r/idontworkherelady + r/JustnoHOA - Karen Thinks My Sons Are Yard Workers?

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getting there guys it's humane man Markey back at it again with another episode of Asajj I don't work here lady now if you don't walk here lady I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy the video posted by user Care Bear ninja hair titles Karen thinks my son's a yard workers so we are mostly a Hispanic family that lives in a modest middle-class neighborhood our teenage sons maintain our lawn and also our neighbor's lawn she's a single mom and ER nurse and appreciates the help I'll cast Donna Karen eldest son 19 youngest son 17 me and husband with bonus characters at the end my sons had noticed a few times that there is a woman in a silver Lexus that rolls pastel home a few times when they've been out there she basically just pulls up in front of the house into idols in the middle of the street staring finally one evening she worked up the nerve to roll down the window and speak with them the first time she says hello I saw you boys doing the yards and wonder if you could do mine too possibly where do you live oh I live in three miles away much more expensive neighborhood I'm sorry ma'am we don't have a truck and the lawn equipment won't fit in my car okay thank you no problem bye a couple of weeks later Karen rolls up again and says hello I saw you boys doing the yards and wondered if you could do mine too I'm sorry ma'am like we told you last time we don't have a way to transport how lawn equipments also this isn't really a business we just do it in our spare time to help out well how did you get it all here we live here and we do our neighbors yards as a favor you live here let me speak to your master you mean our parents no your master Erna boss whatever youngest son comes inside to get me and to Relays what's happening I'm still a little disbelieving and think he's surely misunderstood oldest son just ignores her while she waits and resumes yard work I say hello ma'am how can I help you I need to talk to their owner and points at my sons I'm their mother what's the issue who is their owner I want to speak with them they don't work here lady this isn't a business they're my sons Karen still doesn't seem to understand that I am the mistress of the house also referred to in 2020 as the homeowner at this point my husband to his Caucasian comes out of the house to see what is happening Karen says to my husband sir hi I was wondering if you would allow your workers to come to my yard husband who has not been apprised of what the hell is actually happening but realizes something is definitely not right says hi ma'am these are my sons they live here is something wrong Karen seems to finally realize what is happening and mumbles something of an apology to my husband only and gets back in her car and leaves but wait there's more about an hour later two police officers to separate squad SUVs show up at our house lights flashing and weirdly parked blocking the street my husband answers the door and the officer explains to him that they got a complaint that there was a burglary in progress my oldest son provided them with her vehicle description and license plate that he was smart enough to know it's sensing she would be trouble the officers explained that they have gotten several neighborhood watch calls about her apparently she often drives around our neighborhood trying to hire a handyman and lawn workers for cheap it reminds me of dwight schroot looking for un bueno worker eta / clarify I say mostly Hispanic because visually speaking my kids and I look more ethnic than Caucasian and we're bilingual second edits I was actually at the time naive enough to think she meant owner of the business the master parts was what made me realize she was just were in the wrong world century mindset etc also this wasn't some little old lady that was second to third generation daughters of Confederacy type this woman appeared to be in her 30s and very suburban Lululemon type man that's horrible props to your sons to understand what was going on and get her vehicle description did you guys put in a police report and/or restraining order I wonder if you can basically get harassment as a charge we didn't file a report ourselves as no violence or threat of violence was made she was nice in her first interaction with our sons so the second time didn't really qualify as harassment just sheer stupidity I would imagine the police might have filed against her for making a false complaints unfortunately there's not much that can be done unless she continues to harass each neighbor multiple times and each neighbor files our reports I've met with our neighborhood watch captains and let them know to get the wideout to be on the lookout and report her each time we've done the same with other solicitors in the neighborhood as far as we know she has no family or friends in this neighborhood she just rolls here for cheap labor posted by user Crocker for loca titled the time one of them actually got to speak to the manager and it was my manager this happened a couple of years ago but I was reading an ask reddit thread that jogged this memory to come up anyway I think it was like 20 16 ish and I was working as a receptionist in an office my boss / owner of the business was actually a very good friend of mine that I had known for a really long time anyway she would occasionally give me employees gift cards to different places to buy some work attire as the dress code kept changing as the business did I took mine and set out two targets I was in the fitting room trying on some stuff when I hear what sounds like a stern angry [ __ ] talking when I come out it is in fact a stern angry [ __ ] talking she is standing with who I assume is her daughter in front of a mirror that was in the whole of the dressing room areas but not in the room itself she's basically railing into this poor girl who can't be more than 13 to 14 years old about how if she lost weight clothes might actually look good on her this lady was actually pretty big herself not that it's a bad thing but hypocrisy and mental abuses the poor girl looked defeated and I kind of watched them as I handed my items I didn't once back to the girl working and said something along the lines of men some people suck and a voice I thought was pretty low I guess it wasn't the [ __ ] thought the girl working the counter said it at first and started to go after her I told her I said it's because that girl didn't know me and didn't need to lose her job over me I mean I'm sure you can guess what happens next she wants to speak to my manager I try the whole oh I don't work here thing but her rebuttal is that I obviously do and obviously here on my day off and should still be reprimanded for being rude about a customer to my little friends not that I wouldn't be friends with the girl working there she seemed lovely but we had never met before to my knowledge anyway I'm about to tell her that when a new idea dawns on me yeah you can talk to my manager I'd tell her getting my fern outs I just have to call her because she isn't here today entirely true my manager was at home that day getting ready for a party that I was later attending at her house I call her she answers I say hey I have someone here at Target demanding to speak to you there is some quite obvious confusion on her ends all I hear is okay before putting her on speakerphone I'll be damned if a stranger is going to press my phone against their face okay you're on speaker immediately [ __ ] emic [ __ ] pant starts telling her how awful I am and what I did and is also adding spice that it's awful no manager errs on the floor to deal with this situation today my boss started laughing hysterically which made the [ __ ] britches even more angry well if you ask for a random person's manager don't be surprised that they don't work at Target you idiots I lost it at that point too I apologized to the nice lady working the rooms put my phone to my ear so I could laugh it off with my friend / manager and start to walk away of course bitching Stein is still yelling at me because I'm awful and I see what I assume is an actual manager coming over to the rooms sir I tell my manager I'll call her back and head back to see what lies she tries to spin and also try to make sure she doesn't accuse fitting-room girl of anything lo and behold she was trying to blame that girl and started yelling about that [ __ ] me this time coming back and I should be punished too luckily the manager saw me and immediately says I have never seen her before in my life she doesn't work here angry lady says she can't deal with her lies anymore grabs her poor embarrassed beyond all reason daughter and is walking away the manager apologized to me and the employee but it's not like I ever blamed him he was super kind once I got to my car I felt bad that I didn't give the door to the rest of my target gift but I knew there was no way I could have so I called my manager back and just about died laughing at the situation posted by user ginger kids Suze our titles this isn't your pizza ma'am in our area there are no zoning laws so we have homeowners associations that way a bar can't be built next audio dream house you pay an annual fee and there are amenities like maybe a park in the pool the HOA contracts with the company for lifeguarding and pool cleaning to avoid liability I'll cast our LG my daughter the lifeguard lifeguard any other lifeguards working that day Karen she's lived here forever and getting you fired kay hatches Karen's buddy jr. is Karen's four-year-old son and I F is the innocent family setting it's a beautiful summer morning in pool wonderland children laughing and splashing and several lifeguards including my daughter sitting on her throne of peace and tranquility pool Wonderland has some new rules this summer one now going down the waterslide with a child in your lap to no non swim we're in the pool if you happen to require a head covering of any kind it must be swimwear material this is an important detail for later scene one Karen KH tech jr. down the waterslide show a thing lifeguard atop the slide says sorry sir no children riding in your lap we do apologise it's a new rule this year hey no problem junior is disappointed but not an unruly little thing what the hell that's rude do begins to cry as I assume this tone signals to jr. that once again mommy is going to lose it Karen's friend is like it's no big deal Karen now addressing life guide why can't my son go down the waterslide with his dad and a lifeguard explains the rules and caring doesn't like it but complies in a half scene two innocent friends shows up and orders pizza they have a small family birthday party which was scheduled in advanced with tables reserved many of the women are wearing what I understand to be Muslim swimwear appropriate fabric for the pool and covers much of the body including a hijab please don't jump on me if anything I said was ignorant or incorrect about the religion or the names I used I'm merely trying to paint a picture I mean no offense and hope none is taken but polite Corrections or constructive comments are always welcome Anna --scent friend decides to get in the pool Karen also gets in the pool wearing a t-shirt and some shorts lifeguard says ma'am I'm sorry but you will have to get out of the pool you can't away that in the water excuse me I pay for the privilege to swim here and you cannot tell me what to wear it's a new rule this year we can't allow people to wear cotton fibers in the pool because it messes up the plumbing what about them she says disgustingly refering to the ladies in the innocent family if I have to get out so do they lifeguard now realizing she's dealing with a racist says ma'am they are wearing swimwear you are not huh we'll see about that at this point Karen is now being told by the lifeguard supervisor on duty being told the same thing nice try Karen scene 3 pizza arrives there are four end drinks and breadsticks Karen gets up and takes the pizza which was paid for already I imagine as no money changed hands not even for a tip god damn Karen juggles all this to her table and sticks her legs in the water on the side of the pool another pizza arrives and the innocent family is approached by a lifeguard as they were expecting a delivery innocent family says no that isn't ours we ordered four pizzas and drinks and breadsticks not that pizza place lifeguard looks around and sees huh four pizzas and drinks and breadsticks on Karen's table lifeguard to innocent family says I bet I know who this belongs to him let me help you she's thrilled after Karen has been such a nasty B she didn't even say anything lifeguard walked to the table set the pizzas down and helped the innocent family carry the four pizzas and drinks in breadsticks Karen says excuse me where do you think you're going with our food lifeguard says this Pizza isn't your pizza ma'am she has the order on her phone matching the pizza place and the order your pizza was to live at a moment ago and on your table Karen glances back in confusion covering her embarrassments it wasn't even the same damn delivery place with pure rage now yelling at lifeguard and demanding the police be called why would you call the police you have been harassing me all day and I know you have been staring at my son I have lived here for years and I'm going to the HOA boards to have you fired lifeguard laughs nervously and turns and walks back to her stand my daughter has bad anxiety and for years she is perfected a stone wall exterior where you think she doesn't care but she will cry later because I mean she's human Karen trailing behind and yelling expletives now Karen proceeds to use her phone camera to video my daughter hoping to catch her doing what I don't even know I mean she's literally paid to watch and scan patrons of the pool that's most of your damn job as a lifeguard by the end of the day the police have been called because Karen insisted the staff was out of line Karen's disruptive behavior has actually bothered other patrons mostly the innocent family as ugly comments about swimwear were overheard and made them uncomfortable it was following God since taking cellphone video that actually got Karen and her family kicked out many lifeguards and minors and this made the staff uncomfortable not to mention it's ludicrous to be distracting a first responder from their job Karen did not return to the pool for the remainder of the summer not because she was banned hopefully she went home and looked Mira and was too embarrassed by her behavior posted by user diabetic five to three titled I'm 14 I don't work at Costco okay I've been reading the subreddit during quarantine and just remembered a story from about nine months ago Acosta Karen me and the nice gentleman one day my mom decided she wanted to get a new computer her work was being acquired by a bigger company and she thought she was going to be fired she thought that Costco was the best place to do it and I agreed to help her because she doesn't know much about computers we browsed for about 15 minutes and I told her that there wasn't anything appropriately priced for her needs when I hear excuse me Italian see an older gentleman with an iPhone 7 can I upgrade this to an iPhone X I walk over never being one to not help someone with their phone he tells me that he has Verizon and wants to upgrade to the iPhone X I don't work here but if I were you I would wait a month to see what the Black Friday deals verizon has I got my I for an extra five hundred dollars now trading and by that time Apple would have released a new phone lowering the price even more oh I'm sorry thank you I'll do that he leaves me alone and I agree to look at devices for a little longer but before I can even go back to looking I hear excuse me I not knowing she was talking to me go to browse excuse me I turn around and see she was standing behind me finally I need a computer me not feeling like dealing with another person tell her oh I don't work here yes you do I just saw you helping that man oh I did but I don't work here yes you do now I need a new computer no I don't I'm fourteen I see my mom start walking over and I start walking towards her don't you walk away from me hey mom mom we should keep shopping and I don't think we should be getting anything here I turn around to see Karen go pale as I give my mom a hug and walk away I tell my mom the story as we continue shopping we have a good laugh about the it's of the world posted by user Zach's Morgan 12 titles put your cart back lady i-20 mail took my friends to the grocery store today and waited for him in the car while I was sitting there the woman parked next to me decided to just push her cart between our cars and leave it there well that doesn't sit right with me because if you give even one half of one crap you can find a kite returned somewhere nearby and in our circumstance there was one less than 30 feet away so I got out of my car and grabbed her card to take it back but I also flipped her the bird well I put her kite back and turn around to see her approaching