are pretty much hostile with everybody uh the empire and the other viking clans are hostile with one another and the fierce tribe and the fallen empire are hostile with one another so i edited a lot of the faction alliances so that we might get a situation where more of the raids are coming to us that was sort of the hope um the introducing characters so this is the viking start the storyteller uh as you can see freya fierce and i'm playing on blood and dust not losing his fun so the reason for blood and dust it seems exactly the correct name for a viking uh series if i do find it too easy i'll ramp it up to losing his fun but because of my lack of familiarity with vikings and rimwar uh that's what we're gonna start with we start off with this honestly wonderful raid so the way the freya fierce starting scenario is you start off actually in the middle of a raid you don't actually have a settlement you're taking one hostile takeover so here's the starting characters i don't really know them well because of course they were random but uh let's analyze them real quick so we've got wally and and all of these characters are going to be reassigned to subscribers once i win the the first battle so wally here is a careful shooting bloodlust who doesn't do ranching art plant work but is a crafter we've got uh white whale oh oh and relationships so i do have the mod one family which increases the chance of people to have relationships with one another uh which is an important thing to note nawali does not have any relationships white whale is married to austin uh if we take a look at him trigger happy too smart uh pretty good with animals okay with social and shooting we've got austin um sanguine slow learning and kind melee construction oh very young yes very young um so maybe a brawler in here maybe we got uh purple toad transhumanist fast learner nudist nudist um pretty good in construction which is good uh termite slayer definitely a quick sleeping tough so a brawler for sure lambert terrible in all sorts of combat fortunately a little bit of construction mining and plants um and then anna anna is an aesthetic jogger and with shooting and jogging uh she'll definitely be a good huntress okay so the first thing we want to do is to make sure to equip weapons that makes sense for our characters oh we also have um four war hounds so there is a or wolfhound rather there is a new animal there's actually a whole lot of new animals in the viking um modpack but this newest animal is a wolfhound they're sort of a cross between a dog and a wolf uh they're tougher they have temperature tolerances that are wider yes and capone dudley fling and rococo so the first thing to do is to give weapons accordingly so wally you're gonna take a harpoon harpoons are like uh pillows uh they are a spear that you can also sort of throw like a javelin um white whale you also are gonna take a pillow austin you are burning passion melee i'm going to give you a bearded axe and a shield purple i'm going to give you a danax so the small beard bearded axe is like just a regular old axe a danex is like a two-hander axe uh termite slayer if you're tough i'm gonna give you a danax as well lambert um you're gonna take the other uh oh i'm running out of people wait purple toad okay let's see what people pick up for now because it is a little confusing so where who's my transhumanist oh so the my transhumanist i'm gonna give a dan axe instead so the hope is of course the transhumanist loses a limb and becomes transhumanist and all the gear that they're currently wearing is going to have to be swapped around so the first thing i'm going to do is to bring anna is a jogger right so i'm going to bring the meds and the pemmican with me and then everybody else is going to head towards the town to raid it uh also i just wanted to say i'm trying to focus on explaining what's going on but i know that you guys are absolutely lighting up my activity feed so thank you all uh you are way too kind um quite a lot of hype okay anna you should be moving so let me just analyze this little town this town is amazing the one we're taking is amazing uh one of the huge benefits of this town it is surrounded by deep water which is impassable which will make defending it oh so very easy oh so very easy uh this is reminiscent of black lake um given the uh the biome now the only issue with this town of course is because it's if we look at the terrain affordance there there's a current bug in rimworld where a lot of the times it will tell you that you have terrain affordance so see these metal tiles here these paved tiles i bet if i rip those up it would be water underneath so it would be it behooves me not to do that um but yes i am i'm very very excited about uh about settling here and then of course we are sort of central to the island so it's going to be very easy for us to raid now one of the mechanics of the um one of the mechanics of a viking mod is that if you don't raid often your clan gets very upset you actually suffer rather sizeable penalties if you're not raiding at least once a season mood penalties for your entire clan so it's important to kill people but we are the blades of ragnarok so basically we're a doomsday cult dead set on the destruction of life so i figured it it made sense that we were the you know the ragnarok cult so the next thing i want to do is switch some gear around um for instance and also let's go ahead