r/Humansbeingbros This Heartwarming Story Will Make You Cry Tears of Joy

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welcome to our slash humans being bros where we have warm and fuzzy stories that will make you feel glad to be alive our first story comes from a deleted user who posted his story under our slash tales from tech support now I know you're not expecting a super fuzzy feel-good story out of our slash tales from tech support but believe me when I say that this is one of the most feel good and entertaining stories on all of reddit's you guys are in for a treat I was thrust a laptop by an anger executive early this morning with him complaining that his laptop had locked up again normally we have a ticketing system in place for any and all tech issues however when an executive wants something he bypasses the system because rank has its privileges so I go through the normal routine of diagnosis and through my efforts I see that the issue is simply bad Ram I replace the RAM and take the unit back to the executive he tells me he refuses to take the unit unless I have made 100% sure that everything that was wrong with it is fixed internally I wanted to punch this man but I held it in and simply asked him what other issues he was having and pulled out a notepad he ran through a load of issues that all screamed just run freaking ccleaner to me and I took his unit back to my desk after going through and cleaning out be as installed programs used literally once and never again and cleaning out junk data I found that a folder in his roaming was reading 12 gigabytes but was hidden I login with my credentials and enable viewing hidden or protected files and I see that the hidden folder was from 2014 basically it was just a bunch of old pictures and looked to be a temp folder created by one of the old programs I removed some kind of picture manager or some such normally when we see personal pictures on the machine we were supposed to delete them immediately now no one ever does this as we are not such big dicks in the IT department Plus this guy was an executive so I decided to just move the pictures to his desktop under a folder I created called old pics I took the laptop to him and informed him of the pics telling him I left it up to him if he wanted them delete it or not he thinks before my time and I went back to work about an hour later him his wife who had come up to join him for lunch came over to my desk he seemed very happy and she was crying now normally when I have nothing to do and a boss comes over I stand up to greet them just the way I was raised I guess I was not prepared for what followed and was totally shocked by the outcome the lady wanted to thank me for finding the pictures and the executive reached out to shake my hand thanking me profusely before pulling me into a hug in front of the entire IT department I awkwardly hugged him back and he let me go embarrassed my eyes are wide flabbergasted and totally unprepared for this extremely out of character moment for this guy barely able to hold back tears his wife tells me that the pictures I recovered were thought to be lost in 2012 their four-year-old son had died of leukemia and the pictures I recovered were taken right before his diagnosis at 3 years of age because of a house fire a few years ago they thought they lost every last photo of their son apparently those were the photos I had recovered his wife reached out to hug me and everyone in the IT department stared at their screens hard with puffy eyes as we were all not expecting this kind of emotional event today my boss came out of his office to personally thank me and forwarded an email changed me ahead of a company-wide email that the CEO sent out basically retelling the tale while naming me personally he threw in words about striving for excellence and the unexpected results of everyday excellence I had to turn off my Skype for business as the attaboys kept coming in one after the other my boss told me to take my lunch early since the flood of messages was making it hard to do my job well Opie let me add one more add a boy to the pile because oh my god plus I expect that if you scroll down to the comments you will see quite a few more ad boys added on top of mine seriously Opie that was a bro move our next post comes from Hooters but with cats my kid is gaming with friends so I brought him a snack and he says thanks love you then laughter erupts from the headset and he goes what you don't love your mother's I am sad for you so if you need me I'll just be over here sobbing into my world's best mom ribbon we read so many our slash entitled parents posts on this channel that sometimes we forget that this is what a normal healthy loving interaction looks like between a non entitled mother and a kid and just a quick reminder everyone Mother's Day is in about a week our next post is from wadda wadda habib my mom always made me a birthday cake every year for 44 years two months since she died and my old dad tried his hardest and my heart melted in the world's best dad competition I'd say this guy takes the cake our next post is from dark Oh 602 dear r /s credit what's your dirty little secret I secretly watched my friends streams and support him without him knowing by using a different account he gets very few viewers so I talked to him throughout the stream to keep his spirits up you know I'm suspicious of the same thing I don't think I had this many followers I have a sneaking suspicion that my mom just made 800,000 different YouTube accounts and is supporting me on all of them our next post is from dobby is a free pup just watch a man bringing home a goldfish on the train accidentally popped the bag fish flops onto the floor three people swarm to save him the fish not the man guy chugs the last of his coffee and throws the fish in his cup lady next to him empties in her bottle of water you know that's a really sweet story but a fish swimming around in slightly coffee water kind of makes me think that's probably the most awake fish in the world our next post is from boop-boop 20 hope to all the hard parents I'm the divorced parent of a 9 and 12 year old always up against Disneyland dad I made peace a long time with the fact that they will always hate me for the chores homework and behavior rules I enforce tonight my 12 year old told me I am such a good mom this after I made them earn time for electronics by hanging up clothes and doing dishes I said I was sorry I am NOT always fun mom my 12 year old said it's okay mom you're doing it for a good reason to teach us about life my heart be still as I fall asleep maybe I'm not as horrible as I feel listen lady I am something of an expert on terrible mothers and let me assure you based on this post you are not a terrible mother our next post is from al fake yesterday I walked from my store to my car through the mall there was a special-needs kid that was walking next to me I was wearing a dark blue v-neck t-shirt and my thick Clark Kent glasses hair was dark from the product in it and was firmly in place except for the little spit curl in my forehead he kept pace and I said hello he had to ask me something he leaned in close and whispered are you Superman I chuckled a little bit thanks kid no his face remained dead serious I won't tell anyone he said you're very nice thank you I'm not though Superman isn't and this kid had this look on his face I won't tell anyone I promise I swear I'm an emotional guy so I was getting a little choked up we are not supposed to talk about secret identities kid it can get dangerous and he starts enthusiastically nodding an agreement I know