Neckbeardefense | Neckbeardism: Mole People Rimworld Ideology #3

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friends welcome back to the neck beardia colony this is the quest for the mono sword today we have been told of a quest nearby where uh we can find some details on an ancient sword which i think is similar to a katana our goal isn't really going to be to go off into space but rather to stay here on earth and just live underground other than that today i do intend to just kind of treat this colony well and add in all the things that we didn't get a chance to do the last time the neutral fungus is stabilized so their food shouldn't go awry like it did the last time we're going to create an infirmary here i've got chat here to remind me of anything in case if there's something wrong with everything that i'm doing it is nice to have a little bit of back seating especially because there is no saving on this profile there we go now those bores which were mad we found this about out about three seconds ago are trying to attack the colony but we have winters and fabio around fortunately other than that i'm just thinking that our other goals will be to kind of industrialize ourselves god they're gonna ruin the granite traps this was not my intention oh god they're destroying everything get back out there otherwise i think just militarizing ourselves and preventing ourselves from dying to something like an infestation there's a lot of other stuff that i kind of have to check check off some boxes before i really feel quite safe in room world it does take a long time but we'll get there we'll get there today jaffles thanks very much for this up yeah so okay free meat i mean that's a start pretty good start to the day the meat actually came to our door which has been a major issue with this map because we created quite a large map the last time we're at the 3rd of september so we didn't really get much of a summer we had a cold snap at the beginning of the summer was not uh was not fun but i think that really this safe outdoors should be our first priority we want to make this ground as difficult to pass over and we want to cut down all of the plants out here so i'm going to go ahead and say um b.j divalbis god bless thanks for this up i'm going to go ahead and say let's start by cutting all of the plants nearby here because we don't want anyone to have any cover this like the area outside of your base should just be a decrepit abyss it should make you feel dead to look at the front of the base blood concrete you know all of that garbage outside of there we're gonna go ahead and take the floors and floor the floors can we come we can't concrete that but the marsh there is actually an even better substance than anyone could have imagined concrete now if someone if i'm being an idiot can someone please correct me because my all my understanding was that concrete has always been one of the best things to line the front of your base with i'm thinking like uranium slug turrets the only downside is that it causes people to walk faster on it but i'm looking at other tile types what doesn't make them i mean i've heard straw matting can be used for fire and that that's actually pretty overpowered right now but i don't know of how how do do that i can autocut the plants by building offensive barricades and a pen mark or an auto cut if enabled defensive barricades and a pen marker oh that could work too i mean couple different ways to do it transport we have a transport this is a winnie the pooh character a literal winnie the pooh character can i see him postpone where is roo okay roo is an enemy but it also happens to be wearing this hat underground or jealous and kind good with animals but we already have a miner and he's incapable of dumb labor i'm going to let him die yeah you got to be as picky as possible at the beginning oops i had him drafted for a while concrete with stone chunks laid out about is what i do concrete with stone chunks i would be scared that they would take cover behind the stone chunks i suppose unless if i just had the stone chunks everywhere that would sort of make sense [Music] i could also turn rue into a hat okay i mean fair but i think my colonists get upset at butchered human-like so really this isn't such an overpowered colony the one thing that it's really good with though is staying underground we are great at staying in one place i think i'm just going to finish up this kill box here not really a kill box because and i'm not going to call it a kill box anymore but i don't know what else to call it a defense grid yeah maybe we'll go with that because i don't really like kill boxes unless if it's in certain other situations where they're like you need a kill box what kind of ground is this lycan covered soil see that still seems to me fertile something could grow there we want to pretty much concrete off all of that let's just do this and i think that's about as far as enemies will come having cover nothing can grow in the marsh and now come to think of it a marsh would actually be a great thing to have is like a moat outside of your base yeah the depression zone that's one way to think of it so let's give them a little bit of time to do this concrete is a fantastic um thing to build because it requires only two works so they can lie down tons and tons of concrete really quickly and i think we have a lot of steel as well and you can always deconstruct it if you want to get rid of it so if you want to make it look nicer the only thing is that it looks kind of ugly but we don't particularly care about that because we don't care about how things look at all what other stuff can we do um on the one hand i definitely want to get more granite traps up here and we have tons and tons of granite under the mountain over in this section so i'm not going to worry too particularly much about that it's fine to make stuff out of stone because stone is pretty good armor piercing when it comes to spike traps so i will definitely continue with that trade caravan is leaving why don't i trade with them all right it's were they royals i i just for some reason like a fog just comes over my brain anytime that there's a trade caravan and i'm just immediately stupid there we are okay we've got that what i'm trying to do here is just fan out this side so that enemies have a harder time taking cover behind it just like a wide open no man's land here is what i'm kind of going for anything that does look like suspicious cover i'll play spike traps near too eventually that's about the range that they'll have so i think the next thing that we'll do is just let them get these spike traps down i'm going to intentionally not assign a few projects for a little while um in the meantime we'll haul that and then we want to make this infirmary somewhere that's actually nice we'll just have normal beds in it for right now i think one bed in the infirmary is probably enough to start i was about to ask what kind of group we're running then read the title no questions yes underground neckbeard mole people i just tried to make that as uh blatantly obvious as possible once again okay now one thing that you'll notice and i'm gonna go over some smelter kind of workflow here is uh smelt metal from slag we always um hmm this is a good thing to do forever when you're in certain areas if you have a lot of metal on the map that won't be quite necessary smelting apparel details we want to do any tainted apparel not clean apparel and bio-coated or non-bio-coated if it's tainted we want it smelted anything that is smeltable i would say anything anything that's tainted do forever we just want to smelt all of the tainted stuff i don't really like dealing with the tainted debuff so if we're some special item whatever i just forget about it on the other hand we also want to get rid of some weapons there are some that we don't want them to destroy but what types of weapons do we not want them to have any type of like really any awful quality weapon awful to poor quality weapon just because these things have such horrible stats and we want to start to get our colonists using better weapons i'm gonna go ahead and just do that if it's like some crazy high-quality weapon that just gets awful quality i might not necessarily even want that weapon because certain like masterwork quality items are really overpowered what kind of rave music do they have at the rave jubilee every year i don't know what do neckbeards listen to uh maybe these maybe that's not really an a maybe i misjudged them maybe it's not the right type of music i could restrict area on the smelt metal side so they're trying to smelt something across the map until i hop that's true that would be a good way to do it i had not even thought of that myself let's just say a gradient ingredient radius i had not thought of doing this command this is a smart boy created this tynan is a smart boy wow oh wow oh wow that is very nice okay we'll do drop on floor with all of those because we don't really want them to think about that it's not the same as the cooking um smelting weapons melting apparel you have anything else to do smelt weapon [Music] yeah i think anything of just a terrible quality will smelt an apparel that's fine okay that's our main thing that we were worried about there the other thing that we want to do is just make a stockpile zone for any type of tainted apparel um so this is clear all any quality we want a peril that is tainted there's so many different check marks here that it always takes me a little bit any type of thing that is tainted and is not um wait a minute what we could also just do is to say all apparel but not anything that is non-smeltable or anything that is clean so that's only tainted metal apparel that will go there that is kind of a weird workbench set up to do but it's an important one only because that does take a while to get a hang of uh let's just shrink that zone and this will become very full after we get raided for example by another faction um and we just get a lot of their flack pants or something like that that are all tainted uh the last thing i'm going to do is let's just make this our important stockpile for clear all we'll do just chunks uh only steel slag chunks and what does this one have this one is preferred so the important will make it a little bit higher priority it's not perfect it's not like right on it but this will just minimize the amount of walking in case if they have to do any smelting um tying in yeah tynan is a smart boy don't you think he's a smart boy he made this game amazingly smart boy uh let's go ahead and damn it here we are concrete let's finish concreting everything else can i say that concreting i'm gonna verb concrete now we do want enemies to be slowed down but there's just so many different types of raids that could attack us one concern that i have is what if an enemy drop potted right in here or like we got mechanoids in here you kind of always need to be ready for mechanoids to just be in the middle of your base the way that this game is set up i don't really think that there's much other way around it like we had that in the arctic there's just no way to prevent it unfortunately you're just kind of screwed we'll also go ahead and um i kind of want to fill in this area it looks like we're going to have a hollow area right there we're going to go ahead and just like do some of this mumbo jumbo so that we can fill in this cliff because we don't want anyone mining through here i want enemies to just be so driven away from this cliff we still doing a vanilla colony uh we are mod manager got unofficially updated but it wasn't by fluffy so i don't think it'll be my mod list that i've got saved um so i might wait on it i might try a couple of different mod sets in the background um but yeah this is ideology have we been infested yet no but i am waiting eagerly to get infested i really do enjoy a good in a well-managed infestation there's nothing quite as fun to deal with um everyone seems to dread it but quite honestly when you know how to handle them well it goes quite well speaking of which we should probably make some armor um that would be really nice to have we have production do we have any production we don't have any of that okay we'll make some way for them to do some research today i've been doing a lot of visual stuff but maybe we can find a colonist who's just better at it fabio has been our main one he's not particularly good at it but it's an easy skill to grind or it's one that you know they pretty much do constantly i'm gonna go ahead and make him our researcher i'm just trying to think of other things i like to put everything else at a two i don't like to put anything at a one because one i like to use for priorities that need to be done manually like if i need everybody to cut plants or something like that that's pretty important okay now he's researching we've just needed a researcher for a while i don't plan on keeping him there forever but it's just important that we're grinding away at that day by day had a pawn go on a targeting attacking spear spree toward the insects spectacle of insects okay this is interesting i don't want an infestation of six hives i can take one i can't take six i might be able to take as many as three to be honest with you but beyond that it's just you don't you don't want all that oh we're gonna go ahead and speaking of which just in case if it happens to happen randomly we're going to go ahead and just light up all of the other rooms because you do want to do everything in your power to avoid getting infested in the wrong room if i could make them get infested over here that would be the best might even be good um let's think of where else i'll have well that's pretty good this might be another place that would get infested but that also wouldn't be that bad we might even be able to burn that area speaking of which i might want to go ahead and get some molotov cocktails because we just as of this moment don't really have much other way of dealing with them in an enclosed space but it's going to happen at some point sooner or later later and i'm looking forward to it cold caves save lives we've already got a couple of them in a parka hmm i wonder about trying that though that means that the nutrifungus cave will always be a target for infestations though because it needs to be heated you might end up making your nutrafungus cave into the preferred insect spawn area but i like this room i would like it to be this one in fact let's just close that off because right now it seems as if they've cleaned a lot of the room unfortunately do my people like insect meat from ideology they do enjoy eating some insect meat so it would be really nice if they could get infested in that way um but you know i'm not really worried about anyone's mood anymore they're they are getting by just fine i'll do a little bit more of the uh of like the rec room but once you have a really nice rec room the only things that can drive colonists wild is like you know getting into a divorce or someone insults them 30 times that can get them into a mood debuff but otherwise you're pretty safe you're pretty safe um other things to do i'm gonna go ahead and start whoops not that i'm gonna go ahead and start opening doors simply because there's no point in not holding some of these doors open uh this is going to be our refrigerator but this doesn't matter this doesn't matter this doesn't matter this doesn't matter this doesn't matter um eventually i want to get the refrigerator kind of cut off from there i might even make this into a door too because it seems to me like it doesn't really make a difference with that i'll put a normal door there that they can just walk through but this is going to just increase circulation in and out of the base the rec room yeah this is our rec room rec room you if you can get one room nice make it the rec room just because everyone gets buffed by that now the one good the good news about this uh concrete flooring is that it does mean that they can walk to whatever tasks they have outside a little bit faster so despite the fact that enemies could get a little bit closer to us it's also helpful for us just in our day-to-day tasks hmm who else is doing this stone cutting we may want to up the number of marble blocks or they're just kind of being lazy and not really doing anything let's tell them to make 300 of these marble blocks because we just have so many marble blocks lying around and we really haven't had as much to do with marble unfortunately hey troopin how are you troopin happy to see you man how this traps pattern works i mean shouldn't they be in a line or something so the one thing about uh traps in rimworld is that they can't be built adjacent to each other this was patched in a while back um you could do this but i like to do it just like this because the most feasible way to make them dense i like to just sort of set them in this checkerboard pattern grizzly bear self teams that is good we can use a defense bear we have a defense bearer yes okay great i'd actually been hoping that one of those grizzly bears would self-tame or i mean that wasn't really in particular what i was hoping for but the fact that it happened is necessarily a good thing we have yaks yaks are good but i looked at the stats on yaks the other day and they're not nearly as good as cows are so i wasn't thinking of that mark says can we worship marble and smoke it probably could i don't know why you would but happy to see you mark our defenses can barely hold now the reason why it's good to have a large dangerous animal in your colony i mean aside from just the fact that it's kind of badass it's also look it can oh god it can haul too we're gonna make this bear so thug oh yeah loving it we're going to make this bear defend us because i mean a bear is actually a pretty decent defense mechanism guys it is possibly better than some of our melee colonists um path traps exploit oh with the whole going medieval yeah going medieval's pathfinding is uh a bit crazy right now not gonna lie i'm hoping that that gets changed a bit before i uh go back and check that came out but it's a fantastic premise and it's actually quite a lot of people have pointed out a little bit farther ahead of where rimworld was in its own early access days so you know um but i mean that's largely in thanks to rimworld i got recommended one of those articles about that on my phone you know you play a lot of video games when they recommend you like these kind of philosophical reviews of video game mechanics on your google news who was who was throwing up hang on a second this is a problem with holding open double doors is that they'll pick one door and then they'll just be like well that's the open one and then they never really try the other door but yeah there we go hold holding open double doors nice i like that man nothing like having a bear in the hallway i don't even care that he's kind of making the entire place gross ah it's just nice to have a man around the house look there he goes he's like he's checking in on everything he's like the