and bring my dogs to me they are my war dogs after all so one of them has a bond with austin here so the first thing i know i want to do is wally here definitely take off that guardian armor definitely take off that guardian armor i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to have my sword or axe and board guys wear the guardian armor so austin and wally are going to switch gear let me see about other relationships so purple purple toad is i'm just going to name you your male name alyssa uh okay um these brothers with um termites slayer lambert is brother with anna so so these two these two are related these two are related these two are married and wally's the only bachelor well the only unrelated uh person [Music] as far as the rest of the map goes we've got some steely ruins up here a lot of caves because you all voted for caves as you can see this cave and and some insects no doubt some insects so wally here is a um is a shooter so i'm going to have no don't arrest him i'm going to have him swap gear with austin and there's some new gear included as well if you want to fully check out the viking expanded mod pack you can um but everything is pretty well balanced so if you take a look at uh our tanks here so to speak uh they have a sharp of about uh just shy of a hundred which is pretty on par for plate armor more or less okay 96 96 good so we seem to be ready now let's take a look at this town we are up against mostly bowman so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna move move up and move in knowing that brawling is definitely going to be the way at least for this first fight and i'm also having the warhounds follow me just taking a moment to appreciate uh a boreal forest boreal forts are probably one of my favorite biomes in rim world additionally there's a new command called soundtrack uh it doesn't really tell you specifically what's playing but what it will do is it will tell you roughly um you know where the soundtracks are sourced all right so here we go so i have all of my brawlers sort of tucked behind the mountain here like a true viking raid oh this is gonna be fun so anna is a jogging shooter so let's get their attention with her so she can duck in and take cover trying to get a target agnerson prepare to get shot oh right in the arm there is also a new victory challenge so in rimwar you have a victory where you'll have a rival so if you take there there's a lot that rimworld rim war adds but right now the fallen empire is my rival um they're a warmongering uh rival of mine all right let's take cover before they start returning fire okay here they come and the victory condition here is to wipe out the fallen empire completely but as you know i'm making up my own victory condition we are wiping out everybody all right so we are just going to storm their oh don't shoot teammates storm they're ranged now they're not uh they're not reapers like in uh frosting fire so they will flee at 50 left which is kind of uh well it's kind of a nice oh hey we downed one a chemical fascinated undergrounder who's a good pretty good brawler it's possible that if uh i have the chance to capture oh capone capone oh my animals are just eating him instead [Music] um there all right they are now fleeing that was a pretty easy uh first raid by design the game is designed to have an easy first raid so i do want to do some things right from the get-go often when you do a raid start in the vikings mod you get a lot more wealth than i got my wealth here is well it's the worst it's it's there's not a lot of loot here there's not a lot of food um checking my own so i did lose a middle toe uh i'm still going to beat up some of these guys and oh there's here uh a chemical fascinated cannibal so if you're wondering what viking means it's just a fancy another word for uh tribal um vikings are technically tribals although there is technology uh far past viking tech like if you take a look um well most of it is i won't go into that but but yeah there is some reasons that uh vikings can still tech up all right so right now what i'm gonna do is get myself some medical attention and who is my doctors let's do manual priorities here uh wally okay wally i would like you to go capture the prisoner so you capture this guy and crocodile how are you careful shooter jealous nudist um i'm not necessarily going to capture everybody i'm just trying to get the ones oh wow i like green here anna i know you're really fast can you can you shoot him in the leg or something you know for a sprinter you're not very quick the rest of these guys let's see crocodile careful shooting jealous nudist um i i'm not really i don't need to recruit everybody okay i'm gonna let them go so first things first i want to design a base i like so let me go into uh the sort of theory crafting the base production benches like well all of them cannot be built on bridges so the tiles that are not bridged here are going to be precious um so that's important to note so i think i'm going to turn this into a general stockpile and then i'm going to turn this i'm going to have a kitchen sort of here and then turn have this stay the dining room so let's see if there's okay here's an excellent marble table this is gonna be a lot of work uh so first things first we need to heal up because some of our guys are bleeding pretty quickly but that raid went pretty well i mean we have pretty minor injuries uh wall-e