r/Hmmm | huh?

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did we catch the guy yeah he's a real dog literally it's it's a dog hey they're freaky fish friends welcome back to m'kay my name's Jack with the sore back and today we're gonna get a little boom up in here oh my lord and savior this is this is a big start we got some sort of Jesus kink doll and a very lovely welcoming lady come and yell his name with me a bit of a fan of Jesus are you what can I say I just love a man tied up when you've moved 99.9% of the stuff to your new house already but you still got the rest of the day to hire this thing out exhibit a of if I fit ice it's this person really loves their chickens this is not cows comments this is what I'm gonna expect now when I ask for a large can of coke stuff like this is very normal for me just seeing these kind of taxidermy black animal statues with musical instruments they're all around where I grew up but what other species on earth kills something and then stuffs its body so they can make it play instruments while is dead let's just stop and think about that for a second what are we doing Santa Claus is joining the terrorist force Oh No Christmas is ruined I'm telling you Matt getting up on your ass isn't gonna give you an advantage you don't know the game oh look it's me when I first moved into my own place and forgot to really have time to buy furniture enjoy getting your bond back from that how is this dog not shrieked in pain what is this pain tolerance level it is insane your chocolate chip cookie with bran Bon Appetit thank you you disgust me we thought they finally stopped going over the wall we never imagined they could go right through it mm-hmm just a normal drain pipe in the house nothing weird here moving on picture of a cat tasting wine for the first time or a mirror image of you when your family tries to socialize with you when you want to just be alone you know the real one don't you speed don't you dare do it don't don't you speak oh look it's a boarding birdie boarding the board there waltz on another board so the boarding aboard enade' is a bird there that's boarding the board is that the board boarding the bird it's the bird boarding the board always if it was aboard building the bird then the bird will be boarded by a board but it's not really boarded by bored because otherwise we'll go overboard and flip over and die and here's also a bird on the board that's it these are gonna be my pants for winter I don't care what people say these are gonna be snug and majestic as hell Mary I think you put the wrong one in the oven imagine you're just chilling with your mates having a good time in the evening you're hearing some rumbling ah nothing to be worried about that oh yeah oh god no Nene with this this is just genius knock knock I've come for my taxi damn it friends you murdered but most importantly my banjo give it back my god that is one small human when the school is disgustingly flooded but gaming his life look if none of those computers are damaged or the risk of any electrical wiring then hey why not you get to game and you get to play in the pool it's a win-win you got the bread oh I've got a table full of it ah stop bringing that table here how would you like your toast done I'd like get in a van rolling down the hill please that's an option I'm gonna ask for it restaurants now and I'll show them this photo because it's funny and they won't laugh and they will tell me to leave I'm just kidding I'm not allowed in restaurants Pope you probably shouldn't draw that what do you mean it's Mickey Mouse everyone loves Mickey Mouse that's Mickey Mouse yeah he's a very hairy Mouse okay as long as it's just the one of course as long as you don't look at the other side of the car what was that look Jesus where's the money Lebowski you know this is a very ineffective maneuver I'm pretty good with water hmm if my nightmares waking up in a high school classroom couldn't get any worse and more disturbing them trying to pose all cute and sweetly I feel just makes this worse whoa that is trippy stuff so many potential overused jokes about you being Jesus by walking on this thing oldie oldie oldie oldie big man with bad thing on looks more like some kink thing though but we won't question him because we accept him in his interests I know they say try to always brush your teeth every day but look if you don't have a toothbrush don't resort to this you can afford a sausage and a pack of spaghetti but you can't afford a toothbrush what do you have to say for yourself coin murderer she screamed so I screamed I need to save don't board yet don't stomp her feet I'm not ready hang on guys my friend funky schnitzel said he was gonna be on this Beach today I'm gonna check if he wants to visit my Island remember 5-story Jesus isn't real he can't hurt you Wow but twelve headed light poles can is that a burger in your mouth or are you just neutral to see me Hank my poor boy what have they done to you because you are rocking it oh my god it really is just style all right Hannibal Lecter what did you do with my legs oh for God's sake at least is this their they could have done something far worse this is the quality of religious artwork I encourage and will always support hey if it's secured it's fine that is one very tiny bolt be honest you thought it was legit until you realized it was a dog come on LI hands up everyone everyone who thought this was real why am I the only one raising my hand these boots are made for stumbling and that's just what they'll do one of these days these boots are gonna unintentionally impale you this is just an extremely talented