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g'day there guys I want to speak to your manager back at it again with another episode of our slash entitled parents now if you enjoy today's content I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prone on the Bobby and enjoy today's Bloody Karen stories posted by user Fred Zed read titled mother made her ten-year-old daughter cut her hair and threw a tantrum when it wasn't good enough I've got the pleasure of having a Karen as a mother and you guys seemed to like these stories so here's another one a little backstory before I begin my mom has hated me my whole life favoring my little sister over me and mentally and physically abusing me most of my life until I left to live with my dad I spent a lot of my young life trying to win her affection by doing the same things as my sister did like going to party club when I didn't really have to until I eventually gave up and didn't care what she thought anymore my mom is 5 foot 8 broad shouldered and a bit overweight but strong from doing farm work most of her life needless to say I was scared of her back then this happened when I was 10 years old in 2000 my mom is a huge choosing beggar and hate spending money when she doesn't have to this includes going to a hairdresser my sister was seven at the time so I was her next option for this mistake that she only made once she came into my room and asked if I would cut her hair for her I really didn't want to practically beg her not to make me do it but I was still in that stage of wanting her approval so I reluctantly said yes big mistake so not knowing what I was doing I cut her hair and big surprise I did a horrible job it was salva bull if she ever went to the hairdresser to get it fixed but she was too cheap and stubborn to do that I was grounded for the rest of the week except for going to school and was made to do all of my sister's chores with a bit extra such as shovelling the horse crap in the paddocks into a buckets and cutting them to the bin anyone who's ever smelt fresh horse poo will understand why this task was exceptionally bad and any other inventive chores she could come up with for the rest of the week she stomped around the house saying snarky comments like why can't she be like her sister at least she would have done a better job than Opie ah I can't go out looking like this if we starve than I know whose fault it is bloody useless kids around here why don't I have enough money oh I know why meaning it was my fault that she didn't have a job and relied on my dad's child support payments for income it wasn't until I was 15 that I finally stood up to her and her BS which involved a glass jar to her head she didn't touch me again after that and I moved in with my dad not long after that my life is much better now that I'm not in contact with her I'm mentally stable with no long lasting issues from her abuse I'm more stable than my mother and I refused to let her break me my sister and I are good friends now and she hates our poor excuse for a mother just as much as I do keep an eye out for more stories about my entitled mother as there are many thanks for reading posted by user Orion Levi 2 titled living with a Cove idiots disclaimer I'm about ready to cry and anger over this so I apologize for any mistakes in grammar and spelling sir I unfortunately and the offspring of the entitled one here and it brings me great shame to consider him family he's the type of person who was so set in his ways that he refuses to listen to reason a stereotypical Burma and because of that my relationship with him is strained so I had to wake him up for work since he'd broken his phone yesterday 6 in a year so I was his alarm he asked me where his face mask was which I told him where and he began to complain about having to wear it at work and tell when he goes out he doesn't wear one now it's worth noting that in my state it's mandatory to wear a mask into any establishment I called him out on it big mistake and I knowit's and he began to [ __ ] about his freedoms which takes me off people are dying and being permanently affected by this yet he refuses to act like it's a big deal eventually things went south and he brought up how experts are always changing opinions same masks aren't 100% effective not wrong but he pretends that it's not helpful that 99% of people are like him and he refuses to acknowledge his actions risk the lives of others then he tries gaslighting me about how there was a news story about a newborn who died in an ambulance since the hospital was saving beds for these sick patients and asking me if I thought that was right implying I wouldn't feel bad for any injustice like that so I told him about a case where an eight-year-old caught the virus and died after her mom brought her to the park and traveled and he just kept saying deaths were going to happen I tried to get it through to this thick fudging scold idiot but the conversation went nowhere except for circles I made sure to bring up how childish she was acting and how he went into active duty / combat for his country and yet still refused to motley inconvenience himself to protect other innocent people he made sure to say that only my generation thinks the way I do like he usually does saying that all his generation thinks like him and it's just frustrating I'm just so fed up being almost 40 years younger than him and still being the only adult in my household he has no consideration for others and I can't wait to be free from this hell posted by user Fred Zed read titled my entitled mother tried to kill me this is why I'm no longer in contact with her I've posted a few stories about things my entitled