me she asked me if I flipped her off and I said yeah because he didn't put your card back and it's literally the easiest thing in the world she started lecturing me about respects and the unacceptability of flipping people off next thing I know she's telling me to come along with her so we can go find my manager well I obviously don't work here I'm not wearing a company uniform and in fact I'm wearing sweats and an old t-shirt with holes in it I very bluntly state that I don't work here and the look on her face was priceless she no longer had any way to make me atone for my egregious sin she started on her words for a second before asking me if I had parents who ever taught me respect I responded obviously I do they taught me enough respect to put my freaking card back well she had no clue how to respond to it and shuffled back to her car leaving me feeling proud of my small victory against the Karen hood posted by user lucky lady Lucy titled I'm a lifeguard not a waitress so I just got this job at a country club pool as a lifeguard the pay is terrible the people are terrible the food is decent the layout of this place is weird Dudek ovid you come in by the guard office my office and you have to leave by the poolside grill no exceptions so the portside grill has its own servers and tables to keep class away from the pool not that anyone ever listens to that rule the server's wear pink colored tops and black shorts or skirts I said country club not classy Country Club I were a big white t-shirt that says guide on the front and back a hat a whistle and sunglasses sir one lovely 90-degree afternoon I get down off the guard stand and head over to the grill to get myself a refill on water this lady taps on my shoulder and asks me to get her another drink I can't remember what kind so we'll call it a Cosmo I tell her in my customer service voice that I'm a guide not a server and diamond Lea here for water she's scoffs and opens her mouth to say something snotty I just know it so I say it again in my god voice man I'm refilling my water a server will be by shortly to get you another Cosmo and I walk off my poor manager comes up to me with that look on his face and I just give him attitude how else did he want me to handle it he hired me to guard lives not serve drinks was i [ __ ] totally was I overheated cranky and thirsty not to mention underpaid you bet edits my supervisor isn't deep waters certified he can do CPR just fine but he can't do a deep water rescue okay posted by user Frank's car five titles being kind can bring brownies to your life this happened like a year ago and I just wanted to share it I went to a supermarket to get something to eat before my next class at college I was walking in when I saw an elderly woman and her husband calling me from the parking lot this very nice lady just wanted some help to get a heavy box inside her car since I'm not a total piece of garbage and I always loved my grandparents I was happy to help them I lift the box and her husband says peppy some nickname I guess I think he doesn't work here I was wearing a black jacket jeans and black boots the store's uniform was a black sweater jeans and safety black shoes so I understand the confusion she started apologizing and asking me why did I help her I just replied you asked nicely then she just smiled and gave me something on a napkin they were going to a family reunion so she gave me some homemade brownies that they were bringing well that's it there is always bad experiences here so I wanted to share this nice and short one posted by user tanzanites 20 titled of course I really do work ER look how I'm dressed took my octogenarian mother's shopping walked away from her for less than a minutes met a 30 year old Karen and her spawn so I took my mom to get some groceries and stuff at a mr. Waltons department store this just happened yesterday Saturday being really nice outs I'm wearing an old and faded black t-shirt with denim coveralls then I cut the legs off for summer mom is in her 80s and has a roulade of Walker sir I push her carts and she walks beside me I tried to do the food items lost so the cold stuff stays cold but mom insisted on starting on that side hurricane I gave in and off we went after the groceries were in the cards mom heads us over to the electronics because I was telling her that javi and I are debating buying the all the Avengers movies versus getting a streaming service mum wanted to see the cost of the DVDs this is where we met Karen and her spawn I'm explaining DVD vs. blu-ray to mom when Karen walks up to me and tells me she needs my help next mom is sitting on her Walker while we are talking I politely told her I don't work here I'm a customer that I point out an employee in a blue vest ah no you are obviously helping this old lady to buy a DVD player I'm just telling you I am next sorry but I don't really work here I'm shopping with my parents listen here Missy I know you work here now as soon as you were done with the old lady I am next one thing I forgot to mention I have blue hair right now and have my hair up in two ponytails I know I don't look like a kid but I definitely don't look 50 either I hate being called Missy especially when the carbon-based life-form is younger than me if any of you have read other shopping trips I have posted you know my mom is a very feisty Italian mum says listen lady open your ears my daughter doesn't work here look how she's dressed man please I'm just asking this girl to serve me next spawns like mum she really doesn't work here look at her clothes and hair just be quiet you wanted a switch we're gonna get you a switch if their skull doesn't show more respect I'll make sure we get a discount by this point my mom is done in Italian she starts cussing out this woman my mom does not like being the center of attention but man if you annoy her duck and run just dark and run sales staff finally make it over to us since mom is getting louder the longer you let her go Karen sees the employee and starts in on how rude I am and what a horrid employee I am and I need to be disciplined for my attitude towards her the employee looks at me my mother and Karen and politely in Italian asks mum what happens mum calmly explains and refers to Karen as buta and tying trying not to laugh karen has her say and finally it's my turn and I turn to Karen I say look I don't know who your parents are but sweetie I could be your mother you're teaching your kid to act like this is unacceptable especially right now with the pandemic as places are going out of business I'm pretty sure you knew all along that I don't work here and we're hoping to cause enough of a scene to get the acting manager to give you a massive discounts I'm here to tell you that ain't happening today not here not in this store you think that just because I'm dressed in old frayed clothes you can pull a stunt like this then tell the staff that I accosted you and - I caused all the drama kiss again child on top of your bad behavior towards me caused my mother to get upset I am so tempted right now to call the cops and have you charged with harassment and elder abuse Karen left mom and I finished shopping and left in the car mom says I guess you're a little stressed today huh oh my god that was the understatement of the year elet's just sorry comments pop-up then disappear yes some people do post and make up stories in order to get Cameron points I do not I don't post much and I'm not doing this for karma points high school was over 30 years ago I don't need to be part of the popular crowd so if you're gonna make comments to that effects please go look for the truly obvious fake stories edit to Spanish and Italian are both Latin based languages and unless you want to go tell my mother that you think our Italian is incorrect please don't bother trying to correct mine in this post as I am repeating her choice of words a 17 year old girl can't be the boss at a delivery service okay then so I'm not sure if this subreddit is right for my story but it's similar to the stories I've seen on here so I'll give it a try also English is not my first language so please excuse if there are some mistakes I'll cast on me random mother and shift supervisor for context my co-workers call me boss since I pretty much take care of everything happening at the store while being on my shift like making sure the restaurant is clean packing orders and telling the delivery guys which one they have to take correcting the kitchen if they mess up taking orders answering phone calls and so on and so forth alright story time I work at a popular delivery service in my States but we also have a small space that we use as some kind of restaurants I've been working there for more than half a year and I really like to go there on school days to spend my lunch break there and eat something I was doing exactly that on a day where the delivery part of our store had a lot of orders incoming so my co-workers barely had time for people ordering at the restaurants I've watched a family entering the store while enjoying my meal and since the others had a lot to do they were at least standing at the registers for 10 minutes since I usually work at the cash register I put my meal aside and take a seat behind the register I say hey there may I take your order this woman looks at me really confused and lifts an eyebrow to be fair I'm the only girl working at the restaurants by far the youngest one and I was wearing regular clothes but I knew that my co-workers were glad that I took over the cash register so I didn't see a problem RM says I'd like to talk to an employee what are you even doing behind the register miss I am an employee here I regularly have school today but I jump in for my co-workers since as you can see they have a lot to do right now so may I please take your order random mother was getting kinda ticked now since I wouldn't let her talk to an employee but I didn't really mind it wasn't the first time that a customer was getting mad the random mother now looking at my co-workers says why is nobody getting her away from the register could I please talk to the boss here I turned around to my co-workers and my shift supervisor had a big grin on his face which was a sign for me that I could continue of course they had a lot to do but they always keep an eye on me as soon as I'm at the restaurants due to harassment in the past and because I'm somewhat like their little sister well you're talking to the boss right now sir may I please take your order are you kidding me how yep how fudging all the year seventeen miss random mother was getting really rude now so my supervisor took the time to come over and help me out a bit hey boss any problems I explained the whole situation to him and he sent me to do his tasks at the kitchen while he was taking the random mother's order her face was priceless as I went back to my meal afterwards so I could enjoy the rest of my lunch break in peace this story maybe isn't as exciting as other stories on here but I really wanted to share it and maybe it made some of y'all smile have a nice day and stay healthy posted by user Murphy dragon titled 'he's a firefighter at the scene of a fire imagine that so this happened a couple of months ago and it made me laugh sir I hope y'all enjoy it's kind of long so please bear with me I should start off with I am a career firefighter it's my main job and has been for over a decade now and for the record I am off duty during this story my wife and I were out on a date nights in a big city we live just outside of we love the city but really go down into the town too often so we had a nice dinner at my wife's favorite restaurants then went to a small carnival like set up on the rooftop of a building nearby it was a fun evening and as it was getting late we decided to leave and find something else to do as we made our way down through the building which was a very old department store that later served as a government building for a while before being repurposed again we wandered through some of the stores we finally made it to the front door of the building and I heard sirens in the distance it's at this exact moment that I smell the smoke now having worked for one of the busiest departments in the south so I know what is burning by the smell of the smoke we look over and there is a column of dark smoke and fire coming out of a building being that we knew the area well we immediately knew what building it was event space and a kind of weird antique store we walk up the sidewalk across the street from the building to get a closer look as the firefighters arrived on mass to get the blaze under control by this point a crowd has gathered on the sidewalk to watch all of this unfolds my wife was asking me questions because she doesn't ever really get to see me in action another story for another time and I'm explaining how to read the smirk tell what's going on with the fire and what the unit's inside are doing that kind of stuff as I'm explaining all of this the wind shifts and blown some of the smoke around to our direction not bad enough for any kind of hazard though as we move to get a better view of what's going on my wife is short this woman I'll call her EB because she's probably in her late teens or early twenties looks at us and says while filming on her phone now calm down here guys I think we're okay besides we were here first and you're standing in the way of my shots in a sarcastic and smug tone and her boyfriend let out a snort of laughter I should mention here that we were standing about six foot from the side of her but I'm guessing they heard us talking about everything and without missing a beat my Spitfire of a wife deadpan looks at her and says in the sweetest southern accent I've ever heard yeah well he's a fireman sir I think he probably knows a lot more about what's going on than you do cure the color draining from entitled brats face and her eyes getting his biggest sources as she puts down her phone if she had tried to backpedal any faster she would have ended up in last week entitled brats looking at me now says sit so do you think we're okay here or do you think we need to move what are they doing in there now her boyfriend didn't say anything he just kept his eyes glued to the ground and his head down I respond professionally and respectfully answering her questions pretty much the same ones that I just explained to my wife and my wife and I tank I'll leave as the fire was now out but as soon as we got out of ear shots I burst out laughing posted by user ANCA van titled z-- you are speaking to the manager I used to work for a well-known fashion brand as an accountant my title was very posh sounding but I was an accountant my nephew was studying fashion so to help him I got a job in one of our higher-end fashion brands it carried knock-off designer clothes but designed by the actual designer something like a dress wanted the BAFTAs bit more affordable my office was around the corner from where my nephew was working sir some days I would drop by and give him lunch on this specific day I was just about to open the shop store when I get pushed out of the way by some 20-something Caron / Becky with a bad dye job and dressed head to toe in knock-off designer gear Louis Vuitton bag - her Chanel ballet flats I wait for my nephew to help an actual customer then we can have lunch I hear Karen / Becky in a very nasal voice trying to sound posh well I know for a fact this dress also comes in pink and I want the pink one now I'm nosy so I walk closer to see how my nephew handles this he politely just tells her that this specific dress is only available in dusty rose and maybe it was another designer she was thinking of again in the nasal voice well online you advertised this dress in pink sir I wanted discounts because it's false advertising right there is where I decide to intervene in my sweetest voice I asked her is there a problem here she was obviously a bit thrown by this but since I am dressed in a suit from our brand she probably thought manager yes I want a discount for this dress because you advertise it online as pink and this is not pink honey if you can't afford our clothes at retail and have to come up with such a feeble reason to demand a discount I suggest you go buy your clothes at George I'd look at her Louis Vuitton bag and then back at her how dare you I want to speak to your boss I hand her my business card with my posh sounding title for accountants and she just stands at it and walks out in a half posted by user Kay Joel titled yes I am the server owner I run an emotional support discord server and while I was taking a break for a week so I can catch up on some schoolwork I had a few people join just to interact with others which I didn't mind and my moderators caught me up on what I missed before I went offline again when I came back after my break I was caught in the middle of an arguments turns out that one of them started ordering people around and the moderators were trying to calm them down when I had stepped up and said that they would have to calm down or they would have to be bent because what they were saying