r/AmITheA**Hole? I Found Out My Aunt is a P***star!

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welcome to our /mi the butthole where we get to judge strangers on the internet reddit am i the butthole for grounding my daughter because she called my sister-in-law a [ __ ] my daughter 14 years old posted a picture of a family get-together on social media a boy from school recognized her aunt from an adult film and messaged my daughter about it I believe he sent a video to her as well before this she had no idea her aunt was in the industry it appears that boys spread this around school and my daughter is being teased for it I notified the school and they're looking into it and will plan to educate the students about sexism online my husband and I are respectful and non-judgmental of my sister-in-law's profession and have tried to teach these values to our children my daughter is understandably upset and I feel for her but she is directing all her anger and blame towards her aunt she unfriended my sister-in-law from social media and removed all traces of her from her profiles she refuses to join us for weekly dinners at my sister-in-law's house and when they come over she ignores them and just sits in a room playing Minecraft I tried talking to her about tolerance shame and sexism but she is dismissive of all of it my sister-in-law is hurt from all of this not only did she have her privacy invaded but she lost a good relationship with her niece I went upstairs to my daughter's room to try and talk to her and get her to join us downstairs my daughter refused and referred to my sister-in-law as a vapid [ __ ] and her husband a pathetic cook along with other slurs I don't want to repeat I grounded her for three months and took away her internet my husband definitely thinks that she should be punished for using that language but that's too much he also admitted he struggled accepting his sister's career path at first he thinks she just needs space and will come around eventually because her aunt his family edit seems like my husband is right and I went too far with the punishment I just never imagined those hurtful words coming from her mouth I'm going to scale it back to two or three weeks or something like that I'll decide with the husband we're definitely concerned for our daughter about what's happening at school and we're looking into therapy for clarification as for my sister-in-law's privacy she didn't consent to have her real name revealed to the world or have her films and her personal information be passed around by fourteen-year-old boys oh man this one's kind of touchy but I'm gonna go with you're the butthole Opie listen it isn't the job of a fourteen-year-old kid to accept the sex industry it's her job to grow up in a safe environment where she can feel protected and loved and by the sound of it she's definitely not getting that from her school so to me it seems like priority one she'll be making sure your daughter is safe and cared for especially regarding the bullying at school then long after that you can start having a discussion about the sex industry and women's freedom of choice and all that stuff but for now punishing her for being upset about being bullied probably isn't the right course of action our next reddit post is from mixed woes let me just preface this by saying I have absolutely no problem with interracial relationships now that the air is clear let me continue my daughter Anna has recently started to date an african-american man Jamaal while I'm not exactly what you would refer to as liberal he's a nice young man and as long as my daughter is happy I'm happy the problem is Anna is rather naive about the community she lives in while her friends are quite content to see a relationship like hers more than a few tongues are wagging in the community and a few people have privately expressed their concern to me as I said I have no problems with mixed relationships and I've set them straight but I am painfully aware of how these matters are viewed by certain segments of the population my parents are coming to stay for us for a week and and they expressed a desire to introduce Jamal to them now that things were getting more serious between them I told her in no uncertain terms that this wasn't going to happen I may have no problem with Jamal but they absolutely will and even when a relationship ends they won't forget it they might even go as far as to cut her off entirely Anna was extremely upset by this and implied I was a racist and more concerned with what my parents think than how she feels as I said I know my parents they simply aren't okay with mixed relationships and if Anna were to bring Jamal over even as a friend they would be furious both at her and me Anna is currently staying with Jamal and doesn't want to speak with me right now my wife stands by me given she knows very well how my parents are they had a problem with her for months over the length of the skirt she wore when I introduced her to them for Christ's sake but a close friend I confided in told me that I behaved like a Buttle and that I need to focus more on my daughter than pleasing my parents no advice needed but I have to know have I been a butthole Opie four out of five buttholes your whole post basically reads like I'm not racist but I'm deeply concerned about the opinions of all the other racists in my life also so what if your grandparents will cut off their daughter to be honest it sounds like she might be better off without those racist grandparents in her life and just to be clear your parents are five out of five buttholes our necks reddit post is from open 85 to I live in a pretty small town so if you don't know somebody directly you're likely to know a person who knows them and this is pretty much biting me in the butt right now my husband and I are looking to upgrade homes given were planning on expanding our family so we've been looking at a few open houses recently about a week ago we were at an open house when our daughter four wandered off and picked up this mask type thing laying on the table super bright very loud apparently very fragile and pretty much right out in the open when I saw her touching it I told her to put it down but it was too late and somehow it had gotten cracked down the middle now I'm not sure if it was already broken and they left it out as some sort of trap because who leaves something bright like that lying around during an open house with children walking around or if she didn't anything but I felt extremely embarrassed and grabbed my daughter and told my husband it was time to leave a so cold friend of mine who knows the house owner saw me there and apparently told her she saw me rushing out of her house in the same day she returned to find the mask broken now she's hitting me up on the phone demanding I pay her back for breaking arts and naming an absolutely ludicrous price thank for figures I'm absolutely not going to pay her that but a few people I know think I'm in the wrong here I