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pay there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way Karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak twenty ones manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the RER me today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video our slash entitled parents entitled mom tries to take my phone breaks it and gets kicked out of doctor's waiting room our cast we've got me I'm a 25 year old woman we've got entitled mom we've got our little jerk around seven years old I'm guessing we've got nice receptionist and we've got older gentlemen the here all so I've fallen sick and thus had to book an emergency appointment with a doctor so I can get it checked out and also get the needed paperwork for my work rule state I have to get doctors papers the same day I get sick or it's invalid sitting here I use my phone to distract myself from my uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and bowels reading reddit mostly ENTER entitled mom and her little jerk entitled mom I have an appointment with the doctor for my little angel nice receptionist checking the register with the aid of their names and entitled mom's ID card you're here two hours early ma'am would you prefer to come back in two hours or wait in the waiting room I will go sit there with my little angel just talk to the doctor and he will see us immediately know that it's very busy a lot of people are here and my own appointment is already being delayed with 20 minutes by then entitled mom and little brat sit down on the few leftover chairs across from me and I just keep reading some insane stories about entitled and insane parents when suddenly a little jerk is standing right in front of me little jerk do you have games on your phone me just a few and what I'm reading right now little jerk can I play games on your phone me rather not as I said I'm reading which is to distract myself from my sick feeling little jerk goes to his mother and cries about not being allowed to play games on my phone entitled mom give my little angel your phone you've clearly had it a long time already so you can miss it for a few minutes me ma'am I'm not giving your son my phone yes it's old I already had a few cracks on the screen and lost the back cover it's a one plus two by the way but I'm fond of it and would rather not have your son break it more than it already is besides why won't you just let him use your phone you clearly have no idea what it's like to have children it would break my phone if I let him but if he breaks yours it won't matter because you're obviously capable of buying a new one yourself I have no idea why she thinks that I'm not dressed fancy you're wearing expensive jewelry also if I'd be able to buy a new one so easily I would not be using this one still after seven years and many falls me I'm not giving your son my phone a moment of silence happens when suddenly I hear footsteps see a glimpse of long fake nails and my phone is snatched from my hands I look up to see entitled mom holding my phone triumphantly while smirking down at me and little brat standing next to her with a big smile this is when older gentleman gets up grabs her wrist and very calmly talks to her older gentleman ma'am please give this young lady her phone back I might be retired from the police force but I still know how to restrain a thief and can call someone to arrest you in seconds entitled mom how damn you were solely in front of my kid you old lying fart get your hands off me well I would call the real cops on you after this everything went a tad too fast for me to follow partially because I got another wave of nausea but it ended with my phone on the ground entitled mom yelling had nice receptionist about him sickos and criminals do as they please and little brat crying at her leg while older gentleman asks me if I'm okay it took me a little while to realize that I had quite the scratch on my face from entitled mom's horrible nails she probably took my nauseated bending forward as a thread the scratches weren't bad but I did bleed a little entitled mom got so uptight against nice receptionist which made nice reception is to call the police which are one Street away the police arrived entitled mom yelled lies at them but the officer recognized all the gentleman and knew him to be an honest man so asked him what happened asked my side of the story and asked what nice receptionist saw / heard - the two other people sitting there didn't speak Dutch so couldn't testify entitled mom screams about how everyone is against me and my angel she was taken away with her son and I then pick up my phone to see it has extra scratches now making the top right corner unreadable so I can't see the time anymore I got asked if I wanted to press charges but I didn't want to go through that my phone is still usable and I didn't get seriously injured turns out entitled mom is known for such behavior and it hasn't been the first time for her to be dragged off by the police nice receptionist even told me that half the time they come here little jerk isn't even a remotely sick entitled mom just likes to flirt with the doctor edit people keep telling me I should have been pressing charges right now all I want is to have a peaceful sleep as it turns out I'm suffering from a real nasty food poisoning but I can still look into pressing charges later on when I'm feeling better and older gentleman did give me his number in case I changed my mind so he can testify and witness as needed at this moment though all I want is sleep next we've got being banned from the store doesn't mean come back in a few months like nothing happened I work in a petrol station in the UK and near the start of this year we had to ban - we from coming onto the property not just inside the shop these guys are both probably around 15 and one of them has about five teeth we had had hassles with them using the forecourt as a skate park for their bikes for a while and they'd been told multiple times to stop harassing customers one day they started sitting on a container outside the window and were peeking in to where the tail is so my coworker had had enough and told them they had to leave or the police would be called they weren't happy with that and gave him a lot of cheek and were being generally aggressive so my coworker decided to ban them completely not just the move along that he had just told them they left but tried to come back a fair amount being told no each time then one day a woman who lives across the street came over and said that the boys had smashed her car window after she told them to stop using the parking spaces as a skate park she asked that if we saw them to phone the police of course they came in about 15 minutes before my shift finished that day I had to think of quickly my choices were either one tell them to leave and have them cycle away or to serve them then phone the police while they were hanging around outside I decided option two would be the best to help this woman out so I served them and just as they walked out a co-worker arrived for the evening shift I told him my plan and went to get the phone as they came back in she for some reason decided to tell them to leave so they did kicking the door on their way out smashing it and cycling away as fast as their skinny legs could manage we phoned the police and they were well-known to the police but were never caught fast for to today they came in while the shop was busy and I was serving customers I saw them and was immediately nervous they had kicked the door when told no buy a more menacing co-worker so who knows what they do to me a five foot three skinny guy I kept an eye on them through the cameras while serving other customers when they came up to the till I took the stuff they were hoping to buy and told them that they had to leave all with one hand on the panic button just in case they of course complained so I just passed off the blame to someone who isn't within distance or even in the shop the manager it ain't my decision I'm just following orders I tell them to which they reply but we've not been here in months surely it doesn't matter I can't remember what I said next but one of them said to the other I can't believe you smashing the door got me banned too like yes even though the tall guy was the one who smashed the door the short guy was by far more verbally aggressive to me and my co-workers in the end I didn't phone the police as they cycled away before I could find the paperwork with the police incident number line I did leave a note for my coworkers though to let them know that these guys were about again after we hadn't seen them in months next we've got contractor lost the deal because he doesn't believe me this happened a long time ago and my dad likes to bring it up as a teaching tool on why you should always be polite no matter how the other person is dressed anyways we've got my dad who's also CEO of the construction company we've got idiot contractor we've got receptionist we've got regular office worker and we've got me setting my dad's company reception area little background I had an internship that was near my dad's office but growing up I never stopped by my dad's office ever so his colleagues know that he has kids but they don't know what I look like so here goes my internship ended way earlier than expected and I called my dad and see if he would like to go grab lunch with me before I head home he said yes but let me know that he's in a meeting and it might take a while I was fine said I'll wait in the lobby till he's done queue me stepping into the reception area and telling the receptionist that I'm here waiting on someone receptionist okay did you want me to call whoever you're waiting on so they know you're here me and no thank you he already knows I'm waiting so I settle down on one of the nice couches and pull out a folder from my internship and read I then spy the nice coffee maker and decided to make myself some coffee then in comes a t8 contractor basically storming into the place like he owns it idiot contractor to the receptionist hey I'm here call worker and let him know I need to go over some stuff with him before presentation receptionist was polite and got on the phone quickly to call worker I presume and you make me a coffee I take it black since I was an idiot and again I don't work here I didn't realize he was speaking to me idiot contractor you miss I look up yes you make me a cup of coffee black me uh no thank you I'm just waiting on someone I have no idea why he thinks I work there as I'm dressed way too casually to be working there at all all the ladies wear business suits and I'm there in jeans in a casual table idiot contractor what do you mean no do you know who I am I have a contract with this company I will tell your boss you were rude and you won't have a job at all the poor receptionist looked horrified and tried to defuse the situation receptionist idiot contractor I just called worker and he's on his way down why don't you take a seat I don't believe this is she gestures at me here for an interview she's not going to get the job now that's the problem with people just starting out no respect I just ignored him and set back down sipping my coffee just then worker shows up hearing the tirade worker what's going on idiot contractor this girl gestures to me sipping coffee again is rude and disrespectful I told her to make me a coffee and she refuses receptionist worker she said worker waves the receptionist off I'll take care of this don't worry about it no miss looks at me while I stare at him with my eyebrows raised slightly I probably looked like a jerk because I was getting annoyed as heck idiot contractor here is a very important person at this company are you here for an interview go get in the coffee and I'll talk to HR about this okay me I don't work here nor do I want to I'm waiting for someone worker at receptionist oh she waiting for idiot contractor before receptionist could respond probably her boyfriend probably one of the new guys poor dude he laughs harder worker now miss you're making things difficult for your friend he said it in a condescending tone when you're rude to his bosses at work your boyfriend could be fired for this at this point my eyebrows just rose higher and higher thankfully my dad walked into the lobby with a colleague of his that I've known since I was a kid uncle em receptionist boss loudly going to lunch now dad yes sees me getting berated by two guys what happened worker nothing boss just some new guy's girlfriend who's rude to idiot contractor I'll talk to him and get it sorted out an idiot contractor and I will have the presentation ready after lunch dad makes a confused face boyfriend me daddy he referring to idiot contractor got angry when I said I'm not making him coffee because I don't work here he kept going on and on and worker here thinks I'm somebody's girlfriend and said he's going to get him fired because I didn't want to make coffee yeah I know I do the whole daddy spoiled girl thing when I mad and frankly I'm really mad at these idiots condescending attitude both idiot contractor and workers faces went ghost white when they realize I'm waiting for their CEO who happens to be my dad uncle em - receptionist is that true I heard some shouting receptionist nods her head uncle am Opie are you here for lunch with your dad I nod my head okay why don't you both go and I'll take care of this worker idiot contractor my office now my dad and I left and I had to spend the whole lunch explaining what had happened my dad didn't say much but I can tell he's not happy he told me not to worry and he'll get to the bottom of it his way of saying he'll light a fire under both idiot contractor and workers buds later that night when my dad got home my mom got the whole story and told me while my dad and I were out at lunch uncle em got the whole story from the receptionist an idiot contractors contract was promptly cancelled due to unprofessional behavior and worker was basically in the doghouse with his immediate supervisor who reports to my dad and uncle em from what I understand he quit the company about six months later and had to go into a different field sorry for the long post but basically two idiots decided to be rude to some girl they thought was dating one of the new guys at the office except that she turns out to be their CEOs kid next we've got it's not false advertising policy at my store has always been we could only change prices on items that were in the ad if they rang up wrong when we went to digital coupons because we have so many elderly customers our DM said if it's in the ad we could give them the digital coupon price well people started taking advantage of it and demanding we give them the digital Poupon if there was a sign there was recently some major changes in positions at the corporate level along with new people being in charge and senior employees being in different positions came some policy changes one policy change was back to only if it's in the ad for any and all price changes including digital coupons signs are posted on all registers and at the service desk stating this along with stating all digital coupons are available on the app and to see a member of management for any help with the app I'm at the Express register when a lady comes up and starts handing the items saying there's a digital coupon for this this this etc while digging through her card me okay let's get everything out of your card first and scan your rewards card so your digital coupons will be taken off at the end lady Huff's at me me by the way ma'am this is the express lane for small purchases of 15 or less since I'm not busy at this moment I will take it this time but for future reference a purchase of this size needs to be taken to registers one through four five and six are not set up for purchases of this size lady a more disgusted scoff at me as I start scanning her items she looks at me and asks where my monitor is so she can see what everything is ringing up me I'm sorry but we don't have monitors on express since it's only for small purchases lady well how am I supposed to see what you're scanning so I can tell you when to add the digital coupons me do you have the digital coupons downloaded to your card yeah I don't have one of them smartphones or a computer me well I can give you the digital coupons for items you bought that are in the ad but not anything else since when are you new they have always just given me the digital coupons when I told them there was one no I'm not new I've been here four years and I'm a customer service lead we've been told by corporate to go back to policy of only items in the ad get a price adjustment and that includes the digital coupons where does it say that I want to see it inviting me points to bright pink sign on the side of the register it's posted on all registers and at the customer service desk so you're saying you have these signs saying it's a certain price if you have the digital coupon but you can't give me the digital coupon price that's false advertising ma'am it's not false advertising there are three prices on each tag the regular price the sale price with a rewards card and then the price with the digital coupon you can't get sale prices without a rewards card right the digital coupons are additional savings added to your rewards card but you have to download them to get the additional savings this went back and forth a few times with her getting louder each time about it being false advertising finally the co-worker I was covering for it came back from her break she happens to be another customer service lead that happened to be scheduled at a cashier instead of manager that day she sees the frustration in my face and listens for a minute she finally interjects with ma'am it's not false advertising the tags are basically advertising the app and the digital coupon you can get on the app either way we're still covered because of the fine print in our ad and on our website we are just glorified cashiers with lead on our name tags we have nothing to do with policies or pricing but have to be the ones to enforce the policies lady I don't really care about any of that it's false advertising and I'm talking to a lawyer about it and corporate will be hearing from me about you too I want your names me and we can no longer talk to you or serve you you will now have to wait for our department leader