r/Prorevenge "This is How I DESTROYED An Entire Town" - Top Reddit Threads

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welcome to our /po revenge where a supervillain mastermind literally destroys an entire town in his quest for vengeance this next story is one of my favorite stories on all of Reddit I think it's actually my number two story behind the pro divorce story I did a couple of weeks ago so pull out your popcorn because this is about to get brutal as a background I grew up in a conservative little town in a conservative rural area heavily dominated by religion this makes people put great stock on moral purity and appearances keeping up the facade is the most important thing everyone must go to church weekly and people are heavily judged for appearing sinful this was a bad thing for me as the cards were heavily stacked against me from birth you see I'm a rape baby my mother lost her parents when she was young and was taken in by her uncle and aunt the uncle had an important position in the local religious hierarchy so when he and a couple of his friends started sexually abusing my mom it was ignored by everyone when she got pregnant it was painted as showing that she's a harlot running around seducing married men she was cast out why she didn't move out of town I don't know but yeah there I came into the picture born out of wedlock and with no father branded as a sinful outcast my childhood was awful I don't go into details but enough to say that by the time I started going to school I was quite damaged school made it worse I was bullied relentlessly teachers were part of it since they were all part of the religious community which saw me as stained imagine being the only black kid in a town run by KKK and you get close to how it was so yeah in school I became that trenchcoat kid or its local cultural equivalent I became weird and hostile on purpose to turn people off people were casting me into the mold of being damaged and stained so yeah I took it and turned it into something to protect myself with despite all this opposition I managed to graduate with decent grades a distant on my only decent relative helped me get into a college in an actual city she was the black sheep of the family and saw herself in me maybe around this time my mother drank herself to death can't blame her for it she had a life insurance policy that helped me study city life liberated me I went into therapy and managed to treat the wounds that town had sliced into me I got rid of that sucky town but I guess some part of it never left me years went by I became a sort of analytical consultant I work for an international company that does sort of out-of-the-box analysis for other companies I won't go into details to protect my identity but we assist in solving all kinds of situations well in my line of work I'm sometimes called in to help downsizing operations this sucks I feel for the people who get fired but if I wouldn't do it someone else would a couple of years ago I got an assignment to go into three different factories and assess them wholesale then come with a suggestion on which of them to move abroad my hometown was among those three factories you see the sucky town I grew up in was one of those one smokestack towns like we say in my country there was one factory and some agriculture everyone worked in those jobs like 60% of people in the factory rest of the economy rolled around supporting the factory and the people working there most of the people were looking forward at nothing but a job at the factory after getting out of school the religious community running the town ran the factory as well the big shots in the community tended to be bosses in the factory that meant that the factory wasn't run that well promotions were based on holiness not merit or skill the trip back to the hometown was glorious most people didn't recognize me at first the chubby outcasts had become outwards just another corporate drone I inspected all the paperwork listen to all their speeches and lies audited the processes in the process I dropped hints and finally they got who I was the factory people threw a party for me then for the old times sake many of my old school buddies were there we remembered fate good times together I threw shadow on every part by pulling up some certain event of bullying I had endured just to see the atmosphere turn awkward then I laughed at it like it was always a joke and I had grown out of it inside I was seething with hatred and enjoying this all I really loved seeing their faces seeing what they had become because f it I was going to take it all away from them in the end they seemed relieved believing that they were lucky it was me doing the audit that the hometown boy would protect them after my visit lasting a couple of days was over I cruised around the town in my rented car just to see how people lived and to remember what it was like my state of mind was something close to sexual arousal I had never understood why people pursue positions of power but yeah now I understand the rest is as they say history I wrote a really scathing report documenting every little flaw and mistake ever done in the town plan I didn't need to lie or fabricate I simply took things that existed and polished them till they looked even worse than they were the factory was shut down and in the following years the town died no business venture ever came to replace it drug use and alcohol use spiked as did crime and domestic violence lives fell apart families fell apart they still haven't recovered safer a few brighter souls who moved away I still stalk them on social media sometimes enjoying how sucky their lives are how they