r/Prorevenge - Student DESTROYS Evil Teacher!

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge but before we get into the video I wanted to say thank you so much for a hundred thousand subscribers we've basically gained a hundred cave subs in the span of about a week and I asked you guys how I should celebrate and the overwhelming answer was give my channel to an entitled brat with good grades so if you're a spoiled little brat who thinks that they deserve my channel let me hear from you down in the comments honestly I don't think I'm gonna give away my channel but if your grades are really really really good well then I guess I don't have a choice in high school about ten years ago I was quiet and attentive in class teachers liked me I wasn't popular but I had good friends I say all this to explain that high school was relatively calm for me I played sports was on the student newspaper and got decent grades however that all changed my second semester junior year I've always been a voracious reader my freshman English teacher recommended I move up to the Honors English track so I did for freshman sophomore and the first half of junior year then I was put in the classical literature my second semester junior year I have always loved Greek and Roman stories and had already read your typical high school classical reading list on my own I didn't mind reading them again until I met mrs. umbrage she put on a sweet facade but she was downright evil she also decided she hated me I still do not know why or what transgression I committed but she hated me I assumed it was my bad habit of sometimes nodding off in classes at the time I had undiagnosed thyroid issues and was getting up at 5:00 a.m. for swim practice I say sometimes because it happened maybe twice a month total between all eight classes I don't remember nodding off in her class but it could have happened anyways her class was 50% essays written reports the rest were random quizzes and a couple of tests I was on the student newspaper and I was a decent writer I wasn't worried about maintaining a beer up we wrote our first paper and I got a D I was shocked the only class I struggled in was chemistry and still my lowest assignment grade was a C after class I asked miss umbrage what I did wrong because her notes were minimal she told me my assessment of the material was uninspired okay can you direct me to an example of an inspired assessment come back during study hall thinking she'd have some example materials for me to review I got a pass to see her during study hall nope she spent the full hour basically telling me I was an idiot I remember leaving and crying because she didn't tell me anything constructive my friend the eventual valedictorian offered to help me on my next paper my friend and I spent hours on my next paper she never got below an a-minus on anything I got another D my friend was furious she took it to her AP English teacher and asked him to review it she said she was entering a writing competition and wanted advice he said it was great her typical a plus work my friend quicker on the uptake asked me for a copy of my original assignment she asked her AP teacher to look over it too and he said she should enter the first one this one was still good he'd probably given an a-minus but the other paper was better my friend was convinced mrs. Umbridge was treating me unfairly for some reason and she must not like me my friend wanted me to tell my parents or my school counselor a teacher didn't like me that had never happened sure they didn't all love me but none had actively disliked me I decided I'd try one more time but this time get miss umbrage to help me despite the previous horrors of spending study hall with miss umbrage I went to her office during study hall three times before the next paper was due she reviewed the paper and gave me tips on revising it each time she did this in red pen I took notes by the time the next paper was due I had three revised versions with her notes in red ink on each one I got ad plus she smirked and congratulated me on my improvement [ __ ] I was done my friend was right this teacher had it out for me and she was giving me bad grades on purpose I am a laid-back person but I was pissed never before been this pissed I took my paper to my newspaper teacher sure he didn't teach English but our Student Paper constantly won awards because of his work I told him I was having trouble in English and could he please look over my paper and give me advice he was a little confused as to why I didn't ask my the teacher but he did it he also told me it was great and gave me a few minor changes to make I asked him if he thought it was a B or better he said he'd give it an 8 not a hundred percent but a solid a I went to my friend and we brainstormed I couldn't request a drop at this wasn't college you just don't switch classes at my high school unless the teacher recommends an honor placement that's not true said my friend the football and basketball guys get moved to easier classes all the time to keep their grades up so they are eligible for games the athletics director was a friend of my dad so I requested a meeting with him and my swim coach after school one day I told them I was in danger of losing my eligibility to swim because I was pulling ad in a class I wanted to move classes but I knew I needed proof from administration which I wouldn't get without a good reason they asked if I had requested help I explained I had asked for help from multiple people but my grade wasn't improving I didn't know what to do they asked to see my papers i sat while they read them they both looked at me confused neither of them could understand how those papers were worth only a D the student vice principal was brought in he asked who helped me I explained my friend he knew who she was again at future valedictorian and she had even asked her AP English teacher to look it over for advice I had also asked my newspaper teacher to help me student VP asked if I had ever actually asked my teacher for help I smiled and handed him the three revised versions of paper number three with mrs. M Bridges red ink all over them he frowned AP English teacher and my newspaper teacher were pulled into a meeting they were each asked to grade the papers all three papers got an a-minus or better while this was going on my dad was called in by the athletics director my dad was pissed he demanded I be moved to another class and that Miss Umbridge be put under review clearly she wasn't grading students on their work but on her own personal opinions the school administration obviously bristled at the accusation that a teacher was treating students unfairly a lot of arguing that I wasn't allowed to sit on occurred