security guard he he goes by he's like hey how you like he's got a joke with everybody who works in the place you know everybody's kind of like buddies with him because he's not really part of the company but he's like kind of separate and they like that so they feel like they can really talk to him you know i always had this kind of ambition to be a security guard that would have been fantastic still the dream is not over [Music] yeah well what keeps the no the bearer the bear is just happy to be here it's a female bear will this bear be here for a while it's age six it doesn't have like a bad back sometimes you get a like a bear with a bad back that just feels kind of odd i'm like no bears don't have chiropractors you know yeah i think that's a lie it makes this wood door i just don't want them to have it's snowing outside and then they yeah all that chunk there we go okay a little bit more insulated here they have parkas on so they should be fine don't worry about them but nobody's clothing has been forbidden in any weird ways or anything oh let's see animal filth uh wow this they actually have a new news flash for this um animals produce a very large amount of filth when moving around on normal forest keep filth producing animals all right i mean if they if tynan says that the bear yeah you're right the bear has kind of been causing some issues in here let's go ahead and just set up a zone for the bear uh we're gonna call this uh a bear there we go all right stay in bear bear uh do i want to invert something yeah you know i'm going to invert this whole area you know bear you could we're also going to create emergency barrier [Music] here we go i'm going to go ahead and just make this whole area and just the bear is gonna be so depressed when he finds out that he can't live with us let's also include this um okay now we're gonna have to invert that manage areas invert okay so that's bear and then we're going to make emergency very see what i did there barrier yeah that was really clever okay let's go ahead and uh go back to the architect tab now i want the bear like here if we're really in a in a pickle oh crap wait a minute sorry there it is emergency barrier clear bear we don't want the bear here there we go okay goodbye bear uh we we still need to assign the bear to bear there we go raiders will automatically path on the area without snow because it's faster so it might be a good idea to put more traps there during the winter i hadn't really thought of that so they'll probably end up coming in from here yeah i could see that as being pretty feasible [Music] used to have a friend in bear delaware does the bear have access to food it will starve if not won't the bear just kill things i mean the best of my knowledge won't it just kind of eat other animals on the map or do the bears not do that do they need to eat meat i really can't honestly say whether i know about this bear hang on a second let's go ahead and i haven't had so many bears let's give the bear a sleeping spot right there bear will kill things some people seem to think that the bears need to kill things and others seem to think that the bear will just die i mean let's just observe the bear it's kind of sad actually oh wait a minute oh here he goes yeah uh good bear training actually this does nothing to train him but at least he does we have confirmed kill confirmed bear one confirmed kill on the bear see whether they don't give you that information as like a statistic or anything uh i'm gonna go ahead and am i gonna train him i i could at least still mind control him we'll train him to attack i don't think rescue and hall are really so feasible though he won't be hauling simply because he's filthy i should have thought of that before yeah i can name the bear that's true yeah let's go ahead you know uh barry there we go berry ah you know when i was a kid i had a goldfish i named it goldie but then it lived for 10 years so i i was just kind of regretting that name for 10 years but i don't think that this bear will survive for 10 years so he won't he doesn't know his name relax okay we got the uh biofuel refining that feels pretty good yeah i like that well let's go ahead and do [Music] what else would be good colored lights package survival meal hydroponics hydroponics would be nice because we could do stuff underground but microelectronics is just kind of the key to everything hydroponics would be faster though but do we really need it me thinks microelectronics is better uh things i cannot build sleep excel or sleep accelerator sounds interesting wow the transhumanist uh ideology seems really interesting we have to train the bear now we don't have to train the bear the bear the bear can be free young and wild and free for as long as it needs yeah rush to fabrication i'm thinking that like we've gotta rush to the uh the better crafting of stuff pretty much once you get microelectronics and here's the reason why microelectronics is a great technology is because once you get it you can get anything you need from it you can trade for anything you need assuming that you get the trade ships to pass by which you always get tons of irrelevant trade ships it tons more than enough combat suppliers will come across and really what i need are molotov cocktails and some preferably some flack armor for these people hmm geothermal power will it be feasible for us we should also create a like an area in our factory thing and spoon spoon what do you do spoon is just hauling in all of his time now now again i'll remind you i've kind of come back to this over and over again spoon is the most overpowered colonist of all time because he can mine like this he's a machine uh but that's pretty much all that he can do so it's worth it it kind of essentializes you know what colonists need to be ultimately in time i'm going to go ahead and say chem fuel's over there but it usually doesn't take very long to deliver chem fuel our farms are over here the source of the biofuel is in there let's go ahead and kind of chain these two things together we'll start off with the biofuel refinery in here we might have to rebuild it eventually but that's fine three components isn't so bad um and then we'll just start assigning nutrafungus to get made into biofuel after that we won't actually have to use this wood fuel anymore which is great because we depend upon that from the outside and wood is great but neutral fungus is just a little bit closer in but we might start to depend overly much so on neutral fungus but it seems like there's a lot of it we'll keep these going anyway and we'll start to build more batteries just so that we can kind of see how our entire power grid is doing and we'll also just build some power conduits um yeah let's just build these yeah that's gonna bother me slightly if it's not perfect like that i think that's pretty good um imagine spoon yeah pretty much spoon is like edwards scissor hands but they're drills something like that or pickaxes or what have you hmm now we're starting to see this this really bothers me let's go ahead and smooth out i might end up taking down these walls eventually but we got to run a power line over there eventually it just it gives me a pet peeve to build a power line now outside of a wall because it makes the room less beautiful i don't need a chair for the research bench yeah i should put one in there that's true actually what do we have do we have enough cloth that i can really spare it it's taking me kind of a while to get this hydroponics thing going uh antelope graham grabelion thanks very much for the uh for the sub appreciate it oh analog there we go analog rebellion underground power conduits are my friend yeah i mean underground power conduits if i had the mod though um i mean you can really install him in a drill i can give him a drill hand is there any other surgery that can happen for uh what is it mining improvement this faction is pretty overpowered at least in getting started in this type of base i'm not sure i'm a huge i always thought that an underground base would be cooler but you know maybe there are other things out there besides just being underground and not seeing anyone yeah it's good life it's a good life they live but look at all of this goddamn neutral fungus and what's so great about this base is that it's fairly god damn it why are we fighting ah that ain't good that ain't good okay so spoon and hippopotamus are actually rivals did not notice this uh that bad that bad she was winning that's scary [Music] uh they were insulted is spoon's emotional stability um spoon is she's probably right about spoon spoon is a guy who can dig like an entire mountain out in about an afternoon this drug spoon into a rage and he began to fight okay so she's like odysseus and he's like ajax yeah he gets pretty upset but spoon is also rivals with fabio and he feels slighted so the one way to make them like each other better is if we made spoon a prisoner if we had somebody a rest spoon and then we had them both try to warden him i might not come to that because i don't know if it's really worth it at this point but yeah that's not a really good thing to have in a colony um peter yeah we gotta bring peter back into ideology yeah enjoying it so far warming up to ideology i have amazonians who kidnap and enslave men oh god eclipse yeah i was thinking that there could be a a lot of like tribal tribal colonies uh that that made more use of ideologies kind of crazy stuff there's some there's some pretty horrible things in ideology i've heard about too there we go i'm just very pleased by like the efficiency i feel very smart right now i just want you to know because i've been working at this a while making this colony work making it worthwhile we're gonna do chem fuel from organics uh and we've gotta specify let's just do vegetarian pretty much just fungus and yeah we could use anything that's fine details let's do until we have make sure that we always have like 150 chem fuel i don't know if that seems like too little too much but we'll start there that seems like a decent spot hey nine dog thanks very much for the sub go tree loving cannibals and then do it in the arctic yeah like some ideology that's the opposite of where they're located it'd be like forcing a cannibal colony to become vegetarians i've heard that there is code because i was looking over some of the new mods that people have created um that makes it so that they can't have conflicting ideologies but i suppose that that won't make any sense when people just start to do it anyway with modding a lot of really neat ones though somebody had made like real world religion uh icons some of it is very uh almost kind of edgy in that way too um which a lot of room world mods kind of do go that route but uh you know need to just see a range of things i suppose um i'm thinking let's go ahead and do this i don't know if i'm going to mine this out i want to smooth out all of the cliffs over here and then we'll do another granite one granite is a pretty strong stone so this should keep me alive let's do something like that i don't love having this granite here but it's probably not gonna get us killed and then we'll create some sort of semi-circle defense out here because i don't think that this is very good we'll do like one we kind of gotta work with this marsh area too hmm maybe something like this we do that and that and then we do one here and one here and then we kind of mirror that pattern on the other end like that and then we bring these barriers out hear me out and we do something like that but we'll also need to build another support there so let's reinstall this over here or here the only problem with this marsh despite the fact that it does slow enemies down is that it does not give us space to build spike traps there keep building into mountains but i hate infestations that keep wrecking my expensive stuff by spawning in how do i deal with it i would say make sure that one room in your mountain base is really dirty and really warm and make the rest of them nice lit and cold give everybody parkas and toques to wear so that they can live in kind of this cold mountain base um and that's really the best recipe to keep yourself alive with infestations um also too have a lot of molotovs ready in case if you need to burn out a room you got to be willing to destroy one of your rooms um so you know that that's important but you also need at least three good melee colonists melee colonists are kind of underrated and a lot of people think that you know okay i've advanced now or i used to be under the false impression so i imagine that other people are under this impression that because we had advanced so far in tech that we didn't need melee anymore it couldn't be further from the truth you need melee colonists uh all the time in room world melee is really powerful actually um ideology uh weiss weisser ritter says ideology has a lot of potential for expansion modding-wise far more than royalty ever did i agree imagine new precepts are memes that enable special ritual actions that you can alter upon behavior such as a ritual that you can being yeah i'm thinking yeah this was one that i kind of observed a lot was that royalty was kind of a one-dimensional thing but ideology just is kind of like a new system and i think that if they ever do any more dlc because one person made the joke on the rimworld reddit that uh there's actually eight planned dlcs uh and they'll the next one will start with the letter m royalty ideology so you wouldn't see what they're doing um but whatever they do i hope that it's more systems if they decide to release anymore because uh there's a lot more potential for modders to do something with this it's almost like royalty was just more content i like it that they didn't just add a lot of content and one thing that i was saying that i was dismayed by was anywhere that i saw a lot of content in the update i think that the whole overall ideology system is the neatest thing that's in here um i don't know why i'm doing this just kind of bothers me to not see it what are they so behind on though i feel like they're still at least just because they're fighting so much let me have fabio preach health to spoon as i should have done before but this means that'll improve from his wounds 25 faster that is good all right we'll let him research a little bit maybe i'll just tell him though clean before he does the research because cleaning can be important too stop researching clean there we go i always like having one cleaner in the colony just because i hate it when it looks bad changing the ritual music one that i was wondering about was how much uh how easy will it be for modders to create new animations and things like that like for example one thing that came up big in the project zomboid build 41 was anim's ad is a tool that's much more accessible for modders to use which has led to a lot of people creating animation mods for uh project zomboid in rimworld uh i'm wondering i i know next to nothing about modder because i'm more of a player than a modder i am not a modder if i did ever create anything it would probably just be following a bunch of oscar pataki uh tutorials because he made really good ones on how to do art for the game um um what are you doing you're admiring art all right that's fine it kind of makes sense to make your researcher a cleaner first although he might be kind of fastidious and obsessed with other tasks uh simply because he'll make sure that the research room is cleaned before he starts researching which you do get a um a speed bonus on research if the room is clean what other things do we need double bed is no longer assigned to hippopotamus we will reassign that to hippopotamus good winter's room is pretty impressive right let me just make sure of that again because winters was greedy i believe yep he's good z levels would be absolutely legendary i think hasn't somebody said that tynan made a statement that he's never i can't confirm this but and don't quote me on it but didn't tynan say that there won't be z levels there is a mod that somebody's creating that's involving sea levels oh this is an interesting i really do like combat quests but this might be a lot 22 year old weaver named kuhei kuwait whatever it is it's calling from nearby he's being chased by paris from the javelins uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve how come i sometimes i don't understand why they send quests this big at us um yeah if we have steel tiles it'll make the room slightly cleaner i just like to wait for uh what is the next tile type it looks like we're draining power now too though that's not good we don't run out of power the good thing is that our plants don't die if we run out of power that was the case in the arctic uh my planets would just die all the time even in that hydroponic room org revenge on the a warg versus grizzly bear this is animal planet man our grizzly bear is our grizzly bear is owning this warg our grizzly bear is going to be kind of effed up though by the time this is over the good news is that the grizzly bear is just another predator but it is among the mightiest of them i would say besides the thrumbo my channel was just suggested for me and discovered your youtube channel just watching this on board hey thank you sue appreciate it coming out you please tell me what keybind zomboid is zomboid for walk too is i've googled it i just can't figure it out oh the zomboid walk too i was thinking of trying that play through a while back hey just right click on the ground and then you walk there i think that's what you're asking i don't know if there's a key set for it but uh i mean zomboid and rimmel world like i've like i've said before are fairly similar games in regards to just their systems you know i was thinking about this the other night though because a lot of the games that i play on my channel have like a lot of things in common but a lot different too zomboid you do have direct control rimworld you gotta issue orders but you can directly to tell them to you can't directly tell them to do things and then kenshi is more like rimworld in that way too but they have these differences that make them each like as their own special sauce hey ckc uh kckclol god bless thanks for the sub and z catnip thank you very much for the oh gosh wow that is very generous thank you very much for the 10 gift subs appreciate it i did nothing to merit that but god bless cat name thank you very much appreciate it [Music] deep thoughts with frog father okay we've got some t retro we've got t retro and a a ron alloro trokai attacking uh guys if you're getting a gift sub from z cadmium please be sure to say thanks thank you very much appreciate it we've got quemar vasla these people are pretty low-tech though what i would fear more would be a single high-tech enemy enjoy thank you very much jay jay no wood there be no wood there being no wood be bad gonna go ahead and see if i can get some maces ready as well maces are good to have just in case of uh mechanoids do we need this smithy mousetrap thank you very much for the sub i tried acs dot