and doing was way against the rules they claimed that none of us were the owner so I couldn't ban them she called them staff I informed them I was the earner and they were the moderators / staff and kicked her so that she wouldn't make any more drama and backtrack anyone's work with patience it ended up her needing to be banned and her being reported turned out she didn't even read the rules either so that would explain her not knowing I was the owner as I have made it so only I can make the rules I hope I put this in the right reddit's I haven't made any true good posts other than questions and a few small Arg s posted by user Ruby sage 7 1 8 titles a apparently platinum blonde wigs make me a volunteer this happened last year Nia Halloween I work at a library where on the week before we get an email saying that we can dress up for the trick-or-treat around the library there are several stalls where kids can come up to the desk and get stickers rings and other things no candy I dressed up the previous year 2017 and Sam from Supernatural but this time I wanted to dress up as going from spider-verse well I couldn't do her as spider-gwen have to be family appropriate and I was too embarrassed to do it I could dress up as her in the school uniform at the beginning of the movie I got the whole shebang tartan skirts white shirt black tights and shoes and a platinum blonde wig now I'm a brunette though it's more of a black due to my father being Hispanic so when I came into work with the really bright new style my co-workers didn't recognize me several of them thought that I was a new hire or that I was a patron I laughed thinking this would be fun what happened was a bit weird while a lot of people didn't recognize me on the desk until I started talking to them a few did something a bit off I would wave and say hi and they would look at me funny too a long pass then go to my co-workers desk on the other side the first few times it happens I just shrugged it off about being shy but after the fifth time I started waving people back saying they could come over here several of them just stayed at my wig and a few started asking questions about how long I've been in town one of them a little old lady asked me if I like living here I tell her well I have been here for over 15 years so I quite liked it she then went on to say things I should check out and I just nodded along saying that I have done pretty much all of them wait see you live here me thinking I just said that said yes miss and I've been working here for a number of years oh I thought you were a volunteer so an overall strange day sorry for the lack of Carens but I thought it was a funny story posted by user Liz reptile titles Pizza Delivery to a Roo nasty condescending and rich Karen while I was eight months pregnant for a weird reason preface I am reposting this so sorry if you've read it before I made a huge error in how I put the title and I respect the mods for removing it I hope they let this one stay up I enjoyed all the commentary and also the advice of others on better ways I could have stated the title without being offensive to anyone I really would like this story to remain if it is removed again I won't attempt to post it further also a disclaimer is well I would like to state I am NOT trying to be offensive to infertile women just and pointing out her absurd reasoning for being rude to me instead of being happy for me or at least indifference I have a lot of respect for women with troubles like that you will understand why I say this later on on with the story this happened 15 years ago my daughter is now a wonderful person - definitely not a Karen I worked at a pizza place with a Red Hat logo as a driver while I was very very pregnant I had ordered a new work shirt as I had gotten way too big in the belly to have my shirt cover my belly bump my watermelon style belly was getting rather round due to all the free pizza I was getting from my managers that wanted to help my skinny butt grow a baby better well I was allowed to wear a plain black t-shirt as long as I had my nametag and tacked on until a new shirt arrived the next day I'd gotten a free delivery run in the very rich area of town called feather sound at first I was really happy because this area was known for its great tips and when you're a driver you want all the tips you can get because you're not reimbursed for your fuel costs except a dollar a run minimum and this was during a time where gas prices were the worst we'd seen in like eight years these people had ordered a huge amount of food 15 boxes of medium pizzas altogether they had a sale on medium pizzas at the time I walked up the door first with no pizza to make sure I got the right address and to see if anyone would want to help grab so many boxes as I was rather obviously fat with baby I get to the door and the almost typical Karen - the blonde hair and instead had a black Dorothy Day like hair answering it's almost yells at me before I can speak who are you who invited you to the party very rudely I hesitate for a split second in a bit of a shock and say sorry ma'am I had to order a new work shirt but I'm your delivery driver Liz for your pizza order she states to me rudely but not as bad but where is the pizza then and why are you pregnant she said that last word with some disgust in her voice I said as nicely as I could at first ma'am I'm sorry for any confusion but since it was such a large order I wanted to check if this was the right door and to see if possibly someone could help me carry the 15 boxes up to your lovely home it was a McMansion with a long walk from the curb to the front and I had a small oil leak in my car and didn't even dare to ask to use her pristine Drive and I'm pregnant because well it happens when you get married I said the last sentence a tiny bit condescending as she was scowling at me she then started to go on a long diatribe of how she was not going to help me or have anyone help me as pregnant or not it is your job to serve me and town nothing better be eaten or I will call and get you fired I got really sick of her attitude and my feet were hurting from being on the mall day in my current condition so I just said no problem and walked to the car while she was still talking I know she was technically in the right but it doesn't hurt to see if someone doesn't have a heart or possibly a spare kid to lend me for a few minutes to get everything taken care of faster I decided to be a bit of a dick and stack all 15 pizzas and walked carefully to the door so I could get away from her as fast as I could she was standing there realizing I had enough of her with her arms crossed and stood away from the doorway and said put them on the table inside now I realized that she was just being an a-hole as I saw many children about 12 to 15 years old that could have helped out or at least gotten them from the door to the table as there was policy that we were never to enter a home due to risks of mugging or other attacks I didn't want to fight her at this point and wanted away from her so as I passed her into the home I said ma'am it is policy that we don't enter the house but since this is just too many to try to take out of my arms I will quickly do it this turned out to be the best thing cuz as I got to the table her sweet husband saw me from the kitchen and he realized what was going on as his wife had started tramping again about poor service and stating again that you're pregnant self better not have eaten any of her sweet children's food once I gave her the receipts and the total then I got back to the door her husband got really red in the face and as she started to hand me a check which I could see that she had left me literally five cents as a tip he grabbed it from her quietly read the amounts and gave her a face that said shut up Karen he then proceeded to hand me in cash the cost of the food and a $50 tip she was silent as this happened and kept her head low and one of the children then said wow that is so much pizza mommy why did you have her take it all up we could have helped like last time we had a party and helped that old man this statement got her really bugged out eyes as I just smiled and thanked them both for ordering with our pizza place as the door shuts you could see that her husband was glaring at her and her eyes were the size of dinner plates as I got to the car I could hear the faint Stern voice of the husband which sounded like he was laying into her when I got back to the restaurants apparently the husband called to apologize to the nice pregnant woman for his horrible wife's treatment as she always gets nasty to pregnant women and she had to adopt all of their children what a nice husband dude I hope she learns not to be a dick to women just because they are with child and she is unable to birth a child's I do respect her for adopting at least more than one child not to mention adopting even one child I got some much-needed baby items with that $50 just despite her rudeness final commentary pardon any errors as I am dyslexic if anyone wishes to share this on youtube or other platforms you may just comment with the link to it please thanks again mods for understanding I am sometimes not very smarts alright I'll have a link to this plan in the comments just because Opie asked posted by user chapter Lane titled z' obviously oblivious I originally posted that story in the R / I don't work here lady sub reddits and someone pointed me to this one English is my second language as a good french-canadian let me apologize abundantly in advance for all the inconveniences it may cause so here it goes between 2011 and 2015 I worked kind of full time for the québec's version of that big Canadian sports equipment retailer my Canadian fellows would know exactly which one I liked that job because I enjoyed helping clients as I felt more like an expert than a mere seller we were trained monthly on new products and they wanted us to be experts in our fields we were also encouraged to be helpful and to take our time with the customers we didn't have a particular dressing code but each employees would wear a bright royal blue nylon and zipper vest with the name of the store on the back the logo on the front and our name tags not at all conspicuous nonetheless people mostly all the ladies would ask me if I were Kia I was always baffled by that since my obvious bright blue royal nylon vest with a name tag but I assumed it was because we were young employees almost everyone was university or college students in the 20s and we would look a lot and like most of our customers from across the aisles maybe it wasn't so obvious for an old lady that I wasn't just a young looking fella it never bothered me more than it intrigued me when it would happen and I started fantasizing on the idea of some day just answer no and see what happens that particular week I had to work longer shifts than usual because of some sale we had going and the store was quite busy we were just past supper and I was at that point where I would keep looking at the clock but it didn't seem to move the evening shift had been busy so far so it was slacking down we were just starting to breathe a little from the supper rush so I started working on some facing that needed some love and attention a lady in her late 50s or so that i didn't saw comes out of nowhere right in front of me and asks politely saw a young man do you work here I'm literally holding a bunch of Crocs in my hands and literally placing them on display wearing my nylon blue royal zipper sport vest with 52 logos and my freakin name on it I didn't know what happened since I'm a polite man and always took great care in the way that I would approach our clients maybe I was tired I don't know but it felt too much and something snapped for once I was legit way too choked by the apparent stupidity of asking me that question especially at this precise moment when it seems to me at least quite obvious that I was indeed working here I looked at her straight in the eyes I looked down at my vest and my Crocs these are my Crocs look back at her look back at my vest I didn't want to answer I wanted to give her the time to take a tiny tiny better look at me and noticed my vests and the Crocs the nice lady is nice you know she approached me politely she's not a Karen or entitled I'm the problem here she keeps looking at me with their his honest interrogation marks in her eyes it's been 2 or 3 seconds of awkward silence I felt it boiling inside I gave her a chance nope she doesn't see it it's gonna happen soon if she doesn't see it aw screw it I'll do it it's happening sorry ma'am I don't work here I just go back to putting those Crocs on display she goes oh sorry and then just turns around and keeps looking for an employee first of all I'm bewildered positively confound she obviously had no clues whatsoever despite all the signs that I worked here I didn't know it was possible and I'm impressed in some way but then I immediately regretted it I never thought she would buy it but she did and now I feel bad and I can't go back to her without looking like a big idiot no no sorry ma'am I was joking I do work here how can I help you here she wasn't angry doll for my poor jerk and said something like oh my I wasn't sure I must admit I served her and she left and everything was all right but I had my lesson most of the people when they asked you if you were Kia whether you actually work there or not they legitimately have no idea whatsoever no matter how obvious you think the answer is posted by user pH one basic titles but I am the CEO of this company ger hello everyone this is my story that happens when I first opened up my company insurance agency I opened up my company when I was 24 but was in the industry since 20 not a lot of experience but enough knowledge to open up my own business I look a bit younger than my age due to the way I dress casually and the baby face I guess a little background about my company is I am an insurance broker that connects insurance companies with my clients and I get commissioned if the insurance policy is sold the wholesalers are the middleman that receives the coint requests from me and they submit it to the actual insurance companies and they forward the quote to me and I show that to the clients and if I succeed in selling that I get 10% and the wholesaler gets 5% of the insurance premium here is the cost me obviously me could have been potential insurance carrier wholesaler whom I would submit to and get quotes and start an insurance policy is see friend who helps part-time is f one day I was running late due to personal reasons winky face but my friend who was helping me part-time calls me saying that there is a potential insurance company wholesaler that was going to come in in about 30 minutes I rush over but was dressed a bit casual t-shirts skinny jeans and sneakers I come in and my friend walks out to get some coffee and smoke his cigarettes couple of minutes after working the wholesale company employee walks in and says hi I'm from blah wholesale company I am here to meet Alex which would be myself but I am NOT named Alex IRL it was a hot day in the summer so he was a bit sweaty I say hey how you doing take a seat in the meeting room we'll meet you shortly see walks into the meeting room taking a seat at one of the chairs as I was waiting for my friend to come back I hear see calling for me saying hey you're gonna get some iced coffee I guess you guys don't offer any drinks huh what the heck is wrong with this dude I mean yeah I could have offered some drink but damn sorry but we only have water or hot coffee he says it's hot outside I can't drink something heights can you run downstairs and get me some iced coffee and you can keep the change handing me a five-dollar bill huh excuse me I'm not gonna run downstairs to get you iced coffee please get it yourself when you leave do you want water it's pretty cold friend walks in and he was a bit more dressed up than I was he's wearing a button-down shirt with car keys he says hi you must be from the wholesaler company ah you must be Alex it's a pleasure to meet you was asking a worker to get me some iced coffee downstairs but he seems like he doesn't get it sorry but I'm not Alex he's Alex pointing at me Oh seems like I didn't introduce myself I am Alex and I think you may leave now and get your coffee on your way out and he left my office friend bursted out laughing the whole sailing company was a good company but there are other ones with potentials that could have done the same thing in the end I got a call from the wholesale company asking if they could stop by again and I said no posted by user ANCA van titles male nurses are bad ass I did my nurse training in the late 90s and it was also the year that we had quite a few ex-soldiers male that joined and one particular was ex-special forces he looked like he could snap you in half with a look but was the most gentle and caring nurse I ever worked with we were working together in the I would on this particular day when the doctors came around to do their rounds they all get their assignments and go after see their