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welcome to our slice choosing beggars where the price can always go eight a little bit lower according to a Cape Cod manager for stop and shop someone bought $5,000 worth of gift cards in order to pay for customer groceries between 6:00 and 7:30 a.m. according to the grocery store that's when staff holds special hours for seniors and those who are considered immunocompromised that's nice and all but young people need to eat too low our next choosing beggar post comes from a cross post from our slash a my de butthole mi the butthole for buying myself a nice guitar and giving my friend who wanted to learn my hand-me-down so I've been playing guitar for almost nine years and I've gotten pretty good I figured I would save up some money and treat myself to a nice one after using 150 bucks Craigslist buy for a while so I bought myself a $1,300 Epiphone jumbo sized acoustic electric it has an electric tuner and stuff and had two amp ports but is still acoustic my friends been wanting to learn for a while and he's just been using the one I had to teach him in practice and stuff when he found out I spent a large amount of money on a really nice guitar he was really angry saying I should have spent the money on two mid-range guitars for the both of us and was selfish for thinking of me and not him am I the butthole here down in the comments avocado with tomato sums up my thoughts quiet well hey at least he did end up getting two things out of his savings a guitar for $1,300 realizing your friend is an untitled butthole who is not really a good friend priceless yeah Opie here is so not the butthole that I can't even figure out why he made the post in the first place in what universe is it the douchey thing to do to spend your hard-earned money on yourself on this next post Opie helped her friend move to a new apartment and the next morning she woke up to her friend blowing up her phone with six missed calls and this text message exchanged when are you wanting to help clean Opie wake up I'm pissed eight F right now you said you were gonna help okay let's get a few things straightened out I didn't sleep the day before I spent my time from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. helping you move everything I didn't get to sleep until about 5:00 this morning so God Ferb I've been sleeping let me sleep I need it I'm trying to finish school which I'm still a little behind on I chose this been my Friday helping you move everything stressing out on fitting everything into cars using my gas to go back and forth stressing my body which is in terrible health by the way too movie your stuff I said I'd help today but for F sake it's not gonna be at 10:00 a.m. especially if you know that I haven't slept but at this point I've done all of this just to wake up to you spamming my phone and telling me that you're mad are you serious I'm willing to do a lot for you and I have but I've done all of this stuff without even a thank-you from you or mom and then waking up to that I'm kinda over it to be honest and then a day later there's choosing beggar sins o P this why didn't you come over yesterday are you joking no this isn't a joke Oh P I told you that I needed help cleaning and you stood me up you never responded to my texts oh yeah I didn't come over I took yesterday to finish school and rest lmao I'm not gonna respond to your selfish texts how dare you you told me you'd help I don't get why your school is more important than helping me move like you said you would yeah I did I originally said maybe and then I said I'd be over later you told me you had until 11:00 p.m. to finish and I was sleeping as I told you I didn't sleep the night before selfish are you serious I did help you move offering to help clean your old apartment caked with dog feces was me being incredibly nice and yeah my school does come before your moving it's not my responsibility to move your junk but I was nice and helped you anyways you need a reality check dude it's not my fault the dog spotted everywhere it's gross and I can't do it by myself your boyfriend had to help me because your lazy butt ditched me don't bother anymore yes my boyfriend stepped in to take my place when I left at 10 p.m. because he's an absolute sweetheart and wanted me to go home and rest because he knows my health is bad I assure you he didn't want to be there at all and was on the phone the whole time with me oh my god you lazy bum you sent your boyfriend to do the work for you while you sat in bed on your phone disgusting don't come over anytime soon he offered and was there for an hour picking up spare furniture he drove me home because I didn't want to leave him with you my health is bad I don't know how else I can tell you that of course I came home and laid in bed look choosing beggar I've done a lot to help you out but because of how this conversation is going I think I'm gonna have to take a break from this friendship I don't need this right now and have stressing me out I'll pray for you and your dogs and cats don't bring your stupid religion into this your boyfriend was just fine you lied to me and said he didn't like me but he obviously does I'm gonna call your boyfriend and tell him about how lazy you are and how he deserves better how dare you judge my parenting we're not epping friends anymore my religion is what got me through Friday at Lowell trust me my boyfriend doesn't like you he stepped in for my health but go ahead Karen call him he's next to me in bed helping me eat dinner and playing video games thanks for the karma fam wait so this choosing beggar has dogs and cats and they defecated all over the floor and she says it's not her fault is she actually blaming her pets for not walking themselves if we're going on a date and you don't offer to pay for babysitting in a to-go box meal for my child we're not going why should my baby daddy or I have to come out of our own pocket when you're the one asking me out the whole date should already be planned out including all extra fees man I gotta hand it to her at least she shows all the red flags before the first date normally you got to wait until like date five or six before this level of crazy starts showing its head this next post was posted at Facebook by a local cupcake shop I would love to give free cupcakes to every graduating senior at every high school but this is not possible for me as a small biz it's been closed for two months I offered a free cupcake to blank high school seniors in a high school of my choice as the owner I took a cleaning job at night to be able to provide this I decided to do this out of the kindness of my hearts rude threatening emails or comments will not be responded to and will be deleted if you want to take your business to a different bakery that's your choice can you honestly imagine the amount of entitlement you'd need to send a death threat to a small business owner over a three dollar cupcake this next post is a cross post into our slashed using bakers from our /mi the blood hole mi the butt hole for asking my staff to work for free to raise money for the company from which they've been laid off oh my god I'm the artistic director for a small dinner theater company which is privately owned and operated I've worked for this company for almost 25 years coming back in between contracts I'm a performer as well having been on Broadway because of the pandemic we've been unable to put on our season we had to lay off all the staff performers who are also the server's kitchen staff front of house staff even myself the operations manager and general manager the owners told me that the business was on the verge of collapse even with the available government funding