Amazing Cultivation Simulator Review | CCP™ Edition™

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Praise our benevolent chinese overlords! Notice me Senpai Xi!

👍︎︎ 79 👤︎︎ u/DiogoSN 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

considering the subject matter, this post seems very relevant

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/argguy 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

these just keep getting longer and longer and I’m all for it, even if it means extended waits in between.

this man truly loves his fans.

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/ciggiesmalls 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

This might be the most dense game I’ve ever seen. I considered playing it myself for about seventeen seconds into the video before realizing how not Chinese I am. I can’t learn 1.dynastic politics 2.chi cultivation 3.village management 4.feng shue 5.Chinese medicine knowledge 7.agriculture 8.full screen boss combat all in one game that is apparently a prequel to the actual game they want to make in two years. Every part of this game could be its own game.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Yuggietheshark 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fuuuuuuuckkkkk yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/kototronicon 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

ahh yes, the absurdity and bloodlust of Wuxia and its cultivation systems.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Kyuroyuri 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Have you ever watched and enjoyed a Sseth video, and decided that you definitely didn't want to play the game he was talking about? That happened to me with this one, because it seems way too complex.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/wolfman1911 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

I feel like he’s covered this game before? Wasn’t there a video about a Chinese rimworld type of thing already?

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/y_not_right 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

