r/Choosingbeggars | ARE YOU SERIOUS?

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i saw a sign in the shop yesterday that said my prices are based on my talent not your budget i feel like everyone with a craft should have this sign barbers photographers makeup artists tattoo artists caterers etc that should just be slogans in general hello hello welcome to mk my name's jack i am what many call an annoying piece of [ __ ] and today's joys of the world consists of humanity's finest so sit back relax and let's get into it no more no no relax more music superstar beyonce is getting 100 5 000 checks in formation to help individuals and families impacted by the current pandemic hosing crisis yes that's hoses the ones that spray out water i know what i said oh how come she doesn't donate some of that money to landlords who are not getting paid hey hey hey there hello hi it's um it's some logic here speaking to you where do you think that money's going to go to you dumb stupid stupid you're so stupid oh look another article talking about the same thing with a net worth of 400 million she can give more than that i really want to know what the threshold is with wealth what monetary value makes the line between hey you made that all on your own well done to you you deserve that money and hey no that's too much i deserve it give it to me jiffy lube hey i know you have a girlfriend but subscribe to my only fans for christmas love now why in the frick would you think i would even consider that one i've got to hear this dj you know i have three kids to support and i'm trying to gather as much money as i can to get to them new clothes and i'm trying to get them a puppy i i feel like you're being condescending because i know you have it and it's not gonna hurt you one why not just ask him genuinely honestly about your financial struggles and see if he can possibly donate something to you while also not taking offense if he decides not to because this is his money he's allowed to do with it when he wants but two so why do you have someone named jiffy loop girl in your contacts three especially if you have a girlfriend how white how why does she not find this like a really confusing thing please i've got to hear this and now the opposite of a choosing beggar because we all need a little positivity now and then bro how much money to just show up and start playing on our lawn for 30 minutes well i i don't know uh fifty dollars call it one hundred dollars for travel time and you got yourself a deal my friend what's your e-transfer wait are you for real what dead ass take my money oh oh okay hi is the piano still up for sale yes i've had office for about hundred but the asking price is about two thousand would you do one thousand no i've had offers for fifteen hundred why would i go down to one thousand oh please two question marks it's nearly christmas and i'm kinda low on money right now why are you buying a 2 000 piano if you're low on money oh logic how dare you you know what you're a scumbag taking people's money near christmas blank you scammer can you draw me for free no who the hell buys someone pizza that's out of work and is hungry that's the funniest smack i've heard all year i would take that 25 and buy me food for at least a couple of days not until my check comes spaghetti rice and beans chicken yeah if you were out of work and hungry i'm sure you would reject someone offering you pizza no thanks that's not very healthy for my diet you're literally dying dying healthy looking for a room to rent my aunt decided to kick me out because i couldn't pay her one month's rent due to me wanting to see a movie instead for some reason i think i'm in the right here she's rich and needs the money more than i anyways what however your home must be smoke free no partying no loud music no friends over light and significant others are left deliverant free i will tolerate your pets as long as they are groomed and no pit bulls i don't want to go there with you so don't waste your time i will pay 150 dollars a month in rent and split utilities that's if you have a room and fit this description please message me can we set you up on tinder you obviously need something to do hey we're recruiting we're calling for the best designers yeah i can tell why you do you need it researchers millionaires animators managers writers videographers thinkers to join well let's say a very big passion project if you require pay you're not what we're looking for oh so employees only requirement to apply the passion of making cool stuff yeah i think everyone here is going to collectively say bye-bye no thank you see you later warning if you want bad service and overpriced food this is the place for you the rewards program is a joke plus they charge you 50 cents per cc transaction without telling you this is why corporations take over mom and pop stars lack of customer service oh a response from the owner you came in at least three times a week for months with no complaints you received free cheese and jalapenos each time and never had an issue when we did not offer a reward program at all it was only after we decided to give something back as a reward to customers that wasn't good enough for you and you became extremely rude to a particular employee lots of places don't give any reward to door sorry any type of reward was not good for you as for the cash discount program it is posted on both the door and the register when you pay as for things i know santa doesn't provide by the way that worded that you can tell they've already made a list prior about things they expect from santa we need a heavy-duty couch with one removable cushion a rocking chair with high arms and folds away from the wall a king-sized bed for extreme weight restrictions and a mattress that won't go bad in months our dream has been a tempur-pedic hey dream on and last but not least a space-saving nordictrack elliptical what are these things oh right i've got to be sob story um oh these items i will never be able to afford to never be able to convince santa so now i'm just praying for a miracle you can venmo us but it won't even touch the price we love you guys who wish you could help i think we're just too far gone unless this person's selling an nvidia rtx 3090 xc3 ultra gaming you know so that really outdated thing that's not even a real big deal trade for rtx 3070 uh how much cash on top and which version open box all sealed gigabyte nvidia rtx 37e open box only for a month basically new okay how much cash no cash oh what a great deal i definitely trade my two thousand five hundred dollar gpu for a seven hundred dollar one where do we meet sun ridge mall if you're serious oh definitely that's very far how about the calgary circus i can meet tomorrow at 9am sounds great maybe there you can tell your smutty sarcastic jokes to the other clowns freak off your little smack well your language makes me really not want to do the trade but thanks for your kindness and happy holidays 2008 yaris s sedan 4 000. pretty decent price for a pretty decent car i'll give you 950 right now oh