r/EntitledParents | Young Karen Tries To Evict Me From My Own Lot...

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g'day there guys it's your OC hubby Maki back at it again with another awesome titled parents video now if you love me as much as I love you you'd mosey on over to that old like button and tackle it like Steve Irwin would a crocodile maybe even choke an Aussie flag down in the comments too but with that out of the way I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some good content now our first story is by PW crash titled entitled mother calls the cops on me for trespassing on my own land gets evicted I'm on my mobile and I'm Dyslexic it's time for me to pick out all my mistakes if you see any just let me know and they'll fix them I'll cast me da entitled mother typical entitled cow Frank the unlucky neighbour previously UN before the edits the owner of entitled mother's house and the father of entitled mother's baby daddy grandfather an 83 year old farmer who takes no cramp cops 1 2 & 3 back story for most of my life I was raised by my grandfather nothing was wrong with my family life or anything just a few sets of circumstances that's a whole other story in itself we live in a suburban area surrounded by woods and he earns about 10 acres into the woods with the boundaries clearly marked by stone walls one of these stone walls separated my grandfather's land from a cul-de-sac and up until now we have had zero problems with any of them in fact my grandfather was usually more than happy to give permission to the neighbors who politely asked him to use his land given they had a good reason one of these neighbors had asked my grandfather if he could dump the sticks and leaves in his yard over the stone wall my grandfather agreed as he rarely uses that part of the property anyway this will be important later on my grandfather is very healthy for his age and still strong as an ox that being said he has a few minor health issues including vertigo spells so I've been trying to help him around the yard more and more as well as just to stay active outside away from the crowds with this virus going around recently I have started the project of cleaning up the underbrush around to the wooded area a large pine tree had fallen a few months before and almost hit one of the porches in the cul-de-sac my grandfather cut up the tree and removed the pieces in the neighbor's yard but it was too deep in the woods to pull them out with the tractor this led to me going back to that pine tree and trying to clear a path back to the house from there I was behind the stone wall cutting and pulling up saplings when I heard the glass door of the cul-de-sac open and an angry lady storming out onto the porch in a bathrobe she was much younger than a typical Karen I would say mid 20s what are you doing here you can't be here um why nots because you're trespassing idiot do you think you can just hang out in the woods behind my house with my kids inside get the freak out of here before I call the cops at this point I'm just looking at her trying to figure out what to say I mean I get it it can be a little weird seeing someone in the woods behind your house if you haven't seen them before so I say to what ma'am I'm sorry if I scared you but my family earns this part of the woods I'm just cleaning up back here remember when me and my grandfather were back here a few months back to take care of that tree that fell down yeah I just need to clear a path so we can get it out of y'all at this point I thought it was purely a misunderstanding so the entitled mother shouts back don't be ridiculous those were labor is my boyfriend's dad hired you don't own the land my boyfriend's dad earns all of this and gestures with her hand now I'll tell you one more time to get out before I call the cops now I'm thinking I might be dealing with a genuine idiot as outside of our property bounds the woods are owned by the town water plants and don't have public access but I'm also taken aback that she referred to us as laborers so I say guess you're gonna have to call the cops then because I ain't moving I don't care what you your boyfriend or your boyfriend's dad says I shrug as I leaned back against the wall and pull out my phone to call my grandfather to tell where I was he tells me he'll be there in a few minutes and to hang tight she then dramatically proceeds to call 9-1-1 and tell them there's a shady individual on a property refusing to leave and she's afraid for her life I started getting nervous at this points even they're all I have on me is a hooked branch cutter sir I call up the police non-emergency number briefly explained the situation as just a land dispute that got out of hand and that I am unarmed and waiting on my own property and that I have never left my own property and he assured me that it would be settled when the officers arrived but that didn't help my nerves just then I hear my grandfather pull up and see him walking through the yard towards us entitled mother says what what stay back you can't come in my yard he growls and says keep your mouth shut you down broad he growled as he walked over to me and climbed over the wall so he was on my side grandfather says now who the hell do you think you are and why are you yelling at my granddaughter my boyfriend's dad owns all of this and both of you are gonna get arrested for trespassing my grandfather led out of dramatic indignant laugh and says oh did he tell you that well you're in for quite the shock and your boyfriend's dad is in for quite the talk after them yelling back and forth for a few minutes two cop cars pull up and three police officers come walking into the yard as soon as they do she starts screaming again about how we have no right to be