How Forestry Brings in the Dosh in Vanilla Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines here in our vanilla hard mode snowing city with no mods yes that is right i've gone insane i'm playing with no mods and i'm glad you've been enjoying the series so far so today we're gonna pick from one of the two names which are the top most voted uh names from episode one uh one of them was based on the name of a town in the alps i think it was interlagan or it's interlagan but they slightly changed it with a suggestion to inti lagan uh that name suggestion was from adam ziss and the other name suggestion was from superior salmon which was antarctica but just changed it slightly to an antarctica so you sort of say it the same antarctica i quite like that one but we're gonna see i put them both on a pole so everybody's been voting on today uh or a couple of days ago that poll was up and uh yeah i will pick one of those at the end of the episode so as always uh you've been giving me lots of comments and suggestions and i've just changed a couple of things which are helping the city out and then we're going to get to more expansion probably on this side of the river over here we shall see so one of the suggestions was if i zoom in over here was to change these parts so i had the cycling paths in here which pedestrians will only cycle on whereas i've switched them all out for the normal walking path because they will walk and cycle there we go perfect example people on their bike so i've done that to increase the walkability of our city and then what i would do is i will upgrade certain roads when we unlock the uh bike uh roadster bikes available on them which is not until oh we've got some other roads oh we've unlocked some stuff ah asymmetrical three lane roads fantastic we seem to have unlocked a lot of roads did i miss something we've hit four thousand oh of course we hit four thousand four hundred and we unlocked all of this stuff last time didn't we including bicycle roads two lane loads of bicycles oh my goodness me so much stuff in here wow yes so maybe we can start moving over to i want to get green power in the city as well so anyway yeah yeah yeah so we changed all that and also we have now hit uh two stars in our cyprus timber processing i've not seen any names for that yet that episode hasn't gone out so we will hold back from renaming this um but yeah what do we unlock so let's just put on the screen because we unlocked it uh while i was not recording there we go so we've unlocked the biomass pellet plant the furniture factory sawdust storage the forest workers barracks and the small tree sapling greenhouse which is quite cool i like that and i am wondering whether as we are in a nice snowy area oh man we need to fix this thing here um we're in a nice snowy area whether we can switch to green houses now i don't think these have that option no they don't i don't think i'm gonna just mass switch stuff out because it's gonna cost us so much money but definitely working our way up to the sort of the by minuteman plant so this one makes a plain timber this one makes paper and i believe both of those are needed in our factory is this the one here yeah paper and timber so could we afford to pop that in what is that going to cost us 25 000 that's going to take half of our money do you know what i think we will just pop that in over here and i'm just wondering whether let's just have a quick look at our resources yes there's no farming resources around here i feel like i want that on its own little road sort of set back a little bit um we've got an industry road that's yeah here we go and also had lots of comments about maybe leaving the day night cycle on a little bit just to give people's eyeballs a rest which is fine so you're going on the right hand side so we'll do that for this episode we'll see how it goes uh and then you can let me know uh what you think about that so it's not too steep floaty steep what's going on with the land oh yeah that slope is quite steep okay we won't use anarchy because we don't have it we'll do a little bit of terraforming just here let's pop that up i sort of want it here so if we just smooth that a little bit i think we're gonna have to sort of go like this wonder whether actually we could just redo this i'm going to delete that i'm going to try and just smooth a section out here where this is going to go and it's going to have a bit of a bank behind it oh wow this is really bad isn't it okay right we're gonna try this one so right click there then left click and bring that down yes that's much better and then if we use this one you should be able to smooth this out reasonably well okay let's see how this goes then we'll grab our normal road and that's gonna come out let's put on our guidelines to there oh that was not the road we used was it okay well let's go back to this one and i quite like this one lots of people have pointed out that the snow doesn't seem to settle on these roads not entirely sure if that's true but uh we'll see and then we'll grab this one and i wanted that to go up there and then sort of how big is this thing let's just take a look so it's going to end up right up there somewhere so here would be good for that to come in like that yeah and then we just sort of join those together like that that is quite a dip in the middle isn't it yep nope we're not going to do that we're going to level this bit out so we're going to grab that there and we're going to bring that across to there like that and then we can smooth that bit out and that should be a little bit straighter a little bit flatter