r/AmiTheA**Hole For Ghosting My Family Back Home?

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g'day there guys that one kid that puts his hand up in class to read every time the teacher asks and yet questions why no one class likes him here back at it again with another episode of our /mi the a-hole now if you love this content like I do I want you to chuckle like on the video sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some bloody good contents posted by user throwaway 801 369 titled am i the a hole for ghosting my whole family after they attempted to force me into an arranged marriage some backgrounds I come from India but I'm attending a college in the UK after accepting a scholarship so this started 7 months ago so I told my family that after I finished college I'm going to stay in the UK I half-heartedly thought they were going to be supportive but knowing my culture I knew that they were most likely going to be absolutely ticked and I was right they were ticked as hell apparently I need to marry our rich neighbours son who was extremely average looking and also extremely traditional and they had already arranged marriage and I was extremely shocked they expected me to still be immersed and obedience to our culture when I'm attending college in a different country for four years I told them that our culture was pure bullcrap and I'm not going back to India a month later I get a call and the call was from our neighbor they told me that my actions are sinful and an insult to God and anime and even worse the son joined and called me a [ __ ] I told them that I will never accept the arranged marriage and just screw off after that I cut all contact with all my friends and family in India so reddits am I the a-hole update I'm screwed they're going to sue me and since I can't afford a lawyer since I work at retail any advice um I don't know if you could be sued for that I don't know you didn't sound like a contract or anything from a young age and even then I don't think you know it's a legally binding to sign a contract i'ma go with Opie is not the a-hole continue to run and escape from these people and cut them off maybe if anything does come your way get some pro bono advice from a lawyer but apart from that I don't know I just know that Opie isn't the a-hole here not the a-hole if you need advice if things seemed they might escalate or if you have any concerns please call common navona they're a UK charity for exactly this sort of thing Thanks I guess if things somehow go bad I'll give them a call it might be worth speaking to them anyway they might be able to offer you advice or put you in contact with others who have been in your situation before I hope you settle wealth here in the UK and have a good support group maybe she'll meet a nice boy through them also running from an arranged marriage now that would be some hard karma for both families I just mess with them at this point well dad I don't think my boyfriend or girlfriend would appreciate if I got married and indeed what's that oh yes I'm in what we called in the West a poly relationship law which is boyfriend/girlfriend or very Bratz sub at what point does it start becoming polyamory and starts becoming Pokemon collecting that is a very good question very good question the UK actually has a forced marriage units it may be wise talking to them you may be able to acquire a forced marriage protection order damn nice I didn't know that was a thing as an aside don't ever visit them in India and if you do make sure you have a 110% solid way of getting back that doesn't just mean having a returned plane tickets that's having someone ready to call the police and camp out in the UK embassy until they demand your return not even in a year when things die down and you finish your education India and the UK are not the greatest in actually considering you kidnapped if they keep you there as an adult not the a-hole of course not why would you even think that you were arranged marriages like this out of bull crap in this day and age it's not my culture but they're not utter bull crap to the people who choose to be in arranged marriages I have known people who willingly went into arranged marriages and were happy it's then culture and what they wanted to do being forced into one is definitely bull crap they're not the a-hole there is a huge difference between agreeing to meet data person that your parents choose and making the decision if you want to pursue marriage and being told you have to marry someone arranged marriages are not the same as forced marriages alas that's what most of them here are I mean most parents wouldn't accept love marriages so it's kind of forced anyway for those of you who don't know in India non arranged marriages are called love marriages and widely frowned upon and it's not widely frowned upon in most places anymore I kind of thought my family and friends were the norm everywhere really sorry I didn't mean to offend anyone although they have significantly become less frowned upon because most new age parents either did love marriages or were forced into marrying someone else and realized they wouldn't do the same for their children posted by user avocados on toasted bun titled am I the a-hole for not telling my daughter to apologize to a boy she swore at at school my daughter has been subtly bullied by a boy at school since the start of the year he has told her things like gay people aren't real people and gets in the way of her lager each day today during an altercation between this boy and another student's my daughter called the boy a homophobic a halt while she regrets the words she doesn't regret the sentiments and standing up for herself the boy's parents complained and want an apology the school want both the students to come to an understanding am I the a-hole if I tell my daughter