r/EntitledPeople - Pitiful Neighbour Gets What's Coming To Them!!

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g'day there guys it's your main man Marky back at it again with another episode of our slash entitled people now if you love this content I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy the content posted by user Fred Zed red titled neighbor parks his car and blocks my exits don't mess with a woman scorned this happened about five years ago when I moved into a wheelchair friendly units I'm a 29 year old disabled female in a wheelchair the unit complex I live in has 20 units upstairs and down but only half of the tenants have assigned parking I have a car space but this neighbor didn't it took a while for the tenants to get used to this it was a brand new complex and the tenants all moved in at the same time but one of them let's call him dick either didn't get it or didn't care he would constantly Park in my space and every time I confronted him about it he claimed not to know but he'd park there anyway I informed her landlords about this and they sent out constant letters until he finally got the message but did he park on the street nope he started to park his car along the driveway sometimes blocking my exits to get out of my door I go down a ramp and then turn onto the driveway but he would park his car and block my exits there was no back exit so this was my only way to exit my place I told the landlord's about this and the council parking officer in hopes that they could make him stop doing this I confronted dick a few times and told him not to do this and warned him that his car might get damaged if I try to get my wheelchair around it but did he listen nope one glorious day what I needed to leave I saw his car parked halfway across my exits there was just enough room for me to get around but I knew I would scrape the side of his car with the side of my power wheelchair if I tried to get around it I had two options stay home and miss my appointments or try and get around his car I went with option B before you have a go at me for damaging his car it was an old beat-up tin can that already had scratches on it what's one more when I got home his car was still parked there so I called a tow truck company and told them there was a car parked illegally blocking access to my home I don't like using my disability to my advantage but I had had enough the call went something like this ring ring hello ah hello um yeah I'm sorry to bother you but I'm in a wheelchair and I can't get into my house because there's a car parked there it's my neighbor and he won't stop parking there I need to get inside oh my god what what's the address we'll be right there 10 minutes later the tow truck arrived he saw the car and me stuck out in the driveway with tears dramatised for effect in my eyes not long before the driver was about to tear the car away dick came out screaming wait what are you doing that's my car the rest was dick yelling inaudible sentences asking why his car was being towed and threatening to sue the tow truck company based on the crapfest of a tin can he calls a car he didn't have a leg to stand on he moved away about two years ago but in the remaining time he lived there he parked his car on the streets good boy dick glad you learned your lesson posted by user zuru 77 titled lady on the bus wants me to get up from my seat when there are tons of seats available ends up having to walk the rest of the way this is a very old story back from over a year ago but I was scrolling through the subreddits and it popped into my mind so this story takes place in summer after my last day of school I just said bye to my classmates and friends and was extremely tired after a long bit fun last day I hop into the bus and sit on the window seat and go to sleep a little while later in comes entitled lady let's call her Betty because we're all tired of Karen Oh back Betty bamm-bamm Betty doesn't look a day over 45 in perfect health yet to my surprise she asks me to get up from my seat I say I'm very sorry lady but I'm not giving up my seat half the seats are available and you don't necessarily have to see Here I am your elder you must get up from this seat look mate you can literally sit anywhere else it doesn't matter if you're my elder you were literally a random stranger on the bus please sit elsewhere at this point the driver heard Betty yelling and at this point this bus was routine for me so the driver knew me not personally but he knew I wouldn't ever cause trouble and that I'm just a teenager who wants to get home so he comes over and talks to Betty and says excuse me what's going on this little brats is being disrespectful I wasn't disrespectful I was just sleeping in peace and this random lady started telling me to give her this specific seat he's right lady you can sit elsewhere I hope he was just sleeping peacefully no I want this seat I take this bus every day and this seat is always empty just because this seat is usually available doesn't mean I does it look like I care I'm a customer and I need their seats you know what if you want this seat so badly get off the bus and wait for the next passage you can't do that oh yes I can you have the choice get off the bus and wait for the next one or walk she ended up getting off and according to the driver whom I saw the next day while going to a friend's house he