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a bowl of peanut oil catches seven mice in one night you can also catch the usa if you use the right oil how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're gonna take a look at our slash cursed comments i kill dogs for xp and minecraft dude what the f i kill dogs for xp also what's minecraft my wife asked me why i spoke so softly in the house i said i was afraid mark zuckerberg was listening she laughed i laughed alexa laughed siri laughed google silently took notes thanks to internet popularity the kid from the success kid meme made enough money to fund his dad's kidney transplant oh so this kid is a hero because of this but when i bring a bucket of 27 kidneys into a hospital they say something like mass murderer and under arrest as of january 1 2019 the state of hawaii legalized assisted suicide with the legalization doctors can now prescribe death as a medical procedure we have a wide selection of video options you can even use your online streaming services some would say that you have the option to netflix and kill what does your school use zoom microsoft teams google other the hub live chat black woman calls you sugar old white man calls you son southern woman calls you honey british woman calls you love kebab man calls you boss your [ __ ] sock calls you daddy no seriously the nerve of some people now how many dick pics have you actually gotten about 10 11 now 11.5 now trust no one except tails you can always trust tails tails is the best friend in the world foxes pee on hedgehogs to make them unroll and then they eat them think again what the [ __ ] i never wanted to know that newborn kangaroos measure only about two centimeters in length forbidden gummy bear i don't care where this bus is going but i went on the mead factory your ass is huge i'm your mom games that are better with friends pokemon go basketball russian roulette minecra russian roulette five out of six people say it's safe shiba inu gets stuck in bush pretends everything is okay what are you doing step doge your son tells you that he's not a virgin anymore nobody in your house has gone outside in the last five months the cat starts walking funny no dolphins love pregnant women because they communicate by ultrasound besides mom's heartbeat they can also hear babies heartbeat they find it fascinating that was a run-on sentence rare photo of a happy couple r suddenly beastiality ah there's a sub for everything here actual fact leafy made four million dollars with a sixty dollar mic you know who else became a millionaire with a cheap mic adolf hitler cost of human heart one million dollars me realizing i got a free heart when i was born stunks how to earn 1 million dollars in 9 months in 5 simple steps a shower is like a mini controllable storm and if you throw in a toaster you get lightning just found out that my school has been recording people through the chromebooks they handed out and i don't mean monitoring search history i mean through the freaking cameras as i've mentioned before my school is freaking in suck bust a fat nut in front of the chromebook then sue them for underage prawn that's the way brother microsoft flight simulator 2020 has the entire world and it still takes less space than modern warfare hey you see that tower over there yeah run into it first day of primary school last day of high school i didn't realize harry transferred to an american school no one spain to their colonies it's simple spanish or vanish it's like the germans said to poland germinate or exterminate peter parker selling spider-man pictures was basically his version of only fans why would you say something so controversial yet so brave except people don't fap to it speak for yourself wait a minute three-year-old me seeing a train for the first time year old me seeing a train for the 12 749th time i love trains my biggest dream is to jump under one that took an unexpectedly dark turn me after nutting one thousand times in one day and unlocking a new color of nut i donate blood this way when i run over one thousand kids with my car but it doesn't turn gold those bastards lied to me i unlocked the red splatter camo but can't get anything else what's your weirdest sexual fantasy colandee says ifap to murder how long did you wait for this post tony looks on in terror as thanos unzips his pants revealing two more infinity stones thanos afterwards you should have gone for the head in bed her can you turn off the lights me watch this um your clapper isn't work my monkey butler hurries in and turns off the light her softly the problem with the clapper in the bedroom is it picks up the clapping of other body parts too ah feminists feminists who say kill all men and all men are racists you're not affiliated with me kill all men and women ah yes equality lego star wars the skywalker saga gameplay trailer i'm looking forward to level with anakin and the younglings what are the mario brothers views on cannibalism mario says luigi says italian is my favorite it's a meat mario take my opponent get them out of here explaining genetics through gummy bears mom always said i had my grandfather's right leg my mom always said i had my grandfather's middle leg if you want to join me crew you'll need to bulk up very impressive lad and i see you didn't skip peg day my wife never skips peg day either most experiments on animals aren't relevant to human health and don't contribute to medical advances many are undertaken simply out of curiosity yeah we should test on vegans instead tagging and blood tests for bison just to give you an idea of how big they are this male weighs around three thousand pounds holy sh biggest the bison then mom son why do you want to be a pilot son to overcome my biggest fear heights dying alone nobody my grandma don't tell nobody i gave you this damn your grandma drug dealer too huh so killing one person gives you 20 years in prison but 12 million gives you 10 quantity discount 16 year old girl gets pregnant baby eliminated literally a spawn kill why do so many murderers bury victims in their own backyards not everyone has the trunk space or gas money to drive way out in the middle of nowhere to dump their bodies check your privilege we're all doing the best we can out here using smirk emoji after a normal sentence is the funniest ever forgot to feed the kids in my basement smirk going to play with my kids smirk i'm alone with my cat smirk had to bury my wife again since people are just up voting random oh here's my seven year old toaster i like that toaster that's a nice toaster how the this thing toasts seven-year-olds american news right now me a luxembourger reading my country's national news that a cow blocked a village street is the cow alright it was delicious the earth isn't flat or round it's [ __ ] can confirm stuck my penis in it horse with severe scoliosis he'll let your mom go horseback riding you wake up in the year 3020 after being cryogenically preserved what is the first thing you do boot up a porn stimulation and let rip 1000 years of built up sperm that jizz will fly so hard it will pressure wash the logo off the nasa shuttle i