she doesn't need to apologize but instead phrase things differently while still standing up for herself edits we're in Australia so schools are open I reported the bullying to the school back in March and they say they would keep an eye on it headed to the kids are 13 I guess in some ways this makes me in authority on the subject going through the school system in Australia and seeing these kinds of things flare up on the playgrounds homophobia is still very very much alive in the Australian school system and so is domestic abuse and domestic violence in a lot of households across Australia so a lot of that trauma kind of leaks down into the kids and they find avenues to release that tension in school and a lot of the time it comes to picking on minority and minority groups like homosexual students obviously it's not the main cause I would say it's a huge contributor we had heaps of kids and counseling at my school I'm of the opinion that we call it out regardless and we stopped the kids from acting that way and they find different avenues that are healthier to vent their frustration and their anger and their worldview I say Opie is not the a-hole for this situation absolutely not I'm completely okay I would if it was her I'd say do something else go harder you need to stop these kids from being this disgusting in school I'm not one to defend people with disgusting worldviews I think that Opie is not the a-hole and I think more needs to be done to combat it's not the a-hole that is not subtle bullying it's just standard bullying the understanding that your daughter and this boy should come to is that his behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the school your daughter should never have been put into a position where she was provoked to tell someone he's a homophobic a-hole guess I was being generous by saying subtle thanks for pointing that out my apologies because I read the title wrong and was ready to call you names good for you for standing up for your daughter tell the school that you want the bullying to stop and the bully punished not asking for any apologies but immediate action being taken if that's possible of course if your daughter feels comfortable she might want to apologize for her language but not for the message may be saying that he's a homophobic excuse of a person now you got to do harder than that if you want to get through to these kids agree it's an important distinction to apologize only for the language and not for standing up to a bully it makes her come off all the better to to admit that there was no excuse for her use of the language she is proud to have stood up against the bullying and has no plans to accept it in the future either fine I apologize for calling you a homophobic a whole instead of a homophobic bully may I be excused now I agree with this using a hole is the only thing the daughter did wrong I think that's debatable sometimes it's okay to call a spade a spade not the a-hole especially not if you're telling her to phrase things differently while standing up for herself the boy has been calling her name's bullying her and making homophobic remarks make sure the school and his parents are aware of this good point thank you the teacher I spoke to definitely didn't have the whole story to begin with to be frank I was your daughter at one point a guy was being an a-hole about something or other and I called her an ass and I got detention and he got nothing life sucks and at least my mother was very aware that the teachers and administrators don't care about anything and she was big on my brother and I not backing down because we'd get into the same amount of trouble if we threw a punch or just got beaten by the aggressor this is one of those moments where yeah the school only cared when your daughter said something but I wonder what they'd say if you came in about this on harassing or stalking your daughter if the terms restraining order got dropped by you with the school suddenly care about the son cornering your daughter to harass her not the a-hole I'm sure they only noticed because the bully went to complain about this where knowing it would get her in trouble is now he has another bit of power to hold against her he will know that if he can provoke her to the point of snapping the school will side with him because swearing is bad don't let him get that power a hole is not the damaging word here gay people are not real people that is the real swear those words do much more damage schools with zero-tolerance policies of bullcrap get it right it's zero tolerance for bullying which means they have no tolerance for it existing at all so it can't exist because they don't have a tolerance for it thus when someone acts out it's always the other person acting out much like how murder didn't exist in the USSR under Stalin not the a-hole I absolutely wouldn't expect her to apologize at all make it very clear to the school that you will not ask your daughter to apologize for being the victim of targeted bullying while in their care that's a good point thank you also what kind of bully calls someone names since March and as soon as the target stand up for themselves with a white as light as a hole for that matter runs home crying to mommy to tell on them I think your daughter has a free pass to call him and utter wimp - not the a-hole posted by user routine sprinkles 1:28 titled am I the a-hole for not leaving my parking spots because someone honked at me hello so on my 19 male trip to the grocery store I ended up scoring a non handicapped parking spots right by the front of the store it's super hot here so I decided to grab an ice cream bar I was unwrapping it in my car fully intending on driving off once opened so I could eat and drive when some old jerk-off starts honking at me and wildly gesturing at me to get out of the spots now if I