equivalent of playing on your phone while your parents are trying to talk to you me singing like baby baby baby oh baby baby baby why did you put on teeth if I was the guy in gray pants I'd use the ultimate technique here where you just grab your hand and you slam it down on the table really hard I find it's a very effective strategy to make the opponent lose concentration I don't know what's going on here but I'm pretty sure you need to be feeling at least two liters out of the petrol pump to be able to use them but hey if your alcohol tolerance is that high to handle petroleum sure go for it I think my favorite one of these has got to be the guy in the far right he's just waving his hand out just hey so thanks for coming to the party there is no way this is legit oh my god I want this to be legit I don't know why it would be such a terrible option compared to an actual screen but like still wouldn't it be cool to be out of play by the fact it looks like he just woke up this guy missed his stop my money breakfast is coke with cheese puffs and some sort of gravy whoever made this why do you exist this belongs in whom the aftermath would belong in thanks I hate it would seal up first though like the glue on the teeth the glue on the truth brush or were these just end up sticking together a true friend in need when their hair is tied up you just take photos how did she get her hair tied up like that in the first place no wait is she seriously trying to curl her hair like that don't he need heat is it I mean I'm a dude and I'm pretty sure you need heat to do that when we say you need to play outside more we do look we're thankful you're trying hey babe just got some fresh sheets why don't you come on over and try them out with me chips and sauce on the go because why the hell has an Australia invented this yet oh my god just give the dog the hot dog already Jesus a terrible but nonetheless effective way to make a couch still useful why did you do this to your car the creaming ranch will go off in like half an hour seriously cars get really hot what the hell are you doing why'd you do this why why why why Dougie miss he's so cute so this is what people do on their weekends when they have their profile pictures as cars on Facebook hail to thee you take me from A to B KFC so finger lookin good you'll turn cannibalistic yes there's a guy here doing a weirdest hell contortion as he bombs down on the group but can we just appreciate how desperately different these people are all trying to look like you're watching a horror movie but you want to have more define ways of telling who's who freakin sword what is the sword I don't know I don't really care but I do care his backstory probably sucks but hey he looks interesting if I came across this in reality honestly I think it was some sort of giant wart well that's really mean to say but I formally apologized to members of our audience you have three I'd argue a brises logo belongs here but then I also think that this would be far more gruesome oh god baby shot the cow now it's falling down the cliff quick come back to the Titanic before it deflates no you don't have time to use the bathroom cut you see you can't sit on it anyway that is an eerily but also perfectly angled shadow and they said my horsey could be anything so I turned it into a motorcycle when you rev it it whinnies this is rented but I wanted to exist now please thank you what is the story here and how the hell did they manage to do this oh my god Bill Gates we get it you're rich I can't tell if I love will hate this it's it's a really conflicting looks like a blind border boarding blindly onto the skateboard there if it doesn't be careful with this boarding it might just go overboard and blindly blast itself into bland oblivion board la yeah rhymes high-quality jokes here on the channel someone order a taxi and recessions really hit you hard isn't it look at his chicken on the scooter so fast the photo itself can't even keep up by the blurriness I'm gonna take this photographer go way too excited the moment they saw the chicken finally on the scooter and they didn't stabilize beforehand why don't you take the smart route and just split that pun belongs more with ice cream than banana itself very good and the bananas more of a herb than a berry see this is why we're here in the first place this is something I didn't realize I didn't want to see that's one method to encourage you not to lean too close into the wheel now this cat's thinking with portals the fact I can tell who this face is just makes this artwork incredibly well done definitely an astounding piece of shucks that is a lot of lava or perhaps an extremely large panna cotta in which case I am now very hungry for dessert you know how this is photoshopped trick question it isn't this is history folks especially this one yet this is how Crusaders really looks like they will four year old kids with these Disney remakes getting far too out of hand joke about a rat in a kitchen relating it to write it to eat yeah yeah yeah yeah look it's that's not creative at all man that tricks been played out like 50,000 times do something a bit more creative yeah yeah I'd say this via hindrance but it's not like there's many people going to shopping centres at the moment anyway so I don't really know this burdens anyone in the car park space look it's one way to make you bit more conscious of what you do with your waste if this ain't a way to make the game more of a challenge for yourself I don't know what else there is okay how there's no way you picked that up from the shelf at the supermarket I'm assuming this is for a wedding but