r/Blursedimages | DOG SELFIE

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oh so that's where my nether portal turned up good day everybody welcome back to MK my name is Jack and today I'm gonna show you some blessed images while I don't wear pants for the fifth day in a row you know I could totally see James Gunn using this as the actual movie poster I know the trees a lady but could you imagine an old man Groot how adorable would that be grand tale EBIT oh damn I have like zero understanding of undertale but this makes me want to play it don't my major star stocking up for my 73 kids birthday parties oh you're approaching me do the voice justice can someone tell me to why all the political people in Europe or Asia look so badass I can see so many of them being in some sort of fighting anime like this Assassin's Creed Valhalla I'm personally disappointed that no one's made a mod of this yet mister andaman you know meant to be there yes silly good I can just imagine this end I've been looking at the player saying I've made a terrible mistake My Little Pony My Little Pony yeah buddy if lights looking at a little close to the ground there oh look it's the water setting my girlfriend likes to put the shower on hey goodbye butan see ya get this video enough likes and I'm doing this to my car it looks like you skinned the dog don't question the imprint on is nice don't question the imprint on his nice darned question the imprint on his noise don't question the fact there's two large imprints right behind the imprint on his nose don't question it don't I could imagine if he started twerking or shaking his butt up and down it's done a disco rave yes hi when it comes to those special burger I ordered is the patty meant to crock also who lightly drizzles their sauce on the chips like that that is pathetic you sloshed that's lost boy ah yes the family-friendly movie creatures core animated by the Meishan studio from does more pain look at Mike's face just Sulley and me please just make it quick oh damn these pictures laid over an actual movie scene either way you better start running Kim he's gonna find you oh poor Kitty and me please just make it quick now that is an inappropriate joke in this somewhere but I'm mature okay my humor isn't that kind of level there begin achillea me I'm mature okay my humor isn't that kind of level this Kermit is too well done I don't like this like this of course that's what you meant to do with pickles folks you meant to play Jenga not eat them know this I can get behind stand down Steve final warning I can do this all day Tony five six seven eight get that angle gotta say this barbecues the bomb and I don't even have any kids hey stop shaming my man who has two elbows okay he's a beautiful being and he deserves to be with Wendy oh okay but how much more of a character story would this be if the head did fall off like in the last frame on Windows 8 repair tool yeah no this makes sense - dude where is this notepad and how much is it ah yes Tifa Lockheart final form steep man this is what I hate about Australia we barely get any snow all we get is skin cancer oh jeez I wonder if this is the same marketing team that did the t-mobile's for GE ad back in 2014 Oh would you look at that they're making Shrek 5 yeah there's no such thing as coronavirus the world's just being plagued by these giant siren heads seriously though look at the size of that thing imagine how loud it would be Hey look I need to vape to a fire to deal with tourists all day I look at the legitimacy of this it's real is that they actually had to creep a cup on news why does this exist why does this kind of mannequin face exist what store would want to display this outside their shop I do not understand what's going on here all I see is markiplier crying and that's enough to make me sad okay again why is there not a mod of this yet like I would gladly take a quest to fight the tongue of the Alaskan bull worm quick spongebob use the secret formula spell I I have no worse even gave them the top hat and sunglasses it's beautiful but it's horrifying and as you'll see Steve I've got a pretty large warm front coming towards Raley this afternoon ah yes I see you your duel Monsters has improvised once again with their ridiculously new summoning conditions now I activate monster reborn with this card I get to resurrect Steve Jobs from the graveyard stay how well if you say so come at me boys ah someone finally being creative in this damn tourist trap hey look it's Australia's military power they've got a 1980s computer monitor wrapped in sticky tape around what is meant to being are they gonna shoot you with outdated computer viruses this is beautiful however I forget the name of what this photography angle art thing is so I'm just gonna call it the swirly snail angle you couldn't live with their own failure Perry and where did that lead you to me just gonna note down dr. Doofenshmirtz is something I apparently can sort of do now no okay I would pay to see a wacky inflatable arm-flailing tube-man orchestrate an orchestra is that a thing orchestrate an orchestra Jesus I'd been in an orchestra how would I not know this ya know she has a very valid expression