It features Mike Stoklasa twice, I am happy

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Derkadur97 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey hey people sef here are you easily entertained by seeing numbers get higher would you like to play the equivalent of that except all the buttons have been replaced with chinese symbols do you have a burning interest in chinese martial arts taoism or of a pursuit of immortality then i invite you to see where my life has spiraled out of control for the past two months amazing cultivation simulator keep in mind i only paid money for this after 50 hours i've been playing this for so long that all my ads are in chinese amazing cultivation simulator is a love letter to chinese wushu novels essentially chinese sword fantasy the word is like a sound because it's meant to sound like a sword swipe in the novels cultivation is the cultivation of one's internal chi fruit practice martial arts meditation whatever and chi is the vital breath or essence of our living world according to the same people who stick needles in your back the end goal of cultivation is of course immortality and that is what this whole game is about essentially you're going to take a small group of chinese rice farmers and turn them into demigods to begin i need to dispel any notion at all that this is chinese rim world i do this by comparing them directly for example we need a refrigerator i'm going to build one we need a refrigerator i'm going to drop the frozen sole of a demon and reduce the temperature to absolute zero the room is too cold we need air conditioning the room is too cold rebuild it out of wood and make the bed out of fire now our disciple won't die a frostbite he'll die of heat stroke my colonist is crippled disabled and completely geriatric so the cheapest option is to put him down my disciple is an old disabled nugget we have regrown each of his limbs also he's now a 14 year old boy we're under attack by bandits we should get inside to safety a man just decapitated my best friend from over 10 kilometers away with a flying fedora once you get past the obvious comparisons you'll never mistake this game for anything else to begin you'll need to go through the tutorial it's very quick and gives you a bit of background of a story unfortunately the english voice acting is questionable luckily this is a fantasy game so the sound of women is optional in contrast the music is lovely and the visuals are gorgeous completing the tutorial unlocks the actual game which is clearly and unambiguously labeled classic which upon clicking will show a huge list of sliders and settings to scare away the casual guilo don't touch anything just hit confirm next you're going to get trolled by the chinese because the developers think it's really funny that there's an almost certain guarantee that you just rolled a yao gwaii as one of your starting characters let me explain white boy in this world you can cultivate as either a human or a yao gwaii which translates to monster but really we're referring to demons yaogwa henceforth referred to as yogurts are animals that have gained sentience and become humanoid however their existence is unnatural and eventually they have to face tribulation from the heavens it's sort of like god's punishment for being a furry i wish i knew that before i lost my first waifu to a storm cloud but because the random character selection randomizes race and 11 out of 12 of those races are different flavors of yogurt you're very likely to land that until you know what you're doing i don't recommend starting with dairy products but if you want to speedrun the game i recommend starting as the fastest animal on land a turtle you'll starve to death before you even reach the dinner table beyond this point there's not much advice i can give you're gonna suffer and you're gonna learn from the experience so pick your starting perks and get into the game everybody recommends true sun refining as your starting law because it's got very simple progression and if you make a mistake worst case scenario you'll just die in horrific agony if you follow the plot the entirety of a thai sect has been annihilated you and a handful of others are the only survivors why was it destroyed and by who whomst did this are questions you'll have to answer if you want to uncover the mystery of a thai sect but right now your primary concern is survival to help a mysterious cultivator who was tight with your former sect leader drops by for the next two weeks as long as he's alive you're not gonna die that is unless you go to the bottom left of a map in which case you will both die let's get definitions going you're running a sect a school of cultivation a sect has outer disciples that will happily do all of your mundane tedious labor for a competitive salary of about zero dollars they're not slaves as per say we don't use that word here it's more like an internship which never ends but through a high-intensity jiu-jitsu program known as foundation they can become inner disciples an inner disciple must choose one of the many supreme laws to follow through which they cultivate a higher state of being their progress abilities and potential is largely determined by their character stats and background like rimworld everyone in this game generates with a random background such as congenital defect seashell collector and effeminate male the combination of stats will determine their compatibility with a chosen law you start with just one but you'll unlock the rest as the game goes on also they don't have to eat but they still do it's not uncommon to see a cultivator feasting on ramen even if there's currently a famine especially if we're currently having a famine also pro tip you start with a single forming pill this can instantly finish your foundation and give you an inner disciple right at the start after promotion you can go to the sec tab and hit establish a sect and most importantly give it a cool name once that happens you have officially incorporated the rest of the game opens up inner disciples don't work they cultivate and get stronger after all this is taoist dragon ball z but after incorporation you can send them out to explore the world there's two options camp and adventure adventure sends them out on adventures they leave and they come back camp sends them out to stay and if you're so inclined you can physically enter the map and plunder a village at the start your map's gonna look like this immediately you're gonna notice something one there's barely any locations because you haven't discovered them and two if you try to explore the red zones you're gonna come