uscrnotice ambiguous amphibian i don't know what that is i don't know what that means but thank you anyway yeah we tried acs the other day acs is a good game we just uh it's going to take me a couple sittings to get uh understand the ui is my main thing it's a good game hi threat thank you very much for the 300 bits appreciate it [Music] man it's too bad that the bear like really expended himself i'm gonna go ahead and say that this bear is expendable we might want to keep him for something though just to throw at somebody as a meat shield that's a little depressing that's a little depressing i was using it wrong it's like he it's like he did his biggest performance before the olympics you know they're coming now not the right time not the right time all right fabio go ahead clean does everybody have the right okay uh you don't have the right weapon what did you need you go ahead and take that but we do have a good quality auto pistol here on the ground uh you know what we're gonna go ahead and have some statistics uh do we have dps damage 10 hmm accuracy short melee damage per second melee armor damage 10 but what is the bolt action rifle damage 18 should i just go by market value this one's 240 this one's 145. what's one's in the better condition this one's in a slightly better condition but i feel like that this one's just a little bit better we've used them on that before yeah but what we might do is take away that pump shotgun is that going to be quite as good as this really got to get better at reading weapon stats maybe we'll try it right now machining table mass for poor quality the thing is that the quality does really improve the value of the item where is like the uh range cooldown 1.25 seconds melee damage per okay damage per second doesn't give me range damage per second range 16 ranged cooldown 1.25 seconds on the pump shotgun what is it on here one second so me thinks pump shotgun is a little bit better what is the range on it this is 26 what is it for the pump shotgun because if somebody's like closing in i just got to think about this 16 ah it's a tough one it's a tough one but you know being good at reading weapons stats is important though you you shouldn't neglect that because they're not all the same they're not all the same they're different in a good way really bad at optimizing weapons i mean one thing there's like a trick where you could take somebody who's a careful shooter and give them a high what is it a high uh you know shot fire velocity whatever it is weapon uh and then just make them shoot targets with that it kind of evens everything out let's go ahead and take all of this apparel and not allow tainted apparel because that can be very confusing if you don't know what it is the only thing that you don't really have a place for is tainted apparel that is non-smeltable which i'm just going to take all of that apparel and i'm going to put it out into the marsh because i can't really think of a much better place to put it that's where it belongs clear all um no smeltable stuff here but only tainted apparel that is non-spell smeltable and we will make this important priority for that all right that's a lot of our stockpile zones believe it or not those are uh what are you doing run away there you go there you go fob give it to him oh he just barely avoided that spike trap but he probably won't avoid why would you go for barry why would you go for barry if there's a bear to the side why would you on your own decide that you are the one who was meant to fight a bear and allow men with shotguns to fire at you they cut out his right eye barry is no longer as uh not blind as he was five minutes ago that is unfortunate that is quite unfortunate for him uh wrong spot to stand stand there oh you have a long range weapon i see okay i'm gonna give you what you want i'm gonna give you what you want this man is has the dumb this man has the dumb are you kidding me pistol out ranges a revolver out ranges as a submachine gun i did not expect that okay clearly we've got to create an area where people could come in a little bit closer because this is a little bit ridiculous we might end up forcing our enemies to confront us at a shorter range which is totally plausible and that is a good strategy mind you my god the bear why is everyone going for the bear he was stabbed in the heart he was stabbed in the heart uh why don't you no you go over there winters you stay there that way you could go for the longer range enemies oh god i am a dog and you are a flower i lift my leg up and give you a shower it's a pretty cool poem actually i like that hey thank you very much for the poem goncos as well as the uh as well as the 300 bit god god bless um i should burn tainted clothes in a crematorium uh i hadn't actually thought of burning the tainted clothes in the crematorium yeah that works too i tend not to use crematoria because i don't know i just think it's more work than just hauling something somewhere bad but yeah that's that seems legit as well cannibal jogger will other people be bothered by this this guy is a jogger which is like an s-tier trait yeah go ahead and capture him cannibal jogger we have a use for that uh hang on a second always have a use for a cannibal jogger even if the entire colony is morally uh like non-corrupt here we go you go ahead uh try not to kill him can somebody get this man but the problem is that he's a jogger and he's god damn it probably could have just i don't like to try hard it though yeah maybe it's better for me uh we shot off his nose is this guy really going to like us much more but he's a double passion on melee i mean he's going to get some other stuff cut off probably too miss andres uh oh she uh having two miss andrus and she's abrasive though i don't think that she's going to fit into like you can do one of those traits but both of them is kind of a hard ask just thanks god bless thanks for this up hmm any idea what i'm gonna play a little cdda again probably soon i just kind of want to give rimworld a good honest try uh let's see quick sleeper on the double melee is good i'll take you vasla yeah capture uh and then strip this colonist um don't really have much else i could do with you don't have much else i could do with you or you that is quite unfortunate all right uh let's see do they have any flack armor on them in which case we could also extract their skulls now neato did anyone have a anything made of steel apparently not it seems hey deep field thank you very much for the sub appreciate it rescuing the bear yeah fabio's on it how is the bear the bear is gonna live i mean live not live that's not the right word there we are ah uh barry has developed an infection in her front right paw oh jesus but she's a tank and the other thing too is that like does it really make a difference if the bear loses its eyesight in terms of like feeling bad for it because you know the bear didn't deserve that like yeah i feel kind of bad but at the same time it doesn't really make a difference in terms of gameplay so i mean i've had blind colonists who craft like masterwork items and they run around the colony faster than everyone else as far as rimworld goes the only thing that they can't do is shoot just make them into melee fighters eventually i'll give the marco tech eyes because it looks kind of badass um we are out of power we should probably do something about that um i think they're going to be kind of forced to confront this though over the next couple of days um is this really the right thing to be doing um hmm it was our plant cutter okay winters you are doing construction maybe do i want winters doing construction smoothing floor smoothing floor you know what i'd really prefer is just that we get some plant work done hippopotamus are you waking up anytime soon the main thing is that we just haven't powered this thing our food otherwise is good we have tons of it we just haven't automated power yet okay this is all so good how did they do with that last rate i think that last raid went phenomenally the only thing that i would change would be that these guys uh fought us from pretty far range what i might end up doing here is just give myself a minor kill box is that cheating if i give myself like a little bit of a kill box and i said i didn't like them i do i think you should have some type of wall that in front of your base that just seems like common sense but some of them were just such long range and i like to fight enemies not quite at that longer range could we maybe do something like this granite granite granite and then force them to kind of come out here see what i did there is that allowed or am i going to be giving them a wall my thing that i'm afraid of is that they'll start to tunnel through and then give themselves a big source of cover and that's a granite wall mind you so maybe i won't end up doing that maybe i just need longer range weapons the bear is gonna be worse in con combat that's true that's true but at the same time the bear has just kind of become a major meat shield for us we have to get arranged by the first sniper rifle that shows up that's true yeah if we don't build one like that even if we give people cover we are going to get out range by a sniper rifle and that we could always drain some of these swamps and then bring it in a little bit closer um traps traps everywhere except for the swamp if they'll come in they'll probably dig to the mountain out to the west that's true in which case let's go ahead and build like five of these things we want to give them some sort of obvious entrance to come into i think that's i think there is value in that i think so um well we could try just because i'm kind of curious how this pathing would work what if we gave them something like this it's gonna start to look more like a kill box it's not really a kill box but it sort of is and i also don't want to get hard out flanked over here so i'm going to go ahead and just kind of build some other walls there we'll build this like a five wide wall just make it really annoying for them to come in so that they'll probably path around here do that i just pretty much always want them coming straight down the middle that'd be nice i'll fix this up too um we'll also want to get wood from our base because we pretty much won't ever leave our base by the time that this colony is like settled and fixed oh fantastic look we finally got the wood going again we are burning for power good uh let's go ahead and um orders be cut there it is there it is oh it looks so christmassy you know the one mod i do miss is the snowy trees mod that was a great mod to make sure they can't stand in the doorway if i put something they can't stand on like stone chunks or sandbags that's true you know like we could do um what is it double sandbags for a little while to just slow them down and then um some of that stuff is okay you know it'd be nice if there were like a more robust trap system though rather than just putting sandbags down like something more built into the game it does feel a bit exploitative thank you very much for the sub willy bear i i think i am i think we did well we did really well if i give myself a pat on the back yeah using sandbags because people can't stop walking on sandbags they have to keep walking they can't stop on them that's the advantage of sandbags this is a decent defense with the granite think if there's any way we can make it slightly better still you know kind of fanning out i might make this wind a bit that's not really so kill boxy though kind of normal you kind of got to do it if you want to ooh moon and hippopotamus really dislike each other damn all right time to build another bed in the infirmary god these guys are really just a pain in the ass kind of wish they would stop doing that can we maybe because this could get kind of bad i know he got bit only in the eye by a squirrel because this relationship is getting worse and worse disfigured who is disfigured oh because he got hit on the eye by a squirrel uh eventually we'll figure it out harmed me angering fight cathartic fight okay cathartic fight makes them feel a little bit better angering fight rescued come on the rescued should well what we could do is have one of them more than the other but we'll save that for later on in the colony because this is pretty minor if one of them loses a finger or something like that it's not the end of the world they'll just uh i mean at least by rimworld standards anyway hopefully those new mechanoids will fall for the trump uh the new mechanoids could make this difficult though the thing is that ultimately our best bet is just going to be getting a lot of different types of weapons which i think is good because no type of stationary defense should be a catch-all answer to everything you know i i think it's good though that we need to upgrade and build some kind of weaponry it's just that it does take a long time for god's sake spoon and hippopotamus but no mental breaks really just social fights who's the neurotic one fabio's the neurotic one all right what is he getting microelectronics actually let's take him off of microelectronics for a little bit just because i want some more stuff to happen wouldn't mind recruiting one other colonists this time too and we could start to separate them more as time goes on i'm thinking some of these guys will be adventurers trying to get a sense of who will actually be a combatant in the long run winter's probably not probably not fabio either spoon could be a shooter as well as hippopotamus okay why are spooning hypophonists the only ones who are good at combat i wanted to separate them always go for colonists for resource stuff in the beginning i i usually don't go for somebody with combat experience just doesn't seem like a very good short-term investment [Music] a little bit more granite there just thinking how could this be a curse on me too we have cloth i have an idea we do have some cloth okay well then we can build some security uh we will build sandbags uh now with the new breaching though i think people could use our defenses against us yeah like somebody could slightly take cover behind that yeah we'll figure out a way to make it work um [Music] do that and then we'll do double uh alternating okay the alternating slows whoops alternating should slow them down and then having them consistent one on top of the other that should force them to not be able to stand in the entryway okay that's pretty decent i don't know if it's gonna be like a good long run strategy but yeah that works hmm twitch is being weird i might i dropped a couple frames not really too many frames before i started i am pleased to inform you though that the place i did get approved for to stay is a uh uh they got att fiber so i had verizon fios for a really long time um i love verizon fios it's a great service at least where i am um and with like our package but uh no att fiber should be uh hopefully should be uh on par with that or something like that reduce resistance uh let's see recruit okay vass love we kind of gave her too much time there is it a she it's a she okay fundamental arc archaeo vajrayana sounds vaguely hindu um well uh i mean she'll just do art and she i'm pretty sure that was what our last count that was what purple was good out there right this will be like a replacement for purple nervous just makes a higher mental break threshold that's not so bad at this phase of the game incapable of just animals and plant work so she can be like our cleaner and our artist uh and that'll be our melee combat and we really need a melee combatant for this uh colony that is very prone to infestations that's pretty important here um the sooner i can train somebody up in that type of thing the better what other kinds of weapons do we really want her to have um either like some type of legendary weapon the mono sword if we find it or a uranium mace is a really overpowered weapon is this uranium in here this might be plastiel uranium has really good arnor excuse me armor prim armor penetration ah that's why we're looking for it it's just a very heavy material i think and it irradiates people so that must penetrate through some sort of armor hmm yeah everybody's internet is totally different wherever they are whatever region you're in it all depends uh the one that i had heard was really good is the google google wi-fi or not google wi-fi google google fiber i think it is not tried it myself but a friend highly recommended it he said that it was the difference between like whether a household or like the region gets the gigabit which i don't quite understand but i don't know google makes pretty good stuff in my opinion um here we go lots of fungus is gonna be too much fungus this is quite a lot of fungus how much fungus do we have oh very wow okay we have 774 fungus that is nice um just thinking is there any way to prevent ourselves from uh no you know like meat is a riskier thing to take because meat can spoil if you have a solar flare and so far in vanilla there's no way to defend from solar flares i don't know why we have this fence in here still i just like defense it makes me feel like we're gonna have animals at some point how many columns do i usually have until we stop accepting more people um it really depends i'll probably keep accepting people until the game doesn't want me to which i think the number is about eight but the key is to be really picky if you live in the cities uh yeah cities tend to have better internet too what is the best weapon for knocking people out i don't honestly know all of the weapon stats um and the only reason i sound so informed on that is because someone once wrote wrote me a scathing comment about how i was dealing with mechanoids all wrong and how they were right um but no sometimes those are really helpful um there are a lot of people who are like really good at rimworld and will leave extremely detailed comments um i used to be like offended by them because i was like uh i'm playing the no i'm doing right no it's like now i'm just like all right yeah just give me my talking too like i i i learn a lot from them i don't really care i don't have much ego in reading comments anymore i've heard every bad thing that anyone can say it's just like i just like to learn from them neuro calculator ooh no is this with memory and calculation so what does it do research speed plus 20 that seems fantastic [Music] ah but they want all of our other stuff should we sell barry to them because we don't need barry's not worth 380 to us best gun for knockout is the machine pistol oh yeah hmm knowledge is power sometimes it's sometimes it's like that hang on a second how much money would we have if we gave away barry and blast steel although it's really good and i generally don't like to sell a lot of it this neuro calculator might be worth it but can we install it in him in time because we have more plasti on the mountain and we're really good at mining so it might be worth it to sell some elements right now components i think are pretty good universally so i don't know if i want to do that neural it's also just kind of badass