had been eating a meal or something I would have understood their frustration but I had been in the car maybe thirty seconds he rolled down his window and started yelling at me at which point I turned off my car and settled in to eat my ice cream it caused a pretty big scene as he ended up getting out of his truck leaving it in the parking lot not parked long and yelling at me calling me names swearing all of it after I finished my ice cream maybe five minutes later I waited for him to do a loop looking for another spots and promptly reversed allowing someone else to take the spots I felt pretty justified with that reaction but when I told my mum she was disappointed saying that I caused an entire commotion for no reason am I the a-hole I'm gonna say no this is like malicious compliance you know what you're gonna be a dick I'm just gonna chill in my car and have my ice cream and you can have your little temper tantrum if you'd like Obie you were not the a-hole not that a-hole they've done studies about what happens when people honk at other people in occupied parking spots they discovered what we already knew honking means I'm going to stay there even longer and there's a link to the study you can just kind of look it up if you want I'm sorry love when the studies proved that being petty is the norm human nature law not the a-hole I'm queen of its my spots until I'm not in it I used to drive an old truck and when people idle behind me to steal it they rarely left enough room to let me gracefully get out sir I would waive them by and the idea of you taking a few minutes to get yourself settled as like everyone does fiddling with keys music etc before he lost it nah he can shove it so much this not the a-hole it was Christmas season and our truck was in an angled spot by a t-intersection in a parking lots as we were walking up to our truck I unlocked it with the fob and a lady in the car stopped waited for us to let our bags into it climb into the front seats and start the truck she had everyone behind her and to her left blocked as they couldn't get around on the one-way lane she also had a nose about two feet from the edge of our bumper in an angled parking lot so we couldn't back up feeling generous because it's Christmas season we got out and told her that she needs to back up so we can get out she had a car length behind her she backed up about three feet and then we just sat there that may have been enough room if we were in a mid-sized car but a lifted quad cab truck there was still not enough room my husband backed up and kept creeping back as we watched her eyes get wider and wider knowing we came inches from her bumper as there was still not enough room he pulled back into the parking lights turned off the truck we hopped out and started walking away it makes me glad for Christmas shopping Parker's who are nice enough to ask if you're off before assuming that they can have the spots I always get some private assholey and joy out of walking out of my car with my hands full of shopping bags while people creep along behind me to my spots only to then put the bags in the car and walk back into the mall I'm fine with people patiently waiting on me if it's a busy day I don't even mind them creeping a bit as long as they're not being pushy about it but if they're jerks about it I'll take my sweet time I inadvertently pulled one on a creeper one time I walked down the aisle with my stuff and then realized I was on the wrong aisle I hooked it right and headed to my car and they didn't have a chance of getting the spots felt kind of bad except they were playing their music super fudging loud so I didn't feel that bad posted by user am i the a-hole throw away our o21 titles either a halt for logging into my friend's email accounts and declining her universities offer of admission please do not judge only after you have read everything I promise you that there is much more to it than what the title says throw away because my friend knows my main Reddit accounts also English is not my first language so apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes I will refer to the country we initially planned to go as country X and the country my friend might be going to as country why I might also consider editing this post later on to hide other personal information to make it less obvious it's me in case people I know see this post hope that's fine ever since I was a child I always dreamed of studying abroad we all know the benefits of studying abroad and I'm sure if I'd earned profit from this now I will forever regret it later on luckily for me my parents are financially stable and can afford sending me abroad in order to gain an invaluable experience however there is one catch that is I must go with a friend of mine as they won't send me there alone I thought this wasn't a problem since I've been planning to go with my friends to country X this month things changed my friend and I applied to two universities in different countries one of them doesn't have a capita on the number of students it can accept but the other one does my friend got accepted to both of them but I only did two one both of them a good universities and objectively one is not better than the other but their education system does differ when my friend got accepted to the University in country Y she told me that there is a possibility she will go there instead as she has relatives there that will allow her to stay in their house without her having to pay rent I was heartbroken by the news how could she do this to me she knows how much I want to study abroad and is well aware of the fact that my parents will not let me go alone I told my parents about this and they assured me that if there is no other person I can go with then I will be studying here instead I could not let this happen although she didn't say she is going