it probably is because of this road here as well okay let's do that again so we'll grab that height there i'm gonna level this out and then we know it's coming in here oh man this is gonna be this is gonna be fun i tell you what let's do this instead let's bring that out to there so that should be fine and then we're going to curve this like that and then that will go down that slope perfect there we go that'll be okay and then i want that i want that that side yeah that's okay i don't want a bit of a slope like that let's keep things going a factory big enough to produce biomass pellets indeed and that's going to produce paper for us and i am going to pop a little storage thing here so now we've got access to the small warehouses medium warehouses i don't think you're gonna want paper stored outside uh so we'll do that you're gonna need some water so let's get you hooked up there there we go and i feel like that one's going to come down there that's fine oh man it's very dark yeah that's fine we're getting trash problems as well i tell you what we're going to do we are just going to while we're building let's slow that down there we go while we're building we need to see what we're doing so these guys are gonna be waiting for our raw forestry products by the way the only mods i'm using in case you suddenly start freaking out are ones just to do with the visuals so just to make the game look better so we've got plenty stored over here so they'll put a call out and then we want this set to i'm gonna leave it on balanced uh with paper that's what it was wasn't it so we've got paper over there we've got plain timber over here which has been stored here which is on empty we're going to put that on balance so we can keep some in stock and then our factory i mean this is our farming area up this road here but we're slowly and surely encroaching on it um where could we unlock that could also give us more access to farming instead i mean i was thinking of unlocking more square sort of heading this way and we've got a lot of farming down here so i'm wondering whether if this ends up being more forestry than anything else that's fine because here can be farming yeah let's let's do that let's do that let's maybe keep this so let's just look at our zones so this one here is just going to overtake this i'll leave it up there just so we know what it was let's just zip it you do that round a bit yeah i don't think the factory needs to be in the zone but we're just you know just for my own peace of mind so i know what's going on that's going to cost us 27 000 oh and it's going to need to fit the other way okay so we're going to get this one here i'm hoping this is going to fit like along here i'm gonna go like i don't think that's gonna fit along there you know i'm gonna squeeze it up here as much as possible and i want it in there and i don't think it's gonna do it uh let's just take a quick look at this by the way the way i got this to upgrade and i'd forgot about this little trick before so i didn't quite have enough space for the amount of work as we needed i think it needed 250 and we had like or 150 and i had to 146 something like that but i needed more people to come over so what i did is i literally just put down another small tree plantation which gave us the extra work spaces but i think it immediately just like that adds a few workers with no sort of waiting around for people to come and join or anything like that it just literally added more workers so yeah i was pleased about that and it just that's why i upgraded off camera so i'm just going to fill in a little bit of this space here i like sort of making these look less like they're i know they're supposed to be planted in straight lines because they're farming them but i prefer to sort of make it look like that right while we're talking about all of that we have got a problem with our trash so i know what's going on here and i'm trying to fix it so we have a look at our trash um landfill use is 91 so this is emptying out and when this is emptying out into my now two recycling centers it just keeps filling these up so that is nearly at two hundred thousand that is nearly two hundred thousand um which means these aren't going out and collecting the trash so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna stop emptying that and when it gets filled up i'm just gonna leave it and not do anything with it um and it will have to just yeah it's tough i'll have to just do it so this can now start emptying this stuff out which means it will have more trucks available to go and deal with all of the trash and then people have stopped blooming moving out of the city which is very annoying right we now have enough money i think oh we're almost at enough money for the factory so oh there it is we have got enough 27 500 you just jumped up so let's see oh darn it darn it so if i angle that road i might be able to get this to fit in let's see what i can do oh look i've angled the road just correctly it's gonna take out some of those trees and that means we're gonna have to redraw this little road down here which is fine but that nestles right up against the back there i like that um okay so let's go back to this one that means that could come straight across here and then we just need to redraw this little bit out here which is probably going to be changing anyway like we've said uh things are happening let's bring that one down there no that one doesn't kick in all right we'll go this way we'll go there then we'll go there it is i knew i'd find it we'll get there excellent there we go yeah i didn't think