and the store leader to come check you out another policy is once lawsuits and lawyers are mentioned no one is allowed to handle a situation except for them please feel free to step over to the service desk and wait for them with that we walked away and she was still yelling at us it's false advertising I clocked out after telling the bosses what was up coworker told me today lady left upset because store leader gave her a card with corporates legal phone number and refused her purchase after about 10 minutes of her screaming about false advertising next we've got landlord made me live in squalor now she's bankrupt so here's the story of my previous living situation which was at best horrendous I moved into a what I thought at the time was a lovely 3/4 bedroom house with a nice offset garage and garden perfect for my family consisting of myself my partner and my three kids well a few weeks into moving in the problems started to arise we moved in just before Christmas and the weather was awful torrential rain in fact which is when we discovered be horrendous leak in my roof I mean water teeming through the roof into the walls and down my windows resulting in all my pots and pans having to sit in my window to collect said rain well we ended up realizing we had a leak through the roof in my daughter's room after she was awoken by rain dripping on her wall she slept where she was - at the time we discovered over the course of the time we lived there that the electrics had never been checked and often shorted out the gas pipes were under regulated minimum gauge and when the heating was on we couldn't power the gas cooker or vice versa the decking out on the back was rotten and when we stood on it it just snapped there was a 4-foot drop underneath this a gas safety check showed that a Komi boiler was broken and condemned but they still refuse to replace it the heating system could never be switched off even on the summer all of these were reported and promised to be fixed over time the patio door hinge which was snapped completely fell off and we couldn't close it properly or lock it reported and we're told it would be fixed waited months and even though I was still paying for rent it never got fixed I eventually got fed up and reported it to the local environmental health team they came out to inspect the property and raised concerns over the kitchen floor which was warped and a major trip hazard we also discovered from this visit the fourth bedroom which was in the loft was illegal due to how it had been done no insulation no heating bodged electrics so the local environmental health team handed an order over to the landlord to repair all these in a three-month period it didn't get done the council took the landlord to court for breach and she ended up having to pay fines and was given another six weeks to rectify a few of the jobs got sorted when I found my new house to move into two years later I've just found out through a close friend the council proceeded to complete the jobs themselves and the Landlord has now been declared bankrupt due to this her house is being put up for auction she will receive nowhere near what she needs to pay off her debt and has had to give up her other houses due to bankruptcy laws meaning she can't own equity not even a decent car if only she'd put the rent I was paying into fixing her house it wouldn't have gone this far I'm not sure what's happened regarding the illegal goings on the gas and electrical problems that were never properly upkept but I like to hope she got punished in some way or form garyun wants my shiny pokemon for her son got a Halloween one for you featuring my misadventures playing Pokemon go cast we've got me we've got our antagonist Matilda because Karin is overused and she seemed like an odd duck we've got officer so I'm a coffee addict I know shocker and as coffee addicts like to do this morning I went for a stroll down to the golden archers for a cup of joe and because walking and doing nothing is boring I decided to play some Pokemon go while I walked to get that sweet cup of magical bean juice the walk there was fairly uneventful a couple people just milling about doing their own thing get to McDonald's and get my sweet ambrosia and step outside proceeded to whip out my phone and take the long way home to hit a couple stops and enjoy my coffee I'm walking up to my first and what would turn out to be my last stop and spy our would-be antagonist at the stop sitting at the heater that was in the gazebo built at the stop I'm a few feet away and it happens cue pokemon battle music a wild shiny pokemon appears to be fair I had a lucky egg going I load that sucker up with a berry and throw a great ball at it I catch it and in my drowsy excitement I shout an exuberant heck yeah this draws the ire of our antagonist Matilda hey don't swear no kids around reasonable reaction I guess I accept I'm in the wrong there I did know goblin was near yet I still swore my bad kid was around 6 so yeah I'll just head out me oh sorry miss I got a little too excited won't happen again I'm just passing by so I'll be out of your hair soon Matilda good what on earth would make you swear around the kid me I'm playing Pokemon on my coffee run and just got a shiny ghost I've been hunting I got a little too excited about it and got carried away my brain is still at the bottom of my cup Matilda well you owe my son something for what you did give him that Pokemon now I'm going to assume a bunch of you know how that game works with trading but for non nerds and here's the TLDR I can't give her spawn a rare Pokemon without us playing together for way too long for me to be chilling with her bread me yeah that's not going to happen Matilda resisting the urge to ask for my manager excuse me me not going to happen I'm not giving your son anything not just that I can't what do you mean you're not giving my son anything exactly what I said I'm she finally mega evolves to a full-blown karin Matilda he will give my son that Pokemon now you piece of crap oh I will call the police and charge you with her ass me pointing at the camera in the park that watches the bums sleep in the gazebo go ahead in true entitled fashion she actually calls the police on me I haven't even gotten within five meters of this lady and I know the camera has seen it all including my happy dance at catching that little Pokemon spoiler I can't dance the RCMP show up and of course Matilda instantly flies off the handle and starts spewing vitriol at them about how I'm basically horrible I'm just leaning against a fence looking bored and annoyed throwing balls at passing ghastly sipping my coffee calm as can be despite my annoyance only because of the coffee the officer approached me and asked what happened me I was on my morning coffee run and played some Pokemon go on the way there I caught something I've been hunting for a while and got excited and swore within earshot of her and her son I hold up my phone displaying my new trophy officer did you ever approach that woman me I haven't even been within a few meters of her check the camera I've been here listening to her screaming at me because I accidentally said a bad word near her kid and wouldn't do as she demands by giving her kid a rare Pokemon by way of apology Matilda here's the word camera and goes white evidently she missed me pointing right at it she tried backpedaling really fast while the other officer is off checking the footage in his cruiser he returns with his cuffs out not for me though for her they asked me if I wish to press charges I told them yes she was booked for filing a false police report lying to an officer and I'm not sure what else I'll find out later I'll update when I get more information next we've got I expect you to build my son a game and I expect you to do it for whatever I pay you for context I work at a cafe in the downtown core of the city I live in today I was taking advantage of a lull between customers to talk to a friend about game design and more specifically a game I'm dreaming of developing one day granted said dreamville is probably a pipe dream in all honesty given how time-consuming and expensive it is we were talking about how the game's multiplayer would be structured when this story begins we've got entitled kid we've got entitled mom well you've got friend and me entitled kid has been hovering around obviously within eavesdropping distance for the last couple of minutes when he moves in and inserts himself into the conversation entitled kid Wow game sounds cool me both enthused at the interest and annoyed at the intrusion thanks I guess entitled kid what's it called where can I get it me it's not even built it's just an idea yeah but what's it code is it on Xbox friend it's not an actual game kid it's just an idea in this age of professions head inside of kid what why not me cuz I have no time or money what can't you make time and you make money here spend it on making that game me it's going to cost a heck of a lot more than my wage here oh yeah me and a man excuse me if you're gonna keep lying like that I'm going to get my mom to pay you then you have no more excuses friend amused sure go right ahead entitled kid runs off and we keep talking about making the game when entitled mom butts into the conversation without warning stopping us by basically shoving a hand and friends face to stop him entitled mom hi there I'm entitled kids mother he said you play a game that he wants to play and you aren't telling him the name friend we're not telling you the name because it doesn't have one yet entitled mom already getting angry how can a game not have a name yet how do you expect someone to find it on being yes she actually said being we're still laughing about it now me doing my best to keep a straight face it's not even made yet friend doing the same it's not even being made entitled kid behind entitled mom it goes talking about how to play it through friend just because sage of profession knows how it'll play doesn't mean it's actually made entitled mom scoffs and how does it work how do you know oh that if it's just in your head me bluntly you never imagined how something works before entitled mom pauses visibly before continuing alright fine how long will it take you to make this me probably quite entitled mom interrupts have you even started it me no I don't even have the money entitled mom gets angrier what you have a job you know you earn money working here right she sighs oh whatever my son's going to keep hounding me about this so how much will I have to pay you friend wait you pay him yes me you want to pay me yes to make this game entitled mom going red faced yes how much stop being lazy and spit it out me pauses for a few moments to think of an answer half a million awful million me to pay for staff development pcs software licenses data centers cloud storage and servers I'd need more to buy a rented office yes he is what's going to happen you're going to make this game for me and you're not going to lie about the price I'm paying you eighty dollars like any other game out there and nothing more entitled kid I want to play the beta entitled mom listening to entitled kid and you're going to have a beta ready for my son next week me I won't inside of mom is me I am paying you so I expect you to do your job and I expect you to have it ready by this time next week me Pan I'm not working this day next week well then you better come back here to meet me otherwise I'm not paying you me deadpan okay I'm not working so I'm not coming in entitled mom's butters enough beta here this time next week well I'm not paying you entitled mom and entitled kids leave at this point honestly I hope they do come back my manager was watching in the background and she got a good laugh out of it all both her and I are actually kinda hoping entitled mom and entitled kid come back next week if they do we'll update you all next we've got customer tries to take a computer and TV in one of the most brazen ways I've ever seen this happened about six years ago at one of America's largest retail chains I was fairly new to retail at this time still young enough to believe in the good in people I was monitoring our for self checkout registers a woman comes up with the computer and TV in the box my initial reaction was me thinking why anybody would come over to self checkout to scan those items as we didn't have hand scanners at this time over there you either had to hover the barcode over the scanning plate or you needed somebody like me to type in the UPC in serial numbers for both items so I go over and type in the numbers and all seems well a few moments later I see some error message on my screen I'm standing behind that I couldn't interpret it I didn't know what it was saying I had never seen this before but it did mention the items were voided off I thought it might have been a simple void she did which I always need to approve on self checkout which annoyed me because I took the time to type in the UPC in serial for both items and she suddenly doesn't want them turns out she did want the items I go over to the woman and ask what's up and she says she didn't know but she used her credit card and it said the transaction went through not likely since no receipt came out but she mentioned she didn't even need it for a computer and TV are you dumb she kept insisting the transaction went through not knowing what to do I call a customer service manager over to sort through this problem the customer tells the CSM the same thing and the CSM says she needs to go into the cash office and check the transaction logs for that self checkout to see if it really went through or not keep in mind throughout all this the customer is using a now known not at the time technique of acting super busy by repeatedly saying I'm going to be late to pick up my daughter which not knowing that kind of tactic still made me think hope buys a TV and computer when they are that pressed for time manager reiterates she needs to check the transaction logs and she would be back in a few minutes customer is annoyed but the manager walks off to do that the entire time she's in the cash office this woman is going on about how it went through and after a minute she asks me if she can call her credit card company to see if they say it went thrill I didn't confirm their response would mean she could up and leave but I said she is free to do so so she takes out her phone calls a number and without even being asked any identifying information gets a rep on the line in a record time she tells me the rep said and went through and asks if I'd like to speak to them not wanting to get involved with her personal financial stuff I declined to take the phone and one of the biggest regrets of my life because I'd kill to see what they actually said on the other line as it clearly was not a credit card company she hangs up and now keeps on going they said it was fine can I go and I stayed not until the manager gets back so after what seemed like an eternity of listening to this woman go on and on about needing to pick up her daughter calling her credit card company asking if she's good to go etc my manager comes out she explains there was no transaction in the log of her purchase and asks to see her card she takes one look and says it didn't go through because it's expired see and points the customer realizing they were truly defeated angrily mumbles something like fine I guess I won't be buying these things today which of course was no problem for us and storms off leaving us baffled next we've got the entitled mom is the manager so two years ago my family went on vacation in another state and we used an Airbnb if you don't know what that is basically someone let someone else stay in their house for a few days you put your house or apartment on the website or whatever and someone else pays you to stay there it sounds like a weird concept at first but it can actually be quite helpful so like I said me and my family went on vacation we were supposed to stay in a nice peaceful house near a river but a week before we went the owner of the house canceled on us we don't know why but we were a bit upset but oh that was just the beginning we were in for a wild ride the cast we've got my mom we've got my dad we've got entitled mom the most unsympathetic person I've ever seen we've got assistant manager we've got air B&B person on the phone and we've got kid entitled mom's kid not important to the story because the owner canceled on us we had to go to a different house the owner / manager of the house assured us that this was a nice house and a nice neighborhood I mean yeah it wasn't necessarily a bad neighborhood but it wasn't anywhere near safe we got into the house we unpacked and went to sleep note my brother and I shared one nintendo's which we had already hooked it up to the TV in the house also note the TV was right near the front door when we woke up we noticed the front door was cracked open my parents asked each other if anyone had gone outside and everyone said no then we realized that our switch and my brother's Kindle tablet were gone someone came into the house and took them as you may guess my brothers and I were mortified no the door was not forced open someone had either unlocked the door which we made extra sure to lock up before bed or someone straight up picked the lock the only people that had the key were the manager / entitled mom the cleaning people the Airbnb supervisor / assistant manager and a contractor that had come the week before it could have been anybody so obviously we were all kind of surprised we're in a house we've never been in and switch less dad then called the manager assistant manager and the police this is where the entitled mom comes in she came to the house and her kid who looked about nine ish was sitting in the car the car was on and stuff he was fine he didn't really do anything in this situation so my parents told the officer and the two managers what happened we lost a switch the game that was in the switch and a tablet that means we were robbed of about 460 dollars worth of stuff entitled mom was told this and didn't give two craps when mom and dad told entitled mom the situation her response was almost always and that's unfortunate or that's too bad the entitled mom just did not care assistant manager and the officer said they would confront the people with the keys needless to say we left two days later dad got pretty upset and left a bad