home in a body bag because that's not your territory so whose is it a great way to find out is to visit them directly and prank them by sneaking inside their school once they catch you they'll give you a proper introduction break your knees snap your spine and gouge your eyes out the other sects aren't very sociable but diplomacy is important because if they felt so inclined they could obliterate us to even get an audience with him you have to make an offering your offering doesn't matter each time we're going to call you a broke ass anyway that's why we wait for a cow to defecate mark it as the trade area and send our gift now you can trade in a world of immortality money is an abstract concept so we're working on a purely barter based economy however we still have a form of currency and yes it's completely edible spirit stones are the chocolate coins of this world you can trade them during break time for pokemon cards or consume them directly to restore a small amount of diabetes in this case they restore a small amount of qi so they function as both a store of wealth and a means of exchange each sect offers something different for ridiculous amounts of money and even if you have a stacks to pay for it we're not selling that would be like selling weapons to your enemy and how do we know we can trust you so you have to butter them up this is mainly done by asking people across the world whether the leader of a sect prefers cats or dogs and gifting him the appropriate kind of meat let's return a matters back at home feng shui is a chinese system of thought governing spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of qi have a look here some simple chinese alchemy that i expect you to memorize by about 200 hours of play why do i have to learn this because everything in this game is subject to feng shui everything has an element and they interact with one another water nourishes wood wood feeds fire fire cools to make the earth earth produces metal and metal holds the water allowing it to repeat the cycle okay that's cool seth but we don't have time for this wait did my guy just die of heart palpitations why is the yin yang symbol on this bedroom red what the does ominous mean when in doubt check the pentagram room of wood bed of earth wood defeats earth making the feng shui of a bedroom ominous and if you sleep in that bedroom you'll die of a heart attack replace the earth bed with a fire bed and as wood feeds fire the feng shui will become auspicious which means good however if you sleep in that bedroom you'll die of heat stroke that's because fire and water control the temperature in a more relevant scenario each of the supreme laws practiced by your cultivators has an element feng shui affects the speed and success of their practice so if you're a metal cultivator you would avoid fire as fire melts metal however if you told him to meditate in an empty room and fed him laxatives the speed of his cultivation would increase with a volume of he produces as feces is the element of earth which promotes metal if you're confused i sympathize there is no way you could possibly know that in feng shui the orientation of a room's door is specific to its function in other words bedrooms face south workshops east and kitchens west that's why everything in this game has a comment box so you and your fellow gwylos can share ideas about what the hell is going on now the main focus of this game is cultivation towards immortality which can be summarized by the following post you eat a pill sit on your ass for several years and once you're done you go from rank 8 ping pong to rank 2 ching chong which is still like 100 ranks below the heavenly golden dragon god emperor star ancestor but it's okay since there are still about 3 000 chapters to go and all the big dick characters that could kill you with a fart are currently busy so you can go and wipe out a ding-dong clan which obsessively wants you dead because you courted death by destroying the king kong clan after its young master picked a fight with you over your jade-like beauty childhood friend essentially you're going to perform a bunch of opaque esoteric and poorly understood processes to help you reach a higher power level there's three types of cultivation in this game and i'm going to mispronounce all of them shendao and physical xiandao is most relevant because it makes up 90 of the game your process of cultivation is derived from chinese internal alchemy where instead of a cauldron you use your body and instead of reagents you use your chi to form a golden core think of a philosopher's stone except backwards that's what a golden core is instead of drinking the elixir of life we are the elixir of life cyandao is unique since you can transcribe your knowledge to a manual this means a single cultivator can study from every other law and become exponentially more powerful this can lead to interesting situations where someone might learn skills they really weren't supposed to such as a male cultivator learning lunar form from the sunflower refining law and by doing so reversing his sex becoming female in this game results in the loss of your penis which can be picked up and sold on the open market you can even make money off this by regrowing your penis which will upon realizing that you're not meant to have one detach immediately each time you harvest a crop of penis you become the dick farmer but i digress to reach a higher power level you have to perform a breakthrough this is essentially a bottleneck in your training which you have to overcome or you can't progress golden core however is different it is the single most important breakthrough of your career every condition has to be perfect the season however the time of day the mental state of a cultivator the element of a room the chi density and the amount of qi flowing prove a cultivator's meridians get all those right and you just might get a better result than i did i genuinely thought i did pretty good for my first time tier 9 i thought to myself that's a pretty high number tier 9 is the lowest tier of golden core it is trash literally swallow a rebirth pill and reincarnate yourself my man you up early on your golden cores are gonna suck but with experience comes knowledge and once you learn how you'll be making some fat cores on a regular then there's shendao cultivation instead of cultivating your chi you you've taken the chi of others through worship belief is power and the more people believe in you the more powerful you become once you establish yourself as a divine being with a realm of heaven you can be the petty god you've always wanted as a rule i only answer