I know when I was almost to the doors I turned back and took my glasses off and put my finger up to my lips and went and as best as his limbs would let him he gave me a thumbs up I've been welling up thinking about it for about 24 hours now thought I was crazy until I told Shannon last night and she had the same reaction 100% totally true story and despite his disadvantages in life perceived and real I think that kid for being a superhero yesterday I guess it's true what they say and not all heroes wear capes our next post is from Annette sua posted to our / confessions I'd lie about my cat all the time so I have an extremely friendly kitten he's only 2 or so and absolutely adores being pet or getting attention anytime I have company over I always warn them about how much he dislikes people it's not because I want to be the sole provider of affection for him or because I want the guests to leave him alone I just really like the look on their faces when this problem Kitty comes up and cuddles with them and seeing how special it makes them feel on that note you should see my expression when you go lets me get through an entire video without any interruptions our next post is from RJ 16 my kid was upset about being in timeout so she did the only logical thing her four-year-old brain could think of which was to act like a Pikachu using a thunder attack on me then we stared at each other in silence until she whispered nothing is working she's too powerful the only thing that would have made this better is if she said nothing is working it's not very effective our next post is from ban all pineapples when we were babies my dad was a stay-at-home dad while my mom kicked butt in the courtroom but he would carry my twin brother and me around with one baby on the front and one on his back in backpacks and women would come up and look at how cute I was and COO over me and be like oh how cute Wow and my dad would be like you know what's cuter than one baby and then he'd spin around and bam there was my brother our next post is from Ryne boo Dersch dear r / ask reddit what's the best job quitting story you can tell I had to lay off my entire staff and myself with 8 hours notice I was the contract project manager on a government type project office type work at our periodic review on Thursday the government announced they would not be renewing our contract and our last day was Friday the next day I brought everyone into the conference room first thing the next day let everyone know that we were all out of a job and that today was everyone's last day I had everyone email me their resumes and we went over everyone's on the conference room projector and updated them over the course of the day I then printed out reference sheets for everyone and we all spent the remainder of the day writing letters of recommendation for each other I ordered everyone pizza and bought everyone around two drinks at the bar next door most folks had jobs by the end of the next week that's um that's pretty different from my last boss I got fired the day before my health insurance renewed so as I was driving home from work after being fired I was actually uninsured during that car trip our next post is from Jeff trav I know you're asking for $1,200 and that seems like a good price would you be willing to hold it until next week I really need a car but I have to wait till my taxes come sorry I already told someone I wouldn't hold it that's fine I've had a hard time finding something reliable my price range I'm borrowing my mom's car now but it's tough to get me and her to work and my kids to preschool but we're making it work hopefully you'll get my taxes back next week no prob I actually just want the car to go to someone who needs it if you need it you can have it thanks so much I'll let you know as soon as the direct deposit comes through so excited no I mean do you want the car for free I wanted to make sure whoever got it actually needed it so I didn't list it as free because everyone would have needed it but probably just resold it what are you serious you don't have to do that the price is fine I wouldn't feel right not paying for it no seriously I want to give it to someone who needs it and you seem to genuinely need it it's yours no money needed I'm crying are you kidding why would you do that no not kidding I don't need it and I figured someone else did I'm glad you'll be able to use it can you meet today or tomorrow are you sure I'm so excited and can't believe this you have no idea how much this will bless me and my kids oh my gosh I'm literally crying now yes I can meet whenever you want but I definitely don't have money to pay for right now well no money needed really except to register it I guess let me know if you need help with that too I want to get you driving at ASAP thank you so much are you real this feels like a dream guys we found it this is the mythological cellar that every choosing beggar thinks that they're actually negotiating with I didn't know people like this actually existed our next post is from Marshall Deer are slash ask reddit what's a secret your s ou still doesn't know about you and why have you kept it secret about eight years ago I discovered my wife's sisters reddit account accidentally it was a variation of a username she used for a m-- before but with different numbers and no underscore the numbers were a significant date to her though there were too many coincidences in her posts for it not to be her she was posting on the relationship advice subreddit her now ex-husband was abusive we'd known something was off about him but couldn't really put our finger on it I created another account that I only access from incognito mode to send her encouragement to leave and ask her family or friends but kinda steered her towards us for help she didn't want to impose or be a burden on any of them we just had a kid and I make a bunch of money but we live well within our means so you wouldn't think this based on appearances so it was an understandable concern I slowly over several weeks and several different posts she made convince her that it's possible her family realized something isn't quite right and would not consider it a burden to help her out after their divorce I deleted that account nobody will ever know that the random Internet stranger who was weirdly persistent in encouraging my sister-in-law to reach out to her family for help and leave her abusive marriage was actually me it's kind of crazy to think that this sister-in-law is going to go through her entire life without ever knowing what her brother-in-law did for her unless of course our reddit youtuber decides to cover this story and the video goes viral and she sees the post on YouTube oh oh that was our slash humans being bros I've had a couple of fans reach out to me and say that they feel like it's really hard to tell when one story ends and another where he begins so they thought I should add some sort of sound effect like a bell in between each story I thought instead of doing that I could just verbally shout out o P which I tried in this video so let me know if you think this made the story's flow a little bit smoother with clear starts and endings or if you think I should go back to the old style
Channel: rSlash
Views: 418,381
Rating: 4.9615173 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, humansbeingbros, humans being bros, humans, being, bros, r/humansbeingbros, feelgood stories, feel good stories, made me smile, r/mademsmile, happy stories, make you cry
Id: P6-hNesdWC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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