mother is done and why I no longer speak to her and have had some people say I should give her a second chance here's a list of the reasons why that will never happen it's in sections so it's easier for you to read my sister will be referred to as sis one played favorites and destroyed my belongings at age six I first noticed my mother was playing favorites my younger sister who's three years younger than me when I was six years old Christmas of 1996 my sister got all the big presence in Tigard a few cheap bracelets and in ornaments my dad bought us rollerblades for Christmas that year and the next day we were outside trying them out my sister three at the time fell over and hit her head and began crying my mother came out of the house and began screaming at me assuming I pushed her which I didn't she wasn't hearing it there and sent me to my room a few minutes later she came into my room in a rage and smashed all of my belongings including my Christmas presents half an hour later she came in and said her words exactly your rooms a freaking pigsty clean it up now when I asked her about it the next day she claimed to not know what I was talking about - she freaked out when I got my period for the first time if you've seen the movie Carrie you will understand what happened my mother isn't as psychotic as Carrie's mum and she's not religious but she went really weird she started asking if I'd had sex how heavy it was if I knew what it meant but she wouldn't tell me if I was ashamed of myself and a lot of other weird questions and every time I'd ask her to buy me pads she never would she would just throw money at me and say she didn't want to know and there were occasions when I had to ask my friends mum for pads because my mum had no money or wouldn't spend her child support money on me because I'm not worth it but if my sister wanted anything she'd get it for her immediately three wouldn't call an ambulance when I fell off a horse but cold one when the same thing happened to my sister I was about 13 when this happened my mum and my sister were really into riding horses but I never was but I was so desperate for my mum's approval that I started going to pony club with them one day my horse got spooked by something and bucked me off he was a really big horse I almost landed on top of a barbed wire fence and was knocked out for a few minutes I woke up to my mother screaming at me saying what the bloody frickin hell do you think doing you stupid uh she didn't even help me up a few months later the same thing happened to my sister but this time my mother freaked out and came into the house screaming at me to get off my useless lazy ass and help my sister while my mom called an ambulance my sister wasn't hurt she had fallen off a small horse into a pile of dirt but she was milking the attention for everything it was worth she was taken to the hospital and didn't go to school for the rest of the week four takes down my door because it made a noise when I closed it when I was 12 I got the privilege of having a bedroom door the latch wouldn't click shut unless you gave it a harder push and it would swing open if it wasn't clicked shots my mum refused to fix it one day when I was closing the door so I could change clothes it made a little too much noise for my mother's liking she burst into my door screaming at me to shut the door up then she took out the hinges and took it away from 12 until 14 I had no bedroom door and no privacy to change my clothes or sleep with the door closed five my sister and her friend broke into the school but it was somehow my fault this happened when I was 13 it was during school holidays and my sister and her BFF broke into the school and wrote out merit awards to each other which was obviously a stupid idea and is how they were cause after this happened I got the feeling that my mum was angry at me for what they'd done this was confirmed many years later the next story is a continuation to this six admitted to my friend's mom how much she hated me I always knew that my mum didn't like me but the most I was ever told was that I was an accident and that she regretted having me but I heard from my best friend's mom a few years ago exactly what my mum thought of me my friend was over for a sleepover one weekend and my mum was talking to my friends mom these are some of the things my mom said I just can't believe that sis would do something like that it's more of what Opie would do I had never done anything that would give her their idea I don't know why anyone would be friends with Opie if I were in school I wouldn't be friends with her seven destroyed my belongings because she couldn't find the broom this happened one summer weekend day when I was 13 my mom burst into my room and demanded to know where the broom was I said I didn't know and I hadn't been outside all day she accused me of hiding the broom and began throwing my belongings at me in fear of my life I ran out of the house and ran to the police station at the other end of town this was in 2003 and I didn't earn a mobile phone when we got back to the house and the police asked her what happened she put on her sweet and innocent face and said I don't know what she's talking about she must be on her period or something the policemen believed her and wouldn't hear my side of the story and he left ate her verbal abuse tend physical her abuse was mostly verbal and throwing things at me until I was 14 she started getting into these fits of rage over nothing couldn't find the remote equals a slap in the face got angry over nothing equals pushing me into a wall and throwing me and my sister out of the house couldn't find something to watch on TV equals