finally got to pay for what they did to me and my mom I don't feel a slight bit of remorse if I could do it all again I would only I'd first make it so I could be present to watch when they received the news about the factory being shut down heck in my fantasy version of the events I'd stay in town for a year just to see everyone fall apart in reality I will only go back there once when my uncle finally dies I'm going to go and piss on his grave this story has no business being in our / / revenge it is much more like an hour / nuclear revenge because he bombs the whole freaking town I mean I get that you know dozens of people made his life miserable his uncle his classmates his family his teachers you know random people on the street but he caught so many innocent bystanders in the destruction of his pro revenge this guy actually like a comic book supervillain this happened shortly after college my mom is a retired disabled woman who now owns her house on a quiet residential cul-de-sac she has lived there longer than anyone else her neighbor has designated parking spaces at the end of the cul-de-sac all with the addresses of each house painted in the parking space my mom doesn't get out much so I use her designated parking space at the time we lived in the same city and I visit her weekly to bring groceries fix broken things cook for her etc my mom parked her car in the backyard of her house since she went out so little mom kept busy by gardening or baking and buying cookies for the children on the street mom's neighbor IB never parked well whenever I stopped by her car was always parked so close to my car that I had to park on the curb I wouldn't have cared about IVs piss-poor parking but for two things one she had four or five kids and had parties almost every weekend leaving trash in mom's yards number two I loved my car a 2016 metallic ice blue Dodge Challenger Hellcat the first car I had ever purchased brand new I washed that car once a week detailed the interior and had rules against eating drinking or even leaving trash in my car it was my pride and joy mom had called the police throughout Ivy's residence because of the parties Ivy's guests would fill up the cul-de-sac with their cars obstructing traffic and get into loud drunk fights at and after midnight I often found empty beer bottles empty condom wrappers cigarette butts empty crack baggies on the fence between the properties mostly on IV side of the fence this is all important information one Saturday while having dinner at Mom's house I heard a loud crash and my car alarm went off I ran outside to see Ivy's older model Honda Accord back out of her parking space and speed down the street Ivy's Accord had a dent from the front bumper to the door and the headlight had popped out I approached my challenger with trepidation and screamed in anguish at what I saw my car my beautiful three week old car with less than 500 miles on it had a dent stretching from the passenger's door to the front bumper and the right front wheel was tilted at a 30-degree angle I was livid and in anguish as I called the police filed an online claim with my insurance and arranged for a tow truck to take my damaged car to the dealership the estimated cost of repairs came out to 3400 u.s. dollars total cost of repairs was eventually 6500 I had a low insurance deductible $100 but my car was parked and IV owed for the damages for two weeks I knocked on Ivy's door I waited for her to come home she stopped driving her damaged Accord and either rented or borrowed a Ford Fusion when she was home she didn't answer the door when she wasn't she stayed away until my rental car a Dodge Charger left mom's parking space I left a note on Ivy's door for her to call me but only received harassing calls from restricted phone numbers or people blaring air horns in my ear when I answered the revenge about two weeks after the accident Ivy's children came to Mom's house for some cookies I noticed that two of them had bruises around her eyes.if Ivy hadn't hit in my car I still would have done what I did but maybe not as underhandedly I had mom take pictures with one of the children but waited until the next party to strike Ivy had a party that night or the night after mom called me to let me know and I installed an app onto my phone that gave me a fake phone number i called 9-1-1 and part of the party there's a loud party at 1007 Mountain Drive and I'm worried because the children are around all these drunk adults please hurry mom called to let me know the police had arrived I drove to her house stopping by the grocery store first so that appeared to be the reason and saw ivy and her boyfriend bein already sitting in the back of a squad car from a news broadcast that night I found out that vane had warrants out for his arrest initially the charges were disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace however mom turned over the photos of the children anonymously mailing them through the post office with Ivy's address and name as the return address less than a week later ivy and Bane were charged with child abuse charges I think Bane was charged with more severe charges as well for abusing Ivy's daughter either way the children ended up in foster care and ivy and Bane ended up in prison so apparently I get that these are obviously fake names but this is clearly a pro revenge story from Batman himself taking down two of his oldest rivals it looks like once again at Batman beats ivy and Bane the moral of the story don't mess with the Batmobile this happened about 12 years ago while I was studying aeronautical engineering due to some money-grubbing legislation tactics most who have gone to college