personally think if you're having an open house that children will be visiting you don't leave expensive breakables out in the open I also don't believe for a second that that thing was worth thousands of dollars and if it was I think there's a very good chance she broke it herself then left it lying around dependent on someone else and guilt some money out of them who's the butthole here o P five out of five buttholes I read stories about people like you all the times in our / entitle parents there's tons of expensive stuff in a home furniture art widescreen TV your kid could have broken any of those things but you're trying to wiggle out of it just because it's a piece of art don't be stupid and the fact that you've ran out of there instead of trying to apologize and why would the homeowner be setting a trap when the only reason they know about it is because your friend ratted you out our next reddit post is her made a bikini so it was my birthday a couple months ago had a party it got some gifts my friend Mandy got me a super cute bikini I liked it said thanks she'd ripped the tags off but whatever anyway went to the community pool with my roommate wore bikini got in the water roommate immediately is like umm girl I look and see that this bikini is now kind of see-through ha ha good joke Mandy anyway Mandy invited me over to her place to hang out with her and her boyfriend and a few others most leave and we're still hanging out I'm like hey what if we get in your hot tub I go change after them I meet her boyfriend in the hot tub but she's getting new drinks I hop in immediately he's looking at my chest I pretend I don't notice and just make small talk she comes out a few minutes after and just looks in shock eventually gets in is that the one I bought yeah I love it I wear it everywhere make up some stuff about how I wore to the beach some party with lots of guys etc and she's just like oh we're in the tub for 20 to 30 minutes eventually get out and change she approached me after and was like um I'm sorry thought you noticed but it goes kind of see-through I'm like yeah I know why did you buy me a ducking see-through bathing suit she's like it's a joke wait you knew so you just spent 30 minutes flashing my boyfriend on purpose I reply I'm just wearing my birthday gift from her anyway and by the butthole no ope you get 0 out of 5 buttholes your friend tried to trick you into flashing strangers then gets upset when you end up flashing her boyfriend I say what goes around comes around our next reddit post is from Lotus throw away background I graduated from college four years ago to live at home with my parents my sister graduated two years ago and also lived with my parents we both got jobs pretty much straight out of college I pay my parents eight hundred bucks a month in rent since my first paycheck this is a throw away and it's still fresh and I'm really emotionally charged right now last night my parents were talking loudly about their financial problems in the living room I overheard and offered to help by paying more in rent I was thinking nine hundred to a thousand bucks since it covers utilities phone and Internet my parents were grateful now prior to this I never asked how much my sister pays in rent I always figured my parents charged us the same so absent mindedly I asked a follow-up question how much is my sister paying for rent my mom said nothing a long pause what do you mean she doesn't have to pay rent my dad visibly angry your sister doesn't pay an effing thing my dad explained how my sister recently bought a brand new car and hasn't paid insurance on it so my dad had to pay for it she doesn't pay rent she doesn't pay utilities phone anything so for the past two years she's been living rent-free while I've been paying my parents so later that night we had a family sit-down talk my sister didn't want to pay rent especially at how much I was paying she offered $100 my parents suggested she paid 300 I pay 800 which my sister and I both rejected the conversation ended with this my sister saying happy Huw I'm trying to live my life these were her exact words which pissed me the eff off holy heck so my sister storms off to her room and it's now me and my parents in the living room I'm extremely upset at this because it's massively unfair my mom is upset that everyone's angry at each other and my dad's angry my sister won't pay rent and she won't move out and both my parents don't want to get police involved so I say my part before leaving I'm not going to pay any more rent until she does it's only fair right and if I do pay rent I pay whatever she's paying my mom says what if she pays 300 and you pay 800 no but Opie we really need the money that's too bad I get up and go off to my room so this morning my dad comes in and tells me that I'm the butthole for not paying rent that I should pay rent because it's the right thing to do and all this garbage I'm like what the heck make my sister pay rent my mom who's listening in you've seen her she won't listen to us well that's too bad my mom really angry well we wouldn't have this problem if you didn't try to make your sister pay you rent that was the last straw that blew it for me I slammed a door on my parents as I'm typing this my parents are in the living room discussing how both their children are rotten and stuff was better back in the home country and back in their day when kids listen to their parents like WTF so let me get this straight you paid your parents $19,000 in rent while your sister paid 0na Opie you get is zero out of five buttholes your parents get three out of five buttholes for obvious favoritism towards certain siblings and your sister gets five out of five bottles for being an entitled spoiled brat that was our / am I the butthole and this is our / puppy bloopers I'm like yeah I know why did you buy me a ducking see-through bathing I'm like he pooch what do you need don't be greedy she's like it's it she's like she's like um I'm like yeah I know why'd you talk I can't even keep track of where I am like always um she's like she's like it's a joke wait you okay I'm like okay dog I'm like so you just spent the last 30 minutes flashing my boyfriend on so you just spent so you just spent the last 30 dog know so so you just spent the last 30 minutes flashing my boyfriend you go please dog no no play work now no play no no play I said no so you spent the last 30 minutes flashing my boyfriend on talked you got to stop whining like your life is bad your lie it's excellent do you know give any idea you sleep on an actual human bed with comforters you know most dogs sleep outside in the wilderness in the cold with bugs crawling on them spoiled rotten puppy spoiled rotten puppy dull good alright let's play buy a new one you and I can't take it anymore
Channel: rSlash
Views: 775,215
Rating: 4.7182574 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: 5b7IVFsy_yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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