r/choosingbeggars "BUY MY SON A COMPUTER!"

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars we have some super entitled people to laugh at today so I hope you enjoy the video thank you for any help you can give he said he wants to play call of duty for fortnight gta5 and rocket League if it saves me money that'd be awesome no worries that can help where I can first thing to know is there's about a dozen parts to computer I tried to make a list where you can get them all from one location while being as close to $700 as possible here's what I came up with it'll be able to play all the games you mentioned and still be a relevant computer for a few years the only thing somewhat skimped on is the video card 1050 Ti is not particularly old but it's more budget oriented the good thing about computers is that they can be upgraded piecemeal so if or when that video card is not enough it's not a big deal just swapping that one part that's great let me know when you can order them pardon you'd have to order them or find them in store it's easy to build a computer I can even help along the way but you'll have to get the parts first what I asked for help getting my son a computer right I'm helping you get a parts list made did you think I was going to pay for it I'm sort of lost that's what it means by help no if we're not going to help get lost you've already wasted my time you said you know nothing about computers I'm helping you build one by suggesting parts to buy hell I even would have traveled to you to a symbol maybe show you or your son how it's done so you'll know for the future I never agreed to pay for two if you were joking haha I get it if not then woo you're out of your gourd thinking a stranger would give you 800 dollar computer for free Wow the nerve thanks for getting my son's hopes up he really wanted a computer he really wanted a computer and I thought you were going to help that's why I asked on a help group it might come as a surprise to you but I don't give a [ __ ] about your son I've given the extent of my help either use what I said or stop messaging me [ __ ] looks like we've got another cameo from entitled parent why the hell should this guy's spend eight hundred dollars of his hard-earned money and build a computer just because you knocked up some woman and have a son who cares hey can you watch Jess for me today I have to go into work at 4:00 sure no problem bring her over whenever actually I was gonna ask if you could come pick her up really yeah I don't have snow tires so I can't bring her over how the [ __ ] are you getting to work then I mean it's possible this has another ride like she's taking the bus but still this is a pretty good question yo they still for sale yeah 50 bucks now it's a $220 pair of headphones no way I'm letting them go for less than 150 100 if I still haven't sold them by tomorrow I'll agree to 150 but no less [ __ ] I thought we were friends well we haven't talked in years shut up [ __ ] I helped you before [ __ ] jerk when when I gave you that girl's number I didn't even ask you to do that the offers off the table if you want to pay the full two to one you you can come and pick them up [ __ ] you [ __ ] I'm calling the police on you for scamming me can you imagine the dystopian hellscape future this would be if the police would actually respect that that means that someone could come up to you and be like hey give me that car for $10 and you're like no I don't want to do that and they say [ __ ] you I'm calling the police for scamming you and then you have to spend the night in jail that would be hell on earth so this is a picture of a person's home work that they are sending to their buddy so they can copy their answers no you do it huh I did it I just typed it out instead of writing okay but can you write it out for me in class tomorrow I literally gave you the answers all you have to do is write it out lazy ass of all of the insults this choosing beggar could have used calling this person a lazy ass is the single most hypocritical one imaginable is your Samsung watch still available hi yes it is can you do $50 for it I really need it sorry I can't go that low two hundred is already a great price for it especially because it's in great condition and it includes a bunch of extra accessories please you had it up for a long time now and I doubt you will sell it for that much plus I'm a broke college student student so can you please make an exception if you're a broke college student you should have plenty of other things to be worried about other than buying a SmartWatch [ __ ] you is for one of my classes and I might fail if I don't get one there's no way a college course would require a SmartWatch and even then so what why should this got lower a surprise just because you really we want one I feel like this guy could make a cameo on quit your [ __ ] because this guy's story sounds like [ __ ] to me hi do you do Commission's for Karis wrist cuff sorry but I'm not open for commissions what about the one you posted on your feed that one is for my Kyrie cosplay unfortunately it is not for sale if you would like I can link you to a net C seller who makes one I don't want another seller I want the one in your photo please it's for my daughter cosplays she really wants to cosplay Kyrie and she needs it I'm sorry but as I said the one in the photo is mine and I'm not open for commissions I don't know what you're looking to accomplish by asking me to give your daughter mine so you're going to have to look elsewhere have a nice day [ __ ] you I was hoping you would do something nice for one of your fans but I guess not