r/Quityourbulls**t | THIS CANNOT BE REAL

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before after wow it even brightened his skin i'd be a little afraid of any tooth like remedy that brightens my skin [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today it's time to call some people out so welcome to r quit your bs let's get started one star docked our boat to have lunch the staff treated us with worst respect that i have ever encountered in all of my life i am a local for over 25 years and will tell everyone that i know of this experience in horry georgetown county hoary county that's such a unfortunate name mr taylor if you were a local then you know uh there is a mass coordinates in effect in restaurants we tried to be cordial but your girlfriend's wife kept pushing through the door anyway we are not going to risk our patrons or our restaurant for someone who feels they are above the law tell your friends but tell them the real story yeah mr taylor wear a damn mask surely there's laws against this this is pathetic you've photoshopped me leaving my job today at radio one alone with a random person leaving separately how is that allowed daily mail oh it's daily mail oh that explains it my aunt used to be a model back in the 80s in italy thought you guys would like this pic of her oh wow that's a gorgeous picture but that's pontiac girl natalie carroll she is not an italian model she worked at the willow run assembly plant and this was not photographed in italy if you're going to lie about something like that don't pick one of the most iconic figures in 80s advertising in one of the most iconic ads of the 80s guy who posted it probably wasn't alive during the 80s so yeah still a really cool ad me doing chores while listening to songs about drugs and murder me doing drugs and murder while listening to his songs about doing chores this just seems cursed common like that that's just perfect humor i'm 45 a father of two girls 9 and 12. i have a wife 42 and we're a new dest family ama did you mean nudist bro you own a time machine or something because you were 21 just 16 days ago quit your bs my wife is a nurse and we live in a red state she feels that wearing a mask significantly reduces the spread of the virus i went to sam's club tonight with a face covering and was able to buy everything on my list weird how little it impacted my ability to shop i'm a nurse and i disagree so not all nurses and doctors share that opinion i'm sure you have a medical license somehow divine intervention dna healing crystal healing life coaching light language sacred geometry energy yeah shut the hell up and take your crystals with you the bible teaches the same giving the man a fish he'll starve teach him to fish he'll survive forever perhaps you missed that lesson in sunday school just say maybe it was you who missed that day because that parable is nowhere in the bible wait really like i i i just assumed it did cause fish i'm okay all right my cousin got married recently and i think it's safe to say they're pretty photogenic your cousin didn't get married recently this is two of my very dear friends and they got married about three or four years ago stop stealing people's photos for karma for fraxate edit i don't want to post their socials as i'm waiting for her to respond to my message but here's a screen grab of around a week after the wedding beep the date it's even older than i remember and they brought receipts the last image i have of my grandpa is a cozy one he passed away after new year's oh that's really cute and uh this is a great pick of him it's my grandpa op stole my pig he's alive and well see and this post got 16.4k you got 16 400 up votes for making up a freaking start just go write fiction don't steal other people's stuff it might have something to do with that old video clip of bill gates saying if we do a really good job with vaccines we can lower the population by 10 to 15 percent they've scrubbed it from a lot of places now that he is leading the coven 19 vaccine research when child mortality rates drop people have less children over time this leads to a decrease in population growth dude isn't plotting genocide he's pointing out that if people are healthier they don't need to have a ton of kids just in case hi there we do not sponsor we cooperate only with those youtubers who play our game and want to be our influencers we do not pay money for it elena so if i show your email where you offer money to advertise your game you are saying that is fake the only thing worse than not paying for the people advertising your game is lying about it rope it's censored did not exist among native nations prior to white contact i repeat rope did not exist among native nations prior to white contact uh under the aztec legal system rope was punishable by death yet it didn't exist the inca also had lies that forbid it as well do your freaking research nagolo kante 2009 from garbage collector 2018 to world cup winner this post is simply fake negolo kante did collect garbage in paris slums to make some extra money when he was young but the picture on the left is simply not him plus he's born in paris and sugarcane is not garbage and there's no world cup in 2019 either this pose is simply fake welcome to reddit you know i'm beginning to believe that also these two people look nothing alike like at all caitlyn jenner shuts ricky gervais down intense run-in after his gags about her oh my god it's actually record your vase this is absolutely false she was lovely and gracious she says she loved my golden globes monologue and i said i left her stint and i'm a celebrity and that was it no snubbing no awkwardness no rudeness at caitlyn jenner stop making stuff up mirror celeb rural china rural america okay that's uh i i have family in rural america and the town my dad is from is a population of like 3 000. so rural america is a truck stop by a major highway yeah that looks about right that's just a highway interchange the hell welcome to glasgow where a global pandemic hits and still nobody will touch anything vegan lol that pic isn't from scotland indeed 10 ice says it's from hurricane harvey in houston 2017. yeah first off try good luck trying to sell anything vegan in texas and second off uh for a hurricane i'm not gonna go for the perishable stuff just saying funny i've never once worn a mask i don't social distance and i'm out in public every day i've never gotten sick city and county of denver government oh hello not funny here's that comment from three days ago where you admit to getting sick and possibly infecting hundreds of others hey denver denver denver denver i i ca can we have like a mask fine or something cause you know y'all can make some sweet revenue off dumb people this sudanese model i'm name i'm not going to mispronounce out of respect entered the guinness book of world