saw her walking the rest of the routes and showed him the finger he got a good laugh that day I like that posted by user bus driver Jim titled you're Scottish so you must speak dot dot dot near the small deeper where I work is a town that during the summer is used to support from large cruise liners this can be fun for a few reasons such as when you pull up to this stop and see enough people standing to fill you to capacity three to four times over the majority of the passengers are Americans and most of the time they are pleasant although you do get the odd arrogant ones last year I had a family who were decked out in marga hats and t-shirts who required the police but I'll tell that another time today's tale is about the family that came on the bus decked out like extras from the movie Braveheart one of the most inaccurate ever made seriously they came on in kilts and the dad looked at me and smugly asked to travel to nearby city in Gaelic I'm me dad will be EP embarrassed family will be EF although they didn't do anything I say sorry what and he repeats Gaelic I'm not understanding you where are you going I wish to go to City name do you not speak the mother tone with a look of disgust on his face my mum's from drum Chapel area of Glasgow mates she speaks Scottish which is Scottish English but you're Scottish do you speak Gaelic not a word but your heritage is Gaelic before it was beaten out of you by the scum from England he actually said that my wife's English maids and just so you know you gibberish was only spoken in the Highlands and Islands it wasn't spoken elsewhere in Scotland that'll be twenty one pound please I'm not paying that you were rude so we're getting on for free by this time the entitled parents family were embarrassed and started asking him to shut up and pay the fare either pay the fare or get off there's a queue forming if you don't then I'll phone the police but then you'll be late I'm paid by the hour so the longer I take the more I get paid and he hands me $21 sorry don't accept funny money only pound sterling I say with a smile on my face at this points the wife grabs entitled parents and drags him away yelling at in next American passenger comes on and immediately apologized for his actions I've had quite a few stories dealing with tourists that I'll put up if people are interested stay safe everyone and enjoy your weekend posted by user Captain Bunny 1996 titled my uncle threatens my life for being gay trigger warning hi everyone this story is short but it's a good one I'm on mobile so sorry for any format errors my first language is English but honestly I'm just stupid the Costa Mesa show P as me uncle as my homophobic uncle Danny my dad's gay friend Sammy my dad's girlfriends so my story takes place on the 4th of July my last summer before my senior year of high school it was my first summer visiting my dad in North Dakota my dad's friend was hosting a 4th of July party and we were all invited including one of my dad's friends who was very much gay I was very much out as pan atlas points but I didn't shove it down people's throats just a rainbow bracelet I never took off I still have it and that was six years ago my dad has also invited my uncle who was in town anyway for a visit so it worked out my uncle had no idea I was gay I knew he wasn't comfortable with it sir I never told him like not really a reason to because he wasn't around much and again I didn't shove it down anyone's throat so why make it a point here is where the story begins so we were all at the party enjoying the weather being eaten alive by mosquitoes and just enjoying company then Danny comes a little late but us gays are always fashionably late anyway he comes wearing a cat brand hats for those who don't know cat is a brand of heavy machinery used in construction my uncle does construction and uses cat brand a lot he was very offended that this gay man was wearing a hat for a company he gets in his face and starts talking crap so my dad's girlfriend Sammy came to the rescue and says hey o P Danny we need to go grab some more fireworks come with me and me and Danny say sure Sammy the three of us leave and Sammy explains to me what was going on because I was absolutely oblivious and it honestly made me very upset we get back to the party and my uncle is gone I overhear my dad telling Sammy he kicked my uncle from the party and told him to wait at the house the rest of the party goes fine and we finally had her him after the fireworks once home we all sit around the patio with my now very drunk uncle he goes on this long rant about gays and how it's disgusting and how he could have taken the guy down usually when my uncle is this drunk he doesn't remember things the next morning so I got some balls and looked at my uncle set up cleared my throat and say uncle name I have a girlfriend I'm bye it was easier to explain I dead girls and guys so please shut up the patio was silence Sammy starts laughing she was drunk too and my uncle's wife said she was proud of me my uncle drank some more and changed the subject the rest of the night went all rides the next morning I was sleeping on the couch while my uncle and his wife were packing up my dad woke me up slightly so I could say bye before him and my uncle's wife left the house my uncle gives me a hug and says bye before looking around to be sure were alone and grabbing me by the throat