review however he didn't have an Airbnb account so he did it under mom's account few days later my mom gets an email from entitled mom basically going like this not the actual words entitled mom hello this is entitled mom I saw that you left a bad review on the state you had that review is inaccurate and destroying our business take it down before we do I will leave a bad review on you people who owned an Airbnb house can leave their own reviews on customers so that the rest of the company knows who to be careful around so my mom was upset at that this woman gave us zero sympathy for the robbery that took place in her own house so mom pulled an you know reverse card on entitled mom and used her words against her mom and her email response oh that's unfortunate she never got a reply to that but and that's not all not too long after my mom got a call from Airbnb they asked her about the bad review that was left and wanted to know about what happened so my mom told the story to Airbnb they thanked her for the feedback and hung up now my mom was in a mix of anger contentment and confusion she later saw that entitled mom did in fact leave a review on her now mom is hesitant to use her account and usually dad books all the houses on his now we still don't know who took the switch in tablet we don't have any solid evidence that entitled mom took them it could have just been a regular old robber but it doesn't really matter now since that all happened two years ago we have a new switch now and my brother now uses my old tablet just how uncaring entitled mom was really made everyone upset this happened in her own house and about 400 $60 worth of stuff was taken mom agreed that if it had been in her house she would have felt horrible especially since it was a kids game and what did entitled mom do she got upset at us for being upset at her lack of sympathy next we've got your milk is definitely not my problem so this took place three years ago in the Netherlands when I was on an errand for my mom near the Dutch grocery store I was 13 at the time so even though I was Dutch I wasn't really that tall yet so I was standing just outside the store double-checking if I brought enough cash according to my grocery list when this english-speaking lady came rushing over to me I could immediately tell she was American but since I didn't know I've read it yet I sadly couldn't identify the carrying details in time remember I'm a 13 year old tiny pole of a boy in the Netherlands I don't know why she thought I could speak perfect English but she immediately started spouting out some lines about milk in an angriest tone which I didn't appreciate now I know many people here say that they aren't good with confrontation but I have ADHD and it has basically become part of my life at this point I wasn't about to just receive incoherent yelling from some old hag in the middle of the street so I just rudely shouted hey could you slow down a bit miss this clearly affinage Karen but at least I was able to understand her from this point on this was the conversation Karen gasps how dare you speak to me like that are all kids in Holland so rude me well not really but you were kind of shouting at me could you tell me what's wrong Karen oh so now you will do your day job listen up boy I'm gonna ask you one more time to carry my milk for me me milk what I really don't understand I don't think you know me I meant I think you have the wrong person by that Karen well of course not are you stupid is this why they positioned you outside for scouting instead of doing actual work me I'm not sure what you mean lady but I'm losing my patience I told you not to talk back now come here and carry this she dragged me by the arm to her car at this point I could see the prophecized milk she was talking about it was five boxes of like 12 cartons at a time which would never fit into her little rental car me hey don't touch me I was small but knew how to fine so I wasn't threatened by some dinosaur easily you disrespectful brat how dare you shouted me at this point people started gathering since cars didn't really pass by often and you could clearly hear the shouting match dope guy got out of the car to confront Karen and this conversation followed he asked her in Dutch ma'am is this your child Karen what speak English or leave I'm busy my apologies but this kid doesn't really resemble you why are you shouting at him he works here and he's slacking off I finally realized the misunderstanding and I was about to unleash a verbal can of whoop but on this entitled jerk when dope guy spoke up with in point one seconds dope guy miss this kid is clearly under the work age and has no uniform on please let go of him watch uniform this kid was checking some list for the store goods me yeah that was a shopping list now let me go before I bite your wrinkles off you little people already started angrily confronting Karen and she immediately let go dope guy went to go get an actual employee and Karen got some help after being forced to apologize to my smug looking but to this day I don't understand why she thought Dutch employees stand outside stores for scouting with some goods list or whatever but I guess I got away with it before being accused of stealing her milk or something my adventures worth a holy entitled mom at the beginning of his senior year in high school my youngest son brought home a stray kid he quietly took me aside and asked if this boy could stay at our house he said that the Bourget was scared of his parents and needed somewhere to stay while he tried to graduate from high school this was a bit different than bringing home a stray kitten I of course started asking questions the first which was what was the kid's name I recognized the last name though and was hoping in the depths of my soul that his mother wasn't who I thought it was because this gal was bonkers a vicious pounding on the front door just a few minutes later confirmed my fears there was the bonkers lady on my porch with her were two cops she immediately started screeching that I had taken her son to this day I've been unable to find out how she knew her poor son was at my house the boys hadn't told anyone they were coming here for fear of this happening and this was way before cellphones were common I stepped outside and stood with my arms crossed waiting for her to stop screaming while waiting I looked over the two cops that were with her I could see right away that one of them was going to be a problem because of the way he was frowning the other just looked embarrassed then she stopped screaming to take a breath and I started talking how old is your son I asked she looked at me and screamed that it was none of my business I told her that it was my business as well as the police's business because no one could move forward until this information was brought forth the cop that looked like he would be a problem started frowning harder at me I asked him if I was right and he said that and I kid you not God is above all worldly laws oh boy this was gonna suck you see this woman was crazy about the Pentecostal Church you know the kind where dancing around with snakes and falling to the floor while jabbering is not only expected but encouraged I now had two such folks on my porch in the form of a cop and an entitled mom this was gonna be one ridiculous hassle I really hated hassles especially stupid ones I stuck my head in the door of my house and asked the kid how old he was when he told me he was 17 his mother once again started screaming he is lying he is only 16 and I demand that he come out of there now I guess you can lie if you're holy she lunged for the door but I was a bit faster and locked it before I pulled it shut she shoved me out of the way and began to frantically shriek and pound on the door I began to wonder if she was gonna break my doorknob because of the way she was attacking him this was when the embarrassed cop ordered her to stop this crazy woman would have charged into my house if I hadn't had locked the door the frowning cop told me to get the kid I told him that 17 was a legal age in this state for situations like this and he didn't have to come out for anyone I knew this because I had grown up and had troubled home and I had left at 17 there was no way I was going to hand over a kid to someone acting like this if I didn't have to the woman started screaming again but this time she was screaming something about her having it on good authority that my husband was a pot dealer this was funny because in all of the years I have been with my hubby he had never even tried it he thinks smoking is stupid I have no clue where this came from in fact I was more likely to have pot than my hubby but I knew a warrant would be needed for this kind of crap and the frowning cop didn't react to this just kept on frowning he knew I was right I stood and listened to the screeching and now there were tears mixed in for a few more seconds I wanted to see if she would calm down and behave normally when she didn't I told them to leave and I went inside I had to go around to the back door because I didn't have my keys on me she continued to freak out with huge brain sobs but the cops made her leave with them the poor kid was barely keeping back tears and was super embarrassed he told me how she would make him pray out loud for hours now she refused to let anyone but church kids be his friends now she would come into his room and tear it all up looking for drugs and every night she would say grace for so long the food got called he said she would go into fits of rage if she found anything she deemed of the devil in his possession and this was pretty much everything he said he hated her church and hated the weirdos there and just plain couldn't take it anymore when I asked if his father condoned this he told me his dad never ever said anything out loud unless it was in the form of prayer we took the kid in my older son had moved out for college a few months before so I had a spare bedroom already set up for a teenager easy-peasy then came the weekend this crazy entitled mom and about 10 folks from our church including the frowning cop but not in uniform this time came to my house and loudly prayed at it they were careful to stay in the street but it was still so dorky that it was almost comical it was then that I had a great idea I got a bag of chips and a bottle of soda set up a lawn chair in my driveway and sat and watched them pray at me I watched them in the same way one would watch a movie I would look at each one of them none would look at me in the eye because I was evil while they took turns praying loudly at my house I just said there munching chips and drinking my soda this must have disturbed them because they only kept it up for about 45 minutes then they all piled into a van after telling me they would pray for me I never said a word but I did salute them when they were leaving they did this every weekend for months they must have hated the cold though because if it was too cold or snowing they didn't show up I would set up my lawn chair every time sometimes I would up the game and have a beer instead of a soda this made them pray louder if I were to write down everything they did while that boy was staying at our house it would turn into a novel this entitled mom tried everything she could to get me into trouble but I managed to steer clear this kid stayed with us for over a year and a half while he worked and saved up money he made friends went on dates and really opened up he became a normal teenager despite this goofy mom in her weird Church he would hang out with my son and hubby and he became a happy kid he then applied for and got a job teaching English in Japan and I was really sad to see him go he was a really good boy and we enjoyed having him with us four days after the kid left for Japan his crazy and titled mom came over to tell me that God had listened to her prayers and now her baby was out of our den of depravity I only shrugged when she told me this whatever lets you sleep at night entitled mom whatever lets you sleep next we've got entitled mom thinks her brat can play in our garden my dog gets hurt and the police are called cast we've got Karen we've got entitled kid we've got my mom and me think back to the summer of 2018 they hear this story occurred my mom and I were home alone because the rest of our family was either working or at school we're sitting in our kitchen and chatting a bit while my cute dog is outside in the garden napping under some trees we can watch her through our kitchen window that offers the perfect view into our garden said garden is quite big we have a miniature tree house a lot of plants and flowers fruit trees etc and in the far back is a big trampoline a sandbox and two swings we live at the main street of our suburb so a lot of people pass by over the day our backyard is not only cut off by a gate but the garden is also separated from the parking space for our cars through tall bushes you can barely see the garden outside of the property and you're only able to see one of the swings at a specific angle the gate was closed when the story happened so my mom and I are just talking when suddenly my dog appears next to me very much frightened trying to calm her down I sit on the floor in cuddler wondering what scared her so much that she fled the garden you have to know she's very easily scared she never barks and doesn't attack in situations of danger she runs so obviously something must have happened and it wasn't the neighbor's cat for sure while I'm on the floor level my mom has a perfect view into the garden and suddenly says what the actual heck I stand up and look outside as well only to see a woman and her daughter I'd never seen before in my life stand in the middle of our garden my mom and I decided to confront her obviously and go outside my sweet pup follows us ready to protect us even though she is scared to death I love her and would die for her not gonna lie mom excuse me what are you doing here entitled mom entitled kid just wanted to play and I need to relax for a bit this playground is just perfect for her she sits down on one of our outside stools mom I'm sorry what this is private property my family lives here this is our private garden you can't be here entitled mom don't be silly this is public space she literally closed her eyes and faced the Sun after that I'll never forget that mom you are literally trespassing I want you and your daughter to leave right now entitled mom opens her eyes again you don't lie to me I'm not stupid me okay miss we're giving you a minute to collect your kid and leave our garden or we're calling the cops on you you're committing a crime please get your daughter and leave entitled mom what the heck are you people stupid or something my daughter just wants to play and she's not breaking anything me I was really mad at that point just leave our garden or I will sue the crap out of you she had the audacity to roll her eyes at me my mom and I just look at each other and she takes out her phone to call the police karen sees this and suddenly gets up really fast okay okay we're leaving calls friend titled kid Yi stuck up Jax we decide to ignore her and just watch her kid walking over to her with a shovel in her hand my mom still has the phone in her hand ready to call entitled kid but mommy I want play I know but these bad people don't want us here they're really mean to us so we have to leave but mommy entitled kid just cries out mommy for a solid minute while the entitled mom is taking her time getting ready to leave our garden now remember that my sweet angel dog was still next to me scared but ready to protect my bud suddenly that darn entitled brat just stops crying looks at my dog and throws the shovel at my dog and actually hits her hard that thing being made out of metal must have hurt like heck and my dog cries out in pain I pick her up as fast as I can basically screaming at the kid that she just willingly heard a living and feeling animal while my mom doesn't even wait for a second and calls the police entitled mom is yelling at us that she and her brat didn't do anything wrong and that it was our own fault that she's ready to leave etc while actually trying to leave but since there is only one exit out of the garden because our high bushes blocked the rest my mom simply blocks it I'm calling my brother at the same time to come home as soon as possible to go to the vet with our pup my brother and the police arrive at the same time and while he takes my angel away I stay with my mom and titled mom is still yelling an entitled kid is crying again I forget that kid honestly an entitled mom being a true Karen tries to blame us but since she's obviously not where she's supposed to be and she's fighting back she hit one of the cops in the face she finds herself in cuffs pretty quick in the end titled mom got convicted for trespassing and assault of an officer but because our little jerk attacked my dog they got away with that I don't know the medical terms but my dog's neck was hurt and she was on medication for some time but the worst thing is that she is now scared of little brunette girls because the brat looked like that and she avoids the garden if someone is playing with the shuffles to this day I still ask myself how the heck a person can even think that our garden is a public playground you can barely see it from outside of the property so yeah shout out to the entitled mom an entitled kid that hurt my dog and gave her a fear for life genuinely go forget yourself next we've got entitled dad can't handle a boo boo so this happened about a year ago but it wasn't the first or last time or even the most ridiculous oblique Ettore sorry for grammar or attend Sarah's here we go home we've got entitled dead who's entitled father-in-law well you got mother-in-law we've got husband and me so not to get into too much background but my husband and I are living with his parents they were struggling to pay their mortgage and needed help I really didn't want to because I knew how difficult it would be I cried for weeks when they asked I was so depressed knowing what was coming we moved in with a few conditions one was privacy and respect for our space and the other was no fighting in front of our kids entitled dad drinks too much and can be pretty awful anyway on to the story during the move we had the movers move the big stuff but leave the small stuff behind so later on in the