that was as straight as i'd like it to be just as i moved away i saw it at the corner of my eyeball and i thought yeah that's better i can't leave it like that there we go excellent um you need some water really you're so close to uh our water so i'm gonna run that down there connect that to there and then that's gonna start heading up over here there we go spot on so you're getting the plain timber and the paper which will be coming over to you and you'll be making the furniture and i'm gonna do the same thing again i'm gonna give them somewhere to plot the furniture no i'm not because we have absolutely no money at all um i'm gonna try and put that on 150 but that's gonna give us oh yeah man that is going to give us a ton more money which is exactly what we want they're going to be coming in here so let's just keep an eye on these guys coming in and out to wood vision making us all the muller oh oh oh oh i've just seen our first load go out here it is look this guy here our delivery van furniture factory delivering unique products to m h clothing oh let's follow this guy so he's taking our furniture oh look at our city i love it in the snow it just looks fantastic oh and there we go delivering to the burnt bee burnt bean coffee place which is apparently a factory workshop uh what did i say factory whatever it was i got m h something or other wasn't it oh well there we go anyway so that's gonna be making us excuse me that's gonna be making us some nice amount of money so let's have a look how we're doing oh look at that seven thousand a week already up to twenty thousand we know that that is gonna sort of bounce up and down because of the way the dlc the industry dlc works but yeah that is really good excellent what's that saying on there 3648 a week workplace is 46. yeah really pleased with that cool so now we have got has the trash going look the trash is much much better now um this one here it's still sort of bobbing around at the top near the 200 000 but the coverage let's have a look yeah look much better much better good good good you over here you're gonna go because no one's happy with you right okay so we want to expand over here now we do have a lot of need for more industry um so what i'm thinking over here just sort of in amongst this so we've got our industry zone over the top we're going to put a normal district uh over here as well make sure we get uh both sides of the road there we go and then what i would like to do is set that also as forestry which is here that one and then we can put some industry sort of dotted around in here like that maybe over here maybe even up against here let's just check this one so this was set for the same so pollution still pollution but i'm pretty much convinced that that is to do with the coal power plants uh which will replace at some point uh noise i still think is going to be a thing yeah so we don't want to get too close to these guys so they're gonna go and i'm thinking maybe we do need some shops we'll pop some shops sort of on this corner here just a few small ones but hopefully if we just fill in a bit of this how far did that zone go yeah sort of up to there that's probably going to be enough there we go and i'll start filling in how's our water pipes let's give them some water we've already got electricity over here and then we should get some forestry type buildings here what are we getting lumber mill original wood products yeah pellet fuels that's what we want filling up this little area here taking our industry demand down which will increase our other demands and i just think that looks really nice when you've got like these sort of piles of wood around the place and stuff like that what's that one there fly guys excellent excellent excellent let's speed things up a bit by the way you may have noticed my stuttering has gone um which i was very annoyed about getting it just a vanilla game with no mods at all i don't know what it was that fixed it um i updated my amd drivers for my motherboard which may have been that but i also changed my power plan from the amd ryzen power plan just to the standard windows power plan and i'm thinking one of those as solve the problem so yeah either way i'm happy still got some demand there i'm going to just keep this going up here i'm hoping this isn't going to cause a load of traffic like here and see even though we've got demand some of these are saying not enough workers although that might be it needs well-educated workers so let's check out our education so elementary school plenty of capacity uh high school is a problem yeah so we've got we're getting near to the capacity of that we could do with another high school over here and we have the money um we've got this large high school that i rarely use and i quite like the building and i'm wondering whether we could just have that off of this road here i want it off the side road let's go there yeah i want to sort of mix it up a bit we'll use that one there that's good and then can we just be people going to start upgrading now which is good keep your eye open for that there we go and the lack of power right let's just slow down a minute let's just take a look at the power situation so availability is down what is uh oh by the way i paid back this other loan as well i did that off camera we're gonna put these up to 12 because it could go a bit higher point there we go budget is maxed out okay well now we're starting to get more money we can start looking at some of the other options we've got over here and as we said we've got flipping 81. thousands wow oh we've got coal and oil still flipping