to have operations yeah all right we're gonna get an operation let's see if we can keep a little bit of this though i'm willing to give up a lot of silver uh we want to keep some of it i know to a lot of people this seems like a bad trade because i'm giving up all this plastial it's partly because i saw so much in the mountain and i'm also not particularly keen on getting off of the planet okay there is our neuro calculator and goodbye barry but you're kind of a becoming a liability i mean you barry was hunting all of the local wildlife too i've been trying to get rid of predators now that we're actually strong so i figure it's worth it oh we gotta open these doors okay where are we putting that neural calculator so is anyone remotely skilled with medicine because okay spoon is a doctor apparently spoon is gonna need a little bit more experience before i really trust him with this though and we're gonna need some medical stuff yeah i know it's badass to have a pet bear but knowledge is more badass um we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna need a good amount of stuff though before i really trust us with this like some of this medicine maybe some glitter world medicine ah here we go nice now we can start to get the uh biofuel refining going power conduits there i know i haven't gotten on the quest for the mono sword but it's mainly just because if we got attacked i would still want all four of my colonists here i don't trust this place without anybody at it uh which i i do feel kind of bad about because i hate to like set out with something at the beginning of the video but i think i'm more just kind of place a premium on on playing rimworld well um i i do get joy out of seeing like a well-run colony so that is important to me are we getting over to the map edge here only because i'd like to be careful at this point okay i'm gonna just make a mental note to not go any further than this that's about as far as i don't like to go any further just because that opens up a new mappage and i don't really know much about that like if i can get raided from inside of my own home that would be terrible yeah i just wanted to stop by and say that i really like the videos and the stream happy everything's going hey thank you very much bob appreciate it [Music] bobbin threadbear i'm sorry i got rid of my bear bob put planning on out on the outside of the map ah that's true that's true putting planning there would work uh you know what just got updated the last day was the new colored planning that's one of my favorite mods um goodbye goodbye people [Music] spoon good you're doing that all right now what i'm gonna go ahead and uh uh spoon is we know we know what spoon does i don't need to explain it anymore spoon is going to take out this entire area in a matter of minutes so i'm going to go ahead and say let's get more of this because we want to up that storage but then we'll also start to place columns in here just because this entire place will fall down if we don't uh do this this would be really bad actually let's do does it need to touch the walls i don't think so i think i'm giving myself more than enough room here but i also just want it to look sort of dwarven by the time i'm done with it i think that holds up all of the ceilings around it but i'm just gonna make them touch each other because i'm pretty bad at spacing things out let's do something like that there we go all right now the reason i'm doing this is because i just want more granite chunks we need we we really do need them winter's hippopotamus you're doing that you're doing that now you're making art okay good we're on to more like menial tasks like art research things like that it's not really quite as much fun to watch but it means that the colony is going really well which mod was updated oh a lot of them were updated the nice part is that people are making new mods as well as updating a lot of them but one thing that i think makes remoral to kind of um stand out over time is just the fact that despite the fact that mod authors go away a lot of people will update the mod for the mod author in their absence much of the time which is just really nice to see and you know that the game will have a long lifespan with a community like that but again i i know next to nothing about modding but i have to imagine that there are some pretty good tutorials out there too 12 by 12 is fine 13 by 12 is dead yeah but i mean we could just keep on building granite pillars in the middle of everything and uh nothing will fall down unless if someone destroys them would be a shame if something like that were to happen yeah okay there goes spoon but now we've got this my god we're really gonna need a lot of marble the one my one major complaint about rimworld is that once your colony gets big enough it just becomes everybody working at a crafting table which isn't really that much fun to watch in my opinion let's go ahead and take this uh we just want to drop this on the floor and we're going to make a lo the uh this thing works more or less like the kitchen if we do a low priority of we'll just make it a low general priority stockpile that'll probably be a mistake later on but that's it's fine we're also going to make this a critical priority for fungus what i'm trying to do here is just make sure that there's always some fungus sitting here and this won't be a big deal because fungus lives for like 30 days um without deteriorating smoke leaf leaves plant matter wait what am i oh it's not under raw resources under raw food i really like making food into fuel it just feels right there we go fantastic how much do you need though how much do you need again that's quite a lot of food to use up for this not sure what i think of this but at least they're getting rid of all of that other plant matter that they don't like they don't like non fungus like plants um which prepare careful well um you have character editors updated character is actually more customizable than prepare carefully unless if you had a bunch of presets saved and prepare carefully plastil spear is about as good as a uranium ace really i've not tried a blast deal spear maybe i'll give it a shot seems worthwhile otherwise i could give somebody a spear we'll give that to our melee colonist ah yes vassala's mood has gone down from or uh what is it recruitment ability you know but i think that hippopotamus can live here fine although she's upset slightly because she's eating cooked fungus and she doesn't like being led by a neckbeard mole person i mean that's just like the other the some of the good outweighs the bad so it's worth it therefore we're also going to drastically lower this art requirement simply because i'm not going to have quite as many of these in storage uh we have that i think i'm just gonna put all of the sculptures in here we could do a grand one they'll also be spending a lot of time in there but yeah the more impressive our rec room the better off everyone will be this is nice let's just check and make sure that the right things are there good all the tainted stuff is going in there um this is now a low i suppose that we should make this just for chem fuel and now this search ability thing is going to be so much more useful that really took a long time to be added to the game but that was a mod for a while too hmm yup all this is going to be going up on youtube 70 for 35 chem fuel but fortunately we don't really need a lot of chem fuel now what do we have 150 plus 25 so they should be done with that task now they're doing cooking again just kind of watching them to see make sure they get everything done we'll expand this stockpile zone over here bring back the granite and then making granite blocks making marble blocks okay they've got a little bit of ketchup on just block making and then that'll give them room to finish off the traps the walls and defenses and then i think we're pretty well set now the next thing that i'm really worried about is because i just kind of go frantically from worry to worry for about the first 10 hours of a rimworld colony which i think that's what we're about on right here like the first thing is am i in any immediate danger am i running out of food is everybody's mood snapping you know you go through all of that all right do any good uh colonists happen to land during all of that fiasco um once you're done with most of that then you can start to think about crafting and you know tech advancing you really don't get to do a lot of research at the beginning at least in many of the colonies that i've seen but i always have kind of a grand plan but the next thing that i i am concerned about is uh is this patch over here we haven't really decided anything on it and it seems like a very weak spot for us i think that the next thing i'd really like to do is just get my colonists armored or get armor that they could slip into at any given moment and then one melee colonist so what we should be researching maybe instead of microelectronics would be smithing maybe that would have been smarter of move to start that would give us access to mace's we could even use our own breach axes that's quite nice okay seems more useful to other people than it would be for us but fine i'll allow it um how are we why are we not doing this to chem fuel you can fuel and you do uh need chem fuel okay no chem fuel fine there we go all right so this should power back up our base i'm pretty sure that we're not using what is this 1000 watts so we get one kilowatt from every single one of these things is this full vanilla this is full vanilla with the uh with the ideology dlc what's happening with the save our ship play through uh i actually did that one as a segment you could have done it as a series and i kind of intend on doing that for a lot of them maybe i'll do something else similar um yeah i i feel bad that i kind of switched over so suddenly from serialized content two segments um but my later intention is to do like a lot of related segments so you might see something similar to the save our ship and a lot of it i'll just kind of do on twitch or something like that um not that i wouldn't do it or that i don't want to do it it's just that i don't really have the time to commit to an entire series like that and i find that doing one segment really well leads to greater satisfaction what's up with the corpse room the corpse room is for infestations should we get one um questaville bourbon and the psychic suppression hmm this could actually be really good adventurism thanks very much for the sub 39 year old unethical doctor named robert bourbon is calling i already like this guy he just seemed there's something so very thematic about this game for him um i'm gonna slip into something a little more protective he is hiding from a hostile machine persona he recently at work he wants to flee to join you at mount you the person that will hit mount would do with psychic suppression waves for isn't this a good thing oh wait they'll be uh but there's only 4.8 days who is this bourbon i mean this is ah this is a charity quest i did not know this okay this guy uh this guy needs to join us an unethical doctor what did he do he also i think has a neck beard didn't he have yeah check him out he has the neck beardest neck beard okay he'll fit right in we got a doctor we can get that uh neuro implant chemical fascination and nervous okay not really a great combo but he could also be our researcher ah that's kind of a pain though because i wanted him to uh he can't do surgery on his own brain he's a good colonist it's just that [Music] we'll need to wait for a yet another doctor too okay give me his organs give me his organs psychic suppression uh reducing the consciousness of males across the whole region it's affected by amount this is why i like psychic suppression let's see uh psychic suppression psychic suppression so this just lowers his consciousness doesn't that lower everything yeah moving they move more slowly everything is just kind of slowed down for four days but we have a new colonist so i think it's worth it in the long run neck beard and trench coat meteorite ah uranium meteorite that is exactly what i needed okay i will mine that um didn't we have another meteor come down at some point that i neglected pretty sure we had silver right he's known for brewing booze from hospital i'm sure he's done all kinds of malpractice we'll just have to ask him to tell a story you know he'll i'm sure he'll be happy to tell us all about it but we did need this role i'm just thinking what kinds of menial tasks is this guy going to do well he's really going to be our researcher let's go ahead and give him a two priority on research and now i will start to create more specialized tasks i don't think i want him doing any constructing but is he really good at anything handling can this guy do anything animals he's also decent in melee too so that's not bad or he can be he has the potential to be uh animal work this guy isn't really good at much and unfortunately can't do hauling and cleaning so what would be the next best thing for him to do i'm thinking a lot of people like this i just leave for planting but that kind of becomes a full-time job hmm now i think we're just going to put on research research is a constant enough task that it won't make a difference and he is sleeping on the floor uh let's give him a bed let's just kind of make one of these non-medical for a day uh wake up wake up don't do that we will give you a bedroom i swear to god uh please get off of that okay and vaslo too our colony is going to be pretty much full sized in a few minutes i am pleased about this let's see we've got these chem fuel powered generators we're going to go ahead and just mine out more wall because we want to space these things out because they can blow up like a lot ah actually is there a way i could just put walls between these that might be safer he's incapable of social he ah he's incapable of social too wow very well hey gamer guy thanks very much appreciate it am i still gonna continue the one house challenge i don't think i'm gonna continue the one house challenge but i might do a one something challenge the next one i was thinking about for project zomboid might have been like a survival island or something it's been a while i did do a survival island a long long time ago um i just find it interesting to see how to navigate different areas in the game yeah maybe something like that it's a good name too bourbon kind of like a sounds like something that they name a racehorse or something like that you know what i might end up doing is just giving each one of these things his own room that might not be a bad idea major break risk on winters oh because his consciousness has been lowered oh because he's also in blinding light slept in the cold how can we undo this 27 degrees fahrenheit what we might need to do is create a small air lock here mad squirrel this squirrel mostly though won't be a threat let's set bourbon uh off with a melee weapon though we're gonna go ahead and give him this normal steel spear and then are we doing smithing research oh spoon spoon wait a minute why does this guy always fight squirrels redemption time yes ah so good so good to see that coming back strong spoon spoon got into a fight with a squirrel and nearly went blind in his left eye hey simon city how are you thanks for coming out yeah you know i feel like that the underground mole people thing though has kind of shaped the colony but at this point it's not really affecting us it's just one of many other factors that we kind of take for granted and i think that's largely what ideology is doing too um let's see spoon um you have really you have really we're gonna have to replace everything on this guy and is there anybody it would be worth it to give that uh neuro calculator who is our next best researcher crisis of belief van vasla yes good uh wait a second i i should have seen what caused that oh wow so wow hang on a second we gotta keep her in a bad mood before we try to recruit her she's hungry this is actually great because if we keep her in a bad mood she might have another crisis of belief now we could convert her we're going to try to convert hippopotamus too because hippopotamus has just generally disagreed with everyone in the colony on everything expected quality 30 uh what else do we need participants one out of ten oh crap oh no we gotta wait till spoon is recovered so that we can get more people to convert to this ideology this is why a tribal start might be even better with ideology very interesting the intrigue grows and takes on a life of its own okay but this is looking like a specialized colony now [Music] freaking love my video on the zero to hero hope we see more gerald williams gerald williams uh i don't know i i've tried it i've tried stuff like gerald williams but i don't know if i can really get back to the same like once i did it once i don't know if it's ever gonna happen again it'll be something else something else will come up in time but thanks happy you enjoyed the uh the zero to hero play through it was a fun one i like that a lot we've got this all of this crap we've got the defenses more or less done now this is nice this is nice it's also taking us a while to get back into our own base so we've minimized the amount of resources that we need to go all the way outside of our base where we might start to grow wood down here too or maybe in this field over here should we sew a few trees would that benefit us trying to think do we really need it i think much of our colony can get by without wood but it might not hurt to just do one grow zone of wood it's a small area right here uh we don't actually have anything that we could do here unfortunately so i know i won't allow sewing we'll just have them cut down any trees that are in there that's fantastic look he's gonna do it nice but now we can make way for the more important thing which is oh we have not been wow very sad didn't see that before but now i do that was a senior moment of mine yep i did not see that we did not have any of those things hooked up good we have more than enough power okay we're being raided by the javelins who now have grenades uh bourbon uh hang on a second our consciousnesses are lower now that's not good [Music] what do we do we have psychic suppression are they also psychically suppressed though as well how come how now oh this is bad hang on a second uh oh no no don't come through here stop eating stop eating get back inside get back inside oh crap winters is stuck out there he might be dead he might be dead we're going to try to lead him to fabio winters you get over there crap in fact winters deconstruct a wall and come back in that's going to be a safer way to get you back inside of our house hippopotamus prepare the defenses winters get to the wall these people are dumb i know don't even risk it don't go that side out help him help a man out help a man out get back in here we're gonna save him somebody save him no don't try to save your man now uh hang on a second deconstruct that wall let that man back in good he's these