bad prayers drought bandits famine refuse don't waste my time you wish that tomorrow your favorite brothel prostitute hasn't been taken granted you want your boss to step in dog granted you want the guy who stole from you to be struck by lightning my pleasure you want those annoying neighbors next door to die in horrific agony me too you want someone to celebrate your birthday with you this year granted at some point i learned to stop worrying and love shendao also they get the most ridiculous titles just imagine that every prayer addressed to you has to be prefaced with dear primordial true venerated great pardon supreme virtue venerated holy emperor that leaves us with physical cultivation what is physical cultivation it's an inner disciple that spent the last 50 days remolding his phallus due to the mental state bonus of having a gigantic penis he is now physically immune to depression in all seriousness you take a mortal and you turn him into a super saiyan every body part limb joint bone and organ of your body you can re-mold until you become goku and then you give him intense ptsd so he can channel those repressed memories to increase his attack power from 1 million to 7 million and one shot the entire game also since every yogurt comes from a different animal they all have unique anatomy that's different to humans which means for every species of demon you turn to physical cultivation various tissue bones and organs not found anywhere else in other words your opposable thumbs i got vertebrae fused to my carapace sooner or later your sect is going to be attacked by bandits demons or other cultivators with the exception of physical cultivators which remove organs with their bare hands ciendao and shendao cultivators fight using artifacts what is an artifact well anything a kleenex tissue a bowl of ramen a bag of flour a bucket of water a pile of severed male genitalia as long as you enchant it you can use it preferably try to enchant an actual weapon although you can't deny it's very demoralizing to see your fellow bandit get decapitated by blue fabric summer shirt combat is basically your guys sit around and watch as their artifacts cut everyone to pieces it's pretty fun to watch especially larger battles where the sky is nothing but swords of course no cultivation is complete without embracing traditional chinese medicine that's right alchemy here's a good summary of what alchemy is like change the weather lose 20 years of your natural lifespan which may sound bad until you visit the local chinese pharmacy and pop a pill which adds 500 another which adds 280 and wash it all down with some mineral water which adds another 99. now the only thing you have to cure is perpetual baby face which is a common symptom when you have a lifespan of three thousand you want something done yeah there's a pill for that obesity no problem not obese enough i gotcha would you like to prank a demon force feed him a rebirth pill and he'll reincarnate right back into a piece of pork on your dinner plate the cycle of karma is a fickle mistress honestly if alchemy made any more sense i'd actually be upset now if you'll excuse me i'm going to put myself in a coma for free days about 30 days in you're gonna get a pet a divine pet this is different to normal pets which you adopt into your sect by shooting them with hunting bows which are somehow blunt and tipped with anaesthetic this may sound very stupid but on the other hand gundo musashi had bullets that put you to sleep and that was a masterpiece anyway he starts off as a baby and grows larger with time he's also a little and you're gonna have to keep an eye on him before he destroys your sect for example my friend saw one of his cultivators doing a breakthrough and he thought to himself my man is literally himself this is one intense breakthrough turned out his dog was feeding laxatives to all of his inner disciples it is your responsibility to teach them right from wrong peasants slacking on the job yes attack out our disciples give him some cardio drug inner disciples with euphoria pills why not give him some opium an injured stranger wants our help yes attack unknown mortals kill them whether you raise him to be a functional member of society or a four-legged sociopath is entirely up to you you can even rename him to something a little more chinese if you include the bamboo forest dlc which adds a pair of pandas there's 5 pets in total they're incredibly cute and generally amazing at the beginning your sect can only hold 12 members this increases to 24 then 36 as your reputation increases reputation also increases the power level of invading enemies don't let this number get out of control or you'll experience firsthand what it's like to lose a 50-hour game in 5 seconds which is a good time to inform you that in this game you can draw chinese talismans with your mouse the accuracy of which determines the blessing you can even draw on a blank sheet of paper and it's still gonna work i know this because somebody drew a swastika and apparently they can now use the oven 12 faster so please draw a bunch of invisibility scrolls and wear them when you go on adventures your sect will thank you each time they haven't been murdered in your absence it's not easy to make stacks in this game which is why we have to trick villagers into filling our ranks we do this by making small talk finding out that half of them love nothing more than to ravenously consume and invite them over because we're gonna need a lot of manpower for our chinese sweatshop as inner disciples cultivate immortality outer disciples cultivate huge plantations of cotton we're gonna process that down to fabric and we're gonna wait because very soon a merchant is gonna show up he operates on a sweatshop economy he's gonna pay you garbage so you better have a high volume of garbage to sell luckily our emaciated peasants have worked hard this summer and we just earned ten thousand spirit stones we're gonna celebrate by losing it instantaneously because the merchant also sells an invitation to an exclusive event read the token and we're off to the auction house have you ever gone to an auction where you can't even see what's being sold but instead are given a vague description hard lumpy a man's hand shoots up i'll take it for ten thousand not to be outdone i raise his offer i'll take it for twelve thousand another joins in thirteen another raises fourteen the rest fold because they're poor as those who remain keep raising eventually there's only two of us one final raise fifty six thousand i won the bid but i don't have 56 000 but they don't know that the auction ends it's time to pay i