to do it for sure yet I need a definite answer or else I'll keep being stressed about it my friend once told me her password on a game we play and I tried to see if she has the same password for her email and it turns out she does so I logged in and rejected her admission offer and logged out my friend still doesn't know this but she will soon I told my parents about it to assure me that my friend will now be going with me but they got so upset on me and are now threatening me that they're going to call my friend's parents and tell them what I did I begged them not to but they're not listening they want to do it in case she can still email the University in the end I told them to let me tell her instead and they agreed to it although I don't think I will now that you guys know why I did this do you still think I'm the a-hole here what's my fault for being forced to go with the friends I think it's pretty evidence where we stand on this one it's a pretty cut and clear you're the a-hole case there's no real redeeming yourself for that one that's kind of a disgusting move I don't have much else to say because I just I condemn that I don't I don't support that at all you're the a-hole a selfish a-hole you made a choice for someone else because you didn't have a back-up plan and you're an a-hole don't make life choices for someone else I read the post thinking that there must have been something the opie was going to write that was going to possibly justify it no rights don't judge based off the title read the whole post and then the whole post is bad I've been surprised before and said not the a hole in a post that started like this but this post man the utter and complete lack of self-awareness by the European not bode well for her future I really hope her parents informed the friends parents and friend so they can reach out to the Uni this is so screwed literally destroying the potential for her future because she wants to study abroad disgusting Oh P you're the a-hole you're the a-hole you took away your friends opportunity and the fact that you don't seem to have any remorse about screwing over your friend is appalling I truly hope your friend finds out and refuses to go with you because you absolutely don't deserve it seeing as Opie's parents know odds are the friend will find out alright you've just lost any chance you had of going abroad because after this which ever you knew she chooses there was no way your ex friend is going with you why the hell would the parents trust them in another country when they can't trust them in their own house I hope the parents tell the friend and make Opie go to a community college they have no idea how to behave like an adult you to a whole massively and unequivocally in a hole posted by user twinkle fluff titles am I the a-hole for seeing Ikes when a friend asked me out yikes I've been friends with this guy named John for around two to three years we're fairly close and John has always tried to let on hints that he might be interested in me despite that John knows that I'm in a longtime relationship with my boyfriend of around four years who will call see now see trusts me and despite knowing that John might be interested he lets me handle it by myself I've tried to make it painfully obvious to John who knows I'm in a relationship I might say things like wow you're a great friend to me when asked if I'm interested in front of him I would say no he's like a brother to me now John and I were two friends house still social distancing of course and we're helping set up her TV the others were in the living room while John dragged me aside and to quote what he said twinkle fluff I've really liked you for some time now do you mind maybe giving me a shot I was really surprised and the only thing I could think to say was yikes and dashed out of there it was awkward the rest of the time and he never said a word after that when coming home and telling my boyfriend he was ticked that John tried to initiate something but is glad that I shut it down so quickly now some of my friends are calling me telling me that that was incredibly rude especially since I knew that he liked me for a long time we're in the same friend group so it's not like I can just avoid John I've attempted to unsuccessfully I've tried to apologize but he weren't here it's and I the a-hole all names are fake by the way John listen up buddy take a hint if it really had to go to this point you'll you've got a screwed moral compass job sorry you're the a-hole here unequivocally this is not Opie's fault at all and I don't understand why the friend group is backing John up oh yeah I'm just gonna corner my friend in this friends group she's been dating this guy for four years but I'm gonna shoot my shot anyway because that's a nice thing to do she hasn't been reciprocating any of my attempts to be intimate but hey I'm gonna shoot my shot anyway expect to be put down take the l-life doesn't care man life isn't fair stop crying to your friend group you're the a-hole Opie is not the a hole not the a hole it was a surprise reaction also it is definitely yikes to invite someone out who was in a committed relationship right he certainly didn't take your boyfriend's feelings into consideration there should be no consideration on your part in return not the a-hole what you're an a-hole for immediately shutting down someone who was trying to get you to cheat on slash drop your boyfriend it's not really your responsibility to spare his feelings when he couldn't even accept the multiple signs you tried to give him that you weren't interested massive yikes to Jon and everyone who sided with him in my opinion he deserved a lot worse than a yikes for thinking he could initiate something with someone who's very clearly taken not the a-hole yeah I would have ripped him a new one we wouldn't be friends anymore