day a husband and I are going back and forth from our old place husband is doing the bulk of that while I start to unpack and organize that new home entitled dad somehow cuts his finger it's messy but not an emergency either way CBS is two blocks away and he has a car available to him mother-in-law and husband are about to take another trip back home entitled dad tells husband to pick up band-aids and husband says he can't right now entitled dad doesn't like that he says something snarky to husband I didn't hear it but I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was salty husband walks out after one or two-word rebuttal I am in the closet in my bedroom putting our clothes away entitled dad comes without knocking or asking complaining about husband and how disrespectful he is I defend husband of course saying that he has a lot to do and just wants to get everything in the house before dark little did we know that we'd be up until 2:00 a.m. that night and the following I say that we probably have some at home and that we will get it for him he says so what I have to wait just to get a band-aid this brilliant set me again there's a car in the driveway and again drugstores 30 seconds away having had a few ridiculous spats in our recent past I really didn't feel sympathy for him the guy doesn't even pump his own gas mother-in-law does hers drives back and then gets his car and does his this is what he calls respect this is the kind of guy he is so anyway I respond well no you have to wait you can take the car and them yourself he loses it saying that we are ungrateful and disrespectful reminder we moved in to pay his bills because he is too good to get a job unless it meets his exact specifications and we are ungrateful okay I text my husband to tell him what happened and he tells me to not worry I am of course upset because I don't want things to go to heck on the first day so my husband suggests that I have a glass of wine with him perfect he's sitting in the back yard and I come out with two glasses I asked if we could talk and I start trying to smooth things over I tell him that it's important that we let things go and that we keep a healthy perspective on this whole situation I point out that we are from two different backgrounds and that we will see things differently and need to learn to deal with that I also say that he has the right to ask for a band-aid instead of complaining about how he didn't get one he agrees with me and I think awesome things are better we finish our glasses and I get up to continue with what I'm doing he thanks me for apologizing next we've got how do you confuse a kid for a worker okay I'll set the background I was 15 at the time and ever since a certain matter happened at one of my old schools I went from an innocent goody two-shoes to a guy who doesn't give a crap what people think now while I still have manners and care about people I don't care if you think I look stupid or my artwork sucks or if you think I should help you look for calcium powder for your sentence kale noodles so anyways there's a Petsmart near where I live and I love to go in there to look at all the cute reptiles especially the snakes love those cute noodles so one day when I went with my mom to Pet Smart to pick up some dog food for our dog I went to observe the reptiles and in particular the snakes and then I hear a sudden excuse me child I turn around and ask huh while taking out my earbuds and in my way is a massive quadruple chin I'm not joking lady with her Pomeranian in tow in her scooter me knowing basic etiquette for pet stores I move out of the way so far I think is that she wants to see the snakes boy ah what has service come to in this store I need you to take me to the area with the calcium powder I need it for my daughter's snakes I look at her confused ma'am I don't work here ask one of the available cashiers or something I don't know my basic dismissal phrase I don't know you are little I know you work here you're wearing a grey shirt and you wearing that jacket is also very unprofessional it's summer anyways I always wore jackets still too I just like wearing them even in the harsh Arizona heat also Petsmart employees wear blue shirts with slacks and I was wearing gym pants as they're very comfy how did this lady confuse me with an employee I'll say this again I don't work here Petsmart employees wear blue not grey also this is the playstation shirt not a work shirt I pull back my left part of my jacket to show the PlayStation logo on my chest you get too tired I swear I'll get you fired and I love using that line always gets people mad you don't trust your job not really as I don't have one yeah you don't you obviously know the power I have at this store did you even know who I am I decide to get cheeky yeah you do have power in this store as they have to get management to kick you out for eating the dog chow but I never and she legit slaps me not like a disciplinary one like a full-on slap war smack luckily for me I used to be a softy when I got hurt so I start to tear up and even more luckily my mom just came around the corner with the dog food and saw her slapped me she ran to my aid and smacked the lady my mom has always been protective and has only sworn in my presence once before and even then I wasn't paying attention so I didn't hear him but this time mama bear just had a 20 hour nurse shift with jerky co-workers and a hostile work environment and she was mad she slapped lady back and cursed her out she then grabbed me by the hand and told her to never get with an air-breathing room ever again mom picked up the dog food bought it and left while we were leaving the lady yelled but the child works here you're stealing him I know that sounds fake but I swear to call me that's what she said she took a cart and thrusted it at us well as much as she could manage in her scooter I heard it coming and simply put my hand behind me and stopped the car mom must have heard that cart and she turned and death stared at her oh my god I have never seen such a deadly stare from my loving mom even I got scared not for her though but for the whole parking lot that would get caught in the crossfire if she tried my mom again we left and as compensation for being such a cool bean we went and got some fast food from a place that I can't remember for lunch I'm now in college and that still makes me chuckle at the pit of my soul I snapped at Karen let me start off with the fact I have been skateboarding for well over 15 years and anything that could happen at a skate park I have probably seen happen from super awesome cool tricks to pot smokers fights over all counterculture debauchery and a fair few entitled parents who think their little angels could do no wrong as I have been growing older and more experienced two major things can go wrong at a state park to cause injury first going bigger and higher than your personal skill level second small unsupervised kids being oblivious to the dangerous fast-paced environment around them inevitably causing a last-second ditch effort to not literally plow them over and send them straight to the emergency room a counter-argument to the last statement might be to watch closer to these obviously more vulnerable people in all honesty that works a vast majority of the time small kids are unpredictable by nature combining this with a dangerous environment can cause chaos with a very short time to react to bursts that being said let's get to the entitled parent I'm going to call Karen from here it's about 4:30 p.m. in central us at a skate park with a full-time dedicated security detail this park is a part of a much larger complex of parks in the area but has been private we funded I'm with a couple of friends and the skatepark is very busy it's the first nice Saturday where everything is dry and the Sun is out and warm and not a cloud in the sky after two weeks of constant rain I'm a local at this park and know at least 10 to 15 other locals by name or nickname due to the nice day and beautiful weather randoms decide it's time to leave the nest for the afternoon and visit the local parks brat number one is on a skateboard brat number two is on a Walmart bought razor scooter at first I am paying them no mind they're not bothering me or anyone I am with as time goes on the two brat brothers are increasingly annoying some of the younger locals who voiced their discontent a couple more incidents of them being told to not snake cutoff other people brat one says in a very arrogant tone that's my brother you're talking to at one of the locals this is where I felt it necessary to now voice my discontent as I think they are in the wrong and I don't want two brothers picking a fight I told brat 1 that brat 2 needs to watch out for other people brat 1 stuck his nose up at me I shrugged this off I would have done the same thing if a strange man told me something like that at his age I'm not an authority figure he doesn't have to listen to me and I get that at one point one of the brats decided to sit down and lay on a ramp that is skated on very frequently this caused not only myself but a couple of the local kids to say something the brat moves deeper into the pool area it's about a hundred yards of connected ramps going from two feet to 15 feet Rams I am now keeping a closer eye on them due to these recurring issues with other kids their age 15 minutes are so passed and I'm going for a trick at full speed rolling into part of the eight foot section from above brat number two was down they're headed towards the shallow end I feel it's safe to continue with my trick attempt right as I've crossed the point of no return on rolling into this very steep ramp the brat does a 180 on me and turns back towards the deep end causing me to kick my board away slams shoulder first into the opposite part of the halfpipe and loudly and colorfully yell at him to watch out the only time I use profanity in this entire situation brat one is now helping brat to climb out of the 10-foot section because they do not want to cross my path again and also accusing me of not watching out I know you're not talking to me brat one yes I am talking to you you almost hit my brother you two have been constantly in the way all day I have been skating longer than you've been alive if I wasn't watching out you'd have a broken arm or worse right now so shut your mouth I am very angry at this point and want nothing to do with these kids and I'm being very vocal about it I do not enjoy yelling at kids it does not make me feel like a big man only a jerk skate parks are dangerous enough without having to dodge unpredictable kids after this exchange of words they run off to mama bear I say to myself go on tell your mom I'll yell at her too I am livid by this point and honestly just wanna skate sure enough within a minute or two Karen come stomping over to me all huffy and puffy can I talk to you for a minute tries to get in my way no I dodge and roll into the 8-foot halfpipe I tell her this because I know what she's trying to do and I do not want this confrontation so I go to the other side of the 8-foot halfpipe so she cannot get in my face or touch me pulling a full entitled parent move I've seen before when somebody else had to deal with this scenario she sits on the obstacle I have been skating for the last hour or so where the brats have routinely been sneaking people Karen what gives you the right to talk to my kids like that me now furious at the situation and going to snap not wanting to deal with this after already having told her no I do not want to talk to her I laid into her loud enough that she couldn't get a word in without screaming over me your kids are in the way and creating a dangerous environment for themselves and everyone around them by being oblivious to the flow of this Gate Park I am not responsible for their safety and should not be expected to be watching your dumb kids Karen now screaming back at me but they're my kids I cut her off before she could say another word I don't care I do not care if they are your kids but I care if you care then you should watch them closer their safety is your responsibility not mine I should not feel obligated to care for out-of-control brats you decided to have I've been skating longer than they've been alive and to make me supervise your brats is not okay karen is clearly shocked at this point and has no words for me she decides to scurry off to the fat security guard they have stationed at the gate who is usually only looking up from candy crush to yell at teenagers for vaping or smoking cigarettes I explained the situation to the security guard in a calm voice after she managed to hobble over me siding with me and talking with a couple other parents of locals I know she only said to bring any issues like that to security first I agreed and went back to skating Karen and her brats disappeared after this next we've got a bottle of water backstory a few weeks ago I started working at a skating rink and make minimum wage so it's a pretty low-key job at my interview my manager told me I don't make enough to have to deal with crazy people so if I ever encounter one I can just go and get someone to deal with them important later on to the story so this just happened about two hours ago to set the scene I'm working the register in the cafe and it's about 20 minutes till the end of skating session aka in 20 minutes everyone has to get off so I can clean I'm finishing up giving three little nice kids there I seize and then I turn to the register where a Middle Eastern woman entitled mom is waiting I couldn't tell her age but she's probably around her 40s I smile and greet her with a simple hello and then this happens entitled mom water she said it in a cold tone but me being my nice self gave her the benefit of the doubt thinking maybe English isn't her first language which was the case for many of our guests there today and she didn't know how to ask for it in any other way I just smile me okay did you want a cup or entitled mom cutting me off a bottle of water now at this point I knew she was being rude on purpose she had a glare permanently on her face and just gave off a bad vibe not to mention the way she just spoke to me as if I were a five-year-old I just grit my teeth and force a smile me okay two dollars and fifty cents she then proceeds to throw a $10 bill at me she didn't try to hand it to me she literally flicked it in my general direction and it ended up swerving and landing on the counter close to her at this point I realize she's trying to start something off and I again do not get paid enough to deal with that so I simply walk away I go back into the kitchen where my coworker was making food and since he's a team lead I asked him if he can go help her I also repeated exactly what she said and how she threw the money at me co-worker goes to cash her out and give her the bottle of water and all of a sudden she starts yelling at him demanding to know my name he being the cool guy he is pretends he doesn't know who was up there and doesn't give her my name he then starts to walk back to the kitchen but the entitled mom follows him coming behind the counter and saying where is she I want to know her name let me see her my coworker puts his hands up to block her from coming any further and starts assuring her back from behind the counter she then proceeds to jolt backwards hitting her arm on a hanging board that we use to display cotton candy bags and starts yelling about how he just pushed me he assaulted me someone get to manage her my co-worker is a bit of a hothead so he curses her out a little before the security guard steps in turns out he had seen the whole thing and he begins trying to calm her down so as to not cause a scene keep in mind the rink had for birthday parties going on and it was full of small kids finally my general manager hears of the commotion and comes over to get every one side of the story after the lady tells her side of how I supposedly was the rude one and left her money on the counter / refused to serve her and my coworker supposedly assaulted her she is then escorted outside by the security guard my general manager listens to my side as well as my coworker and agrees that he just saw what happened on the cameras in the office and believes us over her also he told us that she is known for causing problems I guess her daughter used to work there and she knows one of the managers so she basically thinks she owns the place suddenly the security comes back in and tells my co-worker that the entitled mom has called the police and wanted to press charges for assault we all knew that he didn't even touch her so we just waited for the police to arrive and help the customers that were in line behind her after a few minutes the police arrived and my general manager shows them the camera footage of what happened they can clearly see that she was lying so they're all outside trying to get the lady to drop the matter because if anyone would get in trouble it would be her for lying to the cops sure enough she gives up and my general manager lets her know that she is not welcome back he then relays this to us saying that she's on the trespass list and if she comes back we are to immediately call the cops I was just shocked I've been reading this subreddit for about nine months now but I haven't had a story of my own until today sorry if it feels rushed I just wanted to write everything down while it's still fresh in my mind all in all I'm just glad they were finally able to get rid of her after she's been terrorizing them for years now next we've got entitled mom tries to take free subway sub after lying so I got a job at my uncle's subway and for a while it was going pretty good so a couple days ago this mom and her kid walk in and this mom looks angry and was dragging her kid in and sits him down on the table then she comes to me and was like don't remember her exact order so one titled mom was like I want a 12-inch two to sandwich with Italian bread cucumber olives in May me okay and do you want it toasted didn't you hear me I said insert original order cuz I'm too lazy did you hear me saying I wanted toasted me sorry then I do what she asked and bring it to the cash register now the kid starts whining saying he wants his sub already me do you want chips or a drink entitled mom for the last Dame time did you hear me say I wanted it me I have to ask sorry I'm trying to keep a smile on my face I want your manager