r/Prorevenge I Got an Entitled Karen Kicked Out of School!

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where Opie cleverly kicks an entitled Karen out of her apartment background I got a job working for a small hardware company for people in the office a few in the warehouse and a delivery driver nothing fancy but it got me off the night shift and onto a desk the owner was a pretty nice guy let's call him ray ray took over the family business in the early 2000s like most small business owners he was pretty frugal the job came with absolutely zero perks 10 vacation days two double two sick days no insurance everyone was hourly and Ray hated paying overtime he had one large customer that accounted for about half his business and everything after that was profit he had gotten to the point where his business was doing well enough to support his comfortable life tendeth rescheduled four weeks vacation season baseball tickets and had zero interest in growing it beyond that point but my problem wasn't with Ray it was with the absolute in the purchasing departments the players for people in the opposite that every part of the business fell to one of us Ray was the owner he negotiated large-scale orders both with customers and suppliers Sarah was our admin and receptionist sweet as pie I was in charge of order processing and logistics and I did quite a bit of work revamping the company website ingrid AKA [ __ ] supreme handled small scale purchasing and most of the other customers ingrid was a living nightmare sent to punish all mankind for our hubris she had the personality of a one-dimensional Stephen King character that would be whipping an unruly mob into a frenzy she was trash plain and simple she was also the most spiteful hate-filled vindictive Gorgon to ever walk God's green earth she was a born-again Christian so because she went to church every Sunday she thought she could do no wrong Ingrid for whatever reason disliked me from my first day I don't know if she saw me as a threat or was just having a mood swing I'm no psychologist but I'm 98% sure she was bipolar but she was not happy about me joining the company she kept it civil at first Ingrid loved to gossip at anybody who would listen and since I was always at my desk I made for a captive audience everything she said was I'll and mean-spirited and most of it was blatant projection she would complain about which actor she didn't like because they were too fat Ingrid was easily north of the 300 pound mark or had an annoying voice Ingrid had a slight Lisp she would thump her Bible to the tune of how the gays were destroying the sanctity of marriage she was twice divorced and complain about how Obamacare was costing her too much money she had no insurance for herself or her kids she had a handful of pre-existing conditions she just hated Obama she would tell stories about how she was with her son at the grocery store and he yelled at a Polish woman to speak American or get out of the country like she was proud of it all in just the worst person I've ever had to work with in spite of all that I felt I could just ignore Ingrid's BS and do my job but then she started focusing her dislike of me into petty hatred the spiral downward ingrid would take anything and everything personally if i didn't say good morning to her she would complain to Ray I was being rude ray knew she had a screw loose so he dismissed it she didn't like that she started trying to frame me for not entering orders that she claimed to have given me a week ago I quickly put that BS to bed by date stamping every order that came across my desk and checking with her ray and Sara for new orders every hour on the hour every time something went wrong her knee-jerk reaction was to blame me and throw me under the bus the breaking point one of our larger customers bought from us because their purchaser was a friend of Ingrid's she made the connection between the businesses and Ray gave her a decent commission from it through a friend of her friend I had met a different purchaser from another large manufacturing company that uses products very similar to ours ray told me if I could get them to submit a sample order he would give me the same kind of Commission but that it was all on me because drumming up new business was extra work that he didn't want to do now like I said this job had no perks so any shot at extra cash was a godsend I rode my desk hard my phone my email chasing this lead like a hungry dog finally I got the purchasers to agree to submit the order I was over the moon enter Ingrid this whole time she was pouring doubt and skepticism over the entire venture really she just didn't want anybody else to achieve what she had Sarah was on vacation so Ingrid had taken over front desk duties for the week I don't hear back from the purchaser ever eventually I get a hold of him a month later and ask when he was going to send the sample order he told me that he had called a few weeks back and that the lady he spoke to said that our company didn't have the capacity to supply what they wanted I asked him what day he called turns out it was during the week Ingrid was answering the phones okay act like human garbage whatever I don't care try to make me look bad at work screw you I'll rise above sabotage my chance for a substantial raise now you've awoken the dragon I was trying to save up for a down payment on a house and Ingrid thinks she can put my future on hold nope not happening I vowed that vengeance would be mine The Revenge Ingrid had been taking online at night courses at a local Community College because she wanted to become a therapist I wish I was making that up and was currently working towards her associate degree Ingrid was about as smart as she was skinny kind hearted and pleasant she often did her class work in the office after ray had left for the day one day she asked me if I can take an online quiz for her now I'm still furious at her for taking my commission so I'm not about to do her any favors but then she says something that I'm sure I've never heard her say before please this was followed by it's an earth science quiz and I can't lie freeze frame record scratch I need to process that sentence I can't lie was clearly BS because she lied to my purchaser it also was a huge paradox because here she was asking me to take a test for her but she didn't mean any of that she meant I can't lie and deny my faith on an earth science quiz because I believed that the earth was created in literally seven days and