either since he obviously had no respect for me this I honestly didn't think he's an actually friend friends who had tagging along in hopes of getting his shots I mean all the signs point to its posted by user neon Knights won titles am I the a-hole for letting our house become disgusting sir my boyfriend's 25 male and myself 22 female have been living together for about a year dating for four years we have a little three-bedroom house with our two daughters and both work full-time I actually work more hours than he does and my job is more physically demanding than his I love my job my issue is he never helps me with homework ever I have to beg him to help me he won't even take the trash out unless I literally nag him I often come home later than him and the dishes haven't been done on the dogs haven't been fed or their area cleaned up his hair is all over the sink from shaving etc he makes a coffee and leaves the mug in his office for three days and to like go in there and get it he puts his dirty laundry next to the bed instead of the washer or the hamper he never contributes to the laundry sir I do that I also cook and he doesn't even bother to offer to help clean up afterward and he doesn't help with anything unless I fully beg him and at that point he complains and says I'm annoying and high-maintenance my final straw was two days ago when he took a massive crap and didn't scrub the toilet after it was disgusting he didn't see the problem so I told him if he wasn't going to help me with housework and to make things more equal then I was going to stop completely he didn't see the issue two and a half days later the house is so yuck it smells the dishes have been piling up this whole time I haven't done his laundry so he had no clean clothes for work I didn't vacuum or clean the bathroom so the floor is super yuck and bathroom is pretty gross too long when I got home tonight's I happily poured myself a wine and watched some Netflix in bed he got angry at me and demanded that I help him clean up I said no he is more than welcome to do it and he did he claimed the entire house and is now not speaking to me he said what I did was disgusting I could have made him sick and to made him late for work by not having his clothes washed and died and he also said he is very sore and tired from cleaning for hours and is angry because he wanted to play xbox he's been tramping about me to his friends saying he thinks he can't be with me anymore I'm 99% sure he didn't know I was listening am I the a-hole should I not have done this please help oh my god this is just relationship breakdown 101 doesn't look like he wants to help out he's sad when reality hits him and he has to do the work and he sees what it's like on the other side and he doesn't understand hey maybe I should be nicer to my girlfriend maybe I should help her out he's just like I hate her she makes me do everything she's like mom again I repeat not the a-hole there's an update I broke up with him this morning after talking it through he genuinely believes because he is the male that he doesn't need to contribute to housekeeping I showed him this post and he got super angry and said I was out of place he said he wasn't comfortable being in a relationship where the female doesn't have a traditional role in the household and going forward he expects me to resume the cleaning and cooking so I broke up with him and he didn't believe me so I moved my stuff out back to my mum's today while he was at work and took the dogs not that he ever looked after them Thank You people of reddit's you've really helped me see my worth into what I was blind to thank you and we'll read some comments just because we can not the a-hole yuras girlfriend not his mum or his nanny mums and nannies shouldn't even be expected to do all of the housework if you were two adults living together who both work you ought to split the housework if you're hiring someone to help you clean and tidy you need to make sure that's agreed upfront as part of their role no-one should automatically be cleaning up after a grown man oh I know but I think a boyfriend might be looking at her as sort of his mummy or nanny which of course isn't okay and makes him double the a-hole bang made not the a-hole he sounds like he learned a valuable lesson about how much work you've been putting into the house and the relationship and you've learned a valuable lesson about how much work he's putting in he thinks he can't be with me anymore I think he's right and I think you'll be better off for it to be honest it sounds like he hasn't learned his lesson he still blames her for the house being disgusting but most likely he's making most of the filth he may very well know how much is his mess and how little he does to clean but that's not something he will ever ever admit especially not to her he's going to deny responsibility blame her and make demands of her to fix everything for the rest of their relationship which hopefully ends and it did it also goes to show that at a pinch he's perfectly capable of actually doing the cleaning he's able to see the place getting gross and correcting it's on his own without nagging so everything up to now has been Shia entitlement disrespect laziness and selfishness not the a-hole read the writing on the wall and to leave him being single would be better posted by user deleted titled am I the a-hole for using my roof my rules on my mom long story short my mom and dad are temporarily staying with myself and my fiance in our house they've been here three weeks already and we'll be here three more and wasn't sure about moving them in because my parents mum especially have been a bit funny about my relationship we're both women my fiancee said that she was fine with them staying and that being around us might actually get them more comfortable with it's on coming in