r/Facepalm · FIVE STARS

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we wanted some help sure thing with what exactly I won't tell you you won't tell me what you want me to help you with nope okay how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash facepalm let's get to it prepare your face very fun this game is fun five stars now wait a second I passed third grade and I'm pretty sure that's not five okay now I don't believe that you have 6.17 megabyte views what friends I am desperate here I am newly nan vaccinator and I want to write about vaccination dangers from my final thesis in college however I have to use scholarly journals etc as my sources when I search deep into GSU's library every article seems to be probe acts and nothing supporting my argument does anyone have some scholarly Doc's that I could use to prove my point effectively thank you all hearts the fact that you cannot find any journals to back up your viewpoint may I suggest you need to reassess your viewpoint maybe maybe just a little bit do batteries contain data oh my god really for example if I get rid of a battery can someone use that battery to see my email pictures or videos after removing a battery do I put in the recycle bin dude it's a battery that it just powers things that Bath & Beyond pulls black jack-o'-lanterns amid blackface complained their jack-o'-lanterns how do I communicate with blind people like obviously there's Braille but is there some form of clicking I can do with my tongue just simulate Braille verbally and it never mind you could just talk to him wow thanks I I didn't know Frankenstein enters into a bodybuilding competition and finds he has seriously misunderstood the objective for the last time Frankenstein was the name of the doctor a doctor who built a body hey buddy I don't think that's I don't think that's how you wear that at all man boarders Hickam class right now bro you in a car nah man he sees a car schooled one time I was petting my cat while eating cereal and put her in the sink in the bowl back down hold on I was petting my cats while eating cereal and put her in the sink and the bowl back down good going what's chair noble it sounds like a cough medicine never mind I looked it up you're funny but in a dumb kind of way no I think they're just dumb in a dumb kind of way specialty chicken one hundred percent whole breast white meat that's that's not it that's not a chief actually not it that is not chicken oh yes who could forget Jack Black's starring role in chop kick Panda why are Dan Tendo codes so long guys my coat doesn't work anymore oh man I hope no one like you know saw it and used it before you could I mean yeah it's long but it shouldn't take you that long to type in man would you call the cops at 14 if he got caught stealing another student's phone and your stepmom whupped you with a wooden brush on your behind why or why not what so my wife grilled corn tonight for two and a half hours that's not I don't think who grills corn that is a concept I've never heard of diono is still alive hours before she died is that possible with threads like these I can't lose okay but why is there a white guy playing an Egyptian please tell me you're joking that is Rami Malek he is Egyptian well you know people are dumb would anyone consider buying an electric car I like engines it would only buy an electric car if they were the only option we have these climate changing others to thank for the abolition of traditional petrol and diesel cars which takes away consumer choice they haven't abolished them that there's still plenty of normal cars out there we bought a computer from yesterday but it won't turn on press the big button I have then try the cord at the back maybe it's disconnected I'll get a flashlight don't go away I'll be fast I need a flashlight it's dark we have no electricity yep I mean that'll do it emoji plush keychain usually 399 and thank God it's on sale for 398 that's a that's a steal F why are you guys saying that letter if you think what I'm thinking and that's really rude atheists if God isn't real how do you explain walking on water can you walk on water like Jesus yes show me a video of you walking on water I don't need to you just need to have faith that I did got'em I accidentally hit the language button on my remote last night and watch Family Guy in Spanish for ten minutes thinking it was a weird look one the government likes having control over the people over stupid petty stuff none of Ellen JFK death why does lying about those things benefit them we don't know but we're smart enough to know that the earth is flat - gravity does not exist it's proven to be a hoax 3 because people believe stupid stuff and we're trying to convince people that they're wrong it's not just flat earth its global warming being fake it's not a novella being made up it's the hook shooting being just actors yeah ok never finish my someone never finished high school maybe Florida abortion bill would required judge to rule of teens mature enough to terminate pregnancy that woman is immature let's give her a kid good god was i stupid scary to think I'm a pharmacist now I think my flu shot gave me the freakin flu oh boy good old matpat correcting and tweet the original says Millennials are so helpless they're taking adulting classes to learn how to do things like sew a button he says you had a few typos I fixed it Millennials are so motivated they're taking classes to learn the skills older generations failed to teach them got them and that's not a theory happy birthday to you happy birthday to you how do I ask a question on Yahoo Answers I'm really this place and I was wondering how I ask questions you just did Nostradamus I probably butchered that name my husband less than your husband you know what baby much love for my gorgeous wife this is cute I'm happy for you and imma let you finish but uh the inventors of insulin sold the patent for $1 a vial costs about $5 to make yet people with diabetes are dying because drug corporations charge as much as five hundred and forty dollars per vial in the United States that level of greed is criminal and it will end when we are in the White House if it is 540 USD do not buy I do not understand what the problem is yikes come on man he says screw little shorty it's