now me there's only me and another kid in the back what kind of establishment is this me I can give you his number I know the owner I'll have you fired for insubordination name trying to hold my laughter cuz my uncle is the owner I called the owner they said you're fired my uncle walks in as she said this uncle what happened entitled mom this kid was just rude and bad so I got him fired uncle you know I'm the owner / manager and I didn't fire anyone well then litem and I get the sandwich for free because of your rude employees uncle I will check the camera footage and if what you're saying is true you will get the sub for free and an apology you know what I'll forgive him and pay by the way I was just quiet during this uncle no no no no I insist it's fine knowing she's done for she hands me a 20 and said to keep the change took the sandwich and her kid and left the store after that I told uncle what had happened and he believed me and gave me a ten and said get back to work next we've got the most degrading encounter I have ever had for context I work in a hotel pool we get a lot of people coming to the hotel to come to our pool and it's more of a mini waterpark there are slides a splash park multiple pools and hot tubs so one rule we need to enforce is appropriate swim attire it makes sense we are a pool so no Street pants sweaters etc allowed in the water it messes with our chemicals and their filters I come in for my evening shift and I'm talking with my co-workers and a kid comes to pool area one wearing a tank top shorts that look like pajama / sweat material and you can clearly see the bra strap self-explanatory this is not appropriate swim attire a co-worker goes and speaks with a kid and asks if they have anything to change into they don't so they can't swim get just got out no problem a few minutes later entitled mom comes up to me so you kicked my daughter out for her clothes knee I'm sorry but we have an O street clothes policy they on street clothes I'm sorry but we do have a no cotton policy it can't be in the water she doesn't have anything else she has been swimming since this afternoon and now you kick her out me I'm sorry maybe it was missed we have a no cotton policy don't you have a manager I want to speak to someone my supervisor is in pool area too if you would like to go speak with him yes I do she leaves and I radio my supervisor telling him that she is on the way she doesn't go see him right away and he comes over to pool area one and asks me about it I tell him about it and he says he will go back to pool area too so entitled mom can find him instead of following what I said entitled mom now with entitled dad go to the front desk and talk to the supervisor there as I was heading back to pool area to the family stops me in the hallway and starts shouting at me entitled dad we just went and talked to the supervisor and she said there was nothing wrong with what she was wearing you aren't telling other kids they can't swim because of clothes why are you picking on her he was leaning forwards and pointing his finger in my face and that's really intimidating coming from a big man to an average-sized woman entitled dad we talked to her and she said there is nothing wrong with what my daughter is wearing that's when it clicked he said her I tried stammering out a question if they talked to but was so flustered I could barely get a word in over his shouting at a pause I was finally able to say even though my voice was breaking you need to talk to my supervisor he's in pool area - well it was her on your radio who said it was fine then I realized that my radio was going off and it was my supervisor and the front desk staff talking I walk away and head back to pool area - and start having a bit of a meltdown as entitled dad was so aggressive and disrespectful all because their bread didn't bring a swimsuit I talked to various managers about it and they said they would deal with the rest and I can go take a break and calm down after my break my supervisor comes to talk and says that they spoke to the family again and they were rude to the managers - one of the managers was making a gift basket for them but my supervisor stopped them as he said they didn't deserve it after being so rude so kid was allowed to swim but otherwise they got nothing I do love my supervisor but really hate people like this next we've got last day of retail receive a customer from heck today is my unofficial last day at my cellphone store I have a week of paid time off that ends Friday so that is my official last day I've been coasting all week by just sitting around looking pretty since I wasn't making Commission today right after we open we get a customer who I can now only describe as the customer from heck customer comes in with two kids in tow who immediately get two phone displays and start playing my coworker greets him and asks if there's anything we can do setting up our normal interaction questions customer wants to switch phone carriers and is looking at deals no problem we have deals for everyone only customer doesn't know what he wants he wants his contract paid out from his current service but he doesn't qualify for that through us she spends 2.5 hours going through all possibilities for his family he has an adamant know-it-all who really knows nothing about technology so being good retail drones we all smile and nod at his knowledge now in order to get servers with new contracts a customer must perform a credit check this determines how much a customer pays out of pocket upfront no sales rep should ever make a promise of no money down until the check is completed my reps know this they would never tell someone otherwise so we complete the credit check and customer has required down payments on his devices he begins berating my rep because of him having to pay he was under the assumption and I know it was assumed on his end because I was on the floor 20 feet away the entire transaction that he qualified for no payment then became the dance of getting the account number from his current provider he's never had one why would he need it so my team lead steps in and tries to de-escalate the situation and informs the customer that he needs to get it in order to keep his numbers when he switches over the following exchange occurred before I stormed out team lead if you don't get the correct number it delays the port for your phones and you'll have to be here longer customer I'm not driving over there and I don't get a bill sent to me so you'll have to figure it out team lead well since it's your account and your info you'll have to give them a call to get the number customer throws phone across the counter and team lead and rep you call I'm not talking to them that's your job team lead takes a step back to avoid being hit by the phone sliding towards her phone's fall off of the employee side of the counter no sir I'm not required to call for you dial 6-1 one from your device and it will connect you to the care line for your provider rep I'm going to step back for a second customer forget this I have things to do I'll be back and I better have no money down I was promised rep no sir we never agreed about down payments until your credit application was complete we cannot do anything about those payments that is all based on your credit class if you feel this isn't the deal for you please feel free to not come back we would like you to be comfortable with your decision but not if you're going to yell at us and accuse us of things we didn't do team lead coming back onto the sales floor throwing your device was very uncalled for if you make a decision after you've calmed down then please come back and we would be willing to help you I left the floor after that to go call my nerves my retail filter has flown away this week so I was going to blow up at his arrogance but my co-workers have been trying to be better at not letting rude people get to them customer eventually stormed out after conceding to call his current carrier himself but could not talk to anyone without making a payment on his account because it was past due I really hope he comes back today in a bad mood my manager was also sick of the arrogance and rudeness so I will put him in his place entitled family takes our toys and makes the mistake of trying to blame us some backstory I was six when this happened and I was pretty good friends with a daughter of the entitled parents at that time daughter was pretty entitled as well I had six dolls and a box I kept them in that I was pretty attached to I had gotten them over the span of two and a half years entitled kid played at our house quite a lot so I didn't expect this to happen at all on to the story our cast we've got me we've got my dad my mom we've got entitled dad and entitled mom entitled kid and the police officer it was summer and I asked my parents if entitled kid could come over they said yes a few minutes later entitled mom and entitled kid arrived entitled mom started chatting with my parents an entitled kid in me went to play in the backyard I proudly opened in my box of dolls entitled kid and I both took some dolls and played pretend skip to when entitled kid had to leave this is what I remember the conversation being like it could be a little off entitled kid can I keep the doll I really like it me no sorry I don't want to give any of them to others and sidled kid but you have so many more wonder won't make a difference me please give my doll back I had been taught that being rude was a big no-no so I was very polite no matter how rude the other was entitled kid entitled mom comes running looks at us and turns to me what did you do to my sweetie entitled kid I want old these dolls tell her they're mine now entitled mom okay sweetie towards me these dolls are hers now get them to me me no they're mine give them back shut it brat give me those dolls I froze I got scared and started crying my parents heard this and walked to us they see entitled kid and me both crying mom what's going on here entitled mom your idiot kid hid my baby what I highly doubt that my kid doesn't hit other kids unless she has a reason why don't we ask both of them what happened entitled kid she said like I have all her dolls but now she's saying I can't have them entitled mom if my angel wants them she gets them me I never said you could have them you wanted to take them without permission entitled mom loses it on me shut your mouth you ungrateful brat I started bawling I can't handle yelling or angry people well and the automatic reflex is to start crying both my parents are angry and aren't talking to entitled mom about how she can't just make me cry and act like it's not her fault meanwhile entitled kid has put all the dolls back in the box but she didn't leave them she took the box with all of the dolls and runs away entitled mom runs after her my parents ran after them but they were already inside their own home they lived on our street we knew where they lived so my dad who is furious goes to ring their doorbell and titled dad opens the door entitled dad yes my dad give those dolls back there are my daughter's dolls entitled dad what dolls I have no idea what you're talking about he smirks and then slams the door in my dad's face my dad who is fuming comes back home he calls the police not soon after the police are asking my parents what happened a police officer walks towards me and kneels down officer can you tell me what happened little one me my best friend stole my dolls and her mom yelled at me for not wanting to give them to her then they ran away with my dolls officer thank you little one go get your dolls back okay I nodded after asking us what they wanted to know the police went to the entitled home from this part on I wasn't actually present but my parents told me what happened they ring the doorbell and entitled mom opens the door seeing the police with my parents behind them she begins yelling at my mom oh my god not again how many times must I tell you you are not getting my angels toys police officer we were told your child and you stole a box of dolls from these people that's not true they're my daughter's dolls we bought them last week their daughter wants the dolls all for herself and her parents have been trying to get them from us for the whole week police officer may I see the receipt then if you really bought them you should have a receipt entitled mom's face loses all color my dad loved this part he told me he'd couldn't believe this woman didn't know that this would happen well we lost the receipt so well we can't show you the police officers there were three if I remember correctly looked at each other clearly not believing it my mom grins and taps one of the officers on the shoulder mom the dolls haven't been bought all at once we have all the separate receipts for them though if you look at the dolls and the receipts you should have enough proof that the dolls are ours the police accept this offer entitled mom was forced to get the dolls that instant and of course the receipts showed the truth entitled mom looked furious entitled kit was crying as she saw her newly obtained toys disappear entitled dad sees all of this and tries to blackmail my dad and titled dad why do they get those toys that man has stolen multiple things in the past those receipts must be stolen or forged the police look from entitled dad to my dad officer that is completely irrelevant right now but if you want a separate case we can check all of your records entitled mom turns pale after hearing this and tries to shush her husband but he has already yelled do that my parents went home to me don't worry I wasn't left home alone my babysitter was quickly dialed in between so I wasn't alone and I think about a week passes after that week of peace we hear police sirens I curious as I am run to the front door and open it I saw both entitled mom and entitled dad being cuffed an entitled kid was taken by what turned out to be child support apparently entitled mom and entitled dad had done a lot of bad stuff entitled mom had apparently committed theft three times and had been arrested before entitled dad had been committing all kinds of fraud and apparently he had all kinds of unpaid fines I never saw any of them ever again next we've got entitled mother wants everyone to speak English in Mexico in the middle of September I went to Cancun for holidays with my mom we're Mexican so me first language is not English sorry in advance for any mistakes from a city a bit away from there here's the cast for this drama scene we've got entitled mom we've got poor maid who just wanted to know how we wanted our eggs we've got me and we've got my mom so here goes the scene we were staying at a really fancy hotel my grandmother paid for the room and playing for us in celebration of my 18th birthday and we really wanted to make the most of it this obviously meant they had a lot of foreign people staying so most of the hotel was managed in English everything was great we got a nice view of the sea and wanted to do a lot of things now my skin is quite sensible to the Sun I get real red real fast so we went to swim before breakfast this was when we got the first encounter with entitled mom she was a normal looking lady she didn't even have a caring haircut her and her two sons both around eight to ten were staying in a room two doors for mine so when we went out on our way to the lift but we saw them doing the same my mom greeted politely when else do us and seeing she didn't answer and assuming then that she was from another place corrected - good morning and gosh the look on her face she looked offended and just nodded in return she decided to take the stairs instead even if she had a lot of things from her kids in her hands now I'm a big advocate that there is no way to look Mexican but my family is a weird Arabic / Japanese mix from three generations ago and you really couldn't tell by eye where we are from this is gonna be important later we went swimming to the beach and everything was cool no bad encounters I even made conversation with a German girl and my mom with hers a bit later we went to the main canteen to eat breakfast it was a big place full of food half traditional Mexican food and the other with more international plates and as much as I love waffles in the morning I was feeling a bit more like chilaquiles with eggs they had this guy making the eggs you just went near the counter he asked how you wanted them and then he made them for you that's simple we stand in queue just a couple people away from our turn and what do we find that lady from earlier coming right behind us this guy hadn't really broken English but it wasn't such a problem since we just really needed to know how the different egg styles were named his English would improve with the time working there worker good morning how do you want your eggs mom red well toast porfavor scrambled please the guy sighed in relief God knows how many times had passed since he last spoke in Spanish guy Sally and those senior coming ma'am it continues in Spanish it's been a while since the last time someone from here appeared it's low season entitled mom touched my mother's shoulder entitled mom I'm sorry but could you speak English most of us do so you should as well you know to not make anything awkward my mom feels uncomfortable speaking in English so I answered me I'm sorry if it bothers you ma'am but it's easier for him to speak his own language and we can help we will entitled mom Wow rude it's his job to know English but not ours to know Spanish me we won't talk to you in Spanish don't worry but right now we aren't speaking to you entitled mom just don't speak Spanish at all while there's people me I'm really sorry but we have the right to speak any language we want well let me speak your own language and note ridicule with the rest of us while speaking English me and my language would be how would I know Korean now for the record not me nor my mom look a bit Korean I don't know where she got that yes we look a bit East Asian but not Korean me mam Spanish is my and my mother's language we aren't trying to ridicule you we're just asking for scrambled eggs see she raised her voice it was that simple to ask for your eggs in English next time do it for a start we were done and just turned around the eggs were already served my mom tells the worker in Spanish thank you very much I would want another two fried for my daughter please he looked at the entitled