another thing i want to do is let's not waste any medicine right now so this is the only prisoner i'm going to take um and then the general stockpile i've decided will be in here but i'm going to remove the walls here and then any chairs that are awful or poor or whatever i'm just gonna get rid of breaking down chairs takes a while but uh it's in the end gonna be worth it remember the doggos yeah don't worry i'm gonna remember them so they are gonna be unrestricted i'm gonna start to train them for hauling and we are gonna put them here all right who are my other medics i don't have many but obviously this one's bleeding out a lot faster my my most of my dogs are fine they are however eating my pemigan but i mean they're entitled to it i guess i guess so this room here is unusually clean uh because of the steel tiles so i might want to take advantage of that and make this my kitchen [Music] and then i'm going to put a butcher table in here as well keep in mind of course that um okay that looks about right then i'm gonna start planting rice here i'll call it the rice paddy and i'm going to want to probably very very immediately start to set up bedrooms and hunting and all that stuff okay so as far as construction goes let me set up my primary constructors so they start building and i'm also going to want a research bench so as far as research benches go they do need to be supported from the terrain so i'm going to make sure that i support them immediately you know on like i said there's a very limited amount because of all this being bridged bridges make for fine bedrooms but they don't make for great anything else so what's going to be important is to uh to try to delegate the terrain carefully so here's our little our little uh storage room is the precious clean space worth the butcher table uh probably not i could just butcher i guess right outside the door here and then set up a dumping zone of butchery here all right we'll put this as preferred animal corpses and disallow bugs i don't want bugs all right so this prisoner's gonna live that's good i think what's going to be important regardless of the quality of the tending uh austin could you start to tend to them is just to get us tended so we can get back to work whoa there is also a wolf a wild wolf here um not sure how i feel about that what else i'm just trying to find if there's any sources of um okay there's very minimal amount of steel until i go very far there is uh uranium out there though that's good so the one of the orders first orders of business will be to get a butcher table up so we can get beds and we got we captured uh this settlement's gold which is good all right so lambertson you're on your feet all right let's set up some grow zones uh so we do have a little bit of rice here um but i'm gonna set up a grow zone right here for potatoes potato field and heel root it's called a field because it's not really a farm and i'm going to shrink heel root a little bit and this will be cotton do we have a breeding pair of animals um yes we do minimally we have three males and a female so rococo is the female um all right so the first of my colonists oh wow you were related to crocodile i didn't know that oh some distant kin uh the first of these colonists are going to be raffled off uh let's say in five minutes i'll raffle off one every five minutes starting left to right uh you're also encouraged if you'd like you're encouraged to use role-playing names so if you want to name yourself something role play specific uh feel absolutely free so i'm setting up sort of a generalized stockpile so this is going to be food meat vegetables meals so in meals everything but well everything's fine um then for vegetables this is pretty straightforward preferred for vegetarian preferred for meat which is not human or insect and then this will be normal for food in general okay but that's pretty straightforward now what i need to do is to start setting up bedrooms uh and also let's start to hunt [Music] is there something safer than caribou i know caribou has a very low uh let's try the caravan this could go wrong uh so as far as my hunters go uh anna i'm gonna have you do it because you're a uh you're a jogger okay as far as injuries go i think austin you're still bleeding so i'm gonna have you go heel up purple toad i'm kicking you out of bed there's too much work to be done the dogs are healed so if you're wondering about the damage of the weapons uh harpoons here have a chance to stun and do more damage than recurve bows but recurve bows due to the range are sort of stronger ranged weapons so there is a bit of a there's some out you know arithmetic to be made which is do you want to do more damage and stun the enemies or do you want to reduce the chance for um for man uh man hunting animals for uh you know aggressive revenge and the like so it's it's not always going to be perfectly clear another thing i'm going to do is to set up some basic bedrooms i don't uh i don't really have the capacity to house everyone nicely just yet so i'm just gonna throw some bedrooms in here okay so we're all starting to heal up which is good and one of the first things i'm going to want to do is to invest in research i'd uh so there's starting research i have here tree sewing recurve psychia brewing passive cooler pemmican oh speaking of cycloid brewing oh we have an infection the prisoner okay let's it could be worse tending with