r/Idontworkherelady Karen Breaks Into My House And Demands To See My Manager!

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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady we're a Karen breaks into some guy's house and demands to speak to their manager not sure if this fits but wasn't sure where else it would I was standing in line to get into the supermarket today and the person just before me was a surly older gentleman who was not wearing a mask or facial covering and appropriately wearing a biker jacket with a big patch that red F helmet laws the store has someone at the door usually a teenager or an elderly greeter whose job it is to ensure everyone entering the store has a face covering further nationwide corporate mandate and under our state law as the man arrived at the greeter who couldn't have been a day under 65 the greeter said excuse me you need a face covering to enter he said to the old woman in this macho authoritative voice no I don't it's okay and tried to walk into the store the old woman goes actually sir you do it's not just policy anymore it's the law and he starts spouting off about how it's unconstitutional law and how the greeter isn't in a position to enforce laws a minute or two pass and people further back who can't see what's happening at the front of the line are getting restless they begin to try and see what's happening the guy is saying look you're holding the line if the masts really do work then everyone who's wearing one is safe right and if they don't then why do you care and she was kidding kind of desperate at this point and said well sir because I could lose my job if I let you in there this is where I come in I hadn't spoken up before because this was a big guy and I'm just a student who's no good in a confrontation I figured adding myself to the mix would only make the situation worse so I took out my phone and started recording I figured he would be less likely to do something violent to the greeter or escalate further if he knew he was on camera here's what I had forgotten I was wearing a shirt from a 5k that was sponsored by our local news so it had channel X Eyewitness News in huge print across the front the guy's wife goes good Lord Howie the news is filming what if my work sees this Jesus so he turns to me and start telling me he doesn't consent to be on TV and starts making a speech how we're all treading on the Constitution not respecting people's rights to bodily autonomy our privacy I'm trying to tell him I'm not with the news and he's like I don't care if you're on the clock or not I don't want to be on camera and I won't be forced to wear anything I don't want to wear when did we forget that this is America now this is where it got crazy the line stretched all the way around the building and people towards the invar realizing it hadn't moved in a while and we're coming up to investigate an even bigger more macho guy comes lumbering up and asked what the problem is he sees this guy going off at a terrified elderly greeter me shaking holding my phone and is like sir sir what's the problem right now people are trying to shop the maskless guy tells them and I quote get away from me this here is in here business the more macho guy proceeds to whip out a badge and identify himself as an off-duty police officer and that the law is in fact his business first he tries to have the cop arrest me for putting him on the news without his consent but I just played dumb at that point my adrenaline was through the roof and if I'd have been able to retain presence of mine I would have left by that point in shops somewhere else the biker guy is now saying to the cop this isn't what you went into the academy dreaming about man is it you're not stopping bad guys you're forcing regular people to go against their beliefs the cop said no one is forcing you to do anything sir you're free to make your own choices you can put on a mask or you can go home decide what you'd like to do because there is a line here the biker guy keeps saying he isn't doing anything illegal and he has a right to shop in a public business and that the cop just shakes his head and starts quoting the official mask law the guy is breaking at him but the biker guy is just talking over him at that point and the cop realizes he isn't getting anywhere so the cop says look I don't want to escalate this but you're not giving me a choice in this situation if you won't leave of your own volition you're trespassing and he starts explaining what will happen the biker guy is ready to stand firm and say he knows he's in the right but his wife is smarter and says cheese is how we are you insane the man's a police officer and very ashamed Lee apologized as she forces him to leave with various threats it took nearly 15 minutes to get into the store caused a major backlog of shoppers and he made a poor elderly woman fear for her safety just wear the mask or get your groceries delivered I mean seriously people of all the hills to die on Opie I'll make you the same offer I make everyone when I find out they have a recording of an entitled person please email me because I will gladly buy that video from you I want to see it and my fans want to see it the world deserves to see it and to everyone else subscribe to my channel because I've actually published exclusive video footage that fans have sent to me our next reddit post is from Vatican cameos I'm a 28 year old female and my 27 year old wife and I were while I rolled a couple years ago for a new garden hose reel we were talking over the different options not three inches from each other when this lady actually pushes me out of the way to speak to my wife my wife was wearing jeans in a hoodie so there's no way she looked like an employee excuse me where's the dog shampoo my wife who was just trying to be helpful said I would look in the pet section the entitled woman rolls her eyes I already did I didn't see the brand I once oh that sucks assuming the conversation was over my wife turns back to the shelf I gotten irritated when the woman pushed me aside but had assumed she was just a rude person trying to get the items on the shelf I moved to