Golden Hour come on man why the heck are you and that other white chick wearing Caminos you white people need to stop taking Japanese culture also you two look horrible in the kamenos it doesn't even match you one it's a Yukon amount of Camino - that's such a pan Passport and hikes yup Joker one out of five the movie is bad is not even funny not one bit but don't take under 12 year old kids to see it man if only there was like like a something to warn us that a movies not for kids like like some kind of rating system lost set of housekeys black automatic car door opener front and back house keys silver safe key if found please return to actual address I'm usually home after 5:00 p.m. thank you Wow how do you mess up that badly reporting news man killed to death because he wasn't lucky enough to be killed and make it out alive why is there no flat Mars Society hi lon thanks for the question unlike the earth Mars has been observed to be round we hope you have a fantastic day yes because only one planet in the galaxy can be round not the one we live on and you know know the most about a person infected with measles went to a Portland Trailblazers game last week and got 22 people infected the year is 2019 not 1819 yikes I love when men are sexist by asking me what my favorite Metallica album is in a patronizing way because I'm wearing their t-shirt first of all Metallica frickin sucks and I would never listen to him but you just added yourself for having bad taste and I look really cool in my shirt okay Karen how tall are you why I only date tall guys 6-3 how much do you weigh what the heck why I don't date overweight girls wow you're a misogynistic Pig judging women I hope you die alone you is the moon is the moon a planet is the moon a star is the moon bigger than the earth is the moon getting closer to Earth yeesh my friend didn't reply to her man for two weeks and told me that you gotta give them time to miss you and now he's got a new girl oh this emember thinks New Mexico is Mexico Wow oh sorry Luther Trump on Sirius oil we've secured the oil and therefore a small number of US troops who are made in the area where they have the oil and we're going to be protecting it and we'll be deciding what we're going to do with it in the future so we're stealing oil now now you should wake up sheeple am i right emergency phone not installed please do not have an emergency at this location come on do it somewhere else also that yellow fire hydrant back there is totally holding a red lightsaber I don't see how people can stay in one place for the rest of their life and not explore world poverty yeah due to public health concerns a a FES will no longer carry vaping products thank you for understanding but um you see there's a little bit of a little bit of those a little bit stuff on the shelf that might do more is cigarettes it's a cigarettes kid come on glitter foam pumpkins wrong rake factory workers have reddit why the heck is the rakes always so crappy literally every single time I have to be forced to do the Leafs in my yard the freakin leaves get stuck into the rake rakes don't help crap all it does is move the leaves a bit nothing else I could rather use a broom shovel or my hands than this crap rake makers explain yourselves because I'm pissed not only does this guy not know how to work a rake but um his grammar isn't really the best if I can't even afford ramen I'll leave the rich those boots are a hundred and twelve to two hundred and fifty nine dollars you're not really putting a good image on yourself there a girl once asked if my religion was Japanese or Asian come on Ryan Reynolds yeah that looks like Ryan Reynolds to me wait a second developing news story top line one goes here and below line goes here sending this tweet through space via Starling satellite whoa it worked says you sent it from an iPhone clearly you're not the sharpest tool in the shed five stars I hit the school and the school is the worst school ever Oh Thomas if your social security number was the amount of money you had how rich would you be oh my god these people hold up if you are white you can't speak Spanish are you familiar with the entire country of Spain star wars topic halo 3 complete soundtrack hey wait a second mm-hmm do I love me some lace tax hey wait a second my tooth once got crushed in the needle was the size of a fully grown man's index finger it hurt us Frick they didn't put some kind of medicine on your teeth meat teeth meat oh my oh that's a I never want to hear that again they spelled through wrong I'm gonna screenshot this and posted Thank You pink man 505 yes everyone's favorite autobot trans boy wait a second gifts card u.s. you won $1,000 Walmart Wow I'm sorry Blake this is awkward but it's not a police car you vape in front of a water service vehicle nice one idiot critical spaceflight hardware do not touch very cool Mike nice one Mike come on a tax may be put on violent video games to help prevent school shootings oh look the government found a way to profit off school massacres took them a while my unvexed toddler and I have whooping cough I feel so guilty like could I prevent this with a vaccine I feel like a terrible mother gee I don't know hmm I got scammed by wish and there's a wish ad wow it's spelled Lamborghini you idiots no I don't think I will Bar slash whoosh have a look at my username getting a nade whoosh me if your mama ugly freak in memory of World War 11 hold on wait a second and just like that ladies and gentlemen we have reached the end of our slash facepalm well I survived the whole thing without slamming my palm through my face so I think we're good thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the little bell see get notified every time easy-peasy uploads and if you once subscribe to me Zack the narrator my link will be down in the description below and until the next one I'll be seeing you
Channel: EzPz
Views: 245,325
Rating: 4.9289145 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/facepalm, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, r/facepalm top posts of all time, facepalm top posts, facepalm, facepalm reddit, facepalm meme, r/face palm, r/facepalm emkay, r/facepalm ezpz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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