r/CursedComments · that's his cousin dude

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Tom Holland visits kids at Children's Hospital dude they're so lucky they get to meet spider-man one day and then Stanley the next Oh No how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zac and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash cursed comments when you think about how easy it was for Elastigirl to give birth wonder if she ever threatens to put them back lord knows she could have you ever realized that Steve from minecraft is six-six with arms that are 9 inches thick because I just did he can also work room-temperature iron ingots in to shovel heads with his bare hands he can sharpen iron into shears mold solid gold bars around an apple and each set Apple he can somehow manipulate diamonds from chunks into Sharp swords durable picks and eternal hoes he's a god pretty sure I went to college with a few eternal hoes can't believe I missed the story of this amazing girl whose dying wish was to taser a policeman and they frickin let her it wasn't really a dying wish the other cops didn't get the memo this y'all's high school crush still fine hell no she went from elegant to elephan hell no last time I saw her she was obese and had three kids which is really sad to see because she used to have five kids did did she eat two of them if you were homeschooled why are you homeschooled the girls are hotter wait a second elderly woman has convinced the locals that she can suck out toxins by licking their eyeballs see what happens when we stop burning which is me checking if the game I'm playing has fall damage my friend tried the IRL once well what did he say world's largest plane that strata launch takes off for the first time what is the point of this plane to hit both towers at the same time Oh firk off of the daily rain shadow legend sponsorship offers if I wanted a good PvE campaign I'd get a job as a watchtower sniper on the Mexican border oh no if you die next week what would probably be the cause fourteen stab wounds in the lower abdomen inflicted with a 7.5 inch blade drenched with Clorox brand bleach at 2:53 a.m. at a gas station in South Dakota just off the highway exit that's just a guess though where's savedata located just curious in the balls developer what in the hell I didn't realize wolves like the watermelon is this especially good for their diet and I've never heard of such a thing may as well ask should I give it to my dog they like it because it's something cold and juicy they can bite into that feels like flesh ah so the same reason I like watermelon hi perfect timing just ran out of toilet paper no that Puma looks like a disney princess trapped in a Pumas body look at her eyes maybe that's why he's banging it ladies what color can you reach blue oh oh what has four fingers and a thumb but is not living died people if you're afraid of guns just remember that even Winnie the Pooh is aren't what he heard a bump in the night imagine getting shot by Winnie the Pooh with a double-barrel you don't have to imagine if you're in China whoa I'm almost done with this sword I just have to work out the kinks I like feet shut up blacksmith hammers the sword on an anvil harder defeated sigh is one a lot grandma depends on the context penny no millimeters our grandsons room yes Wow grandma so glad you noticed thrusts again no next time just cook the meat a little to get some fuses no need for the Vaseline then oh no come sit on Santa's lap I don't think I won too your task is to blow a job interview in the first 30 seconds what do you do how strict is the sexual harassment policy Oh No clearly Thanksgiving is going well it's not Thanksgiving until something gets stuffed mom nom nom is this a working McDonald's soft-serve machine no my family has a proud tradition of giving out school supplies instead of candy so come to my house if you want a pistol Oh Halloween 2019 my Superman and his Super Girl you didn't think this couples costume completely through because Supergirl is Superman's cousin Oh two out of five too much pain causes too much pain and agony don't know why it's so popular nowadays I'm just gonna use toilet paper oh wait a minute I clicked in my head which one is the mom every last one of them when I'm finished Oh plot twist the guy who steamrolled him was actually the make-a-wish kid and his wish was to obliterate a disabled child oh no young actors who quietly passed away this year I wish low is it BS your body won't let you kill yourself by holding your breath good question I'll test it out report back hey buddy it's been almost an hour you feeling okay according to locals this funeral home used to be a Pizza Hut at least they're still putting the pizza office it's a good use Oh mobile game company's YouTube's worst sponsors that's why I only take sponsorships from dark web human trafficking rings I beat cancer today who names their dog cancer Oh breaking into your own house drum af why would he look like step row what you doing Logan brother don't hang your head in shame you are a warrior I've been there this isn't the end of you Logan Paul if he hangs his head he'll film it though won't he just remember every time someone decorates in November Santa kills an elf time to go decorate what is TSM stand for wrong answers only will start the simpsons movie Tiananmen Square massacre I hope not the first time I watch this I was in tears laughing uncontrollably even several days later I was still chuckling one of the funniest things on television ever I laughed for 3.28 years straight and I made funerals very awkward