step around her but she tapped my wife rather forcefully on the shoulder now I know I have an anger issue so unless my wife signals for help I try to let her handle things or else run the risk of causing a scene so I watched quietly waiting excuse me you have to help me I'm sorry ma'am I don't know where your item is maybe you should ask someone if they carry that brand here um isn't it your job to know these things she turns to me and gestures at my wife what an idiot I was comprehending the trouble before my wife was so I said she doesn't work here the entitled shopper looked to me like I just spoke enough foreign language for a moment she kept glancing between me and my wife before recognition settled in oh the way you were helping your friend I just assumed you worked here my wife smiled nervously but I was still kind of pissy that the woman had pushed me away my wife and I are trying to decide what to buy I squeezed my body between her and my wife excuse us the woman continued to stare at us I didn't look at her directly but I could feel the hole she was burning into the side of my skull start to smoke before she walked away we heard her say well that's just not right my wife and I sighed and went back to comparing hose reels some people our necks reddit post his room french fry before I start this story I have to tell you about my husband I'm French and we met while he was on vacation in Europe one thing led to another and now I live in Ohio with him he's a hard-working gentleman an Army veteran of two conflicts and even though he has a very serious and almost hostile demeanor thank wresting jerkface but angrier and on a guy he's a big teddy bear quick to make a joke or pull a prank and easy to laugh he's also very protective of me since I'm not here to gush on him I'll go on we were out getting groceries last week and as we were checking out I was backing up all of our stuff because the store now requires you to bag your own goods if you bring your own bags no big deal he pays and I say to help a very elderly lady behind him bagger groceries and put them in her cart he'd helped her unload them and we offered to help her put him in her car she shuffles away from the register and I moved to follow as I turn away I hear behind me where the hell do you think you're going I turn to see a very angry looking woman glaring at me I told her politely that I didn't work at the store and I just hoped the elderly lady to be polite and that I was now leaving with my husband to go home I've never met an American Karen before so I thought this would be the end of it I turned to walk away and feel a vise grip on my arm don't be lazy just do your job and help me bag my groceries I didn't even have time to respond she had barely finished speaking when my husband ran her hand off of me and was yelling in her face this was the first time in the ten years we've been together that I saw the old soldier come out his nose might have been three inches from hers and his voice was loud and frightening who the F do you think you are how dare you put your hands on my wife she told you she doesn't work here are you two effing stupid to understand simple English go pay for your garbage bag your own groceries and don't you dare utter another effing sound the silence after that was intense a store full of people could hear a pin drop the look on her face wasn't even angry it was pure terror she shuffled back to her aisle and waited for the cashier my husband went to the old lady and said I'm so sorry you had to hear all that ma'am I apologize if my language was offensive I hope you'll still allow us to help you load your groceries into your car it was surreal like he just flipped on a switch and flipped it back off haha also we got chased down by the store manager who suggested we could be banned because of the yelling and bad language the husband just shrugged and said they'd better ban the Karen two for assaulting me and that there are other grocery stores in town we just go to this one because it's closed didn't get banned our next reddit posted from deleted so basically I live in a small apartment above a bar that has a really good kitchen over time I become friends with the owners who are really great people this past weekend there was lots of noise coming from the bar at about midnight so I came to complain they said they couldn't do much about the noise it was a crowd watching a game but if I came in at some point this week they gave me a dinner for free as an apology that brings us to yesterday I'd gotten off work late and didn't feel like cooking so I decided to cash in on that aforementioned free dinner as I'm eating things start to get really loud and busy again so I asked her my meal to be put in a doggie bag the owner said I could just take the plate upstairs as long as I returned it later that night or the next day as I'm leaving still shoveling fries into my mouth I noticed a woman trying to flag me down from her table I assumed she was looking at a server behind me so I took notice and walk outside carrying my dinner I put down the plate to open my door and while I'm reading through my pocket I feel a sharp tap shoulder don't ignore me like that I ordered almost 40 minutes ago and I'd not got my food this is unacceptable okay what do you mean okay what are you going to do about it I want my meal discounted for this oh I don't work there you'll need to speak to someone who does about doing that I turn and open the door don't lie to me she looks past me up the stairs I know you guys are just hiding up there instead of working I'd like to speak to the owner lady this is my apartment please leave me alone she pushes past me and charges up the stairs screaming as she goes you guys better get back to work there are people waiting to be served down here what the f at this point she's reached the top of the stairs and is now looking around my room realizing the only person she was yelling to was my fish who I'm sure wasn't in the mood to surfer anything after that C get the F out of my apartment well it doesn't change the fact that I've been waiting ages for my food and that's unacceptable clearly you know the