r/Choosingbeggars | : ' )

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write a horror story for your industry using just four words they paid in exposure [Music] welcome back students to my name is she she smiles sheesh and today we shall explore the entitled and the privileged well more like the parvo just expecting that they deserve better though people who should just take what they can get is what i'm trying to say it's choosing beggar time so sit back relax and enjoy hey everyone as you know my birthday is this month and i'd love it if you all came together and got me a group gift if you could maybe pay for mom's trip too that would be good happy [ __ ] cat she's helped me so much this year i'd like to give back to her also then then you pay for it why why should we pay for it it's about eighteen hundred dollars per person oh so roughly 3 600 also if you could maybe send gift cards for food souvenirs and to help pay for the plane tickets it would help a lot also update i do finally have a part-time job working at rizzos eight hours a week eight hours a week oh that's a lot guys that's hard it's hard work but i still need a car or i may have to quit does anyone have a car they're not using that i can use jeez why don't you just be a responsible adult with your money and just get a loan it's future you to worry about not current you looking for camaro man hi i'm looking for camaro man who can record me picking up girls from my youtube channel in long island in exchange i'm going to teach you how to approach and pick up girls hit me up if you're interested i did not know this was still a thing people were trying to do these days not actually dating women just trying pick up in public hey hey fam you all already know every year for my birthday in june i do a kick-ass heck photoshoot this year i want to make it a little different we always expect to receive love and gifts on our birthdays but this time that's exactly what i want to give back oh it's promising you guys have always loved and supported both this person and i throughout my business journey and now i'm paying it forward i'd like to wear and promote kenyan brands and business for my photo shoot oh here it is i'm calling it my maiden kenya birthday this is a pro bono shoot for all the brands and people i will partner with i.e no charges i only get to keep the items that i like or whatever you choose to bless me with from your collection i've already got the concept so all i need is the awesome team and brands to put it all together i drew a thingy on a piece of paper now it's yeah you have to spend your hours in time to make it work who i'm looking for and it's just a whole list of people that deserve to get paid for dealing with your bs prices pre-handled for your convenience well isn't that just handy i'm thinking of me two dollar signs is too much though i used to attend this store regularly until the shift manager accused me of abusing their free seniors coffee offer i'm oh well she's written it that way allowed to have a free senior's coffee because i'm senior i may not look senior but i am senior and if i want my free coffee or five a day then i will get my five free senior coffees i have never been more embarrassed in my life they implied i was some sort of entitled beggar now they changed the policy to freeze in your coffee with purchase so i just bring my thermos while i socialize with my very important friends you know i have very important friends in this town no one stops me from having multiple freebies okay no joke why does her last sentence sound like some evil disney villainous line i'm giving one star because of the cheap management and customer service i heard the food was very good so i went to try me and my got the calamari spigot and the gnocchi all were very delicious even the boyfriend yes i devoured him as well i was actually so impressed that when the manager came to ask us how everything tasted i told her it was some of the best italian food i've ever had and i told her i'm going to post about it on instagram where i have over 11 000 followers she seemed very happy about it i was wrong oh no really i thought that she would be grateful for the free advertising but when the check came there was literally no discount at all i thought at least one of the entrees would be taken off but they didn't even take off the calamari or even the drinks oh geez how dare you be treated like a normal customer i won't go back here because of this which is a shame because the food was very good the manager needs to understand how to treat customers i am a student who aspires and excels in digital creation and video editing i've been always told to pay it forward so if you want to help me and support me so i can get my dream laptop please contact me ah yes the dream laptop the one that's mainly expensive just because of the brand loyalty we are looking for a new logo if you are a designer send us one and we'll feature the chosen one i want to call out your company for being cheap like this but then i just i look at your logo yeah what the hell is even that honestly you should just take what you guys can get looking for someone to weed flower beds and trim trees just a simple request must be [Music] and i'll pay you 100 for the day no live bowlers who was