egg well i tell you what i could just take another loan as we've took that other one so 60s and take 100 yeah let's do that and then i'm gonna pop one of these in and we're gonna try and get everything to green as much as possible that's gonna give us another 80. and i want that over here somewhere um what are our coal power plants giving us at the moment 50 okay that's fine so if we replace one of those that is a good thing to do if we could pop that in there that would be good although we can't move this can we oh darn it bad planning biffer bad planning can't go up there could we squeeze it in there i don't think we could oh we could actually if we what's that hitting against a road we could pop that in there we just have to move the power cable yeah i think we're just going to drop this in there there we go new geothermal power plant um the noise the pollution well there isn't any is there for this one i'm just worried about the noise what does that say 50 yeah so that's going to spread out a little bit over here but yeah i am going to repurp when we've got money and we're not worried about money i'm gonna repurpose this area all together so the minute it's just literally chuck it in it'll do let's save some money here with our budget so we can get that down a bit that would be good what's that gonna drop us down to let's go down to a hundred yeah okay that's fine water we could do a little bit more because we're gonna do some more expanding so across the river um we can actually unlock oh let's check our traffic by the way 92 cool we could unlock another square and at one point i'd want to get down here to connect this road that comes through through to here it's almost like a cut through and hopefully traffic will still go around the outside um but we'll see how that goes i don't think we actually need another square at the moment let's just fill in some of this down here so yeah i saw everybody laughing at me before when i put in our tennis court over here with our other high school where is it over here people saying playing tennis in the snow but they are look they're loving it they are loving it it's a heated tennis court so you've got absolutely nothing to worry about apart from the snow that is apparently right in the middle there but what we're gonna do with this one over here is instead we're gonna pop in uh this which is the ice hockey rink that's what these people are going to be playing there we go which just means perhaps i'm going to move this park here over to oh there's a path through there can we squeeze it in here off the main road i don't want to mess up there let's go there that'll do there we go excellent our little dog park happy sad everyone's like that okay let's just detail around this school there we go i think that looks nice nice little area there and they're already enjoying their rink which is fantastic when you're walking across there you haven't even got any skates on come on now they're in the middle of it what are you doing they're in the middle of the game oh that feels like an auto save quick sympathy ah lovely excellent that's good so that's that's looking fine over there and that is increasing our coverage for the schools and everybody is upgrading and loving it cool i just feel like we need some more shops just down the middle of this little section here oh do you have no water there we go um because this main road feels a little bit bare so let's add some of these in along here there we go and we'll do the same this side excellent what's that building there as a medical clinic so i'm looking at our transportation options that we've got i mean traffic is good it's at 91 we because we've got this little road coming in at the top here um this is sort of building up with traffic but as we said that's not always going to stay like that so i'm not too worried about that but we could run a tram up and down this road but i just think we need to expand this more first before we start spending that sort of money because we're gonna need money to work on the areas that we've got here so um let's just have a look i'm thinking of buying this square here so let me just purchase that and then we can also purchase this one here as well which gives us then access to the other side so that's 10 grand gone but now money is flying in which is fantastic and then what i'm thinking here is do we dip this road under the railway and leave the railway flat do we go over the top and i'm thinking we might just go over the top or we could let's just have a look over here if we just dip this down into a trench and then we can this row could go straight over the top yeah i think that's what i'm gonna do so i'm gonna take this out here back a reasonable amount and we're just gonna sort of drop that down and see how that goes now normally again i would have just done that with the move it mod as we all know but uh yeah we can't do that so i'm not quite sure um am i going the right direction am i going down or up yes i'm going down how low we're gonna need to go and so if we did something like that that is seriously nowhere near deep enough is it no okay let's i'm going to concentrate on just this little bit here if we go down i just want to see how low we have to go to be able to get the road to go over the top with a rail underneath oh and you know what we haven't even unlocked our train we need 9 000 people to unlock that so i just can't do any of this anyway so there we go i've unlocked another achievement the waters of our lives not quite sure what that one does so i'll tell you what we'll just ignore that problem for now um