in the VP's office I could hear plenty of yelling a six adult men argued over the appropriate next steps it was decided that myself my dad the vice principal and athletics director would have a meet with mrs. umbrage the following morning before school we all met miss umbrage seemed to think she was going to get to tell everyone why I was stupid vice principal explained that if I maintained ad in her class I would lose my extra curricular eligibility and we were all meeting to discuss what to do she smirked and said I should be moved to the non Honors English track and I had no business being in an Honors English I didn't have the aptitude to understand the complex classical literature they were studying and I probably would need a tutor to even get through basic English I've never seen my father so read and I have expected to see steam come out of his ears vice principal asked why she didn't try to help me improve she said it was up to the students to put in the initiative to get better vice principal asked if that meant I had never asked her for help she said I had not vice principal then pulled out the three revised versions of paper number three and handed them to miss umbrage now it was her turn to be read she called me a liar and said those notes weren't hers things got heated and I was asked to leave again I sat outside the office this time the secretary was there and we both heard the shouting school was set to start in 30 minutes and they were all just shouting then AP English teacher and newspaper teacher were called and again more shouting about five minutes to the start of classes the teachers left and I was called back in if looks could kill I'd have died then and there when miss umbrage walked out of the vice principal's office I was being moved to basic English effective immediately my current grade would not carry over I would not need to make up any past assignments a new teacher would be instructed to grade me only on the assignments going forward my new English teacher Miss Honey ended up being the English department head she was at least 65 and had been doing this for decades at 2.5 years of honors English this class was easier than PE I barely had to try to get an A but I refuse to let Miss Honey think miss umbrage had been right I tried harder in that class than any other class that semester I finished project so quickly that I was asked to tutor a girl struggle in the class I spent half the class period just helping this girl understand the material I helped her go from a c-minus to a B+ I got something like a hundred and four percent in the class at the end of the semester Miss Honey called me into her office during study hall she was recommending I return to honors English for senior year I must have looked panicked because she assured me Miss Umbridge would not be my teacher in fact she would not be anyone's teacher she was leaving at the end of the school year miss umbrage was only in her late 20s and unmarried too early to retire and my high school was in one of the best paying school districts in the state I knew what leading meant but Miss Honey still explained that I was put in her class on purpose the school administration trusted Miss Honey to determine the truth of mrs. M Bridges claim that I was basically a lying idiots Miss Honey stated I very clearly belonged in honors English she apologized at for class and not been challenging enough for me I cried I mean full-on ugly snot cried I didn't realize it but part of me had actually believed miss umbrage up until that point Miss Honey hugged me and consoled me I spent senior year in Honors English and spent my study hall tutoring mrs. honey's struggling students to this day I think about the awful woman fairly regularly my career is strongly writing based I still worry obsessively over my writing I hope she never taught again because she wreaked havoc on my self-confidence Opie is literally Harry Potter he is a star student who struggled over adversity to defeat Dolores Umbridge guys we just read Harry Potter and the are slash Pro revenge in the late 90s wife and I were just married just getting started and we decided to dink double income no kids it for a few years to save up for a down payment on a house the dot-com bubble was still rising and I was a newly minted software developer I had an entry-level job for a while and then got recruited to a new city and a new job that paid three times what I was making before it was an offer too good to pass up I ran the numbers and it was a no-brainer by living frugally and saving my entire salary living just her income we would easily have enough in a year to put 20% down payment on a new house we rented an apartment in the new city that was listed for 950 a month the landlord was a real estate agent who owned a two-bedroom condo as an investment property let's call him Hank Wazowski Hank was a thin grey no-nonsense guy he was pleasant enough but perfunctory dry and had no sense of humor he made a point of explaining that under no circumstances was he responsible for maintaining the garbage disposal and that it was not included in the rental agreement and he would not be responsible for fixing it were it to break um okay he seemed slightly amused by us a clueless young newlywed couple but I could tell he wanted to rent to us because we were very obviously a safe choice as renters we filled out the rental agreement and the credit check and this is where my troubles began Hank looked hard at the credit application where I listed my job title software developer and my income 75k for a 23 year old in his second year out of college in the late 1990s this is a small fortune throw in my wife's salary and we were over six figures in income renting an apartment far beneath our means like I said dink is the way to go when starting out I can't believe how much money you make Hank must have said this half a dozen times muttering under his breath I explained we were saving to buy a house and that we were only going to stay in the apartment a year we might say a few months after the term is over would month-to-month be okay after a year Hank assured us that would be fine we saw Hank only once during the year and he again mentioned my salary and how he couldn't believe that's what software developers were making it was awkward and I gave a vague reply anyway a year later we had found a house to buy signed all the papers and were making plans to move the new house wasn't going to be ready until two months after our rental lease was up so I called Hank to ask if we could as discussed simply extend the lease by two months before moving out Hank assured me on the phone it would be no problem and he would send over an extension for us to sign the