mom and said Daryl see meatball of course miss while cracking the eggs he continues in Spanish this happens a lot more often than you expect Americans get really weird entitled mom walked away and we thought we were saved from her yelling until a few moments after when we were already out of the queue and she was back with the manager it was him he didn't want to cook my eggs if I didn't ask for them in Spanish manager is that true the worker was frozen I stepped in me I reply in Spanish it's not true she wanted us to speak English at force it wasn't even her turn yet manager miss she says you wanted them to speak in English well as it should be they have nothing to do with speaking in Spanish here manager looking so resigned sorry there is nothing I can do against that they are staying here just as you are and can speak anything they please if you wish there is another person making eggs at the other side of the buffet entitled mom what an unprofessional place I want you to know that me and my family are not coming back manager we're sorry to hear that enjoy the rest of your stay he was so done God knows how many people like her he's dealt with long story short she just stayed one more day and was always looking at us like we were some kind of bug whispering things to her kids while directly staring did we care not really next we've got I'm the comedian but you're the joke I do stand-up comedy sometimes I was performing at a bar slash restaurant deal and was sitting in the back taking care of some emails waiting for my set time I went to the bar to get a drink had a chat with a bartender for a few minutes then got the signal I had five minutes till show so went back when I got to the back room I realized I had left my phone on the bar so ran out again to collect it enter Karen not her real name of course at a table just left of dead center facing the stage right by the back entrance I'd been popping in and out of all night and a big group of six or seven people but even in my brief forays out I could hear her shrill voice dominating their conversation I guess here's a good a place as any to mention I was wearing a yellow sweatshirt and cargo shorts the server's we're all black Karen sir excuse me sir me what's up can you check on our food please oh we ordered with some wings and it's been like half an hour already me your server can help you with that I'm not a waiter what oh dish boy line cook whatever you work here so just when you go back there ask about my food me oh no you see I know I get it you aren't a waiter but do you work here kind of let me explain someone in her party I don't think he's a waiter shut it okay I've got this you work here you can bring me my food just a quick blow you know trot trot trot Carrie Carrie boom done me I can't do that Karen ungodly shriek why not others in her party Karen oh my gosh quiet down they tried to wave me away I was weighing in my mind whether walking away had the higher chance of getting me fired from future gigs there or staying and getting into it with her did I was just going down the stay and get into it with her track when the MC gets up there and goes now a special treat for our patrons tonight local comedian so I just stopped myself lock eyes with Karen walk backwards to the stage unflinching I grabbed the microphone her table is cracking up realizing what's happened and I say well I'd hoped to do a show for you tonight folks but looks like that won't be possible apparently I've been reassigned I start riffing about people who think you work there when you don't and accuse you of lying and how absurd a concept that is but then it's too perfect the waitress is coming out with wings and headed straight for her table I know the waitress I've performed here before so I transition and I'm just like you caught me lady can't hide anymore and I grab the wings from the r8 hrus and I'm like oh Donna I see you trying to hone in on my section can't you see this is my table and all throughout the rest of the bit I would go over and fill their water glasses bust their plates whenever I hit a dry spot I was like all right hold on got to check in with my customers can I interest you in any dessert how are we doing over here speaking to the mic please Karen hated it but the others at her table were dying laughing and would even sometimes flag me down for water or appetizers the set ends and Karen goes to file a complaint our friends or coworkers however try to stop her from doing so and some leave the venue because of her a couple stay back to try and defend me and I told them not to worry because the manager and I were cool but they got to see for themselves the manager is an old-school Armenian guy and he has no tolerance for this BS this particular venue was a biker bar before the Erie it got gentrified so he's used to dealing with Waihee rowdy your customers than Karen so she's going off about mistreatment at the hands of his employees and how I'm probably not licensed to be a food server and that she wanted something done the manager plays dumb just to see her get worked up and goes who this guy even though the entire floor saw me give her a hard time manager he doesn't work for me Karen what the heck are you talking about manager it's 11:30 p.m. he worked for me from 10:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. that's what I paid him for as a freelancer that's over now he's just some guy Karen well when he was working for you he was rude and abstinent me what on stage of course I was abstinent it's not that kind of show Karen you know what I mean see he's making fun of how I talk manager he's a comedian that's what I paid for Karen I was a customer treated poorly in your establishment he was acting as a server here when he served me and I want a refund on my meal well at the very least turning dramatically to me Gollum voice an apology me all right I might have been a little rude towards the end there but in my defense she didn't tip manager is that true did you not tip Karen why would I have tipped the comedian manager I thought you said he was acting as a server Karen was a little tipsy at this point so somehow a drunk logic convinced her smashing a glass would get her point across all it did was get the manager to have her bounced her remaining friends apologized to the manager and said they barely knew her and they hoped this wouldn't mean they couldn't come in there anymore without her and he was super nice about it I told them I hoped I hadn't put a damper on their night and they said they can't wait to tell everyone else about Karen's outburst so I don't have a career as a waiter in my future kudos to all you service workers who put up with these insufferable people day in and day out next we've got getting yelled at and then sweet revenge a year later for three years I was an employee of a department store that will call JC Nichol I enjoyed my discount but I only had ever gotten one raise in three years and found a new job luckily one day a few months after my lovely departure I was shopping with my sister there I was wearing a hoodie looked like crap and had two boxes of leftover appendix from lunch in my hand while my sister was trying on clothes it was a small fitting room with only three rooms and my sister was the closest to the entrance I stood there waiting for her when a customer approached me she was a regular and I'm sure she recognized me from my three years of heck customer go check in the back for this in my size very abrupt and short with me but I still had my customer service voice me I'm sorry I don't work here what do you mean you don't work here but you want break you can't just get this one thing for me you're so rude and disrespectful me slowly holding up the Panda Express and gesturing to my hoodie and sweats saying in a firm voice I don't work here she Huff's away a few days later I get a text from her friends still working there hey some lady put in a complaint about you didn't you quit a few months ago we had a good laugh and I thought that was it until a year and a half later when I'm sitting in class professor we have an observer today she'll be with us this weekend next and then she will be teaching you a lesson for her master's program in walks the customer I'm not sure if she recognized me but I knew it was her the day after she taught her lesson to us she sent us anonymous evaluation she needed for her grade of course knowing her background I was harsh on her and was only honest unrelatable the students delivery was harsh and cold poor classroom management dismissed students with questions as an inconvenience I don't know what happened after that but I do know they take these evaluations seriously even without telling my classmates what happened they had similar responses when I did tell them after she was long gone they got a good laugh and were happy they demolished her in the evaluations too next we've got I don't even work at this Papa John's so a little back story when I was in college there was a Papa John's near campus that would get crazy busy on weekend nights mostly with drunk college students who had a bad case of the munchies I lived within walking distance and never wanted to pay a delivery fee so often when I was one of these drunk college to inside just order for pickup one Saturday night I order a pizza for pickup and the guy on the phone said it would be about 30 minutes or so I get there about that time later and find that it's basically just one guy and one delivery guy working that night the guy making the pizzas was running around like his hair was on fire and just trying to keep up with the order log he comes over to me and goes hey it'll be just a minute I'm understaffed I told him it's all good and that I'm not in a rush now it's about 2:15 a.m. and they are open until 3:00 I started a small conversation with a guy working and he mentioned how people called in and they were so backed up they could no longer accept delivery orders and that he kept getting call us about delivery since they disabled it ordering online he mentioned that the calls alone prevented him from being able to even work on anyone's orders here drunk methinks I got this I told him that I would answer the phone and just let people know that they would be unable to order anything for delivery while I was there so here I am answering phone calls drunk for a Papa John's and politely letting people know that they would be unable to handle any more deliveries for the night due to the backlog most people were understanding about this issue except for one jerk the following is the conversation from what I remember me thank you for calling Papa John's unfortunately due to the large jerk yeah I'd like a large pepperoni and sausage for delivery me I'm sorry sir due to the backlog of orders tonight we are unable to take any more delivery orders jerk what the heck why the heck not me we have so many delivery orders that we will not be able to accommodate them within a reasonable time and we are currently understaffed at this point I was getting agitated but as I was trying to help the guy I tried to keep my cool however since the jerk could not seem to accept the situation it got a little out of hand jerk this is BS I demand to deliver my order ASAP or I'll talk to your supervisor get you recommend it me jerk I don't even work here so go ahead and buzz off with that I hung up got my pizza and tipped the guy ten dollars for his troubles entitled mom at McDonald's hi guys met an entitled mom recently at a McDonald's here it goes our cast we've got entitled mom we forgot me an extrovert who likes to joke around we've got entitled kid man we've got cash here story I was at a McDonald's getting a McChicken I love chicken if you know what I mean listening to music and skimming through reddit on my phone I thought nothing bad would happen since I had an awesome day of school and my mood was really up I started eating the McChicken soon after talking to myself I do that often if I should also get some McNuggets but soon realized that my wallet was empty I wasn't paying attention to anybody around me and then heard some kids start talking entitled kid boy how are you me I'm good thank you I always want to be polite to people because I am a Christian do to other people only what you want them to do to you and yes a sane one entitled kid what do you think I should get I don't even get a chance to respond an entitled mom enters the scene entitled mom hey kiddo I think we should go now entitled kid no I want what he has points to me entitled mom can you give him your food me no sorry I paid for this food myself I won't be able to afford anything else and I'm hungry but you can take a bite if you want to kiddo I want all of it now me no I can't give it to you because I would be very hungry since the kid was crying and I knew I was going to be blamed who even trusts a fifteen-year-old these days I whoops nope the entitled mom snatched it out of my hands now my mood went into the - me please give it back to me I don't have money to get a new one come on you can't steal a man's food entitled mom why are you stealing my son's foods you jerk me but not you're stealing my food cashier enter trying to figure out what's happening she looks to be close to my age in fact cashier ma'am can I help you yes this man is stealing my son's food kick him out I then mouth is that how you call it not American sorry basically said it with my mouth but without a voice Karen cashier I need to talk to you for a moment points at me sure as cashier and I were leaving entitled mom gives us a smug smirk an entitled kid starts eating my McChicken cashier a Karen knee absolutely cashier what happened I know you ordered that they ordered a hamburger I saw the mom eat the whole thing she then started begging the people outside for food me what was the worst excuse cashier I'm going to tell you as soon as I kicked those people out I didn't really care anymore my hunger was satisfied by then we then went back entitled mom when are you going to find him for the emotional trauma he gave my kid cashier ma'am you were the one who got the short end of the stick what you jerk my baby got hurt and you are finding me cashier ma'am you took the food from him I was behind the counter when he ordered he is still a jerk ma'am please you don't want to get banned from here fine they then go into their car and I got a free McChicken and chicken nuggets turns out the worst excuse was the single mom card combined with a guilt trip it didn't work I mean great job entitled mom you successfully ruined my day next we've got woman accuses me of being a bad worker to try and get free food about a quarter of a mile away from my high school there's a McDonald's that many students apply to work at a few of my friends work there currently but I do not many of them are seniors and don't have a full school day and work there in the morning after the end of their shift most of them change in the bathroom and head home slash to school many students have spirit wear clothes with the school's name on it and many people wear it daily this is where I assume confusion happened our cast we've got me we've got friend who actually works at McDonald's we've got little King he doesn't actually talk at all we've got the nice manager and we've got entitled mom I walk into McDonald's and I see my friend at the counter taking an order I just waved to him and he waves back I continue walking to the ordering screens and I see a little kid struggling to reach a menu item on the screen me hey bud you need some help the kid nods and points to the fries I help him with the rest of his order apparently his mom was a doctor of some sort and she was on call talking to a patient little kid walks up to the counter and pays for his order using money and I suppose his mom gave to him he was like a little man I walk back to an empty screen I'm not even five seconds into putting in my order when someone taps on my shoulder entitled mom mm-hmm I turn around me uh can I help you ma'am I've been waiting for my order forever and me and my dear son are very hungry customers me and why are you telling me this you work here and so you should be helping me me miss I think you're confused I don't don't you lie to me I saw you help that kid I saw you wave to the cashier to me shakin I helped that kid out of the kindness of my heart that cash here is just your friend sure and you just happened to wear the same clothes yes she was yelling at me the whole time others had been watching too I also realized she was talking about my school sweatshirt my friend wears a similar one with a design from two years ago she must have seen him change out of it for work me miss this is the spirit wear for my high school nearby he's the senior and I'm a junior please let me order my dinner entitled mom you jerks are taking my kids jobs and you can't even do them right who the heck is your manager I want to talk to him by this point my friend had done the smart thing and gotten his manager they both walked around the registers into this woman and I nice manager ma'am what seems to be the problem you a lazy worker isn't helping my family get my food he should be fired my son is starving she gestures over to a table where is intently staring at a smartphone with a shiny pink case he doesn't look like he cares at all nice manager I'm sorry but this man does not work here entitled mom still looks like she's going to blow a gasket well whatever I don't have my food and I want to be compensated nice manager can I see your receipt then ah fine entitled mom hands over the receipt nice manager takes 3 seconds to look at it before handing it back to entitled mom you were going to have to leave now entitled mom surprise Pikachu face what why this receipt is clearly from two weeks ago you are causing a disturbance please leave entitled mom's face goes red I'm leaving a review so bad you would never get business again she then grabs her kid as she storms out all three of us are standing there dumbfounded the nice manager offers me a free meal but I decline i order my meal normally and enjoy my dinner next we've got entitled mother doesn't understand her kid is short so hopefully Kotori happened years ago at the start it's how I remember it obviously so I'm not too sure about all the details to us about five-ish years ago to be specific and back then me and a bunch of my buddies were into bikes big time so much so that the bikes we were using were pretty