go hug your grandparents grabs a shovel all right on my way same this comment section just got a lot darker when Mom pulls up in the driveway you forgot to defrost the turkey when mom comes home and your pee-pee still stuck in the turkey guys you sag their pants below there but why easy access for the homies duh imagine breaking into this guy's house stumbling upon his studio and finding a bunch of drawings of Shrek start sweating I'd steal them all perfect wank material having a low-calorie Big Mac is like going down and your sister tastes the same but you know something's wrong four out of five I ran out of strawberry jam and so I used this to put in the kids rice pudding they couldn't tell the difference and they're pretty intelligent Oh No won't your hot neighbor two like you kidnap her dog slash cat and get it back to her when you feel she gave up looking for it you're welcome hero hey was that my dog's bark I heard coming from your house that dumped someone left on the sidewalk smells awfully a lot like my dog's did it taste like it too wait a second what do guys do at sleepovers we sacrifice the weakest friend to the devil super dad creates beeping Easter eggs for blind children to hunt truck reversing in the street dad Oh No marshmallow toasted marshmallow burped marshmallow better when they are on fire wait no helping my friend cut wood until I saw this staring at me doc spider my lived in central Ontario we get ones this big all the time want to know something freaky they scored this milky white liquid if they feel threatened which I assume is their venom you spelled aroused wrong just failed nope it's November never mind I just drank it we're all good I love country music I'm sorry if you love country music so much name your hottest cousin oh my mom asked me for a formal picture of my month-old baby I sent her this looks like a Goomba from the Mario movie goombas stump oh no we need to stop testing our products and animals why shampoo companies do it all the time yeah but we make hammers we should stop testing products and animals why shampoo companies do it all the time yeah but we sell condoms my grandpa and his best friend in 1994 help [ __ ] children was he collecting for your college fund what is the best response you've given to a phone scammer Pete's pizzeria an abortion clinic where yesterday's losses today's sauce oh bomb candle I would love to buy one of these same but Asian girls are pretty expensive nowadays why breaking out of prison is legal in Germany that's not how I remember the boy in the Striped Pyjamas if you feed a moose it may become aggressive and attack the next two minute meats if has no food to offer beating a moose is my favorite hobby now I'm gonna be starting a new high school this Monday in the middle of the year kind of scared any advice bring a gun for show-and-tell I hate these what are some tips to stop biting your own nails yeah mutate your arms I mean they're not wrong after my mom passed away we told my little sister if she sees a butterfly it's my mom we went on our first family vacation since my mom passed and today I heard my sister talking to butterflies saying I'm so happy you could have made it mama I knew you wouldn't miss it my heart imagine she saw that butterfly get eaten Oh during a nuclear explosion there is a certain distance of the radius where all the frozen supermarket pizzas are cooked to perfection there's also a distance where the people are perfectly cooked the flavor zone no motorcycle was invented in 1885 people in 1884 kicks balls for gearing Oh No mile 420 but it got changed a mile for 19.99 hour slash interesting as Frick interested in gastric Adolf Hitler won it's your chance to lose your virginity but it's no not November looks like I'm about to break the law don't you always have a chance to lose your virginity if you're willing to break the law muscle tendon I cracked my brother's neck I'm wondering why he's still sleeping oh no I hit a woman for the first time in my life and I'm having fun hold up what's wrong the guy's genuinely happy what's wrong he's he never had a woman in his life did you know metro train passing through blocks of apartments in China you're not special in America we have planes passing through buildings geez blurs cookies cookie filled with nut that store wouldn't be able to keep the shelves stocked if they moved to my ex-wife's town so the point of those attachments was just to prevent people from sitting I thought they were to encourage sitting who fought World War two Japan Germany Maurice and I like to move it move it into Poland toilet paper why is the toilet paper at the computer you'd better not know as someone who works at a computer all day long I frequently take dumps on the desk so I don't know what she's making a fuss about Kennedy cosplay people are just dying to be JFK it's worth a shot took my 18-month old through a car wash yesterday for the first time not a good idea that's a homer easier and safer gym instructor girl doing her splits Thomas had never explored this tunnel before he was teaching about Microsoft Word without computer noob in Afghanistan they teach Call of Duty without any computers wait a minute animal ladies and gentlemen just like that we have reached the end of our slash cursed comments thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure that that subscribe button and the Bell see get notified every time easy-peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 1,117,383
Rating: 4.9534254 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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