punch me in the face pushed me on the ground and kick me in the face her horse didn't win at the show equals my fault her car won't start equals my faults run out of money equals my faults and the list goes on she did this until I was 15 when I had enough I want to take one step further and you'll regret it's needless to say she regretted it's the glass jaw smashed to the side of her face gave her the message she never touched me again after that and I moved in with my dad nine physically abused my autistic brother I won't get into too much detail with this one but I found out a few years ago that my mom used to rip chunks of hair out of his head and many other atrocious things ten wanted to turn off life support when I was in a coma when I was 17 New Year's Eve 2007 I suffered a spinal cord injury and brain injury after falling off a roof I was placed under an induced coma my dad was with me the whole time but it took my mum three weeks to come even though her partner at the time could have paid to get her there sooner all she knew was that I'd had an accident and was in a coma she came with things to bury me with my parents were given the option to turn the life-support off my dad said no having faith that I'd pulled through but my mum said yes and through a tension when she didn't get her wish so instead of burying me with what she brought they were placed on my bed while I was in a coma rehabilitation was hard and traumatic so I don't like talking about it so I'll skip ahead to the next thing xi threw a tantrum after my dad told me while I was in rehab after my injury my dad let it slip that my mum wanted to turn the life-support off on me up until this point I didn't know this I called my mom and told her I never want to see her again and that if I'm dead to her then she's dead to me and 12 tried to steal money from her kids after our dad dies in 2009 my dad and my uncle his brother died in a plane crash I was 19 my sister's 16 and my brother 22 my mother was there the next day to offer her supports but nobody wanted them there my entire family despises her she started asking questions about the will and his assets which is information we didn't give her we didn't know the cause of death for three weeks after his death and lo and behold she got nothing the will was written before my parents had even met the will gave everything to my dad's siblings and they gave it all to me and my siblings so long as we promised that our mother got nothing she's tried a few times in the past few years to get money from us but we won't talk to her I haven't spoken to my mother in about seven years and I don't ever plan on seeing her again she's a toxic person and life is better without her my brother still talks to her from time to time but me my sister and the rest of the family wants nothing to do with her and me and my sister are really close she's not entitled and I hold no resentment towards her I love her to bits thanks for reading edits thank you all for your supportive comments I am in a much better place in life now and if thrown away the resentment towards her that's not to say I have forgiven her as I never will but I know that holding on to anger and hatred will only make me miserable through the trauma I found strength and although this isn't something I would wish on anyone I am more resilient because of it I will not let her break me posted by user 3 bikes titled entitled parents on the bus this happened yesterday on my phone so formatting might be a bit rubbish I had to go for a hospital appointment yesterday which is about two hours on two buses not currently allowed to drive various lovely things wrong with me such as a heart condition and a damaged leg from being an idiot 25 years ago yesterday was the cardiac clinic for the first time since the lockdown a few stops after mine Karen got on the bus she had a pushchair and three children the bus layout is such that I was sitting in a seat on the opposite side of the bay way pushchairs go when not needed by a wheelchair and it has four seats so she parks the push chair and calls her children to come sit down followed promptly by you change seats um why you're stopping my kids from sitting down I don't mind them I've already had covered so they can't infect me and boom Karen starts screeching about me being a carrier who shouldn't be on a bus and hitting me with her fake Gucci bag there was easily blocked the bus driver noticed the action going on and pulled up at the next stop got out of his cab and put on his face shield to tell her to calm down or get off her response to this was to remove her mask cough at him and spit on him while continue to try to physically assault me the driver retreated to his cab to make a phone call while and continued to enjoy Karen at full flow four minutes later 4:26 p.m. by the log a police car turned up a quick assessment got them to offer her the chance to leave so she coughed and spit on them instead I've given a statement and I'm happy for an assault charge to be brought by the law she managed a small Grey's to my cheek so apparently actual bodily harm stands in the UK TLDR disabled sat in the disabled seats not disabled Karen goes berserk posted by user Alice Hart 101 titled entitled ex-friend wants me to break up with my partner of five years to date her so a bit of backgrounds have known entitled friend EF 27 years old since high school this was also about four years ago the rest of the cast is me yours truly 26 years old and P my partner now spouse 30 years olds sir entitled friend and I had recently gotten in touch and we were talking about going to a convention together we lived in separate states partner and entitled friends