high in Kona stinky 2010 Cannondale jekyll and some wet people BMX which i can't recall will be important later anyways we went down to the beach as it was summertime and we just wanted to go for a swim on a smaller more easygoing type of Beach compared to the rest in my city we put our bikes on an out of sight rail next to us and win for swim about an hour later we decided to go into the shade and play some briscola a card game all was going well until we saw a kid probably about 9 to 10 barely 1.4 meters 4 foot 7 I think pointed out our bikes and said mom I want one started off fairly polite honestly I'll refer to my friends as M and K entitled mom hey you there all these your bikes me yep did we place them on private property or something no no worries I'm just wondering if my kid could ride any of them all three of us go up to see what we can do me hey him would you mind letting him ride the bike Kay's bike and my bike are a tad too big for him and was the owner of the BMX at that point the entitled mom said he wants to ride this one pointing at the Jekel me as politely as humanely possible I'm sorry but that bike is way too big for him it's setup for my height and I'm over 1.8 meters tall six feet and we don't have the tool to lower the seat entitled mom I don't care go get them my baby wants to ride that one there in mind the jackal was a stupidly expensive bike and we really didn't want her kid to fall off try to avoid confrontation all three of us say I really wish we could however we live on the far side of town and we got to go soon anyways so we could come by tomorrow as well and we'll bring the tools so he can try to ride it that wasn't good enough apparently at that point entitled mom started raising her voice I won't be here tomorrow I want you to let entitled kid ride your bike now me sorry but that's just not gonna happen one last time before we go he can try the BMX but not the big ones she didn't care her kid was starting to have tears in his eyes and what else could a mother of a whining kid do but start thinking of some dumb BS she resorted to this tactic are these even your bikes I mean you obviously don't look like you can afford the big ones the three of us metalheads with terrible hair look better confused me being slightly upset with a deepest most disgusted voice ever yeah I'm not gonna answer dumb questions we offered your kid to ride the small bike you declined and now we're out of time entitled mom I guess I'll just call the cops and have them take these bikes as you definitely can't afford something like this the three of us just decide to ride off because forget this noise she starts to body block us saying he won't leave until the police are here okay listen lady we tried to be polite but you decided to act like a jerk the bikes are obviously ours as there's pretty much no one in a 500 meter radius and if we stole the bikes we definitely wouldn't want to be seen riding them by stupid over-reactive parents with little entitled jerks him and me start hiding our laughs an entitled mom gets as red as a tomato in the face entitled mom pretty much screaming at this point you say that nine three times older than you and I won't allow this behavior she then attempts to slap Kay but he dodges cuz it's a 40-something year old woman and not Mike Tyson as she misses she gets even more upset and starts pushing us off of our bikes and that's when I snap why don't you just shut up or buzz off ideally both in either order we then just left had her dumbfounded but pretty much glowing red in the face we had a good laugh about it when we got back and that's it next we've got explaining the customer I just had surgery and can't go to her house I work for a large company installing slash repairing TV and Internet where we are required to give our business cards with our cell phone numbers for 30-day warranty if anything happens I have so many stories I could tell from 5:00 a.m. wake up's being screamed at to having to block someone's a number when they called 90 times while I was on vacation to someone threatening to not let me out of their house one time but this one is a special kind of stupid almost one year ago I got hurt at work and a few months ago had surgery so way past the warranty period two days after surgery I received a phone call being confused on my pain meds I answered the phone without checking the caller ID I see is insane customer M is me customer hi this is customer you were just at my house and my internet isn't working I have people coming over for the weekend and need you here right away to fix it me hi there I'm sorry to hear your internet is down however I haven't been working at work in over six months and will be unable to come fix it for you as I just had surgery if you since being off hurt I've received tons of these calls way nicer than this though and everyone has apologized and wished me well after I've told them the number to call but you really have to explain there is zero chance of going out there or they will try and work something out with you it's the surgery explanation now back to the story customer what do you mean you can't come out here today I can't wait the two weeks it takes for someone to come out me ma'am as I just said I can't come fix your internet as I can barely walk right now let alone drive it's been over 30 days since I was at your house and even if I wanted to come help you out I'm legally unable to drive right now customer mutters something about customer service and complaining about me to my company me very frustrated and in a lot of pain I hope you enjoy your time with your company this weekend here is the customer service number it's been over four months and I've heard nothing about it I can only imagine the service rep who had to listen to a woman complain about a dude who just had surgery refusing to fix her stuff better yet maybe she realized how insane she was once she had time to process the fact I said I had surgery and wasn't just being lazy like she was implying my job has had people rolling the stories I've had over the years it truly is never a dull moment in the life of a tech next we've got I just wanted my deposit back so about 10 years ago my wife then-girlfriend and I decided to move in together she was sick of living in a dorm and my lease was up and we had a family friend that was looking for someone to move into a little granny flat under their house I say under because they lived on a steep hill where the flat was below the house with an entrance in the backside so we had this incredible view out back a pool won't get to that insane thing fire pit etc and the rent was in our price range and the landlord let's call her Mary even dropped it $100 if we did some yard work skimmed the pool etc oh my parents owned a couple rentals and half my whole life I've done maintenance for them and even attended a couple court cases as well with them this will come into play later everything was great for a couple of months then Mary and her wife started fighting screaming matches stomping above us things I didn't understand how people could be that mad at each other that often and still be together I eventually sent them an email saying we were not comfortable with a fighting and we wanted to make sure they were okay etc they replied to that with you're lucky to have a place this nice Mary began to scrutinize the yard and pool work I was doing to this point she would insist I vacuumed and skim the saltwater pool with no chemicals saltwater pools need far less chlorine than regular ones but they still need some wanted me to stop mulling and use a weed whacker only because the mower was getting old and tired really petty things we decided to cut our losses and get out of there found a new apartment and a roommate one of my wife's college friends that was open a month later perfect for us we were on month the month at this place emailed Mary that we were moving out in 30 days etc at that point she went insane tried to do daily inspections of the granny flat would call an email daily with chores around the property she had insist we do and would pound on her floor our ceiling every time she heard so much as a whisper daily inspections would require 24 hours notice she never gave that then she tried to bring potential renters over to see the flat we flat out told her to go away when that happened with no notice finally two weeks before we move out she had a pest control guy stopped by when I was at work and my wife was in class our cat was home alone and we got the notice about spraying pesticide from her and a text about the same time the guy started so I rush home after work stop by upstairs and ask for a copy of the pest control receipt I have massive allergies to most pesticides so I need to know what was used she goes into her office and brings back a copy with every single chemical on the list checked off every single one I immediately take the copy run down and grab the cat and a handful of clothes and drive to my parents house we stayed there for days hoping everything would clear out in time for us to finish packing and cleaning the last couple days before we moved out Mary was out of town and we were able to get it completely finished today early we'd even patched nail holes painted cleaned the carpet my mom came and helped us get it ready for the next tenants it was immaculate and took photos and video of everything when Mary did the checkout with us we said we weren't comfortable being there without filming legal to do and she did a short walk through stating it was fine but that her copier was broken and she'd have to email us the final copy two days later we got that copy with $1,400 in damages claimed above our deposit including a number of charges like my wife had to replace a screw with in cabinet $1 for screw $15 labor I was livid the place was spotless my mother a landlord who does all her own prep work and rentals helped us and we had been very non-confrontational except for filming the walkthrough I had kept every email text and letter from them and started to put together a small claims case I figured she would already be doing the same luckily I knew my tenant rights and that she had violated them a lot including email chains where I'd point out 24-hour notice laws etc and emails and she had replied to them finally I called the exterminator the conversation went like this hi you sprayed in my flat without my permission because my landlord ordered it with no notice to me with my cat inside and used every chemical on your receipt we most certainly did not here's a copy of the work order we only put out ant traps on the outside oh I'm sorry thank you for your clarification armed with that last little piece I countersued asking for a bad faith penalty as well as our deposit bad faith was three times deposit so I was asking for a total of four times what we had given Mary on move-in the big day came in court I showed up early had everything in order and ready and she Swagger's in huffed up and clearly ready to put me in my place we sit outside the courtroom for about 20 minutes until a courtroom worker asks the waiting room if anyone would be willing to go to mediation instead since they were booked solid we both say yes and we go into a mediation room with an arbitrator whose job was just to keep us civil and answer any legal questions they could while staying neutral Mary lays out her case it takes about four minutes the arbitrator looked very neutral still then I present my case bringing up each violation each lie and with the work order from the exterminator both copies at this point the arbitrator looks visibly upset and I can tell they're just trying to stay neutral Mary then asks them why is he asking for four times the deposit the arbitrator then explains the bad faith penalty then looks at me would you be okay dropping the penalty for your deposit back sure they looked over at Mary I can't tell you what to do but what I can say is if you decide to go back into that courtroom in front of a judge it's not likely to go in your favor I swear and they really said this I know they're not supposed to but they did I got my deposit back entitled father demands I tutor his kid without being paid despite living in a mansion so I feel like I need to be pretty clear about my accomplishments and everything I have a nearly perfect GPA I have taken over 70 college credits and one of my majors is education this being said I figured I could make some side cash as a tutor while I polish I'm planning to teach middle school and high school so I created an account on a tutoring website and got involved with a couple of local schools I got my first call about a week ago from a nice mom who was asking me to tutor her 15 year old son in history in English I asked her for any details about her son she explained that he's brilliant at science and math but has no motivation for English or history she hinted at a learning disorder in reading such as dyslexia but I didn't pry too much since she seemed protective of her son nice mom and I scheduled an appointment for me to have essentially a quick homework session where I could get to know her son and how he learns I would not be doing a full tutoring session she explained to me that while she wouldn't be home because she had to take her other kid to the doctor her husband would be home and that he shouldn't bother us at this point I let her know that I only charge a $10 consultation charge for the first meeting which I requested directly after the session but I do charge 15 an hour after that which can be billed she agreed and forwarded me the address when I arrived the next day sure enough the entitled father was home I hadn't recognized the address at first because I am way too poor to live in this area this house was at least three houses and there was a Porsche in the driveway with the bumper sticker of a very expensive private school when I knocked on the door the greeting I got was a little rude but I didn't think much of it entitled father who are you me I'm the tutor for your son and who sent you nice mom she didn't tell me that are you sure my name is 10 line one oh right yeah come on in son is upstairs I headed upstairs and met with the son I almost immediately peeped out that he had a special interest in chemistry and physics which made history in English difficult for him to focus on I did however realize that putting chemistry and physics into those two subjects this question is asking for an example on how this war affected Americans at home do you think that there were any science jobs created by any chance we were able to get his history homework done but like I had explained to nice mom this would not be a full session I collected my things now having enough to go off to form a plan I headed downstairs to collect my payment from entitled father it was set on the couch watching TV me hi I'm sorry nice mom and I agreed on a payment of $10 entitled father she didn't give it to you already no I only collected after the tutoring session and you're done already it's been 45 minutes I'm not giving you $10 for 45 minutes well I it's very unprofessional of you to assume I would pay for that I charge 10 dollars for the first meeting since I'm mostly trying to get to know your kid and we don't actually complete much homework yet excuse me you want me to pay you and you didn't even do anything I have to form up I have a special needs kid and you think I can afford to be paying for just anyone to come in here and do nothing at this point I sort of looked around the house almost completely by accident I was just sort of shocked that he could be living like this and be claiming to be broke me sorta yeah how much is your going rate huh $15 an hour that's absurd I should mention at this point that the going rate for tutors in my area is around $20 an hour so I'm really a steel me I don't feel like it is but that's not the problem right now it's only $10 for today you should be touring my kid for free he's so bright he just has a few issues I won't tutor him for free why not why not I'm a tutor so we get paid we aren't volunteers my point is that exactly you should be volunteering you can see he has so much ahead of him but he's just struggling with writing I see that I still need to get paid leave you're not getting anything I completed a service I need my fee nice mom already agreed to this entitled father started to wave his hands wildly around the room and began to yell a bit he started yelling about how having item a doesn't make him wealthy enough to afford an entitled tutor like me having this doesn't mean that I'm rich I still have bills to pay I understand that I hope you can understand that I'm asking you to pay this one I have a tendency to get very sassy very quickly so understandably entitled father was mad at this point they started yelling at me about being unprofessional I started to dial nice mom when he noticed what the heck are you doing you dang kids can't stay off your phones for longer than I'm calling nice mom his face went pale and he said don't do that me why entitled father just don't take the dang money and leave at this point entitled father finally handed me the ten dollars and I happily got into my car and left I couldn't believe really that I had acted that way over ten dollars but then again I had an agreement nice mom called me the moment she got back from the appointment to apologize for her husband she offered to pay me $18 an hour instead but I said no I don't think any amount of money is worth going through that ever time next we've got roommate can't cut the umbilical cord invites parents to stay in shared living cast we've got entitled mom my roommates mom we've got Hugh roommate who won't cut the umbilical cord he's 30 we've got Sam he was girlfriend and we've got me also I'm only 25 all right let's get started I'm not even worried about roommates finding this yes he was parents travel a lot and go to conventions and whatnot they were coming to town and he was making a stink about how they would stay with us this started as a firm no way it tried to barter though there will only be around in the late evening you won't notice them they will go out before you get home from work tried to stick firm on dude these are your parents I don't like my in-laws on the best of days I don't want to be living around your parents his mother disapproves of like 75% of my lifestyle so I tried to keep firm well his stuff happens and stuff happens