he says don't think I forgot what you told me last night we're going to have to he squeezed fix that he pulled away and left the house I was stunned and definitely wasn't going back to sleep I didn't know what to do I just sat there I didn't tell anyone for a year my brother moved in with my dad from Vegas to North Dakota and my uncle came to visit him so I told my brother it took everything my brother had not to shoot my uncle for threatening me I told my dad a few years after that sorry this story was kind of heavy my uncle has gotten a lot better but that still affects me to this day I hope this counts as entitled parents sorry if nots edits my dad basically said your uncle would never hurt you he loves you when I told him sadly it's what I expected from him usually the poem when I told him about being taken advantage of I'm gonna cut that section outside don't want that word on this channel posted by user Thursday pleure Burnham titled TLDR entitled neighbor tries to make us replace her friends threatens to sue us for refusing and is called out for animal abuse and neglect this is my first post to Reddit sir I'm sorry if the formatting sucks and this is a little fuzzy because I've got horrifyingly bad memory also sorry for the length some backstory al neighbor entitled neighbor has always been a little on the crazy side and over the last year since my mom and stepdad got married she's been harassing us about different things such as bringing my stepdads horses from his old house to our current property and building a tack shed that she thinks is an eyesore even though it shouldn't be visible from her house she dislikes my stepdad for no apparent reason he's only met her once she had the fence between our property and tears built to keep her goats from getting outs and when we moved my stepdads five horses down we put shock wire along the fence to keep them from leaning on it and damaging edge entitled neighbor didn't like that our horses were grazing in the pasture next to her property even though they didn't lean on the fence about a week ago entitled neighbor came over to our house while my parents won't term she knew it too we have one vehicle that runs and it was clearly not there I heard her pull up but I presumed that it was my parents and ignored her when ten minutes had passed and I hadn't heard anybody come in I went out to investigate and found entitled neighbor sitting in her pickup on my driveway I say hi do you need anything and she marches over to me red-faced and says you need to tell your new dad that his horses are destroying my fence he has to replace it my stepdad whatever if he doesn't replace my fence or pay for the damage that his horses did to it I'm going to sue him some other things were said but I'm not going to repeat them here because they were various threats against my step dad and mum entitled neighbor marches back to her pickup and leaves and I went back into my house confused one she called my stepdad my new dad when she knew very well that my dad was alive and - I knew that the horses won't leaning on her fence because there's shock wire on it so they definitely knew better than to lean on it I texted my mom about it and didn't think a whole lot about what had happened fast forward three days and entitled neighbor is back to complain to my mum about our horses grazing habits I don't remember the exact conversation but it went something like this why haven't you moved the fence why would we move your fence because it's a few feet on my side of the property line and because your horses are damaging it note that she had moved her fence onto our property a few years ago we didn't say anything because at the time we weren't using that pasture and it wasn't moved very much my mom is already getting sick of this lady and tells her that there isn't anything wrong with her fence and she knows it well then I'm going to take it down and you'll have to put it back up back to where it should be if you take that fence down then our horses can get out and get seriously injured I can take my fence down whenever I want to at this point my mom had enough she blew up on entitled neighbor fine take down your goddamn fence but if my horses get out onto the road and injured or killed I will sue you hell I should sue you for moving a fence onto our property with our permission I should take you to court for animal abuse and neglect and I should file harassment charges against you for harassing my children get off my property now entitled neighbors face turned a shade of red that I didn't think existed outside of crayons and started to sputter a retorts before my mom interrupted her again I said get off my god dang property you're trespassing and if you don't leave now I will call the police entitled neighbor sputters more looking surprisingly fish like before tripping back to her truck and leaving she hasn't been back to our house since and her fence hasn't been touched I have no idea if my mom is going to take her to court or nights we don't have the money to pay any legal fees edits yes she will be reported on the animal neglect and abuse regardless of the fence situation I don't know if it's happened yet because I'm not with my mom this week posted by user de Rossi titled owner of local corporation assaults my father when confronted about illegal developments in our neighborhood hello reddit's I don't normally