until we've got um yeah so we can do something about it so i'm going to sort of just plan this road a bit as if it was already there so we're going to go like that and then we've got some space to either put a bridge in if we need to or to yeah do what we were doing lower that down so here this is going to change i'm going to upgrade that and that can go in and out there hopefully that'll work okay and then uh yeah that's all on i want to bring this and connect it over to there i'm just thinking if we go out uh let's try this one that's better if we go out like that and go across okay you're gonna go because you're not being very helpful at all let's try that again if we go up by 10 and that would tend to get a nice 90 degree there then we can come straight along there maybe to here and then we can just line up with this okay road guidelines i need you okay we'll go this way no need to make it a bit longer it's more like it yeah you see that's not gonna that's not gonna do it need to go there and there there we go that is almost not quite right there we go much better excellent so now we've got that connection all the way through from one side to the other and we're gonna see how that goes uh whether that needs managing or not hopefully it's gonna be okay um but yeah now we can start working on this area here and yeah darn it we've got this rail that's gonna like block up everything we're doing isn't it but yeah i think maybe we'll just have to work with that i feel like i'm being a bit of a muppet here but i'm going by the price 1100 for the length there 1100 for the length there same there same there and then that doesn't go across straight here look they don't meet properly but that's at a right angle that's a what am i doing wrong here look i just uh something something is not right something is not right yeah i don't know i deleted the railway line and now i'm putting all this in again and it is yeah it doesn't quite seem to look why is it doing that so that is right now but it's even though it's all at right angles we're not getting something is it not flat definitely something weird's going on here i know this bit's not flat that's because i messed around with it yeah i feel like i'm discovering vanilla oddities here so this one here doesn't quite line up right if i delete that and then draw it in it's okay and i'm guessing i could do the same here now that's okay we've got this little gap in the middle but i'm not too worried about that unless there's unless i can do that as well if i go this way how about if i go this way how about if i go this way yeah uh okay we've got the little gaps it's fine but yeah i don't know what that is that is very very weird okay well let's continue okay so i'm building this block out here and it's just getting too blocky for my liking i don't mind like before it was just this block here because then you've got the curvy roads that sort of follow the river and it adds all that sort of extra nicety to it but yeah this is getting too blocky so what i'm gonna do and unfortunately one of the downsides to hard mode is um you get less uh refunds when you delete stuff so all this road placing and things is costing me money i'm gonna go out to there so it's the last straight piece before it curve so we're going to do the same here so i'm just trying to sort of look for interesting shapes and that sort of adds an interesting corner shape there and i'm wondering whether we could use that to then cut into this so if that went across here um what could we do i'm just wondering if that went like straight across where would that end up okay so we'd end up hitting a road there which would then mean our little blocks are now not as blocky as they were before can i straighten that one out yeah there we go so that changes that shape doesn't it i don't mind that and then actually this one here could just carry on through could it oh not quite not quite it's going to want to bend to get into there so maybe it stops there yeah what about that so that just sort of changed it up a bit and now we've got some different shapes that we can play with um yeah maybe a park or something in there would be nice off of the main road in the middle of this build up yeah why not let's mark that down as a park so we have that available to us yeah excellent there we go mana garden cool so then if we continue this road down here that sort of sets this up as another block over here i'm going to just see if i could flatten this out oh i thought i'd flattened all this out already let's just take that height there and get rid of that we'll do something with that train line when we get access to train lines very cool so then we've got this block here which is absolutely huge so we want to do something with that um and i'm wondering whether we could come out at this angle instead that is going to be entirely different from what we've got before so actually if we just still followed those out like that and then we could just break up the block sizes here so before we were going out let's have a look at 1100 so we could still do that that would be here wouldn't it so if we go like that there we go that makes them it makes for some interesting block sizes excellent okay good yeah i'm pleased with that right let's add some water for these lovely folks there we go that's all covered uh then of course services now one of the services that we haven't been using because it is so expensive or two of them i should say is the elder care and the child health care center now we've got more money i want to try and squeeze these in down here as close as possible to this