I had a family emergency for some overlap time they would be in town and had to fly home since I was gone this left Hugh free and clear to invite without me getting involved he's entitled himself but that's a different story I'll summarize it as why can't you stop doing X Y & Z from my parents it's just a few days for our housing I have a tiny room downstairs and I have full decoration control of living room roommates stiffed me on the deal and have two large private bedrooms upstairs with a bathroom and paid the same rent as me shaking my head family emergency is the exact opposite of fun vacation time and it was a hard time for me as my grandfather passed away afterwards I really just wanted to go home and rest and you know mourn decided to text you to notify that I'm gonna be home this time on this day he replied back saying his wonderful parents were going to be there and to just act like they aren't around how nice that unwanted guests are in my home just chilling no Agreement wonderful I respond saying that I'm having a very hard time reminding him about how he said I would only potentially see his parents in the evening and when I get home at time I was going to need space as I'm emotional and exhausted the flight home was where I hit my major emotional break the whole trip settling into me my arrival was 1:30 p.m. well within the afternoon window before boarding I sent Hugh and other texts just boarding now no delays I will be home in X hours he responds before I get on ok thanks for letting me know home text off the plane I'm on my way home just want to relax no response from he'll this was a good sign to me hoping he was out and busy with the parents I arrived at the door and see that all the windows downstairs are wide open my curtains pulled back a new decor on the window sills I'm just walking up to the house and I'm not having it oh well sweet relaxation soon enough curtain / windows bothered me because our sketchy neighbors scoped our house often and I have a lot of expensive stuff I don't want them to know about that housing situation stuff once I open the door I am greeted by both of Hugh's parents and Hugh and they're all sitting at the kitchen table anticipating me flabbergasted was I just stared at everyone for a moment our living room is also our kitchen small space entitled mom how was your trip me trying not to just full meltdown it was not a fun trip I have to walk completely around and behind them to put my bags in my room I shut the door and just cried for like 10 minutes and felt like I was hiding in my own house the kitchen table is literally two feet from my door tried to pull composure and just get some water entitled mom it's been so long since we went back to X is there still a y&z there me pouring my water uh-huh I dart back to my room before I could be asked more questions as I saw her getting ready for more I can hear them talking about how I didn't put on my hosting attitude worked me alive at this point I was a full-blown wreck and just wanted them to leave the conversation went on outside my bedroom door for about 20 minutes before Hugh's mom starts cooking all I wanted was to eat drink some water and nap off the stress now Hugh's mom is gonna take the afternoon to cook dinner I guess now I messaged Sam which in hindsight was a bad idea she flipped apologizing to me like 100 times no I never messaged Sam while I was gone just gave her my itinerary I asked them to be gone today they were in your space I had your flight time on the fridge they knew not to be there I felt bad for heiping Sam about it but she called him and flipped out on him and I could hear the scuffling around around 5:30 they left I like a weary little animal creeped out of my bedroom big pot of chili on the table with a note explaining to me the duties of a host yep seriously thanks for letting us stay in your home we understand it's a hard time for you when guests stay sometimes there is new expectations we think you should take into consideration a long list of caretaking like serving tea and whatnot seriously it continued on like this everyone just very uncomfortable Hugh being an overgrown baby Sam freaking out because entitled mom has no decency and like to grab her stuff and placed it around the house it was weird she just liked to strut around and judge us she bought us so much crap in this time that she could have bought a hotel she got me a set of tobacco scented candles with another note about how people should act I'm also a smoker which she dislikes so this felt like a gift in bad taste also no I didn't eat any chili I'm super picky and super sensitive and generally avoid communal foods as I prefer not having stomach issues yeah I got the minimal of it but it was so annoying and awkward Sam had an awful time entitled mom ripped apart her room and her bed and her bed frame and displayed anything unfavorable around the house for everyone to see it was all so passive so there wasn't any crazy reor anything just seething you could see in her eyes Hugh had no problems with this he acted like this was normal he was dad just shadowed entitled mom around and seemed to have an affinity for my coffee mug I got as a graduation gift entitled mom and I did get into an argument because I was already planning to move out the day I moved in because a temporary living B I have pets back home I want to bring with me but the place isn't pet friendly I don't want to live with roommate forever she got all uppity that it was a big favor from our landlord to let us live here and how could I take that away from her son I paid way too much money for a junior bedroom to hear the word favor tossed around also you knew from day one that this was temporary for me I'm still flabbergasted to this day on how Hugh and his mom thought it was okay to stay in our shared living space that was acknowledged when we moved in it was going to be a small living space for the four tenants one fourth of rent does not equal you being able to invite your parents for ten days state with no agreement and to infringe on your roommates lifestyles next we've got without worst Karen of all so I did a college internship with a very popular magical theme park in Orlando this past year working in such a large theme park there are hundreds and hundreds of different costumes uniforms that span across the parks some of which I honestly could see how they could be mixed up with some large stores in their uniforms aka red shirts and khakis this did not apply to my costume however it was very unique and I really don't get how this happened to this day I worked at a huge merch location in my Park one could say it was gear tastic our whole store was gear themed and we have working gears all around the store this being said our costume consisted of a shirt that is red blue and yellow it had giant gears embroidered on the front and it is literally impossible to miss not to mention the embroidered Mouse on the back to complement this amazing shirt our pants are high-waisted gray slacks but when I say high-waisted I mean those suckers went high they made anyone who wore them look like a grandma now with this company comes lots and lots of training we are told it's perfectly fine going out in public in our costumes we are human too we are just told to make sure none of our company IDs are shown and we remove our iconic nametag that being said I found myself grocery shopping after work from time to time after a particularly long shift I want to say 13 hours I made my way to the closest big blue store we all know how many Karen's lurk the aisles of that store now amp that up by 9000 because they are all on vacation this particular store is very close to the theme park so it's safe to say that these people have probably been visiting our parks it was about 11:00 p.m. and needless to say the store was packed as the parks just closed I made my rounds around the store gather what I need and end up at the self-checkout this particular store is always packed but the self-checkout was definitely the fastest so I thought this is where the story really gets interesting I have a full card and I'm just waiting in line for a checkout to open I'm playing on my phone at this point not knowing this show that is about to happen our lovely Karen of the evening is having issues with herself checkout and usually there's an employee in a blue vest that's there to help right wrong there was no store employee in sight so naturally when her eyes landed on me she automatically thought I was somehow employed by this store she yells something like hey come help me towards my general direction but as I am NOT an employee I didn't think she was speaking to me I continue to play on my phone and she yells again excuse me stop sitting on your phone and do your job at this point I realized she was talking to me I gave a polite I'm sorry ma'am I don't work here and boy did this set her off this is where any normal person would think Oh duh they aren't even wearing the uniform but not this Karen she was in too deep she started blowing hot air out of her ears just like the cartoons I swear she makes her way over to me and gets super close to my face you are going to stop being lazy and you are going to help me right now teenagers like you need to learn to do their dang job it's a wonder your generation is even still alive at this point now help me with this machine or I will speak to your manager let it be known I'm 20 and honestly look nothing like a teen I let out another ma'am I promise you I don't work here I'm sure someone will be around soon to help you throughout this whole encounter I had to keep up the whole niceness persona as I am wrapping my own company and they have a high standard for customer service she starts going ballistic and screaming about getting a manager and how she's going to corporate about how won't help her I really had it at this point luckily for me the woman and her family in front of me stepped in and said lady she literally works at insert theme park here she doesn't work here leave her alone karen is full-on red in the face now she spits at me as she starts yelling for a manager excuse me I need a manager finally a blue vested employee comes over they starts calming our wonderful Karen down and trying to understand what is happening at this point I just pushed my cart past the crazy Karen and I start checking out I just wanted to get home and make a corndog I hadn't eaten all day and I already had to deal with crazy guests at my own job so I was not about to be berated outside of my job too well miss Karen followed me to my checkout and continued to yell at our blue vest boy this girl you have working here gave me attitude and I would not stand for this I want vacation I am not about to let your employee treat me like this I want her fired immediately at this point she is blocking me from my items in my cart and I just want to check out the blue vest calls for backup and a manager comes and comms are down luckily our manager friend takes Karen away from me so I can finish checking out at this point I just want to cry and eat my corn dog after Karen left I bagged up my items as fast as possible and booked it out of there I never learned of what happened to Karen but I hope she is satisfied anyways that's the story of the craziest care and I have ever encountered and it wasn't even at my job which is a caring trap next we've got return my kittens says the lady who left them to fend for themselves I wasn't a proper part of his story although I witnessed it unfold on a post on Facebook saying two lone kittens found clearly tame and people seeking can't be older than two months is anyone missing these two babies a little background in my country we have an overflow of cats and kittens without homes roaming about both our state and voluntary organisations work together to fix this with sterilizations chipping and giving homes and foster homes to the kittens they can not easy also the two more or less common rules about kittens they are not to be taken from their mother before at least 12 weeks three months approximately of age and two they should not be outside without supervision until between six to twelve months of age depending on who you are talking to I would aim for 12 months for safety but some are impatient as heck due to the lack of Geographic sense they get lost in other words not to mention that I live in a fairly cold country with hard weather at times and a little kitten could easily get sick so to the story one of the more local organizations two nice ladies being behind it all voluntarily just doing their best with what help they can get let's call them nice ladies get to notice from a concerned lady about two kittens at her farm that is clearly not hers but really tame in people seeking they are way too young to be out on their own concern lady sends some pictures to nice ladies so they can help locate the possible owner nice ladies warned early that the kittens about two months should not be out alone and concern lady didn't have the chance to keep them urging anyone to take contact via their Facebook or any other way several people voiced their concerns and offered to be foster homes if need be then the apparent owner entitled lady wrote they're mine I'm on vacation but no they are doing just fine so leave them be and so the heck starts nicely the answers they are out on their own no mother or a parent caretaker in sight so no they are not fine and need to be picked up concern lady also answers they're here with me so yes they are okay for now but I have a severe cat allergy and can't take care of them entitled lady they all fine I have someone looking after them nice lady then where and who are they the kittens should not have been left out alone at this age entitled lady was quiet for a while and the comments came in running mostly people telling her how unsafe it is and that if she's not at home someone should come get them some God mean some ask logical has there been a misunderstanding questions too many too retail all over then suddenly entitled lady came back accusing concern lady of stealing you took them didn't you give them back this instance they all shows concern lady what I haven't taken them they just showed up without supervision from anyone else give them back I have a sitter for the kittens nice lady jumps in trying calmly as far as such can be shown in a comment section of course to make entitled lady understand that no one has stolen her cats and all they wanted to do was get them home nice lady could you please tell us who is responsible for them who I am I will be back in a few days I expect the kittens to be safely back home where they belong oh I will contact the police nice lady if you are the one responsible then you shouldn't have left them out on their own they are too young and it's not safe they are doing just fine now put them back concern lady entitled lady one I have not stolen your cats two they are not fine on their own three we should be contacting the police on you for leaving them nice lady could you please just answer our questions or we will have to take them in ourselves as they cannot be left out alone you would do no such thing I will have you arrested nice lady I sent you a few private messages could you please answer me this entitled lady isn't even bothering to do anything other than accuse the people that only want to help it could have been as easy as they got out by mistake but no the concerned lady had to have stolen them right entitled lady keeps on going they're doing just fine I would be home in a few days so leave them and by then everyone was done they've had it concern lady I will from here on give them to nice lady to care for and I have reported you we have a pretty nifty website to report these matters quickly to animal control for leaving defenseless baby animals entitled lady repeats concerned lady give them back now a random lady who commented about helping foster in the kittens earlier shot in random lady how and who should we give them back to you are on vacation and won't be back for several days he won't give us any contact info for anyone else and leaving the kittens outside in the cold alone at such a young age is not only illegal as we have a duty to help anyone both humans and animals alike in need but it is also cruel and unnecessary rude lady kept on going I have also reported you to the police entitled lady and I would gladly help foster them nice lady and concerned lady can come get them at any I'm needed just holler and I hope any others reading this will also report her as she does not know how to care properly for them and is clearly not willing to learn either there came lots of thumbs ups and hearts on random lady's messages one lady started to defend entitled lady but all responses to her again were basically how can anyone defend leaving helpless kittens all along and accused someone for stealing them in the process entitled lady didn't answer anymore and the kittens were put up for adoption when they were about 12 to 14 weeks old by the local organization don't know what happened to entitled lady but cats have a low level of importance here as there are so many of them she not only left the kittens but she accused concerned lady of stealing them when all she wanted to do was help an entitled lady cared 0% about the fact that they should have been inside safe how dense can you get I do hope she at least got a fine of some kind I doubt it though unfortunately so Karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr. reddit it's ridiculous when people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look Karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my rearm e-r e-r me most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70% if I'm correct well I can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr. edit no I'm not all right guys let's prove Karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications yeah not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or Karen want to record a special message for you come visit me on fiver link pinned in the comments below yeah and join as a channel member today and Karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck I will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 659,211
Rating: 4.6745639 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 43sec (9523 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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