can't pay i am under arrest but i'm not because i am a mannequin made of straw i never went to the auction i took a clone pill and sent my body double and that is a good summary of the auction house experience it's not about what we bid on it's about why we do it we do it to flex on the poor while keeping a low profile is important you should expand when given the chance you see your sect is local but we can export the culture the lifestyle and the religion to the rest of fantasy china to do this we establish agencies then we set a policy for each region and grow our influence depending on the policy you get random events which have to be solved using insanity you get a bunch of buttons which i assume is what a paranoid schizophrenics dialogue options look like and you press whichever one you think is appropriate to the situation options include talk bribe kill seduce or throw a rock at someone and stone them to death foreigner scamming the locals murder him another sect is preaching about their faith pave him a hundred spirit stones to off is it currently ramadan in the great desert start handing out food believe me the longer you do it the more sense it makes or the more warped and psychopathic your reasoning becomes for example you're building a wonder and some people drop by to ask what you're doing wrong answer debate feng shui correct answer beat them with a club if you solve stuff correctly you get a bunch more followers followers can dig up natural resources generate belief that converts into experience completely skipping the grind of cultivation and be sacrificed for the greater good you see we're gonna need a lot of anguished soul gems which are formed from a painful death in ominous feng shui luckily with agencies there's no shortage of fresh and willing mortals with reputation you can build a sect gate this is the front door where hopeful mortals arrive to prostrate themselves begging to be recruited but instead we're going to build a hell gate which is the same gate but in a room with ominous feng shui at a comfortably cool temperature of absolute zero we're gonna recruit mortals from every city they will arrive pray to hellgate and freeze to death in horrific agony and the negative moral consequence of such an action zero because they have died through no fault of our own this is a good time to introduce alignment your sect can be good or evil but preferably we want a balance so we have good relations with both a virtuous and the demonic this game exemplifies the chinese practice of moral relativity what are they doing there what are they protesters if i horrifically mutilate someone's dying body to extract the location of their friends and family that's slightly evil but as long as you give them a proper burial that's a net neutral action and we have done nothing wrong or let's say a curious stranger comes by to ask what you're doing and then stands there waiting for an answer until he collapses from extreme first at which point i feed him a laxative and watch him himself to death is it wrong to watch a dying man's ass fertilize my fields no not at all but if i turn a bandit's dead broken body into a flesh puppet to serve us economically until it rots away that's considered evil a bigger question i guess is if i get decapitated by a dragon while adventuring fly back home without a head and use yang god possession to transfer my consciousness into the body of another man's wife would that make me a homosexual some questions have no clear answer have you ever frozen to death during winter because the wall of your house stood up and walked away unfortunately in this game that's a frequent occurrence without warning anything on the map can gain sentience sentient objects can also randomly enter the map as i've seen entire pagodas march in and flatten my base what's the point of them to grief you but more seriously you can turn them into a 14 year old boy what is the application of this well you can take a give it sentience and turn it into a human who you're going to call big chungus because the guys on discord datamined the chinese code and found out that specific set of latin characters ensures that the sentient spirit will generate with the highest stats possible then you're gonna make a literal piece of become a demigod and ascend to heaven and that's what cultivation is all about by the way everyone who ever goes to heaven whether by death or ascension gets a little epilogue section so you can follow the shenanigans of former disciples here's a sample of the literary gems you might encounter mingwoo reincarnated as an ant but got drowned to death by a mean child who peed on the ant nest then he reincarnated into a parrot but because he learned a lot of profanities and was swearing all day someone plucked out his feathers and he froze to death and in his next life as a human he met a strange acting boy and believing him to be an immortal in disguise that could teach him cultivation he took him in as his own however as it turned out the child was actually mentally later on you'll find out combat gets a little more complicated with the introduction of formations to understand what that is go to another sect and try stealing the moment you do so a gigantic bubble forms in the sky and tears you to pieces this is called a formation the leader of it is called the pillar and everyone around them an auxilary it follows the rules of feng shui so different elements will feed each other as they flow back to the pillar it might look very oriental but honestly it's just chinese lego what's the point of formations to deal with a little cave that appears in our base after about 200 days if you're not ready and you need to suppress it give it a nice room this will buy you some time but whatever you do don't give it offerings it's going to break out anyway but your sacrifices will make it stronger so we may as well piss it off welcome to the official casual filter the first boss you're going to encounter is the flood dragon and it has a chi of about 10 million good luck honestly if you get to the stage congrats now swallow your pride go read a bunch of guides and install some mods it'll improve your life greatly i'll attach the ones i use below there's nothing essential but when you have to micromanage the mental state of about 18 different cultivators it does get tiresome listen i've been writing the script for close to a month there's no way to include everything and i want my life back so here's a stream of consciousness before i give an arbitrary score and go live in the woods each sect has a wonder yours is no exception go to the ruins of a thai sect and bring it back the