end because it's going to cover a little bit over here and yeah what is that building there is that just a it's just a shot okay you can go so i'm thinking they both orient the same way they do so let's put the uh that's the elder care right up against there and then the child health care center would that just sort of fit in there no what about this side yes so we're going to have that right opposite there and as we can see the coverage of that is all of our new area pretty much um and it's just touching over there we may add some over there as we can afford it but we'll see how we go right so when we just need healthcare coverage um so the coverage on these apparently is less than it was as well so i don't know whether that is like the area of effect that you see around it you know the roads that it covers but yeah you need more services to get people to uh upgrade their houses so i'm gonna use a couple of these sort of small little end pieces here so we're gonna go there oh man running out of money already emergency services fire coverage oh wow i've only got one fire place all the way over there so let's put that one off the side road there uh police i want to use this one over here got one of those as well so i'm going to just take that little spot there and then schools and but i put all of this in we're going to spend so much money elementary school capacity see now this is the thing capacity is fine but we know that we still need the coverage to get people to upgrade their houses so i'm gonna take that one one that's going to cover as much of this sort of area as possible and down here without going too far away yeah i think maybe that middle one there and then the high school again oh we've got our high school right there haven't we so that's fine and as we said transportation we will come back to okay cool good so uh for zoning what have we got down here got prospect heights which i think prospect heights is actually going to come up to and include that and anything else that gets built along there and it feels like that this road where the school is would be a good sort of demarcation line for that so that was going to go there and then everything else oh here we go is going to be a new zone so let me just get this zone drawn in okay there we go so now we've got cedar hills manor gardens so some names for that i think we'll call the gardens whatever the name our district ends up being so whereas in prospect hills we added the organic and local produce and self-sufficient buildings and i think we'll keep that going all along the river there for this section we won't we'll just go for the normal buildings and yeah i think we're just gonna fill in as much of this maybe we're gonna do sort of a block at a time and just see how things go so we go a couple of blocks like that yeah and start seeing how this fills in and look at the snow filling up yikes our roads there nice hopefully they can keep on top of that as well [Music] right a little bit slow on the people moving in so i'll tell you what let's just take a look at our park coverage in here yeah park coverage pretty low what have we got snow park related skating rink would be fantastic i think in our park i'm just wondering actually if we actually get our little park set up in here i think that will help as well yeah let's do that um so we get our part main gate um if i go like yeah if i pop that right in the corner oh there we go excellent thank you can i run a fence down there oh it hooks into the side there so i can do that can't i so let's run this for some reason not past there i can't so that loads is going to stop me that is weird what if i delete that road and then run it along yeah so i can do that that is very strange oh and the same over here can't run it along here unless i there we go take off the the grid and definitely just do it myself that's probably the best idea and actually at the top here a park side gate would be fantastic so let's add that in as well oh man i really want the move it mod i really want the move it mod oh there we go that's not too bad is it that's not too bad right let's get some light on the matter okay now we can see what we're doing um i'm just wondering where that so i want to try and keep things straight as i can because you know like that because we're going to be adding some buildings off of here and then what we could do is maybe take a little curly curly sort of building a curly sort of path that way um and then one here just sort of like that and then we can build around that can't we so what options do we have we have a park plaza that could go i think there would be fine and you know what actually i'm going to join this path up to that path yeah there we go excellent so we've got a park plaza uh we have a park cafe if you're going to be in a cafe here where would you want to look towards i think to be honest the fact that you're in the park it's probably going to be enough for you we'll go there uh some restrooms that can go over here next to there and i think we've got an info booth we might as well pop that down right by the entrance where you come in that'd be nice and close yeah there we go it's got no electricity yet but we can work on that so let us chuck in oh some nice rocks and trees excellent now this is going to be interesting because again we don't have the anarchy mods so all of these just look white it's a shame that it gives them some extra bit of color so they stand out because it almost seems pointless to put them in i suppose if we do like a big one like that just doing a bit of testing see if i pop that on there