in the woods behind her house where we can see her kids inside cop one looks to grandfather and says sir do you own the property behind this wall yes I do pulls out his wallet to show you his address cop 1 eyeing his licenses sir this addresses for the down the street correct but if you look on Google Maps it shows the property boundaries of that address reach out through the woods and to end at this wall I hand in my phone which already has Google Maps open showing our exact location within the boundary of the property yep she's right so what were you all doing back here if you don't mind me asking we explained the situation of the tree in we were working to remove the remnants meanwhile the other officer was taking a statement from entitled mother grandfather says I know the owner of this house he's a good guy I give him permission to dump his leaves and stuff behind the wall but I've never seen her before so I don't know where she got those crazy ideas but I'm definitely going to have a talk with Frank when he gets home cop one says she already called him up and he's on his way now do you mind sticking around until he gets young sure we got nothing to do the cop walked us to that grandfather's truck where we waited about 10 minutes for Frank to pull in when he did he immediately walked over to the truck grandfather's first name ope what's going on someone was hiding out in the woods are you okay did you see him to clarify we had an issue in the past with people running from the cops and hiding in our woods it took a second for us to realize he thought that maybe entitled mother saw one and we came out to chase him not exactly at this point two cops are around us again but being two old guys who obviously pose zero threats they are noticeably relaxed and kind of let them talk it out Frank explains that entitled mother is his granddaughter's mother and his son had made some mistakes and currently both were staying with him while they tried to find a place of their own he thinks maybe his son told lies to make him look better grandfather says well I hate to say it but your son made some big mistakes she's crazy oh you have no idea the other cop is still talking to entitled mother who won't stop screaming about not wanting us to be able to see into the living room especially my grandfather a creepy old man my blood is boiling at this point my grandpa is the type of person who would gladly throw his life away to save a child any child even as strangers Frank heard this too and ordered entitled mother inside at once he told the cops he needed to have a talk with both her and his son about their living situation but they might want to remain nearby in case she tries to call again for whatever reason me and my grandfather are given the clear to go but leave our contact information found out later that week that entitled mother was getting evicted for a number of reasons with this little incident being the last straw he's also filing for custody of his granddaughter because entitled mother refuses to get a job yet still has money for weed yet keeps asking Frank for money to take care of his granddaughter I really feel bad for her in this situation but I have no sympathy for entitled mother whatsoever that is entitlement at its best updates after several comments about how difficult it was to follow I've changed the format to exclude abbreviations now our man BJ cookie in the comments says this is unrelated to the story but I immediately thought that you're a demigod / half-blood sorry I don't want to sound like I'm digging into your personal business or anything but you said there were a few sets of circumstances so that's why you live with your grandfather and you're also dyslexic Greek demigod proof right there the circumstances are that one of your parents is a Greek god so there are issues with that and you can't live with them and your other parent is unable to take care of you or something like that there's plenty of different reasons and then you're dyslexic because your brain is wired to read Greek born sorry this is what happens when someone tells me they're dyslexic I use all my knowledge to try and prove that they're a demigod / half-blood thanks uncle Rick sir Opie replies they just worked a lot when I was a kid so I spent most of my days at my grandparents house and just going home to go to bed they only live two houses down the street and there's a small trail just a few hundred yards long through the woods that connects the two backyards so as soon as I was allowed to walk around out of sight unsupervised given that I always had to have a walkie-talkie on me I more or less came and went as I pleased then when I was 11 my grandmother died so I began spending more and more time there to keep him company and eventually I just ended up staying there and never left but I still went to and from my parent's house every day and I still do that being said dad is definitely not fully human when I was a kid he had a large tank with several piranhas and one of them he had trained so he could pet it yes that's right I said pet it given that you had to feed it in first or he would try to bite you but only my dad was allowed to do it there was this other time him and my uncle's tried to make a mega lawnmower out of a lower car frame motorcycle body and some kind of farm tractor lawn mower shockingly they actually got it to run but ended up scrapping it because it couldn't turn well I have a million stories about his shenanigans but there is it definitely in the top five see this is why I read the comments so what is going on with these people yeah never expected that from the original story what's wrong with people man and our next story was posted by user blacked asleep nice so back to sleep please I'm