patience we had an old fella who was up for cataract surgery in the afternoon and was giving the student nurses hell mostly misogynistic crap like pinching our bottoms and trying to rub up on us the only female doctor on duty that day gets to do his pre-op and he was a total latch halfway through the interview which I must give her kudos for she did it very professionally he asks for a bedpan now this was pre-op so he was able to walk around which he did a lot the ex Special Forces nurse just happened to walk past and he came over to the old letch he says she's your doctor sir and I'm your nurse allow me to walk you to the toilets he very firmly helps the old man out of the bed and marches him to the toilets then we hear him say so you want me to hold your penis sir I hear you can't I think that was the last time that old man ever asks for a bedpan even after surgery when his eyes was taped shut Oh Karen follows me into the men's restroom a few weeks ago I was visiting my local big-box bookstore looking for good clearance items before the store closed permanently the dead mole that was attached it was being demolished the store has no dress code but the employees do wear lanyards and I wasn't sir I was browsing around my preferred sci-fi section when I realized I needed to use the nearby restroom sir I headed in that direction which happens to be the next mid stool customer service counter Karen notices me points herself directly in front of me and blocking my path to urinary destination says I don't know why you don't keep that desk staffed but I really need your help finding my book are you going to help me or not not I say remembering the urgency of my business and I step around her with a variation of I don't work here continuing to my destination thinking that will be the end of the encounter it's not to be I hear her voice rising in pitch and volume on its way to full Karen Banshee as she literally throws me into the men's room and I'm convinced she was about to grab my arm and pull me around to face her being conscious of social norms about public exposure I made it into its stall and locked the door for privacy that didn't stop her from knocking on the door and threatening to get me fired before she heard the really solid stream hit the water and I'm convinced realized for the first time what it was she had done I heard her embarassed sounding squeak / huff and she hightailed it out of there I finished my thing and washed my hands and came out to witness her being escorted out of the store by a properly lanyard employee I only caught the tail end of the conversation where Karen stated she was never coming here again and the employee had a classic response neither am i we're closing yeah that's a good one posted by user saucy B 583 titled no I am NOT staff and no you can't crash my dad's wedding about a year ago my dad was getting married as it was his second wedding he did not want it to be a huge event and neither did his fiancee thus they decided to have their wedding with just 17 guests at the book store where they met no it was so cute that I wanted to throw up he asked me and my sisters to guide the other guests to the room where the ceremony would be held since we were there early to set up the bookstore was something of a maze as bookstores often are my dad's wedding was being held on the second floor so my sisters and I was stationed at various places on the first floor leading to the stairs which were hidden in a little corner in the back my sisters and I were dressed up but not wearing name tags or aprons like the people who actually worked at the bookstore that did not stop a parade of people stopping by and asking where to find certain books I don't know what it was about my appearance in particular but most customers came to me instead of my sisters I get that I was standing in a particular spots and that I could have looked like I was there to answer questions but the staff were busy shelving books dusting making coffee and generally being busy sir I would have been a pretty lousy staff member just standing around like that one customer in particular approached me and asked if I knew with a painting that used to hang in the store was now I answered that I did not work here and was simply guiding guests to the room when my dad's wedding was to be held the man looked incredulous and asked me several more questions about the painting including who the artist was what the medium was the size of the painting and what the subject was after I answered that I did not know any of those things he was satisfied that I did not in fact work at the book store he then proceeded to say how much he loved weddings no matter who was getting married he asked where the wedding was being held and if he could go take a peek I answered that that would be really weird given that it's a private ceremony and my dad would probably appreciate it if he didn't he laughed it off and said ah well I'll come by and crash the wedding later I just love weddings so much I practically begged him not to crash my dad's wedding even just to watch because there were so few guests that it would be painfully awkward to have some random man smiling in the back after a few moments of us going back and forth and him promising he'd be there whether we liked it or not he finally agreed to leave the wedding alone he stayed for a suspiciously long time in the bookstore watching all the guests come in he smiled ridiculously as my now stepmother walked in with her dress and headed upstairs provoking her to ask me and my sisters who was that creepy smiling guy standing around watching the entourage we responded he's just some guy who really liked weddings and asked if he could crash yours to our great relief he did not show up at the ceremony but the whole time I was worried about it sorry for being distracted during a wedding dad posted by user Bulbasaur but an onion I would eat Bulbasaur if he was an onion titled I guess the grocery store employees dog trainers now this was a while back before Cove at 19 when I worked at a pet retail chain as the lead dog trainer where I worked was a short walk to the grocery store and I often would go there on my lunch break to grab something to eat I got confused for an employee many times but this one took the cake the car star me Karen and Karen's three friends it was a pretty nice summer day and I was feeling pretty great as I'd crushed it in dog training sales earlier that day and the Sun was shining I was still wearing my gray athletic shirt with huge white letters on the front and back that said dog trainer as well as having a large blue bait bag a pouch for holding dog treats and other kids on my belts I was kneeling grabbing a box of plastic spoons when I heard Karen say hey excuse me look at me I glanced over and look away as I'm sure they means someone else Karen guffaws to our friends oh no wonder these people don't make a living wage I can't believe how rude employees are these days hey you look at me when I'm talking to you I'm taken aback by the goal of this woman I stand up and turn around finally you were in your own little world there huh next time you need to ask the customer if they want any assistance before they have to try and get your attention it is very incredibly rude and she turns to the gaggle of Karen's behind her for our spats and reassurance we need you to get us X brand of bread and Y brand of ice cream oh and show us where the chips are we're in a hurry I'm sorry I don't actually work here but gesturing to an employee nearby they do and can probably help you and don't start turning to walk away um excuse me you're right here you should help stop trying to make other people do your job now find our stuff before we get your manager Karen's friends start exchanging looks and definitely notice my shirts I say ma'am I don't work here I'm on break as I'm trying to grab a few things myself I'm sorry but I can't help you even if you're on break you still need to help customers that's your job Karen's friends try to gently get her attention whispering that they don't think the grocery store employees dog trainers caryn completely ignores them and continues her tirade I can't believe how disrespectful you are you can't even do your job I bet you didn't even graduate high school with this attitude lady for the last time I do not work er if you tried to read the two words on my shirt you'd notice that it says I'm a dog trainer dealing with [ __ ] is my job so unless you're going to start paying me I have better things to do I walk away and over here Karen's friends trying to calm her down and also holding back laughs because they tried to warn her I finished crapping my items and hightailed it back to work never saw that Karen again and I am still waiting for another rude interaction so I can use the [ __ ] line again TLDR Karen was very rude and entitled even when I tried being polite told her I was a dog trainer and only deal with [ __ ] when I'm paid to posted by user dashing sands titled revenge at last now comes a story of revenge that may make someone's day so to start off I used to work at a big warehouse store chain let's call it CJ's I worked there for nearly five years finally got fed up and had to leave I now work at an amazing factory job and I love it been there a little over eight months which makes this story even more fascinating in a way yesterday I was at CJ's getting groceries and talking to a couple of my old friends that still work there and wearing my factory uniform clearly not wearing the red and blue that workers at CJ's where my factory uniform is black in walks an older woman that we all know of let's call her hmm Karen she was what you might call a problem customer nothing was ever what she liked all the employees were idiots etc but she had a real hatred for the male employees why who knows but she treated me and the other male stock clerks horribly Karen spots me talking to my friends and Karen never liked me even though I had on a ma and again was wearing my factory uniform she comes right on over tells us all we're lazy workers and that we don't get paid to stand around and talk she then orders me to help her lift some cat litter into our cards I say no I don't work here anymore get someone else to do it excuse me you do to work yah you've helped me in the past now help me get some cat litter I haven't worked here in 8 months I'm not doing anything one of these guys will help you indeed the two guys I was talking to were literally standing right there but that didn't please Karen are you refusing to help a paying customer I'll get you fired at that point I was rather fed up I just smiled at her and said okay go ahead get me fired from here you [ __ ] that went as well as you'd expect and she immediately went to the service desk minutes later Karen came back with one of the managers and who was the manager she goats the one I got along with extremely well when I worked there as soon as they reached me I hear her say that's the one fire him for insulting me and not helping me he just walked over and asked me how my new job was going Karen's look equals priceless Harry tell true vulgar TLDR Karen yells at me for not helping her at a place that I haven't worked at in months and ends up looking like a jerk posted by user paralyzed titled in Mother Russia Karen fires you hey-oh for my first post I'd like to share a little story that happened to me a few years ago sorry this will take a while for backgrounds me 27 male and my family are from Russia but moved to Germany when I was 8 and my parents have a lot of Russian friends here so we still have a lot of contact two Russians one friend of our family earns a pretty good Russian restaurants it's pretty big and well visited and on weekends there are even live musicians and a lot of dancing in so on it's very nice and 200 people on a Saturday is pretty normal for them he called my mum once and asked if my sister ate the time wanted to be waitress for this evening and down a bit of money my sister was happy and said yes but she had no car / license at the time and the restaurant was like fifty five kilometres away and my parents were out on that day so my dad asked me if I could get her there and bring her back I had no plan so I said yes but since I didn't want to bring her there and leave to come back two or three hours later to get her I decided to wait there the restaurant is pretty classy so it's pretty normal for guests to go there with their best clothes on I didn't want to look weird so I put on my suits and bring her there so that's the backgrounds sorry for this long intro now to the main story it was pretty full at this evening two hundred and fifty plus guests I guess and the staff had a lot of work even the friend who as the manager makes service and works non-stop it's loud but very entertaining as said the staff was very busy and I didn't want to stand in their way so I stood aside and just enjoyed the music the musicians do break sometimes and one of them let's call him Alex had a few minutes break and came to chat to me for a little while it's super loud so we talked in like a club how's work what's new had any dates lately stuff like that there was a little couch that we sat down on and shared memes and the phones to each other and relaxed a bits suddenly I feel a finger on my shoulder entering Karen a woman in her 50s blue fancy dress pearl necklace a ton of makeup and the typical Karen haircuts pointed at me and waved so I stand up and talk to her I say yeah wow if I would work like you do here I shouldn't wander to get fired you just sit there and don't serve the food like the others I was shocked the staff wears red vests with the restaurants name on the back and I was there in my usual black suit sorry what I don't work here I got interrupted mid-sentence because Karen took her flat hand and put it in my face and turned away moaning don't you dare contradict me Street in Russian there is a word for that which is hard to translate but it means like filthy no rights creature it's a very rude word I'm like the F she went off to the bathroom Alex who has seen it all took my arm and said dude the F relax let's go outside and take a smirk he looked like you're going to exploit any seconds yes I wanted to run after her and tell her a few things but I went outside and calmed down a bit the manager came out and took a smoke break too and asked me what's up Alex told him the story and the manager went crazy about it he apologized for the guests behavior now the surprise a guy standing outside nearby must have heard that and came right over and says the woman you're talking about does she wear blue fancy dress pearls etc and we're like yes the guy looked pretty embarrassed and is like that's my wife we're all shocked and the guy then apologized for his wife he was completely ashamed and went back in we all started laughing I enjoyed the rest of the music acts and two hours later my sister and me went home still a funny story when I think of the poor guy married to Russian Karen sorry for this insanely long story but I hope you enjoyed it have a nice day all posted by user Pappa Steve Rux yes Steve Allen does titled garden centre I do not had a landscaping morning Saturday and had to run out to the garden centre for a few items before stopping for the afternoon at the store I must have looked the part wearing cargo shorts Bernie had work boots and a neck gaiter as a mouth covering it's a this guy landscapes sort of ensemble I'm walking with a purpose and my items are at far ends of the store a woman and teen son stand in the middle of the patio furniture staring lasers into me as I hustled from weed killer to plant stakes as I approached she said finally we've been waiting forever I didn't break stride as she said are you going to help us don't you work here I gave them a succinct I do not without stopping ten steps past and I hear her say what does he mean I do not to her son not much of an interaction I know but how can someone not understand I do not it gets to the points I feel bad for that kid posted by user PGE 1967 titled I don't and shouldn't walk er because I don't speak Spanish coming across this sub reminded me of an incident that happened several years ago at a car dealership I always regretted that I didn't think of all the clever comebacks I wished I would have said until much later anyway this story happens in San Antonio Texas one thing about San Antonio is that about 63 percent of the population is Hispanic I myself am Hispanic and got to Texas by the way of the military after I enlisted I was not born or raised in an area that was predominantly Hispanic or in an area that Spanish was spoken so widely on this day my wife had dropped me off at a local dealership to pick up my car that was being serviced as it wasn't quite ready I began to wander around the new vehicles really just looking around to kill time before they finished up my vehicle at some points the guy who the story is about comes in never really saw him until he was in front of me he begins speaking to me in Spanish for quite a while and when he finally takes a break and expecting me to