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need to find out where I could get some of these what's up everybody welcome back to MK my name is Robyn and today I'm gonna be looking at some posts from our slash crappy off-brands oh that's unsightly still not as bad as that original movie design now MF see my flavour it chicken lip-licking flavor hey break me off a piece of that cricket bar would ya the best handheld gaming console known to man the game box hey it's the rich man's Yahtzee Yacht mountain hauler radical citrus burst blaster my three favourite characters from Toy Story cute toy doll cute toy doll and then of course cute toy doll its Remy if instead of cooking food he was cooking meth I'm confused as the game called welcome to blocksberg or welcome to blocksberg gangster the new hit Ryan Reynolds movie bunker Moo micro brick I really hope that we can say in confidence there are no giant suits of wiki mouths for people to wear oh look it's boi 10 and his friends meet man a dinosaur lookin dude and a guy we haven't unlocked yet stickman spider rope hero gangster crap looks great happy Pig alright everyone's favorite appliance brand war pearl neo milks favorite cookie I think Raika god of the monsters that's at least an 85 percent on Rotten Tomatoes I can guarantee it the crossover event of the century we didn't know we wanted it but we got it finesse game okay that actually looks a little bit freakier than the real thing breaking taco breakfast lunch and dinner look all I'm gonna say as I'd give him a try postman and oh god is that Tweety Bird crossed over with Pikachu Jesus ooh careful you better pick the right one or you're in trouble I'm gonna go with the top one free Disney Plus streaming tips SEVIS I'm not really concerned about the fact that it says Cat Cat I'm concerned about the flavor being bitter kind of flavors that I'm very curious to know what kook mademoiselle's smells like hey for real though you never saw them feed him after midnight right I mean I know I didn't Nickelodeon pizza wait what what kind of workouts do you got to do to get your muscles to look like that because I'm gonna steer clear of them chunga's rampage in big forest [Laughter] it doesn't look half bad hmm this pizza kebab house is using a mascot that's oddly familiar welcome to bikini town 3d with our main character Robert the rectangle how to train you dragon three toast 'less oh yeah I could see the resemblance where where the heck is this what amazing strange rope police vais spider vegas supreme yeah supreme piece of crap squirrel and to be twin fan yep that's what it looks like I guess shopkick panda a lazy panda named Zeebo dreams of becoming a martial arts master but as stuck as a cleaner for a dojo little does he know that an evil tiger has plans to take over the kingdom and only Zeebo can stop him in this fun adventure not only did you find a boba bola truck in the wild but she also found a best truck introducing player in battle Jeong ends with an all-new gun pickup system oh oh my someone let his hair on fire oh look it's animal crossing new horizons how about that yeah it looks looks great my blocks what's it supposed to be some kind of monkey transformer oh come on I can't no I'm moving on this one's too easy how much you want to bet they treat their patrons significantly better than YouTube treats its partners battle lands royale play now why is he checking himself out like that ah the Apollo market thank you please come again bike king yet they're still using the Burger logo oh god where do people find things like this someday eat something please we need the money for the love of God oh my gosh is Peter Venkman famoust gots Buster look if you don't have super plumber blocks crafter and dot man on your phone don't even talk to me I think we should all be able to agree right now that dr. K is superior in every way oh please put him out of his misery Oh God it'sa me kill me amazing wrought police you play as a hero and the whole city fears you the style of city is similar to Miami or Las Vegas but actually it's old New York something something's wrong with the dog wait hang on a minute something ain't right here he looks nothing like in that photo wow I totally thought it was about her it's my mother's favorite children's TV show exquisite Pig girl oh holy crap why is that allowed anywhere yeah sponge Hospital you know what no thanks just a gunshot wound I'm just gonna walk it off valiant effort but I can guarantee you these would fall out of my hands every time and I'd go through like 30 of them in a week of vengeance masters of power holy cow that's a mash-up I didn't know I needed but I'm glad it happened rest in peace you flappy bastard when the dollar store imitation peeps have had a rough trip over from