a black bisexual female my mom does not look like me in October of 2019 I came out to my mum as bi it went horrible she started crying weeping and basically wouldn't let me get a word in even though she was asking all these questions since then it's been rough and that doesn't even count the fact that our relationship had already been spiraling downwards since I was about 12 this was just the last straw for us and I can tell you that when I move out in June she won't be hearing from me her behavior has just turned into absolute upset since I came out because I don't have one specific situation where she's ticked me off here is a small book of things she's done and said since I came out one she said she would not hug my children if I married a woman and when I told her that hurt me and she later retracted the statement she said you can't blame me I was hurt too she looked me in the face and said to me a black woman how black men prefer white women over black women she's white three when I told her how my suicidal tendencies had cropped up again because of her rejecting my sexuality she said I wanted to kill myself too when you told me that God for when my much older also white sister announced she wanted dreads and I was concerned wanting her to do the research and make sure she's not just taking something that doesn't belong to her my mom said that she shouldn't be hindered from something because of her race and that saying she needs to be careful equated minorities wishing to having their own traditions and cultures respected with whites only science on drinking fountains what the five she routinely thinks that me and my best friend are secretly a couple even though she knows I'm trying to work through things with my ex who is male by the way she caused the break-up between my ex and I six she told me I shouldn't spend time with my best friend and her friends because they could get me in trouble just because I finally found some black people that I'm cool with doesn't mean they're going to get me killed mom seven whenever I bring up anything that matters to me regarding sex and racial tensions her automatic response is to defend white men I told her how I wanted to make a short film non-school project shedding light on this lack of support that black and old students of color receive in the school system and what that effect has on the students she responded with white kids get ignored to eight I told her about DeAndre Arnold the student who got suspended and may not be able to walk at graduation because he has dreadlocks and she refused to admit that it was racism she kept saying maybe he did something you don't know both sides well maybe he didn't maybe he didn't do or say anything 9 she formed a strongly negative opinion on Queen and slim after she spent ten minutes reading reactions of white people who think like her 10 when I told her I had been racially profiled at a mall she came up with every excuse possible to make the officers seem innocence she said I've been profiled too I was a hippie police hated us yes because being a hippie and being black has the same weights eleven when a girl I know got tased by a police officer at a July 4th party in a Kroger parking lots she immediately assumed that she had done something wrong the girl was being attacked by another girl at the party she got tased and arrested the other girl didn't it took an hour of persuading and talking about the officers deplorable behavior before she believed me 12 I have a counselor now thank God but my mom is convinced that my therapist is going to make me think I'm lesbian 13 she does not have a car I do two things with this a she threatened to take my car when I came out to her because it's in her name since I'm a minor and I have a loan on it B uses my car two to three times a week and expects me to fill the gas tank C this happened last weekend where I had four days off from school and only used my car to go to work once she used my car the rest of the weekend she ran my gas tank empty and when she used it again she yelled at me for not filling the tank up again 14 I am allergic to dairy severely allergic she regularly buys / makes food I can't eat there was no food in the house I was hungry she had gone to church I asked her to get some food she came home with two bags of cheese from Trader Joe's where they carry my favorite marinara sauce no sauce just cheese 15 I had to use my tip money which I was hoping to use for a movie since I worked so much and really never do anything fun to buy eggs milk and butter Dairy Milk and butter free Jesus dairy free milk and butter what's wrong with my brain because my mom had not bought any for 3 weeks and I was out of all of it and we had no eggs I was going through the store after work and looking at things meticulously trying to figure out if I could stretch 12 dollars to get everything I needed as I hadn't been paid yet and only had the tip money to spend it doesn't sound like much but that's what broke me and helped me to make the decision - for the most part cut ties with her after I moved out in 16 last one I showed her a photo of an afro a hairstyle I've been trying to reach for some time now the woman's hair was huge and every curl was defined and I excitedly showed it to her she told me I'd never get a job looking like that these aren't even everything but those have been the most impactful to me lately I could write a whole book on how much damage my mom has done over the course of my late childhood and teen years and I feel really bad for them right now that's took depressing the her mom sucks anyway on to our next story entitled mother steals paracetamol out of my trolley so in the midst of a global pandemic I managed to break my foot so they put me in one of those