going to want to lowball that offer you're the one lowballing here will you take 80 sorry it's essentially new opened but never used and retail is 250 125 is already a great deal price is firm and interest is high all i have is fifty dollars can't you please cut me a break i'm a single mother of three kids that sounds like a you problem you're definitely not a mathematician a freaky tiny pointy thing this person liked you i'm looking for the real deal a man who makes six figs cooks cleans and buys me flowers every week despite clearly expecting a man to take complete care of me the entire time i'm not a damsel in distress i'm beautiful well educated smart successful and fun why i'm a catch but i'm picky and hates men oh gee you despise my entire existence based on the fact i have a peepee i'm freaking oh man i'm attracted to that i chose to be a single mother i love my baby but no you won't ever meet him until i have three carrots on my finger oh that's easy i can buy like a bag of them for like two dollars yes i'll probably be single forever with this attitude no i do not care it's just why bother dating if you openly despise the people you are attracted to hi thank you for accepting my application i would love to speak more with you about this role hello blink can you please clarify do you see my name in the job post did you see my profile hi i can see your name in the job post and i have had a look around your profile great then can you please explain to me why did you start your message with dear sir madam instead of addressing me by my name i'm just trying to understand if you were really interested in applying to our project on a few past rolls i have applied for on angel list i have addressed the hiring manager mentioned in the company profile however a different person has responded and asked why i mentioned a different person i'm quite surprised and concerned that you would be offended by a standard cover letter greeting have you not had many applicants for this role oh serb driver catcher am i the a-hole for not giving my neighbor's son graduation money and baking 12 dozen cookies instead long story short the day before yesterday my neighbor called me asking me to bake 12 dozen cookies for their son's graduation celebration which at the time of the call was in about 20 hours she said the cake they ordered had somehow become lost in the order system and wouldn't be ready in time that their son loves my chocolate chip cookies and it would mean the world slash save the party i agree to help out i went to the store and quickly bought all the ingredients for which that amount of cookies came close to 300 i managed to get them all baked arranged entrees and set up at the party without issue until the end of the party mum walks up and thanks me for helping out then asked me if i forgot to include a check in the graduation card i calmly told her that the last minute baking marathon was my gift and said i was glad it all worked out mum said she appreciated my hard work but that her son couldn't buy books for college with cookies and thought i should at least hand him some cash before i left i left without doing so and now the mum has texted me asking me to apologize to her son am i the a-hole that title had me going in the first half not gonna lie i would like to summarize the reasons i was given by professional musicians and presenters as to why it's okay for the carver music festival not to pay musicians let's just repeat that a music festival a place where you go and pay to see good music is not paying the people making the music one other people work harder than musicians which is why sound engineers and others get paid for the festival but musicians don't what two playing music is more fun than other jobs which is why musicians don't need to be paid whereas everyone else involved in the festival needs to be paid for their less fun jobs three not paying musicians at what makes our festival special and unique four if we pay some of the musicians we'll have to pay all of them oh what a tragedy everyone deserving income five sorry we can only raise enough money to pay literally everyone else who works on the festival sorry i couldn't find any new and unique arguments for not paying musicians that they seem to be all the same old dependables did i miss anything hey hey girlie red said you and red were going to be house sitting and animal watching first of all thank you no how kind of her oh god just wanted to let you know a few rules and requests that we had one please be here at 6 30 a.m sharp for first beating 12 pm sharp for lunch and 5 30 pm sharp for dinner two please clean up around the food and water areas after each feeding make sure you are staying until they finish the cat sometimes takes a while so be mindful of that three fifteen minutes after feeding concludes please take the dogs out individually for personal playtime for during playtime if they defecate please pick up the remains we are trying to keep the backyard clean five each of the pups will need an individual walking each evening why is it always individual six please message me or this person at the conclusion of each trip and let us know if anything went wrong thanks again we wish we could compensate you but we went all out on this cozy mill trip and we are on