here what the hell is that tinder Stacey not even once in case of fire break glass well thanks now I just feel like marshmallow isn't campfire oh the noodles they've returned oh this is even worse than what happens in the movie oh yes rice with the rice drumstick in a sunny splurge of barbecue sauce the breakfast of champions what noise would they even make where do people find these images I don't know what's more problematic here the fact that it has full web feet or the fact they were duck noise instead of quack like come on it's like as if you were trying to write down how peanuts growl hey look it's me in the military oh this is slightly dark if you're comparing the two photos technically that girl is meant to be dead if bird looks like this I would very much understand people's fear of them oh no his black got Thanos snapped this doesn't make me go hmm this makes me go why as in why even bother adding the shadow no no no let's let's not do that to my poor Phineas please no no no well if that isn't a reunion I didn't know I wanted not gonna lie I did genuinely think this was a thing with two cans when I was a kid yeah not cool enough you didn't give the dog a mustache too you could have tried harder here guys two out of ten no man don't do my mr. incredible bad like that this is the part of cosplay conventions they don't want you to see she knocking that thing clean though like I am all it's a 3d predict you barn skull give it to me nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope what is that a hippo I love how it's just looking at him like why didn't you pick me gerald hang on if it's been printed on like that does it still work as a mask totally worth the risk to still wear though oh god I thought it was jumping a hut at first you're gonna have to stay exactly where you are Harry otherwise that clerks not gonna work good dad bad dad yeah this is probably why I shouldn't have kids just a bunch of Enderman chillin in a house this better not awakened something in me damn it Greg that's not how oppositeday works it's verbal things not literal furniture oh man that tree had one final thing to say before was led to the slaughter yes they even gave it genes someone put this bird in a fighting game oh you know I've always wondered what happens to those who don't pay their bus fare on one of them the reaction on a face as well it's just this is fine it's it's fine and this is fine where's Annoying Orange where is he not gonna lie that that's some damn good work on the watermelon carving oh no therefore nothing you damn right it is I would hate to be in his neighborhood oh I won't lie I thought it was a very normal photo until I saw the woman on the far left jeez are you okay do you need a lie-down oh this is a few steps above locking yourself in a clubhouse guys despite what the critics say I think this alien actually really tied up Benton's Ark very well some will say left people hanging wanting some more I'm gonna stop ours is bad this is actually how they interrogated spy pigeons from opposing countries during World War one you can trust me I'm a historian and even further beyond you laugh at his fashion choice now but those handles are the difference between him falling off a bridge to his death and being saved by a passerby Obamacare No why is it so pointy I imagine this is how everyone felt with the idea of working from home for the first time I really can't pack on this latte art I used to do some coffee stuff myself and hey hey yeah I don't do it anymore is this like Russian Roulette with bananas because it's pretty obvious there's only three bananas idiots feeling pretty small today what go to the gym eat my own vomit chaser car yeah they're using fruit to play pool but can we be more standard to how beautifully whites the entire kitchen is like they even got a marble table damn son they flashy I don't get this one why would they put a photo collage of someone on here twice I knew it whew what using my credit card watch you god damn there's always one photo that makes me cheeky laughs hey Jake hey you want to put a tweet about this being the new lure as well I love that the cat's clearly not in the mood for this but the owners just like I'll behave you yeah Wow are you trying to ruin cheese for me because I already don't like cheese sir ha I love that she's being innovative with her new legs but like how is she gonna reach for them as a man who had babyface for a very long time I am just astounded at how big some Chin's can be you could fit another face on that chin I'm pretty certain with that much horsepower in your back you're gonna just flip the entire dinging also as far as I'm aware it actually costs more for the motors would to cost for the actual boat frame itself so it would have been cheaper just to buy a larger boat frame I to one day wish to be as gleefully content as this man holding two sausages and of public transport you know ever since I bought my girlfriend animal crossing she's been really trying to get me into it and it looks like I found the photo that's gonna make that work mystic cactus what are you doing but the way you're in public don't damn I imagine that is some slippery cologne so boy maniac