walker boots so I'm not completely one legged me and my partner decided to get some bits from the shop tonight's we certainly won't panic buying but did buy some stuff extra so we could double up when we're cooking two fries I was leaning on the trolley a lot for support and my partner was walking back and forth to certain aisles and leaving me to get some bits without making me walk too far it's quite obvious I'm wearing the boots as in the middle of winter I'm wearing a dress because I have no now's as I can comfortably wear with it on obviously with a broken foot I am in a slight bit of pain and although I've been looking for painkillers most seem to be sold out but I went for a hunt and managed to find two packets left in the shop I didn't notice the entitled mother behind me at first but I carried on limping away when I heard someone clearing their throats a bit too obnoxiously I turned around and smiled at her she very typically Karen and she had entitled kids with her around 6 / 7 and 1 about 10 11 and she was proper giving me the stink-eye Hunger junga um excuse me can I have that paracetamol Oh I mean sure you can have this one I handed her one pack and I'm sorry I can see you have another pocket but well did ya well you're not gonna give it to me at this point i gestured down to my leg I'm really sorry I'm in quite a bit of pain with my leg at the moment and I really need the painkillers well that's not my problem you should have been more careful I have two kids so I need to make sure they're okay if they get the virus I mean I'm sure one pack will do for now if they're okay I'm sorry but I'm gonna buy these she scoffs and says I can't believe you won't even help out the kids I mean I'm sorry but I'm gonna go I limped along the aisle when the older of the entitled kids ran in front of my trolley stopping me dead and the younger one went into my trolley and grabbed my packet of paracetamol they both ran off back to the mum I turned around and she just smirked at me and walked off my partner came back at this point and I told them what had happened he was just as pissed off as me but there wasn't much we could do about it at the time as we went to the checkouts I noticed the entitled mother unpacking her shopping she didn't notice me and dice or the paracetamol just on the checkout line so I reached across and grabbed birth head behind my partner and limped off to another line I was watching her to see her reaction and as she got to wear the paracetamol should be she looked down looked on the line and then looked up utterly confused that's when she spotted me I held up the packets and smirked back we paid and walked out so didn't see the aftermath but it did give me a lot of satisfaction seeing the utter grimace across her face society one Karen zero sloop a dupe says thanks for giving me a new won't alone you did great sharing half of the available medicine even though she didn't even need it if everyone was like you the world would be a better place thank you I think at this time people need to be a bit kinder to one another it's scary seeing the amounts of stuff sold out in shops and there are people much more vulnerable than me and having the flu sucks when it's a normal one I feel a bit guilty stealing both packs but at the end of the day maybe it'll teach her not to be so rude and obnoxious to other people and with that we're moving on to the next story entitled mother leaves child on my doorstep I woke in a preschool and sometimes babysit kids from work especially when we are on break because of the coronavirus we are canceled because my sister has a disability and his immunocompromised my whole family agreed to go into self isolation thankfully most of us can work from home we would limit our contact with all others even other family members to protect my sister I was playing outside of the driveway with my brothers when a familiar car pulls up into one of the little girls let's call her Susie from the preschool gets out of the car I have babysat her many times before but never agreed to on this occasion I assumed the mum was going to ask me to watch her but when I approached the car she speeds off leaving poor Susie there I had not made any previous arrangements to watch her and didn't want to let her into my house knowing her father is a frequent flyer and Susie may be a carrier I got her some water and let her sit down in the garage to get her out of the wind as I tried calling her mom and dad neither picked up at first until I finally got a hold of a very angry mum I explained I couldn't watch Susie and she would have to come back and pick her up the mum freaked out saying she was already at work this is a total lie she works at a mall that I know for a fact is closed because of coronavirus I tell her that if she doesn't return within half an hour which is how far the mall is from the house I would be calling Child Protective Services she knows we are mandatory reporters because we already had to open a case on her she explains that she can't but says that she will send her husband 15 minutes pass and then 30 I get Susie some chalk to color with while maintaining a distance but trying to keep her happy an hour later I know no one is coming to get her I'm fine Child Protective Services and the non-emergency police line and police arrive at my house in a couple of minutes I explained to them the whole situation and thankfully a CPS worker is able to get there pretty quickly the mum friends me later and yells me for Suzy being taken by CPS and them having another investigation saying I always watch Suzy during break so I explained my immunocompromised sister and she is very offended that I even suggested Suzy might be sick I didn't even bother to explain how she could be a