a tight budget right now please tell me you bailed please tell me you bailed please bail on the potatoes or blackberries anyone crops have come in and i surprised since i just moved here i'm a little hesitant on saying pick what you want since a woman tried to back her truck up and pull out my blackberry bushes i did put in the work when i saw what was growing tending to the beds using non-toxic repellents even singing to them at night all of a sudden boom fruits and veggies so maybe five dollars and you can fill a tin full i just really don't want to have someone try to steal my entire bushes she said free was free and called the cops on me thankfully the police department handled it beautifully but she made a whole scene in front of my kids who have been so excited to help people pick ripe blackberries so thanks heather for trying to steal someone's entire garden because he got offered a few berries ooh is heather the new karen now i'll accept it how much you won't mate it's valued at twelve hundred pounds new retail uh how much are you offering twelve hundred pounds you're freaking nuts i'm not asking for 1200 pounds it's worth that brand new i'm just looking for best offers i'll give you 50. as someone who can't read once said you're freaking nuts friends i'd really love to help you but not with pms like this i am a software beginner and i am struggling to survive i will be happy to get a response from you my requests one i need a linux laptop a ups a desktop screen if you have any advice for me on how i can better improve i will happily listen to you and also a link on how to get a good remote job i'll be dropping a reminder once every two days thanks in advance you know it really sucks when you find something that you really need for your family that's free and nobody will deliver to you because you don't have enough money to go get it i really appreciate this community you could just ask for help instead of complain and be snarky i don't mean to be rude but it was free at least you can do is just you know go get it so this whole normal park yard sale thing certainly was a bust are we gonna have to start kicking people out of this neighborhood how can you live there and not have yard sales special thank to dinosaur house for keeping it alive wow maybe people just don't want to work anymore that unemployment stuff really ruined everything i'd been saving all my bernie bucks and now what no yard sales huh more like abnormal park how do you get mad at somebody for not having a garage sale for you yeah right i had to reread to make sure i understood what was posted the nerve artist that works on drawings and colors them for free needed a sup asking people to work for free is the act of a scumbag sorry but could you make an exception and refund please i forgot about snowflake while making the payment snowflake my pet rabbit is sick with tularemia to larry maya is a rare rabbit disease which in most cases can cause rabbits to d i didn't have enough money for the treatment and i was making money on deviant heart so flake is at the critical stage of tulla ramire and if i don't get the treatment in 13 days snuff lucky will d please i need the points back you must be a great responsible owner if you can forget about the fact your pet is dying this is an easy fix people who are truly concerned for tip earners should tip more otherwise menu pricing will go up and everybody suffers um okay mate did you just seriously ask your customers to pay more to subsidize a low base salary please tell me which restaurants you run so i never patronize them the other day i gave away a vacuum for free on craigslist and the woman who picked it up emailed me after to say you forgot to empty the canister and i cannot stop thinking about how annoying that was uh can you please remove red's text i don't want an ad in my wallpaper you know why should they remove their name from their own art because it's a wallpaper not a regular post so it's still their artwork and it is still a wallpaper that should be with no ad in it hey thanks for letting me use your wifey no problem i know the feeling being without wi-fi sucks so bad yeah but i was just wondering if i could ask you a question uh sure the download speed is pretty bad like 15 megabytes per second bad there is a package on novus that has a gigabit internet plan for like 120 a month it's not really that much from what you pay now oh backwards is australian internet where that is actually normal for us by golly gosh you've made it to the end of today's video i hope you had a good one you should like this video because you're this far out into it so look it's technically the end of my existence for you right now would it be too much to leave this soon-to-be dead voice a dying gift of love and solace by liking this video and subscribing to the channel if you've got some time too why don't i check out some more videos as well say hi to robin and lexi check out some more subreddits that you might like as well you know anyway it's the end is near my name has been jack remember me
Channel: EmKay
Views: 233,998
Rating: 4.9607062 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Choosingbeggars
Id: Sb_k12Dwzfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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