respond I simply tell him I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish this seemed to pee him off and he indignant Lee asked why the hell would this place hire someone who doesn't speak Spanish I might add he said this in perfect English without a hint of an accent the only thing I could think to say at that moment was they didn't I don't work here dude with that he huffed and walked away I always thought it was so odd that I was in the US and this guy actually thought a car dealership should only be hiring people that spoke Spanish well I have had people automatically assume I speak Spanish because of the way I look mostly at Mexican restaurants I've met really had anybody be so rude about it before that or since then posted by user sapphic John titled 'z I am NOT a bouncer and I didn't steal your money hi all I've had the misfortune to experience a lot of things in my 30 odd years that redditors may enjoy I'll start with one that made me laugh when my friend reminded me about it last night and can add more if there is some interest been watching a few of these groups for a little while and occasionally they remind me of my own experiences I should probably introduce myself I'm a male from the UK late 30s and I'm quite tall at six foot four which seems to make me stand out enough that I'm either a targets or just the person who catches the eye of lunatics quite a lot cast for this tale me hi Phil my friend he reminded me about this story DG 1 to 6 a group of drunk girls who made a small mistake but couldn't get past it bouncer big fella not too bright their manager nice bloke sorts it all out here we go the language is as best as I remember but I had been drinking sir exact words are going to be a stretch a few years ago I was hanging around drinking outside a bar in Manchester with my friend Phil my friend smokes but I don't you mostly need to go outside to designated smoking areas to smoke in the UK as I'm stood there talking to my friends admittedly quite near the door to the bar a small group of very drunk girls gathers in front of me I don't really notice for a few moments as I'm talking but after a short while I pick up that there is a little crowd stumbling about in front of me and they are looking a bit agitated butts of huffing and tutting I looked over them briefly and noticed they were all carbon copy blunts with these same haircuts not a Karen cut sadly mid-thirties small black outfits very short dresses all quite over weights no judgment just an observation and all drunk like it was their first time out in the town the only thing separating them was the level of fake tan they had gone for it ranged from orange to a kind of mahogany color I'm oblivious to why they are standing there or who they might think I am at this points but I assume I am in the way a little bit's so I moved to the side away from the door and they start to enter the bar with a few slurred variations of finally and freakin useless it seems obvious to me now that they thought I was the bouncer / doorman who had to let them in but at the time I just thought I must have been in their way a bit they didn't seem to be a bouncer as it was a quiet night so an easy mistake to make I should also mention it was cold and rainy in Manchester as it usually is so I was wearing a big Kurds it was dark in color but wasn't the usual bouncer uniform of black coat with si a identification on the sleeves si a is security industry Authority if memory serves I actually did work door security for a couple of years at student bars and clubs in the past so I know a little bit of this but that was years ago most unbalances tend to be quite big guys as it's a physical job when crap goes down with fighting and such and I'm in that category because of my height and builds a few minutes pass and four of the girls stumble out at the bar again and make a beeline right for me I wasn't as close to the door anymore but I was still outside with my friend the leader of this gaggle was massively drunk and had obviously been elected as that night spokesperson she will be dg1 she did most of the speaking and slurring and the rest mostly just said supportive things to back her up and swore she said you need to come on and save my friends I'm oblivious and I'm like sorry once come on they're in trouble and grabs my arm which surprised me a bit I'm still oblivious and say who's in trouble I also pulled my arm away which seems to annoy her come with me now my friends are being attacked and she grabs my arm again Phil says you better go sounds importance he was laughing as he had figured out the problem already I say okay confused as I still don't get it but I was just drunk enough to think they might be trying to be funny or pick me up or something finally quick yeah hurry she leads me into the bar and up to a sort of dance floor area where the other two girls are dancing and kissing two guys I'm still a bit confused why I'm here and now notice that DG's one two four are staring at me expectantly I'm still confused and say so what am I doing here and they shout over the music kick those guys out of here they're attacking my friends seems like they're okay to me why'd you drag me here we're in a girl's line out and these guys aren't even with us yeah we don't even know them okay but why do I need to be involved adg-1 ups the drummer a bit and says they're being assaulted and you just went to freaking watch uh no I don't really care I'm gonna go back outside now I tend to walk outs dg1 shrieks something's sweary at me and tries to slap me in the face she misses spins and hits the floor I am walking away and out now and when I turn having taken a few steps to get back to the door dg1 is stumbling to her feet and struggling a bit I walk outside and hope that's all the weirdness I'll have tonight's I find Phil who was laughing at me having watched the drama from the door and says me not free yet I think you're in trouble now and emotions toward the door the four girls have found a real bouncer who must have been inside and Dee pointing at me looking furious they come over and they're halfway through their version of the story to the real bouncer they say that's the one that's the bouncer who refused to effing help us and then knocked me over he needs to be Epping sax this guy pointing at me things suddenly click in my brain wait bouncer do you think I'm a bouncer yes you of course you let us in he doesn't work here mate yeah he does didn't you even know each other no I don't work here I'm stood here with the pine to my hands why do you think I work here you're dressed as a bouncer and you let us in by wearing a dark jacket I didn't let you in I just moved out of your way when you went in you came inside with us to sort out those guys why would you do that if you don't work here you didn't give me much time to think before I knew what you grabbed me and pulled me inside hang on a bit I'm law look he's the bouncer black jacket security information on his sleeve and he's got the radio on all that look at me I'm just stood here with a beer in my hands screw this I don't care what you are but you pushed me to the ground and took my money she's doubling down a little now as I presume she thought this would help her I never touched you I left after you pointed out some people kissing and you tried to slap me missed and fell over what money are you talking about thought the mention of money was a bit random we paid you to get in they obviously didn't it wasn't even a bar you paid to get in the bouncer looks very lost but seems to be getting an idea that he better react soon so you hit her and took money off her No none of this happened I think this slaughter a bit drunk DG 1 2 4 all chimed in with various yes he did he freaking hit her and stole her purse again another fun little addition right give the purse back what purse I don't have a purse this is all bull crap bouncer speaks into the radio and another bouncer has now shown up he's going around to look at the cameras and see what's once I'm lucky it was a relatively quiet night as normally I think I just had been kicked out of the place just to stop the drama and save time but as it was slow they decided to investigate the DG's have all started getting a bit hysterical now they have the real bouncers and the story has been embellished to include me taking money off them at the door to let them in which that he went back of course the fact I apparently gave this poor girl a bit of a kicking and I was supporting the guys who were trying to assault their friends it takes a few minutes but just as they're whipping themselves up into a frenzy the bar manager comes out and asks me if I'll go inside to speak to him I just want to go home now but as it will get me away from the screeching I agree I instantly regret it as I get shepherded into the back of the bar to the little room the security guys use I assume I'm gonna get a kicking but the manager gets the second bouncer to show me the two clips on the security screen the first one shows me vaguely moving out of the way when they go into the bar definitely not taking any money and the second shows me inside the bar talking briefly to dg1 her friend going to slap me and tripping herself up we have a little laugh and they say I'm fine I say I'm going to go but they suggest if the woman calls the police it might be better if I hang around so it can be sorted with this evidence apparently it's quite common for people to lose things like purses and try to blame others in pubs I ask what they're going to do with a group of girls and they say they're going to be asked to leave we go back outside and the girls are still going on about what apparently I did when the manager asks them to leave they go really mad for a few seconds protesting I've looked the CCTV and this guy didn't do anything you actually tried to hit him I never he freakin slapped me and stole my fudging purse I'm calling the police well feel free but as I said I've got the footage so you'll make yourself look a bit silly there love no I won't I bet you do this all the time rob people and share the money you've been asked to leave so please go I'm not going until he gives me my purse back iron have it are you sure you didn't drop it when you fell over I did a smokier which may have been an error you smarmy little she launches herself at me but the bouncer with reflexes like a cheetah manages to catch her in midair and holds her there this was no mean feat as she was a pretty large girl she starts kicking and screaming but it doesn't seem to trouble him too much he holds her there for a few seconds as she runs out of steam DG's 2 through 4 slowly seemed to realize it isn't going to work and quieten down and seem to sink back a bit to get away as dg1 catches her breath the two girls 5+6 who had been inside and hadn't really been involved to this points come out of the bar arm in arm with the two guys dg5 says hi Karen not her real name of course it was actually Chantelle or something chavvy we've bumped into our fellows so we're heading home have a good night oh by the way here's the purse you asked me to hold they hand over the purse which she takes very sheepishly and dg5 and eg6 leave with the guys the remaining girls evolved but disappeared now it appears the show is over bouncer releases dg1 and asks them to leave they seem a bit defeated and slink away apart from DG one who was hanging back a bits she turns to me and looks at me for a second I was expecting an apology for the misunderstanding or a final screw you but she actually says to me will we get in next week sorry what do you mean we aren't bad are we bouncer and manager look at each other and shake their heads little bits quite unsure why she still thinks I work there I'm seizing an opportunity and said you are I'm afraid your friends can come back any time though and the manager deciding it's easier to go with me on this one now says yes that's right I'm afraid we can't have people assaulting the staff if you leave now we won't call the police she then joins the rest of our troupe and they dejectedly walk away and leave the smoking area and the bar with a bit of muttering bouncer looking a bit confused says so hang on do you work here or not no Sorry mate I just stood in the wrong place at the wrong time I was just taking the pee out of her at the ends okay sir how come she's bad manager says don't worry about it just get a picture of the video and put her in the wall of shame presume this was how they tracked the troublemakers right all sorted talking to me now gonna get you a drink for all the trouble better not boss not while I'm working cue a wry smile from the manager and a little bit of laughter from the few people who had gathered around and had picked up on what was going on sadly everyone didn't stop and clap but it was enough for me Phil and I got a free round of drinks out of it and I still go to that bar every now and then to this day wow that was really long in the end I never could figure out why they wanted the friends boyfriends to be kicked out presume it was just because a girls night out is sacred and they didn't like the intrusion but this seems extreme thanks for reading and sorry it didn't end with the police gold and caring or group of Carens all get carted off to the cells have a great day everyone as I said I've got a few of these if people are keen I can add some more when I get time HOAs are a scam to enrich the management company I'm new to this sub so this may have been done to death but I just sold my condo in not one but two HOAs and I will never ever buy an HOA encumbered property again I almost felt bad for my buyers but they're in real estate and really tried to screw us over so they should know better and screw them too and my HOAs were not really that bad four hundred and twenty four dollars a month between the two and they never paid for anything except I didn't have to have homeowners insurance so that's good the reason for two is that I had a condo outside a gated community but we also belongs to the gated community and could use their facilities a pool and a green belt slash Park however they refused to let us drive behind their precious gate even though we were all given remotes when we purchased our condos a few years in they replaced the gates so our remotes didn't work anymore regardless when I sold it cost me over two thousand dollars one thousand two hundred dollars up front to get rid of the damn place all to the fudging management company not the HOAs themselves first it was a five hundred dollar paperwork fee so they would give the new owners the HOA paperwork fine I confirmed twice that it was for both HOAs then it was a $700 paperwork fee for the second H away I objected and the second HOA which is the parent HOA is not bound by whatever the first HOA stated at this point we're so close to closing escrow I just pay the damn thing then in my closing statements oh it's gonna be another $900 to transfer HOA title to the new owners screw HOAs screw the management companies they are a scam I actually got on the board for a while trying to divorce the two HOAs which would have reduced our fees by a bit more than half but the parent HOA had control per the CC and does and we would have to get 75% of them to vote to let us go and then their fees would go up to make up the difference it's a trap but that means I know how much we're paying a management company to show up to meetings every month and tell the board how not to break the law they are the worst kind of parasites the kind that provides no benefit to their hosts and only takes and takes and takes you were pissing $5,000 a year away and consider that not bad I meant that they were not that person icky about bullcrap not that the price wasn't bad however $400 a month is fairly common in my area that is exactly why we decided to sell they're tired of spending that kind of money for nearly nothing you're basically paying rent on a house you already earn I'll never understand HOAs perhaps if it covered landscaping and snow removal then you'd only be wasting $4,000 a year nice community pool maintenance entrance maintenance water power bill lights water grass cut shrubbery strategic pine removal to get more sunlight onto the road for ice and snow melting more likely expense list is actually H away president's new car police and security presence to keep H away members pain finds out the US and lawyer fees to get every last cent from leaving HOA members seems to be the case I overheard one dude saying his was $600 a month while I was in one of the compounds they had an actual security guard at the gates calling homeowners to ask if they should let us in to do the work we were there for he used the workers name and the homeowner was like who because who the Frick knows our names they just know that some random freaks they hired from the company are gonna come out and do their job not James Jones the third who lives on Dewberry Lane Owen by the way he's here to unclog your crapper he was looking at us like we were criminals and how dare we try to enter their precious gated abode look here Stan your homeowners are crap heads