r/Quityourbulls**t | that is not real.

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really bad i beat the game it is so glitchy bad graphics lousy voicing oh you couldn't have beaten the game it's uh not even released oh should i checked that bit out i'll do like that 317 people did not find this helpful so they got called out on their bs [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexi and welcome back to mk today it's time to call some people out so welcome to r quit your bs let's get started national anthem should be changed to john lennon's imagine activists say literally one dude suggested this bartender is very rude and music is terrible manager told me to leave after i explained i could not wear a mask due to a health condition health conditions i am so sorry the manager you spoke to he is my bar back the bartender you spoke to she is my manager gender roles i know confusing right my manager has lung cancer and works 12 hour shifts with a mask on i'm pretty sure you can handle wearing a mask for the three minutes while you are standing to get your drink i mean it is a state mandate and all mind your p's and q's wear a mask and have a delightful evening oh my god we love to see that snark a new tick tock challenge involves teams recording themselves sliding a penny behind a phone charger that is partially plugged into an electrical outlet this is not a new viral challenge this is something like two kids in massachusetts did and now every local news side is trying to make it seem like it's some big thing and honestly shame on anybody who's amplifying the story because now this is just gonna give kids ideas to set their houses on fire thank cbs news for helping raise a generation of arsonists for those making spurious arguments about race representation in star wars right now there's a great chapter in that name's book black space about how the franchise exploits james earl jones's blackness to render vader more terrifying to white audiences read it that's the stupidest thing i ever heard he was cast for his intimidating voice vader's black armor represents the classic black knight image few people at the time have released even knew the va was black that's an insanely stupid argument to make i worked for them i was treated like crap blank was an employee there and they were amazing bosses and i remember that you used to come in to work high as frack and tell the customers you were high i don't blame them for firing you don't be a sore loser oh we'd love to see the t you were a bot if i was a bot how would i be able to send life picking videos lol you were a bot if i was a bot how would i be able to send life picking videos lol you were a bot if i was a bot how would i be able to send life picking videos lol i am a bot at this point because i have no idea what's real anymore i literally live on minimum wage i'm doing just fine i don't get why people think you can how much if i may ask and how many hours a week do you work how much what i work from 9am to 9pm sunday through friday so that's 72 hours a week getting paid 8.25 i make about 600 a week unfortunately though my boss told me that since the minimum wage is raising he can no longer afford to employ me so in a little while i will be making zero a week thank you democrats for raising the minimum wage weird in this post you run a black community center but in this post you own a finance firm and this one here says you are a capitalist oh and one more here says you're a college student it's hard to imagine you have time to make up stories on the internet when you're so gosh darn busy oh i think i can smell the bird hair from here i've been battling cancer for four years and last month i tested positive for cover 19. today i'm officially cancer free and no longer have the coronavirus this is a photo of der kumar meme guy jaymend079 not someone battling cancer or corona there are zero shows from the previous cartoon network generations that provoke as much thought as the new shows today batman the animated series prisoners shouldn't be dehumanized clone wars people can change but nobody deserves forgiveness courage the cowardly dog victims of abuse can be abusers old shows more listed everything you praise the new show is for there's a gaming chair company called iteyy they photoshopped a photo of me sitting in a tld today video and used it as an ad for years never seen their chair in my life i don't care if the share is great this is trashy don't buy their stupid chair oh wow that's that's that's that's really jerky of them i wanna buy game boy advance plus pokemon leaf ren you still available yes it's still available can i send the code to you code this code is proof you are real can i send the code to you sounds like you're going to use my phone number to try to get access to my account in fact i've seen this exact thing on reddit when somebody was looking for a cat okay check your phone inbox message and send me six digit the code yeah um i'm not gonna do that and i'm gonna post this for like five karma that's the best plan this is a color photo no it's not swans have orange beaks and mallards are green purple blue with yellow beaks that was an oddly structured sentence not to mention humans don't have gray hands hey speak for yourself put sun's ps4 controllers in the oven last night to hide them so he'd go to bed didn't tell the wife who then put oven on this morning oh i already know this is bs how did she manage to do it last night when this image has been online for the last two days also the batteries probably would have exploded by then and also can somebody get some freaking grammar in these posts please dave rubin can we all admit that the pandemic is over now like at least give us that as you pedal the rest of this nonsense oh boy yesterday the us broke 100 000 daily