real meds i'm also going to tell all of my guys not to refill any torches [Music] and we have been mining so that i will be able to make a butcher table which means i'll be able to make fur beds so there's a new furniture called fur beds which helps to insulate you while you sleep to protect you from hypothermia as a bed which is not something that you normally get now in terms of the uh so lambertus is going to be set to a night owl as well because he is uh a nadal well it's time to raffle off the first character and matt it's going to you so let me know what you want to name your character and i'll get that done and the next one in five minutes all right anna is an ascetic so as an aesthetic i am going to give her this bedroom and then white whale and uh austin are married so i'm gonna give them this double bed our double bed spot really is what it is all right these are all limestone beds so they're completely and utterly worthless as far as as long-term comfort goes uh these corpses here i might try because it's very close to freezing temperatures i might try to keep them frozen or cold cold storage here uh so that the dogs can eat them that way i'm not stuck feeding the dogs and then speaking of the dogs uh let's create new zone all right so pets should not be allowed in our kitchen um yeah okay that that that's it for now eventually i'm gonna have them set up to not allow uh everywhere else and mr chimick reminds me that i do have kin here uh so who who is the king oh you know i don't think they'll care it's not a close enough relationship well that'll work okay so we're starting to kill caribou and we're gonna butcher them as soon as we have a butchery and we have a lot of construction work to do to try to get this base base like awesome all right we have our first name well you're bloodlust so i'm gonna make you haul these corpses i hope you don't mind and then in here uh this will allow be allowed for food so here what i'm gonna do is this will be a low stockpile um and we'll start to force the our pets to eat the corpses or something else and just not uh eating our source of food so here comes quite a lot of construction awesome natural refrigeration it's not quite refrigerated it's going to need to be cooler for that but uh it's close elijah j thanks for all the gifted subs and everybody else like i said i've been uh i'm just trying to focus on the storytelling aspect and the playing aspect here but there has been a lot of gifted out sub so i appreciate that guys you guys are hyping hyping this like crazy all right butcher everything do not butcher insects and termite slayer i think is the cook austin or termite slayer i'm going to make termites layer do it yo animals okay so this is my fault the animals were not set on the pet zone so they were going in and uh stealing my stuff so now that we have plain leather let's start to get uh plain leather fur beds there we are and then here i'm gonna do simple meals let's do until we have 13. seems like a good number and we'll take them to meals miss dehydrate cheers and i'll show you yoda he's staring straight at it all right who's my warden white whale all right what will you're gonna be prioritized wardening let's do a little bit more prioritization so sven or however you're supposed to pronounce it i'm going to give you guys give you a recurve bow for a little bit of safer distance and white whale you're going to do the same okay this wolf i don't trust it's gonna try to eat one of us i am just about sure with that with how much it's like hanging around me and so i might wanna i might wanna uh deal with that uh before it becomes an issue i try to tame but we already have four pets to train which is means that our um it means that our our pet trainer is going to be a little indisposed so here is an excellent bed i wasn't even min maxing who is making it so i'm happy that it's awesome austin you take that over it's actually your bed so and in two minutes is the next oops is the next uh character assignment okay so that's a little bed there animals i what i'm gonna do is have this stockpile be normal and then raise the level of stockpile everywhere else okay because i'm gonna have a general stockpile that's to be put away that is low so the animals can haul to a temporary stockpile and then our guys will move it in i'm also trying to install all the nicer chairs uh into this uh into this dining room area and let's put in a horseshoe pin in the corner there how do i do the cooking bills so they don't spend all day cooking uh i don't if they spend all day cooking they spend all day cooking uh i think it's more important to have food than it is to you know have someone not have a ton of tasks all right pets no longer allowed in this stockpile all right and and they're probably going to be removed from um all of the other bedrooms as well that's that's due to happen so this is the first bedroom that's like okayish and we're working on it we're trying to make it better uh so here is a research bench and i guess i can get an art bench so we'll set one of those up all right pawn time white whale who are you going to be named after angel terra i think angel i'm going to make you name it you after austin because austin's female so you can choose a name for your new character congratulations all right uh some additional plain leather beds let's get those up and have uh purple toad be the one to build them hey purple