your job is a racket and your ability to tell people to trying to do that job know isn't the secret to increasing your penis size Jesus Christ my HOA is $50 a month that's insanity do you have a golf course in your neighborhood or something the parent HOA has an extensive greenbelts pond picnic area pool and sand volleyball courts they just hard to get from the condor they refused to let us drive on their streets and change the pedestrian gate codes on us all the time that's two hundred and twenty-five dollars of the monthly the other $1.99 covers the condos only see below or above not really sure how this is going to nest it's a condo it probably includes water trash and upkeep of exterior property not water or trash but yes upkeep as well as the 24 hour security patrol homeowners insurance and landscaping around the buildings Matthew in PDX says I've been on the board of three condos in three different jurisdictions I always ran for the board because I didn't want any craziness creeping in we had good management companies there although the last one we fired one and replaced it with a better one you were absolutely correct there a lots of condo management companies will nickel and dime everyone for everything I hate them we more or less had to live in a condo in New York City because we couldn't afford a house in the city and didn't want the long commute from the burbs when we moved to Oregon we told the realtor no HOAs we were sufficiently assertive that she paid attention in my view the facilities like pools etc that HOA Safa are not worth the intrusion into your life sometimes they'll start out with a great board that keeps its nose out of everyone's business then Karen and Kevin get elected and everything goes to crap posted by user confused Chicagoan titled HOA blanket ban options FH away I am an Illinois into my HOA has a blanket pant ban $100 per month fine if caught with a dog 25 for a cat's I'm not trying to fight with the HOA about this but I have depression and the best I've ever felt in my life was when I had a dog multiple people within the complex have cats you can see them in the window and one unit owner who has a dog said he had to get legal representation to get the Association to allow him a dog for ESA purposes I'm not trying to hire a lawyer to do something that I could freely do anywhere else in the city I bought my unit roughly a year ago and can clearly tell that the previous owners had multiple cats the HOA is not enforcing the cat part of the roll how would you suggest going about trying to change this ridiculous policy the HOA is essentially making it illegal to have a dog in a townhouse that I own it's ridiculous and should not be legal move is the easiest option you need to document other neighbors breaking the CC and does without being punished or having them enforced over a period of time to show it is not a currently enforced rule to do this you will probably need to check with the neighbors you see with cats to ensure they do not pay the $25 fee each month once you have evidence of the rule being intentionally unenforced on other neighbors you can force the hand and either they will allow you to have the dog at their points without the fee or everyone will have to have the CCR's enforced upon them so either you'll get what you want or the board will be forced to find everyone with the pets and probably be removed from the board on the next voting opportunity and if it's the latter parts be prepared for your neighbors to hate you having a cat and a dog is vastly different dogs bark and poop cats if they're indoors he can't even tell if he has them unless you're looking inside not Opie's vaults the HOA has such a stupid rule it's a stupid rule because of stupid people that can't properly handle a pet you bought in knowing this rule it's not like they made a new rule you probably crap out of luck unless you pay up for a lawyer this as much as I love dogs and hate HOAs why buy into a place knowing very well prior to closing that there is a ban on dogs and cats you did read the CC and oz before you sign the paperwork rights it would be easier to sell your property and buy a property without restriction good luck getting this rule to change when I bought my house it had a cover saying that you couldn't keep or breed any of a list of animals my house was built 70 plus years ago on farming land so I'm guessing it was a legit concern they had at the time the ones he couldn't keep with things like cows fair enough my garden is tiny but also chickens which gave me pause how badly was I'd likely to want chickens in the future more than I wanted the house the breeding list includes most animals and pets including cats unless worried about anyone needing to look this up but if I were to go into cat breeding as a business and could cause me problems I did genuinely stop and think before I signed on the dotted line I backed out of buying a house because of the no chickens clause if I want chickens I'm getting chickens if I remember correctly service animal laws supersedes HOA bylaws in almost all situations you could double-check with the board about service animal rules and if they're gonna give you trouble ahead of time emotional support animals to apply to landlords HOA and a couple of other places the HOAs have to abide by the Fair Housing Act not the Americans with Disabilities Act RP needs to get a doctor's reference for an emotional support animal that's all might cost you 60 bucks for the visits as stated HOA is subject to fair housing laws if you get legitimate emotional support animal paperwork they would have to grant you a reasonable accommodation to allow your animal your neighbors could be just paying the fine since it's a monthly fine this could just be the way for the ancient way to get more money without raising the month Jews or having a special assessment you can take pictures and record which units have pets then bring it up at the next meeting this would make sense for the cats as $25 a month isn't a stupid amount of money to get what you want ie a cat so they might as well just be paying a monthly fine as more of a fee posted by user frugal fishwife titled HOA finding us months later for leaving a Christmas tree in our driveway over the weekend my boyfriend and I bought a house about a year ago this is our first time as homeowners and we have very little experience with HOAs he asked me to post this and see if anyone has had a similar experience or could offer any advice at the end of January I took down her Christmas tree my boyfriend was in New Mexico for work and wouldn't be back for two days so I left it on the side of our driveway in a patch of rocks against our front stairs as that was pretty much the only place we had room to leave it it was laid down flats and honestly hardly noticeable at all the plan was to leave it there over the weekend and then throw it in the back of his truck when he returned and dumped it somewhere probably and that's what we did well five months later we get a notice from the HOA saying that we've been fined one hundred and fifty dollars for having our Christmas tree out on our driveway my boyfriend sends them an email asking them to dismiss the fine as we were never even given a warning or notice and it was only outside for a grand total of two nights they replied saying there's nothing they can do because they've already sent out the letter and the notice is final so he calls them the lady who picks up says that the person we need to speak to is in a meeting and will call us back but she never does we call them twice a day for a week straight and every time we get the excuse that she's in a meeting my boyfriend finally tells them that he will just come down tomorrow so that they can discuss the matter in person since she keeps forgetting to make time to call us back they accuse him of making dangerous threats seriously he said it any least malicious way possible and so not wanting to make things worse I asked him to just let it go and pay a hundred and fifty dollars now he's mad that I'm giving in and said he's going down there tomorrow to speak to whoever this lady is and request that she dismissed the fine as we removed the Christmas tree after the weekend I'm genuinely confused about this whole thing how can I find out if it's actually acceptable for our HOA to fine us over such a thing without wanting us and if it is acceptable is there any way for us to dispute it any advice appreciated edits to clarify the tree was on our property it was not in the street at all or partially in someone else's driveway or anything of the sort facts unless you lived right across the street you wouldn't even notice it was there as my car was parked in the driveway and it would block the tray from the view of anyone driving by if that matters it has been in excess of 90 days between the time of the violation and the notification from the HOA come through your CC and does for any mention of statute of limitations as well as time frame for notifications of violations rules lawyer your way out of it's this right here not all HOAs require notice to be given a violation prior to issuing a fine it's assumed every owner will have a copy of the bylaws and will familiarize themselves with its which is ridiculous but that's how they are often the first violation notice is just a warning there so do check to see if a fine is legal to issue prior to a first violation notice depending on where you're located check with the lawyer first to be sure so long as you keep current with your regular HOA fee payments they can't touch you legally for that fine it's only when you're in arrears that they can include all monies owed on the accounts when they take it to courts otherwise the only real drawback is when you decide to sell that fine will be outstanding on the accounts and the buyer may have to pay it which will turn off potential buyers if you use lawyers for house sales and purchases they can often have it removed then I'm not a lawyer but have some experience in this field your location will determine your liability for this fine also as an aside seemingly every HOA has residents who make it their life's work to prowl the area several times a day taking pictures of the most innocuous crap and sending reports to the management office by law they're obliged to follow the rules in your bylaws and have to take required action I had seen the most insane stuff being reported for violations a child's riding toy hidden behind the pillar of the residence balcony for example can't recall the nature of the violation summer toys left outside or some such crap this is lawyer territory even if you're paying your monthly fees refusing to pay a fine like this can have it sent to collections filed as a lien on the and foreclosure proceedings started up one guy lost his house for having too many roses and refusing to pay the fines even though as far as I've heard he never missed a regular payments HOA is evil and should not be allowed to exist not all HOA is evil some of them are necessary when the actual shared property a condo building or a community pool etc I don't think they should be allowed to exist when the community property consists of a couple of common areas aka runoff holding ponds and a flowerbed at the entrance of a subdivision those are nothing but a hassle with no real reason to exist all of them can be turned evil by a couple of busybodies on a power trip I will never live in one again the risk is too high even for currently decent ones someone else suggests simple play semantics accuse them of going that five months after New Year any tree on the yard would most definitely not be a Christmas tree but you are not known to discriminate against the mentally deficient go outs get written statements from your neighbors that for the last two months there was no shrubbery in your backyard provide photographic evidence go drink with your local priest ask him what he would call a Christian that celebrates Christmas in July ask him if you could quote him on that call their pastor ask him what he would call a Christian that insisted that a Christmas was even celebrated remotely close to July I believe heretic or swine whose parents took a steaming crap in the Christian gene pool would put it lightly you would handle this gladly but since you have at least a passing acquaintance with Christianity you cannot take anything seriously that accuses you of leaving out a Christmas tree in July as anything but the fruits of too much whiskey and too little fruits protip if a tree left out in January is a Christmas tree in July does the same count for other ornaments like let's say we have a Christmas ornament that some wood indicates due to a temporal connection be a nativity scene with the baby Jesus the Virgin Mary Joseph the old coots and the three supposed homeless kings now it strikes fear in the heart to think of such a display of faith only six months removed would be counted as tacit support in preparation of the Pride Week I mean you were not schooled in how Baby Jesus looks but what they presented there gave you no option but to assume it was a small shrine to Freddie Mercury look up parade ordinances you are a supporter of Pride Week but seriously if they want to parade their wicked ways at least invest in some high-quality religious icons or get properly scaled models of Boy George oh and since the statutes of limitations do not apply in terms of writing a warning do they also not apply and paying a fine because just as they speedily and correctly warned you for an infraction in January in June July you will be equally speedily and precisely pay them in the same timeframe and that is just me doing five minutes of day drinking but seriously your best bet is to look up the statutes of limitation could be called something differently but basically it says this many days after the infraction at the most we will send you a warning offer to pay them in full if they have evidence that this was filed within regulation distance basically if the first letter went out and the mail just lost it surely they have evidence that this was filed in the correct timeframe if this was not caps you have reasons to dispute this look up the bylaws and remember a German day drinking for five minutes came up with this ask me what I can do if you give me five hours all right this was getting long but I was gonna just move on from this one but he writes a good story I'm not gonna lie you can skip ahead a minute if you don't want to listen to it Leppa dieter replies to him saying I'm hiring right now please send all German day drinkers to my office you make a cunning and equally attractive case but seriously I already have a job this is just what I do for charity cases you've not lived until you drank a bishop under the table got him to admit that you can drink like an altar boy and admit that for a heathen you're not that bad I'm serious it was a case of a noise complaints basically me and my flatmate got into day drinking while doing house chores and playing loud music a little bit early in the morning my mate got the police cold on him and threatened with eviction I got bored and my mate picked up the tab so I asked to meet with the highest Catholic in the area got a surprise meeting and made my case I invited the bishop for a bit of day drinking to a local beer garden stuck to the hard stuff and very soon I had him promise that he would write us a notice saying that what others thought was just noise complaints was instead preparations for church-going services and that the police can't do jack crap against church law and that he has been waiting to ram it down the hole of the Evangelist police presidents he seemed to still take it the wrong way that the police law trumped Church law and made very booze-soaked valid arguments for that which may or may not have included a suggestion to hit all people who could not prayed the Pater Noster in latin on principle to beat the evil out of them apparently it's not very common that people under the age of 40 have a working knowledge of latin drinking songs can hold their own in a theological debate can stomach more than a seasoned Catholic and did not adverse to some hijinks all I had to do to turn him around is to promise that next year we would repeat this he could pick up the tab and we would help him file this according to all the arts as necessary expenses for youth work the next day we had a priest trainee at the front door handing us a letter of character for the police signed by the bishop that basically said but in an way nicer in more political way that if we were not allowed to continue all the faithful little Catholics around there would get a personal visit from him and a stern talking-to if they even understood what some of the Latin songs were about and he would personally see how long they remained Catholics after that landlord basically was a practicing Catholic and backed off neighbour wanted to press charges but the local police people had a surprising number seeing that he had leaned in to bat so heavily for us we at least made sure to occasionally show our faces at church services despite being