carrier without showing symptoms entitled mother claims that she won't be returning Suzy to our preschool because of my appalling and disrespectful behavior but I know that she has been kicked out of all other preschools I wouldn't mind if entitled mother never came back but I would certainly feel a little bad for little Suzy I'll try to remember to update this post when school is back in session stay safe and healthy y'all fat entitled mother is downright rude to leave her kid in your hands without saying a word and just driving off that woman she has also done a lot of other questionable things her child has just signed up for the morning preschool but she always ends up staying extended just because her mom is never on time and then the mum refuses literally every time to pay the fee even though my boss is very lenient and gives her a flat fee the usual fee is $1 for every minute lates I don't know this woman sounds like an exceptional parent what do you guys think I think we're on to the next story entitled mother tries to get me banned from a bar because I was smoking in the designated area alright so there's a sports bar in my town that is situated right next to a youth hockey Center the bar allows families to eat there but has a strict 9:00 p.m. curfew for anyone under 21 for obvious reasons so one night I'm having a few beers with some friends and I decide to step out for his cigarettes I know it's a bad habits now the smoking area is situated in the front of the bar but 20 feet to the left of the door so I'm out there scrolling through reddit's and smoking when this family comes out the kids look like they had just come from a game or practice and the mother gets wicked ticked at me for smoking so close to her children now I'm like 15 to 20 feet away from the front door and I had no control over where they decided to park their car so I'm like late it's a bar there's gonna be smoking and drinking down at the establishments what did you expect she stood there holding her children behind her defensively and goes I can't believe you would purposely choose to smoke in front of children when you know they come here to which I reply yeah kids do come here and I wish they wouldn't because they're either running around or destroying the new billion tables her face contorted into anger and at this time she's like my son's went doing any of that why are you accusing them of misbehaving I can't remember exactly what she said sorry so I clap back I'm not accusing them of anything I'm simply stating to you that this really isn't a place for kids it's a bar that happens to operate as a restaurant during the day well I know the owner and I'm gonna tell him to ban smoking on this property okay go right ahead by this point I'm done with my smoke and throw it into the ashtray I go back inside to rejoin my friends thinking that was the end of it five minutes later this woman is practically dragging the manager of the bar over to me and demanding he asked me to leave the manager then asks me what the problem is I reiterate to him that I was in the smoking section outside minding my own damn business and this woman decided to pick a fight with me as she was leaving the manager then asks the woman is this true and she goes yes he was smoking right next to the door and it blew right into my children's faces and he goes first of all where are your children no bullcrap she left them out in the parking lot secondly if he was in the smoking area then there's nothing I can do we allow people to smoke out there as long as they're not blocking the doors so she's like this is ridiculous families bring their children here after hockey games what kind of business you trying to run here well after 9:00 p.m. this is strictly an adult sports bar and it's well past 9:00 p.m. they are pointing at me she says well fine if this is the kind of people you're going to allow in here around families I won't be coming back I'm sorry to hear that ma'am please have a good night manager shrugs at me and walks away she then storms off presumably to collect the chill she left unattended outside a bar for about 10 to 15 minutes by this points nothing too exciting happened after that god I couldn't match it would've hell of a mom to just abandon her children outside of the bar at nights to go off and pretend like her opinion is importance guarantee you she didn't know the manager at all makes me glad how level-headed my mom is when I was about 10 - guys were smoking right under a no smoking sign and she didn't make a scene I got a mouth on me and it's caused no end of trouble in my life I swear as soon as the manager said he was sorry to hear that I'd have budded and told her that I wasn't sorry to hear it and get the hell out you old broad oh well I guess I dodged another bullet honestly the guy looked exhausted I'm sure he was just trying to end the conversation and not have to deal with her anymore god knows what she said to him before they came over all right guys have you ever found yourself a situation like this I'd love to know down in the comments below tell me your stories tell me what you've been up to today tell me what you did yesterday how are you surviving the pandemic any and all stories are welcome I love your faces I'll see you guys the next episode I'm gonna go have a nap have a good morning evening night day whatever you're doing I'll see you later bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 178,186
Rating: 4.8628478 out of 5
Keywords: EntitledParents, entitled, parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitled, r/entitled parents, rslash, markee, markee reddit, markee entitledparents
Id: 9Dxal8Ww1TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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