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you go to your boyfriend's house and find this in his bed what are you doing marry him it's Shrek see time how's it going I'm gonna welcome back to MK my name is Zack and today whatever say you look at our slash flourished comments my soul has been taken away sorry I can't help you I have a collection of them in my closet what size color and flavor do you want XL purple grape flavor please here you go give soul okay thanks take soul eat soul this is delicious no stop Gordon Ramsay son is so cute but he already looks prepared to call folks idiots sandwiches he looks like he criticizes the taste of breast milk f1 engineers help develop a breathing aid for coronavirus patients within four days free Kia turbocharged that stuff friend I will bring Corona to the party friends showing up with no beer me half tempted to do this to freak with people and to make it worse my seasonal allergies are acting up to the thumbnail looks like a before and after picture oh my god it does what are some guys Secrets girls don't know about sometimes we use the stream of our pee to try and clean poop stains on the bottom of toilet bowls chaotic good edit heck my reddit and sherry got popped thank you the truth always sets you free that's why I got thrown out of the window in the first place this man be dancing like me when I stub my toe on a door singers Jamaican lyrics English about a Russian man band German mr. worldwide what's it like to volunteer at an animal sanctuary cows are just big pasture dago's well you can milk both I hate memes a meme that hates memes is this some kind of cannibalism 7:48 me whenever I see Danny DeVito Hans Island is disputed territory between Canada and Denmark the militaries of both countries periodically visit to remove the other guy's flag and leave a bottle of Danish snaps or Canadian whiskey it's all fun and games until they find a bottle of vodka on the island catzilla a Chinese man's worst nightmare catzilla is to return to Avengers eaten brothers God how didn't want to jack off to this God why did I Jack after this while we can still enjoy a nice stroll at a safe distance here are some of the best open places to take a wank in Kent wait a minute five stars great for measuring people have been wanting to buy one of my friends a coffin for his 67th birthday I do want it to be a surprise though so measuring has been the most difficult thing thanks to the lidar scanner on the new iPad pro I can now measure people for coffins without spoiling the surprise well worth the money I remembered when I was afraid of monsters as little kid hiding under my bed sheets to cower away from them until I realized that they came to cover my ears so I wouldn't hear my family fighting as they didn't want a little children to learn too early who the real monsters were Shh it's okay bro you got tentacles for hands shuttle croc I hate it I bet that guy who netted in the toilet feels really stupid right now I have a son joke's on you Frank I watched so much censored hentai that I can decode the pixelation on this video know exactly what this woman is finally someone who understands coronavirus mass prayer gathering is held in Bangladesh to read at healing versus against Cova 19 well we'd better hope it works because they're gonna need it I'm 5 510 pounds 20 years old basically I got the body of a 14 year old for real I'm 14 and have your exact details l'm al I'm 14 and 63 200 pounds what you talkin about spit in my mouth on me no homo I need your DNA I'm tired how long till he reached the fallopian tubes bro we a McChicken I wish knew the midde is tasted of Irish developed testing kit confirms coronavirus in 15 minutes I think it's hilarious that I can only remember seeing Ireland in the news twice in my recent memory 3:15 2020 pubs in Ireland ask to close due to coronavirus 316 2020 Irish developed testing kit to confirm coronavirus in 15 minutes digital painting girl in the cafe speed paint this guy is the power to have unlimited customizable fab material in the sheer power that holds is frightening here's a controller bro toss me the controller bro I can't be keeps coming back i watch the amazing spider-man 2 on a plane and I walked out Oh I mean understandable not that great of a movie but um why on this video from Sponge Bob ratatouille but it's just the eating this scene this one scene is what I've been searching for hours every single detail savoring the grape steady shake often and then completely sucking the juice and fresh out the grape so fast so satisfying you can see the life getting sucked out of that grape every Ridge and wrinkle on the skin stop why do all babies look like mini Winston Churchill I really wish I could unreal the foot fetish crowd in 3 2 1 YUM I don't know what the context of this is but this is a common or just learn how to do hyper accurate poops from a standing position it's got 69 points nice damn people already leaking the new Lion King movie s mhm your child isn't your finest recipe bloom martini shaken not stirred coronavirus patient in omen skips quarantine attends prayers and mosque he misread quarantine has quarantine one time this entire interaction just has the era of we can make a religion out of this hey guys I need candles for a project it's a Danny DeVito shrine so many candles are appreciated my gates are open DM for godo code thanks I have apples by the way and I'm willing to pay 500 bells per candle this is truly an honest man's hard work bless you I always wanted to do something like this is a side gig if you're a middle-aged asian woman this could be your time to shine I'm not hopefully my time will come soon nothing a little make-up and scotch tape won't fix where's the lamb sauce lamb sauce you'll never find me Gordon sneak 100 my ice cream is smiling it's happy that his face is gonna be penetrated and scooped out by a spoon then consumed and shat out it's nice when I said I now want potatoes my phone autocorrected it to say I now want pudding it's a sign five stars I love him perfect size entire head fits inside my mouth hairs a little sharp on my cheeks though oh the only thing that's sad about quarantine is you can't April Fool's your teacher pay in the house visit does lightning mcqueen buy car insurance or life insurance the world may never know repost proof hotel steak trivago i told people that a bet was the problem I told them to shut down society stay home and buy my line of face