is only about six thousand years old and humans lived at the same times as dinosaurs she needed someone who knew and understood what the Cretaceous period was to pass a test to keep her from failing and just like that I had my plan on a silver platter sure I could take the test and she would have to repeat the class and that would be inconvenient or I could be a real son of a B I opted for the latter I told her that I would take the test and any other 420 bucks earth science 101 Spanish 101 intro to psychology a therapist that couldn't even pass an intro level psych class god help us all quizzes tests I ended up making 200 bucks by the end of the semester then she comes to me with her quest I've been waiting for hey Opie I need to write a research paper do you know how to do that fifty bucks later and I had the assignment in front of me it's laughable five pages double-spaced doesn't even need to be AMA an eighth grader could pound it out in an hour - but lazy stupid morons will be lazy stupid morons now around this time I had gotten an offer from a much larger company downtown I was going to put in my two weeks once ray got back from one of his mini vacations I had an opportunity to ruin her life and an exit strategy I set to work I literally googled research paper for class name and grabbed the first one that popped up I changed nothing but the name and the dates I put in my two weeks and the week before I leave I give Ingrid her paper she doesn't even proofread it she just turns it in and goes along her merry way what happened next I heard secondhand from Sarah after I left the professor immediately knew it was plagiarized and got the Dean involved Ingrid was so stupid that she even tried to use the truth as an excuse I didn't plagiarize that paper the guy I had been paying to do all my coursework did it she was expelled from the institution for academic dishonesty and plagiarism barred from any of the satellite schools our affiliate programs and refused a refund on her tuition her dream of becoming a therapist shattered into dust as all of the nearby community colleges were part of the affiliate program she was financially ruined left with no savings and a semester of student loan debt on my last day I made sure to poke my head into office and say Thank You Ingrid for everything I learned from you while working here I hope you learned something from me as well Opie I would have loved to see her face when you said that I feel like she must have popped a vein our next reddit post is from personal distance I used to work in hospitality in a metro known for its obscenely huge tourist population you know the city built around the mouse so for clarity Opie is talking about our land in Florida I was a manager for the recreational division of the hotel so one day my boss who will call Mary for the purposes of the story comes into the shared manager's office and starts rummaging around for something and strikes up a small conversation about work-related minou shy with me it's important to note she's actually two tears above me but was acting as head of department while searching to replace my previous boss who recently quit great guy by the way huge loss to the company as we're talking she abruptly stops and says by the way you need to shave your beard you look like a terrorist and I don't employ terrorists haha funny joke between colleagues right nope I'm half Indian and do look Middle Eastern and have been taking this kind of flack since middle school plus we're not close at all so I reply as calmly as I can muster hey I get you're trying to be funny but on my end it comes off as pretty ignorant so I'd appreciate it if you chilled out with a terrorist stuff to which Mary retorts oh I'm ignorant we'll see how ignorant I am during your annual review and perceives to walk out of the room in a huff my jaw drops so low I could taste the floor you would think it was an easy fix right good HR and all she's made rude comments like this before I've refrained from contacting HR because I didn't want to be petty but now she threatened my pay and that's no bueno so I go to HR like a good boy until the HR director who will call Boyd I explicitly asked him not to mention it to anyone just to log it away in case someone else reports something similar and he can establish a pattern of behavior well boy decides that he simply must talk to Mary about it I stress again that I'm comfortable with it since she strikes me as the vindictive type no good he promises there will be no retaliation and tells me he'll contact me later for a statement which I thought was weird why not make a statement now and that was that about a week goes by and I follow up with Boyd because I've been getting some less than Pleasant vibes from Mary nothing substantial but odd when I asked what happened he tells me well it appears that Mary was just joking but she's agreed to never say anything like that again your annual review is not in jeopardy okay at that point I decide to just let it go fast forward a month a new director for our department is hired and surprise surprise it's her roommate and former front desk supervisor Joe okay cool I'm used to nepotism because the entire hotel basically operates that way or whatever never had an issue with them didn't know him too well but I'm happy our little hive has a leader again man how effing naive I was from the get-go he's unpleasant snide comments left and right changing my schedule at the last minute every week or scheduling me on my established days off giving away opportunities to my peers that I'm never considered for making me take improvement classes none of my peers have to take all strange but up to that point nothing earth-shattering until one day I could written up out of the blue first ever write up by the way for refusing to inform a superior of leaving the premises referring to me leaving the day prior without literally saying the words hey Joe I'm leaving for the day one this is not an established policy written or otherwise when I say I'm leaving it's a courtesy to I know for a fact my peers don't always say when they leave personal observation and was corroborated by them after asking around 3:00 knowing that my peers aren't held to the same bogus standard and having never been written up for it I know this is a direct shot at me my review is screwed best part Joe let it slip that Mary asked for me after I left and when it was found that I was indeed gone she requested the write up that was screw up number two lady number