extension arrived in the mail and it included a month-to-month clause and a $500 increase in the rent I flipped out and called him Hank why are you increasing the rent over 50% that's too much that's more than my mortgage is going to be he was super condescending to me rocky moose it's what the apartment goes for now I would be losing money by renting it for less I tried to reason with them but it was very clear he knew we could afford the 500 had no choice in the matter and he was going to screw us over as best he could he got angry with me for arguing my point and I'll never forget his parting words you don't have to like it Rocky moose you just have to pay it my wife and I tried to figure out a way to move out early by putting our furniture in storage for a couple of months and crashing with friends but it just wasn't going to work out I swallowed my pride and wrote out the check for 1,450 for the extra month a month later I wrote a similar check and then we moved out I made sure the apartment was spotless before moving but Hank still withheld three hundred dollars from our security deposit for BS things that were just a way for him to squeeze a few more dollars from the kids who made too much money one hundred dollars for cleaning sure but three hundred dollars was obscene in my mind he had screwed me over for $1,200 and there was nothing I could do about it what made it even more infuriating is that I saw the ad Hank put in the paper after we moved out and he listed the apartment for rent and only 150 more than we had been paying originally not that grossly inflated five hundred dollars increase and it didn't rent a month later I saw the same ad and he had lowered the prices seventy five dollars more than we had been paying and I assume it got rented since the ads stopped appearing fast-forward about five years life is good the house is good we have a baby and even though the dot-com bubble has burst I am still employed one day out of the blue I overhear one of my co-workers Phil a senior developer talking to the guy working the reception desk hey Mike I'm expecting someone to drop off some paperwork for me if I Hank was a ski asks for me tell him I'll be right out I freeze and get a taste of vile in my mouth remembering how I had to write out that name on those checks all those years ago there's no way it's the same guy right I walk over to Phil who was still by reception desk Phil I say how do you know that name Hank Wazowski Phil explains that Hank is his real estate agent I bought my condo through him several years ago I'm selling my condo now so I can buy a house so I'm going to ask him to be my agent again do you know him I tell Phil that I used to rent an apartment from Hank and described what he looks like phil confirms a description it's the same guy Wow small world right and on cue right then the front door to the office opens and in walks Hank Wazowski I stare in disbelief he's carrying a folder of papers and doesn't recognize me Phil and Hank shake hands and they talk for a few moments I stand there silently wondering what to do Phil finally says Hank this is my friend rocky moose I think you may have already met yes hello Hank good to see you again my wife and I were your tenants a few years ago on blank Street remember that software developer who rented for a year saving to buy a house well this is where I work here with Phil Hanks eyes indicate he now remembers me and he's starting to put it all together we shake hands and he says yes of course he remembers and asked how we're doing oh we're just fine thanks for asking Phil says that you're his real estate agent small world isn't it Hank nods pleasantly he still doesn't remember the details of our last conversation I do some quick math in my head this is the early mid-2000s the real estate market is very strong and easy money for any agent the crash of 2008 is still a few years in the future I start to think out loud selling the condo for around 150 to 200 thousand and you're looking at houses in the 500 thousand range so that's 650 to 700 thousand dollars in total transactions an agent getting 3% on the sale and the purchase is getting around 20k for his trouble that's a good commission for an agent isn't it Hanks eyes flash and I can tell he remembers everything about me now bill is surprised at my passive-aggressive tone I am enjoying the uncomfortable silence Hank deflects my question saying it's complicated and tells bill to send back the papers as soon as possible he shakes hands with Phil looks at me nods and goes to lead it was really good seeing you again Hank I call behind him he exits the building as the door is still shutting I say a bit too loudly so that Hank in here Phil don't sign anything just yet I have a story to tell you Phil looks at me and says rocky what was that all about he looks pissed and Confused in my behavior I tell Phil the whole story the rent the $500 increase the security deposit you don't have to like it you just have to pay it everything Phil you can't use this guy to sell your condo and buy a house I hate him he's evil I'll help you find another real-estate agent just use anyone but Hank so the great thing about Phil is that well he's a great guy he says he's a little surprised at my story and as always don't Hank as a straightforward guy but I totally see him doing that to you he admits there's no way I could use him now what a dick then Phil's eyes lit up a bit what do you want me to say when I fire him I have special feelings for Phil now we came up with a plan and I made sure there were some key phrases in Phil's repertoire we planned it all out together in advance my only regret is that I didn't get to see Hanks reaction in person a day later when Phil made the following phone call while I stood behind him listening hi Hank its Phil calling yeah about that I've decided to get some other quotes from other agents I'm not going to sign up with you no no you shouldn't give a discount you'd be losing money if you did that no this is just a decision I've made no it has nothing to do with rocky moose well you don't have to like it Hank you just have to accept it goodbye click and it was the greatest revenge I could have ever imagined through a chance meeting years later Hank I screwed out of $20,000 in easy commissions and the best part is Hank absolutely knew it had everything to do with rocky moose all right everyone that is our /po revenge and if you are an entitled brat who deserves my channel I want to hear from you down in the car with your best reason for why you should have my channel
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: 1b1kv2vbI4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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