were mainly in contact doing the planning since it was for my birthday the only thing I got to plan was the cosplay outfits it was determined that partner and I would be in the same stage for a week and we'd two of the state for four days before going to the convention entitled friend understood this and the plan was to meet up Friday so the week finally comes and were touring the states when I get a text from entitled friend saying hey me I was wondering if you guys would come on Thursday as you can have dinner with my family um let me talk to partner and I'll see since the hotel reservations and events were planned by him I talked to P and he said no just simply because there were no other bookings available at the hotel we booked to the convention and he had plans for that day I say hey entitled friends we can't come any earlier the hotel is booked up and plus we have plans we'll see you on Friday as planned I didn't get a response from entitled friends and we left it at that since we were exploring a national park Friday came around and we checked into our hotel and proceeded to meet up with entitled friends the hotel was also where the convention was entitled friend says hey me and she gave me an enthusiastic hug hey entitled friends this is partner and I proceeded to put my arm around him hey we proceeded to walk around the convention looking at vendors taking pictures and having a good time as the convention went on entitled friends was getting clingy and would try to come between P and die we would be holding hands and she would try to walk through them etc at first partner and I brushed it off thinking she was just playing around she started to get more aggressive practically trying to drag me away for some girl time then she brought up having me come for dinner at her house I told her that partner and I would need to discuss it and see when we would be available we talked and determined that we would be available on Sunday since we had plans of the convention on Saturday nights entitled friend wasn't happy but seemed to understand at the time sunday came and we proceeded to check out of the hotel and enjoyed the last little bit of the convention before heading to entitled friend's house we meet up with our parents and partner had a good conversation with entitled friend's dad entitled friend is being super clingy at this point and is practically trying to have me sit in her lap partner sees me a little uncomfortable with this and says hey me you about ready we better head out if we want to get her him at a decent time I'm relieved that he noticed and said all right yes we need to head outs we tell everyone bye and entitled friend says we have to wait and runs off to a room to get something for me she says here don't drop this until later and proceeds to hand me a thick envelope I say ok I took the envelope and we proceeded to pull out of the driveway and on our way home a while into the long drive her curiosity got the better of me and I opened the envelope I read it over and it was a multiple typed page letter confessing her feelings for me and how disrespected entitled friend felts and how she deserved her turn since partner got his turn for five years I'm in shock she was pretty much coming out to me which I respected since I'm demisexual myself I proceeded to message her and stated such but was not going to break up with partner simply because entitled friend wanted her turn I was hurt I'm not a ride or a possession entitled friend proceeded to say how partner was emotionally abusive and that she would treat me better partner pulled over when he saw how distressed I was and after I told him what was said proceeded to text entitled friend and stated I was not a ride or a toy and was to be respected she then texted me that if I wasn't willing to leave partner four entitled friend then she would no longer be my friend's partner and I proceeded with our drive back home and we never heard from entitled friend again partner and I married a year later posted by user s Brooks oh seven oh nine titles entitled Karen put an entire cancer ward at risk of covered this happened at a local hospital at the beginning of the pandemic being a top-rated teaching hospital in North Carolina whose doctors are working closely with the state government to try to control the spread the hospital immediately initiated a lockdown especially in the cancer ward only one visitor was allowed at a time well one entitled Karen wasn't having that first she berated the people at the door explaining the policy when that didn't work she snuck in when another group of people walked in and made her way to the cancer ward a few minutes later she walked up to the nurses desk to ask for a mask because she had a little cough she was escorted down to the ER and given a covent test she was positive so because she just had to visit someone in the hospital she put an entire ward of immunocompromise people at risk I never heard anything else about this but I really wanted to know that she had been charged with a crime posted by user Stacy B 290 titled entitled mother waits until I go to the bathroom and then lets her kid eat all of my food at a restaurant hey guys so it's been quite a while since I've posted here I was in luck know entitled parents insight for so long but looks like my luck ran way out yesterday here we go eeehm is entitled mum ek spawn of Satan didi decent dad am amazing manager alright let's dive into some context he are so in my city and made the whole pandemic patio dining just started opening in restaurants I've been super careful during this whole thing social distancing the whole bids yesterday I finally decided I wanted to go eat