incident saw in other news gravity boots found to malfunction I'm too busy being amazed at the detail on this tattoo look at the eyes I mean they got Randy so well yeah gift this to you Big Ear friends see how much they cry she's Godzilla this Jesus action playset king of the monsters vs. king of the Jesus what aa Bionicles gone into a different market I see real pregnancy action baby's first baby babies baby is pregnant too so you can have a baby while your baby's baby has a baby and a baby has a baby with the baby and no baby is gonna have a baby don't be a baby about being a baby this nothing baby about this baby clearly this person's ocean music playlist is a little too good oh yeah baby you can get me into gear any time I am going to love the creativity of these french fries until it turns up in I'm 14 and this is deep oh jeez that's not real is it I mean look at the size of those arms that guy is skinny okay but this is what me and my mates always questioned about this game in the last few levels like if they're on top of the roof why don't they just dig down there pretty much on the house they don't need to get to the other side of the roof mmm my most favorite ice cream flavor love a scorched scalp Deez Nuts oh god um okay but do you sell growling peanuts I'm husband for a friend I like to think this is a group project where one person just didn't put in as much effort but what is even saying at the top just ha I like a big lack and chunky but not like this this looks too funky oh look at some back-to-school essentials oh this is so be it it's so weird I mean at least she gave a hole for the tail you know I was having a nice day just looking at this photo and not finding the weirdness in it until I saw the reflection ah no no no that's me done dude this isn't blush this is badass though is that camera actually gonna move around with his head because otherwise he's just wearing goggles for no reason Oh who's a little doggy with a creepy disgusting smile on its face you are okay throw it in the fires well Hans I may be yeah he's on the push-ups buddy a pecs looking pretty busty today heroes never die this drawing is exactly why I am glad animated characters can't appear in the real world blah blah blah filet mignon wow I can't believe I came across a thing on the incident about minions that actually made me chuckle when you've got like a really sore stomach and just praying to God for it to go away you just go into the bathroom and you see this poop my child oh as beautiful as this is I imagine that fish is not gonna be reunited with its owner 100% natural genetic frog fibers judge the transitional you want folks this guy is swole now I pull this is what you get for losing your key and going out clubbing till 2:30 in the morning you'll just have to wait outside huh geez so is gonna be having spaghetti meatballs tonight now I'm not feeling like it I hope I'm not being oblivious again but that is Michael Jordan be like the Nike logo right oh god please be right this time cube croissant croissant loaf with your choice of weird add-ons because apparently it's not weird enough for real though I love croissants where can I get this Obama is just everywhere isn't he in other news I think I found my girlfriend's next birthday present how is this suit even meant to work do you just open the bottles and just lather it all over yourself why is there a mustache why is it blonde I don't know what makes this Gus didn't even worse the fact that the lips or the cheekbones also if they don't put in michael jackson's like sound effects of with the gasps - i'm gonna be very disappointed with this mod so is this a misprint or something because it looks like peak beauty to me that's stuff for the creativity during those fill your own cup days but you'll know that unless you have some huge freezer that's all gonna melt by the end of the day all these sharks remind me of the days back when my sister had a bunch of friends over and they'd all watched the same cute guy on YouTube together of course now they just say hi to me in real life Dorito cereal not gonna lie that actually sounds really good I know this looks more creepy with Yoda having long legs but could you imagine how much more of a threat he would be if he was able to bend his legs more like that the dude wouldn't even need the force he could literally grab top shelf items with his hands well everyone that does is for today remember the like this video for more content from MK if you're new to the channel please subscribe country curse out check out some more MK videos while you're here say hi to me in the comments or tell me to end my life if you'd like but nonetheless my name is jack you are all awesome and i'll see you guys in next time [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 860,661
Rating: 4.947454 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages emkay, blursedimages, blursedimages emkay, emkay blursedimages, blessedimages, blessed images, r/blessedimages, blessedimages emkay, blessed images emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages
Id: ihIRGPm1ZJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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