mom and dad gave us the whole don't worry we weren't intrude you won't even notice us and predictably within 24 hours we were acutely aware of their presence they reacted to everything we do with a comment or them pulling a face or something they told us once to save it for the bedroom when we kissed and have been told to put the bedroom eyes away when we just looked at each other they're good about knocking when were in our room but communal areas are presenting a serious issue then tonight while I was cooking dinner my fiancee came into the kitchen I asked her to set the table and as she walked past me she touched my ass and mum saw and dinner mum said we need to have a talk and went on to say that she saw the PDA and she would appreciate a little more discretion then basically went into a longer version of save it for the bedroom but this time adding that we're stuck together so let's try and make it comfortable for everyone and presented it as a hygiene issue because we were in the kitchen this really ticked me off honestly it's ticked me off for three weeks now but this was probably just where I hit boiling points but to actually be sent down and given and talking to about PDA with my fiance he now iEARN home and 28 years old would probably make most people hit boiling points I said that this is our home and we should be able to express affection especially as we're doing them a favor letting them stay with us so not only will we not go out of our way to make them more comfortable but we're going back to our regular PDA levels starting now mum said that this was the opposite of what she wanted going into the conversation and she feels that I'm being immature by saying we go heavier on the PDA from now on and said we're still your parents young lady I responded and this is my house my roof my rules mum then got up and stormed into the guest room and has said she won't come out until I apologise my fiance is happy I said something and I admitted I should have a lot sooner but dad is pushing me to apologise not for the rest of its but specifically for the use of my roof my rules as mum used that on me constantly as a kid and feels I'm throwing that back in her face but Dad as being otherwise reasonable and says she shouldn't have talked to me like that it's just that one phrase that has really upset mum am I the a-hole I don't see any reason why he would be the a-hole the mum is in her house continually pushing boundaries and she's doing her best to keep them happy for the mean time but every time anything happens that they don't agree with they just like you can't do that you can't do that it's not it's not appropriate in your house we don't want to see that it's like let a couple do what they want it's their house it's their relationship you may not agree with it but you can't say it it's their house I'm sorry and for that reason Opie is not the a hole not the a hole I might be overstepping but your parents seem immature and turma phobic they're using microaggressions to try to silence your sexuality they probably kissed in front of you before while you were a kid or a teenager living under their roof they need to sit down and respect your life and your choices RP don't let them steamroll you into submission your house your rules it's especially valid because your mum used to use it on you she can't handle her own rule my parents have never been touchy-feely people and I honestly have seen them kiss maybe twice in my 28 years of existing and in general they're not very affectionate with anyone so I thought maybe that was part of it but it's probably worth pointing out that when I came out as bisexual mum said she was fine with it so long as she didn't have to see but has always been fine with PDA when I was with men so there's likely an element of homophobia in addition to them not being affectionate yeah Hopi that sucks your parents suck for that I'm sure they love you in their own ways but it's not about love or respect when it comes to silencing wlw relationships but being okay with wlm relationships they care more about their own comfort instead of yours which is not how parent-child relationships usually work so this is clearly not about her disapproving of PDA this is 100 percent homophobia and as the mother of a wonderful gay son and hopefully future son-in-law I think that her attitude is a disgrace any parent is supposed to love their child under conditionally and as long as you're with your fiancee now the review will be accepted by her you're in adults now and this is yours and your fiancees house and you can do whatever you want in your place your mother was just fine with the role as long as she was welding the power over here you were not being petty to insist that she cannot dictate your own behavior in your own home yes she is your mother that doesn't mean that you have to bow down to her now that you're grown up don't apologize she's in the wrong and she's a hypocrite for not being willing to obey your house rules this isn't fair to you or your fiance sorry but it's time for some boundaries give her a few days and tell her that if she doesn't apologize for making you and your girl feel like trash she will have to leave because she will no longer be welcome to stay in your house and I think that's where I'm gonna leave today's episode guys I hope you enjoyed it tell me what you guys are up to today I hope you had a good day night sleep whatever you're up to say g'day to out Rumaki alright guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called Maki - link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're unfair I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 42,975
Rating: 4.927072 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: fkej57PP6iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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