masks but no nobody listens to Bane and now the corona rises you got any weapons in that bag just Gatorade earth is deadliest of weapons I wear my this around neck is snick what Michelin man's dog oh my god it is imagine dropping the soap in an Egyptian prison and someone says the instructions weren't clear enough I shaved my cat bald Oh No releasing a stranded octopus and it thanked me he grabbed some of your scent so he could take it to the Kraken and say spare this one I was asleep 1-9 woke up really having to poop while I was pooping an earthquake hit and my dresser fell onto my bed where I would have been sleeping don't know if I would have died necessarily but that gut feeling definitely saved me I just got a pet snail and yes you can hear the munch how do you care for a pet snail with all your heart please I looked through your profile to find snail facts but all I got were pictures of you gaping Lloret he really shouldn't smoke while pregnant who needs a doom guy doom guy reacts to doom annihilation please even the demons left with me hey I used to date this girl Lowell who William coronaviruses people prepping for end times Lowell been out of TP for three days now and can't find any because of it paper towels aren't the most efficient thing just order a hello to Shu bidet problem solved shake up the bottle of Pepsi and use a nail to poke a hole in the cap squat remove nail the day now that's some Bush ingenuity right there yesterday I donated my watch necklace and wallet to a poor man you can't imagine the happiness I felt as I saw him putting the gun back in his pocket she looks like the type of lady that is all sweep and then after she gets criticism she goes home and microwaves her hamster Spanish flu survivor 108 among latest victims of coronavirus hey mods I gave this the bless up award when I misheard the title and thought it said she survived Frick it was the thought that counted she has our prayers nonetheless it's 3 a.m. and my neighbor is having a meeting with watermelons 741 that's just a guy from the math problems after he gets home my syndrome may be down but my hopes are up Sam Smith's shares emotional snaps of quarantine meltdown at 12 million pound home and Frank lives in the cupboard for two years grow up Harry Potter lived under a staircase for 10 years to s MH what is a game you love that most others hate Tony Hawk prostate 3 mobile all sports have to be played drunk what is the most entertaining sports watch now Little League baseball when I was a kid I woke up to find my cat giving birth to her kittens on my pillow one inch from my face I took it as a compliment poop dress why would you buy one of these when you could just make it at home just take one of your old dresses to eat spicy food for 2 days 3 place a dress someplace that get dirty for save money he wanted the forbidden corndog too badly this should be in our / forbidden snacks along with my sister Mike Pence tells Americans to spend more time on your knees than on the Internet I'm not gonna suck ding-dong because the politician tells me to whose bright idea was this sometimes you just want to start a electrical fire but boy do I have the product for you Elsa is pretty athletic for a person that was locked up in a room since she was young until she turned 21 prison muscles does she think it's a branch chameleons will grab whatever you put in front of them including my ding-dong yeah if it's small enough okay I gotta admit I'd watch that only if Puss in Boots will be a cat boy I drink so much nuttin I haven't broken a bone coincidence no just scientific correlation its milk not nut I'm not referencing to post all I'm saying is I'd like to drink nut [ __ ] understandable have a nice day no one traffic lights Selina stop mez Selina wait mez Selena Gomez please tell me that thing is extinct if God won't I will in Iran they literally put infected people in body bags and burnt them alive if you have a valid source I too want to see someone being burned alive or all these people are just injecting silicone into their asses sometimes although that's a very bad idea I've put a horse piss into mine they're almost like balloons now back way the Frick up are slash wholesome memes what a happy day daddy more than just popcorn my dudes guys I'm currently 2586 miles away from Kok Island Laval every moment you are not moving it's only getting closer we need to get Phil Swift to start making masks or the all-new Phelps hazmat suit to prove the power of flex hazmat i shattered this vial of smallpox now that's a lot of disease and I have wanted it only using the power of Flex hazmat it even works in Wuhan Wow dude nice Bulbasaur this is no meme take off your clothes Obama No let's see those challengers Oh Lord boy seven uses six hundred dollars of savings to make coronavirus to care packages for seniors feed 90 students millionaires is no I going to talk about the Clorox bottle he's feeding the students duh still waiting for the aisle eat smash my girlfriend video but I don't think it would be on this site did you just final smash inside me cranky Kong has passed away he will join wrinkly inhale welcome to McDonald's do you want a freaking beast trigger please I just want to see my wife again shinken nugget I was working from home one night and whilst doing yoga my wife overstretched and said without hesitation freaked my ass unfortunately what she really meant was Frick my ass well did you hey kids will you help Kowalski analyze the problem first problem your mommy's credit card number second problem the three numbers on the back third problem the expiration month in year helped Kowalski to get awesome fortnight swag Oh No fig 2 is actually fig point-five woman suffers stroke after orals orgasm causes brain bleed this is what I meant when I say give me a head till I'm dead and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash blessed comments thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button in the bells you get notified every time m'kay uploads and until the next one I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 478,004
Rating: 4.9604664 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, emkay cursedcomments, cursedimages emkay, noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, r/noahgettheboat emkay, r/noah gettheboat, blursedcomments, emkay blursedcomments
Id: ryQYRdm4wMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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