three came when boy decided to cover his own butt when I approached with all the evidence pointing to retaliation and discrimination in the workplace I had learned that he never properly documented his discussion with me or Mary and that he's basically playing the whole effing thing by ear I decided to write my long past-due statement than in there turn it in and email a picture copy to the corporate office I tell Boyd that I'm sorely disappointed about how he handled the issue and he responds by accusing me of dramatizing the whole ordeal he's very flippant about the whole thing rolling his eyes and everything okay buddy I see you now so finally we reached the revenge after some time I scrounge up all the evidence I can my write-up my co-workers write up records with their permission company policy manuals my schedules for the past month including the bogus classes only I was made to attend my co-workers schedules witness statements from peers when Mary had said other demeaning things and a few other items next step I tell off Joe because fm I make sure he's very angry when I leave you'll see why later after crossing my T's and dotting my eyes I resigned with a two-week notice that night I type up a letter to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and attach all my evidence I mentioned Mary Boyd and Joe by first and last name I hint that I am pondering a lawsuit a few weeks later I have my girlfriend called my old job pretending to be a potential employer asking for a reference I gave her the extension to Joe's desk as I predicted he slanders the ever-loving bejesus out of me straight up lies even got my resignation date wrong along with my attendance record all verifiable helping my case I tried the same trick with Boyd but he was smart enough to point my girlfriend in the direction of a third-party reference seller the company is supposed to use for these kind of calls I proceeded to send my old employer corporate included a cease and desist letter with a transcript of the call hinting I may sue for slander the result some time passes and the other day I'm at the bank with my girlfriend I get a call from an old co-worker I missed the call but I resigned to call him back later less than an hour later I get five to six calls and text informing me that Mary Jo and Boyd or all fired this same day and walked out of the building Mary cried apparently the corporate office was contacted by the EEOC and launched their own internal investigation matching their records with my evidence the EEOC sent me a return letter with a company statement which was fallacious as anything - - their interviews with the Three Stooges but nonetheless I suppose they decided it was easier to nip it in the bud and sack their butts to be safe karma may be a bit but in this case she had nothing to f'ing do with it our next reddit post is from you might know me mate in college my two friends and I decided to find a place together off-campus we found a beautiful three-bedroom house was surprisingly affordable rent the basement of the house was listed as a separate apartment but as it had a separate entrance in the indoor stairwell had been blocked off we weren't worried and the thermostat was upstairs then the demon neighbor moved in from upstairs we could hear everything this adult woman would call her mother and scream at her to pay for her cell phone bills and give her grocery money aka Taco Bell and cheap tequila she would scream at whatever guy she was sleeping with to bring her meth and one day she brought home three puppies to scream at - we were terrified of this woman and the noise was torture also we've been idiotic enough to sign a lease stating we were responsible for all utilities period meaning we were now financing her gas water and electric but with only two months left in the lease we thought we could just write it out but then she started smoking constantly according to the landlord she'd quit for good when she signed the lease but for good only lasted two days since it was winter the heat was running nearly 24/7 and the smoke was wafting up from the vents our apartment and all our belongings began to reek with smoke we contacted the landlord because we signed for a bloody non-smoking apartment he told us we lived in a state where you could technically call an apartment non-smoking even if it's shared ventilation with a smoking apartment a few leasing laws at this point my two roommates were heading out for a two-week vacation they were online students while I was residential leaving me alone in the apartment with the diamond smoker in the basement I couldn't sleep or eat because my idiotic stomach decided to react to all the secondhand smoke by aching and cramping constantly after three days I was a little insane I made a plan I checked the forecast lows in the 20s all week I borrowed a friend's ultra insulated sleeping bag I bought one of those ski masks with the holes for your eyes and mouth I got out my stocking cap my silk long underwear my woolen socks and my down parka I bought tea hot cocoa ramen and prepared to live off a diet of hot liquids and I turned off the effing heat day one she's screaming at her mother for forcing her to move into this frozen pigsty of an apartment day two she's screaming at her boyfriend or meth dealer because he won't let her move in with him day three she's screaming at the landlord about how she's effing freezing day four the landlord is at my door I greet him in full ski mask parka stocking cap array looking like I'm heading out to rob Santa Claus at the North Pole he asked me if I don't find it a little chilly in the house I reply I found all the cigarette smoke a little warm day five she's screaming about the jerks upstairs to anyone who will listen and I'm sitting upstairs clutching my car keys and my pepper spray with 911 to my phone she finally decides she's effing leaving and moving in with Greg even though he just got out for stabbing Travis and he lives in that Epping creepy house in the woods with all those butthole biting dogs day6 she's gone I silently bless Greg moral of the story there's a bloody reason the rent seems too good to be true I guess that's what you call giving someone the cold shoulder that was our sloshed entitled parents and if you like this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 937,955
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge
Id: kG8U_lp0pSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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