toad i'm gonna wake you up because i think you're going to want to be awake for this giving yourself a better bed oh you're just like i'm done we'll butcher for plain leather soon cheers now because we're really not gonna have any trade partners i'm gonna be making large sculptures rather than small ones because large is better for um uh beauty and all that small sculptures are better for trade but i definitely am not going to have any trade for a long time that is something i already um i know is going to be the case i'm going to set up some tree cutting so that we can fuel our wood-based construction is there any other nicer chairs i'm trying to put all the nice chairs in the dining room um nope that might be the last nice one okay so because i don't even know how to make chairs i will uninstall these rather than break them down uh but all the poor chairs i'm just breaking i could put a chair for the kitchen um yeah i could put the chair for the kitchen why not i'm not entirely sure that they'll use the vegetables stockpile with the chair in the kitchen but we'll see once we harvest the rice because that's i think one of the effects of of uh of that well so far this wolf this wolf is probably eating these corpses you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna kill this wolf next chance i get because my guess is he's probably stealing my source of food or she nope he is probably stealing all my food okay so now we're starting to get the uh the caribou butchered which means all right termite before you finish cooking please clean uh which means we'll have the leather for the beds so there we go uh purple toad you are going to claim that one for yourself good bed too so these are comparable to regular beds not quite as good but but similar all right we're gonna have some incompetent cook food poisoning that's not good we're gonna have some roofs fall down because they're not gonna be supported but uh that's kind of by design there we go oh good bed that'll do and we're breaking down some additional furniture just trying to get the bedrooms up and then i'm gonna work on perimeter awesome another excellent bed um all right the good bed will go to the ascetic and the excellent bed will go to whoever sleeps up here asteroid is the name all right sounds good and we have at this point another diamond you are astrid's husband and you could pick yourself a name as well uh so ta let's take a look uh we have the ability to add some additional bedrooms in here so so far our bedrooms have been um seven by fives so let's not shirk on um maybe there's a better way to lay this out let's not shirt anyone here and give everyone roughly the same quality bedrooms not sure if i mean part of me thinks i should rebuild these and have them share walls oh and we have a little bit of a mad raccoon what's that where's that wolf gone okay that wolf is still doing its thing why are going to bear out here got it all right termite slayer and astrid let's go deal with this raccoon i think rococo got the final blow that's a good puppy okay that's a lot of meat there that is going to spoil i'm going to harvest this early because it looks like it's rotting anyway uh and who's my all right lembertus i'm gonna wake you up because i want that harvested all right i'm moving fast sonic would be proud well this prisoner is probably not going to want to join us until we start treating a little bit nicer yeah his mood is pretty bad wolf all right oh all the rice decayed anyway good job lambertus you really got there in time oh well oof i got bad news all right termite slayer heads south honest up what you're doing i hope you why would you be hunting it at point blank rule of hunting number one don't shoot point blank it's kind of pointless [Music] all right termite slayer seems to be closing quick there we go back up all right u-haul and anna u-haul so uh the next one in one minute wow we're name them quick all right so anna you're supposed to be oh you know what i don't have research queued up so the first thing i want to research is going to be beer brewing i mean come on we're vikings like how is that not a thing um and then purple toad you're cutting down some trees for crops that's good we'll have a potato field a cotton field and a heel root field and then rice right in the base but this will probably be re-test for something else uh soon i'd imagine all right let's keep it up with the bedrooms uh so i was gonna redesign these bedrooms a little bit because sharing walls is good and in fact oh i you know i don't even know how to make a vent uh sharing walls is good eventually for for installations so and i'll do the same thing to these beds as well so pseudo barracks style bedrooms uh i might not do anything to his bedroom until i have a place for him to go as a prisoner and then astrid purple toad and here we go another one raptor talon man you are popping up in every series all right well raptor town let me know what you want your name to be and congrats so all right oh here's another bed awesome okay so this one is going to be um termite slayers and i guess i'm out of wood but we'll we'll get some of these other beds assigned soon as well all right lumbertis are you a food poisoning don't you i i i want to see you start to do some farming man torsen all right you got it our torston posture check three more minutes for the next one okay how are we doing this should be enclosed so these