records for having the darkest skin tone in the world she is absolutely stunning wow guinness world records hi this is not true as skin tone is not something we monitor yeah i can imagine that getting really weird really fast this just in white supremacists are here they're from out of state and will be dressed in all black with red bandanas around their arms or red and white laces in their boots to blend in to identify themselves to each other what is the phrasing in this word on the street word on the street is there looking to surprise our people pay attention to your surroundings they are here uh oh that's uh that's definitely me in the picture uh at a peaceful protest i was at hours ago with like a bag full of medical gear and snacks the poor snack don't don't don't hurt the snack guy the snack guy brings you snacks also can y'all not like can y'all like pick up like syntax of punctuation and phrasing and you know sentence structure for any of these just asking stan lee was a bigot oh boy he said peter parker could never be gay so stop with this stan lee worshipping he not only refused to make spider-man queer he also stated that spider-man should never be gay if you continue to idolize him then you are just as bad he said peter parker shouldn't be gay because the character wasn't written with the intention to be queer there is more to lgbq inclusion than just queer washing already established non-queer characters and also peter parker isn't the only spider-man stanley created x-men to show how we shouldn't be discriminated or be afraid of people just because they are different that's who you're trying to paint as a bigot sit your dumb ass down yeah lgbtq inclusion means writing a gay character not just like going around with a gay stamp just like marking up existing characters for i don't know cultural points to face lincoln memorial a man who helped abolish slavery uh i took this an hour ago yeah i don't understa what not only is it weirdly terribly photoshopped but also there was a freaking army outside of the lincoln memorial something they didn't have at the capitol but anyway my teacher's filing cabinet top secret alcohol porn something else that's slightly blurry and the receipts my co-worker got his hands on a labeler top secret alcohol porn and something cut off may you rot with your fake karma the temperature in those stores is atrocious there is no air circulation whatsoever no way in hell can anybody be in there with a mask on oh my god just wear a mask funny i am an old lady with asthma and i can wear one in stores with no problem yeah it gets a little hot sometimes but i would rather be a little uncomfortable then end up with a tube shoved down my throat or make another sick funny out a short old woman could wear a mask and leave her home without a gun but big strong men cry about having to wear one and need a gun to go to subway wow grandma brought the sass nebulized hydrogen peroxide therapy is an inexpensive no i'm sorry um nebulized hydrogen peroxide therapy is an inexpensive and simple way to treat most biorespiratory illnesses all you need is a nebulizer with a face mask that covers your mouth and nose and common household hydrogen peroxide available at most grocery stores and pharmacies no do not do this do not do this and and the reply i will report you for endangering public health h2o2 vapor will destroy lung tissue yes don't do this this is awful oh my god fortunately it looks like his 1.5 k replies uh so it looks like a bunch of people are like hang on stop this bs but that is horrifying fun fact the creator of siren head doesn't like the fact that people make games mods and stories out of his creation also most of them didn't even ask if his approval actually i love when people make games mods and stories it's just nice when they credit me yeah always good to credit people and when you're making mods black's live matter activists are now climbing onto people's homes in rochester just fyi since i took this video uh this is a blatant lie these people lived in the house and came out to show support uh actually file a dmca takedown he does this constantly and only still has an account because people don't file complaints i think i will i'm an actual journalist and it's one thing for people to steal my work and a different thing entirely to steal to promote false rhetoric i have no clue who this dude is but apparently he's a well-known goober well-known goober is the most polite response you could have had to him one of my twitch subs bought me a fracking hot tub man i want a hot tub please please please please tell me this is fake it is faked it for likes and shares wait you actually admitted that oh my god what the hell defund the usps i don't need my tax dollars being used to fund such a poorly run service private carriers are more than enough and it's not like usps is significantly cheaper or anything actually usps made 77 billion this year we don't use your tax dollars to the contrary it's 600 000 employees paychecks that are taxed from usps revenue thereby contributing to government funding also private carriers are not more than enough ups fedex and amazon pay us to deliver packages that either aren't profitable for them or that they can't handle we also rely on them for logistics having an every door everyday government entity in congruence with our private partners really works out well for everyone i never got the defund the uspsb like i just i don't want the mailman like you guys to sound nuts looters swiped 2.4 million dollars worth of watches from soho rolex store the store spokesman said no watches of any kind were stolen as there weren't any on display in the store there were simply windows broken and some vitrine smashed yeah at night they take all the jewelry out of that this happens at like every like jewelry store ever they take all the stuff in the back there's nothing in the cases at night my girlfriend by the way literally who the frack are you that's creepy as hell my 4g on iphone 11 is good enough 182 down 207 up that's that's not at all what 4g is dude yep 4g goes up to around 100 megabits per second also it says you're connected to your wi-fi in the top right you donut slipknot's v-man went into a mad panic after his identity was discovered ah actually i didn't had a wonderful day and that brings us to the end of this house of lies that we call r quit your bs and if you enjoy this video go ahead and hit that like button if you want more collections of falsehoods in your subscriptions feed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is thelexikitty but y'all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 710,608
Rating: 4.9415302 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/quityourbullshit, r/quityourbullsh*t, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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