mini universe is a game changer it's an infinite pocket plane that sucks in material and spits it out but could there be a deeper more mysterious function no it's just storage no longer will your peasants have to walk for nourishment because the best soups of a wuhan wet market are gonna fly right into their hands after killing your first flood dragon which will always without fail crash its body into one of my expensive cultivation rooms the game removes all safety checks you can now summon the phoenix which creates 10 days of extreme drought during which time your base is gonna burn to the ground because you forgot to move a single phoenix feather which landed in a bedroom and turned the temperature to about twice the melting point of steel after 10 days of drought it doesn't stop it's permanent the only way to end it is with a rainstorm miracle which will make your phoenix very upset it's stronger than the flood dragon by the way also you can't kill a phoenix each time you do it's just gonna reincarnate maybe i should have mentioned that earlier again good luck then there's the torch dragon which is larger than the entire screen and comes in a yin yang variant respective to the time of day each variant is invincible two elements of the same polarity and even worse they make him stronger also he's gonna lay a bunch of eggs you should probably just ignore them and if you survive all that there's really one challenge left genociding every other sect and beating them into submission once that's done you can truly say i finished the game now you can go back and play on the real difficulty i do however have some major complaints remember the story the plot weren't we supposed to investigate the mystery of a thai sect and why it was destroyed yes but the process of doing so is so terrible that i'm just gonna save you the pain and tell you instead you see every character that's not your own can be interacted with and we uncover the plot through the talking mini-game primarily this is done by adventuring to another sect you talk to people you get favor after a while you don't get favor you only get favor from juicy gossip so you have to talk to another character learn something about them go back to the first character and tell them a secret about the second but to get the secret from a second i'll have to talk to 20 other people to have enough gossip and rumors to trade for more gossip and rumors it's an infinite web of high school it's the experience of being a teenage girl because you can't get the information you need directly you have to go through the pms chain of command to learn absolutely anything now here's the big problem you might see a little question mark on someone next to the mystery tab these are the people you need to investigate to solve a mystery again you have to ask an entire sorority if they think that person knows something if you ask them face to face without circumstantial evidence they'll act dumb and say nothing and even if you know that they know they still have to open up to give you that information which is dependent on their personality if they're naive that's the best case scenario because you don't have to do anything if they're greedy you have to bribe them if they're weak you have to kill them if they're tough you have to gaslight their personal weakness but if they're withdrawn unfortunately you are screwed because the only way to make a withdrawn person open up is to make your spirit dog act playful in front of them this requires a fully grown spirit dog which can take hundreds of days and each time you do it he loses intelligence from the retardation of this minigame which takes 10 to 20 days to recover about 20 hours in my eyes bloodshot and attention slipping i managed to solve the first two mysteries you do this by finding clues participants and motives and slapping them together the more you find the more complete and accurate your solution is then i talked to the next five characters and they were all withdrawn and i quit the game i have never seen a story mechanic that's more laborious difficult and poorly thought out but it doesn't end there it gets better you can do all of that and still hard lock yourself from completing the game because you didn't pick the right option for a specific event on day 565 or you waited too long and someone essential to the plot has died of old age still i wasn't entirely sure about the story so i had to bring in the expert resident merchant aficionado of ben 10 porn and mentioned on several no-fly listings across thailand hello my i become rap people because i eat watermelon his hard drive died about five times while explaining but here's the gist of it bataysek was attacked by who by everyone both the evil and virtuous sect leaders conspired together to wipe it out but what could justify such a strange alliance because the old leader of a thai ye sect is none other than the demon emperor fu pikong who is currently inside your mini universe if you talk to him you'll get your answers you see cultivation is difficult but it's also strangely common to see someone go from mortal to demigod in just a few weeks that's because this world isn't real overwhelmed by demons the elders left the great vastness of a universe to this pocket universe where cultivation is quick but the creed of heaven is weakening and once it fails this universe will end they took a shortcut to artificial power and now they're trying their best to hold on in the final act a cutscene plays and fu pekong undoes the universe throwing us back into the great vastness everyone is mortal again but this time we can do it for real finally a title card drops coming in 20 20 free bug snacks too and that's the story of amazing cultivation simulator so you never have to go through that horrific experience in conclusion i give amazing cultivation simulator 10 out of 10 euphoria pills i hate it it's like the opium wars except in this case the chinese are winning if you're interested you can get a copy on steam also it's coming to gog on the 23rd of july this is made possible thanks to polish greed and my growing alliance with a ccp because i like to bet on the winning team and right now that's team china a warm thanks to the many members of a merchant's guild generously funding and bankrolling these videos you're all truly wonderful have a good one [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SsethTzeentach
Views: 3,171,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ssethtzeentach, sseth, amazing cultivation simulator
Id: wJxM3POU92w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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