hardened not Christians and over the years I never said a bad word about the dude dear Lord the stories you find on here posted by user insta throwaway 1193 RS titled HOA suddenly started posting signs around our pines we live in a small community that got built by one of those big box developers you see all over Florida for backgrounds our developer recently left so we have a new board that is pretty small but they haven't had any control over bylaws until now our neighborhood has a lot of manmade bodies of water which looks quite scenic but it's Florida of course Gators have moved in so now the HOA wants to put up signs warning that you can't use the canals or ponds for swimming or fishing because they're worried about getting sued since we've lived here there's never been any signs my wife thinks they're extremely ugly and we would prefer they not put the signs where we can see them the other houses have signs in their views but we never have until this point we feel that we bought the house under false pretenses because if we knew they were going to put signs in our waterfront view we would not have bought that house or even moved in here appreciate all suggestions about how to get these signs removed and it's thanks for the good suggestions I'll work with the H away about getting a nicest sign we were just surprised because there wasn't any notice and a little disappointed we really thought all the signs the HOA was going to put up were already up which is why we bought the lot we did if it's common age away property I would hardly see how they wouldn't be able to put up signs especially if the HOA could be held responsible I'd much rather look at one sign than have to pay triple dues because the neighbors had a family in Nebraska we're going to close one day and the insurance company refused to pay out due to the HOA not having to put up signs like their insurance policy demanded from them we would prefer they not put signs where we can see them wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the signs they say they paid for the sweet like view specifically for when someone gets eaten by an alligator a sign would impede that experience he may be right I may be crazy but you do not swim Wade or dive in men bodies of water hope that worked in Florida lived near all my life and I won't swim in anything but a spring or river fed by one what's the difference between a spring and a manmade body of water when it comes to Gators we're moving to Florida and I kind of just assumed we have to stay out of any water that's not the ocean or a pool there is no difference I was born in Florida been here all my life and it has been my experience that Gators go and do as they please I've seen them in creeks rivers water retention ponds natural ponds lakes in the ocean Gulf and Atlantic hell I even have a couple in my pool yep in my pool the fence was no deterrent at all let alone the no trespassing sign he walked right by it with not a care in the world I went to school in Orlando for a year and a half and hadn't heard that why do they not live in spring fed water is it the temperature or something at our orientation they were extremely clear on two things stay out of pond and if you go on a road trip stay the hell away from the mansion yellow trees oh and don't sneak behind the dumpsters to make out the fire ants live there I think they were referring to how gross the water can be in man-made ponds due to the water not being able to go anywhere and pretty much just stagnating Gators will go pretty much anywhere and do pretty much anything they want because are you going to tell them otherwise what's wrong with Manganiello trees my spelling is slightly off turns out I just went and looked at the map to get a refresher on them it's a mansion Neal from the Spanish for little apple of death they're like Australian levels of dangerous hey the whole tree and fruit are all highly poisonous eating the fruit can cause gastrointestinal blistering and illness the SAP will bless to your skin and is thought to have tipped the arrows that killed Ponce de Leon even standing near one in a rain shower as dangerous as the runoff can blister your skin Oh lovely alright let's get back to HOA the HOA is minimizing its legal exposure and by extension yours as Jews paying member you probably can't make them take down the signs on the common areas without running for the board yourself but it's also not really in your best interest to have them removed having the signs provides a good defense if some [ __ ] gets bits see if you can find a better looking alternative I would encourage you to work with them Minnesota HOA says they won't permit me to cut down my tree arborist says the tree needs to come down ASAP because it is in dangerous condition I made a mistake three years ago of buying a property in an HOA neighborhood at the time the regulations were relaxed but a new board has taken over and they are nuts last year after my neighbor cut down a tree and the HOA was mad about it they made a new rule that's to cut a tree down you must get H away permission and if you remove a tree without HOA permission you must pay the H away the value of the tree love a bit of tree law basically they consider the tree to be a value to the whole neighborhood not just you my problem is that I have a very mature tree arborist said around 80 plus years that has been struck by lightning I brought out an arborist to assess it and see if it could be helped and the arborist says it cannot be saved they said it is in dangerous condition and should be removed immediately and if I don't get it down before it starts to drop it will do serious damage to my property or my neighbors I informed the HOA of my plan to cut down the tree they said no they said they need proof that it's actually dangerous I got a statement from the arborist who also provided a diagram of its faults and despite this the HOA still says no someone on the board insists he knows trees and mine is fine and that the arborist is just looking to make Bank by referring me to someone who will give them a cut of what I pay them to cut it down I've gone to form meetings to plead my case paid for a second arborists opinion and have gone directly to individual board members to persuade them nothing has worked at this point the tree is such a liability I've made plans to have it removed beginning next week I can't afford for to come down but my other concern is the HMA claims if I take it down without permission I owe them the value of the tree I can't pay them tens of thousands of dollars just because they're unreasonable in fact I believe they are intentionally not giving me permission so I will be forced to pay the money what now this is lawyer time I think a consult with a real estate attorney won't cost that much money and it certainly will be cheaper than to find the HOA is threatening to levy unfortunately I have to agree at this point you're looking at attempting to get an order from a judge to require the HOA to permit the trees removal otherwise you risk damage to your property and then suing the HOA for the costs should it occur your guess as to which is cheaper faster and easier the arborist says it's an immediate danger so I've made plans to have it taken down starting Monday one way or another if the main split falls it will destroy my home in garage at this point should I be cancelling that and trying to get an order from a judge I'm worried about how long that might take upon the advice year I have called half a dozen lawyers and no one even wants to meet me until next week in that case I would suggest you get it quite for the value of the tree from your arborist aka zero dollars as it was an immediate danger and therefore has no value but you will definitely still need to contact an attorney please note that canceling the arborist may void homeowners insurance if it would have fallen your home or garage big this call your insurance company and a public adjuster they might request documents from the arborists and pictures and I'm confident that they will vehemently insist that the tree be removed ASAP to remove the hazard and the public adjuster works for you not the insurance companies they will ask for a copy of your entire insurance policy look it over and see what is up typically they will not have any action to take unless there's a claim and they usually don't get paid unless a claim as one so they have a vested interest in making sure the insurance company pays out as much as the policy allows but they are typically very helpful and might be able to freely explain further liabilities for not getting the hazard removed even if there is no claim also who knows maybe there's a clause in your property insurance which states that the tree is insured against lightning strikes not likely but possible you could try that angle towards any public adjuster who is not interested in speaking with you these calls records and information from the insurance company and the adjuster could very well all be beneficial to your case in the event that you end up in courts with the HOA hey I'm a certified arborist myself you should go on the is a website and find a local tree risk Assessor they can do legal reports and if you end up going to courts you want something that came from someone with a tra Q the opinion of a normal arborist might not be good enough get the HOA to provide you an assessment of the trees worth anyone called in to perform the assessment should confirm the trees health and agree with your arborist to cut it down this seems too simple they're posted by user in a minimum aid titled 'he's my first h away violation and HOA requirements hey all warning context is long and I'm on a phone I did my best with formats so I just purchased the condo in November 2019 in her hire that is managed by a property management company I recently received a violation letter six months in super-exciting fidei call placed on the outside of my units one of the violations was for a large wooden black letter hanging on my front door of which I am responsible for replacing and maintaining which is the first initial of my last name and confusingly a plaque with our unit number on it that we put up to replace the old numbers that fell off the rules indicate we can't hang anything on the outside of the units or door and I took that to mean we aren't allowed to screw anything into the siding or brick the number plaque is hanging by picture wire from our porch lights you can't see the wire and we're responsible for maintaining and replacing the fixture to the letter was on the door with an outdoor and strip type hook our unit is townhouse style and Street facing so while I think it's incredibly stupid I get to keep in the day core to a minimum and did remove the letter hanging on my front door I have not removed the address plaque yet as I feel it's a safety issue to not have our unit clearly marked with a number in the event emergency services need to identify our units I emailed the property management company for clarification as soon as I received the letter but we're terrible about getting our mail so the letter is a couple of weeks old it has only been a day but I didn't receive a response via email nor the phone call from the property manager which I requested in the email while I was waiting for a response I was reviewing bylaws and it states that I should have received a projected budget from the board by December 1st and they are also required to have at least one board meeting a year which they are required to notify the members at least one week in advance it is possible that the meeting and projected budget being sent since I moved in late in the year but I think it's more likely neither of these things actually happens now for my questions one when I've talked to the property manager in the past she's always had to go to the back of the board for approval or to get questions answered is there any way I can find out who was on the board myself and communicate with them directly - am I allowed to find out when the last meeting was and what the meeting content was three how do I request the proposed budget information for the year four if the proposed budget was sent and the meeting was held while I was living here but I was not notified what can I do we aren't planning on living here forever but I don't want to rock the boat too hard and make life miserable for however long we do live here but I'm not going to let them walk all over me either thanks in advance unfortunately people didn't like this post and they said send a certified letter to the property management company requesting the documents expect them to make excuses about why they can't get them to you right away and then charge it with fee for them which seems to be the sad reality of life in an HOA posted by user anonymous lots of letters titles am I the a-hole for going to the HR way to force my neighbor to take her frog statue it down recently I 35 female my husband 34 male and my daughter six female started to walk because of coronavirus we've been doing the same route every day and it's about two miles and there aren't a lot of cars so it's a really good route recently one of our neighbors put up a frog statuettes up for display outside of their house I find it really creepy and so does my husband my daughter hates it she is absolutely terrified of it now she refuses to go on walks earlier today I went to the house to ask them to move the statuette so it is no longer on display I knocked on the door and a middle-aged man maybe 55 opens the door I told him the situation and he seemed sympathetic but he said that he and his wife really like of the display so they won't be taking down that statuettes after that I talked to my next-door neighbor he is the vice president of the HOA so I was wondering if he could force them to take the statuettes down he said that the statute might be in violation of HOA bylaws he went to look at it and sure enough it is now they're being forced to take down the statuettes and are being fined for violating the bylaws my husband says that I took it too far I see it differently the statuette is destroying the aesthetics of the neighborhood and is scaring the children am I the a-hole TLDR I got the HOA to take down my neighbor's statuette which was scaring my childs and it's a lot of people wanted to see a picture of the Frog so here is a link he kind of just looks like a cute chill frog it maybe has some worms in that vial but he's not doing anything wrong is he I'm gonna say yeah RP is the a-hole for doing that and going to the HOA ain't Joey's are our arch-nemesis and we cannot allow them to exist imagine going to someone and be like hey I don't like their statue they got in front of their house ger it makes me angry find them hundreds of dollars and make them take it down I don't like it I'm offended HOA is evil if you side with an H Oh you're the a-hole Opie you're the a-hole it was just a statue explain to your child not to be afraid of it info can you post a picture too I want to see the nightmare frog edits I saw the Frog OB he was still very much your the a-hole that frog isn't scary explain to your child that they don't need to be afraid of it and move on running to the HOA over every problem isn't a good way to handle issues hijacking the top comment to see in another comment Opie says the statue was just over a foot tall a foot tall how is that terrifying to a child's the statue was frightening the child because the kids pick up their parents moods the kids saw or sensed that the parents have a stick up their behinds about a silly harmless lawn ornaments and so the kid hated the statutes who if the parents had said oh look what a funny frog statue the kid would have loved it Opie's daughter is going to be that kid that cries when you compliment that drawing because does that mean you didn't like any of the other ones I did my inner child shudders at the memory you're the a-hole it's a statue it's not scaring the children it's scaring your one child and rather than try to help her deal with that totally irrational fear you forced them to take it down this kind of bullcrap is why anyone with sense doesn't want to live in a neighborhood with an HOA posted by user Ethan Winfield's titles recourse stressful living conditions my 24 year old daughter and a boyfriend live in community with approximately 25 condos they are in the upper corner units so they have one shared wall and a floor / ceiling situation in the two years since they moved in we've had around 15 complaints at first the neighbor complains directly to her via text they got to be so stressful she told him she's a tenants and please contact the homeowner many of the problems have been somewhat vague noise complaints it's two of them and two indoor cats they complained that someone was showering at 11 p.m. they complained that they could hear the water linking they didn't hear it until she had a plumber come out so it must be her faults we had to provide statements from the plumber and the HOA got an independent plumber who also confirmed there was no leak anywhere they complained the cats were running around