people have been getting really confused because of the mountain oh oh that's gonna be a long walk on a second fabio get back in fabio back in save me somebody save me all right the females oh the females aren't affected you're right maybe the males of their tribe were affected i clicked on one of the females we are are there are they all women oh no we're being attacked by all women except one man uh two three are you affected how they are psychically suppressed okay i rescind what i revoke what i said they are not all in fact women very danger okay he'll get back in i'm sure uh what other things do we need to prepare for them they're mostly melee so they're gonna bum rush us they're probably gonna run into our traps so we'll we should be pretty safe let's see if we can build a couple more granite spike traps before they they do come in though i think that would be safe yeah i need a hero i need a hero to save my life who sang that again skillet man i remember when i discovered skill sk skillet is it them or is it avenged sevenfold which one is the the band that has secret like christian messages in their music i i was surprised to learn that but it was like it makes sense you know heavy metal and then a song about you know religion it's neat uh not a great time to build the granite wall you can like hang out though yeah feel free would you like to build this spike trap otherwise i'm just gonna recommend that everyone stay inside for this raid now probably most of the men will be at the back of this raid because of the psychic suppression you might not be able to get through here winters though good yeah do exactly what you're doing that's the right idea colonists needs oh damn it why did he just fall down from nothing this might actually be a great way for him to have fallen though because that way they won't attack him there is a mod that can uh what is it down for me that makes you it's it's a very cheesy way to play the game was it skillet skillet that sang the song hero yeah i remember i i it was a very impressionable time of my life when i heard that song it's a good song it's a good song now these people are going to be totally just garbage at doing most things don't forget that they have grenades on them too so we want to just not show ourselves to them until they're pretty close in how are they going to try to get in this rat is really gonna mess with my strategy yeah the con oh his consciousness was too low jesus yeah they could kidnap him you're right that would be pretty bad because winters is actually the leader of our colony uh we really don't want them to kidnap him so we will stand guard outside while they make their way in uh bourbon you stand back here i'm just gonna try to spread my colonists out a bit more they might not be in per say the optimal positions but one grenade i don't want to kill us speaking of which one grenade will probably kill us how can i prevent that from happening hmm huge metal fan i don't think i've ever been to a place where nicer people than heavy metal concert oh yeah no um it's very aggressive music they get out all of the aggression and then they're very nice after it love the zomboid content really want to buy the game hey thanks for coming out okay so how do we how do winter will throw a grenade at us what is her she has very good shooting it we could get this colonist that'd be nice oh wow she's very good she's tough uh let's see this guy's also good a nimble psychopath we are now looking for combatant colonists me thinks let's get bourbon in the back it's because i want him there for an emergency hippopotamus can shoot let's have everybody just shoot this grenadier though i don't care if the closer guy gets to us but i want to kill that grenadier how how oh very sad mostly sad okay uh hang on a second get in there fabio's been shot by a bunch of machine pistols somehow this guy got over somehow this one got over the spike trap without anything bad happening a lot of these guys have narrowly avoided all of our traps we might get a lot of that i'm gonna go ahead and put bourbon at the front uh let's bring spoon back after he gets in this volley or right now rather bourbon you get in there start fighting hippopotamus you're there we just to block up the entrance you are kind of getting f'ed up right there aren't you there anything else i can do winter's unfortunately is the one with the combat command and he's downed over there that's not really doing us any favors um i think we're in trouble here hugo vaf thanks for coming out he's down okay that's a little early i don't like that we got pretty bad luck there bourbon are you gonna live through this you're you're getting double teamed right here i got a second i don't like this look how narrowly she avoided that spike trap crap please retreat please retreat now good christ they all died too not even one of them survived to become a prisoner spoon was fortunately unaffected is anybody in immediate danger uh seven hours eight hours you are you good animals underground are tough melee really good okay let's see if we can save you yeah we will continue fighting you uh are we in danger of friendly god damn it everybody died all right um spoon this winter is gonna die that'll be fine he just has a little bit of hypothermia stop whining uh surprisingly no despite his shattered jaw crushed his jaw to a fine mist that seems concerning but he's just like gonna walk it off i guess it's kind of like if somebody breaks your nose really bad in boxing like you're not going to die but it's really going to f up the next month for you bourbon is fine that's fine we'll give you a biosculptor pod or something you look gorgeous in no time um winters won't be able to get himself up unfortunately i might want to make him more yeah that's true no i mean he's he'll he'll be i'm just being facetious like he he won't live he won't live um he'll make it but i'm just more worried about the other ones with these more urgent wounds spoon you're a decent doctor why are you digging i don't know why i sound so incredulous about this but yeah i'm pretty upset with him pretty upset with him to be honest with you and we also forgot to hook up that power grid which isn't really doing us any major favors hippopotamus are you gonna die sooner you have five hours okay i'm gonna go ahead and tend to you first um bourbon you're also a great doctor i need you to do that instead of eating all of that meat at a table are you gonna mood break on me though yeah tend to fabio uh who is the one with the good preaching help fabio can preach health but he's downed right now so that's not really doing us any favors hey lauren sony thanks very much for the sub appreciate it destroyed jaws means they but he was just eating was wasn't he just eating he was having a great time he was just putting i don't know how he was chewing that meat actually now that you mentioned that that makes far less sense than i thought it did yeah what does that what is the consequence of a destroyed jaw anyway body part is entirely missing talking zero percent so he can't talk but he's eating ah so his eating is at ten you're right damn it that kinda sucks this is gonna make him a really slow eater he's just gonna need to eat mashed potatoes all the time wow i mean the thing is that almost everything in rimworld can be replaced like any body part that a colonist loses they'll eventually they'll recover because they can just replace it with a robot one but that wasn't great and also the fact that bourbon himself is our good doctor means it's gonna hurt us more uh we're gonna need a second doctor he's kind of a terrifying doctor though i mean his jaw was what is this going to look like that's going to be like the ultimate battle scar this guy is not playing around jesus make him a modern george washington yeah the founder of a nation yeah he certainly can't talk without a job but i mean that might in fact hurt his social relationships too i don't know how bourbon's gonna do in this colony now because of that there's kind of a kind of a buzz kill getting his jaw destroyed by a club tynan isn't playing around tynan is a very smart boy who doesn't play around you know medical emergency on hippopotamus no she's fine relax stop telling me what to do there we go yes just eat that fungus or feed him that fungus rather and uh hello hey god bless hey gus lick thanks very much for the sub probably disfigured i could be the disfigurement that's making people like him less but how many times a day does he really need to eat we could give him some kind of nuclear stomach so that he doesn't need to eat as much i'm sure he'll be fine after several botched surgeries and then eventually he'll probably be exiled from the colony because everyone's just gonna get into disagreements colonists needs rescue okay so now we got to go get winters fabio is getting winters uh and he can preach health with somebody unfortunately that is on the ground that's in good condition though weapon condition doesn't really matter quite as much as clothing condition you just gotta have the weapon actually am i wrong about that i may be wrong about that uh the hypothermic he'll recover from hypothermia the main thing that you just gotta think about is uh is he losing any fingers and toes which he's not so he's fine don't question it okay um good get your weapon back or get your medicine back oh god damn it why would you go outside again idiot we gotta get him to just manually put on a parka hang on a second you go ahead and preach hmm oh yeah i can't do it because of the so many various things infection on fabio uh not exactly disease infection on he has two infections that's not great we're gonna assign him the better medicine get in bed um do that okay we've set him to self-tend i don't think i want him to do that don't self tint go to bid there we go okay bourbon now i gotta well first off let's tell him to carry some medicine with him because he's important and i like him and then we're going to have him heal fabio so many various things we have to take ever we were just about to get that power line out too hang on a second let's get is there anybody who can do a job he might just have to tend him in the dark and i don't i don't even care i'm kind of fed up with that we were about to get everything nice and then his jaw got destroyed everybody just everything's kind of awry now we were doing really well but you know you're you've done really well when you can just kind of put off a combat without any danger those people narrowly avoided a lot of our spike traps let's um we'll create more down the middle it looks like they kind of skirt to the side of the that thing or we were about to get the kill box so many things that we were about to do you know very sad okay is he tended now uh what did we get as 10 quality 76 good and 68 fantastic bourbon is a great doctor not a major surprise there let's go ahead and um smashing um thank you for all your hey thank you very much for your videos it's a very generous donation j crew thank you very much i appreciate it that is a very generous donation god bless you john was destroyed and then every yeah i mean the thing is that i was i had such high hopes for him he was like lincoln you know he was lincoln he'll come back he'll he'll make it out of this you'll see you'll see my favorite thing though is when colonists go down and then they pull an anakin skywalker and then they go darth vader you know like we replace everything with robot parts it just feels so right hmm bulk goods trader what don't we need okay first off winters i do not trust to go outside he is stupid he needs a parka have we a parka this is a tainted mega sloth wall parka but uh wait there is a better one over there sheep uh mega sloth well sheeple it's good quality which one has better temperature insulation we can see that information on it uh insulation cold 103 degrees fahrenheit that is very good uh what about this one 110.2 but is one of them in bad bad condition okay we're going to have him put on this one because it's not ratty apparel but does it make a difference with t whatever it is get into some warmer clothing because you currently are just falling because you're so dumb god it's finally it's finally through okay is that is winter's back up winters go ahead and just construct these power conduits because i want the power the lights to stop flickering that was bothering me now i said a while back that we had automated food this is true even if everything goes to ah god damn it in any wood throw a tantrum right when i was telling him to do the one thing that we needed to do can you do this please thank you god no don't go to bed build it ah jesus uh or at least deliver it so that somebody else could build it sometimes sometimes rimworld does this good okay you got it out of your system one the one positive note of tantrum is that after they've destroyed something very valuable it's fairly sh ah god damn it okay a lot of catharsis thought we were through with this apparently not give it some time it's not so bad though okay winters you're back ah good construct these and never come back who is uh who is starving you're right wait a minute it might not be so bad if a certain person is starving psychic suppression still tattered apparel i think we fed whoever was starving i was hoping that this person would be badly malnourished but it's coming back yeah you'll be fine now these out blueprints don't even outline okay do this and then this okay now we've got most of these things hooked up this is impossible to see but we need to hook up the rest of this power grid and now are we now hooked into the grid we are in fact not hooked into the grid because he keeps botching the constructions because he's bad hmm god damn it please construct this uh good good oh thank god all right okay the lights will stop flickering and we will be saved oh for god's sake what is our power grid now all right this is good uh excess over stored so we do have a slight surplus now i believe just by a little bit good good we are starting to store up a slight amount of electricity it's going to take a little bit longer but then it'll finally be fixed and we will probably wall in each of these things let's go ahead and tell uh spoon to dig out another grid of these things winters fell asleep did he fall asleep in the hallway i didn't even notice that idiot they're all eating raw foods give it give it five minutes and everything will be back to normal well like i said growing pains to take on a new colonist but i think now that we're at five everybody's having the catharsis buff winters are you gonna you know don't even trade don't even try something else is gonna go wrong just stay in bed really don't want you to do anything else today we're gonna go ahead and build another set of double doors because everyone in this colony is so stupid and we don't want any of them to ever get out oh god um can't really make a very good buffer here from the environment not a great time but actually might be an okay time because we got the bulk kids traitor here and it's gonna take them a little while to get out i just hope that these people attack right away no they didn't attack right away ah damn hang on a second we forgot to rebuild that thing too can we somehow get them to stay over there ah crap please leave to the right please leave to the right side this might be a disaster what is the gift they left us a literal mask okay hang on a second uh i don't think we can get there in time to build this wall concern is beginning to set in fortunately everyone has survived though okay fabio um i have no one for you to preach health to that is quite sad okay does everyone have a weapon on them because you might need to it might get to hand-to-hand combat here yeah your rifle is still on the outside actually okay you had what what was your weapon you had a pump shotgun which is still actually located out here as well bio-coated machine what try hearts why would you bio-code a machine pistol what a slob um hippopotamus has that you have that might even give uh might even give him no fabio might even give him the grenades yeah you know what take the grenades damn it they're going the other way ah this is bad these people are pretty poorly armed but they're probably pretty decent melee fighters what do now what do now i could give myself a trap hallway in the back here this might not be a bad idea um just so that we have something to fall back behind they'll probably come in through these channels so i'm gonna go ahead and do this [Music] i think that that is a safe that is a safe yeah okay just build these if we can just build like four of these we will survive what are you doing though don't dig at the uranium ore right now i just think that that's a bad idea we'll do it later on go home yes okay refueling the generator would be the ideal task for you good you equip the frag grenades because we're gonna blow ourselves up um yeah deliver good you deliver more stuff you can uh do that uh you know bourbon maybe a little bit of construction every now and then i wouldn't mind it now you can't even do that a slop all right whatever yeah it's not a very convenient you know we've been rated at pretty awful times please come back later we've been raided by literal smurfs every single day i was hoping we would get some more interesting raids i know i don't look great when i say that i'll be fine with a uh with an infestation but we're actually getting a little bit closer to that if bourbon just gets some armor and a little bit more experience i think he'll be quite all right i think he'll be quite all right actually in fact maybe you should haul this instead because we just don't really have a lot of time for this you are covered in bandages i might add winters look at how slow he is god is psychic suppression how much longer does it last three and a half more or is that how much time has passed lasted three and a half days so we just need one point three more days you are enj you know what go ahead take some go juice i don't know why i didn't do this with the other ones in fact the fact that goju's dropped yeah everybody have some goat juice ah the ideal legend forbids the goat juice i forgot about this well hippopotamus you go faster anyway hippopotamus go burr ah damn it uh haul that first so that you don't do that i forgot that they did that grizzly bear revenge oh vent uh wait a minute no wrong people that have the grizzly bear fighting okay whatever live your life or rather don't because you're being attacked by a grizzly bear [Music] we don't have those gift from concrete people oh they left us a shade cone neat didn't even notice that neckbeardism disallows goju yeah it's unfortunate we can't have it's like monster energy drink right one would think that it would be allowed but unfortunately uh it was just something that came up with one of my doctrines okay go ahead and have that go juice then winters can finish that and then pick up the you could equip that uh you're mad because somebody died to a bear that randomly decided to attack you these people weren't even worth it in the first