r/Prorevenge "Sir, Move Your Car" "MAKE ME!" Funny Reddit Posts

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where a victim runs over his bully's truck with a train to be honest the I in the title is not me but a former colleague who does not have a reddit account we work together in the same ad agency I will give my personal context first and then write her story exactly as she told me we work together in one of the biggest head agencies in my country she was a director and I was a manager in different departments it was a global group but it honestly sucked I quit because I was burned out it had a game of Thrones politics and daily occurrences of both sexual and moral harassment that place was the worst professional experience and one of the worst personal ones I have ever had eff them I was hired as an Account Director for a huge ad agency let's call it FFC my account was one of the top five accounts in the agency and was worth at least seven digits my boss the accounts VP was one of the worst human beings I have ever met he was sexist rude and liked to play favorites when I got there as a young and okay looking woman I instantly became one of his faves he was married by the way one day we left a happy hour together and he offered me a ride I lived nearby him so not overthinking it I accepted he made a move on me I politely refused and left the car after that my life became a living heck he would not include me in important meetings and then complain I didn't know things that were discussed my reviews went from five stars to one he pretended he didn't remember a race he had promised he would talk with my team and ignore me the work which was already hard I worked 80 hours a week became unbearable I almost quit I had a long conversation with the agency HR which went nowhere because she was his personal friend I even escalated it to the president with whom I had a friendly relationship and he said I was reading too much into things one thing I did write though is that I had a great relationship with my clients so they were afraid to fire me I had helped save the account which was almost lost when I was hired so they played a smart hand they hired a girl who had worked with my client on his former company with whom he had a friendly relationship to replace me they then put me aside on a smaller account which was on the verge of being lost so they could justify firing me when that happened but then I got lucky my original client got promoted and opened a marketing manager position under him when I applied he even skipped a few hiring steps this was October and I wants to start on January I asked him not to disclose to the agency he had hired me until I had the chance to tell them myself the position would not work directly with the ad agency and I no longer managed their account so there was no conflict of interest and he said okay honestly he couldn't care less I was planning on giving them my one-month notice required in my country on November so they could have time to find someone else I was fired October 31st it would have been the worst experience in the world if I cared the VP asked me in his office to fire me he said no one would believe me that I would never find another job in the market that I had ratted him out to HR that I was incompetent and all the worst things someone could have said he sent me to HR to sign some papers and told me to leave the building afterwards I recorded him when I went to HR the woman in charge sat me down and kept making snark comments about me not appreciating working in one of the biggest ad agencies in the world that I could have been great it was surreal being fired in my country great people a fair amount of money I would have received around five months paper the law she wanted me to sign papers accepting that I said no and played her the record from the VP she went pale because she knew that was a lawsuit and also that the global team would not like it at all I left that day and said I would contact them through my lawyer never said anything about the job lined up the next week I my lawyer my recording and a bunch of other documents emails and text messages sat down with the agency to negotiate I ended up with over fifteen months pay both parts signed an NDA which included me saying I had quit I then took a two-month vacation told my new boss I had made a deal while quitting but that I had not disclosed I was going to work for them he said he would tell them himself not to worry January comes and I started my new job my boss then tells me that since I was the one with the most experience in advertising agencies I would be a consultant to the annual deals for all the agencies that managed all their accounts this included allowing new agencies to pitch for us my boss which didn't deal with FCC anymore of course forgot to tell them about me no feeling in the world was better than entering the agency as a client it was almost orgasmic sitting in a meeting to see their pitch and watching the VP's dumbstruck face when he entered the room I was nothing but nice made pertinent questions and smiled all the way through I ended up telling my boss in confidence what had happened he authorized me to advise against the agency said that if compliance knew about their behavior they would lose the account anyway they lost the account they lost three other accounts in that same year the whole leadership was fired the agency closed the VP can't find a job for his life and I just got promoted I think we've all had to deal with a terrible boss at some point in our life and bosses who sexually harassed their employees aren't the worst of the worst so nothing is as satisfying as hearing stories of employees sticking it to terrible bosses okay so some backstory I was 13 and lived in a really fancy neighborhood and every year we have a best long competition the prize for the winner is a $500 check some of my neighbors are really nice but some are rich snobs this is also sort of an entitled person story so I'll