r/Idontworkherelady Stuck-Up Customer Gets HERSELF Arrested!

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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady we're entitled customers try to kidnap a little girl so I work as an armed guard for an armed truck service for those of you who don't know we're responsible for picking up money and checks from other businesses ie banks stores restaurants etc as part of my job is handling large amounts of cash I carry a sidearm or handgun for those not into guns in order to protect myself and the money where I live you have to have what's called a concealed carry permit to have such a firearm outside of work hours which I have so I am on my way home and have to stop at the store to pick up dinner for myself the store I go to his employees that wear a blue polo and tan pants my uniform is black pants and red polo with company name on it and as I had just got off work I still have my name badge on and sidearm and it's holster on my hip Hugh crazy lady I'm browsing the freezer aisle and she stops me and starts to ask where product Z is she stops dead in her tracks she sees my gun in its holster stops talking and fast walks out of the aisle I just assumed she realized I don't work there and love to find someone who does I go about my business and proceed up to the cashier line as I'm waiting to get up to the checkout in comes a swarm of about eight police officers they come straight to me with crazy lady behind shouting that's him that's the guy with the gun they point their guns at me and order my hands up I dropped what I have and comply I state that I work for company Z and that I have a permit for my weapon they lower and holster their guns after the commotion and apologize for the confusion but said they got a call about a guy walking around the store waving a gun around I say I'm sorry but since I have been here my gun has been holstered never left the holster they turned to the lady and asked if it's true that I never took my gun out of the holster she yells that I'm lying and that I can't have a gun in the store anyway they of course go and check the security footage and see that I did nothing and let me go on about my business and apologize again for the misunderstanding they then turn around and handcuff the lady who called and told her she is being arrested for misusing the 9-1-1 system and inciting panic not sure this entirely belongs here and I am open to comments to be honest while reading this story I thought this entitled Karen was gonna walk away completely scot-free but I am so glad that she got arrested what she did was so insanely dangerous she 100% risked Opie's life our next story is from flex tape girl this was about three years ago but my aunt recently brought it up so I thought I'd share this was a horrid experience but I now look back and laugh I was 14 and was visiting my aunt and uncle over the summer my aunt works at the drug store a few blocks away one day I had to get some feminine products as I had run out so I decided I'd bring some lunch and eat with my aunt on her lunch break I went straight to the feminine products and in my haste accidentally knocked some down so I had squatted down to pick them up note I also had my earbuds in listening to music I was on the floor for maybe a minute when I was forcefully pulled up to a standing position I turned and was met with a barbecue stained shirt looked up I realized the guy wearing it was very angry and still holding on to my arm he then started angrily ranting about how I shouldn't be wearing earbuds at work and should listen when someone was speaking to me I gruffly say I don't work here go find someone else and pulled my arm from his grip suddenly he's furious he grabs my arm and starts pulling me to the front saying he's going to get me fired for being such a rude jerk I was literally being dragged against my will so I started screaming help I'm being sexually assaulted he's trying to kidnap me he told me to shut up and still wouldn't let go people finally start coming around the corner as we get to the cash register the lady there is horrified and tells him to let go of me and she is going to call the cops he doesn't let go of but realizes he's gonna be in trouble so in an effort to cover his butt he starts saying that I'm his daughter and I was trying to steal and his wife is right here to prove it his wife looks a little shocked but quickly composes herself she then marches right up to me and slaps me saying I didn't raise my daughter to steal they they turn still pulling me along to leave the whole time I am utterly horrified and didn't really say anything at this point my aunt comes from the back room and is utterly shocked she starts screaming - let go of me they start yelling that they are just disciplining their daughter my aunt my aunt screams fact that I'm her niece and that they are going to jail the guy the guy quickly let go of me and literally runs for the exit the cashier lady followed them out yelling at them turned out the cops had just pulled up outside and arrested them I stayed in the back room as I was freaking out but my aunt talked to the cops and press charges they charged with they charged with assault attempted kidnapping theft they took their unpaid items with them when they ran and something else that I can't remember I know the guy got 18 months in jail and a fine and the woman got a huge fine hey guys have you ever accidentally kidnapped a teenage girl because you put yourself in an awkward social situation and you're in too deep to just let it go so you just have to double down and kidnap a minor yeah don't you just hate it when that happens and as ridiculous as this story is I've really got to give props to that guy's wife in this story I mean she's probably like looking at candy bars and then all of a sudden for unknown reason her husband is kidnapping a little girl and she just rolls with it talk about standing by her man woman is a keeper our next story is from Pennywise 1 2 3 5 I had an I don't work here lady moment yesterday I am an HVAC school right now so I get out mid-afternoon most days yesterday I get a call saying my brand-new recliner chair was ready for pickup from the Furniture Warehouse I ordered it a month ago and it just got to the distribution center so I booked it over after class and thought about how great it would be to have a chair that's mine again and not falling apart my current one is 14 years old and my daughters tend to claim it when I get up for more than 10 seconds that being said I get to the warehouse go in and get the order process for pickup and back my truck to the bay door and wait as told by customer service thus the incidents older and title dude pulls up in a very nice very well-polished Cadillac right next to me two spaces over from bay doors and sits there looks around for a minute sees me leaning on the tailgate of my truck and stares at me for probably thirty seconds before he loses patience I am obliviously looking at my phone and waiting for delivery of my chair Hey he yells this through his rolled down car windows I heard his yelling but didn't care enough to look up hey I know you can hear me he lays on the car horn at this point what come here no no I'm good stupid little lazy doodoo get over here and get my furniture order okay this can't really be happening so I sauntered