place okay bourbon is back up to health that's good news we get a little bit of time uh bourbon is going faster from the go juice hippopotamus is working as well hippopotamus are you cooking right now you're consuming pork why don't you just go ahead and cook uh yeah the enemy's already coming in they were probably dead oh you didn't even manage to get this out in time oh they are attacking now and there are more of them than i thought there were um i i'm even less prepared than i thought i would be okay uh hang in a second i might have to send somebody out as bait gotta think of how i'm gonna do this i get only one chance i want to have them fight 3v1 in the hallway after they've all gone through those things but i think i just did something pretty dumb uh who is the fastest one who's gonna be able to do this hippopotamus either you or bourbon i'm gonna run them out there as bait because i just want to run these people through all of our spike traps and i didn't have enough time to construct from the low male consciousness the other people will take a long time because males are slow in this universe but it's also gonna be hard for us to chase them down if we need that um fabio and winters can stay out here because i can use them for an emergency grenade somebody might die in this i really hope not somebody might get really badly hurt again i hope not but it could happen hippopotamus is ridiculously fast that's great okay one of them fell already and run you out there let's leave you out there as well to defend her you stay there you go there one down good uh oh whoops i neglected that uh fabio was kind of screwed i should have done that differently uh spoon actually stay where right where you are and just shoot her fabio you are currently a distraction a very well-heeled distraction yep i should not have put fabio but grenades these people are simply running too fast for grenades now you use your combat commands so that they combat better um and in fact stay right there because you're good with a bolt rack action rifle shoot crab i hope fabio doesn't get hurt i'm gonna put him behind cover from my own people spoon is shooting her too you're shooting them you're leading them to the spike traps and you're gonna melee all right let's just watch it for a couple seconds am i screwed do it and then walk okay you're down i get it we did pretty well why aren't they retreating um you know what stay right there you guys lead in the rest over to these spike traps i'll just stand them there spoon is gonna shoot that one good down go back out winter's advance uh actually just shoot her because she's coming out and what is she okay that's a little bit uncalled for but i get it you're mad why though why would you do that like of all the things to do they're fleeing good okay we got rid of him uh is there anybody that will want from their tribe uh we got a good melee colonist gorman jogger nimble this guy is fantastic in combat or could be um chemical interest psychopath with a double shooting shooting melee masochist slowpoke yeah i want a lot of these guys can we get any of them are any of the ones that are currently down uh good too great memory brawler jogger oh you're really good too wow hang on a second uh in fact i think i'm just gonna have a barracks in my prison and we will capture many of them we will do this for all of them if we can um oh whoops not for slaves for prisoners there we go um yeah get her i mean nobody's dying right how's fabio death in 14 hours he'll be fine spoon no immediate danger i'm just gonna have hippopotamus chase the rest of them down because she's the only one currently who's fast enough to catch up to them and these guys are all male too so they will be slowed from the can we shoot him he's dead that is not great uh we might be able to catch up with the other ones though because she's on goa juice and she doesn't have that 50 suppression yeah score one for the mole people score zero for everyone else i'm just gonna let them kind of hang out for a second except winter's you rescue fabio yeah uh it's all of a sudden it got awfully quiet after the combat theme ended damn it she keeps killing them all we could melee them with our hands but it's just better shooting practice we'll get somebody right now as it stands bourbon is pretty good could we melee him now down let's keep shooting damn it all right whatever okay see this is what i mean this is why cannibals are uh pretty overpowered in rimworld at the end of the game you just find yourself with all of these bodies chemical fascination of nervous of this guy yeah i mean you know it could have given us a use for other colonists who are not of our id religion now i see the use of having colonists outside of your ideal legend though like at first i thought those two things would be totally incompatible but it does make sense uh who are they saying the medical emergency is on okay trench treacher cam crap she lost her right leg ah that's not great you can always replace it later on but is she the one who's a jogger yeah all right i see how it is but i mean the great memory brawler and jogger is a great combo and she could be a permanent researcher while somebody else does something psychic sooth on males that's great okay we had had enough garbage for a while that's like expression will go down and everyone's gonna be calm for a few days a few days of calmness that would be most welcome uh i'm gonna give him medicine still i don't think i'm gonna give him this medicine we'll give him herbal if we can find it maybe he can die he's double checking my colonists no immediate danger death in 21 hours left pinky was destroyed man bourbon really has not had a great tenure at our colony so far uh malnutrition trivial you tend to him can you tend to him yeah he'll be fine uh bur uh okay use the medicine for now but then after that we'll switch back over to the the decent stuff mostly the things that bourbon is lost though have been immediate recoveries like he just totally lost his jaw he totally lost his pinky it's too bad but yeah peg legs are in starvation who is starving now starving mainly just because we haven't had any time to eat in the last couple of days we've been very busy fortunately everybody in this colony has been getting a lot of doctoring experience though i mean it's important but this is what i mean like by late game all of your original colonists are in pain because they're oh god now he's starving too it's like why don't you just eat something rather than having a tantrum first we get the rest of the power grid hooked up though and i am encouraged by the fact that we are charging power while all of this crap is going on uh grenades we dropped all of this other stuff in the entryway a lot of it's just like resellable but uh been mostly a track but uh attacked by tribes people so it's just iron weapons we don't really have anything like uh flak pants to smelt but let's see just iron weapons that looks good so for the next fight i'm hoping unless we get raided again in another three days we'll be okay but it looks like we got another double raid those seem to happen where we get two at a time maybe like the storyteller really trying to prevent us from gaining more wealth why why is there a fungi room uh we have a fungi room because uh we're a fun guy so i love saying it as fun guy fun guy um or fungi i think it or funji for that matter whatever they are they're really overpowered and they can be grown year round and fungi have pretty much become our main food source because that's we love we love eating it we love it can you preach health at people now um give it to spoon yeah let's get spoon better because he can do more hauling good so the health will be recovered at 25 more good and that actually charges rather fast at least it seemed to me oh vassala died i did not see that i did not see that okay trencher chem you have a new bed damn it i wanted that i in all the commotion i lost track smashing that has a tendency to happen no holy cow hey fila kites thanks very much for the rate of 160 foot so that is a rather that is a rather large raid thank you very much what were you playing how was it we just uh lost a colonist due to neglect um hang on a second let me do i wait a second i gotta check something i don't know how to use this command i'm gonna i'm gonna seem like a real slob right now damn it it doesn't work well here we go hit up philokaites thanks very much for the raid appreciate it i do not have that command i need to go do my shout out command thank you it's rare that we get a such a major raid but thanks very much were you guys doing rimworld what were you doing prisoners have rights you can't just i know but it's uh let's go ahead with that old joke that geneva suggestion rather than uh convention yeah that's what that's what we've been living with we have a very vaguely immoral doctor living with us but it's just been a pain in the ass same more or less but with the sims i haven't tried the sims in a while damn well thanks for the rate appreciate it my friend um let me just do one thing sorry i gotta ah crap uh there we go man i haven't touched the sims in a while actually that's what got me into zomboid in the first place though because it just had graphics so much like the sims man yeah rimworld is kind of similar to the sims if you're sticking around i mean it's like colony management but it involves combat but uh yeah i hope you had a good stream thanks very much prisoners have rights and lefts decide to me which kidneys and lungs to take oh god yeah there's a lot of war crimes in rimworld if you're not familiar with the game um we've been nursing a colony of underground neckbeard mole people um i i'd say that our entrance is shaping up about the way that i would expect it to in rimworld just like a lot of blood and discarded weapons prices of belief on trenchickim great okay so rimroll just came out with a new expansion called ideology and basically you can raise an entire faction of whatever you want so we chose neckbeard underground mole people that just seemed like the only ants here right um hey razer thanks very much for the sub i swear piqua says i'm swear i'm the only one who plays rimworld without committing war crimes i mean you know there's plenty more vegans now than there used to be in the game there's a lot of like altruistic colonies perhaps the next one that we do will be buddhist or something like that just can someone please do the cooking because everyone is i know we've been through a lot in this colony but come on it's just one gunshot i mean two gunshots in both of your arms i'm sure you'll be able to do some cooking at some point again during your life on this earth cannibal cannibal lots of cannibal colonies ah god damn it power keeps going out the power how are we even cooking on this shoot frenzy on hippopotamus okay that's great too fine just cook meals cook meals that's great keep doing that keep doing that we have so many lights too just a lot to keep track of but now we're hopefully getting one new column it's not two because vasla uh died are you upset about this seeing this other prisoner what happened to them a little worried about that we'll just recruit you a little bit faster you know if you had joined our faction earlier you you could have been uh conver um alive unfortunately you're not so that was unfortunate but that's sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles um there we are just get her out of here no one can see that that didn't happen nope put her into the corpse room okay goodbye uh trencher cam though i have a little bit higher expectations for we set out to be an organ harvesting evil oh yeah no evil colonies in rimworld are very overpowered that's kind of the way that the game is designed like oregon harvesting psychopath cannibal bloodlust having like one of those is will do the work of several columnists my personal favorite is to play as a very very old man i just want to play as an old man with like a bad back bad eyes i bad everything maybe blind in death uh i can't talk to anyone and then just to like fix him up throughout the colonies play through you know give him uh electricity and things like that and i'm sure he'll he'll love it it's think of it like extreme home makeover but with an old man you know like we're fixing them up we're fixing them up hey limbs thanks very much for the put this yeah you know you could do that like uh angry old man has a lawn you play it kind of like the sims i suppose yeah nice to bring that one back up though i haven't thought of the sims in a while it's all their fault they were locked in a room instead they went yeah you know like uh on the other hand too it would be nice if we could feed our prisoners my favorite mod is the one where you can just leave food out for them so you don't have to deliver food all the time like a one tile uh what is it nutrient paste dispenser that way you could just put it on the edge of every prison cell it makes sense you know you make a fridge that distributes food to the prisoners the prisoners get foods when they need it i don't want to have to you know schlep around and uh cause a fuss over that no that just seems like a pain yeah don't like that don't like that uh what we're gonna have to do soon is trenchachem a jogger or was a jogger before she lost her right leg um still a hopper now i suppose but uh she we'll give her another one and she'll be back up on in no time we're gonna have her do a lot of the hauling because it does pay for a colony of this size to have a hauler like a dedicated person to just deliver things to places um hate to say it but we do need somebody refueling our power cooled hot thanks very much for the sub and tennis hill for the hundred bits thank you surprised this colony has lasted this long oh you'd be surprised i can survive barely for a long time like by no means will things be going swimmingly i still have yet to see somebody who can just have a colony where not everybody is or maybe my friends are good at this but i'm not good at this uh having a colony that's just barely holding on by the skin of its teeth i'm quite good at that having a colony that just looks terrible everyone is wounded and scarred but they're all fine nobody dies maybe one maybe one of them the resistance is going down cargo pods of fine meals are falling out of the sky that's fantastic so amazing okay you go ahead and well you're gonna build the granite wall that seems like a blessed task for right now spoon your name is spoons so you go uh a spoon yeah uh let's see bourbon fabio unfortunately bourbon's bedroom is still the infirmary we gotta switch that up he'll figure it out somehow all right why are you what are you doing here oh and did we have the uh conversion ritual and is it time for the jubilee of stone yet no it's not time for the jubilee of stone yet but we can't have a conversion ritual do we want to make anyone else a neckbeard i'm going to go ahead and say let's try to make well let's see who's the closest to becoming a neckbeard did the cargo pod land on the stag in the north i didn't notice but yeah that is quite possible i hadn't thought of that that would be quite funny um oh philosopher is actually a role you could probably have multiple ideologies in your colony my style of playing is fun to watch i don't know i i don't know if that's true but thank you um well i mean i i do enjoy playing the game on a hard difficulty there are a lot of difficulties where you can play and you're just never getting attacked everything goes too well like it it it's too easy and i don't enjoy it i enjoy barely hanging on oh god winter's is really starting to fall apart can we like reverse his aging somehow he's losing his hearing he's becoming frail we got to de-age him somehow because he is after all the leader of our faction he may die due to natural causes if he uh if he stays alive too long i think that the longest colony i've ever run was 10 years i'm on blood and dust i don't find losing is fun to be a lot of fun because it usually just gives all your colonists random diseases and they can't do anything so i don't think that it's a good it's a ridiculously difficult difficulty but i i do think it is intended to make you lose the game um or it just slows it down it's not very much fun to watch someone play losing is fun unless if they're like a god and they give everyone penoxizillion i suppose that that's i didn't really thought of that if you're really good with penoxycylon though you could make it more feasible to play a losing is fun uh playthrough because pinoxacillin will just prevent like any disease from happening to your colonists is it anyone or is it most of them i don't honestly remember but penoxycylon is oft overlooked and a very good item and i believe i forgot to use it myself don't we have some yep i am forgetting to use it now who is the most important colonist in this colony i think it's hippopotamus right now because she is kind of like uh kind of like a caretaker she cooks and she does the plants and she's really the only one who's good with the plants so i think i'm going to have her take penoxycylon uh let's see schedule uh what is it a sign i think it's a sign okay drug policies we got to do one for uh who is it hippopotamus she will be we're gonna create a new policy uh we're gonna call this one disease free so we want her to basically never get a disease uh and we're going to tell her once every i think it's weak is it weak keep one in inventory and then we're going to tell her every seven days if mood below any take it so she should go ahead and take monoxicillin right now how long does it prevent it for oh is it five days my bad five days duration per dose yeah five point six days so that gives them a little bit of time so we'll give it once every five days and that's a kind of a pain i was hoping it would be more frequent edit did i do luciferium whoops disease free every five days there we go okay so that does it for her and you know in fact no i'm not gonna allow the other ones it's fine and then did we actually assign it to her we did not so we're going to tell her disease for a and now she should go over if we draft her really quick yeah she's going to cue taking penoxys so basically this will prevent any disease from happening to her this is important only because the last time that we just had all the colonists down and out uh nobody could care for them nobody could give them any meals or anything and they were pretty upset so we want to prevent that from happening again if at all possible yeah high policy fair enough fair enough i'll allow a pun i'll allow a pun hero there finally get to the point where i can check the comparison by the games ah plastil spear is better for damage with an overall really so a plastial spear is even better than a uranium mace well i did not know this and i will have to remember it for the future actually that's fantastic because we have a lot more plasteel in here that i was planning on doing something with so let's go ahead and mine that out because that's going to be our new melee weapon you want to have one or one to