at 9:00 p.m. my daughter put down rugs and padding designed to block the noise still got complaints the latest complaint was for storing a vehicle / expired tag I asked a which car and when this was the response I received was that the complaint said the car hadn't been moved in three months again I asked which car as soon as they find out they'll get back to me one my daughter has previous texts stating parking her car for more than 72 hours when she is out of town wasn't a problem to the three months would be during the time of the stay at home orders for covered 19:3 they left the condo during that time to buy groceries and attend work meetings the neighbor who keeps complaining is on the HOA board he also rents out his condo through Airbnb none of his reviews have mentioned any noise problems and he gets around the HOA rules about Airbnb by staying there with the guests other than selling and moving what recourse do we have file harassment claims against them they have no proof and blame you for things out of your hands this way there is a record of their past complaints in town petty they are this will be a two factor thing either things will get easier or they will get much worse but do not work with the other owner work with the management company first and probably don't need to get a lawyer involved unless there are fines or the other owner starts getting more involved and you need to file a cease and desist order this just illustrates how ridiculous and unreasonable these people are being how can they expect to dictate when someone takes a shower hate to say it's but you can shower at 11:00 p.m. as long as you want singing in opera and no account is going to make enough noise to disturb the neighbors unless it's literally knocking vases off of bookshelves at 2:00 a.m. this wasn't in a nature way but the first apartment I rented I was on the third floor this neighbor was on the second immediately underneath me complained our cats were too loud she filed a complaint that made the management to come expect to make sure we didn't get a dog or moving furniture this place didn't have rules against dogs and cats just the number you could have and a monthly pent fee she eventually started harassing us and the manager actually ended up feeling bad for us and tried to get her to be reasonable that she was no longer allowed to contact us she was banging on our door at all hours and texting us to keep quiet the final straw that made management allow us to just switch apartments because she was just crazy was when the two and a half pound three month old kitten was playing with a hat at 2:00 a.m. and she thought banging on her flooring under the bedroom was a reasonable action and we filed a noise complaint on her along with the harassment that was documented this was the fourth by my count person who lived in that units and none of the previous ones complaints previous to her we had a ten pound rag doll and after she moved in we got a tiny 8 2 week tabby the week we moved she called the cops on children who were playing supervised on the playground at 5:00 p.m. that was next to our building the entire community got an email stating that quiet hours were after 10:00 p.m. and the children were allowed to play on the playground as they also live here she was a complete psycho to the point I fear she drive around the complex to find my vehicle an alien green Kia Soul very recognizable and harass us more unfortunately this is one of the risks of living in an H away / condo or crazy town as I like to call them HOAs and condoms seem to be a breeding ground for crazy people send a certified letter to the property manager saying that you want this to stop and that your tenant is not making any noise or violating any bylaws rules or CC and Don's tell the property manager that if your tenant continues to be harassed by this person you will seek legal counsel and be prepared to follow up posted by user squaddies 15 titles flooring disputes is this worth pursuing legally we recently submitted an application to get our floors done our flooring of choice has an AIC rating of 66 and an STC rating of 68 our application was denied because our HOAs architectural committee says the IIC rating needs to be 72 or higher when I looked in the CC and ahhs there is no mention of a specific AIC requirements there is only verbiage on having a sound transmission rating greater than or equal to that of cushion floor tile or carpeting over a heavy-duty foam pad having thickness of at least one half inch from what I've found online about IIC and STC we have a superior sound transmission rating and a very high IIC rating when I brought this up to our community manager and mentioned that there is no specific AIC requirements she told me that the Board believes that the 72 iIRC rating will meet the requirements I do not agree that their belief is enough to reject our flooring is this worth pursuing legally nope the HOA will probably win the case using the HOAs money to pay for court fees and such source president of an HOA new this year and found out how HOAs have absolute power over everything and how corrupt it is well damn aside from the corruption we technically aren't wrong rights I just don't understand why the CC and does and list of vague STC requirements and yet they deny me based off an eye I see that isn't even defined trust me even if you are rights they will probably still be legally able to do as they please crazy but this is how HOAs run they do not protect homeowners they can do and act immorally and unethically but that doesn't matter if legally they are protected which is how corruption comes into place just tell them instead of redoing your floors since you're not approved you're gonna put the money to something more productive like a ham radio tower hell yeah you might win but at what cost better to find other unhappy owners and get yourself onto the board well as a young and naive first-time homeowner we already purchased the flooring and now our mistake needs to be fixed by either somehow getting to the HOAs approval or adding cork underlayment at an estimated additional $3,000 not including labor I had new flooring installed in my kitchen and dining I really wish I had some underfloor installs the flooring I chose is too thin when I walk on its I can feel in my feet the imperfections in the under floor this is masked by the previous thick of floor I know this has nothing to do with you but maybe they can be an additional benefits to installing more underfloor very true I'm sure there will be some benefits and thank you for the positive perspective we are stressing over here sorry it's been hard to picture a good outcome I just moved into my second term first home was single-story installed hardwood floors no problem as soon as we moved into the new one I did the same but bought expensive nice solid planks I did about 1,200 square foots and it's beautiful all in like ten thousand dollars for materials no laborers that was all me not a day goes by I don't wish I had put down underlayment I put down a vapor barrier as manufacturer Rex stated but never thought to sound and I definitely regret it it sounds like you were technically rights but it really doesn't matter even if you were to win you would pay more in legal fees it would be over a year before it judgments and all the while your project has been on hold for over $3,000 I think buying the sound dampening underlayment is the right call even without considering the HOA consider it the price of peace of minds I remember being in your position reading over every rule and trying to beat them at their game the thing is the game is fixed and they interpret the rule book posted by user Kelly Gossage 1998 titled property management has crap internet contracts so has anyone had problems with internet connection speeds in their apartments for a year now I've had an internet connection of 20 megabytes per second and as you all may know it's the most basic and worst internet connection you can get from any provider I tried going to Xfinity to have them upgrade its but they say that the contract that the property management company has with them is fixed and therefore can't upgrade my connection at all is there any way to bypass this is it possible to go to competition like AT&T if it's the property management tapping a contract then there's nothing you can do to get around it you're renting the space from the property management's and they earned your units you could try contacting a competitor it's possible that they could have the service to your apartments and you've got nothing to lose is this a case where your internet is included with your rents and you don't pay Xfinity directly I know places that advertise this a notorious for having the worst service imaginable and then you're locked into whatever that is with no other option while living there if that's the case your only option is to move when you can I will try going to AT&T your rights I have nothing to lose it's just weird to me because I've gone to Xfinity and when it comes to cable and TV they've let me add as many cable boxes as I want and they charge me the difference so what's so different with the Internet's like I don't see why the property management wouldn't still cover the 20 megabyte per second speed and whatever I decide to upgrade it to I pay the difference also I don't rent from them my aunt owns the apartment but she obviously pays HOA do you have 5g available might be worth looking into pricing for cellular data and going that routes I know my husband and I couldn't survive on 20 megabytes per seconds we'd break the lease if there really was no other option totally especially in today's world of working from home as a Canadian law data prices are much better now but we're only four years away from our old prices $100 for two gigs of data Canada is a great country but your internet in Mobile seems like it's always been pretty lousy don't know how you all deal with it as someone that previously worked for a managed services provider the contracts were never 100% exclu and if a resident was unhappy with anything they were welcomed to get their own fully priced service from the Maine ISP or alternatives that were available in the area this just isn't true there is only a single choice for internet at my apartment you either go through them or you get nothing is that because it's the only thing offered in the area or the only thing the apartment allowed only thing apartment allows we have AT&T Xfinity and spectrum in the area well that sucks I'm stuck with spectrum really hate them as a company for many devious and underhanded reasons because it is the only internet available posted by user law Shia titled best professional profile for HOA board members question mark as a renter who is not yet owned a home HOA or otherwise and is currently looking to buy a home I'm considering moving into a suburban neighborhood with a hefty HOA I am torn about this because I never thought I'd even consider an HOA community simply based on all the horror stories I see on reddit's for example I don't want to be told that I can't park my car in my own driveway I don't want people coming onto my property to measure my lawn and cut my weeds to then charge me for it I definitely don't want nosy people to break items on my property for the sole reason of writing me up however this is a truly gorgeous community it looks like there are plenty of community events and the amenities are extremely well maintained I'm beginning to wonder could it be worth it it looks like the board members of this H away are mostly finance types mostly people who work in banks a high-powered lawyer or two working in class actions and Bank litigation etc my impression was that bad H aways are typically composed of sad lonely people who don't have much going on in their lives and like to assert artificial power over people by forming a little HOA clique and writing up infractions just because they like the power however my impression of this HOA is that it is composed of uber successful extremely busy professionals who big projects and teams for a living none of them seem like the typical bored neighbor looking for a way to bring meaning into their lives through the HOA they seem like super competent people who have more things that going on in their jobs that would bring them more satisfaction than being top dog in a nature way am i deluding myself here there are quite a few restrictions eg you have to get express written permission from the h away before removing trees installing a doghouse and shed no open fires allowed garage doors must stay closed when not in use white curtains facing the road etc there is a professional landscaping service company involved and this company has a permanent seat on the HOA board I'm not a fan of restrictions generally but could live with these if this is a fair H away that isn't riding up fines for people who are truly trying to follow the rules the property and amenities are amazing I'm going to try and chat with people who currently live in the neighborhood to see how restrictive and annoying this HOA actually is does the profile of this HOA high-powered professionals sound like any HR ways you've dealt with personally could it be a sign that it will be well-run not by a bully you are making a lot of assumptions my friends finance executives and lawyers on your board I don't think they're going to be any less vigilant in their duties on the HOA board than in their highly motivated uber successful professional lives if they are so busy why would they even be on the board to exert control and authority lawyers on the board will be the worst you already seem willing to make compromises in your property rights that seem palatable now your opinion of the HOA shouldn't be based on assumption of the members since you don't know them some of the sad lonely people could be the nicest neighbors if you get past your superficial assessment of them judge the HOA by its actions to me having people that tell me I can only have white curtains I need their approval for a dog house in my backyard and I must keep my garage doors closed what is the definition of not in use is just as intrusive as telling me I can't park my car in my driveway I also do not like the service company having a permanent seats it means they are unaccountable and you can't get rid of them any service company should report to the board not to be a part of it quick related anecdotes my cousin's HOA had a similar rule about open garage doors I only know because he was warned about it while working in his yard he had left it open in order to access his tools in the garage no boy no he was expected to open and close the door each time that he needed to enter and exits landscaping company having a permanent seat on the boil is a huge flag screams corruption nepotism and cronyism also my HOA secretary who's been an administrative assistant all her life constantly uses why it's like before entering the medical field doctor's office assistant I used to work for a multinational law firm as a lawyers assistants so take the high-powered part with a grain of salt my HOA is fine right now the HOA I lived in before was fine while I lived there I moved out but turned that home into a rental so I still deal with that H away and they've turned into a minor nightmare can't figure out how to properly vet a pool resurfacing company kids got bloody feet from that bad job and the pool had to be shut down and redone they never inspected the job being done they cut down tons of trees that needed to be removed but tons that didn't because it looks odd for frisch's sake that's expensive then they had issue with one of my tenants fine that tenant is removed then they actually wanted a clause in my lease that's flat unenforceable from an HUD standpoint they want to vent the tenants to make sure they fit in no that's illegal I point that out and they say I'll lose my rental status I say I'll report them to the HUD for violating fair housing practices and everything is in writing I got my approval without the cause unfortunately in my area the only homes built in the last 35 years in HOAs the pickings are slim for a non HOA all right guys that's the end of today's episode I'm gonna Chuck you two out Rumaki I hope you guys have a good day night sleep whatever you're up to and I'll see you in the next episode all right guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below um if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face and I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today 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Channel: Markee
Views: 36,583
Rating: 4.8677998 out of 5
Keywords: r/idontworkherelady, Idontworkherelady, r/idontworkhere, i dont work here lady, Markee, Markee idontworkherelady, Markee Reddit, Wedding Crasher, Karen, r/justnohoa, r/fuckhoa, r/hoa, r/legaladvice, r/aita, hoa, Home owners association, reddit, Markee r/justnohoa, Markee HOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 39sec (8859 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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