you untalented jerk my daughter really needs us but I guess you can't do anything nice for anyone I don't know why I followed you whoa calm down I'm sorry but I told you I don't do commissions and I don't get people parts of my costumes that response was uncalled for and I don't appreciate it also you don't follow me you never have this is the first time I have ever seen your user name and judging by how you respond to people telling you know that I'm ten thousand percent sure I don't want you as a follower tell your daughter I wish her the best of luck on her Kyrie cosplay [ __ ] you you're too ugly for cosplay ugly [ __ ] Wow Jesus Christ you're fat morbidly obese jerk it's honestly kind of scary how quickly these people go from zero to a hundred with negativity all you have to do is tell them no once and they treat you like the scum of the earth why are choosing beggar such incredible [ __ ] hi I am in need of a babysitter from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday the hours vary depending on when my boyfriend gets home I can pay a 65 to 75 dollars maybe more depending on my pay each week I have three kids ages 6 3 and 14 months must be in my home in Liberty PM me if interested and we can set something up must be reliable and on time that's 71 cents a child per hour good luck with that I'm pretty sure those 10 year olds in sweatshops make more money than this hey man how's life been going hey buddy yeah pretty good yourself yep good so I know you now live in Blanc and so do I I was wondering if I'd be able to use your car for this weekend hey man no I'm not going to be able to do that I've got work this weekend sorry mate are you serious bro I'm only asking for one small favor come on I'm sorry man I just can't I need to be able to get myself to work and I haven't heard from you for at least two years I can't lend my car to you sorry Wow selfish [ __ ] you you selfish prick you think you're better than me cuz you have your own car woohoo look at you [ __ ] you thank you for confirming my decision have a nice day bro I'm sorry I don't know what got into me please man no reply seriously [ __ ] you blocking you now I don't know why these choosing beggars use I'm blocking you as some sort of insult if anything at choosing beggar who blocks you is just doing you a favor I'm a huge fan a good work would love it if you heart and pin my comments heart edit I said to also pin it idiot this is incredibly entitled so let's see if we can beat this guy I'm gonna see if anyone down in the comments can come up with the most entitled comment possible pull out all the stops imagine that I owe you everything I have and see if you can come up with a more entitled post than this dude hey man can I borrow your air pods for today hey Jamie sorry I can't I use them to listen to music during work come on man please just one day sorry dude can't why do you need them anyway wow you're so selfish why can't you just be nice I just asked you for just one little thing and you say no I already told you I can't give you my air pods they are mine and I don't have to give them to you poor Q I'm blocking you that's actually exactly what I would like saw if you plane seat related post so I thought I would add my story a few years ago my significant other and I planned a three-month trip around the world our first flight was from New Zealand to LA 12 to 13 hours we've booked and paid for our flights and I added the premium economy seats as I'm six three and one of the extra legroom cost an extra 60 bucks this flight was with Air New Zealand the screen has your name on it when you get to your seat welcome sure to the chair we get on the plane find our seats and there is an older couple sitting there mid 70s I asked them if they got confused with their seat numbers hadn't I showed them my ticket and seat number and point to my name on the screen they then asked me to just sit in their seat which was ten rows back no legroom you want me to sit in your seats yes that would be nice thank you I paid extra for these seats and would like to sit in them please move to your seats oh it's not that bad there's plenty of legroom yeah there's plenty of legroom in my seats because I paid for it I'll help you move your bag if you need flight attendant comes along because the line is getting along this man wants us to move seats sir please go to your allocated seats here's my ticket these people are sitting in my seats I paid extra because I need to legroom to old people excuse me you will have to move to your own seats as you have not paid for these seats well can we please have an upgrade sorry this is a full flight so that's not possible Pikachu face I got some stink eyes from other people in the flight I paid for the extra legroom and I need it this is bizarre to me like is this a thing that actually happens on planes is there just like one or two people every plane who just try to bully themselves up to the front of the plane who just try to upgrade their seat just by being a jerk and bullying people out of their seats have any of you actually seen that happen before alright guys that was our / choosing beggars let's see if we can beat the guy who demanded a heart and a pin down in the comments so see if you can come up with the most entitled post possible for this YouTube video
Channel: rSlash
Views: 2,053,947
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars, choosingbeggars posts, choosingbeggars funny, choosingbeggars fails, choosing beggars, funny choosing beggars
Id: P2AilxLe9_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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