yeah okay no questions asked take it or leave it every second you wait on this offer i dropped the price by 50 the ball is in your court [Laughter] this guy's haggling is attempting to put you at gunpoint like as if you're at a store together hi is this available this is a robbery oh no i can pick it up at nine tomorrow oh it's so convenient for me now that was sent at 9 50 p.m and three minutes later ah so your offer is already at zero uh no still 9.50 oh stick it to the guns buddy good work take it or leave it nope i only had 20 seconds to respond ah shoot guess i missed out hello i really like your content and was wondering if you would be interested in a paid shout out i would post one of your pictures onto my page and then tell people to follow you in the caption i think your content well suits the theme of my page and would therefore do very well on my page and gain you lots of followers i hope you see the potential this has with my following of 10k you are almost guaranteed to gain lots of followers so please consider a feed post is 30 and i accept payments through paypal or convert it to your currency of different and the best response i've ever read hi blank thanks for your offer but i'd kindly ask you to frick off if you're expecting me to pay you to share my pictures i hope you will still enjoy my content blank and pending pick up spray paint and glue hello is this still available can pick up this tomorrow hi it's pending pickup today you said i would come get it send me address please uh someone else asked before you and it's pending pickup with them sorry dude that's bs i messaged you last night saying i could pick it up this morning i can come pick it up right now help someone that would used it dude i had someone else message me last night and arranged pickup for today well before you messaged me it's first come first serve but that's what i'm saying if they're not going to be around till this afternoon i'll come pick up the freaking stuff up right now yeah not how i operate man i told the first person that messaged me it was theirs if they don't pick it up by the time they committed to then i move on enjoy that a hat to probably david cheetah for a wife that's the insult you came up with that's the best one that came to your head have a great day and god bless meanwhile on yahoo answers can you make a male babysitter pay child support oh my god so i'm a single mom going to college with my sister we currently rent an apartment together a couple weeks ago i asked my neighbor a trustworthy guy if he could watch the kids for two hours while i went to class and my sister wasn't home and he agreed now if he babysits and doesn't accept pay can i sue him for child support because he took on a fatherly role i'm sure i can convince a court that he accepted a publicly role i used to think not many men would be babysitters because well it's just some sort of stereotype that guys aren't trusted around kids but now i'm seeing another factor into the equation selling a one terabyte gold ps4 slim is this still available yes it's available 225 no thank you lowest 290 really not wanting to take less than the 300 i'll do 250 if you bring it to my job everybody want 250 but i like yours better oh gee i feel so special just think you're giving my kids a present man that should soften your heart man oh no thank you it's corona time and things are hard brother i hear that man man 40 is not gonna make or break you yet not trying to be rude but i could say the exact same things you know look thanks for looking but again no thank you then suddenly he just starts selling stuff to him anybody doing last minute shopping let me know how much outfit's 80 boots 100 hmm 40 dollars i know of all people you ain't talking i have given parents outfits for free can't even count how many times but my blessing's not coming from you oh 40 dollars shouldn't make or break it times have been tough you know oh the old switcheroo design a sword contest wow so does the winner get a cash prize or something penny saw touched by a handsome prince like me will become famous just think of all the exposure your business will receive who makes those executioner swords i gotta have one my baby is sick with coffee eared and i need to pick up groceries can anyone come by and watch her just be aware you aren't being paid and sometimes the baby cries constantly or throws up so you will have to deal with that too ah i'm sorry but maybe ask a relative being on a group like this will not get you much help you need to rethink something if you're asking a bunch of people on facebook to watch a baby with covert and throwing up i don't need to rethink anyone it's common courtesy to help someone just post the address and the baby man will come and babysit her that is not i know don't do that new message from a little scribbly scribble i see in your listing that you upgraded from an older apple watch why not instead of selling it give it to someone like me who wants it selling it is just greedy on your part i'm happy to take it off your hands and we'll pay a shipping fee of 7.50 which is more than reasonable please respond right away as i would like to watch by new year's eve do you take commissions i do my price is set at five pounds to one thousand words up to ten thousand at which point it's seven pounds fifty per one thousand words are you interested i am but not at that amount maybe three pounds for five thousand i'll send my idea in an email wait please tell me you're joking oh translation available what does it say um i am cheap oh okay 5 000 words would be 25 pounds you're asking me to take three yeah it's not like it's your main job right i'm sorry i'll be refusing your offer if it was for one thousand words i might consider going a bit lower so you're refusing my offer but you're posting about being skint i might be posting that yes i won't be lowering my charge though that would mean i have to lower it for everyone else too it takes a lot of time to write proofread check and so forth have a nice day oh female dogs they're a thing just want you to know that also i hope you starve to death wow okie dokie have a nice day all right you little shmebulucks with what even is that word what did i just say now now you've made it to the end of today's video thank you as always for watching give us a like if you enjoyed today's content show us your love do make sure you subscribe if you're new to the channel hello welcome come on join the family you got me jack robin and lexi talking to you every single day giving you some laughters and some loving that but platonically platonic loving oh geez anyway time for me to go my name's been jack you've been an amazing person as always to ramble at i'll see you for the next one bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 880,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, r/choosingbeggars best posts, choosing beggars, reddit beggars, reddit funny, r/choosingbeggars emkay, emkay
Id: YrZIv9MOy90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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