at a restaurant for the first time since March and this one great restaurant near my house was doing patio dining I show up and grab a table and place my order shortly after my food comes entitled mum and entitled kid take a seat at the table nearest to me I really needed to pee and they had a whole bunch of stuff with me I'd been running some errands so I turned to entitled mother and asked if she would mind watching my stuff from her seat while I went to the bathroom she was super sweet and said oh sure honey go ahead and then I went on my way but then oh Lord when I came back I didn't even know what the hell I was looking at there was the spawn of Satan sitting in my seat with his bare hands shoveling my food into his mouth all of my bags were rummaged through and full of food from his dirty hands and entitled mother was just sitting at a table scrolling through her phone I said what what the hell happened here oh hey sweetie looks like he took a real liking to your food he just couldn't keep his paws off it ha ha ha ma'am we're in the middle of the pandemic and you don't know where I've been and I don't know where your child's been yet you thought we could just share food he's eaten almost all of it and what about my stuff excuse me you mangy tween I'm nineteen by the way I wasn't gonna say anything but you don't need to be eating all of that food unless you want to get fatter than you already are I also don't like you implying that baby had something as for your stuff he saw some stupid knickknacks he wanted to play with in there what did you want me to do about it quit whining and eat the rest of your food or I'm in no way overweight right now but as someone who struggled real hard with eating disorders in the past I was seeing red oh and those stupid knickknacks she mentioned 90% of it were birthday presents for my mum whose birthday is coming up next weekend huh oh and all the while as we're arguing entitled kid is still eating entitled mother and I start raising our voices when the amazing manager finally comes outs entitled mother says thank god you're here this mangy child is trying to take our food and our stuff right over here I'd like you to call the police he looked at entitled mother and then back to me and then back at entitled mother and said ma'am I'm not sure if you may be not in the right mind sets he seemed maybe a little unhinged but I was actually here when this young lady came in and ordered I actually brought her food out since we're understaffed I mean I surely could have mistaken you two if you weren't a hag but unfortunately for you hmm at this point and Men arrives our decent dad I don't actually know for sure but I'm assuming he showed up late to join the entitled mother and entitled kid for lunch after work because he was on a call still he noticed the commotion and with a here we go again look he hung up and came over I explained the whole situation to him and the entitled mother gave her twisted side of the story and he immediately believed me which makes me think that she definitely pulled some BS like this before he says honey let's just leave please come on amazing manager says yeah you guys are definitely leaving but you still have this young lady's meal to pay for and whatever reimbursement is needed for these items you ruined unless you'd like the police to be involved entitled mother says huh in your dreams I'm not giving you this child a penny let's go grabs the kid and starts leaving and motions for the decent dad to follow her decent dad really silently came up to me and amazing manager and started apologizing profusely and taking out money from his wallets to give to me he says here here please take this I'm so sorry genuinely I'm looking into a divorce currently with my lawyer but she can't know about it just yet here I'm really sorry about your stuff and your food please replace everything on me I'm so so so sorry he closed his wallets and left while still apologizing I felt so bad for that guy geez I hope he gets out of that situation ASAP anyway I think I find some comfort knowing that entitled mother has a surprise divorce fastball hating her way that's going to be a fun time for decent dad and pure amazement for little old me all right now I think that's where we're gonna leave today's episode guys I really do hope you enjoyed the content today if you guys loved watching it as much as I loved making it I would love for you to subscribe to the channel already if you haven't tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below maybe you liked the video who knows I'd also like to take this time to thank my awesome patreon and channel members without you guys you know I don't know what I'd do I'd probably be homeless on the streets of Ireland crying Irish dancing all over town it would just be a mess but now for real you guys are up on the screen now thank each and every one of you guys and if you personally want to join the club yourself there are links down in the description below there's also the join button next to the subscribe button small monthly fee but hey it goes a long way to help me create more awesome content with that said guys I hope you do have a lovely day night sleep evening day at work day at school whatever you're up to I hope you keep awesome today you're looking amazing and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 18,218
Rating: 4.8891568 out of 5
Keywords: EntitledParents, entitled, parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitled, r/entitled parents, rslash, markee, markee reddit, markee entitledparents
Id: gusWiRySIHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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