over what the heck are you barking about and why are you yelling at me because I am a paying customer and you're not being paid to sit on your butt so get in there and get my furniture now okay now I get it you think I work here well I don't yes you do you dress like a dirty warehouse worker you're just being a lazy entitled butthole keep in mind this guy is yelling at me calling me crazy and entitled while sitting in an $80,000 car look old man if you want your furniture processed you have to go inside like everyone else and get the customer service people to process there ain't curbside service here this is your last warning Punk go get my furniture okay I'm gonna go back to wait for my stuff now right about then the bay door opens and an actual employee comes out with my chair on a dolly employee is wearing shorts sneakers a harness and a t-shirt that says the furniture store on it I'm gonna hoodie long work pants and boots so no actual resemblance to the employee employee helps me load the chair still boxed up into my truck and I assign the sales receipt for it meanwhile older and tile dude has finally gotten out and is stalling his way over complaining to the heavens overall the inn justices of the world and how Millennials are ruining everything I guess I'm a millennial now even though I'm over 40 and my beard is going gray I got the chair all strapped down and hopped out of my truck bed shook the actual employees hand and got in and started my truck employee must have been used to the insanity of entitled customers because he was completely ignoring the older entitled dude instead he just pushed the dolly back in and closed the bay door older entitled dude was hollering and cussing up a storm as he started up and drove away not the most satisfying story but still ended with a smile on my face I think the only responsible thing for Opie to do in that situation is to actually help him load the furniture but in the process make sure to ding up and scratch his $80,000 Cadillac as much as possible our next story is from smoke water this just happened today I'm at my local wally world wal-mart dress in my Hawaiian shirt shorts and just not looking anything like an employee of Walmart I am with my card grabbing chips and salsa for gathering I have this evening a nice gal of about 5 foot nothing asked me to help her get some chips from the upper shelf why is it the shelves for the chips are always empty at this Walmart I being six six get asked often to grab things from the high shelves I feel for you vertically challenged folks so I grabbed the chips and passed them to her she thinks me and goes on her way then it happens the I turn and see another woman she says now that you're done flirting where can I find the batteries I chuckle and say well what kind she cuts me off and starts clapping where are the batteries I then say I'm sorry you don't need to clap I don't work here she cuts me off again and says don't help me get your manager where are the batteries now I knew what she was asking but being that I hate clappers it's the rudest form of communication possible I say they are over in the automotive section just talk to one of the service techs out there and she storms off I continued my shopping when about five minutes later I hear this scream that's not what I wanted where is that butthole associate I start grinning here it comes she hunts me down and says they only have car batteries there I wanted small batteries for electronics I look at her I smile and then say you were not specific her mouth drops open she gasps like I just stole all the oxygen from the area she then says where is your manager now I work remotely for my company my manager works in a different state I say to her likely in st. Louis as I tried to tell you lady I don't work here I then turn and walk away while she spews hate and vulgarity in my direction I am calling it a good day don't clap at me I'm not performing for you Opie in this story says he hates clappers like it's a common thing that happens to him in life is this something that people do I have literally never seen someone do this in real life let me know down in the comments if you've ever come across a clapper like this our next story is from Mozilla the laptop Killa this will be a stretch fit for this but it's a good story I used to be a service consultant at a mercedes-benz dealership a guy in his 20s just bought an older car and comes in for the first time so I helped him out I get all his info and create a new customer profile in our database this takes about five to ten minutes so I usually casually talk to the customer during the process I noticed he looks tired as heck so I asked him if he worked third shift or something since it's about 8:00 a.m. he mentions he's been up all night as a bodyguard for his wife he hands me a camouflage business card with her cam girl name and web address all over it he casually mentions if you ever get feeling a little lonely give her a look online she does Skype shows phone calls and other stuff too I put the card on my desk he signs the repair order and I verified the phone number I'll need to call later that day to get approval for repairs a few hours later after the technician has diagnosed the car's problem I called the number and a woman answers will refer to her as cam girl hey there it's Opie from Mercedes the cam girl in a quiet bed roomy voice did you send the picture I'm sorry I'm not sure what you mean you're supposed to send me a picture of yourself before we start playing then maybe we'll meet up I apologize again but I don't know what you're talking about I started to wonder if I dialed the wrong number right here I realized this is the wife and she thinks I'm trying to party this is Opie from the mercedes-benz dealership I'm calling about your mercedes-benz your car needs serviced not me cam girls voice changes instantly and she starts talking normally oh so what's going on with the car after the call I took the business card and ran back to the shop to tell all the text what happened our next to where he is from nga Mako I work as a substitute teacher at various local high schools I am 24 but obviously look younger according to this teacher the angry teacher said why aren't you in uniform and no phones during school I thought he was talking to a student so I ignored him excuse me don't ignore me he said as he snatched my phone out of and what the Freak give that back I'm not a student that's detention for swearing at a teacher you will get your phone back at the end of the day now you will come down to the office and tell the principal about how disrespectful you are being by this point I thought it would be funnier to let him complain to the principal who I play netball with and watch his reaction he was raging saying I deserve to be suspended and that students always had their phones out yada yada the principal and I were just trying not to laugh before she told him I was a teacher too now give me my phone back don't you have a class to teach because I do I have never seen anyone go so red that was our slash I don't work here lady and allow me to formally apologize for that terrible sexy bedroom voice
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkhere, i dont work here
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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