have stories to post er but I got one from today and I am ready to fight some folks I am NOT a mobile and English is my first language so I have no excuse if I screw up the formatting I live in a small neighborhood in the middle of a small city I'm a 20 year old college student staying in South Carolina with my family thanks to the pandemic across from our house was an undeveloped Lots it was completely empty and had lots of grass with very large very pretty trees my grandmother walks her dog in this space when my family bought the house we were told that the lights had minor historical significance unclear on details and that it was illegal to develop this lights this was one of the reasons we purchased this house last Saturday a large group of men arrived the lot fully equipped to log the entire place we were quite upset but we're not hasty considering we did not know the full situation it was possible that someone had bought the lot and that we had been misinformed about the area my dad is a biology professor and sometimes takes his students on field trips out there to do different activities he has been extremely up stressed and upset about this whole ordeal my dad tried to call the police at one point and they refused to come saying they couldn't do anything about it now the City Council does not operate on Saturday where I live so we could not complain to them immediately which is why we phoned the police after inquiring about it later in the week we confirmed that it was in fact illegal for them to be developing this area the city place to stop work order and we thought the situation was resolved today these guys returned once again on a Saturday convenience to keep removing the trees despite the stop-work order my dad goes out and finds these signs are on the grounds they were most likely blown down by the recent surge of storms we've been having since these guys probably wouldn't have left them just laying around my dad approaches them shows them the signs and make sure they are aware of them so they temporarily stop working and start making calls eventually this truck pulls up and this guy hops out I won't identify anyone unless I have a good reason to but this man is the owner of a fairly large corporation which handles various development projects throughout the states he is very loud screaming everywhere eventually finds my dad he asks if my dad is the one making trouble and preventing his men from working my dad explains that the city issued the order not him of course this guy goes on a cursing rampage and my dad just kind of ignores and crosses the street the police claims to not be able to do anything when he called them last time but my dad decides to try again my dad gets on the phone with the police department while my dad is explaining the situation he is holding one of the signs this dude comes over and asks if he can see it my dad refuses and said he already handed the other one to his workers this guy proceeds to backhand my dad to the neck and try to grab the sign while he's on the phone with the police so obviously my dad is screaming that he is being assaulted and patrol cars start showing up very shortly however despite many eyewitness accounts from neighbours and his own workers and of course the evidence in the call the police still refused to pursue this guy at this point my mum is understandably furious she is very active in many communities throughout the area and has gained many contacts she proceeds to call the mail and explain what is happening within 30 minutes there are multiple members of the City Council on the scene at the end of the day the remaining trees were marked to indicate they cannot be removed and the area cannot be developed the remaining three trees the place looks like a fudging warzone I feel extremely powerless and my dad has a massive bruise on his neck I want to go to war but my better judgement is holding me back I feel like bringing attention to this on social media would be a useless venture and I don't want my family to be any more of a targets I am really hoping that this is over posted by user baron arey titles how dare you speak to the bride's children like that this isn't my story but I had the pleasure of witnessing the whole situation I used to be an au pair in Israel I was with a lovely religious woman and her four kids and just before I left she married a wonderful man her parents his siblings and her all rather religious and dressed modestly except for her youngest sister let's call her Marion who has kala dyed hair is covered in tattoos and piercings and dresses however she likes furthermore her two brothers and Miriam have a difference much shorter father so the boys and eldest girls are all approaching or exceeding six foots and Miriam is no taller than five foot three her whole family came over from America for the wedding which took place outside on a hill and had a carpet aisle leading up to the chuppah the canopy under which the couple gets married which was secured down with little stakes in the ground with hearts on them shortly before the ceremony the youngest two kids thought that it would be fun to collect the stakes to hold taking them out of the ground and risking the aisle flying away seeing this Miriam immediately approached them and said guys put them back right now at which they looked sad and went about returning them a guest an Orthodox