know about the unnecessary courses that are tacked on to the degrees in order to graduate one of those courses for my degree was a business class seriously you'd think these guys would understand that most engineers don't do the business side of things thankfully we had a teacher who was understanding of the fact that many of us in the class were bored out of our minds I'll admit to having always been a geek or nerd who loved making good grades if I don't understand something I run at it hard to try and change that this class stumped me for quite some time and then a nightmare of a project was announced one worth 50% of our grade the school was a small one the class a little more than 30 people and I was assigned to work with three people I knew from other classes we had problems straight away two of the people remembered me from a calculus class that they barely passed as the person who sailed easily through and decided to dump their portion of the work on me straight away knowing I wouldn't allow myself to fail they were right at first my other group member tried to pick up the slack as well pulling hard to do a difficult project in a subject we barely understood I'll admit she was a trooper unfortunately she was also someone easily manipulated and our two slacking group members began applying pressure during the semester for her to take the work and allow them to present it the day of the project finally comes and I'm sick as a dog pretty much quarantined in the clinic due to bronchitis I managed to send a message to the teacher the two slackers managed to wrangle the presentation from the girl who worked with me and presented it to the class declaring that they had done all the work and I was skipping class because they had told me that they were going to tell the teacher what happened my initial grade was an F I was beyond pissed until I realized something important part of the project involved a written report of which I held the only copy since I was the one to type it up cue the revenge privately I went to the teacher with my notes in a report in order to get the grade I earned and to get him in on the plot he agreed since it seemed fun and he planned to fail them anyway for academic dishonesty publicly there was no report the classmates that had attempted to take all the credit began to approach me first demanding the report most of the time my response was but I didn't do any work in a sickly sweet voice next they attempted to act all buddy-buddy trying to convince me that it had all been a joke and promising that they'd tell the professor that I had done some work giving me some credit so that I had the possibility to pass this was met with stony silence on most occasions before I told him that I'd rather fail than let them pass things escalated after that to include the door of my dorm room being rapped on at odd hours of the night shoving and then stealing my backpack and notebooks in order to try to find the report themselves one of them even asked my roommate to let them search for a report I had written and forgotten for our group didn't have her as my roommate the following semester things finally came to a head on the last week of classes I had held out on them for a month not telling any of my group mates what I had done and enough time had elapsed that even if they were to turn in the report now it would be so late that they'd still have failed they hadn't even attempted to do the report themselves and the girl who had worked with me was in hysterics over the very real possibility of failing the class it was what the teacher and I had been waiting for and he finally decided to return their reports the two slackers glared daggers at me as the teacher returned the report of every other group in the class before stopping in front of them he was holding what looked to be one extra report and they were immediately looking hopeful he set a single sheet of paper on one of their desks before moving to the desk of the girl who had worked along with me and set the report on her desk I had to dock some points for dishonesty but you and your partner did decently he stated before moving on my partner realized what I had done we only got an 82 on our project but it was far better than the zero that our X group mates received I had been carefully documenting their harassment that the two slackers had put me through and ensured several witnesses saw some of what they did two days after being informed that they were failing the pair had a new problem I gave the evidence to the administration of our school and the teacher reported the academic dishonesty the administration did a bit more digging and found that the pair had been making trouble for some time and a number of students reported similar problems of having their work stolen the slackers were expelled here's a lifepro tip for everyone out there don't try to screw over someone who's smarter than you and works harder than you I mean honestly what do you expect to happen haha hey that guy's smarter than us and more diligent than us and he has all the evidence that could screw us over let's totally betray him what could possibly go wrong hahahaha that was our /po revenge and god that first story might be the single most savage story of revenge I have ever heard I mean that guy ruined the lives of hundreds of in people just so he could screw over the let's say 20 to 50 people who affected his life that guy is stone-cold
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Views: 2,286,135
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: Bknsgz7XM9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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