be using abbreviations like EP so I was managing my parents flower garden and I worked really hard for about two hours and when I finished it looked really good entitled person was walking her dog spotted me and miring my work entitled person is generally a butthole to everyone so I wanted to avoid conversation but she called out to me and the conversation went as follows Wow how did you do all this work yeah I was out working for the long competition you did a great job do you think you can do my lawn hmm if you pay me by the hour I'll be happy to work Oh why do I have to pay because I'm helping you compete against me I want some profit out of it okay fine ten dollars in the hour so the next day I do her very weedy lawn and I think I did pretty good I pick up every single one of her weeds I cut the grass and I even buy some flowers for the patches of dirt where large weeds used to be after four hours of work I knock on an entitled person's door to let her see the work thinking she would be impressed I was very wrong you what is this I was confused but I wanted to see if I missed anything what the grass is the wrong color the grass is green what color is it supposed to be orange I want my long to have fall colors which I'm pretty sure is a made-up excuse you didn't say that you should have known now get out of here because you ruined my lawn I'm not paying you wait what antenna person walks into her house and slams the door I go home and start to plan my revenge around the neighborhood I hear entitled person bragging about her perfect lawn about a week later I say up until 12 o'clock and I go to a compost pile behind my house and gather up all the weeds I toss from my own garden I go to entitle person's house and spend another hour kicking up her flowers adding bug bait and replanting the weeds in her yard that morning was the morning of the competition by the morning her garden had some bugs and looked like the house was abandoned it was worth all the work to see entitled persons face in the morning imagine a toddler who just saw his favorite teddy bear get ripped to shreds we didn't win the competition but an entire person came in laugh and was humiliated in title person knew it was me and tried to get me in trouble but I asked her if she had proof I also told the whole neighbourhood about the situation so the other neighbors began to dislike her intent of person never spoke to me again and eventually moved away maybe because of the humiliation trust me rich people care about Long's very much I'm not much of a gardener so correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't orange grass dead grass I say spray the lawn with herbicide to kill every single living thing on her lawn and there you go fall colors that'll be 40 bucks this story happened about 15 years ago give or take at the time I worked for a small industrial railroad in my city that served about 20 different industries along the docks to get to the docks from the yards where I would pick up the inbound cars we had a mile of street trackers that ran right down the middle of a small street numerous bars lined the street on one side with the river on the other side because of city regulations we were only allowed to operate along that span of track between specific hours typically 11:00 at night to about 5:00 in the morning however since the bars were open at that time it also meant that we had to trundle along at a crawl usually walking pace are just about that and keep the locomotive on the front end of the movement every night I went down that Street there were typically be two or three people who had parked too close to the tracks prompting me to have to get people to move their cars it wasn't a major problem just an annoyance except for one guy it seemed that every single night I would have to stop about halfway down because this guy would always park his truck at an angle in the street as opposed to parallel parking there were some angle parking spaces but they were further down where there wasn't rails on the road every single night I'd have to head into the bar this guy owned and bugged the guy to get him to move the truck most of the time it'd take him a good thirty minutes to an hour to drag himself out and move the thing this meant of course I was losing time that I needed to get my job done after months of this I finally decided that I had enough so I decided to have the guy towed yeah that didn't work out as well as I hoped turned out that guy also had some job with the city or the mayor's office our some friend in either so no one would dare come out and tell his truck I think I waited there a good hour before he eventually came out and moved it even having the gall to flip me the bird as he left at that point I decided that not only was I totally done with the guy but if the chance of rose I was going to teach him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget nothing physical per se just a hard-learned lesson couple days later I found myself hitting down the track with half a dozen heavy cars with machinery bound for the docks as I rounded the curb and neared the place where that guy always parked I gently applied the independent brakes on the locomotive this was slow the heavy train but wasn't enough to stop it outright at least not quickly I waited until the very last minute laying on the horn and applying the full brakes bringing everything to a screeching halt in the middle of the street as I felt the brakes begin to hold there was this loud thunk and screeching and tearing of metal as the Train simply punted the truck out of the way tearing the bed clean off in the process this did not go unnoticed as a crowd had started to gather out front of the bar when they heard the train coming I stay in the cab calling back to dispatch and informed them that I'd struck a parked car and they needed to get the police and a tow truck out to my location all the while I could hear this guy's screaming hurt him over the sound of the locomotive no less at the