still why why don't taste because the groom's name is kin in the bride's name is Bobby there's still a dumb excuse why is this kid pregnant hmm let's crunch it to some glass food glass food is technically still edible it's just very difficult and painful to eat who's the true Pro here the guy who managed to balance his lighter and cigarette to the cat's head or the cat's patience and resilience to not punch the guy in the face oh my god yes let's post me on this religious item for my Instagram this is respectable this is something where engineers could but didn't stop to think whether or not they should know I guess if you want a blend of old terrain and style so that's why people get huge piercings in their ears they can fit little cheese rings them it's not like you can get cheese rings in some sort of easy packet after all ok this is actually a really clever and cool idea I love it in a way bear grylls would be proud you have got to be kidding me is this person in some sort of political building because they do not deserve to be there Hey look at someone's last day on the job oh and there's an American flag behind it too this definitely will go down very well with Walmart shoppers see this is why I hate it when you bring your mom out drinking with us don't care what anyone says this is art I guess you could say Hollywood's a dirty place still want to go there though and I hear me out the red makes it go faster honestly though this would be like my five-year-old selfs dream having like a saddle for the dog that is also some sort of mech suit an inflated battery that is very safe no likely explosion imminent from that I'll accept these kind of pranks they're not making a mess anywhere that's being a weirdness in public space that's okay you'll get to chill man sure take some photos that blood isn't rushing down to my head or anything my main question for this product would be what would you do with this gotta appreciate the lengths some people are going with this Wow my clones if you don't get that reference can you even call yourself a cultured game I buddy haven't seen you in months how you holding up it's good to see you again I'll be honest Frank it's really taking a toll on me my own mental health oh yeah Karen wants me to take care of the kids a bit more often but I can't take them to daycare anymore because they aren't locked down it's just oh that's very good I'm taking care of the kids but I've got all these souls to deal with too you know yeah I know I know it's your main man my phone stopped working this brings it artistically new meaning to east meets wet and Jesus began to walk on water but this cat did it before him and therefore stole the show oh my girlfriend would hate this photo save and send I'm an annoying boyfriend hi where's the waiting room bars just down to the left okay and sorry in the bathroom as well it's just down to the left uh to prove that and countered their step scientists took a few out of a line and attached tiny stilts to their legs since they took bigger steps the ants totally walked right by the food and got confused when they walked to the correct number of steps but there was no food here is a picture conclusion scientists are creative and weird science I can't tell what my favorite part is but it's either a scientist wasting budget and time to see if ants count their steps be the idea to put ants on stilts see there had to be a guy who made instils and put them on the ants or D confused ants I'm voting e all of the above there's only one thing in my head with this now you fools hi welcome back to that's on what therefore today we have this nightmare because someone thinks this is a thing that needs to be made the most stickers it has the faster it'll be I love true that they all just say intel inside there's only one that's its Intel core2 like the fact it just says Intel Inside kinda just defines the fact that there's nothing really special in it you're dead poor guy he's just trying to use the urinal at the nightclub but of course says that one dude who's just flat-out drunk passed out on the floor seems that Heinz has found a new strategy to compete with kool-aid I guess I'm the same color is the blood of your enemies Hennessy Cognex sanitizer / hand wash soap because poor people I don't just have eyes in the back of my head I have a head at the back of my hmm what should we do with all these broken drills Faithful table Oh what so that's the secret to ignore mmus wilf high vitamin C damnit Stacy stop turning all the chips into clothing it's making me really uncomfortable when I'm hungry I have nothing wrong with cross-dressing I think you're allowed to dress and express yourself whoever you want but don't you ever wear these masks well hip-hop skippity do looks like you made it through another video of m'kay thanks for watching guys be sure to subscribe click the notification bell if you want to see more content from the channel please make sure to stay safe during these times guys I love all your faces I don't know your faces but I love them anyway because I'm Anna sumptuous but like that my name is Jack bye bye [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 641,572
Rating: 4.926867 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/hmmm, r/hmmm best posts, r/hmmm top posts, reddit hmmm, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, reddit blursed images, blursed images emkay, thanks i hate it, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it emkay, reddit funny, r/hmmm emkay, hmmm emkay, emkay
Id: tT3owXaqpEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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