cases for the first time ever 107 872 up more than 50 from two weeks ago one thousand six hundred and sixteen people died in one day moroccan americans died of covid this week that were killed on 9 11. which raises the question dave what the frack is wrong with you found her a picture of me with my dog from 15 years ago so i recreated it no you freaking didn't you repost medical lab tech katie corley coughed on two petri dishes one while marrying a mask and one without a mask ew this proves that bacteria will grow on the masks and then we breathe it in thanks for providing a reason not to wear masks you'd be breathing in your own normal flora sweetheart besides you'd be limiting the spread of said and normal flora along with whatever foreign pathogens are in your respiratory system if your mask is disposable toss it at the end of the day if not wash it problem solved yeah i don't understand people that like don't wash their freaking masks like that's just gross here's a game of spot the difference the daily mail's pick of me and my dad and the actual picture socially distanced no physical contact and was bringing them food been a long month of no contact my mom worked for the nhs her whole career so she was ruthless about distance thanks ah the beauty of ireland um these kids are dutch and this was a shot for vogue nigeria is 99.9 ethnic nigerians and is the most successful country in the continent homogenous countries are almost always successful actually there's no such thing as ethnic nigerians nigerian is a nationality there are over 200 ethnic groups in nigeria i understand just fine i recommend you spend more time in meteorology and climatology classrooms oh i do as the professor maybe you should take one of my classes sometime i'll teach you all about the dust bowl fire vegetation drought relationships and how csiro predicted increased brush fire risk in australia due to anthropogenic warning over okay yes okay yes i just believe this person men of reddit what do women tend to get wrong about penises morning boners don't mean wet dreams you can wake up from a nightmare with a raging boner off your erection if you will finally my name is useful i i don't know which part of this was quit your bs unless the person just went off and just created that username but yeah okay not long before rowling was published women authors were unheard of now your generation gets to take us further than my generation ever could because we aren't living your lives but at least acknowledge that we laid the groundwork for you to take us on the next step oh boy okay women authors were unheard of the tale of genji considered the first novel ever was written 1 000 years ago in japan the author was a woman breaking news video game players are urged to play at reasonable times to avoid putting an extra strain on internet networks during the coronavirus outbreaks online gaming is the biggest threat to internet bandwidth these next few weeks oh oh i have words on this i i'm a network engineer so oh um no video games use around 50 to 70 megabytes per hour streaming on netflix uses about 3 gigabytes per hour for hd video to put that into perspective netflix uses more than 30 times the data that video gaming uses seriously like if you think about it all video games have to transmit is your player location and where you shoot and things like that unless you're playing on google stadia and if you're playing on google stadia i can't help you greta turnburg tells davos 2020 we have eight years to save the climate um actually i have never said anything like this nor will i ever say it it's never too late to do as much as we can every fraction of a degree matters there are of course no magical dates for saving the world i am only quoting the sr15 ipcc report on remaining co2 budgets i'm pissed off reddit has permanently banned me from so many subreddits that i'm starting to hate reddit i'm sick of trying to add to the content why were you banned from so much a lot of talking about jesus and forcing stuff on other subs no i wasn't we can see your fracking posts idiot it still amazes me that people do not know what post history is on reddit the filming of guardians of the galaxy 3 will begin on february 1st 2021 in atlanta it's official oh yeah sure yeah james gunn it's not this has never been true and i don't know where people are getting this if the director of the film says it's not true it's probably not true and you should probably stop spreading it around if bill gates stops his business and starts spending his money by 10 million per day he will need 735 years to spend it okay his net worth is 85 billion as of 2017. if he spends 10 million per day then he would be spending a billion in 100 days so he would spend 85.60 in 85 60 days which is roughly equal to 23.7 years sorry sir you just lied also the amount of money bill gates has given to all sorts of freaking charities please go after jeff bezos instead and that brings us to the end of this house of lies that we call r quit your bs but wait you know we got some lovely fan art to show off today's fan art is brought to you by teeny pick first post hey here's some fan art for you lovely people thank you for watching we're glad you enjoy thank you so much for that fan art teeny pick and if you enjoyed this video go ahead and hit that like button if you want more collections of falsehoods in your subscriptions feed hit that red subscribe button as always my name is thelexikitty but y'all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 720,699
Rating: 4.9406648 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/quityourbullshit, r/quityourbullsh*t, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, funny
Id: uz7wEh0iDCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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