top of his lungs about how he was going to have me thrown in jail sue the company and all manner of things locking the doors I opted to just wait in the cab for the boys in blue to arrive eventually they'd pop around and start taking statements I explained the problem noting that I couldn't well I could have but it wouldn't have been a good idea simply slam on the brakes due to the cargo I was carrying and that the only reason I hit the truck was because it wasn't properly parked I added that the gentleman had been warned in the past that something like this could happen and had ignored the warnings the man for his part was simply livid hopping around yelling at me yelling at the cops and just beside himself in the end he was ticketed for his bad parking obstructing the passage of a train and his truck was totaled and he hook for paying for it Trek was brand-new and not yet paid off or so I was told it took about two hours to clean up the mess and I was per company rules suspended for a week during the company investigation but honestly it was worth it didn't have any problems with him from that point forward how stupid do you have to be to park your car on train tracks not only does that have to be illegal in multiple ways but that's just asking to get your car destroyed I'm sorry dude but truck versus train the train is gonna win that fight 100% of the time this basically happened like three weeks ago I moved out from my mother's house since I was going off to university to study math and physics my brother had a girlfriend who I really liked and respected as soon as sceptered her as part of my family she used to spend lots of time in our place because her parents were a nightmare they were pretty poor which doesn't have anything to do with them being horrible parents just for context but they also were stingy as anything here in Germany you'll get money for your child to buy them food provide shelter warmth and clothes her parents didn't spend her child money on anything for her she had to sleep in a dark cold room buy her own clothes and got no pocket money the only money she got was from her job being a post girl that job only amounted to 48 euros total in a month and her bus ticket would already cost her 58 euros so she had to ask her mother to lend her something which she would have to pay back to her her parents didn't want her to move out or go study since she was way too intelligent for them to ever control unlike her simple brother when she said she wanted to move together with my brother into the city where she had gotten an apprenticeship her mom nearly exploded she actually had hoped she wouldn't get the job so she could realize how stupid she was for wanting a good future for herself you can imagine how much her parents hated my brother fast forward I came back home to stay a few weeks at home visiting friends and relatives she is as usual at our house but my mother then told me she was living here permanently being registered exactly at my home address I'm a little stunned as I had only some days before that suggested that very thing to her and she said she didn't want to break ties with her family but things changed when her mom tried to cut up her prom dress that she had been given by my mother as a presence she was furious about what my mother had done she just explained that she never got such a nice dress so why should her daughter my brother's girlfriend just called my brother and my mother then drove them since his car was getting fixed they just packed up as much stuff as they could carry not including a lot of the stuff my brother's girlfriend had gotten as a present since she didn't pay for it so it wasn't hers so her bike her clothes given her by her own and some of the presents she had gotten from our brother had to be left behind since the mom was threatening them with the cops her last words were you can always come back to us when he is being you black and blue we love you my brother can be a freakin butthole but he never got violent towards anyone since that day she's been living with us now here come did juice since my mother is really good with law and legal stuff we have gotten her parents to pay her the child money they are now owing her we also requested framed money support for her since she has no income she is only 18 so she will get a lot of money plus her child money plus the apprenticeship earnings plus a little extra from our family since she isn't living with her family anymore they were getting won't which is a financial support given to you per person and square meters of your living space the won't Hung's geld also got a lot less I'm kind of butchering these words so if there are any German viewers out there please tell me how to pronounce this mind you her parents were gifting themselves smartwatches and laptops for Christmas my brother's girlfriend had gotten a shampoo bottle with a discount label on it so after a few days they realized they were in a lot of financial doo-doo and had to pay her back four months of child support which they couldn't they pleaded for the amount to be halved which my brother's girlfriend could have it but she just took a pin and said eff that crossed out their plea and put it back into the envelope she now doesn't have anything to do with her family anymore who tried through multiple means to get to her I really admire her for staying cool all these years she rocks to be honest this sounds like a classic case of raised by narcissists and I'm really glad that girl got out of that toxic environment I don't have any idea how long that child support lasts in Germany but I sincerely hope these parents have to pay out of their nose for years to come that was our slash for revenge and if you'd like this video and want to see more please be sure to LIKE and subscribe because it really helps me out
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge
Id: iDmCqw7Urz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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