Karen became enraged how dare you talk to those children like that who do you think you are I'm their aunt they were she looked bewildered the Karen if possible got even more furious and cut her off that's ridiculous those are the bride's children I know she was starting to look annoyed and she says she's my sister I've met Deborah and you are not her I can't believe you have the audacity to try and claim look you're talking about our other sister this is my niece and my nephew and it's my dad who's about to walk layer down the aisle who exactly a year the woman started spluttering indignantly just as Miriam got called over for family photos and with a last smug look she turned on a heel and left Karen gaping pressured by user bamboo grapefruits titled there is always someone too good for a face mask so a friend went to a certain large hardware store that requires masks they complied and wore masks to get inside past the door once in the store they pulled down the masks and began shopping an employee noticed and told them to leave immediately for breaking the rules they ran around the store trying to hide from the employees but eventually decided to leave this person is now very upset that they have been singled out and attacked and chased they wore the mask to get in isn't that enough they claim it's not as easy to breathe in the mask and they're uncomfortable so they shouldn't have to wear one they are not like other people this is too much for their respiratory system anybody else dealing with these people thinking they shouldn't have to wear a mask I mean I'm inside all the time sir I just don't see it posted by you sir the send reddit's titled a lady thinks I have to be an adult to watch my brother and sister in the car I'm 14 about three weeks ago my mom was going to the store since my mom did not have enough masks we had to stay in the car my brother and sister were being loud and arguing and two minutes later the following happens Karen comes up and says where's your mom oh she's in the store how old are you oh I'm 14 did your mom leave you in a running car no it's gets cut off by Karen you're not old enough to be watching your siblings in a running car I say the car's not running it's just the radio that's it I'm calling the police she called the police and then my mom came out of the store my mom argued with the Karen and Karen decided to park behind us so we couldn't leave luckily we were able to leave because there was an open parking space in front of us posted by user lols BOTS original titles Karen wants free food so basically my mom owns a restaurant in hospital and a Karen used to eat there every day and after she would finish eating she would leave a small amount of food on the plate like two spoons and then would say this is not cooked well and would storm off every day after we refused to give her any free food every frickin day then one fine day it's about closing time and the Karen arrived she asked for food again and what she asked for was the last plate left my mom says to the cook make the food and I will go somewhere then the Karen finishes her food and says this was nice make me another plates the employee then says ma'am if you want us to make you and more it will take half an hour at least says okay I'll wait the employee then starts making the food while my mum returns my mum was shocked why was it taking them so long to make the order the employee responds with the woman asked me to make more and as she steps out of the kitchen she could hear the Caryn making a scene because it was taking them so long as she saw my mom she rushed over to her and said why is it taking so long my mum says they told you it's going to take long please sit down the Caryn started mumbling about why is it taking so long the food has finally done and she ate it again and left a few spoons and went ahead and said to my mother it was wrong and how she should get it for free mum snapped and tells her it's not raw you just want free food and told the employees never to serve her again as she got louder all the others there could hear the Karen was embarrassed and the Karen didn't come again for two days but lo and behold she was there the third day my mum goes and asks the employee what's going on and the employee responds with she's been sitting here for over an hour demanding food when the employees refused her she just sat there when she left and never came back that story was interestingly written but thank you for your contribution anyway lulzbot original very epic I think that's where I'm gonna leave today's episode guys I hope you enjoyed this escape from reality a slash entitled people I hope you have a good day night sleep whatever you're up to say hi to out Rumaki alright guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below um if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face and I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called marque - link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're unfair I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 25,067
Rating: 4.8657718 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledpeople, r/entitled people, entitledpeople, entitled people, entitled, people, entitledpeople markee, markee, markee entitledpeople, reddit, r/entitled
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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