wish they still advertise games like this i have to assume his dick isn't actually attached to his body it just kind of floats there or maybe he pulls it out of his pocket get a couple of balls in there and you got yourself a grand old game of pocket pool the beat dropped so hard my grandma thought the germans were back jesus christ brazil has nearly 60 000 murders here's a map to put that number in perspective but but but if america brazil numero this is not an award show he doesn't care oh no stepladder what are you doing it is incest with extra steps my son wouldn't go to sleep on time so i deleted his mind it was you you deleted his minecraft world now i delete yours starts lobotomy who are you you do you play fortnite you noob my son and his best friend both told their survival rate would be around two percent never walk and live in a vegetative state if they made it past seven years both walked the stage and graduated tonight left pick is from the first day of school the ride is from graduation this evening uh not to be that guy but they didn't walk the stage thanks for advertising fortnite to me i was struggling to find a reason to live and now i'm happy to say that i'm no longer struggling i've decided that there is no reason to live see you on the flip side third one made me [ __ ] not gonna lie [ __ ] dominates eagle white dominate sexy black eagle someone who doesn't watch gravity falls explain this picture time to collect that inheritance if you slap dwayne johnson's ass you're hitting rock bottom what the hell lol someone who gets an erection does it mean he's rock hard 13 truck drivers park side by side under a bridge to stop men from committing suicide weebs impossible they just want to steal the kill high school teacher fired for having an only fans the teacher was abruptly let go from her job this week after the headmaster came across her onlyfans account wait a minute he came across her only fans he's called the headmaster for a reason why ironman and not female this joke is not for everyone who are you who are so wise in the ways of science it's because iron man is a superhero while iron woman is a command oh the oldest person on earth is a woman she is 140 years old and she lives in was uzbek ah man i don't know how to say that and her name is tutti usapuva that'll be a fine leather chair soon a man spent 12 years in a coma says he heard everything including his mother saying i hope you die i hear that without being in a coma please don't touch the dog sir get your own food john people who actually pay for nudes why do you do that helping pay for your sister's college supporting the family business as it were godzilla looking down on racism because that's black is this point no it's godzilla looking down at racism because that's back foreskin night i don't like that horny police go to horny jail bunk dropping the soap and horny jail uh oh oopsies this is the banana of luck don't ignore it and you'll get good news tomorrow i actually liked this post and got paid 350 the next day for taking a survey god is good i actually liked this post and got paid fifteen dollars a man for jerking off punks under the queensborough bridge god is good yeah i think it's time i admit it i wasn't the one who played on my account in the technoblade duel i'm incredibly sorry it was actually my little sister that explains it i've never once failed to crush a small child's hopes before she cried i hope you're happy tell her to get good baby bat lick lick lick lick i'm vengeance i am the knight i am coven 19. you see blood in your underwear panic you're probably on your period calm you're a guy panic you nut 500 times and unlock red skin 18-inch giant shrimp-like creature pulled from florida waters call me shrimp dick now [ __ ] young people after they fall off the roof old people after they sleep in a weird position i don't know man every baby i threw off the roof didn't make it spongebob patrick squiddy plankton mr crab it's beautiful i've looked at this for five hours now i first thought they had tits and that i somehow missed it my entire childhood eating the brown part of the banana eating it eating the brown part of the no imagine being stuck in a room surrounded by everyone you've ever had sex with so you mean go to a graveyard girls i only date guys that are six feet and has a six-pack has to be super hot and has to spend 62 hours a day with me boys what are your requirements for a girlfriend female optional optional a holes a hole unzips pants me it's medicinal officer well first of all that's a belt-fed machine gun it's my emotional support gun pogger's fish the invisible man is having a good time he had to ruin it didn't you did you see the video where an f1 car crashed and the wheel flew off and hit someone in the face even he wasn't rolling around screaming he was dead but still what is the most illegal thing you could do with one dollar put 100 pennies in a sock and beat someone to death with it y'all be dating men who ask the waiter for water with lemon then be surprised that he gay i'm not saying drinking water with lemon necessarily makes him gay i'm just saying that's a womanly thing to ask for real men drink toilet water through their [ __ ] like an elephant kids can sense evil hashtag thanks obama wait a minute hitler smiling looks like thomas the tank engine he commanded forces of tank engines too thomas the panzer engine roses are red i put jam on my crackers if you're not in space it pushes you backwards thanks neil degrasse tyson what aliens do on earth what humans do on mars we don't know what their dicks look like oh no i don't like that my lips forgot what a kiss feels like my arms forgot what a hug felt like my heart forgot how love feels like my dick forgot what a can of baked beans feels like give yourself some credit nestle serial killer grandpa joe flat earther neo-nazi anti-massacre karen you why he's raped twice she said i haven't been carried like this since my wedding day or been this sweat since boys are hot girls are hot everyone's hot my pizza's hot the lesbian girl pretending to be straight at the girl sleepover the straight boy pretending to be gay at the girl sleepover me helicoptering my dick at both lose a leg or two and gain a couple inches still not over the fact that when i got my prosthetic legs they were like do you want to be taller and i was like yeah and then they made me two inches taller you wish you were me time to cut off my dick a girl in ancient greece exists zeus is for me zeus is like the ep scene of greek mythology and well ladies and gentlemen just like that we have reached the end of our slash cursed comments thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button in the bells to get notified of around these pz uploads and until the next one i'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 1,061,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments top posts, cursed comments, r/cursedcomments ezpz, reddit comments, blessed comments, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: -lUBh_rLq0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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