these rooms down here that are um that have proper flooring i'm sort of making sure that they uh they're earmarked for um oh astrid you're supposed to er i don't rather you're supposed to be in here she's a aesthetic so as an ascetic she benefits from um a tiny little bedroom kind of off a little bedroom right look at all this caribou uh so much of this caribou meat is gonna spoil because i don't have wild crop for it that's fine can rimworld use non-alphabet letters in the name uh i'm not sure if you if one was to type it out i could try to copy and paste it but um if it doesn't work it doesn't work i know some some things like underscores and the like don't work i know that for sure is yoda here too he is here he is all right so another thing i need to do is oh here's excellent uh who's sleeping down here sven let's give you a proper bedroom who else is down here lambertson great and the prisoner is going to be moved down here into one of these limestone beds actually just break this one down and that way i can finish off the barracks so as it as a result i actually don't need this building yet i'm gonna leave it purposely leave it empty because uh i don't need it i don't want it so there you go prison cell so the next big thing i'd like to address is security um so that's going to be bridges uh like this and it's gonna be a lot of work another character yes you're right nasa you are now termite slayer you feel free to pick a name all right so let's take a look at the pets pets no longer allowed in here at all and now we all live in the same sort of barracks setting which is kind of nice uh anna doesn't so we have one free bedroom here which means you are going to be given this bed not as comfortable as where you were last but it'll have to do you watch many ads for these well thanks for the bits i'm sorry you had to suffer through ads but i appreciate it [Music] let's see security i'm gonna do barracks like that all right i like it but knees set for prisoners yet true we'll get them moved okay so plants are going back into the ground wow that is some crazy hair and then i also because i don't have stone cutting yet uh let's go ahead and break down some of the surrounding ruins i mean we are viking raiders right breaking down ruins should be part and parcel with what we do that's probably a good amount another thing that might be wise well i'll leave i'll leave the auto home zone on for now but we'll want that off eventually all right so these things these bad boys are gonna rot soon uh all right uh this is not a stone cutter this is an art bench i don't have stone cutting oh finally some rain wash away all those blood all of the blood what's lambertis are you planting nice so we definitely have a little bit of a [Music] uh a base getting constructed so here is rimwar i haven't really explained but um scouting party for uh union of kalmogo returning to tranabe right so so the way rimworld works rim war works is instead of traditional raids you have raiding parties that travel around the map and attack things i just haven't been targeted yet part of that is just my low colony wealth and luck a mix of the both um i am going to raise the aggression and difficulty for more until i trigger uh an evasion now i have a little bit of um a little bit of worry about the compatibility between vikings and rumor so we'll have to play that by ear and i am up for another garmador you are now lam burtis son i'm just going to call you lambertis because lemberta's son doesn't even have a father so forget forget that honorific title and then we have one last one anna we are getting some food poisoning here now partially just because no one is set to clean so i've clean be sort of uh a last thing that people do so now that we're getting uh limestone i'm going to set up some limestone walls uh doors to protect me some perimeter yep some perimeter and oh yeah there's also the puppies to to raffle true oh here we go so i think you can see i'm ooh ambrosia i'm very much enclosing myself in so that uh would be raiders are sort of stuck attacking me in a very specific direction that i want why do my entrances always look like this for security a stone door for protection and fireproofness a steel door because it opens fast but isn't fireproof and you double them up for an airlock sort of a smart way to do things okay so what should the faction be called uh the blades of what ragnarok [Music] and then i think um fittingly our town our first town should be called uh niflheim which is like uh hell i guess okay you're gonna see a lot of rotting stuff because i just don't have vegetables to make it last as far as my in my pets are concerned we can have them stop going into buildings that will limit the [Music] limit the filth that we accumulate in the buildings themselves gorham for gormador all right thank you all for watching the very first episode of ragnarok if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below if you'd like to catch a live stream of mine go to ratamont.com for my stream schedule thank you for watching everybody i'll catch you all next episode or the upcoming stream [Music] farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 64,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: y9wzWM0d1nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 5sec (3725 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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