two really good melee weapons on your colonists because you're going to need that for things like mega spiders for mechanoids anything that attacks your colony that's super advanced uh it's just not safe to go without really for any playthrough i think you always want a melee colonist unless if you have like charge weapons there are some exceptions but they're pretty good pretty hard to beat them there's so many corpses out here uh i may need to expand the size of my corpse room i'm just going to do that and not burn them because i really want to keep this room very dirty yep we have complete we have completely are they even deteriorating we might just get like unlimited corpses in here that would be interesting we should also probably mine out some more of this too i'm gonna go ahead and just over here yeah let's expand the stockpile zone i don't even know what i'm gonna do with this eventually i just feel like i made a lot of spaces i didn't really decide very uh decisively what to do with them um yeah you want to have somebody some something to fall back on in case if somebody rushes your colony if somebody immediately you know like there's a lot of mechanoid raids where a bunch of scythers will fall out of the sky and cut off everyone's face you don't really want that to happen so you try to get one good melee colonist with decent shields or just never go anywhere near them you want somebody with emps like if somebody's a bad shot you want some guy running around with emp grenades all the time but his place is kind of important you want him to stay near to the colony oh what is this i think i just ignored this while i was busy with other stuff still i think the fact that we've recruited two decent colonists is pretty valuable for this uh what we've done here let's go ahead and just build copies of these because we really need a lot more power are we do we have everything connected actually it is starting to look okay now i'm okay with that that one's still not connected though we need that done uh smithing okay so now we can get the weapon penetration we want to get is it plate armor or flack flak armor i think flak armor is even maybe a little bit more urgent than i i just like crafting my own stuff i don't know why it's i i think it's more in the spirit of the game there we go okay that is connected we are charging more we're charging quite a lot actually nice all right food is taken care of uh meals we're going to want to start to get a surplus set up too so i think i'm going to give us not 20 meals just because we went through them too fast we've been acquiring new colonists let's say an even 40 meals i'd like hippopotamus working on those for a long time i don't think our fridge will be out for too long and it stayed cold here as well when bugs dig through the flora cqb specialist it's nice to have close quarters uh bat battler battle battalion something like that hey tke was i ever into the heroes of might and magic games uh no i think the only thing i know about him is how much seth has reviewed them which i've liked all the other things that he's reviewed so i'd probably like him they seem good i think they're mostly on gog i've recently been perusing gog a little bit more partly because i like their drm policies and they just have rare and eclectic games at least something if i had more time i would uh i'll get more into i have more plastiel let's go over here and good we've got this now we can bring this over here we're starting to get a lot more space all these jesus christ look at all those chunks build more granite pillars okay this is starting to be more of a mega base you don't need to go so much bigger than this maybe we'll get all the way out here by the time that this thing is done but my main thing that i liked about this base was the fact that it just has one direction it faces it's so rare that you can build a base on one side of the map unless if you're under a mountain and i haven't dared to go this deep underneath a mountain until we had on all undergrounder people mole people i love the mole people good good major break risk on winters but why greeted for impressive well then clean your goddamn bedroom because it is impressive okay he's feeling much better now tainted parka okay now we need him to uh and take off that parka i'd rather have you in the wool sheep's uh wool parka there we go wear that just don't wear the tainted clothing good good good okay now we'll tell them don't put any tainted clothing in here because it's starting to confuse me uh we did they just haven't gotten to it give them some time who is dig dig digging there he is you are dig dig digging you spoon [Music] hmm other prisoner stuff resistance five okay you'll you will be ours soon enough now we have tons and tons and tons and tons of meals tons and tons and tons and tons of food i think we have even is it more or less but we still have a lot of we've been cooking a lot of meals what do we have now in terms of meals 41 meals that's a fantastic surplus and we haven't even accounted for a lot of this because excuse me hasn't been brought into our stockpiles good trenchikamas had a crisis of belief she now believes in oh she now just just decided to believe in green so are they all forced to have an archaea what is it a ideology we might be able to convert her though to our ideology now maybe she could just randomly pick neckbeardism we just put brochures underneath her door every day to convert to neckbeardism you know maybe like one day we put a what's something that neckbeards like and are into stereotypically um like uh like a star wars uh comic that's it's probably i probably i fit the profile of a neckbeard yeah yeah fedora but like what would be something like fedora digest you know katana katana month katana uh uh monthly would do how often do you think they would publish a book on uh uh katanas or a magazine on katanas yeah something like that or hammer 40k painter's kit yeah god i really want to play some warhammer again oh god yeah i've got a lot of hobbies on the side i was trying to look for uh like i was saying early in this in the stream i i was trying to look for like a shredding guitar today that's the one uh genre of guitar i really want to get into i just think it it is cool when you can see when you can shred uh did a lot of finger style stuff but it's a good diversion good diversion you know rimworld doesn't really have musical instruments that oh no i take that back there are musical instruments in royalty that people play i suppose there are other mods though things like guitar now there's dance parties and speakers there's a lot of wild stuff we have yet another uranium meteor this is i mean okay yeah whoops uh i didn't mean to do that last bit uranium is still good it's gonna be really valuable and cause our colony's value to rise so i'm not huge on that but what else was this too we add a silver yeah silver rained down from this guy we will also mine that because it's just that is just liquid bitcoin anime sword same i don't know what is that i feel personally attacked [Laughter] want to play warhammer got ten thousand dollars yeah i gotta budget myself if i get back into that though yeah no a lot of people take everything that i say seriously and think that i i really no i i say all these things half of these are my hobbies don't no please don't get offended um major break risk now you're getting a break risk why because why did you go out in the day though you i told you not to go out in the day isn't it your schedule you weren't supposed to be up in the day yeah it's 11 am both of your friends are asleep go to bed and my one regret about these about these uh clothing items though is that they weren't well equipped for this time of year they should have been wearing parkas that would have made more sense yeah you should give the colony the appropriate clothing item for where you think they'll be living that way they'll get a mood buff from where like wearing a parka where it's cold you know i fit in i'm like everyone else let's increase that sentiment among our colonists this uh base looks different from the pods i figure it'll take a while to catch up in the vods i don't know i want to get through one kind of long play full series just to understand ideology i think i get ideology pretty much now i just need to better understand the prisoner conversion optimization it's my main thing i'll try other idea legends but uh you know i just i don't really want to focus on it because then it'll feel old to me i intend to install more mods again after i'm done with this hey general ltrs thanks very much or general tr thanks very much appreciate it colonists needs rescue winters keeps falling down oh this is from major food poisoning how come you got major food poisoning is the kitchen dirty it is in fact dirty really need a cleaner uh would love the common sense mod here common sense mod is great because it causes them to clean the kitchen before they start cooking which i just think should be a given in the game because colonists get sick when they when the kitchen is dirty and they eat food from it uh winters you are currently just fallen after you're done with this haul back that bolt action rifle uh good good just a lot of work to do over here is everyone in a d nope you're about to break why because you're malnourished but why are you malnourished you should eat something because there is food right there sometimes i question this game sometimes i do okay let's go ahead and make this dining room even more spectacular because this is becoming a concern it's only mediocre you need to we need to get such fantastic sculptures for this room that it can never possibly look bad from the floor looking like crap that's the that's the one last thing before your colony can be truly stable okay we've cleaned everybody's blood now bring the statue there it's gonna bring everyone's mood up extremely impressive fantastic okay everyone is happy be happy or else uh trencha chem i'm gonna go ahead and i'm going to give you a leg let me make sure it's the right leg i've done this the wrong way a lot of times and accidentally giving them one wooden leg that was like i cut off the good leg common sense yeah common sense is a mod it's a rather good one i've heard it's rather demanding on the game's memory but i don't know i don't really know too much about it right leg install peg leg right leg there we go you got to make sure that's not left and not right because that can be very easy easy to mess up [Music] i'm going to give you a wooden jaw because right now you don't have any and it's making your life more difficult so hopefully you will do that let's go ahead and make this one medical too a bet is no longer assigned to bourbon and we will give bourbon this bed bourbon has been relatively stable he hasn't really gotten into any major disagreements he's probably not doing particularly well socially but he's having deep talks with spoon and uh winters they don't seem to like him though all right well he's he's uh getting getting on fine let's clean the rest of this blood and then we'll make everybody else uh we will make them whole again towering building sheep join oh that's not so bad actually sheep could be okay in this colony i don't know if we'll be able to take care of them we might just be having lambs soon but yeah they're allowed they are allowed need material for okay we're going to need to cut down a tree we're literally going to cut down a tree so we can use it for a leg for this just think about that for a second isn't that kind of crazy um hippopotamus you uh consume a simple you get sick from your own cooking damn yeah intense pain everybody's we might have another set of catharsis hmm this is why it benefits to have a permanent cleaner because otherwise you don't get into things like this maybe we'll just recruit you first and then we'll peg-leg you yeah that might be a little bit faster hey mighty spearman thanks very much appreciate it um like the flak jab episode where it captain cut off his good hand because he built a prosthetic for the i i do not remember flapjack i think that was a after my time but something like that yeah i i do remember that show though is that like the the farther end of the cartoon network golden age sort of you are throwing up on the food that you're giving to everyone no stop don't stop that hang on a second draft draft please stop cooking you're still throwing up you are still throwing up i can't seem to click on the vomit yeah merge the fungus okay you stop cooking too i can't even click on it because the room is full for some reason clean clean the vomit there we go there's still more vomit in there though there we go okay now we understand one another this is why we can't have nice things oh thank god we're almost done with the spike traps again and the resistance lowers let's see if we get trenchicam because i think six colonists is better than five i know she's vomited well the problem with uh spills is that they can actually track them into other rooms wild boar self-tamed uh just slaughter i don't really want it um yeah we'll just let that one die uh we've got our wall back there good we've got some medicine out there i might end up just letting that deteriorate i don't know if i'm even gonna have time to go get that so the other things are too urgent and important for me okay good we've almost got her major break risk on who why on no one because we're great because we're great outside the environment minor pain no you're okay you're fine all right we're going to get this other columnist and i think i'm going to make trench account into our hauler and cleaner uh maybe first clean and then haul actually which one matters more bourbon now also bourbon who is going to perform surgery on your jaw apparently we need more wood uh because we've been using it for these things all right we can deconstruct these because i don't think that we need them anymore let's deconstruct these three mad yaks well it's not really much of a threat is it but i don't really want to use any of our traps on them let's just tell everybody to shoot them out in the front of the house all right everybody get ready for the yaks uh yes good prepare for the yaks all right yak attack um everyone stand right about there and you have uh no you don't really have anything okay um hmm go ahead and take that go yeah no can't take the bio-coated god damn it yeah take the bolt action rifle should have gotten it fabio lost his weapon too uh we still wanted to keep training and shootings so we're gonna go ahead and give him the pump shotgun spoon may not make it uh spoon get back out of there you have really had a lot of bad experiences with animals uh tynan updated uh so that you can update the uh uh or save rather the ideal legends that's fantastic news i'll install the update in a bit finally neckbeardism can be remembered hmm thank you for letting me know thank you okay you two go back out there like there ish yeah that's good okay the yaks have come through the kill box let's see if we can down these god no spoon no jesus christ at least he's got that heavy smg out there the worst thing that can happen is that he gets mauled by the yaks please don't destroy our spike traps there we go okay somebody's gotta get out there and save this man ah he didn't even get down one of the yaks this poor man hang on a second are you fast you better start running great okay he's getting away from the yaks [Music] run faster that's impassable the yaks can't get around it in time great ah no attacked again but your friends are here to save you point of view you are running away from many mad yaks and your friends come out with revolvers and rifles to save you from the yaks this is a commitment mode if i die i'm dead yep actually i did that accidentally but it it is making it quite a lot more fun for me okay victory screech hello fantastic oh that that took the uh that took the wind out of my sails i i didn't think that you know make sure that that yak is dead i want him dead winters you are not good at this game you too okay uh hang on a second she will leave the map unless an animal handler ropes her back into her pen wait we had this with the use hang on a second we had use in here uh we haven't had time for these use we just might be having a lot of lambs slime goo slam guineas thanks very much for the sub appreciate it this yak man still around i don't really care if the if the lambs stay or go i i i stand by what i said at the beginning cows cows are nothing or not cows are nothing cows or nothing you know they're the best animal a door in my outer wall might be useful so my colonists don't have to go over sandbags like that uh could be could be true true um wish i'd thought of that i i do worry that enemies would or i could do it there do like one there and one there that could save us some time yeah it's a good idea i should put that there i'll do it like right there that way if if somebody's running in and there there's enemies over there they could just run through the gate that would actually be quite safe um let's see spoon unfortunately is the right little toe is shot off fabio are you still needs the material for those dentures though damn it go ahead and build more copies of these uh chem fuel you really can't have enough of these chem fuel generators they are so they are so very good is it so hot in here either it is warm it is warm but it's okay it's okay something could still happen let's go ahead and add in more of these power lines nice uh what is this a royal tribute collector we don't have any gold we have eight gold this is not worth it royal tribute collector is okay if you happen to have a lot of gold for some reason but yeah okay here is the moment of truth are we gonna bring her into our faction 1.3 to 1.1 low mood ugly environment hungry darkness uh it's because we don't have the you know unbuild these doors unbuild deconstruct what am i saying there we go uh winter's good feed her we've got these two weird operations going on let's do uh just random stockpile zone for a second need material oh we can give her better medicine for this that's why uh hang on a second let's go over to her health tab do that now operate yeah we just haven't been growing herbal medicine great okay let's uh now we'll leave that stockpile there for a second they're both gonna need wood uh is it ah crap it is not lit here i should not have done this oh well he's a pretty good doctor cross your fingers and it worked nice so now he has uh she has a rather she has right leg as a peg leg so she had been missing her right leg i should have checked that before i did the surgery and i will probably check that in the surgery room from now on but whatever yep i forgot to do i forgot to clean that too do all of the things that i say but none of the things that i do or however it goes do as i say not as i do much simpler than that um are you still due for your denture operation okay you go back in there you still need material for that so i'm gonna go ahead and just allow him to have better medicine too i just don't really want to go to