China oh my mom wanted the baby Yoda so bad that she ordered a bootleg one and well he came in today I don't think this is the way Oh cat hero run looks like a really fun time homey homey please I would like some disgustingly horrible looking sneakers please what color I'll get them in Oh white cold X piping hot cold chain technology and all of that just confused me Power Team we will not give you wings well at least they got kind of close I guess oh man Yahoo egg haven't seen that Yahoo logo in a very long time man missed me with that Super Mario Bros give me Bob's world super run array no vanilla flavored biscuits gosh these people don't even try do they you've got a friend in me and that's just a hodgepodge a bowl okay but at least the fake brand name phony makes sense in this context dude you got to take a ride in my brand new Jeep Wrangler super an REO run that's a wild mix of assets multi Polti craft excuse me what get yourself a pencil topper based off the hit game ill-tempered birds remember they're soft it's squishy oh thank God I was afraid they would be really hard and rough episode one of what what can I say about this really what could I say no thanks no thank you please stop it super angry sponge gosh they just keep getting more and more pathetic oh man I see you finally got that a D ad sponsorship Congrats bro tune in next week for the newest episode of football boy with his three best friends turtle yellow rat frog thing collect pocket dogs and the names worse than anything else here Cheetos crunchy no thank you crunchy cheese dang straight is it supposed to say star back or starbuck you oh whatever man oh god I didn't think anybody would be able to create something nasty or looking than the minions and then this Jeep salesman proves me wrong Wow does this kind of go hand in hand with those strippers that started delivering food up in Portland the Nintendo polystation digital stereo built-in programs Namco holy crap I think I watched a different frozen and I'm really disappointed that I did homeward an orc tastic journey of elvish proportions oh my god wait a minute it stars Tom Green holy cow I hope to have a career like him someday hurry guys we got to install West's game cowboy dream comes true whoo Disney fried chicken you'll know it's authentic because it'll be $65 per piece look I already feel plenty of pain whenever I eat unhealthy foods all right hmm legs they didn't even really try they called it Lexi book I'm confused for many different reasons here planes with brains - again didn't think that they could make something more horrifying than Jay Jay the jet plane and its friends but here we are no thanks oh dear God seriously who allows these to be made I don't see what's wrong with this the only difference is the guy doesn't have a hammer he's just got an axe this time it probably still works fine ok this one's not that bad at all that would catch my eye and get me to try them good to see that Garfield's got himself a side gig Hammer superhero Wars incredible bulk monster here oh yeah wow it's The Sims 4 digital deluxe edition it comes with Resident Evil 4 Dream Weaver fireworks after effects premiere god what a steal this is what the Oasis would have looked like if I oh I had found the egg can't wait to get home and crack open a nice cold can a spiriting cool and orange fantastic don't fall down wait a minute oh that's lame and creepy the number two selling game of all time Tetris dot free block world you play as the main character Bob the Builder I don't see this as any less ridiculous than having to have a dongle for your headphones red horse energy drink yeah I'll pass come on were you even trying seriously the misspellings of that name get worse by the second hey whoa don't be making fun of my market pantry cereals they're way better trans warrior oh no I have No all right it's a big bottle of hand soap and it looks like their mascots are the Chevron cars on some kind of hallucinogen iron parrot and slaughtering a milk chocolate funny egg delicious enjoyable ooh that's how I describe Ryan Reynolds come on guys let's play a good old-fashioned game of frustration I do it every day anyway Oh oh my god hooey that is all I've got for you today folks always remember if you enjoyed this video hit that like button if you enjoyed this video a lot make sure to hit that subscribe button and click the bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 596,678
Rating: 4.9575853 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/crappyoffbrands, r/crappyoffbrands top posts, r/crappyoffbrands best posts, crappy off brands, off brands reddit, reddit crappy, r/crappyoffbrands emkay, emkay
Id: dwtN64EMTfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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