and they needed an injection of cash to get through the next few months I sent an email to all my staff letting them know that the owners were in dire financial straits because of the pandemic in my email I suggested we all volunteer our time and talent and put on a virtual talent show to raise money with a GoFundMe for the owners I received some really strong feedback from some of the performers that they did not want to participate also the company received negative feedback regarding where the donations would go seeing as his company is not a registered charity some members of the public were strongly against the money going to the owners and instead be split among the out-of-work staff am i the butthole for coming up with this idea and asking my staff to do it Opie what I want to know is why are you bending over backwards to get your boss's money so what if they're in dire financial straits what about all the people they fired as if they're not in dire financial straits as well you get five out of five buttholes if a business can't afford to pay their employees then that business shouldn't exist period getting rid of a squirrel and bird feeder for free you loaded haul PM me why do people sell things and not help load not very good customer service sorry at 72 years old I don't live very much and then another person replies really someone offered to give you something for free but you can't go get it yourself why should he throw his back out to give you something and down in the comments of this story Rico dread has his own story I gave away a nearly two-seat leather sofa on freestyle on the understanding that whoever wanted it had to collect it the woman who said she wanted it first turned up a little while later in a small hatchback I said there was no way it would fit in her car she looked at my car a large estate car and said it would fit in that so I could deliver it wouldn't have fitted and I said that and even if it could fit which it definitely wouldn't that wasn't the deal she got an attitude and drove away I was annoyed but contacted someone else who had contacted me on freecycle and asked if they still wanted it the woman was really happy to have it especially as she thought she'd missed out and turned up with her dad in a van an hour later and took it away her dad tried to give me some money for it as she was broke but I said I didn't want any money I was happy that she'd be able to make use of it about three or four days later having had no contact whatsoever from the first woman she turned up at about 10:00 p.m. was some bloke in a band saying she'd had the sofa I told her that I'd given it to someone else and asked if she was effing mental or something and she went ballistic and said that I owed her a sofa the two-seater was a set with a three seater which we'd kept and she said she'd take the three seater instead I told her to get screwed the bloke to his credit had the good sense to look embarrassed and when sat in the van while this mad woman ranted and raved at me about how I'd wasted her time and she wasn't leaving until she got a sofa I once again told her to get screwed eventually she left swearing that she'd get the police trading standards or anyone who would listen on to me I never heard from her again day or two later the woman who had taken the sofa turned up and gave me a box of beers and some flowers for my wife as a thank-you and told us how the sofa was so nice and as she and her kids had just gotten their first home ever she'd never have been able to afford to buy this thing otherwise hey I really like your stuff could you make something for me hey friend yes I could make a custom facemask oh cool could I get one with mint green and black for an adult a pink and blue Paisley adult a white one with a milky glaze for a child and a lime green and silver stripe on for a child Thanks okay let me get back to you on the price it should be cheap oh I thought you were making these for free I only charge for the fabric and not my time it's about a buck fifty per mask but I thought it was free it's six dollars in total take it or leave it can you do three dollars no you're being really rude you know I have two kids to feed ma'am I have three kids one with a very expensive medical condition we spend $1,000 in a week just covering the medical bills whatever you're so rude your masks suck ma'am please stop contacting me unless you're willing to pay for my services my vin MO is blank please my kids are dying honey my child is dying don't play that BS choosing beggar line on me that's not the first time I've heard that today Fu when the choosing beggar said that her kids were dying Opie sure just been like she would let your children die over $3 what kind of mother are you hi I'm interested in the chairs if available hello yes they are I'm here all day all week available any time for pickup if interested okay is it the whole set with the bench and table also it's just the chairs I'm selling the bench separately for 25 bucks though if you're interested okay I'm looking for black chairs and since these are not the right color and also the bench isn't included I can offer 80 bucks I'm pretty firm on the price I've already had a half-dozen people message me in the last 10 minutes since he's been listed consider lowering the price after a few days if it doesn't sell okay but do you understand with them being the wrong color why I would offer lower I can pay a hundred and twenty if you include the binge and also deliver let me know please let me know thanks again I'll consider lowering the price down the road I have a lot of interest at full price despite the color I'll let you know but I'm looking for black chairs not the color you have so it's understandable to offer less they aren't what I need just like a defective product would be marked down do you understand I see you read it but not replied last chance eighty bucks for all plus delivery take it or leave it I can come right now cash in hand Wow you sold them I was ready to buy them Wow hi Blanc as I mentioned I had several interested buyers I'm sorry it didn't work out I hope you find the right color chair good luck I have to say you honestly did wrong by me we were in a conversation about a sale and in business when you're in negotiations you don't sell to other people it's dishonest and wrong now because you weren't fair I miss out on chairs that I need and now I'm without chairs for my table because you went and sold them behind my back I can see when you read and don't respond Facebook monitors sellers who don't respond quickly to their buyers it's very rude to just ignore me after what you did do you even feel bad leaving me in a tight spot like this Oh report you as a bad seller for doing this and then ignoring me hope it was worth it edit Wow 7 up boats thanks guys edit - no way 17 up boats thank you all so much for taking the time to like this I'd love it if someone could give my post an award though edit 3 still no Awards thanks for the 23 uploads though I guess edit for who's disliking this my karma went down not cool angry face selling facial masks we've got about 50 ready for purchase just an opening for a filter option five bucks each meeting Greenhills what a shame to charge so much I don't think $5 is unreasonable it's like 50 cents to make and people need them they don't need to be overcharged maybe you could make some for 50 cents and we could buy yours that would be great that was our slash choosing beggars and if you liked this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 471,484
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: dNoYgcfnbbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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