the trouble first off clean that now operate is spoon no spoon is the better doctor yep okay good luck this could really hurt their relationship so i am a bit worried about this but spoon how is his medical skill he is okay he's okay he has a decent chance at this he's like i'm coming in to bring to put that denture on this man the good news is that this would uh this would severely improve his eating speed he hasn't really had a lot of trouble though but i have faith i mean it's good medicine hoping it'll work and are we good she's walking again she's worried about the trees being harmed so we're going to need to change her to another ideology she's going to be the focus of our conversion attempts once we do get her hey dan wizard thanks very much for the 100 bits have a good weekend my friend convert the prisoner before recruiting that seems to be like the meta i don't like it that much because it seems to take a lot longer time but i think you're right let's see what happens if we do try to recruit her a lot there we go it's just a pain to me that the conversion ritual doesn't really work as well as converting them while they're in prison because it's like shouldn't people enjoy it if they join your colony with a group of like-minded people to me that just seems a little bit bizarre but i get it hyperventilator thanks very much for the sub hmm visitors death round one okay i don't care that our rams and user getting killed hmm let's see spoon is over there is anybody doing any cleaning anybody doing any cleaning it's just that it seems like you know it took so long for a prisoner to get converted before that now it's like why would she randomly convert to a tree religion you see what i'm saying like why wouldn't she just convert to our ideologies it just seems kind of obvious and just like far from the most obvious explanation i don't know it seems strange like she never had any she never had any contact with this idea legend why would she be so upset about the trees if she's been living in a cave for a bunch of weeks she's probably forgotten that trees exist to be honest with you but let's see how quickly maybe it happens faster okay 52 to 48. does it also say anything she was not convinced so four percent is actually not that good and does it hurt her relationship with her warden winters rap poor built chit chat holding me prisoner so there's nothing about tried to convert me into a different ideal legend okay that's neat maybe she missed trees that much we forgot the sound of trees yeah i mean i suppose all i'm saying is it just seems kind of random in many ways uh and i'm just pissed that uh you know rimworld has a lot of things that take a long time to begin with you would you would just want some kind of more instant gratification from it great job spoon you are finally overcoming your hatred and fear of animals congratulations can these people have anything good to trade [Music] well we got a gift from them uh okay ooh uh weapons and apparel trader hey recurve bow machine we don't need a lot of this stuff let's just sell them all of our bows it's just needless wealth that we have in our colony uh and it's just taking up a lot of space auto pistol good revolver normal machine we don't really want that reinforced barrel large barrel for projector but uh might use this for mortars but it's rather expensive so i don't think i'm going to use it and talk leather parka uh we'll sell them anything that is of really poor quality this is not good this is not that good that's yeah that's okay hang on to that sell those these are not in good condition anymore sell this we still have to optimize our clothing wearing and just tell them to wear good conditioned clothing i think we're just going to get money from these people uh should we just donate them some fine whatever cool my head cannon is that spoon used to love animals and he didn't want to hurt them but after they oh god i mean like he's just been in so much contact with animals he's been fighting them almost constantly but that's because we gave him the hunter task too [Music] yeah i'm not a big fan of that mechanic though because it does take a long time to convert prisoners to begin with like you know get down all of their resistance keep your colony stable you got to deliver them meals you got to do all of this other stuff but then when they just randomly convert idealigent on you and even if you keep them in a good mood like her change per day is rising because she is in a good mood from like why shouldn't we she why wouldn't she like our faction better unless if i'm reading this wrong i mean let's wait until 24 hours today pass and then see which way her mood goes because the way that i'm reading this if she's in a good mood she's more convinced of her own ideology but to me i feel like that if we're treating her well why wouldn't she be more converted to our dominant faction ideologies maybe it's because it's not that doesn't really exist in the game because you can having them have them uh live together i don't know seems a little bit crazy to me though how did a hair get in here [Music] oh that's our hair we have a hair whatever and what did they give it to us as a gift oh they give us an advance that is quite good we are also going to who has the flu just slaughter all of the animals um you can recapture them when they're still asleep and recruit them from there i mean i don't know i just think that it would make more sense to convert somebody to your ideal legend but the one thing is that if you get a lot of people converted to your ideologies then the conversion ceremony presumably works a little bit better yeah but see now she's at 49 before even the end of the day has passed she's being more converted to her own idealism it's like 49 to 44 so it's we just effectively lost a percent throughout the whole day i suppose that it makes it even more important to have somebody with good social skills in your colony but i mean that's somebody with a ten burning passion uh social skill it just seems like it takes a very long time and it's harder to convert people but i suppose that makes it more valuable to find somebody who's already of your ideal legend oh i could use fabio's convert action on the prisoner couldn't i i forgot about that yeah let's go ahead and try that right after he finishes that [Music] certainty reduction nine point three percent base using convertibility fab vo's conversion power okay fantastic yeah let's give that a try and rather than just me complaining about it all day okay nice 44 to 35 percent let's see what happens once she has a crisis at zero i hope that she gets converted to our ideal legend and not just kind of like random idea legend again but i had never seen that happen to somebody when they had a crisis just go to a random ideologies i'm getting better at saying it now aren't i i think i've said it about a million times idealistic idealism id legend hey it's a avac a avac what's up brother i figured the way it works is because they're happy and it reinforces that their ideal legend is true and just in this world i suppose so i mean i'd like i'd like somebody to make a mod that makes it a different way because for me personally i i think that if we treat them well they should be like maybe i should be with your faction you know i disagree i disagree but i respect you and i kind of see that like you know if i'm being treated well by somebody maybe i'm practicing my own beliefs maybe i am if their mood is awful it's proof that the beliefs that are idealism okay okay that's fair that's fair it's it's an argument it's an argument though but again there are plenty of mods that change the way that the whole game works like that let's just make her room i don't know why i'm making her room nicer i find it neat that you could force them into a bunch of catharsis though it does give you a reason to put your prisoners into a bad mood but i'm glad that his convert action does come up over time and i'm glad that they've also given more power to the social stat because the social or skill wasn't really that valuable it got you slightly better trade prices it made it easier to convert prisoners but what else did it really do did it make your colonists better at like interacting with other colonists i never paid much attention to that but this does help it in some way or it gives it more meeting trading prices yep is it ideology or idealism uh the whole expansion is called ideology but i mean i guess i think i'm saying it the right way i hope so um do we have the granite for this do we have the granite for this i hope nobody attacks now however as long as we don't get attacked by snipers i'm sure everything will be fine as long as we don't get attacked by snipers um yep they're gonna come in this is this is the problem with rimworld is that you have your eyes are bigger than uh your eyes are bigger than your mouth as they say you know you can't do uh or your eyes are bigger than your stomach you can't do everything why do i always like forget common phrases that happens to me all the time and i just sound like a maniac um but yeah uh far more than i can really get done right now i'd like to do that i'd like to have trencha chem converted but i think i've been spending like 45 minutes talking about converting trenchicam you know what i mean this has been a long time but i'm getting a little bit faster with it now okay gunsmithing flak armor what do we need for that plate armor so we'll do plate armor i just want to get everybody into flak armor i used to go straight for the good stuff but it just took too long i wonder what other kinds of things we could do to convert faster though heating their room giving them in the dark indicate oh getting them to convert by just causing them all kinds of catharsis all the time i suppose you could try like breaking people's will or something there's the whole new will and terror system or maybe i'm not using enough like skull spikes in the room whatever it is it's gonna be a little bit longer on her though can i spam convert i can't now that's the hard part is that it just takes a long time i hope that they uh raise the amount of conversion that you give to people just by talking to them presenting good arguments them and the other thing too is that er can we do this conversion ritual oh i was wrong wait a second we can do it with prisoners i stand corrected okay so there are multiple ways to do it i was wondering about this [Music] okay let's focus on one person at a time and that way we can keep getting more and more participants making the conversion to our ideal legend more effective as we go because right now it's only two out of ten we've got to also make the room more impressive so let's just smooth out the walls add in some sculptures we'll temporarily move this is the cheapest way to play the game we're going to move all of the sculptures into that room before we start the ceremony yes i do birthday parties too hang on a second oh fantastic and we'll move them immediately back into the other room once we're done okay the room the uh effectiveness of this conversion should be should be very high fifty percent let's go conversion ritual has begun someone go get trench cam just bring her in here and they just throw her down on the floor just do it and do what we tell you to do do what we tell you to do stop cooking and get in here oh wait a minute you're not part of our ideal legend it's just the three of us making a lot of uh anime uh and star trek references [Music] you are beginning to understand them oh yes yes baby did we convert her to zero percent mean a effective conversion we are just picked we just picked her up because she lost the use of her legs because she was so effectively converted is she one of us now she almost is she has only two hundredths of a percent oh god we will bring her among us this is like remember the uh that episode of oh this is a real throwback the secret snake society from the grim adventures of billy and mandy when they when they try to like convert them into their group and they say we have an agenda that's it this this is exactly that thing uh what is what was the name of that group in that in that episode that was a great show right bourbon is having a rare days i don't know why he's hungry why is he all right he's just not eating that's fine we'll convert him tonight she will get a random faith again really ah damn what if we what if we use fabio to convert her okay so what we have to do well you know i'd rather make a mistake now and learn it later on otherwise i'm just going to keep on trying to convert it it's just that we got so like fairly unlucky i'm going to see if winters can convert her by a little bit look if he if he does this will she be converted to ours otherwise we gotta have fabio do okay conversion and she's one of the neckbeard mole people fantastic okay so trenchachem is back among us and she has a little bit of resistance left because we have done a lot of things now we will recruit but it makes it that much more gratifying to convert a colonist that it's taken me long enough but yeah i mean that's all the things that you have to do fungus okay so she still has one exp this is neat she has one thing expiring from her old ideal legion wow okay we will bring her into our fold convert warden should finish yeah the warden should i mean i i presume that if we did it with our priest as well that would work but that that was a concern like will you just keep me to rolling r roll random ideologies it seems no uh but what would be effective would be to bring down their mood with like a loss of assurance and then go in with your priest and your warden and try to convert them after that after you've brought that down a lot hmm doing a grim adventures of billy and mandy run oh only if we could be the secret snake club i think that was the uh that was their name and they worshipped schnitzega or whatever his name was and then they did that version of what was basically like a bob dylan song that was very advanced for a kid's show but what who knows what that show was why are you over here in your break wow all right okay you do you you do you uh trencher kim when we finally do get her for god's sake i think it's been about an entire season good she's gonna get converted now now we're finally going to have a healer and a hauler after it seems like we've pretty much exhausted all of our need for that um indeed i think we're pretty much gonna call it there because it's been quite a lot of play time but let me just think about what else i want to set up for the end most things are going swimmingly the only thing that i'll say is uh it always pays to spam yet even more spike traps so i'm probably going to do more of that we'll mine deeper into the mountain till there's fire coming out of the monkey's head quote the greatest song there we are okay uh let's do this we're just going to get a lot of granite out of this mountain and we know that it stops there i'm just gonna kind of strip mine the whole place um this are we making granite we don't want to make any more steel ones so let's just do this i've accidentally done some of those we'll do granite like all over granite is great i think they should call it great knit not granite we'll put more on this side because i have no idea what's going to happen with that okay as soon as we convert i just want that little moment of gratification and maybe we'll do a little bit of task assignment to her have we had any infestations unfortunately not but now we can we could get an infestation i dare say the one thing that i'd like to get would be plate armor and flak jackets simply because we need armor you need armor in this game i don't think about it enough but it's really important please join us please join and i want this place to look not filthy oh yeah and we need to bring this back in too so let's go ahead and do more art projects because we're going to need more more of those anyway and then we'll bring some of these back in here because they're more they're better used in here than they are elsewhere okay there it is sounds like they're taking it for granted ah there we go resistance point two to zero might not hurt to have multiple wardens now too i mean i feel like that the fact that we have these ideologies now and they can be used to make people in really good moods in situations where they would otherwise not be in good moods you can be pickier about your colonists but you could pick colonists who are more overpowered with traits like neurotic things like that you know even a more neurotic colonist is worth taking on now simply because you could give the mood buffs through ideology all right spoon you finish this winters you can give somebody else a work drive too why don't you go ahead and give a work drive to you get out of bed winters give a work drive to hippopotamus great and now you can go back to bed and we should get trench again now yes we got her all right ah that feels really good okay six colonists it's taken me long enough but now we can just check out her work tab trench chem can do almost everything oh i forgot that she i forgot that she is incapable of dumb labor uh nonetheless she's still good for a lot of other reasons we might be able to assign other people to other tasks like that we're gonna go ahead and say bourbon yeah i feel pretty stupid about that that just kind of blindsided me um she is a decent cook average of relevant skills we could have her do that and then we could assign more cooking to or more cleaning to people like winters and hippopotamus yeah let's go with that that seems fine to me all right cooking comes there and then also research winters i might take off of cooking for now i'll just have that be a lower priority for him and then for hippopotamus i'm going to have i think i'm going to make hippopotamus into our planter and cleaner this was similar to what i had with owl and another colony it always seems to be the same set of skills you know but um where is okay she'll be up in the day and i think that's good new recruit quest available paid psychic drone uh we didn't really get to the mono sword this time but we grew our colony now when we can actually specialize more we have decent defenses we didn't have that at the beginning uh so i got done with one of the two things i thought i would so honestly this is progressing pretty much like a normal rimroll playthrough uh i knew it would be a little bit more difficult under a mountain but it's going to get a lot more difficult when we get infested i have no idea what i'm saying um yeah we're in a pretty good spot right now though i i do think we just need decent melee colonists and then we'll be fine
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 109,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld game, rimworld 1.3, rimworld ideology, rimworld ideology playthrough, rimworld ideology gameplay, rimworld royalty, rimworld ep 3
Id: HkYw4T5r_eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 35sec (11495 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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