it's going to disappear isn't it yes if i put the rocks down first and then do this we can sort of do that around it can't we yeah this is gonna be fun this is gonna be fun let's see if we can get one of the larger rocks in here like in this area i was thinking or maybe if we remove that path there what have we got that's like an interesting rock formation isn't it maybe something like that down here and then we'll pop some trees around it as well well let's just see what my imagination comes up with who needs propline tool me i'd love potline tool right now there we go i think that'll do for now just a little slice through there which we can work on a little bit more as well as we get more stuff unlocked that'll be good you know what i've forgotten to do over here is put all of my pads in and i should do that as soon as i make my blocks darn it need to remember that and as we said we are going for the pavement path so let me just pop all of these in sight houses that have just moved in it's your mayor's fault he apologizes profusely hey there we go big town 6500 we can now afford another square and there's a whole load of stuff we can add including campuses which is good i like those it clusters which means office zone that is going to be really helpful we're trying to keep the pollution down in our lovely snowy city university that's going to need a lot of money and incineration plants i think that's going to help us with our trash problem to empty out that other thing we've got and then just remove it completely from our city and then the incineration plant will probably end up going as well so we shall see how things go but this is what we've got so far we've expanded all the way out to here and things are going well okay so i think things are going really well with our city as a couple little tweaks i want to do now this area here um looking to you guys and girls for some suggestions we do have a lot of unique buildings available to us what do you think would be good in here and we do actually have the winter unique buildings we've got a spa hotel but i'm thinking perhaps that could be maybe on one of these little islands or something like that would be a nicer place um i was thinking of adding on here maybe the academic library uh it won't fit off of this road it'll have to come off the side there but we could make it work and make that a little beautiful area um with this gardens here as well how much is that to place 100 000 oh my giddy aunt we've got 250 000 money is going up but yeah i was thinking of something like that but let me know in the comments what you think about that little spot there um i would like to just do some work on this road um so we go into here and we're going to adjust roads so let's pick this road here so that is a main road and it goes all the way down to the end that's good and then what i would like to do is make that a priority road uh but then we just need to go back to our junctions and change that yeah so that's a stop there then all the ones coming onto it are gonna have stop signs but no traffic lights all the way down all the way down but apart from here now that is weird why didn't it do that oh okay i can just take these away yeah there we go so we don't need any of these traffic lights all the way along here there we go excellent oh i just having the thought there oh we're running out of water darn it um so that's a stop sign coming up there your stop sign your stop sighted promise there's probably hardly any traffic coming down here but we'll we'll do it anyway there we go so we can get this working properly very good and people are using this to come in now which is fantastic that is what we wanted don't we to spread the traffic out what are we at oh running out of water that's what we're at 93 which is brilliant um just come back to the road menu here um so that one stop sign coming out yeah these ones here with nothing come that is absolutely fine so i think most of these will be okay and then that one we've got sorted and we sort of left the other ones as they are that one we've changed that one we've changed yeah i think that'll be okay we'll leave the rest of those like it is um are we gonna upgrade this to some sort of mass transit as well would you like to see trams i think trams in a snow city would just look wonderful yeah definitely so let me know in the comments what you reckon about that before we finish we are gonna pick the name of the city yes i tantalized you with that earlier so let me go and check the poll and see which of the two names has been voted up the most and with a rousing 88 the winner is antarctica i think that is just absolutely fantastic i'm going to just put that like that so if you don't know it's there you might not see it you might spot the spelling mistake but then those that know know so well done to superior salmon for that name suggestion so there are lots and lots of things to look forward to for the next episode if you're new to my channel please subscribe so you don't miss out on more city skyline content tomorrow we'll be back with new tealand that's my modded city and then we'll alternate back again to this city so i'm going to say thanks for watching have a fantastic day and i will see you all very soon take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 113,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines forestry industry layout, cities skylines forestry tutorial, cities skylines industries forestry, how to play vanilla cities skylines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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