owner so I think you should still talk to them for me what the f get out I'm out of patience at this point and begin to walk towards her and try to usher her back down the stairs don't touch me if you don't care I'll find someone who does she ran back down the stairs and slammed the door on the way out however not before kicking a pair of my shoes into the street which I then had to go out and collect I saw the owners today when I gave the plate back and he said the lady had come back down and caused a scene in the bar eventually the bouncer removed her I couldn't believe she still tried to act like she was right even after she realized she was standing in my apartment not a restaurant but whatever how entitled you have to be to break into someone's home and then say don't touch me lady you're lucky on that tackling you and pin you to the ground until the police show up our next reddit post is from petty my neighbors our air being being out there home while they're in Europe it's been a pretty problem-free experience until today yesterday I was studying at home at midday I saw a car pull up in front of my neighbour's house a couple exited and nealy went up to the front door to knock as time passed and no one answered they started exploring the property presumably searching for someone unfortunately for them no one was home this is where things get interesting the man growing increasingly agitated decided the sensible thing to do in this situation was to climb over a fence into my neighbor's backyard as I watched perplexed by his decision-making I saw him wandering around knocking on and then trying to forcibly open the back door it was a rather amusing sight that is until he gave up and decided the next thing he'd like to do was climb the fence from the neighbor's yard into mine Oh No at the moment our landlord is building an extension to the house and immediately I'm worried that this man might accidentally injure himself in the construction site I rush out to speak with him what I met with is an out of breath red-faced man and woman whose face look like a smack behind rapidly descending down my driveway towards me knowing a little about my neighbors arrangement I initially try to help hi are you guests at the neighbors air B&B checking isn't until 3:00 p.m. I don't think you'll find anyone there at the moment the lady now upon me was unhappy after hearing this you need to let us into the house I'm taken aback I'm sorry I'm not your Airbnb host I just live next door you should get in touch with my neighbor as they'll be able to help you're doing the perfectly rational advice I've given them the lady starts turning a deep shade of red her partner silently glaring at me his face beginning to contort with anger they told as we could check in at 10 a.m. you really should contact your host as I said I'm just the neighbor this only seemed to anger the couple more and the lady immediately started shouting at me you need to let us in or I'm calling the police Wow at this point I'm getting pretty annoyed I tried to explain the situation to her but only got so far as I can't let you in before she caught me off let us in our give us our money back now and her increasing anger coherent sentences started to break down which in hindsight was pretty funny to watch it became a series of you told does 10 a.m. and give me back my money and more threats to call the police who would apparently get them a refund I've never seen someone gets so belligerently mad in such a short amount of time at this stage I'm done with being polite lady I'm not your Airbnb host you climbed over the fence into my backyard which is why I'm out here speaking with you you both need to leave and contact your host I know that their chicken isn't until 3:00 p.m. being forceful at least interrupted her tirade but she was still mad as I watched her I could see her slowly starting to process the situation despite this she wouldn't apologize or admit she was wrong instead what she blurted out next was can we at least to our luggage with you then what she repeats herself this time much louder apparently still under the delusion that yelling is the way to get what she wants nope you're not leaving anything with me after a further brief exchange they left and I immediately let my neighbors know what happens now here's the Justice Boehner to the story my neighbors were annoyed really really annoyed they tried to contact their guests but they wouldn't answer their phone eventually they let Airbnb know what happened and Airbnb tried to reach out to them to again the guests didn't answer their phones during our exchange the man let me know his name let's call him Bob the [ __ ] as it turns out the booking was made under a completely different name both my neighbors in Airbnb tried to verify who was staying but Bob wasn't responding for their calls or messages eventually Airbnb decided to cancel Bob's booking I wrote a note letting Bob know he needed to check his Airbnb messages and that his booking had been cancelled due to the situation this morning at 3:00 p.m. the car returned this time filled with four more people apparently Bob the [ __ ] was trying to sneak in a few extra unpaid guests I watched the quiet resignation on their faces as they read the note it felt good as an aside my neighbor managed to rebook the dates with a lovely Chilean couple and Airbnb honored the payout for the insane couple's canceled booking my neighbors insisted on giving me a portion to pay out for my trouble but honestly knowing that these horrible people were inconvenience was enough down in the comments dull useless dinosaur sums up this post perfectly they want to call the cops as they trust pass on your property in an attempt to break into your neighbor's house yeah go ahead and call the cops buddy I don't mind that was our slash I don't work here lady and if you like this content then hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Views: 833,017
Rating: 4.9178166 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkhere, i dont work here
Id: _5yEdt7fYuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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